The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 21, 1921, Page 8, Image 8

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t 1i I
Most Difficult Question in
. Irish Negotiations Be
fore Conference
Restlessness in Belfast
Attributed to Fear of
LONDON, Oct. 20. The most
difficult problem facing the Irish
conference that of Ulster will.
It la understood, come up tomor
row before the full conference.
Sinn Fein delegates having fin
ished their work on sub-commit
tees, with the British represen
tatives,, have been busy today
with their experts concluding
their case.' The Sfnn Fein has
maintained its determination not
to agrc3 to enter the Hritish com
monwealth unless Ireland is
treated as a unit. An effort there
fore is to be made from the kov
ernment's side to induce Ulster
to consider some means by which,
while preserving its local auton
omy, it may form a part of the
Irish Btate.
I.'lsteritcs have resisted all ap
peals thns far, and the restless
ness in Delfast is attributed in
hish quarters hare to apprehen
sion that the rank and file of the
British representatives contem
plate sacrificing them to the de
sire for an Irish settlement.
All information obtainable in
authoritative quarters, however,
points to strict adherence by
Premiar Lloyd George' and his
colleagues to their Ulster pledges.
The opinion is expressed by many
persons that it will b? possible
to construct some plan which,
while apparently leaving Ulster
untouched, will give such advan
tages to the south as to compel
Ulster to make terms with the
There are other persons to
American Who Will Sit in on
Disarmament Conference
Discuss Program
1 1.
New Songs
New Dances
New Costumes
New Comedy
The Big
I .
New Pictures Too
No Raise in Prices
- : , . t :. '-
No Attempts at Coercion to
Be Made in Great Par
ley at Washington
bers of ths American delegation
to the conference on limitation of
armament will meet again with
Secretary Hughes today with ad
ditional data bearing on questions
to be discussed ready for Inspec
tion. The work of getting up
the studies of various matters in
cluded under the agenda has gone
ahead and the mass of Informa
tion accumulated for the Ameri
can delegates been greatly aug
It was learned today that Am
erican officials do not expect the
question of immigration restric
tion imposed by this country tn.
Japanese or Chinese nationals to
play any part in the conference
deliberations. All governments,
including Japan, have recognized
the immlKratior, problem as a
domestic question, outside the
realm of the conference, it was
pointed out.
M No Objections Made
As to the agenda, It was again
said authoritatively today, no ob
jection had been made by any
power to the outline bf discus-
whom the difficulties ' seem in
superable, and many oft them
prophesy a speedy break in the
negotiations on this issue.
For Economcial Fall and
Yes, they're herehundreds of them and our old
patron will be right on hand today and tomorrow
to take advantage of them. Are you an old pa
tron? If not, join the throngs.
Men's Overcoats
$4 8
An All-Wool Heavy Overcoat,
just the thing for; this coun
try, a real bargain! at only
Up to September 15 Total
Registration in State
113,733, Kozer
Bions proposed.! When Ihe con
j tereuce meeu. It wiu said, it was
possible turtaer topics within the
wye m me agenaa wouia !
proposed ana accepted, but it was
po.nted out no I question jiot em
braced in the general outline fur
nished by the accepted program
of Uiscussion cduld well be added
without ithe specitic agreement cf
the governments particiDatine
Equality : Ilecognixud.
It was again empnasized that
the conference ! is to be a meet
ing of equals afad that it involves
no voting or majority rule. All
parties must roach agreement on
any step taken! it was' said, and
no delegation j can be bound j ALL CLASSES ARE SHOWN
ugauibi is wmi on any point, the
wnoie purpose, it was added, w is
o reacui oy discussion such a mu
tual understanding on any points
taken up that: a mutual agree
ment would flow naturally irom
hat understanding.
Immigration j I'nmcntionablc.
The form of such agreements
wnen reacnea must or necessity !
be decided on by the conference
and before they can become bind
ing or be written into-the policy
of any of the ;iarticipating gov
ernments, they; would have to be
approved by such governments.
it is , this view of the mission
and method of the conference
that impels officials here to be
lieve that such questions as Ori
ental immigration will not be
brought up.
Total at End of Year Will
Reach Above 118,000,
Is Predicted
Quarterly Report Made
By Deputy State Sealer
VV. A. Dalziel, deputy state sea
ler of weights and measures, has
prepared a report of his depart
ment covering the quarter ending
September 30. Statistics in the
report follow:
Scales inspected .2.848
Weights inspected 5,022
Linear i measures inspected. .1,002
Liquid measures inspected. .2,171
Gas and oil pumps inspected. .777
Flour jweighed, sacks ...10,832
Feed weighed, sacks 1,565
Stock feed weighed, lbs... 9, 000
Berrie$ inspected, boxes
Butter; weighed, lbs
Bread I weighed, loaves . .
Package goods inspected.
Pkgs i 1,194
Peaches' inspected, boxes.. 1,994
Sugar I weighed, lbs 4,000
Apples inspected boxes.... 359
Honey weighed, lbs 246
Lard weighed; lbs 2,600
Hay inspected, tons 73
Wood; measured, cords .. . 180
Coal Weighed; tons 75
Miljc bottle tested, 2,600
Hop baskets Inspected ... 101
Towns visited! 412
1920. iit is safe to assume that the
total pie or vehicle registrations
In Oregon for the i year 1921 will
not exceed 118,0(K. Figures which
have bem compiletl and issued by
the dboiirtment from information
secured from the other western
states! allowed tj t Oregon was
maintaining its standing so far as
the use of motir vehicle ap
plies, ;as in a number of the states
the registrations! ajtthe time the
reports were received were less
than hose during il e same period
of the previous yeajr.
It irvoks as if yaplng over Yap is
about over.
If Ypur Trouble Is Scrofula
As Often -wlrquiritl as Inherited
.. 130
.. 308
SILVEltTOK, Or., Oct. 19.
(Special to The Statesman) Mr.
M. Gi Gunderson motored to
Portland the first of the week,
Mrs. Gunderson returned with
him the middle of the week.
The Waldo Hills road which
was recently plowed has become
almost Impassible since tho heavy
rains of last week. This throws
the greater part of the traffic on
Paradise road. The road workers
have begun to gravel the road but
were (halted In the work because
of the rain.
Mrs. M. J. Madsen is ill at her
homei on Paradise road.
Miss Elizt Drown who lives on
North Main street is nreparing to
move to Portland where she will
make her hoine .with a nieces
L. I H. Meyers, manager' of the
Richardsen Implement Store, has
been i confined to his home for a
few days because of a severe cold
Miss Alma-Hansert. who return
ed rfom Southern Oregon hunt
ing trip with three large deer.
M.j E. Brown, one of Silverton'a
pioneers, is very ill at his home
on West Main Street.
Miss Esther Larsen. has given
un her work as bookkeeper at
The Pacific Tronsfer office.
Arthur Madsen was a business
caller at Salem Wednesday.
A table just prepared by Sam A.
Kozer, secretary of state, shows
that up to September 15. 1921.
there were 113,733 motor vehicles
and 2.993 motorcycles; 5.260
chauffeurs, 175,182 motor vihicle
operators, and 508 motor vehicle
dealers licensed in the state of
Of the 113.735 motor vehicfles
registered, 99.557 are passenger
cars, 126 are ambulances and
hearses, 99 are busses and stages,
4,961 are commercial cars of less
than one-ton capacity, 8,704 are
trucks of varying capacity from
one to five tons, and 266 are, trail
ers of from one to five-tons car
rying capacity. Of the 8,704
trucks, 5,270 are from one to one
and one-half tons capacity, 1,451
are from one and one-half to two
tons capacity, 533 are from two!
to two and one-half tons capacity, j
341 are from two and one- half i
to three tons capacity, 769 are
from three to three and one-half
tons capacity, 104 are from three I
and one-half to four tons capacity,
four are from four to four and
one-half tons capacity, and 232
are from four an done-half to five
tons capacity. Of the 266 trailers,
65 are from one to one and one
balf tons capacity 65 are from
one and one-half to two tons ca
pacity, 24 are from two to two
and one-half tons capacity, 25 are
from two and one-half to three
tons capacity, 37 are from three
to three and one-half tons capa
city, 12 are from three and one-
half to four tons capacity, and 38
are from four and one-half to five
tons capacity.
Multnomah county is credited
with 3,078 trucks and 62 trailers,
Marion county with 588 trucks
and 17 trailers, Clackamas county
with 4 4 trucks and eight trailers,
Lane county with 318 trucks and
18 trailers, Umatilla county with
312 trucks and two trailers, and
Washington county with 306
trucks and 13 trailers. Lincoln
county, which has the smallest
number of motor vehicles in the
slate, is credited with 32 trucks;
and Haney county, which is the
largest county in area in the state,
has 46 trucks and one trailer, with
a total of 550 licensed motor vehicles.
Based on the registration dur
ing the latter part of the year,
Ycju have eruptions and sores.
and perhaps enlarged glands of
fiecK. This blood, disease ef-
the internal organs, especial
ly the lungs and if neglected may
develop into consumption.
It (causes many troubles, and is
aggravated by impure air, un
wholjesome food, bad water, too
mucji heat or cold, and want of
proper exercise. !
Hood's SarBapaTilla, the blood
purifying medicine that has be
used; with so much satisfaction by
three generations, Is wonderfully
successful in the treatment of
scrofula. Give it a trial.
If! a cathartic or laxative is
needed, take Hood's Pills. Adv.
16 pound Suear.1
5 bars Creme Oil Soap -
7 bars Laundry Soap
Vi lb. Folger's 50o Tea
2 large packages Sea Foam
2 Chloride of Lime.-
Post Toast ies, perl package
Corn Flakes, per package .w
Shredded Wheat Biscuits
10 pounds Karo Syrup
Golden West Coffee, 1 lb. j...
2 cans Solid Pack; Tomatoes
1 dozen Minnesota Corn
1 dozen Ungrated Peas
Fancy Pineapple.!.... .
$1.00 Broom I
6 oz. Vanilla Flavoring
8 cans Libby's aiilk. L
Apples, per box..J.
4 lbs. Sweet Spuds ;
Peanut Brittle, per lb ;
Fresh crop Saltedi Peanuts, per lb. :.
Valley Flour, per -sack
, AO
- .25
- .15:
- .25 :
;r : 2a i
1.80 1
- .95
.25 j
Highland Grocery
746 Highland Avenue
Aununr; sews
Ladies ' Storm Rubbers
will fit any kind or make
of shoe, only
.4 ;
Ladies' Toe Rubbers, get
yours today for only
Plain white Japanese
Coffee Cup and Saucer,
a real buy for Saturday,
ax ui aoouiiuiciu ui ail
I wool blankets and com
I forters, our good buy en
fables us to mark ' the
'price from
5 to
Ms off
The last few rainy days have
put the ground in fine shape for
the plow and the farmers are busy
getting their fall planting done.
Roy and Herman Hammer fin
ished harvesting their 40 acres of
A.! Hunt anod daughter Mildred
are at Hood Hiver picking apples
The broccoli in this vicinity is
looking well.
Herman Hammer is on the sick
list. I S
Joel Springer is building a larse
modern poultry house on his fruit
Miss Mablie WilliamK had as her
cuest during the week, Itev. C
W. Grannis p. D. and wife of Tur-
lock, Cal.
lAt. and j Mrs. William Hardy
and baby daughter of Salem were
guests one evening at the home o
Missi Mable AVilliams, coming ou
to visit with Mrs. Hardy's uncle
Uev, G. W. Grannis.
A newly arrived
group of Smart
i o nn i
Special S4. 93
There is seemingly no end to the delightfully varied ways of plaids,
checks and pleats in these skirts. Either knife pleated or box pleat
ed or a combination of both. This group is a special purchase which
we are placing on sale for Friday and Saturday only-
Each $4.98
Our prices always the lowest
Commercial and Court Streets -. 1
White Outing
36 inch wide extra heavy white outing flannel
FRIDAY ONLY, at per yards 23c
(Limit 10 yards to a customer)
Creme OUve Sjoap
You all know this celebrated high grade! soap for quality.
FRIDAY ONLY, at per bar...L . 4- 6c
(Limit 5 bars to a customer)
Ladies' Handkerchiefs
Ladies' plain white handkerchiefs with hemstitched bor
der, made of excellent quality.
Specially Priced at Each I 5c
Sonomor press Snap
Dress snap fasteners in white and black, one dozen on a
znrd. ! r
FRIDAY ONLY, at per card r.l 3c
3 t
Where the Money
Back G uarantce
Makes Buying Safe
A Store that Gives
100 Cents Value
on Every Dollar and
Then Some
Salem's Bargain Center
Woodburn Guard Copany
Receives Government Pay
Headquarters company. Third
battalion. 102d infantry at Wood
burn received from the war de
partment Wednesday its pay for
armory thrill of the first six
months of this year. The amount
wasi $108. $0.
Serei;ant ! Oliver O. ' Olson was
one of the lucky men who attend
ed drills pretty regular, as his
check amounted ta $39. Ser
geant Roscoe J. Reese was also
regular at ; drills and his check
for the six! months amounted to
Private Paul R. Rnttcrfield
didn't go quite so strong in at
tending, and his pay roll amount
ed to only $11. Hut Private Har
old jW. llerholdson attended more
frequently land received a check
fori $3O.50i; also Marshall M.
Hicks, whose pay check amounted
to $23.
The printing of the Congres
sional Record has been resumed.
It ieems simply impossible to lop
off any 61 the unnecessary ex
penses. Exchange
It will interest you to see ouribig assortment of Valancine
lace, headings, handkerchief jace and Torchon laces.
Specially priced at per yardj, i- -5c
Men's Hose
Men's fine cotton hose in Cordovan and Black.
FRIDAY ONLY, at per pair) U
(Limit 5 pairs to a customer)
All sizes.
Ladies9 Collars
Ladies' fine lace aind organdy collars, in the latest of pat-
terns. Colors White, Cream and Ecru 1 .
On sale at this price for a limited time only
PRICE EACH..... ...7gc
Crepe de Chine
Silk Crepe De Chine 40 inches wide-in the "season's' bck
and most wanted? shades. , ' I
FRIDAY ONLY, t per yard .... : . $125
Fibre Carpel and
Wool Ingrain
36 inch wide color fast fibre
carpet. Our regular 1.25
wool ingrain 36 inches wide.
choice at, per yard....39c
In a wide-range of pretty t
designs to choose from. ' ; '
FRIDAY ONY, at . ' ?
per yanL... AQr
Your choice of aiy
rug in our entire
jtock, rugs of neatly
any kind that ytu
may desire.
At Exactly 4...
P. S. The Salem Symphony Orchestra is a Salem organization,
merit and i should have your support
ill ;&ms.':
177 N. Liberty St, Salem, Oregon
- c