The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 02, 1921, Page 5, Image 5

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Concert I Appreciated
P. M. Dlenkinsop and wife and
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Bates gave
an evening entertainment at
Sherwood Friday evening to a
large audience. Sydney W Hall,
the. pabtor, presided. s
TrnMW '
Fitted at Tyler's Drnj store by
an exsert in the business. Air.
VnemployetT in Riot.
In a letter to his brother. Key.
Alfred Bates ' of Salem, Stanley
Bates of Bristol, England, writes:
"The unemployed are certainly
deiperate. Yesterday in i Bridge
street of tnls city a crowd ot men
smashed the windows I of f every
business house .in I the whole
street.. A? man is lucky to have
a Mob these days. ; I am working
as a! letter peewit printer I for E.
SIJ- nd (!A.!! Robinsoni UdLj! which
employs oyer zooo persons.
Lii-V - U,
Five loads 16-Inch mill wood.
Prompt delivery, Spauld
In if Iswtri-ntr Cn Aflv ' .
Miss Margaret Fisher; Teacher
ur piano; specializing with chil
dren. Studio 790 N. Church, phone
Lights KaUsfartorr-
W. M. Hamilton, local mana
ger of the Tortland Railway,
Light Sc Power company, who ia
stalled the lights at the state fair
grounds tor night racing, says
that the best compliment he
beard was that of the person who
remarked that he could see clear
ly on all parts of the track, the
horse on which, he rad bet. 'With
lights strong enough to follow
a certain horse around the track,
Mr. Hamilton felt they were satisfactory.
Rupert Hughes
' - :. .
"Dangerous Curve
Sennett Comedy
Prizma N
... ... i-..
Pathe News
Fruit Season Near End
The wholesale fruit men say
tbat the fruit season is gradually
approaching the end. referring to
melons, peaches, huckleberries
and grapes. However, sweet po
tatoes are going strong. 1
A Ileal Bargai
In Children's rompers and play
suits, jail made up, stamped for
embroidery, J 2-25 values for
$1.95, on sale Tuesday only. Sa
lem EJite, 329 Oregon Building.
Phone 39. Adv.
the Salem high school who is not
resident of the district. This
is the actual cost, as figured by
the board of directors ot the Sa-
em district.
Tomatoes, $1 per Box
Delivered. Ward K. Richard
son. Adv.
Write From Itru.vds
S. P. Kimball, who is touring
jEurope wjth his wife, daughter
ind soa-ia-Jaw; writes from Brus
sels, Belgium, to a friend as fol
lows: "Arrived here from Am
sterdam and all are feeling fine.
Will leave here soon for France,
Switzerland and Italy, and then
where, undecided. Eats are. very
good, so far, and for less money
than any place since we left Ore
Editor in Town
I. v. McAdoo, accompanied by
his wife, were state fair visitors
yesterday. Mr. McAdo is editor
of the Scio Tribune.
Salmon, Salmon, Salmon-
Chinook. 11c: Silversidee, 9
per lb. Direct from the fisherman!
We can arrange to have our fish
erman ship direct to outside points
Midget Market, 951 State St.
All Found Rooms
Every visitor to the state fair
who applied to the housing de
partment at the Marion hotel
was found, good rooms, according
to Mrs. Emma j Murphy-Brown.
Those who had ! rooms to rent
listed them earlyj and there was
no contusion in senaing people
who had listed rooms could not
be found at their homes at all
times, several who might have
rented their rooms lost the op
portunity, as guests were arriving
at all hours of the day, and
wanted to be assigned- at once.
j All Outstandhfr-Accounts -
Duie the W. W. Moore Furniture
Stqre can be paid now at the W.
W. Moore Music store, 413 Court
St. Adv.
Will Try Air Route
Flpyd White, of D. A. White
& Sjms, will Ro to Portland to-
riav hv ntmlann ti3Volina mrlh
Due to the fact that many Arthur Roth, who has been a
guest at the home of D. A. White.
Mr. Roth was in the airplane
service as captain in France, and
Isj now devoting bis time to com
mercial flying, with Portland as
Elena Weller
i Teacher of niann PlasROM for
children, iri The Dunning Sys
tem of Improved Music. Studv.
Phone 1351. Studio. 695 North
Liberty street. Adv.
For Rent-
Front office room.
Belle. Adv.
Apply Gray
Sue. for $T)017--
A. C. Nelson, doing business as
"c, u" ,Z . Monday Luncheon as Usual
B..u . """"i aau oinera The Mctnday noon luncheon will
for a0.37. alleging thit this ho n.n,i r-
aiuugjii is uuw uiiu ior piumuing cjai ciuh
ana oioer worn aone on a nouse
at 2001 Nor'th Twenty-firth street.
Attorney's fees, amounting to $50
are asked, also.
Manager McCroskey
says he ihas one or two good
speakers ; who are available, but
doesn't know which will be called
upon to deliver the address.
HINZ Irene Bertha Ilir.z, the 18
day old daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Charles HInz of 1410 C
street, died Saturday at the
: home of her parents. Funeral
services will be held Monday
Salmon For Canning
ror best quality and lowest
prices at Fitts Market. 444 Court
St. Phone 211. Adv.
Hartman's Glasses
Easier and Bettet
Wear them and ie
fbone 1255 Ps Salem, .Oregon
ReRistration Heavy
Up to date 477 students have
registered at Willamette univer
afternoon at 2 o'clock from, the sty and have paid their tuition
homo and will be conducted and are officially on the rolls of
by the Rev. H. W. Gross. Bur- the university for the school
ial will be in Lee Mission cem- year. Hafckan Wong came the
etery, i farthest, as his home is Canton,
RIDING EK At the residence
near Hopmere, Friday evening,
September 30, ' Opal - Ridinger
ag$-'16 years, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs Alvie G. Davis, sister
of John land Cora Jacobs.
Funeral services will take place
Sunday. October 2, at 2:30vp. m.
from the Pioneer church, near
Brooks, interment Pioneer ceme
tery, Rigdon & Son, directors.!
Monday, October
Is the day new classes start in
all subjects at the Capital busi
ness college. Why not enroll
now. Adv.
TERRY In this city Friday, Sep
tember 30, William H4 Terry,
age 46 years. 1
Funeral services will take place
Ko Indians in Salem
Chemawa will send no students
this year to the Salem high school
due to the fact that the depart
ment of the interior, Indian af
fairs, has ruled that the govern
ment has no -money with which
to pay the tuition of its" Indians
who wish to enter high school
work. Last year 13 Indians were
termeht Canby cemetery, ! Rigdon iven the advantage of Salem high
fpMrtra IStU K. OMUMfCUl
Obop B7. KeodlM u4 Awrtwa
kibML 1m craua and drinks. ?
Opui li J. toll.'
8peial Bitaday
omcaxBT DIHVKX -
& Son. directors.
for Spring Planting Order From
428 Oregon Building
' Phone 1763
SAVE $ $ $
W buvinir your haraware and
furniture at The Capital Hard.
ware & Furniture Co., Zoo JM.
Commercial street. Phone 947
We More,
Pack and Store
Do jou take
If not.) why not! lf
No other baths or treatments
can produce the permanent re
lief to- the "i person' auffertng
from disagreeable cold or aifc
menta of the flesh or body like
the Turkish Bathe, will. J I
Open 8 a. m. until 9 p. m, j
Lady and Gentlemen attendants
What Would You Dol
.f. . , K v '
No. 10 ,
Yoi have been given a check
Signed i byR. Smith and en
dorsed to( you by A. Thomas. R
Smlth ha) no funds in the bank,
What wduld you do with the
check? Suppose A. Thomas
had endorsed it "without re
course." Of course, a great many peo
ple know just what to do in a
ease of this kind but often it
has been a case of experience-fan
expensive way to learn. Ve
try to teach our students'" so
that they will know how to han
dle emergencies when they
come to them.
v New classes will start in all
subjects, Monday, October 5rd.
Write or call for information.
Capital Business College
Salem, Oregon . .
Weib & Clough
Leading Funeral
i ! Directors v
1 i Expert Embalmers
school work,! and the government
paid the usual tuition of those
attending who were not residents
of the Salem school district It
costs $95 tuition for the entire
Bchool year to send a student to
I and does a general office praetlce.
Office Trier's Drug Store
; f :
1S7 South,' Commercial Street
, Leading Morticians
Salem School of Expression
. 147 N. Commercial Street. ;
Lulu Rosamond Walton, Director.
I Phones 148 4-J and 692
J Fresh Stock
Pickling Spices
Stone Jars
Fruit Jan
135 N. Liberty Phone 67
Office Outfitters
i !
Stationery Leaders
No matter what whim or
fancy; you may have in re
gard to stationery, it can be
satisfied ! here. Largest
stock in the city to choose
from. Prices reasonable,
too. ;
See us first.
163. N. Com'l. Phone 64
Cook Goe to Astoria
Harold Cook, former scout ex
ecutive of the Salem Bey Scouts,
Las recently returned from As
toria, where be went to investi
gate an offer made him to accept
position there as scout execu
tive. He was so well pleased
with the outlook that he at once
accepted the offer made to take
charge of the Boy Scout work in
that city and will begin his duties
October 10. Astoria now has a
scout council of the second class.
After Mr. Cook takes charge it
will be organized as a council
of the first class, similar to the
Salem council.
Fulkerson, county school super
intendent, says she his nexer ex
perienced such an enthusiastic
feeling among rural teachers and
a desire to go ahead and accom
plish real things this comio
school year.
Judgment Transcript Filed
A transcript ' of judgment has
been filed in the county clerk's
office, Marion county, from tho
district court of Multnomah coun
ty, in the suit of H. O. Strom
against Fred Wright. The amount
of the judgment is 1159.55.
Law Library-
Law library for sale.
Brownsville, Ore. Adv.
Box 43,
Mis Savage Improves
Miss Grace Savage, a trained
nurse, who has been seriously ill
at her home on North Fifth street
was reported yesterday to be mak
ing a satisfactory recovery and
was able to be up and about the
house. -
Ten-Year-Old lced Recorded
A warranty ( deed dated Janu
ary 12. 1911, was filed for record
in the county; recorder's office
yesterday in which A. J. Rich
ardson deeded to Hannah J.Rich
ardson, '328 acres of land in
the extreme southwestern part of
the county, in that district of the
county where the Santiam flows
into the Willamette.
$10,000 Transfer Recorded -i-
Robert E. France haa sold to
Cctav Voget and Mary Voget. by
the entirety, 54 acres of land
north af Hubbard. The revenue
stamp.? indicated a valuation of
$10,000 on the land.
Chinook Salmon, 11
Silversides, 9c per 'lb. Now is
the time for canning. Nearby
points can arrange with na to
have shipments made to them di
rect from the fisherman. Midget
Market. 351 State St. Adv.
McKIhaney Finel
Hyron McElhaney of Shaw was
arrested oh September 2 8 for
hunting- pheasants in closed sea
son and appeared before Judge
Unruh and entered a plea of
guilty. Costs and a fine of
$46.50 were assessed. Also Merle
Morley was arrested on the same
charge and entered a plea of not
sruilty. His hearing is to be held
October 4. The hunting season
opens October 15.
R- A. Schmalle left yesterday
for Seattle, traveling over the
Oregon Electric.
Mrs. F. W. Selee and daughter
left yesterday for Kansas City
for an absence of about six
months. They will visit at Dav
enport, Iowa, Cedar Rapids and
St. Paul. They traveled over the
Oregon Electric. S. P. &.S.. and
Northern Pacific.
C. F. Falk left yesterday for
St Paul where he will visit for
several months.
Hans H. Boxrnd left yesterday
foT St. Paul and expect to be ab-
ent for several months.
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Q. Town-
send of Portland are guests at
the home of A. C. Bohrnstedt.
Mr. Townsend Is manager and
owner of the Hoody Peanut But
ter' company
W. F. Brifwn of the Ochoco Ir
rigated Land company, is a visi
tor in the city.
A Box of Candy-
One pound and three-quarters
for one dollar and a quarter.
Hass' Home Made Special. The
Ace, 127 N. High street. Adv.
Baby CJirf Arrives
Congratulations are pouring in
upon Jack Hayes, manager of the
Salem Senators, upon the arrival
of a seven and one-balf pound
baby Friday.
Moving Across Street
Purvine & Natham. formerly
known as the Purvine Pump &
implement company, are moving
their merchandise to the building
aoout a block north and on the
other side of Commercial street,
which the firm recently pur
chased. The building has been oc
cupied for the past two years by
the Woodry second-hand store.
Legal Blank:
Get them at The Statesman of
fice. Catalog on application.
Appraisers iiointc
In the matter of the estate of
Andrew Franklin Daniels, the
county court has appointed as ap
praisers of the estate Dorothy H.
Davison, Thomas Brown and John
H. Carson. They reported the
estate to be valued at $1000, a
lot in Pleasant Home addition
to Salem.
JfEstate Apprafettd $125.3.64
F. S. Lamport, D. W. Eyre and
waiter F. Keyes. appraisers for
me estate of John M. Manion.
have reported to the county court
that the estate has a valuation of
$1253.64, of which $1020 is cash
in DanK.
Why Cough?.
when for the small price
of 50c, 75c or $1.00 you
can purchase a bottle of
Schaefer's Throat and
Lung Balsam a sure re
lief for bad coughs. You
can' do no worse than try
it once and after that
what a relief! v
Schaefer's Drug
Store ; ;
: -s , Bole. Agent K
Garden Court fProparationi j
135 JI.'ComT Phont 187.
$1.00 Plate
Creamxof Tomato or
Oyster Soup
Potato. Crab or Fruit Salad
Roast Chicken with Oyster
Dressing or Fried Chlck-
! en with Country
I Gravy
Baked Sweet Potatoes
Creamed Peas
; Mashed Potatoes
Tea, Coffee or Milk
Mj ! Choice of
Home- Made Pie. Cake or
I Ice Cream
A Classified Ad
Will bring you a buyer. Adv.
Bailey Elected President
uaipn Bailey, member of the
class of '21 of Salem hich school.
has been elected president of the
freshman class of the University
of Oregon. Bailey was prominent
in almost every branch of high
school activities while in the Sa
lem school and was one of the
four debate men who went to
kugene last May and brought
nome the state debate champion
Dr. 1m a. Altman, rbone 147
Homeopathic physician. Adr.
TIin?e Manias? Licenses
Licenses to marry were issued
ye3terday as follows: Frank Ful
ton of The Dalles, a farmer, and
Lillian Fulton of Salem, house
keeper. Harvey M. Kuenzi o
Miverton. a farmer, and Emma
Kaser of Silverton. a housekeep
er. A. C. Henline of Klamath
Falls, stenographer, and Mildred
Josephine Smith of Salem, photographer.
Persons Who Want to Be
Postmaster; of Salem
May Get Them
Residents of Silem who are
looking longingly, on the Job of
serving the c ty as postmaster for
the coming four years will find at
the post off ire proper application
These blanks require all sorts
of information as to why the can
didate thinks himself the best
man to serve the city as postmas
ter. On October 25, they will be
sworn to and left with the civ.l
service of the Salem postoffice, to
be forwarded to i Washington, V.
j It the Salem office is given tho ,
same consideration as Portland or .
.V. mi . l . i , (
uiucr iirsi ciass oiiices. mere win
appear in the city within a few
weeks following October 25, ons
or two civil service men whose
wfTl be to have private interviews
with the candidates and incident
ally to make inquiries as to the
fitness of each for the posit on.
Anyhow, the application blanks
are here, and the civil service
knows no politicst Any one under
the age ot 60 years, of legal age.
and who has lived in this district
two years, and who is an Ameri
can citizen, may call for blanks,
and on October i 25 present his
application. All statements must
be properly sworn to.
tesy of the Hunarlans attending
the state fair Booster day.
The Linn county folks have of
fered a prize of $50 for the best
stunt put on by any marching
or fraternal organization, and it
is probable that the Cherrians
will take a chance- at winning that
Whitney Boys Chorus . .
'At fair grounds at 3 . . r
This afternoon. The fair i3 not
over till these 700 boys are heard,
with the Elks' band and drill
' Grand chorus Ly the thousands
of Marion county, school children,
"School days, school days, good
old Golden Rale days, readin' and
'ritin' and 'rlthmetic," tc, etc.
, V ' -
:The haf d boiled gentry ought to
kiibw that the managers of the
state, fair, while they are. not
themselves hard-boiled, know all
the tricks of the trade of all the
trpoks ot high and low degree.
for; they go up ag-ainst them every
Again attention is called to the
fact that, in some way or other,
a night policeman ought to be in
attendance at the police station
constantly, with a motorcycle,
ready for instant call by phone
or otherwise. That is the most
serious lack in the policing of Sa
lem. The members of the force
on duty are efficient, and they do
the best they can; but Miere
should be one more man, or else
one of the members of the pres
ent force ought to be provided
with a motorcycle and stationed
at headquarters. A good tele
phone operator might do the desk
Another thing, good fire lad
ders that will reach to the upper
story of the roof of any building
in Salem, ought by all means to
be provided for the fire depart
Reported by Union Abstract
Riot on Grounds May Lead
to Suspension for Last
Day of Season
SEATTLE. Wash., Oet. 1.
Rioting at a ball park bere this
afternoon during the game be
tween Seattle and San Francisco's
coast league teams involved play
ers on both sides, three "umpires
and jnore than 1,000 fans before
the police finally--restored, or
No one was seriously hurt. ' "
According to bystanders, trou
ble started whea Walsh, left field
er for San Francisco became pro
voked at Umpire Jacob Croter and
threw his bat at the grandstand.
Croter ordered Walsh off the field
and Walsh is reported to have
struck the umpire. Players on
both sides intervened, and soon
fists and bats were flying indis
criminately. The game finally
was resumed.
After the contest. Umpire Cro
ter preferred telegraphic charges
w;th President W. H. McCarthy of
the coast league against five San
Francisco players, recommending
that they be fined and suspended.
This would keep them from the
game the rest of the season as
only one day remains. IT also
would impair seriously the Seals'
chances of winning the pennant.
as star players are involved. Th9
players alleged by the umpire to
have precipitated? the riot were
Walsh. Graham; Agnew,' Schorr
and p'Connell.
Witnesses said Walsh threw his
bat after the umpire had called a
third strike. A few minutes lat
er. O'Connell, the visitors' first
baseman, and Umpire Croter were
fighting. Croter got the player
down and sat on his head. The
riot then spread.
Dr. White and Marshall
Osteopathic physicians, U S Bk.
Flynn Granted Divorce
A. A. Flynn was granted a di
vorce by the Marlon county cir
cuit court from Theresa Merrill
Flynn. The. decree was filed
Lanra Grant Has Opened a Stndto
For piano and kindergarten
school credit given. 336 N. High.
Phone 197 lW Adv.
Eager to Benin
" More than 100 rural school
teachers: assembled yesterday af
ternoon at the Salem high school
in response to an invitation to
attend and discuss plans for' the
coming school year. Mrs. M. L.
Lydia Robinson to Herman L.
and Margaret Lietr, land in Sil
verton, $300.
Paul and Eliza Semolke to
John Semolke. 60.09 acres sec. 36,
6-lE. $ 10.
Hjalmar Erickson to Eva J.
Richards, lot 1. Hock 2. Knights
add. to Salem, $10.
E. and Winona Hofer to Flor
ence A. Bynon, 50 by 100 feet on
Mission street in Salem. $10.
11. R. and Ada A. Crawford to
H. E. and Eva W. Armstrong, lot
27 Fairlodge add. to Salem. $10.
A. E. and Leone C. Pomeroy to
Lake Larkin, part of block 9,
Roberts add. to Salem. $3000.
Eph and Rosa O. Eskelson to
O. J. and Ieona E. Tlmmons, lot
43 Ewald Fruit Farms. $7000.
Louis J. and Maud? Wolfard to
Neva L. Matheny, land in Silver
ton, $1. i
Ernest and Grace Palmer to I
and E11j Mc.cieary, land in sec.
22-6-1-W, $10.
Mercantile Fireproof Build:ns
Co., to Marion Automobile Co..
Inc., part lot 1. all lot 2 and part
lot 3, block 46. Salem, $10.
Reuben P. Boise et al to H. J.
Eberly. lot 7. block 3. Boise's sec
ond add. to Salem. $10.
The editor In question, like
most others, was obliged to refuse
a great many stories. A lady once
wrote him:
"Sir: You sent back last week
a story of mine. ; I know that you
did not read the story, for as a
test I had pasted together pages
18, 19 and 20, and the story came
back with these pages still pasted;
and so I know you are a fraud and
turn down stories without reading
The editor wrote back: "Madam:
At breakfast when I open an egg
I don't have to eat the whole egg
to discover it is bad." Writer's
k 1 i hmm til . MuHM
Pllla is K4 mad iml& atetalUc'
tmm. Mini ttk Bta iUUna.
u Best. Saint ? H dWrti
Cherrians Planning to
Attend Linn County Fair
Having received a most urg
ent invitation to attend the Linn
county fair, C. E. Knowland. King
Bing of tho'Cberriansl says that
it is probable tbat th Cherrians
will respond and arrange to at
tend some day this week.
Already about 20 of the Cher
rians have indicated a desire to
accept tbe'invltation of the Hub
arians to attend the Albany fair.
If ..possible, the Cherrians will
take the Cherrian band with them
and in every way return the cottr-
tKfc ;':v-. - Ji:
LADIES' Irregular or' nppreM t TrJ
nmph Pills. Safe and -dependable in all
S roper ease. Not sold at drug stores.
o not experiment with others; tare dis
appointment. Write for "Relief" nd
particulars it's free. Address National
Medical Institute. Milwaniie, Wis.
Apples, Potatoes, s Onions, Seed Pota
toes, true Tsrtti. "Tho
best that's frown."
An kinds produeo Mnrtl.
1 IT Front Bt Portland. Or.
me at once.
utely The Greatest Buy,
in a beautiful home in Salem. Everything modern!
imaginable, in A-l condition, priced it only $7500. Seel
492 North Cottage Street . Phone 118G
i !
' r And
: . ! - '! 1: " ' J
v . Will close all day Monday and Tuesday.
October 3rd and October 4th' J
on account of
Jewish New Years
The Prime Essential of Life
Do you realize- that your
pleasure., and- usefulness- de
pend j principally upon your
vision ? Think hat it means
to be blind.
yf Correctly Fitted Glasses
conserve your eyesight and
nervdus energy. Nervous en-';
ergy is the rrer that runs
the human motor.
Yert of itulinln and lj
'of the latest v and bes 6quip-' ' ''-s-ment
and apparatus to render f 1 s
scientific work together with
the best in quality, service and
price is what you get with,
your glasses at jl
Hartman Bros.
DR. W. C. GEHMAN, !j
j . Optometrist j
Salem :: Oregon
: I
A showing of Ladies'! Purses land Vanity! boxe
that will please the most fastidious and exacting
A new, assortment justj in by express, comprising
the latest novelties in purses both large and small
and an assortment of vanity cases, that wiU pIeasI
antly surprise you ; j
$1.98, $2.45, $3.75, $4.90
Our Prices Always The Lowest
Commercial and Court Streets
i f '