The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 02, 1921, Page 6, Image 6

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Southern Neighbor Ccle-l
oraies Birxiroi inaepen
j efchee 100 Years Past
Many Prisoners Are Granted
Freedom and GaTa Occaj- ;
r v.
MEXICO CITY, Sept, 15 r-
This IU Ja, probably v the biggest
day In Mexjco'rf cVebraiouif fclie
J 00th anniverarijojjla JiWpe
(itriro from the rule of Spain.
ptember 16 Is Mexico's mo3t i'm-f
po'riant national holiday. On that
day; a huge paradox t-thoaril.ilary
and civic bodle will W1 reviewed
by, President Obregon , from the
' baifony of . the national palace
There will be a diplomatic recep-
tioU and 7Q,0.00r thlldfea who.haTe.
been trained, in diiferent parts of
Mexico City for several weeks will
sing en masse a, national hynln
composed especially for the occa
sion.' : ' ;p -"
Throughout the republic,-especial!
yYln, Mexico," CilyA riumerous
1 projects pmniiii ft ra tinir' National
independence have been planned
to continue until the, middle oi
October. " 1 !
. , - Favor Poor Oaw f
President-- Obregon has .: an.
nounced that the celebration Is to
more for the great masses ot
pearfant'popuIatTcnxt&dn- lor sooj-l
t-ty folk. - Kree entertainment
partaking of cornival and fiesta M
to be provided; the usual quotas
of, band concerts..., jwill .beLi,in-t
creased J thiaters and motion plei
luc. houses have been requested
to reduce f their prices to a mini-!
mum and; everywhere It ia the ia-i
tention of federal authorieties toj
make September and October:
months of happenings wherein the
dark days of. past revolutions will
be ttygottea. 'i !
k Handicapped! by lack of recog-j
pi$ion;.by the gfceat powers of the
world the numerous public spee-i
taoleu planned for the national
Capital will not be the occasion
for splendid 'diplomatic parades.
Delegate ' From .Gallon ! i
vNnumerous countries, however
have; designated special envoys to
represent them',, including Argen-j
tina, Chile, Peru, I-razil. Spain.:
Germany, Holland. China and
Italy. The United States will not
-ent - plans .Representatives ot
the-., functions,, according to pre-plans.
Representatives of other
nations have arrived at Intervals
during the past month and have
heen extended lavish hospitality
Dy: toe Mexican government.
The centennial is to be made
the occasion for ihimerous other
I "I
1:7' v;- j
W i J i I
' - c T-..jcr
J j . .. . . Talenf 5al em Viohmsf '
"Hi ,?
;,,.'i'.vXv.A"'.w.' 1
, 1
:,VJ : ,
!:?, -3.1
- Sir Erneet Ehackletbn .and his chosen, youthfut boy scout aids a
board the Quest, who will so wltb'hlm on his next trip to tha polar
Search for Valuable jewelry
Found to Be a Farce by
Kind-Hearted, Aides
""tweW feportedto lh 'slate' ln!
; hrfar a"cctJent"commiSBloa Tr tktr
month ,ot t September, la jlargr.
fluiuber thji- for any, previous-!
month since tbe.couiaiissiaa, wa
atgaUod, itutl excaptlftn at .; ,
August. 1919 when aa equal hum
bee wre reported, ; j if
,j Th - 2 1 v listed 1 f or' September.
were distributed among the iivarw
ous. industrial activities,; a4 tol
hfs: Truck drivers 3 . brake,
men, 2; loggers; carpittrs.
2; laborers, 2;.sawiuilLjworkrs,
1; miners, road patrolmen, farm-
era and teamsters, , 1; each
- ' 1
"I've! just lost my ruby-iet; plati
num xv". It is viune.1 at
1 11 Kladly pay HO reVord for it
tUated a stranger! at the sjtsite fair
grounds, yesterday, as hejsearcbed
a strip of grass j for the j rhlssing.
vlery, incidentally drawing a
crowd. I -;- "!i ' I ' '
After getting jthe kindly paps-ers-by
interested Jiv th feanj'h,
! the unfortunate strangorirepeated
j Ins oiler and departed announcing
j his internum of j postingj lh ' re
j ward at the fairgrounds police
station. ' j j - i
Several minuses later, jone Lof
th', industrious-j searcnere an
nounced that ho j bad found the
ring.. , ! I - !.
f'.My jwlfe is'waitlns.for ;me jat
the car and I can't claim jthhi $10
reward." he explained, "tl'llj take
a dollar for tho ring if thq pur
chaser will . promise to
to itrf owner and claim! "the
money - ' ' ! J j
Several purchasers hf f 'thsa
"found, rings were reported jat
the police station! yesterday. Newt
less to say, the Jewelry was -of the
10 cent variety and the "owiier"
had failed to appear at t'iij police
station. j; . ; -t-r..,-:
Just how many v persons' were
victimized by the two enterprising
ring merchants during jtb.e jmst
wepk will be impossible p j aser
taihk according to officer, a the'
ring-buyers usually reailizw that
they have been bilked and keep
quiet. Two of the victim report
ed the game to the poncp station
last night. I !
"Don t TOO wish tnn vrA A.
tioa pictures or phoaograph!:1 iol,
for -..worlds! T Washington Stiar
It; St
events. A season of grand opera j -anything wrong in it." remarl-.d
wiQr MartInelltT Sfracclarr, Tito ., j;rfS iienita McO-nnls, kChtcagos
Scmpa, ; Clamdia -Muzlo,, Julia . acting chief censor. "At other
-hat'.C;Be: Done for
Chronic Throat Trouble
Sunday Health Talk, So.
By.O. Zb SeaVXKtt' -, f?'A': r
f; The technical naVr'or7jiqr9"lhrbai. Is,
pharyngitis. It Is another ime .f6r cold
In the throat or catarrh . of, the threat.
,The attack when Of the acute variety be
gins with dryness and-; soreness of , the
throat, slight chilliness and fever. The
fever may not run' over 102 degrees.
There is a constant desire to clear - the
throat When the trouble is chronic
there Is a constant leough. clearing of .the
tHroat tand hoarseness. ' .
Tlia h!rrhrviaf r fin Am ianri om doa nf enl '
- nal nerves in tha lower neck", regions This-
i tenderness is traceable : from - the .spine
! around to the region f the throat where
tenderness Is general. 'Chiropractic spinal
adjustments to lift the pre6ure 6t bone
! upon nerve tissue at the spinal nerve open
I ing are usnally followed by a feelirti of
relief almost Immediately. v.
- rrSCLE -BEST'"'
'Spakin' o' the
higher things ot
life, NeTTf, I al
lua did enjoy
(food food."
i- - '
CHiROPrtAaic ccaaEas
ARMS r- 1
The lower nerve i
. " In- th' following news Item,
what happened ly accident,' Is
what the chiropractor is bring-
r lne: abont constantly by science
f and ' skill.
. .1 I -
Voice Lost; in Blast is
v t ' m - w.m j
: ? Kecovereda a Dm 4
, London-r-Thomas pianwar-J,
,J jngr. of SilvenowB, who Jost lj I
.speech in the Silvertown ex-
plosion, -which killed his moth-,
I ori sister and brother, came' to"
Baldock to search for work. A
poor. 4 twmnier.iXClanwarriig t
f went In at ''letelrworth. and
'?dived into the deep end by mls
.:take ?FJffdih& hrmsel In dan-r;
,'ger tie shotted and became vlo-
lently active.- He. was helped
out! and fottnd he had recovered ?
hls; 'speech. Chicago Herald
and Examiner, August 2, 1921. "
nepends ; oor whea you : tele- ".
pnbne 7 for an "appointment!
Consultation Is without charge.
Hiss Koon assists women pa-
tients' rm -v;! ..-vv
: ,? . -ft
Dr. Oi L. Scott
, , Chiropractor
1 414-19 U.' S; Dank BHff.-
Phone 87
Clauser and ILazzari among the
singers, has been inaugurated. The I
lawyers of the republic will hold
a convention .to discus3 legal; re
forms' and the first good roads
congress ever held in the republic
will meet in Mexico City. A con
vention of physicians looking to
ward better ; hygienic conditions,
especially child welfare, will be
held and numerous social organ
izations have called sessions to
meet at this time. -
i Excursions Held
L General Antonio Villareal, sec
retary ! of -agriculture,- has .an
nounced that one day :win ie. giv
en over to an excursion to the
pryamlds and excavations at San
Juan de Tectihuacan when Presd
deiit Obregon and all the centen
nial guests of the nation wjll be
shown over the ruins. The usual
number of banquets, receptions
ana uaus to till In any chance va- j
cant hours has' been -provided? J
! The high spot of fhe celebration
will probably be on September 16,
the-most important national hol
iday. ;
Freedom lven 5Iany
In order to add to the happiness
which he hopes will be nationwide
during the month, President Obre
gon has used his Influence to se
cure the release of all prisoners
who have served material por
tions of their sentences. He has
also directed that amnesty shall
be granted political prisoners, in
cluding those in exile from former
i The various foreign colonies in
Afexlca City are co-operating to
majte the celebration a .success
and have presented , to the gov
ernment substantial gifts as evi
dence of , their good will. Monu
ments and tablets have been the
most popular presents but the An
ertcan colony took a more prac
tical view and has provided four
iP mottBds for Mexico
vaty .children. .
LAk iin!ustfial "Position is to
Be held In conjunction with fie
centennial although not under
government sponsorship. The Ie--
Dias but never completed, has
been, utilized, for the exhibits.
f " '
Feaeral.Farm Loan Offer
; of,$6d,00o;od0is Made
nouncement ot a general offering
of federal farm lon bonds total
ling 60,000,000 was made to
Ri by the treasury department.
The, Jseue will -bear 5 per cent
from, October 3. Secretary Mellon,
in making the announcement,5 pre
dicted that the issue would be subscribed-Quickly,
f : -., m
tinier we have rejected a whole
film after their hopelass attempts
to doctor it up."
The Chicago censors sit as a
Fort of a humane society on tha
city!s films. They are keenly
averse to useless brutality. Their
"Cut-out Book' contains frequent
injunctions to eliminate seene3 in
terse terms as these:
"Cut kicking and striking man
on floor." - '
"Cut slugging man." , i .
"Cut too close views of chok
, The numbor of violent nioVle
.deaths in Cnicag'o has been re
duced by 'millions anhuallv since
the censor board took a" hand in
reducing the film murders. They
cut them out with a strong hanif.
Another aspect. of the censors'
.work is, indicated by this line 4
frofn th Cut-out book: '
"Cut, all scenes of white v-bild-,
ren chasins? neero boy and throw
ing stones at him."
An incident like this was credr
ited with starting a race trouble. ti
Disregard of the law is another,
suggestion that the censors try tu
offset, i Glorification or lawless
ness on the plains is one of thq
most frequent forms in which
this comes np.
"A. censor should bo able to
put back anmethjng as vital as h
takes out, only leas offensive." is
a principle at the censor board.
?"We! are, doing constructive
work in censoring today v.e d".d
not know conl l be done ssven
years ago." Miss MrGinnis said. .
"One reason for this betterment
Is that the moving- picture people
realize that censorship has com
to stay."
rotnbined to break the resistance
of some of Ihe most stubborn
longs. May wheat made a new low
record on the crop.
Hedging ! sales scattered liqui
dation and the state of the wheat
market caused the break in torn
and oats were lower in sympathy
with othe'r grains.
In provisions;, nearby option
were under pressure but deferred
deliveries held fairly strong in the
face of general -market conditions..
Deliveries on October contracts in
ehided7, 700, 000 pounds of lard
and 75O.0M pounds of ribs. '
21 Fatal Accidents: Are
Reported for September
,.-! i v.i...
A total . of . 21 , fatal accidnts
f ot are?' shaint
Roxir. EacV
rops Itselt
t t . . i .
the blade
A notVjka
(aaranteeJ to five - 500 i Ua. aaj
cemiortabu &.
JBorrwMP AutoStro& Rttoi for
triaJ it frit anj Juet k j
Vigo i:,:X1' !;vf . rlk j'.v-
Aa offer of tkia Vlni t aevci bc
mad . t cosacctioa, tK' aay otksv
razor a&J it more tmrlncinj ft-eof
th writ t&4 AutStr, mt
than any argumeat yr eoulj vjrteirat
Call at oor store , borroW anVl b taStref
Raxor ctJ jmmtrat tkra- tncrtt
yoar pw satufae- '-J ,' L.
'",w-ii,'v.''..jrj '
Con ,i taLe
it 5 witK"i yom
wnta at oxx. 3
The Orae Front Drug Stdrf t
151 S. Coral St- Phorie 3 f
Sitiihxxfncd Note
Ue plenty ( cooling
111 ' lL ' M
Heala ftontly.quicltly ! antMeptjeaDr" -"
f -
ft !' :"
Regular Slashing Board Dfs:
I covers Much Dpetoring
ir Is ' Necessary . .
1i ?ki-' -'- t t tr. ----'--4. a m '
vCHICAGO, 'gepCvr 'XS.-'Wnen
movie inn take to censoring their
films, they, sometimes have some
t-axlge ideas,: It is related at the
Chicago'censor board.
JJ distributors getting 'apkture
they ttink tvill not pass-the board
"now and then take a hand at fix
ing it upv They hare cut out fun
ny parts that the censors think
I treaty left' In part that the cen-
uoa -inumos aowa on, -ana
otherwise perplexed the'r 3ttd.e.
" V . yi Buuinjmco bqui wa.a
and asired t them to give , us the
l"hQle fcictdre, as we d(d not jlnd reU of Canadian flour
Albuquerque, N.M. 'Aids
Boxers With New Statute
2C. lioxing is expected to take
on a new life here as the result
of a recent city ordinance, reduc
ing tho!licen:;e fee for bouts from
$100 to $50, and 'providing strict
regulations tor keeping the sport
clean, i.
Boxers less than IS years of
ape cannot appear; the kidney
blow iss barred, and physicians
must examine the participants and
give them a clean bill of health
before the bout.
Under the old provisions, most
of the bouts went to nearby cities
where the cost was not so high.
list sues OfJ
Liquidation in Wheat and
Corn Has Market Effect .
on Day's Trading 5
. CHICAGO. Oct 1. With liqui'
dation on in wheat and corn the
entire list sagged, on the Chicago
board of trade today.:. The close
saw net losses of 3 to 3 1-4 in
wheat, '1-4 to 2-4 $7-8 in corn and
3-8 in oats. Frovisionsranged un
changed to 27 1-2 higher.
I Wheat opened weak and with
bearish sentiment strengthened by
the few i news factors and encour
aged by absence of outside sup.
port Every bulge brought out in
creased pressure and ; numerous
stop loss orders were uncovered.
Breaks at -Winnipeg caused by
hedging, declines of around five
cents. in cash wheat at Minneapo
lis and slow export demand, cou
pled with .a . report , that a New
york; interest bought ,20,000, bar
this week,
.- : 'i - i " '-' ! , ' " ' 1 " ! v v i ' . l
'-;3:' jl te4'-.- t:- iv-f-vi . (rj, I i J
'llrjv -n1 1 rr1-; Fferih LUJvv KyI .h j j y-1 I .
lv.. d a W' pi; 'vUl' H i
" lLwSrT&b : " No Charge For
. Dflivers Your. I ffl F1 V' rr'tt ' I
H00SIER . .tS fh J't-'. TelS, ."-.v
Turn your oW joyless kitchen into a place of pleasure and ease. Orie.'dolar paid now : will in. r
stall the Hoosier Cabinet in your kitchen toda yj It will give your kitchen a real working cen
ter. It will enable you to sit down at your wor L It will eliminate needless stooping and reach?'
i'nv If c
Join Our HOOSI ER Dollar Club Now
DON'T DELAY. Get your Hoosier while these special terms prevail .They don't cost you a cent;
extra, and they permit you to use your Hoosier while paying for it Come in today and brag
your dollar with you. Tomorrow your Hoosier will he in your home and you will hate grad
uated from the over-worked class.
:t:.r -5,
-. t i-' '
! ! I1.. i 'j -j ':.. .I-'.-H '- V''.JU'-:- K
. ; ; ; ;j ; -j j i ' .. -V V 'J4 -li
1 H 1