More Bargains Every Day At - '- -The New Store ' Worth & Gray DEPARTMENT STORE . jr -'. ' ' '' i ' '. ' . ;. ' ' Sueeessora to' Wj W. Moore SOUND TIRES SOUND ALL Dedicated to Stimulating Our Present Industries And to the Establishment of New Ones AROUND The Way to Build Is to Patronize 17p Four Home Town Your Home People The Surest Way to Get More and Larger Indus tries Is to Support Those You Have V1CK BROS. Trade and High f . 177 N. Liberty St. Salem. Or. fllllllll . - ! ' i! MM . :. i : ? : ' . .. I" - - - : ' ..... ... ., ... ..,4 ... , J 9 '"-;.--J Eat a plate a day . f - . :- VEATHERLY ICE (Bill 7 Sold everywhere BUTTERCUP ICE CREAM CO. P. M. Gregory, Mgr. 240 Sooth Commercial Street K DRY GOODS NOTIONS ; r . f-. . ... t' (f ' ;, ; ' VORIEI'S READY-TO-WEAR I FURS. CORSETS 4 66 State St. fhone 877 Eyes Tested Glasses Fitted Lenfte acafraUly duplicaUt ' Dp ucau rtpaut carunuj m prgupuj 5 1 mad r ... . -.jr.' Hartman Bros. Jewelers and Opticians ) Salem, Oregon ji Save ' 8av Work and Worry fey ha-riof yon laoa- : dry work dona by Ui ' Salem Laundry Company 136 Liberty SC Phone 25 OWPCO. til room Handles. BIop Han tiles, Paper Plugs, Tent Toggles, all kinds of Hard wood Handles'1 , Manufac y, tared byj the.- Oregon Wood Products Co. West Salem Capital City Laundry; Quality and Service Phone 165 Monuments and Tombstones Made In Salem f TbU la ta only Bwimal works in Salom Big Stock on Display Capital Monumental Works i. a. Kom-l OppoaiU Comotary t rkono 689 Made In Salem by experienced Swiss Cheese maker Swiss Cheese Cream Brick Cheese Limberger Cheese Order from the factory or from your grocer Sal en Cheese Factory Thone 81P11 I On paved reform school road, southeast of Salem Salem Sll 1IFBTI HIS ONE ' WtiCTUUPKINMiWiCOUiJirjE : inoiLow pipe coMPMf id eine fast One of the Most Extensive anaBest Equipped Sheet Metal Plants in the State i This Company Makes the SiBLICO FURNACES Sold All Over the Coast, Blower Ssytems! of Various Kinds; and Many Different Products in the Line of Sheet Metal ManufactureEvery! Year There Has Been Gowth, and Every Year There Will Be More Growth. BUSINESS IS WnEREVER YOU ' " ' MAKE IT i . It , might astonish many Ore gon Ian s to know that one of the most extensive and best equipped sheet metal working plants In the state Is located at Silverton ' in Marlon county. KING'S PRODUCTS COMPANY f SALEM 11 (This company is committed to the growth of this community, by ajprogranx'thajaw ten times its present output that will employ 2$00 people , at its factory; that will py; tpjth.grwer $20,000,000 .Wiriti'i nitures jj s " Mazdas i Electrical Appliances Salem Electric Company 'If lt' electric, come "to us.M Masonic Temple. Phone 1200 Our efforts will be to assist in every possible way the development of tbe fruit and berry industries of this ".' valley OREGON PACKING A Licensed Lady Emhalmer to care for .women and children Is a 'necessity la ' all funeral homes.. . We are . the only ones furnishings such serrlce. ' . . J Terwilliger Funeral Home 770 Chemeketa St. Phone 724 SALEM, OREGON We carry the following lines, or i'aints, snerwin w iuiams Co. and Bass Hueter Co. ' " Also ' - ; Everything in Building Material Falls City-Sal em Lumber Company A. B. Kelaay, Mrr. 349 S. 12th St Phone 813 W Art Oat After Two Mflioas W ' aro now paying oyer threa qnartera of a aailltoa dollar a-year to tho dairy ascB of this aoeiioa for, Milk.- v .... v. - ; " ! "Marion Butte r" to tho Boat Batter ' ' Mora cowi and Better eowai is tha cryinc aeed . '" . MARION CREA3JIERY ' , tc PRODUCE CO Saleui, Ore. Phane 2483 This campaign of publicity for community upbuilding has been made possible by the advertisements placed on this page by our public spirited business men-men whose untiring efforts have builded pur present; recognized prosperity and who are ever striving for greater and yet greater progress as the years go by, - j OF THE MOST The development of the bust nessi of the Silverton Blow Pipe Co. from Its Infancy, 13 years ago,' to Its present scope, which covers the entire Pacific coast.; is a growth of which any commun ity should be proud. Eighteen years ago the East- OREGON! i i ft i lfemUr Marion County, Inter Sti U an National Baalty AaaociaUona AO HAYFORD REALTOR 305 State St. : SALEM, OREGON COMPANY. - BREAD i ! I ; : I : , I Ask Your Grocer SALEM BAKING CO. G. SATTERLEE Thones: Residence, 1211 , Office, 1177 : SALEM :: OREGON BETTER YET : BREAD It Satisfies r' Si'--.-... , j - ... fte- I -, - r w . i- 'A . i i ' - i . ih Made By ' MlSTLAflD BAKERY i' 12th and Chemeketa, - 1 ' I Order from your jrrocer DIXIE AUCTIONEER man brothers, L. C. and A. R., entered the employ of one of the largest and best known furnace and sheet metal manufacturing concerns west of the Rocky moun tains and for almost five years built and installed their products throughout Oregon and Washington. At the time of the panic in 190 f the .'Eastman brothers were in Silverton Installing the blow pipe ' system : for . the SijTexton Lumber Co., then In the' course of construction. " , 'At' that; time clearing- nouse certificates "were being given instead of cash, work was .becoming scarcer 'every day in the cities, and doubts being entertained that their employers could give them K steady employ ment upon their return to Port land,, tley-decided' to ,buy out a small shop in1 some town to tid them over until prospects were brighter. ..' j . " i Silverton Looked Good , Silverton "being by f ar thef most prosperous looking town they could find, coupled with the tact that the Silverton banks had not found it necessary, to issue script in place of gold, Silverton was se lected as the place to try out their business ability. . ' Having .become fairly well known throughout the Northwest by traveling around making in stallations for their former em ployers, they soon conceived the idea that with a little judicious advertising they could reach be yond their home- town with its limited possibilities, with the re sult that they now head one of the most progressive manufactur ing plants in : Marion county. A Good Motto The Silverton Blow Pipe com pany, early in its career, adopted the motto, "Give the public a square deal and they will not only come back, but will bring their friends." For the first ten years the company handled the line of fur naces manufactured by their for mer - employers, heating residen ces, churches, public schools and high schools all over Oregon, but during this time there was plain ly evident a demand for a heat ing plant that could be sold with in reach of the home owner of moderate means. It immediately became their ambition to build such a heating plant, i 4 To do this it was necessary to design a furnace simple in con struction and operation, elimin ating every feature that added to appearances only, as thet place for a furnace is in the basement and its only function is to prop erly heat and ventilate the build ing. Eastman says, "You don't need a limousine to pull a plow. The Pacific slope being the greatest lumber - manufacturing district in the United States, it would naturally follow that wood was the most economical fuel, as it is conservatively estimated. that 90 per cent of the fuel consumed Is wood. T-r.-f, -- i t If a . furnace designed ! tor coal only was not successful ' when wood was used or a strictly wood burning furnace was not suitable for coal as fuel, they reasoned that, a furnace built for two kinds of fuel could only meet conditions half way and could not operate to fall efficiency. . ' Seamless Hot Water Bottles and " Combination Syringes ; Guaranteed Not To Leak Prices from $1 up jfl Brewer Drug Co. 405 Court St. ; Phone 184 - ' , 1 . ' t ,1 " - . is. . . 1 ' m 1 lr rn . J -f -1 - . . . . . , - i r v V - , ; , . J . ;,.r. ( . , . j . . " ; v-.;:.rfv'. .JU f - v ; ' fi i i ' T f V if Us il: ; The "SIBLOCO'; PipelessiFurhacei built in one of the largest sheet rrfetal working plants . ini Oregon, located at Silverton.' : j Hence the SIblocb PIpeless," ' From thejtime the 'SIBLOCO" Pipeless (a wood' burning fjur nace) first came on the, market it has been dubbed "the Ford of the furnace world," as It is built tor service and durability without frills. - While the company makes no claim for the ornamental fea tures of their furnaces, they in vite a close inspection of work manship and quality. The fire pot is of heavy cast Construction with deep corruga tions, the domes and flues are of heavy sheet steel with cast col lars and tees well bolted and ce mented. From the galvanized casing the heat duct leads to the duplex floor grating and at the floor line Is surrounded by the cold air box which makes them absolutely fire proof. A special construction of cold air return is used, for which is claimed a faster circulation of air than by any other method. Special attention was given the furnace in avoiding expensive in stallations; in fact, . it is so far assembled before leaving the fac tory that an inexperienced custo mer can set It up himself in three to five hours. While the "SIBLOCO" is pos sibly the lowest priced furnace on the market, no necessary detail has been overlooked. Each fur nace is equipped with check dam per, humidifier to properly moist en' the air, draft and damper con trols to first floor, and cleanouts for every flue so arranged that every part can be cleaned out within five minutes. ; In the construction of the "SI BLOCO" Furnace only first class material is used, land the best skilled mechanics make up the parts. Mr. Eastman claims that the best and highest paid work man is iar cneaper in tne long run, as it eliminates the expen sive comeback or replacement and enables him to point with pride to each and every piece of work that leaves the factory. Origin of the Name It might be of interest to learn of the origin of the word "SIBLO CO," which adorns lithe feed door of their furnace, ji A few years ago a contest was announced for a word which most be newly coined, not found in the dictionary, and on which a copy- right could be secured. Out of 2200-odd words submitted. Siblo-I co was adopted, being taken from the firm name. Silverton Blow , Co., as shown by the dark type. The word Is especially popular in hundrdes of comfortably heat ed, homes. .-- Completely Equipped Shop -The shop of the Silverton Blow Pipe Co. is equipped tor the man ufacture of sheet metal products with all the latest ; Improved ma chinery, acetylene f cutting and welding outfits, stationary and portable electric ' power drills, grinding heads, stationary shears. and power rotary shears for heavy metals, with numerous other m Chines' too intricate to! describe in : this article. ; Growing Every iear The Silverton Blow j Pipe Co. started , business in Silverton in a small way, hut no year has passed without a growth which; demand ed more room. f After moving into larger quar ters three or four times, they purchased in 1914 a permanent site on which was erected a brick structure 50 feet by 125 feet, with two working floors. Since then an addition has been added 60 feet by 68 feet, making the build ing 185 feet in length, ia the rear of which Is the foundry which moulds the castings used in the furnaces. Recently additional land has been purchased ion which a building will be erected which will practically double their work ing space. ! Growing Fast Now. Their business- has increased over 200 per cent within the past year, and their greatest! difficulty is in. keeping their heads above the pile of orders which are stead ily coming in for'theif popular priced furnace. ! Itaslnexg Reaches Far While the company makes a specialty of their pipeless furn ace, it is by no means their only line of work. S In some of the largest lumber mills on the Pacific ..Coast you will find blow pipe systems that have been manufactured and in stalled by the Silverton Blow Pipe company. These blower systems with their special hoods, suction pipes, fans and cyclone separa tors, pick up the dust ifrom ma chines and exhaust it through the various pipe lines at a velocity. according to the kind of material, of from 3000 to 8000? feet per minute, and finally into the cy clone separator, which i separates the air from the dust, the air passing out of the top while the dust drops out of the bottom into fuel bins, consumers or furnace. Their blow pipe systems In mills led to the development of the san Part of the crew of j the Sflverton Blow Pipe Co. who build Wkr 8sff Witk SteaMl Trestla rha Your ! itary and economical distributing system of handling sugar for tbe larger canneries, such as Libby, McNeil & LSbby. Three systems were installed for this company, one at The Dalles, Or., one at Sel- ma, Cal., and one at Sacramento, Cjal., the latter being the largest in the world, using 4000 pounds of sugar per hour,. I Several in Salem Several blower systems manu factured by the company are In stalled in Salem, one In particu lar worthy of mention being tat the plant of the Valley Packing company, for handling fertilizer. Another of equal interest Is the one in the flax plant at the Ore gon state penitentiary, where the fine dust is drawn away from 48 scutchers, 10 brakes, threshing machines, etc. Before the adop tion of this system it was impos sible for the inmates to operate these machines without the use of a cloth or gas mask over the nose and mouth. Now they work under comfortable conditions.! j Mills and factories using blow pipe systems enjoy a much, lower insurance rate and provide a more healthful . atmosphere for their employes. One such blower system has been'- set up at the Natural Fire Proof Lumber company iat Mt. Angel; where the company! is grinding' tufa rock into an im palpable powder for use as a rub ber (filler. It works ideally -In this heavy .: product, TIner and much (heavier than dust from wood working machines 4 Varied Products The sheet metal products of the Silverton Blow Pine company' are 1 1. - I. J I ;I Iv-.wJiliJ. miaosb as yu.ri;n lraB. ,me .nation alities of Neif T.ork city, ' Their1 claim is that if it can be made out of sheet metal. Silverton Blow Pipe company can make it.- A few of their staple .lrieslhte metal building materials.1 spark' arre ti ers for donkey engines aftd- lotfoi- motives. indestructible oil cans for logging camps and mills, stor- age tanks for towers or under ground use, heavy power water wheels, hop and prune dryers and peppermint stills. ' I Making Peppermint Stills!"" Being up-to-the-minute on any thing new, they got In on the ground floor in the manufacture of peppermint stills as soon as $t was discovered thajt Oregon produced an oil that was equal to the best in the markets of the world. The "SIBLOCO" ' stills may now be seen . in dozens of peppermint fields, and each one bears the government stamp of approval.: .. . . 1 Good Workmen Good Pay j The- problem of keeping the proper artisan skill fn the smaller cities, or larger, towns Is usually one of the greatest drawbacks jto auch r a factory.' The company pays high wages for skilled work men, most of : whom now own their own homes and are a per manent part of the community The taking up of various novelty and unusual , lines that are 'In de mand make the work more inter esting than straight routine pro duction on one specialty, and fur nish also slack-time ; employment that keep the men at work ! so that there Is practically bo "laor turnover," It costs the employer as much! as It does the employe to have a changing force on his bands;? fa j skilled work like the foundry and metal shop it might cost the 'factory many hundreds of dollars for every man who quits so that a new hand has to be broken in to the shop and its needs. - With good shop accom modations, plenty, of . Interesting work and a cordial co-operation of employer and employe,' the Silverton factory has been' able to forget that there Is such: a , '.-.V ' f 0C CUrepnetlA W)Q lmtrt Ui Cum Health Begins When Yon Phone 87 , for an appointment . ! . DR. O. L.SCOTT P. S. C. Chiropractor v. ty Laboratory 414 t 419 U. Hat'l Bk.: Bldg. Hours1 10 to 12 a. m. and 2 to 6 p. m. thing as a "labor question. They i have just gone on with their work on both' sides, and all is '! . merry as a marriage belli Guarantees That Guarantee ' , illustrating the methodical but. iness habits of the company, they a-An nil filA. tha honse nlana of all their pipelestnheater patrons, f j. It is usual to -guarantee' by hi- ! most any such manufactures, and ,'! i the Sibloeo product Is in compe- , tition with others thathave made enormous sales under, ,' sweeping ' guarantees that sounded most al luring. Agents may make , any j kind of a guarantee tor. the first )', ; advance payment: then it is left for tbe factory to either repudl- . ate or to try to make good an . impossibility both of which lead to bankruptcy.! Many a company has gone broke on such guaran tees; one did It not long 'ago on somewhat' similar pipeless fur nace. n i ill t V j .L " The" Silverton "product is sold only under an unqualified guar antee fdr five years; but only af ter a careful engineering Inspec- - tion of the premises or the plans, so that; the problems ' that' must be solved ar6 fully "known. Every house plan is studied, for the pos sible jokers that make "guaran- ' tees inoperative, and the plans are ' filed in , the. company office, for ' future reference. By this kind ol study they, have achieved the Im ; possible-? out of,, many, hundred! , of furnaces : they have a Ireadj ( solid, not ONE has come back, Ta, -,. know the conditions under, whicl the' furnace 'is to! operate, - they can know precisely .'what to do about the Instillation- and know ing this', their ' guarantee ! can : be 100" tier, cent Intelligent and "ah- ' solute. " ''r-i 'fi .uji;.., Ta .Illustrate .their I faith1 that' ' they.. are ,on the map to stay, they describe Sjiverton as befngj "right behlAg theV'Sirverton .Blow JPipe company. ( ih M it V-.-1 Among Them Will Be a Very Convenient Lunch Room: 1 in the-Front 1 .Si The Peerless Bakery,"l t 0 North Commercial street, Is planning to make some very, material changes in us plaee of business. The Elec tric ovens, now located near the front, will be moved farther to ward the rear and the front part of the bakery will, bq fitted up as a bakery lunch room, where coffee and bakery goods will be served. These : changes , however, will not be made until- next spring at which time Mr. Coenenberg plans also to commence tbe making of some superior pastry confections. , Mr. Coenenberg purchased the Peerless early .last month. He is well known throughout the Will amette valley, having worked in bakeries here fof ten or fifteen years. For the two years preced ing his ; purchase of the Peerless Bakery he owned : and operated the Palace Bakery at Dallas, Ore. -lir. Coenenberg 4s e very enthu siastic "booster tor the Salem . dis trict. He vsays his business. is growing ' very , satisfactorily and that he plans to make it grow 'still faster In the future. t t ' " ' i .A professor rays that 90 per cent of the women in the coun try are homely. That shears con clusively that he never looked up on them in and arounl Salem. "SIBLOCO" Furnaces: t 4 f r t.H it -i- .... y fit i's M t if .H