THE OREGON STATESMAN; SALEM, OREGON SUNDAY MORNING; OCTOBER 1921r . : . s; .. .. J..j II I V mm (Continued from" page '3.) Mrs. Leroy D. Leedyand smaU daughter Loin, are galn at her home at the Court apartments af ter a abort Tiait with j Portland friends. Mrs. Leedy has scent the summer afr thecoasV t i Mlas Anna Boentje and M!sU May. Ranch - returned Saturday from;, their ' summer vacations, ready to,take up their, school worli, for. the coming year. Mr. and Mrs.;. Frank. Shake! ford of Seaside : have . been - the guests of Dr.V. . J . Tnorapson during Jair weet Mr, Shakel ford is an official photographer at the fairgrounds. , , The. many frienda of Miss Vera Itoseouest, president, of , the Phi Beta Phi sorority at Oregon Ag ricnltnral college, -will he glad to learn of her election as vice pres ident of the Mask and Dagger Dramatic ... society .' Miss Kosen quest is a Wenlor and Is majoring in Jnoxae, .nomIcs..,.:.!,Jw,.-.,.. ... ......... -. Mrs. Petri, the popular Port land' pianist and teach-sr of teach ers, has. arranged to open her new Salem ; stndlo - in; the Masonic building with the Moore-Dunn Music company on Tuesday, Oc- toDer 4. Tlili is Mrs. Petri's third season in Salem and a number ot the more progressive young mil- sic teachers here are now study ing with her. Her methods are most advanced, having been cleaned from many years of New York and European study and ex perience. In Portland her class la largely tnade up of well known teachers, She is , now preparing Her 'book on? the "Psychology . of Piano .TecTmlq.ue'', for. public a- tiOB S-.-.ri- , -- v-v; -if ' , Mis . Jeanj McKeiuie, whose home is near fMacIcay, has been a house guest it the home of Rev. and Mrs, Wi C. Kantnef during fair week. ! Miss McKenzle left Friday for Eiigena where, she will take up the I work of her senior .year at th3 VniTerslty of 'Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Thomas and daughter. Arliss, of Seattle, are guests at the home of Mrs. Thom as parents. Rev. and Mrs. W. C. Kantner. Mr. Thomas returns to Seattle this evening, while- Mrs. Thomas' and daughter will contin ue their stay for some days. In honor of Miss Doris Neptune who left for Eugene on Saturday last to attend the University cl Oregon, Mrs. Louise Olson enter tained at a s'x-rourse dinnsr on Thursday evening. Covers were laid for six. ! j Mrs-oITv S. ;Laraport is spending the week-end with Portland friends. f ' Mr. and Mrs, E C. Hadel ot Portland are spending" the week at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Guy Harris at the Court apartments. Mrs. Hadel and Mrs. Harris are sisters. Miss Catherine Anderson and Mrs. Mary Martin and daughter; Ida,-former Salem residents, were fair visitors on Portland day. I ' -Mr. and Mrs. Fred S. Lam nor t left Thursday for . Los -Angeles i Mis3 Edna Knight: ot Portland attended the state felrhoriUPort land day. lib.. Knight lit fid t bt Salem some, years ago, her fath er, John Knight, at one 'time hold ing the position ot sheriff of Ma rion county. ; ..,"J.'fX . Mr. and Mnr. Joseph Bradley of Juda, Wis., who have been guests for several weeks at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Clark, 215 North Commercial street, left yesterday for a visit in Cali-j fornia before returning home. w j Among the out of town guests at the Thorn pson-Kiltz wedding were Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Terry of Portland, Mr. and Mrs.. Percy Yonng of Albany, Mr. and Mrs. William Bell of Portland and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Rothschild' of Portland. iMiss Laura Austin of Wood burn is a guest at the home of Miss Laura Heist over the week lend. Mi33 Austin recently ar rived in America from Godra, In dia.' iMr.and Mrs. Al M. Crawford vifejted in Salem during fair week. Mr. Crawford was formerly at torney general for the state of Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Dick of Garden Home were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Meyers on Port land day. O. L. Rahn left yesterday for a stay of several weeks with his brother at Milligan, Or. where Mr. Lamport will attend' Mrs. C. A. Park, who is spend the Bankers' convention. Mr. and ing a couple of months in visit Lamport will remain in California, ing various eastern points, Is now for about three-weeks. the guest of Colorado, friends. A Mr. and Mrs. H. M. White and Children and Mrs. Aubten Suy ter and children, all ot Portland, are week-end guests at the home of Col. and Mrs. George White. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Meyers are spending the wrek-end in Portland as the guests of friends. j A 30cial hour on Sunday after noons, between 5 and 6:30, j has I been inaugurated by the young people of the First Presbyterian church for the purpose of making it easy for the young people of the city to become acquainted. Tho first df the series, held- last Sunday, was a decided success i.nd it has been definitely decided to continue this feature. Every onp -in welcome, without reier creed or church affilia tions. Lena Belle Tartar, vocalist and prominent musical director of;. this city, had the honor of being jteat ured as contralto soloist on; the special program given in the; new pavilion at the state fair last! Fri day evening. Misa Tartar f ap peared in a group of songs in which her rich voice was heard to splendid advantage and many compliments were expressed! re garding the marked improvement she has made daring a summer's study in Seattle. Mrs. WL H. Burkhardt, who . has an enviable reputation as an, accompanist, gave splendid support and iptej' pretatlon at the piano. Mrs. Joseph Buchtl of Port land is spending several weeks in Salem at the home of her (son. Fred J. Buchtel. the Court apart ments. , . . - ' U HEART M A dele Garrisoa' New jPhaao or REVELATIONS OF A WIFE CHAPTER IS THE WAY MRS. BURKKE "MADE UP" TO LEILA FAIR FAX, i ; "Oh, I know I'm a perfect fool, but I can't help it I cin't!" Little Mrs. Durkee's voice rose in a wail strongly tingedj with hys teria. In the shelter of the rose hedge secure from observation Lillian gripped ray arkn signifi cantly. I knew that she was wait ing as tensely as I for Mother Graham's reply, wondering what attitude would b ' toward Mrs. Durkee's unreasoning disap proval of her son's betrothal to Leila Fairfax. i ( "You are all Df that.'f My mother-in-law's voice was grimly dia regardful of ghing offense as is generally characteristic! of her. "And it is all' nonsense to say that you cannot help it Sit down on that bench and get yourself, to gether while I tell ybu some thing." j Lillian and I exchanged hope .ful, amused glancfs. - Evidently Mother Graham was "strictly on me jod" as Dicfcy wouia say. Wonderful Words. j !fcd .. . " r 'Oh! Mrs. Durkee's childish voice held vast astonishment and more than a Utile ressntfui cha grin. We hejkrd her flounce down on the seat With an angry rustltng or silken draperies, very much as a bantam hen would ruin a her feathers at something which dis pleased her. "Of coursed I might have known that you woald be against me too," she said petnlantly, and" 1 knew just bow;her extremely pret ty lips were poutingl Mrs. Dur kee is one of the rarely fortunate women who preserve a certain youthful beauty far into the late middle age and who art fully aware of their good fortune. And I must confess that I did n't xpect it of you either," she went on. "after what you said on the way out here, about knowing all about it j "Don't be an anointed idiot just because you know how, and can do it!"inr motherm-law re joined tartly; ana I grinned joy ously at Lillian, as I recogniied the phrase Mother Graham so of ten used in talk)ng to Dicky and me. "Of course I know all about it, and that's i exactly the reason why I'm trying to prevent you from making' the same mistake 1 did. although if you must have the truth, I never humiliated my son in the public way that you did" yours this afternoon. But I objected so strongly to Richard's marrying Margaret that I said things which, ! am afraid. Richard will never forger. He has never seemed quite So near to me since. And now, when 1 have learned that Margaret: is exactly the wife for Richard, t would give a good deal to unsay the things I uttered everything save the blessed fact that a wound; long hidden,5 yet none tke less ; painful, hmi been suddenly healed. I had long knew that my ntotheMn-law-BB-f Alfred-lurke rn.T?,opedii.i!i? der all her grjmness iiad a wry sincere affection for ' me.t But that she appror?d or me; was ful ly contented with Dicky's trholc was news most grateful to me. A Swift Retreat., Yon ought; to know; having ones had a mother-l-law ywicr self," went on' my mother-in-iaw with " relentless logic; -"that' ' the wife, if she be -even- ordinarily lovable, always- has- thei Inside track.- '' 'f ': i - " -r - -it- ? "You ea ; Just bet I do,", re plied little Mrs. Durkee. "I had the most: caatankeroas old dame managed It so that she never sue ceedd In interfering , bet ween, say hasband and cie aithongh'u ate tried it often Miougb. u goodae&s knowa.rf But I had my owa lway in everything.'" ', i I. i "And Leila FMrfax' will dor tht same' thing you wark my-' word, retorted my mother-in-law. "Al fred win simply ear our p off her hand. Sor If you dont want hr and incidentally youri son- to regard you as a I'can tan kf rOu s old dame', I would advise you j , "Oh!" Mrs. Durkee capitulated swiftly, entirely; at the dismal, pic tura my mother-in-law. had- deftly painted, i "X hadn't thought of it that way., Do 1 yen suppose! Alt will forgive me?" ? ; ' "Beat It quiekl"- Lillian -whis pered in my ear, and nqiselessly, swiftly, we skim sd back over the now, and that yosr had nothing" to dt with It," 1 " tJ , 4 LeUa's answer raa smoiprtd la thB lr bear hue wiin wM.u both. anfT to ifhich I knew Alii bit terness against his wothor ihad been awauowea hp- ; v To b continued) Weddinajof Sllvertorvf ' Young Couple Solemn rsmvtal to The Statesmiml Miss nehrirtU Sforaa&ll. RfBttr bt,. fju-r fitoraasll of Sllf ertCnJ te-. P.m, Ihn bride of Albert CL, KerU son. Tkeeday jit a Quiet wedding1 at the hbm t Mrj ana, MW.ineo-- dor .Opsund.. atl Portland. Tha vManx waa uwnuwt uij -u mediate relatives I tne; young zed i. you; ever set your eyes m. butrlMxru manafAd It a is.i?r nhtt nerer sue-! DedDle. ; . I : ; p:1 r ? J tTaotk UrandMrs. NerUon aiava at the tim nf their marriaae." "PaMlv th tv1a for Richard"! sra8S3r pain- eT?rca we oousw ExacUy the wi for RlDal- breathlessly, and theit j i hufgfej For a- moment while the wonder ful worda poured over my con sciousness, I 'forgot our errand. H. I . E - fr3 t- fj-1 X i 1 1 i 4 VV;'.-;,,"X"' 'Ajj tnijr' . l , .... , . i -i -, . T !. t ,- .- . . . " ; . . ,. ... . " 4 1 i z i '1 -r. . t . . . , .... ;, , - - '3r-":--"-:Ti ; t ' i ! v : l f-V-" & , - i-..,jr" ? ' r . . ; .. . . i -" t " -f -i . ,-.- r.i..t.r. . ., i. , ..- i i ' . . .'-..i . X '. . . . ..... w- --tv i i . . . . - - j i. i , V iL.ilUU.r1 1 CTC f K-rl m-g.aWHUrt J'V-" J ..:'... r T -: t. S6e S O L O.E L,L E - ;'-: . ..!.' ' - lhe 1 one j Coloring , PLAYER PIANO Thte-wprideriulJnstrument al l6ws you to playeworld'sBest music like & finished artists - - Ask for a Demonstration 'ii' ) '?r"'. r l h PIANO DEPARTMENT i4 few reasons why this is a good place to buy a pfyno or player piano MERE is a piano department that offers you quality, price and service. Here pianos and player pianos of known worth are to be found, instruments bear, in the names of ft e most celebrated and time honored makers in America. Prices are lower at this store because the overhead or selling expense is reduced to lit minimum. The rent charged to this department of our business is only a frac tion of what is ordinarily paid by exclusive piano dealers, and we are satisfied with a small margin of gross profit The department is conducted by men of long experi ence in the piano and player piano business. : -: , When a player piano is sold an expert demonstrator teaches you the fine points of how to skillfully operate it. AH customers are made to become more than satisfied. They become enthusiastic boosters. Our little monthly payment proposition without , ad vance in price enables anyone in, moderate chxumstanees to own an instrument j This is a good place to buy a piano or player piano. Come in and let us prove what we say. We Will Take Your Silent Piano in Exchange on a Player-Piano-Pay the Balance in Little Monthly Payments jlE-T" :i : I A Hobert M. Cable Kohler and Campbell Kohler and Chase Long; winter evenings are here. A Player Piano in your home is pot only a source of Vamkod, enteVtoinment, but is educational because it brings you the best in mUsic properly played Every ' player piano "vre' sell is fully warranted. . " i f ; Bargains In Used Pianos and Player Pianos . Kohkr & Campbell,! Stcinway, Singer, French & Sons, soG" small payment down brings any one of them to your home. Pay j the balance m little monthly pay- ments.-- Piano Department Second floor . r m each other ecstatically. "You'll find A If, and Leila i thejihrary," JLllliau said a second later. ' "Better Itib them! off and get them back Into . th dininK room so evteryving will be ja U -was when ,Mr4 Durkee. Haul, the coo.M r j - ; It'T ": ' , I -obeyed' bet 'and when Mother Graham and Ma , PurJtee4-the latter flushed, and, "teary around the laehen" npcared ! In tha doorway, -we werq all ;! chatting" busily. t t . 'H, 1 . " ,Tli3 men, of course, srfrang to their, ; feet, j but Alfred Durkee ; did : not (fo to meet his mother.1 ; Instead he stood rather grimly watching- un til she, with bat a Binsle appealing Kiance at him,; went ! straight Xt Leila Fairfax f and pat her arzn around the1 girl's slender? Agar.' "My; dear! i the Baid. -with charming lovableness which! al ways endears little Mrs. Durkee's friends to her, "pleas believe that I lote you and am very pleased at Alfred's choice... And some' day you'll know in your own heart just why I was sol hatefol ! jast spent most ol thlr" tiTes at Sil Tertonv where both; have wahy . ? relatives and friends HfkV NerU son returned Sunday from IFinter Bay, Alaska , where a nar oeon spending the summe. f?e , After October they wJU be t home to their friends at Clad Tld-' . inga . " ' 4 Now the time to buy your f ; MTLang,' Range i ; A A .Northwest 1 Prodiib -' 1 Ele-err 'Eittelusive' Features Makesr her, work easidr f Guaranteed1 to: cut your ( - ' ' fuel ohehaif V - '., 1-': it :? I A' ranee" for" iver 6sqi ? f A-rtnge fdri every pvtrse XtX commercial Street : Salem Music Director 1 j v DOROTHY PEARCE I' Teacher "of Piano 267 North Winter St. " - 1 ' ' if ' a - ji. nth t ;Ph6ne3k'5J I r LILLIAN HARTSHOItN j t Teacher of.o.MOl'-v u j 394 N. Church " ... Phonl i MRS. ffAfEfi'XJ:Ati;,i: State accredited teacher. Modern tnetHoda ittfthtrstlidy' of . I nihM ., fw.. a jH!l-J.i-.i.j:ji.ii.j-ti.jii,fci .... : k . . . . ., T t F ' 3!. ' t Stiidlo I4 North 12th St f Phone !134 BEATRICE! StiEttm J : , leacher - of, Pianor. ' li otuaio 540 Marion at. rnonp' iJ! -i Derby Building1 Mondays and' TJiursdays. PKdnc 20S. ' Pi 'S 1 COiTRALTO ' TEACHER; OF SIT.GIN&j .. - t . - J '- - t a: ACC1EDITED1 W TUT !; nTm-'r;TTiTrirt VUs Mirr Ittlditd Witk KMiirta-i VIII.ii- .:- it.i. rdutin frw Chif iro Miukal collepe ander IerbrtJ Miller; tb I wiU ST?,"nLDi,'Vi'". recntJjf prdli.f Mimner-i tndy wrffc- CkM w Clark,, rarty.. . , Vr - , . . (v. . -i .,111 -.. 5r f-.' . - ' f" ' ' j i- ' Mw Mfr:bM bad IB 7MnV rxperjeaMt ik CfcieaM, 8ln ul Idrilai. Her . student ,mbr profeaioaaI and eonrm aingpra. j Portlaod--4Iol)dr. Tuesdar, WHidy j a ad Tkurtd.j; 8alwa Vridar d fiafartay. - 3 j - ELMA WmjRPS The modern-weiKht relaxation, governinrf the laws of torte ductlon, promoting elasticity, plasticity and resiliency, for vanced students. Accreditod by State Board" of Kdocationi Dunning Syj?tenv of. Improved, Music Study, foi Beclnnefa. dorsed by the world rehowndf Masters' In Music pr both. An rlca T,;- ' '"'I'W and Europe 4 'r " "'l - ' - ' Students eati register ftr winter-work now' - f Phone, 135 i .- : X h-m Residence Stndlo 95 No. LItwrtty Bt. pro- ad- en- t Miss Elizabeth Levy Recently returaed from4 EufbDeah.5 af'dvtntl trio .best and most modern- violin playing j OrcnrafclsM training, jjirector ot largest Ensemble in the4 state, which appeared at Oregon State Fairs the e into J mm i . T Studio 563 Court St., y v.v i Pione 24J Lena Belle Tartar TeacRer of Sfnging; if; Director or Musir saicmiiinh whrtnia Rnini.f vi.iitLi of Christ Scientist: English FrenclwIItaJIanV LaUn Diction; f - Credits glyen in pregonHIgb, Schools. Pupil , of William rrederlc Gasklns, Certalllsi Clo Tyler Taglierl. Portland 'llrvinr M. Glen, Seattle; Karleton Hackett, Chicago. Graduate 61 A. C Stndlo, 102 Liberty 84 Ifili . 1; it-. 3 rhoheicaji