6 . IB PLAY nm today Two Teams Well Matched As to Weight, and Game " Will Be Good Test The" Bearcats put the finishing touches, on their training lor to days game, yesterday afternoon by signal running and passing. Tomorow the Willamette Varsity team will meet the- Chemawa In dians on Sweetland field and a game is promised that will make the Bearcats fight. Th Bearcats will be playing a team that has practically their owir weight. The handicap that has me them In the past two games win be different for the i Indians will have ahont six or seven pounds less weight than the Bearcats per man. The drub bing that O AC. save to Che mawa was about of the sane kind that the Aggies gave to the Wil lamette team. The Varsity men have an opportunity to take the offensive and use some of (he new plays that Coach Uohler has been training them on. Their attacks will be against a strong team and will give the Coach an idea of what his men will do in some or the coming games, ith Pacific university. Whitman and the Gon zaga teams. The scoring machine that Bohler has been building up Will be thoroughly tested. - Minor acldents resulting from this weeks scr image have put a few of the Varsity men on the shelf. Rookstool after being on crutches for nearly three, weeks has bees temporarily out of the game.-: Stanley Allen is carrying a broken finger while Red Forbes Is strapped up with tape to hold three- broken ribs in place. Twenty-five men will report in suit today at 2:30. They are: Zeller, Bain. Ramsey. White. Law son, -Barnes, Socolofeky. Caugh lin, Richards, Nieol, George. Pat ton, Dunnette, Michelson, Cramer, Moody, Oliver. Carey, Hill, Hisey, Isham, Edwards, Artz and Rarey. , The tentative line-up is as fol lows: Ends, Barnes and Carey; tackles, Lawson and Rarey; guards, George and Ramsey; cen ter. Bain or White; quarter back, Caughlin; halfback, Dunnette, Zeller or Patton; fullback, Soco lofsky. Caughlin has been showing some good work in the practice and will be given an opoprtunity to; show results against the In dians.' Rockefeller Family Tries To Keep Out of Noted Case . WHITE PLAINS, N. Y., Oct 21. Members of the Rockefeller fam ily interested in the $37,000,000 trust fund created by; the will of the late James Stillman today op nosed efforts to draw them and all other potential beneficiaries into the; divorce litigation begun br James ! A. Stillman banker. s2 " ' ii li ii .fcca?ES -a tb real chip Low in tears Bad low rice A kings help ' &J7e This NHCAEELCHALORA L0E0WNLTNL A I HAD 0 lOERROW KA IGAKHGESA tgimi 00ERLH0ALLC0EA 0LTN INTW0L0W HAR I AAHRWI 0 A ISGNAEHNHA ; IfiUVIfi N0HCLAER0N0EAR Lll NTN IW0LTAR HDLWRC I0DA L KNLEHGKJNSE crvCTTDV NRNOREALCH IHCL 0WTEARAETIWW HADWOU IRC A KKNG I ISGENS 5 ; MlJlCUl NNREALAEROEHHO L OA INMTEA1 T E HHLWIRWROAW AAGNSHLKHKA XlChti- ?r?77777n?77? ?trr?7777?7? 77777777777 77777777777 S' AID ka ktA Xmwim rxMiUer, to kla hmted rhral, Hri Pro ixtctt DTid Warkfiald Gnfflm. "1 a af tow of tka ictar Btan ia Ancriea rtn rutur Vlmf. Oriffia aacir tHN ffraiit ( til th rrot Mrrie Pr4oes tad m triad iia beat to porauada DeMniar to teU htm Uw aamaa oi U (mt Mori Stats. JvU to aaatahaa. him, Caaar B. SaafUlar gmm JDaid Tarkflald Griifia few nrcret eedaa tamtatinftk Man f tN four Maria fclara w a ad aaracad cad told aim tbat if aa ard braiaa aeoca to JaBTar taa aaaaaa tram aaaa aaerat cadaa h daaarred to kaow thaaa. It waa i mi& f a aanla far Oriffia, aa it Ii Mid aa ealled La Snatlaad Yard and offered taarn a taausaad dallart if ikay uaald & aver ika raima for aha from taa fou aacrat aarlaa taa !Mi1W had (ivea kirn. Taia aa aa aaay ia for the graM BtmOamd tar fOatoetiTo rare, aad ia laaa tkaa aa koar kay tad taa four aamaa. They rara tha to Oriffia aad alao for warkiac aoa taaia This Great Contest Is Absolutely FREEof Expense. Send In Your Answers To-day! This I i easeaS hi fbo Btaianaaa PaMiabiac Co, Bales, Ort-ft-a, one of tba aarreat aad best kaavmab- . Lahiar baaaea ia Oreaoa. This at year (wraateo tbat tba frixea wCl be awarded aritb abaetete fairaeaa and aaaocraaeaa to ram fad every other ooateataat. Frankly, it ia dad to tetrodaee Tba Padfie Uaaaaateod, : Oreataat rant aUrasina, aad Tha Ttawoat PaaJary Jooraal. tba leading o try atacaataa at tba PaeiXte Kortfawaat. Tom toay eater aad via tba best af prises whether ron are a aaaaeribor to either of taoaa pab- d atereevec, yoa will wither ba asked nor expected to taka these aaacaaiaas ar spaavd a aingla peaay af Mar aWaey to oosapoto. a. . Waa The Paeifia Hoaiartead .ld?,t J,ndb,t 'arm macasina pab toaod fa Ua Paeifie Northwest, issued wvea Si bV ry largo a umber at inadms . noruweat rooltry - ma aaa tns largest etreotatiem af 5Jr,-CI,M in ta class Bobliahad in the raelfie Marthweat, Bat ear atolle at oate of w overy boaao. Wo waat, asara readers ta become srtsistd witb tbese ie?nlwie5WktW Ir, v-rba-Tto! aknewledgo ysva- entry to tbe.eaattast aad fokaow year standing for taa priaea. are akell send yoa witbent eaiT iTlJS' Zl ory la teat ksnaa. Then joaj 'entry to ba sent ea warding Of the rraad a assist as la. aacnaaat am taia hi THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON against the former FIfi Potter and baby Guy Stillman. Through counsel they argued against a motion which would have ail potential beneficiaries show cause why they should not be made co-defendants with Mrs. Stillman and the 2-year-old Guy, whose paternity Mr. Stillman im pugned. This move was made by J. E. Mack, guardian for Guy, who tcld Supreme Court Justice Mor schauser that his purpose was to Tsettle in the one divorce action both the paternity of the child and his right to share in the fortune left by the elder Stillman. A. J. Jenks, counsel for Mrs. Percy A. Rockefeller and Mrs. I William Rockefeller, sisters of ( James A. Stillman, contended thi3 j would bring into the case many j persons with no interest in the lit igation save that under the will t of the elder Stillman they were i entitled to share at some time in the trust funds. He declared the court without jurisdiction to grant the motion. British Admiral Greeted By Thousands in New York NEW YORK, Oct. 21. His gold braided cap cocked jauntily over his left ear, Admiral Earl Beatty landed today to receive a hearty welcome from thousands. By his side was Rear Admiral Hugh Rodman of the American navy who had served in thelN'orth sea during the war. Admiral Rodman, honorary aid to the first sea lord, had journey ed down the harbor to meet his old comrade. Greeted at the Battery by Lieu tenant Governor Wood, Admiral Beatty motored up Broadway to the plaudits of thousands. At the city hall he paused to hear Mayor Hylan welcome, him to the city and then he continued his journey to the home of Marshall Field, his host while in New York. Sunday he leaves for Washington on his way to the American legion con vention in Kansas City. Mr. and Mrs. Wills Are Home After Long Journey After an auto trip of thousands of miles extending from Salem to the Atlantic ocean and return, Mr. and Mrs. George N. Wills are home, having reached Salem a few days ago. They left Salem June 1, driving direct to Pendleton. Then spend ing a few days at Idaho Falls be fore traveling to Salt Lake City. Through Nebraska they traveled over the Lincoln highway to Chi cago and on through Indiana to Washington, D. C. ! After visiting at the national capital, they drove to Philadel phia, New York and on to Boston. On their return trip they tisited Niagara Falls, then through the central states to Salt Lake City and' then to San Franciscol Mr. Wills found the east Several years behind time in automobile park conveniences and When it comes to hospitality the esist has forgotten all about the western brand. And he also learned that the east knows nothing to any ex tent about the west, and especially Oregon. mm Tnaof, Cmm . rastact Korisg for ajr mxt kit Of mm taa mmm k Uket to k tb Taa Oraa, baaka'aaatfaipan eadaa. "Add aa fkaaa taar 9mm aad ymg totaia ghjaa taa facr-eteea to U fasr em. "Taa ro a dots it tkia way. Xaea saarat aada haa taa lattoia aemta a nzlw. rapreaeaU 1, taa aocaad tattar rapreaextJ 2, taa toird latter rapreaento 3, aad a aa. Tha toata letter ia aaea. aoaa raaraaaato taa- rtjaar toatoad af 10. Fara aeas, aa Tew aa. taaaeaat af Braaara kt avada up af lettaca, Wt it ataha aaiy taa tottea tkal ara otttnai ia taa aada atot it. "lar aaaac taa lettaca af eaea earn into faetr aatmlea aaaibara. according tba eoa aaova, aeutiag taeaa dewa lis a ay line front left to rifbt exactly aa tba lattersj tar iaataira, taa first lattar at tha teat aam ia N. V 70a arfll ae ia taa fin latter c taa raws, him tk a chtaa. kt - k saka taaav Tew wSl aatd wa will ovoa saaaV teat Caar baaada or anarhovra. wato vfl ae pi iiuaiii 1 taeao lenity worth whaW aiagsilais aad waa tbeaa to oaato to Caast tagmlsiljr two aaadoni to Tba Paetfai rnailiial seat yamwisb. bow to tmro ioux soiiTzan. a Uaa awry owe aide of fbo paper fha eaax Um aamaa of tba btovio Stsra, and pat year aaaio aad address (stating Mi, Mrs. ar atiss) tao apper rtgnt-baad eaaaaac. If yam wish to writs asythosg bat yoar aaawars. aaa s aeparato-bet a? nspor. Three iadapeaaoat iadcaa. ascites' an anas. Journal ia atea verrl atw-f wjtb priaes. j and tba sactly. 40 poiaas will W ownrdediewleaarmi awataaaa, StWa. itpaliia,, awgaatiesv, ota, H potato far kasalwrttiag. aad m awbato far roJfimaa; tba on.nT of the aTCaT oi tbodes. " r " . Tao eealeat will eloa t I 1, a, Kaiaai aar 10, 121. banaoaWy sftar whw ia ardar to .Wf for tba JaaWg 1 arisen. T-i TO vo jaacoo TODD'S TBI SOON TO START Sixty -Five Witnesses Will Be Called from Salem to Offer Testimony Sixty-five Salem residents are named in the lis-t of 76 people who are to appear in Portland as witnesses in the federal court in the timber suits aeainst John W. Todd,' former superintendent of the Salem city schools, and Carlos L. Byron, who are charged with swindling Salem people out of 130.000. It will be remembered that In the civil action tried a few months ago in Salem against Mr. Todd the jury gave several of the plaintiffs slight damage. Efforts were made by Mr. Todd to secure a separate trial before the federal court, but this was denied him and now he will be tried with Byron. The following is a list of those living in Salem who will soon re ceive subpoenas to appear in T . a, J , ,1.. . 1 I . x I'uniHiiu hi uie leueiai cuuri tui tne tnai, wnicn win oegin a wee' from next Monday: W. J. Kirk, P. J. Kuntz, T. C. Irwin, Mrs. Roma Hunter. Mary L, Gobel, W. C. Young, Mrs. M. B. Young, W. E. Peck, A, R. Miller, T. W. Lewis, W. T. Jenks, Mrs. Charles Hayes, Frank D. De Witt, Margaret J. Cosper, C. N. Chambers, R. D. Barton, A. F. Beardsley, George N. Ausman. L. A. Lee, G. C. Gobley. A. M. Fol lerick, Mrs. Twining, A. J. Ev ans, Merton De Long, E. C. Mil ler, E. A. Miller, Charles McCar ter, route 1; A. A. Lee, E. T. Barnes, J. H. Baker, W. M. Smith, Florian Von Eschen, W. C. Wins low, C. G. Doney, A. E. Cum mings, H. H. Smith, A. R. Miller, F, F. Prince, A. B. Pratt, Ella Devoe, U. G. Holt, R. R. Jones, J. J. McDonald, H. H. Kloepping. I. W. Lewis, J. B. Hileman, O. X. Hoppes, F. C. Meyers, C. Lee Canfield, C. B. O'Neill, Jean De Witt, F. E. Evans, W. McGilchrist J. T. Ross. W. E. Park, F. S. Bar ton, Ray Smith, H. H. Vandevort, C. B. Webb, F. L. Wilkinson, E. E. Bergman, George L. Cum mlhgs, Mrs. M. B. Young, Claude Stevenson Whitney Gill Will Report Grid Game Play by Play OREGON AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. Corvallis, Ore., Oct. 21. Whitney Gill of Salem has been assigned by the Varsity "O" association to report the Stanford game at Palo Alto, October 23. The report will be received at the college play by play. Maurice 'Mae" Snook will be in charge of the electric score board in the men's gymnasium. Last year the board was donat- And TWENTY-SEVEN O THER BIG PRIZES, Totaling $510.00 Cash reaeata anmber 1. H, taa anaee! lattar la taa first lia af tba tint mm ia tba eigbU latter ia tba eoda akara it, tbarefora M raa lea a ota aauober S. After yma kan aha egad every letter el fke ania late a number, add tra tba tan jast axactly aa yoa voold wj ether nun at fir aTea, aad tha taUl tbat yon ret rires ya year eloea to tba una af tha Mori Stars. 'Then wark am year elnaa this way: "Bexiaama; at the left-band aide af tba total of year mm eh so re each firora af tba total back to its lattar aa reproaaatod ia tba aeeret coda above the earn; fee inetasea, I can tail yoa tha the first a an her of the tetal of the first aaua ia 7. The letter O is tha creatb lattar ia tba cede above tba first nun, tbarefora taa tint latter represented by year total ia letter C Kow ebaa-a every aaia ber of year total ta Ute aarne vay aad yea erUl kao the aanto af taa .Movie Star rauro eatad by that ama." Tkia is mot aa easy jarobfast. Vat patWaea aad aersevarsaco amy find yoa tba aaaiea at to taa tear taia way. t it. Kacai latter reora- ftrmt lattar af taa ea4a vav sioai asovaa WIN These Prizes Eke an aasaty fatal tkbl ooawaa to aaea. an 1x3 tXttf 3rd m 6th etii thai first, wffl award aaawars gassing Ut Ttb, 9Sjw th, th, tfi.OO lOtt, 5. 11th, 5.M 12th, t&.6 XSth. Cs.aa lath. K5.00 16th, $5. so lath, txM 17th, eam PHIZES ed through the courtesy of Sam ! Elliott, proprietor of the Gem Ci- j gar store. This year the wearers j of the "O" murfi pay 10' per cent , of the proceeds for its use. Large i numbers of students watched the board last football season but tht lettermen want an even larger at- I j tendance this season. As an added ! incentive they are trying to ar- I range for a dance between halves 1 and after the game is over. I Committees are completing de tails for the Homecoming week end. Besides two football Barnes and banquet of lettermen Friday evening, a Varsity -O" dance will be given Saturday evening, No vember 12. Many former winners of the orange "O" will be present and take part in the affairs of the week-end PHEASANT FARM TO BE ENLARGED C. I. Benson of Silverton Will Add More Pens to Extensive Plant SILVERTON" Or Oct 0 Rn--iHi tri The statesman n jj Benson, of the Benson Pheas- ant farnii i3 making preparations j to atid more pens to his pheasant . farm. At present he has over 10 ; miles of poultry netting. Mr. ! Benson has the largest privately owued game farms west of the Mississippi river. He has between j 800 and 1000 birds for breeding! purposes alone. He estimates the ; production for 1922 to be 50,000 eggs and 5,000 birds. j The Benson farm contains a private water system, with over a mile of pipe. Mr. Benson op erates a small box factory fori manufacturing crates for ship- j ping purposes. Last year he j used one-half a ton of corrugated j paper boxes for shipping eggs. j At present Mr. Benson is having i moss gathere for the shipping of eggs. It takes about 200 ordin ary gunny sacks of this moss ev ery year for egg packing. The moss used is gathered from the vine-maple which grows in swam py places. He also uses from siv to eight tons of green lettuce each year, besides the large quantities of cabbage and kale for feed. Birds raised on the Benson farm have been shipped to all parts of America and everywhere they have won recognition for quality. Recently Mr. Benson received a large order from the Hawaiian game commission for eggs and birds for next year's delivery. KANSAS WINS NEW YQRKt Oct. 21. Rocky Kansas, Buffalo lightweight, re ceived the judges' decision after his 15-rourid bout with Lew Tend ler, of Philadelphia, at Madison Square Garden tonight. ctaxa. wmt tha best 100.00 Cash tO.00 Cull 25X0 Cask 2&09 Ctik l&GwCax Cask Cseh Cash cask Cart Cash cash Cash Cash Cash Caah TtTh. SS.sw lth. tS.M Omah wu, as.aa oaa Slat, . Cash 22nd, tS.M Cash tSra. tS.OO Cash 4th. S6.00 Cash tta, tS.OO Cash tsth. ts.ta cash t7th, Sojft Cash CnABAHTEZD MORE BOMBS ABE MIEOJ PillS Seven Policemen Injured in Demonstration Against (America PARIS, Oct. 21. Seven police men were injured tonight by the explosion of a bomb thrown into , a crowd in Wazram avenue dur ing a meeting held by the French Communist party in protest against the conviction for mur- ' der in Massachusetts of the Ital- ians, Sacco and Vanzetti. Seve ral manifestants also were hurt and six persons were arrested, charged with disorderly conduct. The meeting had been widely ad vertised as a protest against the American government, capitalists and the "execution" of Sacco and Vanz-tti. Speakers were bit- , ter in their vituperation of the : American government. Ten thousand persons crowded into Wagram hall, and when the capacity of the hall was reached ; there were many demonstrators outside. It had been announced ; as the intention of the leaders to head th3 throng on a march ; to the American embassy. There was no attempt to do this. ; Mounted Republican guards and j many police patrolled the vicinity while additional forces were held ; ready to handle the "crowd when the meeting ended and prevent any ' demonstration or a march toward j the embassy, around which a guard also was posted. j While the proceedings in the hall were without incident, except j for fiery speeches, the crowd out- side resented efforts of the police i to keep them on the move, during which three shots were fired at the mounted men. One fell and the man who did the firing was immediately cut down by the sa ber of another mounted man. Po lice then closed the hall and would not permit anyone to enter or leave. .During the speeches the audience called on the leaders to march upon the embassy, but the speakers made no reference to such a move. The anarchist newspaper Liber taire and various communist news papers, all calling upon the work ers to obtain the release of Sacco and Vanzetti, were circulated in the hall. After the meeting an unex ploded bomb wras found under a I'seat on the boulevard near Wag- ram avenue. It was one of the Mills type and similar to the one sent to Ambassador Herrick and the one thrown among the police. County Federated Clubs Have Silvertort Session SILVERTON, Or., Oct. 21. (Special to The Statesman.) The Women's Social Science club of this city entertained a large delegation of the Federated clubs of Marion county at an all-day session "Wednesday. The Silver ton and the Williard clubs acted as hostesses and served a chick en pie dinner at noon to the vis itors at the Methodist church. The morning session was de voted to business, with Mrs. Hall of Woodburn, president of the federation, presiding. Invocation was given by Rev. J. A. Bennett of the Silverton Christian church. Mrs. II. M. Simms, president of the Silverton club, gave an ad dress of welcome to which Mrs. I'.utterfield of Woodburn respond ed. A vocal solo by Mrs. S. E. Richardson concluded the pro gram for the morning. At the afternoon session a re port of the legislative committee was given by Mrs. W. W. Kirk of Salem and Mrs. H. J. Dean of Salem read a report of the state federation meeting held last June at Pendleton. Miss Frances Hays of the child welfare bureau spoke in behalf of the mentally defec tive children and others who are wards of state institutions. Miss Alice IT. Dodd of the Willamette university gave a talk on interior decorating. Farm Bureau Meetings Announced for County George A. Mansfield, president of the Oregon State Farm bureau, with others, is holding a series of farm meetings, explaining the farm bureau movement and what it will mean to the agricultural interests of the country. Next Wednesday night he will speak at Woodburn, Thursday evening a: Silverton and Friday evening at Stayton. Saturday evening, Octo ber 29. he will speak in Salem. Mr. Mansfield with others, has been holding meetings the past week in Polk county. Wife Killer to Plead Emotional Insanity PORTLAND, Oct. 21. The sec ond day of the trial of Joseph Henderson, charged with killing his wife August S. was taken up with completing the jury. Emotional insanity, broucht about by family strife, will be the defense offered by Henderson, questions asked veniremen by his attorney, Rarnett H. Goldstein of prospective jurors indicated. Henderson had been surrounded for four years by constant family trouble, said the lawyer, asking jurors if they would be preju diced against the defense of in sanity. "Pop" Geers Sweeps AN In Jrack Events Friday ATLANTA, Ga.. Oct. 21. "Pop" Geers, veteran driver, had things much his own way In the Grand Circuit races today. He SATURDAY MORNING. was entered in three events and j he took iwo and won second place . iu the oiher. Geers fpiloted Lillian j?ilkwood to victorf in the f 2 :. 2:11 pace in a sirtigi-'le with Walter Cox driving Peter Kennedy, in which Ceers wdn two heats and Cox one. The 2:11 trot tor SHum went to j C-eer5, driving Dudette. and again i it was Cfcx who furnished the op- ' !-oitkm. this time .bold is g the! reins behind Lord f risco. The 2: tS trot for $..0 was won by Dot tie Duy. piloted by McDonald, with Geejrs second, driving Utah. Tre 2f2 trot fir southern horses whs unfinished when darw ness interfered. SILVERTON NEWS SILYEiRTON. Ore., Oct. 21. (Special: to The Statesman Mis Nettie Benson and hr moth er. Mrs. C. I. Benson.; have return ed from 5a tour of several rmviths through j eastern states. They spin mucfh tim in Wisconsin. Iowa and Minhsota. .Mr. and Mrs. Pearl Bhukerby ot Salem spent yesterday at Silver ton. ; ; SMvertjon friends have received announcements of tile birth of a h:hy datjehter born to Rev. and Mrs. L. W. Flenncr who now i:ve m Kansas but were; at om tune Silverionjans. The baby was born October 7. Mr. and Mrs. Allien Slade of Portland; ..ere house! puests Tne . day niuht at the J. IF. Fish wood home. ! Mrs. ri. M. Subke is visiting rel atives at Portland, j ArchylB. Carter of Portland was a business caller at Silverton Friday, j Mr. and Mrs. Sack Amsbury of Mason City. Neb., are visiting rel atives at; Silverton. Mrs. Amsbury is the mother of Mrs. Theo Phillip and the jaunt of Mrsi Frank Kod gers. j Balfour Guthrie Ship Two Months Overdue PORT.AND, Oct. 21. Fears for the Isafety of he schooner David Eans are felt by her own ers. iialJUf GuthrU & Co., who Bailed the vessel from the Colum bia rivei? for Cape Town. Africa, April 2 The schooner is about two months overdu and no re port has been received of the craft frdm any othejr vessel. The voyage fromj here by a route taking; the vessel north of Australia should require about 120 day?. The vessfel is now out 176 day. Captain Sfpicer is mas ter of the schooner, which loaded a full ciargo of luniber at Port land, i ALBANY STOCK BOrGHT SILVERTON. Ore. Oct. 21. (Special'; to The Statesman Roscoe Ames of thd Silverton S. Ames Hardware company has giv en out tfiatthe Silverton Hardware company; has purchased a $20,00o stock ofi hardware at Albany and that he i will move o Albany to take change of the nwly acquired stock. He will take possession on January ; 1. I Business Survey (Notes Changing Foreign Trade WASHINGTON, jOct. 21. Fluctuating foreign trade in the Far Easjt was noted in a monthly survey of busines and economic conditions issued tonight by the comerVe department! Existing exchange rates are an essential factor in fostering Chi na's importations, but have the reverse -effect 011 China's exports, acording to the Peking report. Advices ifrom Tokio -declared that the first, half of October seemed to indicate an improvement in Japan's ; foreign triiile over Sep tember, ! but the overseas trade during September had failed to retain (improvement during- Au gust. Better! Freight Terminals For Portland Discussed PORTLAND, Ore.. Oct. 21. Representatives of the railways owning ithe stock of the Northern Pacific terminal company confer red here today on details of the p ro j of t i adopted last summer t o SELL IT TO THE FARMERS No matter what it is, from a threshing machine. Jiorse or cow, to a oaper of pinii The farmer is the best buyer. THE GREAT WESTERN f r ; Published in Salem, Oregon, will place your advertisement in the hands of 20 i AAA f I. 1 ii 1 i 9 I uuu iarmers ana iney reaa ii. Bargain Column ads four or more insertions. '! Try It - . Statesman Building, Salem, Read The Pacific Homestead, Weekly, $ 1 a year. You'll find it well worth while. OCTOBER 22. 1921 GETS INJUNCTION A' p-r- pi - ' Step - 3 . . i Mrs. Ac.uusta K. Stetso:j. formerly first reader of the First Church of Christ, Scientist, of New? York city and who was ejxeommunicated from it about teu years ago, has obtained a temporary Injunction to. prevent the church and its trustees from removing a four foot orna- . mental iron fence which iiow stands between her pouse and the church buihlins and to alo prevent the building of 4 Karage which would be in il.u n;.turo n?a "spite fence" fifteen feel high. expand the fr-'ight- terminals in this city and to enlarge facilities of the union passenger Ration. Attending the conference vfere L. C. Gihnan of Seattle, vice-president of the Great Northern; George T- Reid of Tacoma, 'assist ant to the president of the Nor thern Pacific; Ren C. Day, at torney of the Southern Pacific; II. E" Palmer, general mpnage. of the terminal company, ahd Ar thur C. Spencer, general attorney of the Oregon-Washington Rail road & Navigation Company. Warner Valley Survey Completed by Engineers A survey of Warner valley by the state engineering department, necessitated by litigation that has arisen, has been completed and A. C. F. Perry and C. E. Strickland, who have been engaged I in the work, have returned to Salem. A hearing will be conducted, the date of which has not yet been fixed. Maps and data have been assembled for presentation;; at the hearing. 1 The principal streams involved in the difficulty are Honey; creek, Warner creek and Twenty-Mile creek. Litigation was started last year over water rights in the; valley and the matter was referred by thecircuit court to the state, water board for adjudication. BOOZE IU XNEKS FIRE PEORIA. 111., Oct. 21.-t-Capt. D. I. Dailey of the Chicago & Alton detective force was shot se verely tonight by whiskey thieves who held up a freight tcain at Farmdale. A Lake Erie: train laden with whiskey also is re ported to have been held up near Farmdale. SCATTERED BY POLICE HAVRE, France. Oct. 21 Aft er a meeting held to protest against the conviction of Sacco and Vanzetti, local coinrpunists sought to organize a demonstra tion oul.sidu tin? American,; consu late but the police scattered them. A number of policemen and sev eral communists were hurt in the scuffle. TIst Statesman fJla'slfifd Ad. ARM PAPER cost only 3 cents a word, AGAINST CHURCH. v v ViAiS-!' i, -; I Albers Estate Reported By Board of Appraisers OREGON CITY Oct. 21. Ac cording to the findings of the appraisers, the late J. Henry Al bers left an estate! of a total value of $41,857.98. Their report was filed here today.) Of this sum, his personal property was valued at $20,737.89, anc his real prop erty at $21,100, I It was ; also tound that he owijed. 3192 shares of stock in the Albera Brothers Milling company, 'but these Were listed as of no value for the rea son that there are liens against them for the full; amount. FlHcMKN RESCUED LOS ANGELES Oct. 21. Res cue of 15 fire f lighters, isolated by flames in thei Malibu moun tains north of here for 20 hours without food and water, was re ported tonight byj forestry of fie ials. Several raori truck loads o! men and gspplies jwere Bent from here tonight. ! TRAMBITIS WIN'S NEW ORLEANS. La., Oct. 21. Alex Trambitas of Portland waa awarded the decision over Yodng Wallace of New Orleans here to night at the end; of a 15-rodnd mill. Wallace put up a determ ined battle, but was outclassed. Trambitas weighed 149 pounds and Wallace 148.! "Waiter, do yoiu mean to Bay this is the fish I ordered?" "Yes, sir." I 'Well, It looks like the same fish that the gentleman at the next table refuscjd to eat threo minutes ago." ; "Yes, sir; we i always try It three ti."nes before we gives it up." f "Say." remarked the peevish ... i . 1. . . 1' . , r jiuiy iii wie luuie. now ions have you been working in this restAurant?" ! ::Six weeks, sir," replied the waiter. "1 beg your pardon," apologized the peevish .party. "Then it wasu't you I ordered that steak from." Legion Weekly. Read The Classified Ads, or 2V cents a word for j Oregon -