The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 08, 1921, Page 3, Image 3

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' n . . .. ii i , ,;" ,
AMITY; Or, t Oct.r;(Special Mill creek country, Imt while they
to The SUtesmafl)---Harold Rosa,
a student ..; of 'the,. Amity high
school, metvwltfc a "rery serious
accident- Wednesday, morning on
his way to ecaooi rrorn, Hopewell,
lie drires orerwith a horse and
buggy, and In coming down a hill
east of this place one of the tugg jnees.
saw a few deer they were not for
tunate enough to bag any of the
fleet-footed animals. fl
Mrs. Clarinda Palmer returned
the fore part of the week, to her
home near Portland after! a. few I
days Tiait here at the home of I
her parents. Mr. and Mrs.; C M. I
Total! of 121 Miles of Con
templated improvements
Are to Be Considered
became nnnooKea ana when lean-1 Rer." w. H. Hertzoe of Salem.
fng Ter trying, to nltcfc It, the wita the Kimball School of The
bnggy ran Into the horse causing ology, was in town-on business
it to start to run away and throw- tM- k stonclne here on his
Ing the boy from the rig, landing J wajr to Forest Grore where he at-
nim on nw neaapn i roagn i tended the Methodist general con-
rocav e eauerea concussion os i ference.
tne cram ana was ,rcmoYea in Miss AddJ Martin spent , the
an unconscious state to the ' farm I week-end at the home of her par
home of Jacob Mauser, nearby, enU Mr. and Mrs. IL It. Martin.
wnere meaicai aia was cauea. in Sne is teaching In the Dallas'
the evening He was removed to I -rhoola ::'"-'
his home but the next day he had t a Glhbs and .Soren Soren
not yet. completely recovered ws 1 8en motored to Portland Toes-
At ia meeting In Portland Oc
tober 2 a and 26, the state high
way (jommlssion will open bids
for the improvement by grading.
macadam ana paving ot a total of I many efficient workmen who are
tra. which has done tench In at
musical way for the city daring
the past two seasons.
The orchestra as now being
organized for the coming season
will have 42 pieces, and among
the additions are two harpists,
Miss Catherine Carson and Miss
Mary Lebold. New, pieces in the
orchestra also i iacjlude several
violinists 'of exceptional ability.
It is felt among musicians that
a symphony orchjstra will do
much for the rising generation of
musicians, and especially for high
school students and students of
WHlamette university.
From the pointi ot Tiew of
those who figure from financial
gain, it has beenj proven thai
121.3 Smiles of highways, and a
so forf the construction of bridges
in Douglas and Yamhill counties.
This program has been arrange-1
particularly as the department's
true musicians will not come to
a city that has no musical home
attractions to offer or that can
not offer them aa organization 1
If III -
Fifth Oregon of State Nat
ion Guard Becomes
162nd Infantry
contribution! toward relief from whjh t0 take. Prt
Ralph Amnion and wife are vis-i
day. . '.
Roy Alien is sunenng with . a
the unemployment situation.
The? projects are as follows:
Douglas county Pacific . high-
There are thousands of music-
loving people in the city, It is
said, and an organisation like the
Salem Symphony orchestra gives
ra7'"eb?fS - Wilbur section. them DDOrtimIty either
Itlng In Goldendale, Wash., with bad case of blood poison In his! Lane countyPacIfi. hlehwar to tlke Part or to bear. several
friend, ,nri i,ti, ; Mr AtnJ . I ""ie coouiy racuic nignway.i f ... ui, .v,
arm, resulting zrom a Drniaea
hand. " :. : tl-',
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Miller were
Salem visitors Sunday. !'..
friends and relatives. Mr, Am-
mon owns the local barber shop
and during his absence he has
secured J. D. Woodman to; look
after his business
Mrs. G. O. OUrer and children
of; Corvallis were in town Friday
on their way to Sheridan where
they went to secure the rest of
their furniture to furnish . their
Corvallis home.
W.;H.iTovey ot .Corvalllaswaa
in town over the week-end
' P. W. Newman' returned Tues
day from' his deer hunting -trip
In southern Oregon and reports
deer oulte plentiful, he being
lucky enough to net bis limit.
O. A.' Withee and wife motored
to Brooks on business Monday.
Melvln Rea spent the week-end
In' Portland visiting atth honve
of his aunt, Mrs. G. A. Cook and
family. - r :-; - -
. - - : a
where they attended the concert
given by f the Whitney Boys
chorus.--' v ' -
Mrs. T. B. Newman spent seve
ral days this week In Portland
History of Fighting Oregon-
ians Traced from Days
In Philippines
It's Grand Old Remedy
Yon can't keep strong and well
without , sleep. Whether your rest
is broken by a' painful hacking;
eouarh or Just an annoying tickl
ing In the throat, the system be-1
comes weaaenea ana run aown.
Mrs. K. IL Drake, Childs, Md.,
writes: "After an attack of, the
'flu' I was left with a severe
cough. Nothing relieved me till I
used Foley's Honey and Tar,
which I can highly recommend."
It covers irritated' .membranes
with a healing and soothing coat
ing, loosens phlegm and clears air
pasages. Sold everywhere rAdv.
Cottage GroVection, 1.6 miles' Concert3 each season in which the
paving. ' jbest only of music is presented.
Linn county Pacific highway. I To maintain sch an organiza-
llurder creek grade . separation. I tiort, those who have gone into
.. miles grading graveling, one i the matter figure that it will re-
40-root reinforced concrete I cnlr at least iisoo for the sea-
bridge. ! I son of four concerts. This amount
Malheur, county: Old Oregon! miirht ho raicoi -nartw -hv mb.
trail. iWeiser - Malheur - Baker rar(. k im oit fT.a o.. mncii.
SdfLIine secUon' 15-3 "miles loving citizens of the city should.
Motrow county: Oreaon-Wash- rw " '""
Inetnii hlrhwiv T.orinirt.iii.Hcmv. I me way or taking season tica-
ner s4cUon. 13. miles macadam. eta at ,s eaCD'
Shea-man county: Sherman I n rror. John K. Bites music-
highway, Wasco - Moro section, Ians of the city feel that the city
7.5 miles grading. Sherman high- has a most competent director.
way, Moro - Grass Valley section, I Thi3 has been demonstrated in
8.6 males grading. (the past two seasons. Professor
Wasco county: The Dalles-Cal- sites' studied at Leiosic and Ber
lin, and for many years was with
the Metropolitan Opera company
in New York. For 14 years he
taught in Cincinnati and sang In
a number of the famous May fes-
G. D
ing. over
During the month of September
Willamette chapter, American Red
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Glbbs and I Cross ot Salem, disbursed 1576.85
daughter were among those from hn its home service rcciet work!
this city who were m Salem bun-I Families and men or ramuies io
day to. hear the Whitney chorus. I the number ot 137 weTe givenias-
Mr. and jars. J. A. ureeaing i sisunce, accoraing to jjrs. Arui
returned the first of the week s. Benson, secreiary. , ! 1
from Salem where they were Part ot the work of the local
camped during fair week. chapter, in addition to home serr
B. A. Teats, C. K. Mwmin wa J""' "
Abraham went deer hunt- .TlZfJ:
the week-end In the ."Z: ;
helnine: those who have developed
V&AW&&Vt&AVA .. Binc thel5
5J5 ' 2Ql in the .Red Cross , work, much
c FffB nitv , vvnmnn i . i that is done is not ox a puduo na-
55 ' jrVnV V 4,- m-t ? i kure and is very little discussed la
jQ and .Chila ot tne MTi- public accordin to Mrs. . Benson.
Hied World KnoWS and Yet there are calls being made
fc RcSDCCtS That Heart tlLh!Wr-n are concerned. In which
Inspired roem px rvice. v r7
5H yard Kipling V " ' During the past ' month, two
R.lhv 11' Rime. K? tne execunvo i"if mio. mwicuvo
S v filOincr U mine ; r T. HarrlB, nd George P. Griffitlu
ifornia highway, Cow canyon sec
tion, 1 .8 miles grading. -'1
Douglas county: Roseburg-Ooos
Bay highway, WSnston - Camas
With IrP.tla or.nrn.fhp. twoltlTalS Of that City.
I f . i KhmilH tha Ralpm Rvmnlinilf f-
. a ' . . 1 Kinaiier nrnnnres. Aiierna.iti i m
IS Made PV tiea UrOSS Urooosals are asked for on wood chestra receive support that will
and steel trusses for the three justiiy us organisation tor an
larger spans. other season, it is probable that
Yamhill county West Side Pa 1 two free concerts will be given in
cific highway. Amity - MeMinn-1 the armory.
vine section, new approaches to
the Yamhill river bridge and cer-
tftln rPTlslrmn In tha i Rt in or ntoel
truss knan. t A great reform is on among
Baker county: BaKer Corhu- ( the hotels and cafes. They are
W v "A Sale Place to Trade"
copial highway. Love Bridg
Blackj Bridge portion, 3. 2 , miles
Douglas county: Pacific high
way, Dra!n - Yoncalla section.
8.6 miles paving,
'Harney county: ' Summit
Springs market road, ; 8.1 miles
Jefferson county: The Dalles-
California highway. Unit No. 2
and Unit No. 4, Madras - Wasco
Sherrnan county line. 6.3 miles
grading. Unit No. 6, Madras
Wasco - Sherman county line. 5.5
miles, grading and macadam.
I , October 26
: Wasco county: The Dalles-CaJ-
ffornla highway Three MUe
Creek Dufur section, 13.0 miles
grading. 1
Wheeler county: Unit No. 1,
Ochoco forest, boundary- Mitchell,
2 miles grading and rocking.
Yatohlll county: West Side Pa
cific nighway. West Dayton - St.
Joseph section, 4,2 miles ' pave
about to print the menus in Eng
lish. In which case, what will
become of the young lady across
the way whom the waiter toia
she could not have what her fia-
gex was pointing at because the
orchestra was playing it
The Oregon regiment of infan
try was rechristened yesterday in
orders issued by Adjutant General
George A .White. The Fifth Ore
gon infantry of the Oregon , na
tional guard is now the Id 2nd in
fantry, and all property and regi
mental colors will be renumbered
accordingly and the regiment here-
alter will be known by the war
time name of the old Third Ore.
gon infantry.
The change , in designation of
the Filth infantry which took
place yesteraay a the secona oc
currence of thur ns s:u-e s or
ganization. In order to retain the
traditions of the famous old Third
Oregon infantry Colonel White is
sued orders soon after he returned
from Franca designating the regi
ment as the Fifth Oregon.
Government Desires Change
The recent change was made in
accordance with the suggestion ot
the federal government, which de
sires torecreate the 41st division,
along the same lines that existed
in France during the war. In a
statement Colonel White express
ed his preference for the designa
tion of the Fifth Oregon for the
reason that, the name l2infantry
was the war, time name of the old
Third regiment, and desired that
this designation remain a tradi
The Oregon regiment which has Portland, Salem, Wood
burn, .Eugene, Roseburg, Corval
lis, Silverton, Independence, Dal
las, McMinnville and Medford,
now becomes, part of the 81st in
fantry brigade of the 41st division,
with headquarters in Oregon. The
brigade headquarters have not yet
been established.
Oregon's infantry regiment of
'Hf foldiersl was organ swf "as S
Jhe First regiment and - continued
aa such until the Spanish war
when as the Second infantry it
went to the Philippines and ren
dered ..diatiaguUhed, set vice al
though many of its officers and
men served with the Second in the
tropics. The Third Oregon re
placed the Second after the Span
ish war and sav , service: on the
Mexican border it was the first
regiment 5 in the United- States
mobilized and ready for j service
in the World war, and on being
ordered to Frarice was designated
by the government as the 162nd
United States infantry. The l2d
served in France 1 a months. (
1 1 1
Xcver Wants Anything jElse
The season jot coughi. colds,
croup and bronchial troubles is at
hand. Every mother will be in
terested in this letter from Mrs.
E. K. Olson, 1917 Ohio Ave., Su
perior, Wis. ! -tried many dif
ferent kinds ot; cough medicine,
but now I never want anything
else than Foley's Honey and Tar.
I used it for all; my children when
I lived in Iowa and also' for my
grandchild in Duluth. and it has
always done good work" Con
tains no opiates. Sold everywhere,
mm ii
to be oesra
Letter to People of the State
; Issued by Executive
Governor jOicott has issued a
letter to the people of Oregon re
questing that they pause for' a
time on Thursday. October' 2T 10
give thought to the memory ,(
Theodore Roosevelt and his career
aa en America a citizen. That date
will bo the 63rd anniversary of
Roosevelt's birth.-ThV governor -ha
been kdvised that such a oi-
sarvance will be reneral through. ;
oat th United States. ? . 4
"l believe this is tittlni: " says
the governer's statement. 'Th
excepUonal service rendered to the
eoantfy by this man J his ideal lire
and his high standard ot eitlseu.
ship shown In a practical way, are :
splendid things to keep before the
people ox our country at all times.
He was-a true American and it is
a wholesome tiling always to havo
before ns examples ot true Ameri
can man."' " - a- -:: v . , .
The household msla ' fl'-icstifn
is again becoming a' eetT one in
Xrfs Angeles and the tlrd h6B
wite is almost ready to grw
love, honor and obey mcfc help
if they will agree to reraaii 1n
service more than a ; fortnight,
Los Angeles Times.
' 1 " 1
Oreaon Men Officials
Of Tidewater Association
In response to a letter front n.
C. Gardner, president of the Great
Lakes-SU Lawrence Tidewater as
sociation, with , headquarters at
Chicago, Governor Olcottjhas ap
pointed Frank ;M. Warren, presi
dent of the Port of Portland, and
F. C. Knapp, ol the Peninsula
Lumber company, Portland, a3
vice-presidents ; of the Tidewater
association. This association has
for its object the making of the
St. Lawrence river open to ocean
going vessels to the Great Lakes.
Governor' Olcott has been made a
member of the association.
Only One Fatality is
Reported During Week
Out of -424 iaccidents jreported
to the State industrial accident
commission for the week ending
October 6 only one was fatal. This
was'Hatton Howe, a teamster of
Baker. Of the total number of
accidents reported 388 were sub
ject to the provisions of ' the
workmen's compensation act, 33
were from firms and corporations
that have rejected the provisions
of the act and three were from
public , utility corporations not
subject to the act. i
Auctiori- Sale w
; FmrnitiiFe
Monday, October JO, 1 o'dock
665 NorA Winter Street'
v r.i
iDne oak library table; one sewing machine, Jiew; one :
sewing rocker; one oak leather rocker; large oak chair; -j
one dinirig table; six dining chairs; one roll top desk;
one good refrigerator; one1 grind stone; one, cot; one .
Banitary Leot; a lot of cannedffruit; lot of fruit jars;
garden tools; chickens; teds 1 and springs, , A lot of '
other articles. . . i "' " " . . I
Everything In the Htrase Goer ;
Owner i Phone 4177
v Auctioneer
Folger's Tea Week
For the purpose of getting their teas to the consumexf 1
f tv. Lhnmp ftcauainted with the merits of this
high-grade tea, the Fplger Company .authorize us ,ta t
."" , j rHV viAiinrl AhlZt Tier! ill
irive one-nan pgunu m?' ."--v '--j, f
Sound, or one-fourth pound free with each haKund i
atMOc in the following varietiea: Japan, English Break-
fast, Oolong, Uunpowaer, xnaia-ycyis;
v, Rinso Demonstration
A wonderful modern hep in washing. Just soak your.
clothes in Rinso ana you wiu D,rewevcu iv w., m
hard rubbing. .WMetodempnstw
sell Rmso at 4 lor
' H
Alleviation Throughout the
Country, With Portland
.Standing - Second
25 c
' State Fair Display of Brooms ?
We have purchased the Fair Display of the Portland
Broom Company and will sell the best broom made at,
each " v - . '., , - ; '" - JJ
' ; 'i i : j"' Delicious' 'Apples j 0. 'f i Ki
Having purchased the entire crop of the Patterson or-
chard at Eola, we nave ine imrat iuw vm. peer oa u
apples in liberal quantities. We are grading them and,
selling them accordingly. No matter what grade, every
apple is perfect -. . T-, ' r i
Grade A ExtnT fancypack $30 ' j
, Grade B Choice pack 3.00 , j
Grade C Jumble pack- 2.25
GraDCi and Quinces for Jelly
Fine Concord Grapes for Jelly, 7c lb.; Quinces, 5c lb.1
v Cranberries
. ? First of -Season, 55c pound . . -a-.
Mince Meat -
Mince Ieat made in our own kitchens, 25c per pound,
Mince Pies
iThose wonderful luscious pies, 35c each r
" ' Gem Blend Coffee
The best Coffee for the money in the city; 3 lbs. $1.00
No Charge for Delivery
i . in
. I-"
slight decrease in nnemployment
tnroufihout t na united states was
reported lor September Dy the
department of labor in a sum-
; mary of conditions made public
here Stonteht. On September 30
the department said,: 142 8 estab
lishments had 18,0a0jaore work
ers On their payrolls than on
AnxnBt 31, an increase ol 1.2 per
I . i- . ' J w- t lit
ceai. i IB o principal ciues em-
ploynient -decreased in 26, but in
creased in 38, and In one remain-
led noehanged during the month.
Tb$ summary showea the per
centage of change "was greater
In the cities' reporting increased
employment than those showing
decreases. The greatest increase
in employment was noted at To
ledo,! with 24.1 per cent, while
Portland. Or., stood second wun
an Increase of 21.7 per cent.
Chicago reported an Increase
of 1.16 per cent and New York
showed a decrease of 2.2 per
cent.! ,
inoreaaes uy inuuaiiics w oo
notedl In food production, textiles
i manufacture .stone, glass, ciay.
lumber, chemicals ana railroad,
shopi The Industries reporting
decreases Included aiuomoDiies,
leathlr and, its products, paper
and -rlntlug, and tobacco manufactures.
Phone 1883-6-7
cal Troupe Said to Con
fute to City; in Bus
iness Returns,
Anione musicians of the city.
and Especially those, Interested io
maintaining a high class symph.
ony organization, the question is
being? discussed as to wnetner tpe
city is progresslre enough to sup
port lh Salem ymphony-4?rchgs-
saves the flavor of Hills Bros;Rcd
Can Coffee-thats why they ongi-;
nated the vacuum process of pacfe v i
ing coffee over twenty years ago - y
That particular penetrating parsist
ant flavor of rare high grade coffee; ;
is in every package and cannot
escape as it . is packed in vacuum. t
mm . - - m ? . m a. i ? z r - -
,; - - u.-
t i
V .
. 1 1.