i II TIIE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON SATURDAY MORNING,! OCTOBER 1, 1921 C3 Otgsro fflgtrrrrhr CTiiirmXD APT-RTl HMIHI Pot -. Se Tkre lnin,M V Math. 6U ijiUi' central, per 15e 11 a Us' eoavraet. per use 18e etl-tasaa lOT HI UfKtlMMrt Se NORWICH BNIOS iBB IX8URAXCK BOOIKTT ThleUoa, KoUumI A Barglutrdt IWident Agent 871 SUtte 8U ? MONEY; TO LOAN' i On Real Estate ' i ! T. K. FORD (Ovtr Ladd A Bush Bank); LOANS x REAL ESTATE . INSURANCE We lasers anything Wa have the ar,eny (ft loan Pay ee beck like rea Omr farm end city property Lata are eenv plett. Bee us first. 4 LAIXAK k LA1XAK 408-T Oregoa Aids'. Phone 1644 NEW TODAY MAY FOR SALE 8 TON WHILE IT laU. Phone 8F3. C. C. Russell. A 8M0KE THAT YOU WILL ENJOY All the time. roater.' V lOe cigar. THEY LOOK I.IKE NEW TUB tiAT . , Bo. 17 Bomth JUgtu,, , rOH BALE USED MAXWEl-L PARTS tor sll model cere' t 0 per cent off. Gingrich Motor Car Co. - AM LEAVING THE FARM - HAY . while it laats, 3 per ten, at farm.! C. C. JiueaeL Phone 3F?. . , , : ... ..... 130 Acres, 120 under ctltiva- lion,- fall crop all In, buildings all f modern, pl ies fenced and well watered, fj acres all le cultiatioiv plenty of p fmit, good bnlldings, hay , and equip ment included. l Square Deal Realty Co. , 202 V. a. Bankv J .', ., Phone 470. t ' ' " ' ' ' " CALL TODAY - At the Capital Bnsinesa College and e 1aJk OTer the posaibilities of a business education... .New cUaaee begin Monday, October 3. , 1 . WANTED WOMAN -a'OR. GENEKAL housework.' Must be good ceok. Apply forenoons at 1)75 Chemeketa HU FOR RENT A SUITE OF FOUR FUR - nished hooms, or two for liglit house keeping, furnished. Phone 1106W. J'OR RENT ROOM , FOR GENTLEMAN, . I "hone 683W. , 1 . , LAURA .GRANT PIANO SCHOOL rredita , giTeu. 836 N. High. . Phone 197 1W. ANY FURNACES AND STOVES BE lag started these days. Have you got- tea your tire insurance all fixed up! Better be sfe than erry. Low rites with the McMinnville Co., Standlcy k t Foley, Agfa. Phone 347. FOB RENT LOVELY LIGHT. FUU bisked room with.hest close in;7U0 , N. Churclu. Phone 2041 il. , . ; fOB RENTFIXE 80 ACRE FARM FOR fire yeara if wanted. IL 8. Belle, 442 State street. PROMPT DETjIVERYn OJC "Iff-INCII; OR - lour-loot old ilr and second growtii lir. ) Fred E. Wells. Phone 1542. OR, RENT w GOOD A ROOM HOUSE No small children. Inquire of Laflar Lafjaj. : , . i '..--v-j - 25,000 TO 'IX) AN - ON IMPROVED farm land. U. A. Mubney, 209 Oregon bldg. . L ltUY NOW NEW FIVE-ROOM BUNGA low on paved street, ready to more . right in. A good buy at 82450. ttee us for hargains Krucger, U09 Oregon bldg. Phone 217. .. . OARAGE FOR BENT 29 8. HIU1L Close' in. I'a blocks south of State. !' llOOD TOMATOES - FOR CANNING" -81.25 uet bushel, delivered. Ward K. B)Uharttn, phone 494. ', ; FOR RENT . FVRSISHED ROOMS . strictly modern. Pared atreei Next to cir-line. No children, 40. Will lease frees 8 te ' 12 months.- W. A. Li.ton, j 4d4 Court St. t ; . . ' " "' ! , f FOR 8ALE--OXE OP.THE IIAXDSOME- est -roor , boanes in the c4ty,- looatod " near ataA capilot, every modern fea ture including hardwood" floors. Their . loss your gain at f7500. O room mode.n bungalow in Oaks Addi tion, afuraaeev iareplace, hardwood floors breakfast- room,- garage, 85600. WINNIE PETTYJOHN A , - .(Realtor) -..- 8JJ t State Street. s 1 phone SS 4 FOR 8AI E ON :ACCOUNT OP SHIP- ping my horses te Cuba on next Men day or Tnradsy I offer for ssle cheap for cash, a1921 Ford Sedan, All in w good shapo shock absorbers, extra tire and all tools. , The car is in good paint and net eld or run out. Auto lealers invited to see same. Ask for P. K. Doyle, fairgrounds,' in barn oppo site grandstand, , c.ijt i - . . Consult a ;:. : . REALTOR The Xam is m Pledge ; For; Good Service and " i- Fa4r beallng All REALTORS are. Real . Estate Brokers -but not all Real Estate Brokers " V, are REALTORS. 3 Webster's International v Dictionary: Defines Real- -, . ...I i liiU REDUCTION SALE ON USED ears Every car is for- sale or; trade. 4 It will pay you to look them over aa they must be sold. These cars are all is first clues condition 1918 Maxwell, 275. ! Dodge "Sedan, newly painted. Maxwell. 183." Franklin 1918 model. -Oldsmobile 1920, nice finish, llnpp Kedait. run only 5000 uiilca. t Mitchell late model. i Velie Kix- Newly painted. 1 19 -'O Maxwell, like new. Ferd Sedan, newly pa-inted. ' 6IN0RIC1I MOTOR AXl TIRE CO. S7t? Court Street or eall Mn ToOPS BARGAINS . THREE ROOM bungalow, new; $750, terms to suit. ' . New fire-room bungalow, pared street, fllO. "New five-room bongatow.base aient aad all built-in features, 83500; ' this week only. ' tieven-room bungalow, "modern, two lots and garage, 8 Soy. Apartment hoj furnished, good in eo'ie, -price right. 20 acres Welt iecatett, 'improved; trade" for home i palern. if-iTl river bottom farm, well lorat d near? pave3 highway, 0 per acia. 90 acres river bottom land three X atiilea oat en paved road, $300 per acre 1, (or quick Bale, t noire .tot ou pared ' street, cloee in, 8WK1. " . , Ml F. L, WOOD I ' Sf f! Slate Street. v -. , WORTHWHILE teres good Isnd with' buildings. Stock, tools and machinery- included., AH for f7Of0. WiH .4a-e, jsmall acresgu up to -$4000 la exchange. We have many good trades 8s u. tyoom bungalow. good . location. 81650; $oi cash, balance eauy payments. -.-n 1 k.iUinr lots close in. vcrv chesu. VT 1 ILLS & 'CG PLEY - i SSlHStsto St. Phono 175 f Use Btatesmaa ClaesUled Ada. NEW TODAY FOCli ROOM BUNGALOW AND TWO lote located at ltii-H. Nob Jl ill. fur situr end all ;om at f 17(H); 812O0 . esh and term oa balance. U. A. Mohney, 209 Oregon bldg. EMPLOYMENT IXMALE WANTED GOOD EXPERIENCED 'housekeeper and cook. Middle aged. . (nod w;n ptid.' Inquire Mr. Solof, People's Cash Store. WANTED tSZHbtrtx, TOUKO MAN wki haa had experience selling life inauranee. stocks or advertising. Uuai ba able te devote hit entire time and ' be ambitious for advancement Must bars tha courage to preoant bueineaa propooitioa ta anercbanta and profes sional men. Answer in your own band writing a tat ing age, educational qua) ifirationa, experience aa solicitor, etr. Adores I. No : 8L 8tateam office. MALE AN- XMAXB GOO ECON6M.10 COOK, ANT; Pos ition to cook for men, and no woman! host. No objection to country. "No. 1," Statesman. j WANTED AT ONCE, EXPERIENCED cook; mitt hare references; good payj Call on Mr. Solof at the People Caah Store. WANTED Eft Mr., TVOMKN TO take farm paper, subscriptions. A good proposition to the right people. Address the Peeifie Keaeetead. Klaieama- Mid. Ostein. Ore. PERSONAL FACIAL 8CALP TRli-TafENTS; VlOi let ray; manicuring, shampooing. Or egon Bath boose, Phone 540. ASTROLOGY STARS TELL LIF atory. Send birthdate and dime trial reading. Eddy, Vesport St4 8 A Kansas City. Missouri ' 33 FOR SALE CAHART BIRD I POR SALE CANARY BIRDS. DAY aad Bight aingera. Mrs. Bennett. Phone 1280, 1030 Chemeketa. FARM PAPER IP YOU WANT TO GET THB BEST fsrss paper, aead 15e to The Paeifle Homestead. Salem. Oregon, for a three- . aaeathe - trial nbacriDtioa. Mention this ad. ' HOUSE- "ALADDIN READY CUT HOUSES"! 10 percent saved In cost of construc tion. Cbas. P. Smith, factory repres-j entatir. 620 - Northwest Bank .Bldg., Portland. Oregon. " Consult a : REALTOR The Name Is a Pledge Whatever your Real Es tate Problem consult a REALTOR. His code of . ethics makes him worthy of your confidence. LXV- ST0C-, NICE PIOS AND BROOD SOWS FORI; saie. x none o.i alter ouics nours. FOR fiALB A GCvD ALL-AROUNri team, 7 and 8 yenrt old, weiylit IdX'iU each. Address T. E. Fbmins, Scio, 0r MiscxiXAirxoua . HAY FOR SALE PHONE 2091-J. OFFlCEb AND STORES A BIO LOT of new books for sale at ball price. Btetaoecaa. WIRE HOP, LOGAN -CKit-r, CHjOK-N wirs, dwuidock, in uours atroes. SEE DEMONSTRATION BUOIDRYI fakt Art Needle. The best. At Peo ple a Cash Store. t THE WESTERN SONGSTER SCHOOL AND COMMUNITY SINGING Aa espociiUly good selection of tha soncs .; yen have been wanting with worda and aioais complete. No matter bow anani .v ongbeoks yon hare you should hare this one, containing the Oregon tongs. Prices: Single copies, 25e; 16 Ml cent each in lots of a doxee. or more; 8 12.50 - the hundred, postpaid. Second edition printed since September, t "OREGON TEACHERS MONTHLY 216 S. Commercial St. Salem. Orecoe 6 POULTS T POULTRYMEN SEND EIGHT TWO unt itmm for .nia! 1im mnn rh,r trial for tha best and oldest journal in toe west. The articles and advert tiiements are of specisl interest t tha poultry breeders of the northwests jxortnwest UpuI ultry Journal. 211 Com- mercial St.f Sslem, Oregon. WOOD FOR DRY MILL WOOD AND OLD FIR; can iraey- wooa Co., rnone azu. DRY PIR AND OAK WOOD FOB BALE. r-aooe 7Tra. ti OLD GROWTH 16 IN. FIR, $8.50; 4, ft. second growth and aahr Phone i 1467. . Vi unc univuu tl. H1LU UUHi I aawed even length. 12 inch or 16 Inch i; I reasoned , mill wood. . Second growth fir, aswed 16 inch. Fred E. WeHa, 805 r. nurrn j-none 1.112, FOR RENT BOOMS ins rv-or-. -w .U in moder. hm. and Mntr.ll, i... eL. Please giva name end addreeel R. ear Juateeraan. HbUSEl FOR RENT 6 ROOM HOUSE AT 2290 j ix. iw street, li per month. CsUI owner at 846-W. F. L. WOOD, S RTATB BT etate, rwntala. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS OLD MATTRE8SE1 avADE OVER il vapitoi tyiiy neaaing ix i'bone 19. WANTED TO RENT. HOUSE, 4 TO 6 rooms, immediate peaseaaioa. Phone 1118 M. WANTED USED HOUSEHOLD GOODS, range ana eooxsioves. - tools, men nits 341 mite and ahoes. Liberty . Exehane n. commercial. rnone 841 ' o - . WANTED EVERTTHINuf IN II1RIV ware and furniture. Best prices paid; , ana, v.ai i 1 ai iiakuwars . " " AND FURNITURE CO. as If. rv.mmercial Rt. - Pbtina 941 BUSINESS CARDS Auto Directory AUTO T0P- Airro tops i w. o. w right, . Sowtb High. !; y ; IJTO TJP."'- npHOLrrrXRY. WORK gaarantoed. 858 -Bouth 12th. hea j TIRES AND ACCESSORIES SMITH WATKINS. 147 ? NORTH HIOTt; Fiak. SilverUia)' Cord. Hood extra ply tires. F.verything for ante.. i .! STORAGE "OARAGE" TRACY'S STORAGE GARAGX 844 - rwrrw - utret. - ' t - Read lie Classified Ads. j P BUSINESS CARDS . BUSINESS CARDS 11 futo Directory PS1CAL - ' ' MRS. HENRY LEE PIANO. 1321 N. i tTEEC AR , Capitol. Phone 1017-W. 0 BALE - lODGE DKLIVLBY M IX X ETTA MA0ER3 VOCAL, DERBY I truck, teTy reasonable. 554 Ferry 8t Building, rnday afternoon, Saturiny. GOOD AUTO 1SI V-15M FORD SE- JESSIE F. BCSII -TEACHER PIANO, dan, like new, f6.j0. 19S0 Peige 1 ght formerly instructor Metropolitan Col- six with extias, like fitw, J10U0.- At Musir, Philadelpkia. 1363 Sonth : lMi4gt garage. t'ouiuirrcial. I'bone 66S J. WANTED LIGHT TRUCK IN EX "J- ALBERT KENNE17T VIOLIN,. I change en Hudson, Kbsex er Baby piano, and Mrs. Edna B. Kennedy. ! Overland. Fred Kirkwood, ; 245 Slate piano, 5-'6 N. Capitol. Pbone 1877-K. ' street. - Kp:ial introdsctory terms. GARAGE AN 72 SCPAIS LENA BELLE TARTAR VOCAL IX i struction. Pbone 334. HOFFMAN ZOSEL TIRE REPAIR- ing, rulcanuing, retieading; 17 bouth DOROTHY PEARCE PIANO. So7 ; Looimercial street. Phone 471. . North Winter. Phone 34W. CAPITAL GARAGE BUICK. STUDE- NELLIE ML'LKEY STONE PIANO baker repairing. 17i South Liberty. 873 Leslie. Pbone 751 W. r Phone 88. 11 " ALLIK CHANDLER P0. ahl PAIR OKOUNU3 GARAGlS TIKES. AO- North Coltare. Phone 829 W. I:, eeeaoriae, used ears. Our work guar- ' !: aateed. Portland Road. Phone BEATRICE 6H ELTON PIANO STUDIO ' SOS. 845 Marion. FkonelSsW. SOUTH COMMERCIAL GARAGE UEN LILLIAN HARTSHORN P1AHO. 4 ' era! repairing and OTerbaaiiag. 420 North Church. Phone 178. 8. Commercial St- Salens. : I ' i;.. LENA DOTSON. PIANO. 1009 UNION AUTO REPAIR SHOP U. MILIAR, 46 street. Phona 543 J. C.nir I" tn (Mi V ' T. 8. KOBEKTS-PIANO. ORGAN. J70 j BATTERY AND ELECT EI CI AN South 14th. Phone 770. AUTO ELECTRICIAN; EXPERT TUOU- DAN P. LANG EN BERG. VOCAL ble shooting. 238 North High. Phone Derby Bldg. Phone 07. i 208. LENA WATERS PIANO. 1472 MILL PRESTO-LITE BATTERY SERVICE Phene 1184M. station. Expert battery and electrical ; work. Parria Broa. Phone 1803. 418 MOLLIS STYLES VOICE, PIANO. 858 Court. Center I hone 201 R. i RADIATOR SHOPS JULIA MILLS WEI OIL, PIANO. 1580 . 1 bouth Church. Phono 1391R. SALEM AUTO RADIATOR BHoP 188 South 12th. Phone 28. P. L, MILLER VIOLIN ; OTHER 'I. . - string inatrumeuta. 419 Marion hotel. J l2:ii-A.iIIiLOIIlil1:aa' LUC1LE ROSS PIANO. ORGAN. 498 Bodiee repajred. 444 Ferry. 'ortb Liberty. Phone 1187W. i - BEAUTY PARLOR! ! ' MATT1E GILBERT STRING INSTRU 0REGONIAN BEAUTY SHOP HAS -enta. 1572 State. TUone 1156 R. more help. Costomera don't hare to I Phone 477. wait. NOW OPERATING MODEL BEAUTY I Parlor, 110 North Commercial Street., ao. - U. MYRTLE BEKNARD MASSEUSE; hours, 9 to 5, Sunday; ereaings by ap- r ointment. Oregoa Bath Houae. Phone so. aogWR. CONTXCTTOarEBY REMTNGTON CONFECTIONERY.. HOME Bade candies, confections, e-.gars, mag as id s. lit 73 Mtatui CHINESE PHYSICIAN DR. LH. HUM CURES ANT KNOWN 158 8. High SC. Phone 288 dieeaee. -, CLEANING & PRESSING CLEANING, PRESSING DOSE TO YOUR satisfaction. Classy line el collars, ties. The Toggery. 1857 State. DRUG STORES BREWER DRUG CO. 405 COURT; Pbone 184. ELECTRICIANS SECURE MY FIGURES ON WIRING. By contract, by hour. : At pre war prices. H. W. Hatch, phone 1744 W. FINANCIAL MARION POLK COUNTY FARM. LOAN aaaociation haa money to loan at aix percent. W. D. Smith, secretary-treasurer. 80S Salem Bank of Commerce. FURNITURE STORKS FRANK F. RI CUTER NEW. SECOND- band furniture. 849 N Commercial. Fbone 666. GREENHOUSES PORCH BOXES BED ING PLANTS lor sale. Smith's 801 Nona Commer cial. HOTELS LEONARD HOTEL NET? MANAGE meut, clean, neat rooms and apartments. 254 North Front St. CHERRY CITY HOTEL; ROOMS 75r up; -.dining room in connection, faiuilj stvlf. Corner High and Staf v XNSURANCTB MUTUAL BENEFIT LIFE INSURANCE company. , . u. ai-n, agent, room i, McCornack Bldg. Pbone. 96. 1 SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY WITH Bankers' Reserve Life: G. F. Booth. j General Agnt, phone 2098-W. ! INSURE iYQUR AUTOMOBILE WITH the Oregon Auto Indemnity Exchange. Full protection.- Reduced rates. Frank Meredith Co. Bnsh-Breyaisn Block. Ladies' Wearing Apparel CORSETS MR8. ESCH AGENT FOR PRINCKSfc CorseU. i'bone 1048-R. 891 8. 12th , DRESSMAKING MAUD SIMONS, DRESSMAKER.; 1710 Uellevue St. DRESSMAKING BY THE DAY. PHONI 645 J. Mrs. Reid. EDITH ASHLEY DRESSMAKER. 1845 Broadway; 1 436-J. - MRS. R. CARTER EXPERIENCE- dressmaker. Pbone I971W. RUTH Mc ADAMS DRESSMAKER. T56 South 12th. Phone 1824 M. HATTIE WILLIAMS-s-DRESSMAKINO' 248 North Cottage. Phone 1552W MRS VARTY, DESIGNER AND MAKER l.sdics' Suits and Gowns. Over Mil ler'a Store. i LA CLASIQUE GOWN SHOP EXCi.US I e models. Lipert designing. : 8J1V4 State. CARRIE FISHER DRESSMAKING designing. Spenrwr eorscta to , order 2 MrOrmack Bldg. HEMSTITCHING SALEM ELITE HEMSTITCHING rhainstitcbing. pleating, buttons. 829 830 Oregon Big. Pbone 879. MILLINERY MRS. C. A. GRIMM. MILLINERY, MA Iron, children's hats specialty ; remod el ing. 226 Oregon Bldg. V PLEATING MRS. HILDEBRAND. PLEATING 89" Sonth 24th. Phone 738-M-l. HAT SHOPS HAT SHOP UE.V'8 AND WOMEVf hau rsnovateo aad blocked 498 wm Street AtnniEs i salem Laundry coMrANY. iss b Libartv atree- Thena 2. Uldeat Urgent beat Established 1889. CAPITAL. CITY 6TEAM LAUNDRY Uualitv work, onnnpt service, taos Rmadwav Phone 1S- - MAGNETIC HEALER IR. It J. ANDKRSKS. MAON'ETK healer, r Drneleaa physicien. ; 418 Or egos'DMg. Phone 1108. MXDICAX. MOtTNTAIN BALM. COUGH REMEDY, PHnne 517-W. ; , LANDSCAPE GARDENER FRED BLAKE. LANDSCAPE GARDEN -cr, -Route 4. l'rgne 37J. irtTRSINO PRAtmcAf. NL'RSIXO"- .CONFINE ment "esses only. Pricea reonsble, w Ru, Naceat. ."104? ; S ComniereJal Phone UnHJ. Read The Classified Ads. MISS MABLE SHEPHERD, PIANO player; dances, all occasions. 257, N. Liberty. BERTHA JUNK DARBY." AUTHORIZED teacher. Godowsky Progressive Series Piano. 079 North Cottage. Pbone 1950-W. WESTERN CONSERVATORY OF MU3 ic of Chicago, Frank E. Churchill, rep resentative. Diplomas granted. Odd fellow's BU'g. 8A1.EM CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC All branches taught, diploma' a graatod. John M. Sites, director. ,1237 Court Phone 26. TUNERS WENDELL HELM T CITING, ing. Phone 492. BEPAJ B- EDWARD WKLP EXPERIENCED iano tune?. ; Leave orders Will's lusio store i R. W. BALLANTYNE. TUNER, PLAY- ert specirlty. Phone 852. Cher rington l'ian-) House. PIANOS P1AN08, PLATER PIANOS; NEW. J. W. Tallnisn. 121 bo. Oora'L usod. SHERMAN CLAY A CO PIANOS, STEIN- witys, Huo Art a oc otners. Moore Dunn Music Store. Masonic Temple. CHERRINGTON PIANO HOUSE. UAN- dles Bush-I.ane cnlsbrated pianos 415 Conrt Phone 858. MONEY TO LOAN FUNDS ARE NOW AVAILABLE FOR A few reaidence building loans. A. C. Bohrnsledt 107 ' Maaonie Temple Salem, Ore. NURSERY STOCZ WILLAMETTE VALLEY NURSERY All kinds nursery stock for sale. Rte. 7. Phone 105F5. COMPLETE LINK TREES, SMALL fruits, ornamentals. Capital City Nurs ery Co. 426 Oregon Bldg, Pbone 75. STRAWBERRY PLANTS . SMALL fruita, other nursery stock, for Oct ober delivery. Place your order now. Ward K. Richardson, 2395 Front, Pbone 494. PRINTING OFFICES LET BERTELSON DO" YOUR PRINT Y Bldg. ing. Just phone 779. PRIVATE HOSPITALS WANTED CONFINEMENT CA8E8 Al private hospital. I have beat af equip mens. Phone 1950J. FAINT CONTRACTOR! THE NEATEST PAINTER IN TOWN- Work by day, contract. Wells. Phone 1611M. OAVLS 4 STRAvrSBAUtfTI GENERAL eontrsctors; paints, oil, wallpaper. 220 South Liberty. Phone 901 AUBBEY H. CLARK. SUCCESSOR TO ulenn U. Adams. Psinting, paperbang ing. (alsomining. Work guaranteed. Terms reasonable. Phone 1396J: rea. ?S Rnuth Wietw. PAINT WALLPAPER SEE PORTER POR TAINTS. WALL apar and Picture Framing. Good work men. 455 Court St- Pkona 485. PERIODICALS MIS9 OOODHCE TAKES BUB SOB IP tiona for all magazinea. 251 Bo. 17tb street. Phone 741M PERFUME AND TOILET ARTICLES CALIFORNIA PERFUME CO EX irscts. toilet articles. Mrs. Moyer, 1 7o South 23rd. Phone 121. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER MARGARET ogrspher. 262. BURN'S PUBLIC 408 Masonic Bldg. STEN Phonr PLUMBING NORTHWESTERN PIPE CO. WHOLE aln and retail plumbing supplies. 219 V Commercial. Phone 170. OK S PLUMBIN0 SHOP, SUlPPINt and Broadway, Phona 1502. Price reasonable. If you have anything ti fix let Joa do it. PLUMBING, REPAIRIM AND 0OI! work. Phcne 1S17J. Shop. 12T Unioi atre. A. 1 Godfrey. ROOF RPAIRXNO ROOFS RESHINGLED. CLEANED. RI paired, painted er tarred. Pbone Kay. aara. REPAIRING AND SHARPENING "UTLERY GRINDING, LAWN MOWERS aarety raxors, etc ntewart a Repau Shop, 847 Court etreet. BEN WHEELKR EVERYTHING RE paired. . General sharpening, rhimnw isa K ITtK .. fiion." t 41 IGN3 UNION SIGN. CO SIGNS WITH KICK Show cards that talk. . 421 N Comuaar cial. Phone 516. SHOE P AIRING WILLIAM'S SHOE SHOP 195 SOUTH High . , - STUDIOS DE LUXE 8TUDIO. KODAK FINISH ing. 1 47 North, -Commercial. SCAVENGER SALEM SCAVENGER GARBAGK. KEF as of all kinda remsrsd, v Osas sit cleaned. Pbena 167. Uavo Statcsnuua fasa-Jile- Ada-. BUSINESS CARDS SECOKXI HASX GOOOf HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR SECOND hand cunning and ahoea. Also de cleaning, pressing sad repairing. Call and dettm. Capital Exchange, 142 North Commercial. Phone 1348 W. WE BUT AND-SELL. SECOND HAND gooda of all kinds, pipe fittings, bar ansa, collars, collar pals, teoe. and chains. fr-d gckiaeUer. 258 Coaler trei TAXI DISECTOBT LANHAM TAXI COMPANY PHONI 540. THE OREGON TAX.1 TRANSFER CO, Liberty A Perry. Phaaa 77. Dry slrb. 16-inch weed for sale lAILORB FRANK 211 S PALM MERCHANT High and Ferry. TAILOR TRAXSIXR HATf-XKO MERCHANTS' DELIVERY, 179 SOUTH ilis. rrone 230. Trunk, city. SOe. CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO. 226 State St, phone 9J3. DiaUiboting, forwarding and atsrage bur apeeialty. Get our rates. STOVES 8TOVB KZPAJRIXQ STOVES REBUILT, A ttEPAIRED . 40 years experience: Depot National fence,, aisea 26 te 28 ina hirb. Paints il and earnishes. etc., lorali berry and bop hooks. Salens Fence and Steve Works. 250 Court street. Phone 124. WHX&B TO EAT WHITE CLOUD TEA nOCSE OPEN Sunday morning e o'clock. American style. 110", N. Comercial. . Phone 47 2. Ssua Louie, Prop . TRANSPORTATION PORTLAND - ROSEBURG STAGES leaving Argo hotel for Eugene and way points st 10:25. Leaving Salem for Ro&eburg 2:25 p.m. Going to Portlsnd, leaving Salem at 12:50 and 6:00. Call 900 for reservations. SALEM SILe-RTV STAGE Leaves Leaves i ci. a . -, . ! D.l.ui Ull f CI 1,1. O. E Depot News Stand 7:00 a.m. 8:15 a.m. 11:00 a it. 1:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:15 pm. 8ALEM INDEPENDENCE MONMOUTH STAGE I Leave Salem O.E. depot 7 :00 a.m 11:00 a.m, 5:00 p.m. Leave Monmouth Hotel 8:15 a.m. 1:00 pa. 6:15 p.m. - Leave Independence Hotel 8:80 a.m., 1:15 p.m.. 6:30 p.m. Special trips by appointment. Seven passenger csr for hire. J W. PARKER. Prop. Rea. phone 611 Business phone T WOOD SAWS CITY AND COUNTRY WOOD SAWING. Phone 2046. Fisher Bros. CITY AND COUNTRY WOOD SAWING Phone 1608-W. WATER 8ALEM WATER. LIGHT A POWER CO. Office, 801 South Oom'l St. Tan per eeiit discount on domestic flat rates paid in advance. No deductions for ab sence or any eauae nnleae water is abut off yor premiaea. PROFESSIONAL CHIROPODISTS A. .T. FOSTER PAINLESS CHIROPO dist. Corns, bunions, ingrown nails removed. 148 N. Commercial. CORNS AND CALLOUSES REMOVED without pain. Appliancea from indi vidual impression. Dr. Tatro, Masonic Bldg., Phone 442. CHIROPRACTORS DR. a L. BCOTT. P. 8. C. OHIROPRAO tor, 809-12 U. 8 Bank Bldg Phone 87;, Res. 83 8 R. OSTEOPATHIO PHYSICIANS DR8. WHITE AND MARSHALL, U. S. National Bank Bldg. SOS DR. W. L. MERCER, OSTEOPATHIC Physicisn and. surgeon; Kirksville graduate, 404-408 U. & National Bank Bldg. Phones' Office, 919; Rea. 61 A DR. JOHN - LYNCH, OSTEOPATHIC Physician nad Burgeon, 403-404 Oregon Rldg: Phones: Off ice. 1304: R KMFS OPTICIANS POMEROY A KEENE JEWELERS AND Optometrists. 388 State. GLAS8E8 FITTED BY DR. L. R. BUB , dette at the Bow Optical Company, 825 State street, opposite Ladd and Bn.h Rank LODGE DIRECTORY UNITED SPANI8H WAR VETERANS, ramp 5, Armory. First. Third Mendaya REAL ESTATE 5 ROOM PLASTERED HOUSE, MODERN except ht-at, 81,500, pay like rent. T room modern except beat, two lots. plenty fruit, . bsrn, garage, paved streets. Price 83,500; 500 cash, rest like rent. Small ranches close in at a bargain, or exchange for city property. Dairy and grain rancbea for sale or ax change. So.e ti for what you want. JOSEFH BARBER & SON 200 Gray Bldg TRADE 75 ACRES JtEAR OAK GROVE 9 miles from Salem. Land rolling. All cleared, in cultivation. Good spring': no buildings; no ineumbrsnce. Will trsde for small trsct.nesr Salem. Evan Evans Route 1, Rickreall (owner). FOR SALE OR TRADE BY OWNER nira improved 40 acre farm close to Salem. Prica right. Phone 53F5. $500 DOWN BUYS 20 ACRES FRUIT land, price only 82.500. and all cleared. See Socolofsky, ill State street. LET US EXPLAIN THB NEW SYSTEM of selling Jour property. Propertj listed not exclusive. Your property photogrsphed. Brewn, Magee and Bessie Snyder. Ovr Busick'a store State and Commercial. Phone 559. 12700 BUYS 2"4 ACRES AND 10 acres; the first has five room house wood shed, city water good site l-.rn, chicken house, small orchsrd sni is quarter mile from hich s'hool. The second is river bottom lund a I ul tifatcd, no huildjngs, hslf mile lrom Jefferson. .V.'koi have farms for ta!e. D: W. -Cuinminif, Jefferson. Oro. GOOD BUYS 120 acre tract of land 5 miles south of Sal"in, 6' srres. cultivated, bslance pas lure and timber: this is first rlaF grain aad fruit soil. Price 8100 per acre. 10 acres ail in fruit, B acres prwn IK sere, lossns. sohie apples, goose berries, aood cwtsge. barn, well, rork road; close to highwse- Price 85.0IKI 5 seres nearly all in bearing fruit; prunes, cherries, Iccans, strawberries, fmil' fmit, 5 mom house, wood hous, bsrn. ";--wll: will exehanae : for house and lot till to 82, OdO : price :i.OOO. JO acres of fine berry, soil located south of !-alem, all roHrvstcd. Trice 85,000 Easy terms, 6 percent interest. 3 rom modern bungalow except base nent, furniture goes, located at 1115 f. ISth. Price 8 ' 200; hslf csh. $ room rolta-ie lo-atel at 847 Saginaw street; price f-,400; S50O down, bal a a- e lertns. 1 room modrrta house on pared street; ' Went Sslem. Price 3.000; half caah. balance tortus. 9 room modern home located at 1216 State street. This is a good buy. come in and se ns abont It. C room horn located at 1330 Commercial street: prirw. 82,809. 5 roont house, bath, toilet, lights, hase- - ment. furnace,, garage, close in. Price $4,200. - i W. H; Grabcnhorst & Co. (. 37S Euu street REAL ESTATE 8J ROOM MODERN rt5TRED HOUSE twa Urge loU. clcse to school aad ear line. A good eae for tho saoawy. Priced for quirk saiK 83,800. Good terms. Joseph barber k Son, 2(H) Gray Bldg. j NEW MODERN Bt'KOAi.OW JUST rompieied. . bailt ioa .it all kinds, H you are planning for a new home, s - this and you will 'hey and not hntd. Joseph Barber k Son. 200 Gray Bldg FOR SALE Nice new modern 5 roost bungalow, good lot, paved streets.: en rarime. Price f2.9(). 8300 cash, balance 825 per month, with 6 percent interest. Fine new modern bungalow, nice loca tion, paved street.: en car line, or we 83000; cash 8300, 82 i per month with interest at 6 percent. Five rcoin'honse witn modern improve neru, good lot. sons fruit, gravel street, close to cartime, price 81800; f:;oo cash, bslance'f29 per month with 6 percent into e: p;r annum. For good buys, s-e i H. L. MARSTERS 211212 Grsy Bld- Phone 07 SPECIAL An especially fine comer lot on south Commercial at ? 1,000. Will take a town bouse on a am ill poultry ranch ' or a email orchard, both within a mils of car. " I sm instructed to rut price of a 6 room modern from fx.itm to bedrock and a loss at 82,600 if sold by Srpt. 80th. Wm. Fleming, StL SUtj street. Best Bargain , in Town Fimt elsss 5 room, modern bungalow; with full concrete basement, 2 fine lots, new double gafsge. poultry house, variety fruit, on good street. Priced low to se'.l at 2,b.0. Terms, 500 down, balance easv. S. R. Pearson 408 U. S. Bank Bldg. Res. phone 1729 J SPECIALS have six good little residence prop erties (some bungalows) that are of fered at special prices for a few days jet. Worth your notice and consid eration it you must buy. I shall be plessecto have you see them. Wm. Fleming, 341 State -jtreet. TRADE 8H ACRES. CLOSE TO SALEM, good soil, good 5 -room bangalow, pool try houses, etc., mostly in eultivstion, some timber ind psxture, for Salem residence up to 82300. No cash re quired; or will sell price 83,000, terms, flOOO down. We have others .sale or trade . S, R. Pearson 408 U. S.: Bank Bldg. - u. 14.500 BUNGALOW AND CASH .DIF lerenre lor small farm north of Salem suitable for nursery. See Socolofsky, 341 State St. RKAL ESTATE TRADERS YOU CAN find a number of good prepositions either is trades, or bays in essy pay meats of lad er buagalowa. Cbaa. W. N7 smeyer, Maaonie T ample, Salem. FOR SALE FIRST CLAS8 MODERN bungalow with seven rooms, full bsse ment, furnsre aad garsge. Fine loca tion on paved street. See owner, save coin miss ion. 265 N. 21st St. IF YOU WANT TO PURCHASE TRACTS from 5 to 50 acres, near Salem, and near paved road, improved or unim proved, for fl00; and up per acre on easy terms, see John H. Scott, 228 Oregon Bldg. Pbone 622 after office houra. 84,700 BUYS THIS 6 ROOM PLASTER ed house, located on Chemeketa St. Lot 50x150 wit cement walks,, first floors living room, dining room, kit chen, bedroom toilet: second floor: 2 bed-rooms, batyi, and toilet, oloctric light, rooms tinted. Good garage. For ' terms, see L. AJHayfbrd Realtor S05 State St. You Will Get Better Service by putt Ins your property in the hands of one REALTOR i exclusively than by listing it with a number of Real Estate Agents. The Marion Co. Realty Association will mail to you on request a lisit of all the REAL TORS in Marion County. i'OR SALE BY EXECUTOR 7 ROOM nmdern house, large lot fruit. S. Lib- rny, nt-ar srneoi, cnurcn ana car. , 1'hoiic fiJO-W. f.1,.V)0 WILL BUY NEW FIVE R00V modern lingalow, with basement and garsge. -Tcrms, 81000 cash, balance to suit at o percent. PueeMion jtt ober 1st. Sacolpfsky 341 State. Good Buys 3 room Louse, large lot, for Jr575. j rooms. 2 Urge lots, witHf fruit and berries, good street, 82,100; with fjuu down. j , 'ood modern, home to trsde for farm Hoi se snd 5 lots in Portland for Salem property. a-. Some good boTs ih vacant lota. 1 homason .-, 331 H State street IERSKYS LAND OFFICE CITY homes, fruit tracts, farrrt. See before yon buy, sell or exchange. Room o .over uale a to (Chicago) store. LAND BUYERS, ATTENTION I HAVE SO acres of extra good land, four acres in cultivation, two ncres straw berries, balance easily cleared. Si tons of strawberries have been grown on one acre of -this land, tne best' o land for all kinds of crops The price is right. 1 also have 60 ncres, 6 acre bottom land in ; (iiltivation that will liiO'lute 250 bushels of potatoes to the er any year..;; l'lenty more nottom Isnd. easily cleared, creek runs through pla'-e. This place si priced sell and it. the ; best buy in the eoun try. This lantl is located 7 miles east of Salem s on Pen road, Ctira IL Koff. Salem. i Ore., Rt. t. Uox 44.- BUY NOW FIVE ROOM HOUSE TWO lots, price onlyiSlLVJ. Terms. See us for real bargains. Krucger, "00 Oregon -Bldg. WILL YOU SELL YOUR 5 ROOM BUN galnw for small down pavmeut and $," monthly! ; iWe have the buyer Sox-olofsky. Realtor, 311 State St. HAVE BUYER FOR BUNGALOW roomi, niortern,; with garsge and raus be well lo-atL Will usy 8.i0 more month I v and smalt payment down Hee me today bocolofskj-. Ircjltor, 341 Mate St. f FOR RENT FOR RENT KI3CTY ACRES OF US IB N. Salem. Inquire of K. P. BoU' Hrevtunn tllm k. . PUBLIC NOTICES ADMlXI.STltiTOU'K.XOTICE Notice is hor-iy given that the underaienRd. by an order of the 1 County Courti of Mas Ion County Y. , . . " . . I ,1 - n n "Mate oi ureRoa. nuiy mnue auu entered oa the! 24th day of .nn tr ust, 1921, wai f.ppointed admittis- liatnr of the fettato of tranK Turner, dereased. and that be has duH- oualif ied s tnch. All frtoii- - RVterr claim aeainst said M estate are hereby notified to pHsent the same, duly Yeri ed, as renuired by. law. the office of, Ray U Smith. -03 Salem ' Enk ol Commerce boil--iBg. ia the City n' Silem. Mrion Couiity, OreRon. within -1- taonthf from the date er this notice, to wit: September Trd. 1921. ; -Ry i' smith, Adminlstraitof- oi ths esUte ot Frank A. Turner, decease-, j STATE TREASUItKrs-S XOTIC-j ': ''I ' I Notice is hereby f:iTen that ott October 15. ;19;21. At 11 oCloca$ X m., 1 will jeell at public sale af my office In th Capitol Duildlngf Salem. Oregon,? to the best eaat bidder the Ij foUowlnj described bonds: I . i !y -'- Rainier Drainase plstrlct 8 pef cent bond No. 30. dated Oct. 1$ 1920, dae OcU M lSJtf. par vlu ,500. . ! ill Ra later Drainage District S pe cent bond No. 31. dated Oct. 1 1920. due Oct. 1. 1931, par valu $1000. i V. i , Italnler Drains District 6 pe rent bond, No. 38, dated Oct, 1 1920 j due Oct. 1, 193. I 1 1 will receive bids for any one! of more of these bonds. I reserve the right to reject any and all bid and to sell : any or all Of said: bonds. This sale Is Wade under; Paragraph 2748 Oregon Laws, ! O. P. H0FF, State Treasurer. Date of first publication, Septem ber 9, 1921, ! Date of last publication, October 14. 1921. 1 ) .' H i f WHOLE MILK AND CREAM WANTED Marion Creamery, & Produce Co, . Salem, Oregon Phone 2488 SALEM MARKETS . BUYING rxiOB -cga and roerur Eggs, 85c. Hens, heavy, SOe Hens, medium. I.e. Hans, light. 15c. Broilers. 18e-22e Old roosters, 8 10c. Fork, efnttoa and Beet Top hogs, llVkc, 140 to 230 -lbs hows and boss. 7 and 0c. Smooth, heaviea, top He. l-iressed noga, l i lSu. t.srabs, yearling. 8tyr-4e. 1921 milk lambs, 4V4 5Vie. Beef steers. Sc. Cows, -8e. Bulls. 2-3o. Top real, 14 14.Hr. aratn Wheal. 8100. No. 1 white. Oata, milling; No. 1. 40c. Oata. feed. 85c. Hay Veatch and Oat bar. 811. Clover Hay. 810 asm reeds. etau Mill run, 824 ton. Shorts, 832. ton. Wkoiesaie ta Dealer Creamery Butter, 49c. Bntiei-fat. 47. Whole milk, 82.20. ; i ' . riatt Oranges, 87.50, Bananas, 9t. Iemons, 87.50. Grape Fruit. Csl, 84.50. ! uetea, dromedary. T esse. vegetables Oregon cabbage, 4c. , rnrmpa, 82. ov sack. Peana, - 6 c. Wax beana. So. i lettuce, 75c. . ) Celery, 81 doiea. ;, .New potatoes, z 'AC. Oregon onions, 'iVt' Oregon cucumbers, 500. Oregon honey, 80 lb.; Parsley, ooe dosen bn acnes Beets. 60e. dexen boachaa. Tomatoes,' Jl.Jo. ( ; Hone, extracted. SOe lb. Apples. 82.75: Csntaloupe, pony. 82 ; flat, 90e, Water melons, 81.50. Green peppers. 9o Ih.i ' Ire Cream melon. 81.75. Oasahas. 2 He. Honey lew. 2 He. e Sweet Pot, 4He. Huckleberries. 14c.' Toksy Grapes, lie. s i Malagas, lOe. f ; ' ; Ksr.au Cresmery butter: 58c.; Eggs, 3rte-40c. ; i Flour, bard wheat, ft 80 82.60. Floor, s-.ft wheat. 81 682 00. 4ugar. mu.nn A CADIHK'S SALLYS I The Bewcomer and the caddie were out arly and had the courfe to themselves. The desperate ef forts of the player to make la. rfje- ord drive caused i. some amuse mht. mingled with pity and co.h- terapt. on the part of the caddie. but for a while he held ht peace i At laRt. however, when the noT ire had nlowed un the turf around the ball without moving it. the voun-ster blurted out:. "Excuse me, sirf-but if I bad knowed you was comin to die for worms I'd have brought a 3 spade." Phila deflphia Ledger.' SOLVE THIS PUZZLE ! WIN A BIG CASH PIUZE 1 First Prize $200.00 An 4 twanty-aevai ethet bif prtxsv totallina 1300.08 . Oaah. 4B 78 . Rearrange the figures in the abee qaare in such a manner that tbey wll count IS every way end aend na yew mswer. together with your asms sai iddrrss. and il it is correct, we will a onee mail you a msgnrficent three-eelo ute rad map and 1920 census of tht itate of Oiegon, and fnll particulars one simple conditioa that yea nest ful ilr. torefher with an muatrated prfs list. This tend it ioa is very easy and need not coat you one cant of your ews -nomey it ia merely a matter of eeearr-it two annus! - subscriptions (81.00 each) o the PACIFIC II0ME8TEAD. the oM t and bast weeklv farm magssine pub liahed in the Parifie Northwest. How to Sens! Your Solutions i Use only ooe side of tbe paper that wntajna the altioa and put yonr asmf sad address tha upper ; right baad rnr. f Three independent jadgea. baring ! im eennertios with tbis firm will award tht prises, aad the answer gainieg 250 point .take tha first prisa. Yaw will 100 points for silving the pnxxle, 40. will He awarded for general appearance atyle spelling, punctuation. eV 10 points f hand writing, and IfM) points for fulfill ieg the conditiona of tba contest, i The announcement af the prise wis ere and the correct eolut ioa will . he printed at tha close of tba raateai. aa-4 rmpf ma i led te a eh a-areoe eeadihi iO M1lKB; ! : Th'ia sptesdltl offer will ealy be goea for a limited time, se aead ia your se 1st ioa , .right a way---ew -te . ; t, . ,. rwasle Oentast Bdttet THE PACIFIC HOMESTEAB SALE5I, OREGON T fl HEART ffl ! Xffl ISO i .' : ; . :" i : i I : Ade- CUuriao-'at New lta REVEUTIONS OF A1 WIFE CHAPTER 1 S3 1V1IAT MADGE AND LILLIAN I i i SET OUT TO DO. i' I ' T- U ; 1 '' r j As tbeewonds were on iitto rftin iites and there Iras no sound from the hall into wh'en Mrs. DrK and my motbep -in-law had dlfain peafed. my anxiety; increased. 11--spite my knowledge Xt Motner Graham's innate sense tof u8ttce 1 was not so. confident as Dicky that sbe bad followed Mr. Durkee In order to bring mat ni- Xle woman to her senses. RiiKni phe not Instead my anjtletv prompted me to ssk be mpeu In condoling illi t. rttro mtDB gr:et? - -v? ; ? y. I signalled mr Rpprehension f Lillian, woman fKBhion, with i lifting of the eyebrows. ?- promptly seised my cue, ii M Alf , sha said with the author ity of long friendship, turning to him. iwhy don't yon take LrCiia into the Lbrary for a few minutes and tell her the things that we all know you're dying- to utter? Then by the time your mother come back well bs resdr for the happy ringing down of the curtain sipon the fourth act." m . !. - ,r :i;i5vs , j Where Are They? 1 . Alfred flashed her d grateful glance. -'. ' - : "Come on. sweetheart. i 4 --: heaaM tenderly, and without g'ylng Leila time to assent or dissent, he Jiur ried her masterfully out otii (hi room. As he closed th-e coor behind them: Lillian roiv, an air of dects? -ion enveloping her. . i. "I: guess Paw Graham sand Grandpaw i .Spencer ought- lo b able to take care of .one baby for ' tew minutes." she i drawled, i "Rut I think you'd better fatay with i them, Marlon. They luignt ; glvj him pickles or saladd - 'TV something." ' j , ; 4 Little Marion giggled happily. x as much I was ure at this a'gn of her restoration to her i mother' favor as at the pleasantry. It, is , an invariable practice of Lillian's to follow any rproof of Mrlon , with; come pleasant quip to', thd child a few mlnutrs latsr. 1 ' i Vrii watch them, moliler,, be carolled. "Oh, you bcautlfuUldar-. ling.! you!" This apostrdphdj aha H0 C directed to the baby,-and that was ''A the last thing we heard as wi left ' ,, the room, L ilian having "picked lv me up with her eyes" as weros from thetableXitl We found the living roont 'doTT' sertedr and a hsstyrthoiign eay ? f ? thy survey . of - tb . other rooms I ; diicovered no trace of either wo'-h man!.'-1' - ; t, . . 4 , u ,-;--..'-v We came 'doarn'tbir backstalrf " Ji to the kitchen. Interrogated Katls In low voices. - - y v "Sure, 1 soe thcm.V Katie ea id a note of disgnrt In her Voice. "Dey go out to gardens benlntt rose hedge . That Meests' DurKee, shexry and gii!n, tnd that mother-in-law, shs ket-p; ayliuti" ' Ti , know. 1 know I have same ' ting vunce.' What matter that Meesis Durkee, feel like that ven she gofri" get such finer young If lady lik-s MeesIa Fairfax for daughter? what she vsnt. eh -Queen Of Bel gium? That womans she mirrlcd already yet." : 1 i -. r c- - 't-v Iieh'nd the Hedge. 1 '4 .' ,- 'You say tU?y're in the tie's torrent of , comment, p and without further parley we left th house and took the path to tha lake.,. j-BM ' "Of courre, Katie's been listen ing jat the door agnln,1 1 al4 ner vously. 'What 1'rr. ever going to do with her I don't know it seems as though nothing ould bresk her of thtit habit" ? t I . - . VDo?" Lillian turned on tie in amazement.' , -Io nothing bjjt get down on your knees In thankful ness that she-stays with; yotp.. I'm ininKing senousiy oi i carrying Betty'e brsakfast up to bed fftr her 1 if there's no other way of Ihduc. W ing her to stay. : Yon know, a ... -., housekeeper lsa8o!utely Indis pensable to me, and I never Scould -' break another one Jni 'iBut llet- ty's certainly feei ng her olts In these days of high .waR-ea. ij And from all Indications Katie feeems no different than usual' "So. she doesn't."; I fBdniWted. "Eavesdropping Ms no: new Itblns with her." ' t ' j , "r should say It was" a "ccfn gen ital defts-nt;;' LUMnn Pa d jiryly. ?And If she has no thought f go ingout and making a mtllioi dol lars a minute I'd tdrlso you to go slow on the dlKclplIne Until - this domestSe ,help s'tnationi clears a bit.j It can't last long, but tjha at mo8ihere Is dynamite: Jost iaw." . "I know " I admittetLf Tien as thj distant sonnd of voices; cs me to .U8 I j clutched Lllllan'sl arm. t and like conspirators we tnoved ,, ; t to thelshelter of the Pose Ihedge 4 from which behind theivoifet. of m, mother-in-law and Irs Dur- r kee came in aKf.atcd conversation. .' It was the second t'me hft 1 4 had eavesdropped in the roie gar- 1 1 den. This first time ft was jan In- ,; voluntary offpnse Hut' thlpj time ' Millar, and I rcr? listening:, de- Vv Hberately, for we had' to know Mother Graham e atutuoe aieiore Q , w iifluu, r :u a. -- - (To be continued h J It' a Grand Old Kmicfr You can't keep strong anf I well ' -without sleep. Whether; yot tf rest ' . is broken by a painful harkln? u cough or just as annoying lick I- ; Ing in tbe throat, the system be- .- ecmes weakened and run down. v Mrs. K. M. Drske, Chllds. i Md., writes: "After an attack pt the flu I was left ' with a Isertl-e ' coush. -Nothing relieved m till If used Foley's Honey and! Tar, K which I' can highly recomBl-nd., . It ; covers irritated membranes ' with a healing and soothing coat- 4 Ing, loosens phlegm and clears air paeages. Sold ercrywherp. sAdr. : I - U . -ti M i--. - r. r fj u cj ' ' I1 J- n 1 1