The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 01, 1921, Page 5, Image 5

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1 1
1 ' i " ' '
Pacific lodge No. 50,
A. F, & A. M., M. Mi de
gree this evening. By
; l'ortland degree team.
Kon U Announced .
Mr, and Mrs. Lee A. McAllister
announce the birth ot a sort. Sm
art llay McAllister, who arrived
September 27, and who weighed
nine and f one-ball i pounds at
birth. j' '.."i .
Whitney Boy Chorus : i
All members of Salem branch.
please report at the armory to
night, 1 p. m., ior renearsai. aui
MiHt Wait 14 lay
Those who wish to indulge In
nheasant hunting have' 14 days
to wait. as the teason jin this part
of the state -does not open unui
ThiimdavJ Oftabsr 15: and then
continues only to October 81. in-
- elusive. ,.. .
We'll bo Glad to Meet You
And tell you how a buslneai
course may benefit you-; New
classes next Monday, October 2.
Capital Business College.-Adv.
Hig Real KMte TranK??v !
A deed was filed for record yes.
terday in which U.vS. Armstrong
buys from II. M. Baker 122 acre9
I north of Lake Labish and about
Kt. j ..ic ii. J . r
iuicb itiiu ime-na.iL miiesj citBL ui
Brooks. The consideration was
$15,000. In another dead, Mr
BaKer buys of Armstrong. 1 5 ac
res two miles west of Woodburn,
for a-consideration of $5,oOU.
lUn Oat of BuMlneus Sale
s', ner cent " discount at the
Curtis Hat Shop, all next week.-
Ady-.-f : , .
! ' If
tractors, a stipulation ha3 been
filed 1b court that the defendants
L 4. I - m a w-k
pave paia ciawn 01 Air. i-engra,
excepting accrued, interest on the
amount involved, and the suit has
been dismissed.
For Itnt
Front office room. Apply Cray
Bellei Adv.
Tomatoes, $1.25 per Box
Delivered. Ward K. Richard
son. AdV. , ;
Ex Soldier Applications
Up to September 29. of the ex.
serviCe men who have sent In their
applications to the office of the
comnttesion, 3.190 have asked for
World war veteran's state ah
rash, while 2,968 have Indicated a
desire to benefit by the bonus
law by taking a loan on real es
tate. ,
South Salem Bouali
Ben S. Perlieh of the Steusloff
market has purchased a lot on
High street frou V. A. Cochran.
The consideratim was 1 1,000.
The Cherry City Hotel
is. now unaer nsw manage
ment. Oppostta Oregon- Electric
jdepot. Dining room in connec-
t on. Meals served home style.
UjAll you can eat for 45 cents.
bhort orders at all hours at pop
ular prices. Your patronage will
oe appreciated. Adv.
Free! Free!!. Free!!! j
Dancing at Dreamland! tonight,
from 8 to 9 o'clock. Two Orches
tras. Adv. I
Inrfiin1 V.Ik- Rami ComlnE
nut rt thA tmeel&l features of
the Whitney Bos chorus of sing
era Sunday afternoon at the sta"
fair grounds will be the Portland
v.iw hand. It will appear in. its
new snappy uniforms and in addi
tinn to-. doine' considerable play
ing, will put on soiO fancy drills.
Mrs.X. O. CurtJ. f
Is giving: special discount of 25
per; cent on all ladies trimmed
hats next week. Adv.
Attend Wrector' TwertinR
F. 8. Barton i eturned yesterday
from Portland where he attended
a meetipg of the state board ot
directors of th Oregon Associa
tion of Electrical contractors and
dealers. Mr. Barton. is one of the
A ClnRtdfled Ad
f Will bring you a buyer Adv.
Hop Contract Filed
l A hop contract has bean filo'l
for record, 'in which E. T. Cone
of Donald agrees to deliver to T,
A. Livesle? & Co., 4,500 pounds of
prime hops of the 1921 crop. The
price is 25 cents a pound.
Free! Free!! Free!!!
Dancing at Dreamland tonight.
from 8 to 9 o'clock. Two orches
tras. Adv. '
Wonderful Record Made
The barometer made a wonder
ful record this week. Beginning
with Monday, It stood at 30 al
most, all of th time, inaicaun
continued fair-weather.. V
H. P. Special Train Tonlalit
r"or the benefit of those wiah-
Jng to see the night horse show
and races at the state fair, the
southern racific will run a special
train from the fair grounds to
l'ortland tonight. This train will
leave the fair grounds at 10:15
this evening.
Unitarian churca in Salem, will j
arrive in the city from San Jose
today, and will hold services in
the church Sunday.
Two Buildings Necessary
In order to care for the biss rush
of school books Monday, the. Com
mercial book store has rented the
building formeny occupied by the
Purvine Pump and Implement ,
company, just two doors nortn.
This is the building recently pur
chased by William Niemeyer w i
ho ncm ni Rn.m hv him for a
drug store.
P fTEfiiS
De Valera Agrees to Meet at
Conference in London
on October 1 1
Services Sunday
The West Salem Metnoaist
chnrch services for Sunday. Oc
tober 2. will be as follows: Sun
day school at 10:30 a. ,ni.; Ep-
worth league, 6:30 p. m.t preach-
lnB.y "e . P' 1-V..F.:1U;: Pftrrocnnnrlon UM lm.
subject, uuty. rrayer mmiug is j wviivduuubiitfc iciu
h(li on Thursday evenine at
7:30. All are Invited.
thome Is the pastor.
E. Haw-
practicable in Arriving
At Understanding
Rnvft Home in Yew Park-
Jennie L. Smith has purchased!
a home in Yew Park. The consid
eration was S3000 and the gran
tors were Iemiiel Hobson and wife.
Lease Contract Filed
A contract for the least of
56 1-2 acres of land near Donald,
dated October 13. 1919. between
E. T. Cone and Andrew Wewhaar, thus clearing tha way for a ho
has been filed for record. It is a mentous attempt to settle thecen-
LOXDON'. Sent. 20. fEv the
Associated Press) In a brief.
business-like message-, Eamonn De
v aiera this evening informed Pre
mier Lloyd George of his accept
ance ot the premier's invitation
for a conference in London Octo
ber 11. on thj Irish Question.
month of September, according to
the official weather report were
as follows: l
Day of
Month Min. Max.
1 t 4 5 75
, . ..50 ' 71
3 ...50 73
4 ...... i. 53 74
5 1, .41 K I
C .42 SO
7 46 77
8 L 50 73
9 ..4 4 SO
10 41 83
11 . . .; 41 j 73
12 I 32 j 73
13. 32 I .77
14. !. 32 i 77
15; . . . . i 34 ! 7
16 i ..- 5.7 i 79
17 40 73
18.. .. .;. S3 G3
19 . . . . f.l 67
21 . . .:. . 52 66
20 S ',. t;
23... ... ; 43 71
24... i... I 40 1 72
23 ; 42 ITS
26;. ... .: .52 ! 72
? 4 . . ..4S i l-d
23 40 i tit
29. .. 37 76
30 " 38 f75
I Fitzsimmons, Malone, Hal
lace was the s:snal for a gene
ral alarm ' and hundreds of de
vout persons In the neighborhood
ot the church made their; pilgrim
ages to the altar to pray for the
restoration of, the "Bambino.
I During ttie day" one' ot the
thieves was caught anJj this- led
to recovery of the revered Bam
bino." ' ; ij -',-F: f
The Church of Holy j Mary ot
the AMctory was erected, to com
memorate the victory of tpanto,
when the jCrusaders defae4 tu
Turks at sea. It la Just; in; me
shadow ot the American;! mbas-
too Late, jo cUssify
wa f SO r 1100; for :al. . 0
U, C 'IMA txm1 trt. ! $100
- town, y Gertri M. 4f$
" toturo. rtwno 11SJ I" 'I ' '
Daughter Announced
A daughter was born. to Mr.
and Mrs. Chester Goodmap Wed
nesday, Sept. 28. She has bsen
named Marjory May. Mrs. Good
man was formerly Miss Tbeod03ia
Teel. , ; ,
Edouard J. B, Kevel ,
Will give lesions In French
grammar and conversation. Spe
cial arrangements for school chil
dren. 1040 Hood street. ! Phone
1563M Adv.
We Serve Rreakfast
1'rpm 8 u 11. The Spa. Adv,
Smith to ltd urn
E.iF. Smith left recently for a
visit iwith his parents in Superior,
Wis. He had not seen either of
themi for eight years. A short
tlmejbefore he arrived, his mother
fell and Injured her hip and when
heartived he found her in the hos
pital; She lived but a few days
after he reached there. He is now
attending the New York Life In
surance company convention at
j Colorado Springs and will be home
uuuui ine iirsi oi tne month.
lease for two years, at 1600 a
year, yet based on the price of
hops, wheat and oats. This $600
price is to' hold good, providing
hops sell for 40 cents, wheat for
turles-old problem 'between Ire
land and Great Britain.
llelief Expressed
Relief was expressed in otfi
cial circles here tonight that the
Hobart Bosworth
Doris May 4
.and an ....
Excellent Cast -Continuous
Teachers To Meet x
Teachers who will teach In the'i
Salem; schools are requested by
Superintendent George W. Hug to
meet in the high school auditor
lam at 10 o'clock this morning.
Following an. address by the su
perintendent and a discussion of
tne year's work, high school
teachers will be addressed by J.
C. Nelson, principal of the Salem
hi rh school. Junior high school
teacher! will be addressed by; the
principal , ot ; each school and! the
trade teachers by W. C. lioppes.
All this is in preparation for: the
opening ot school next; flionaay
morning. '.,:-.,,i;., 'c.i-v i ; j
iwe Sdrve Breakfast i !
From S to 11. The Spa. Adv.
Discharge papers havebeen
filed "for record in the i county
cleark's office by M. S. Lamport
of the quartermasters corps, Roy
S. Keene and Guy R. Sloper,
teal Blanks '
Get them at Tne Statesman ol-i
flee. Catalog on application.
Adv. 1
We Serve Breakfast
From 8 to 11. The Spa. Adv.
At Liberty
Vng Ho, a Chinese, is at liberty.
having been released from the
county jail yesterday. When the
tongs were having a merry war
nabout a month ago, Unar Ho was
rounded up by federal officers at
Donald. As ha happened to be In
possession of a dangerous weapon
when arrested, he was Eiven 30
days in the coupty jail as a re
minder that there is a. law against
the jcarrying- of concealed wea
$2 and oats for8ij cents. But if difficulties which, for some time
prices fail, the rent in to be in I seemingly threatened to prevent
proportion.. The five acres in hops j another conference apparently
are based on rental of $375 and 1 had been cleared away by the
the balance of the farm at $225. message of Mr. De Valera. The
As Mr. Cone has just contracted reply raised no question as to the
his 1921 hops for 25 cents, and a status of the Sinn Fein delegates.
oats and wheat are.jiway off from and no further r onespondence be-
the 1910 prices, the rental will be tween tne premier ana tne irisn
materially reduced, according to leader is expected.
I'ositions L'nuerstooa
"Our respective positions have
been stated ani understood and
we agree that conference, not cor
respondence, is the most practi
the contract.
One Marriage Uccns
Only one marriage license was j
issued yesterday. This was to
Charles L. Ayers of St. Paul,
Minn., an electrician, and Ethel E.
Topping, of Salem.
Brown,: Nurristo, Winners
Mack Fitzsimmons behaved
badly in the first heat pf the
2:20 trot yesterday and came in
fourth, but; calmed down for the
second and third, winning both
with 2:12 his best best time.
F. W. Malone took all three
heats in the 2:12 pace, best time.
In thevspecial trotting event all
heats were: won by Nuiristo.
One miile handicap, purs4 $360:
Hal Iiroyn, handicapped 240feet,
first; King Seal, 90 feet, second;
Dairy Maid, 100 feet, third; Ned,
Hal, 27Q feet, fourth; Hurristoj
120 feet, fifth; Teddy Ham, 150
feet, ixth. Time, 2:19.i Tom
cable and Iiopeful way of an n- i lane was scratch horse
demanding," said Mr. De Va
lera's message :! announcing that
the Irish delegates would meet
Mr. Lloyd George on the date the
premier had set.
Salmon For Canning
For best quality and lowest
prices at Fitts Market. 444 Court
St.; t Phone 211. Adv.
Hartman's Glasses
Easier and Better
Wear them and $ee
; rnona 1265 Salem, Oregon
.rtiir ak M2V4 Oouaelil
Oko y. UooJJm m
Taken to Vancouver !
Lee Ruffe was taken to Vancoui
ver, Wash., yesterday by Constaj
ble DeLong. He was arrested apa
lodged in the county jail SeptetoH
ber 16, charged with being a dei
serter from the United States!
army. He will be turned over; to
the military authorities at: Van
couver. r- : M
1m eraaa aa4 drinks.
Opts IX to 1 J
Spwsial gndy
Law Library-
Law library for sale.
Brownsville, Ore. Adv.;
Box 43
Warm in Sacramento
The Oregon delegates to the na
tional convention of the American
War Mothers, 'bejng held this
week at Sacramento, including two
delegates from Salem, are having
a busy time, and they are beiing
given evem attention la Califor
nia's capital city. Their meetings
are being held In the state senate
chamber at the capitol. Bat they
are having very warm weather,
andjthey will likely be glad to get
back into Oregon with its wonder
ful fall climate. Their convention
closes this evening.
Dance i ,
Friday and Saturday night; 12
musicians, two orchestras, i at
Dreamland rink. New Orleans
jazz: band and Dreamland orches
tra. 1 Largest hardwood floor in
valley. Lots of pep; no raise in
prices; one price for all. Advl
At 11 o'clock tonlnht
This evening at ll o'clock
shares In -the sedan owned by the
American legion will be disposed
of at the armory. The evening
for Spring Planting Ordar Jm win bo given to dancing with thf
mis rwiiiw w.w-.w. Aiciiiiroy. orchestra
. . 14 -Oraaron Building
iit.BU :: OBEOON
Phone "1763
SAVE $ $ $
Pen era Suit Dismissed I
In the suit of the city ot Dallas
to and for the useof M. H. Pen
gra against Pugh & Sauer, com
w'Knvincp vouT hardware and
furniture at The Qapital Hard-
m . - " J OO C XT
ware jj urnuure a
CommerciaUtreet. Phone 947
) ' r . . .We More, . ,
Webb.& Clough
Leading Funeral
Expert Embalmert
Pack and Store
" '. ' ' ' ' ""-'-' : - !" "
Leading Mortidans
We pay highest price. ,
We buy and acll Tcry thing.
We sell for 1cm.-.
215 Center St. rhorte 898
""Engraved Cards
Wedding Invitations and Visiting
: . ' Cards, j. - ;;;:
Prompt, satlalactoryi Service
163 North Commercial
Salem School of Expression
147 N. Commercial Street.
Lulu Rosamond Walton, Director;
Phones 1484-J and C92 f '
Faithful Service Medal
At the annual quarterly inspec
tion of the national guard ; of
Multnomah couonty, held Thurs
day; evening in Portland, Colonel
George A. White, adjutant gener
al, decorated a number of mili
tary men with faithful service
medals. Among those who receiv
ed the medal were Captain 7. E
ft ilea, of the infantry, and Capttm
H. C. lirumbaugh. Secretary Atlthe
Worir war veteran's state ai;
commission. After inspection
Colonel White commended the of
fleers for the showing they b
made in the country's service. He
stated that the natk.ual guard h;'.d
no political or r-ilgious affllia.
ttons. and that its one purpose
was unrelenting preparation i;r
the national defend-?.
Session TJiree Hours Ijong?
DUBLIN, S;pt. 30 (By the As
sociated Press) Although the
Dail Eireann cabinet met for near
ly three hours today and Eamonn
De Valera ami Arthur Griffith did
not leave the Mansion house until
a late hour this evening, the dis
cussion of thT reply to Premier
1'Lloyd George's invitation to a con
ference occupied only a short por
tion of the proceedings which
were devoted mainly to other bus
iness. Decision on the reply to
the premier was unanimous, all
Miss Genevlevo CampDell, who
has been spending .the summer
months in Portland, has returned
to Salem to attend school.
C. K. Warne, reginal director of
Boy Scouts, Sp.kane, Is expc;ej
to arrive in the city within, the
next day or two.
Arch Hoth, Portland aviator, is
in the city, guert at the home oi
D. A. VVlUe. He came to Sal)iu
by tt e an route.
C. F. Falk left yesterday ovtr
the Oregon Electric and Northern argumentative points, by general
i-acuic ior at. -aui ana an ex- consent, having been ignored..
tenaea visit at w esiey, la. Knelih Friends Advise
W. F. Turner, president of the! Besides the full cabinet onjy
S. P. & S. and A. J. Davidson, l Propaganda Mintstr Fitzgerald
general manager, along with other j Secretary Kevin O'Higgins were
officials of the road, were state! present at the meeting. Harry
state fair visitors yesterday. IBoland of New Ycrk saw the
Judge W. T. Slater and wife, of J leaders after the meeting and
Portland were state fair visitors. I bade them farewell. He is re
The Judge was formerly a member I turning to" the United States
of the Oregon supreme court. 1 During the day some telegrams
A. M. Crawford, former attor-1 from English sympathizers with
ncy general, was in the city yester- the Irish cause were recetvedr
day. These urged the cabinet to accept
Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Delleu of 1 Mr. Lloyd George's invitation
Newberg were in the city ye3tdr-1 without argument
day. Mr. Belieu is a school direc
tor in the Newberg district.
Miss Helen Smith was in the
city from Eugene yesterday, tak
ing the teachers examination. She
will teach at the Independence
scnooi, near aiayton. Pittsburgh
AK nn.l S I ... t T TfnwnAM r. C I
. j . i j. iiiii j . m i st Louis
1'oruana a. "- spending tne lair
wlth Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Laflar.
1190 South Liberty street.
4 x
At St. Louis
R. H
4 6 4
... ...12 18 1
Carson, Wheeler and Gooch;
Haines and Clemons.
2:20 trot, purse $800 i
.Mack Fitzsimmons (Lind-j
sey) ,....:.4l
Nellie McK, ( Wilburn) . . . 1 2
L. C. McK, (Brady) .2 2
Florimel (Langrnm) ......35
Raymond McGregor (Dcn-i
nis) i.5
Sequoia (Tyroti) !.8
Hzel Bond (Merrill) 9
Howard's Comet (Glorman)7
Sonoma Harvester (Mc- 1
Cullongh) , .8
x Drawn.
Time .2; 12; 2:13'; 2:14.
2:12 Pac, Pots $HOO.
D. W. Malone (Keener) . .1 11
Emma M t Woodcock) ..i.3 2 2
Valentine, Jr., (Kirkland) 2 3i5
Tillamook Maid (Hall) . .;.4 4 4
Vista Vernon (Dennis) .. . .6 5 S
Josephine Lawson (White) 5 Dr.
Tiine--2:084; 2:09: ;2:10l
- SMHial : Trot, Purse $400.
Nurristo ; . 1 11
Roan Mack .....1.2 2 3"
Zomdel . .' 1.3 3 2
Jennie W.I . ... . . : i . . .1 ;4 4 4
Time 2:23; 2:18n; 2:20.
Five Furlong Kiuuiihg llacc.
Hotel Ai-go puree, $300
Rose Roberts, owned by C.. EJ
Groves,- first; Little Florence
owned by J. A. Parsons, second
Captain Glover, owned by Dr
Lovell, third. Time, 1:02.
Five Furlong Running Race
Purse, $250 i
Billy Lane, owned by L. IL
Tyron, first; Minute, owned by
A. Adams, second; Hickory Nut;
owned by T. II. Hum, third. Time,
One Mile Running Race
Hotol Bligh purse, $250
Louia Lachmund, owned by
Mrs. U Galbraith. first; Short
Stop, owned: by G. Kelley, seeond;
At Boston R. II.
Washington 6 7
Boston 4
Mogridge and Gharrity;
and Walters.
8 0
Stanford, Oregon Washing
ton, 0. A. C.J Willam
ette, all Playing
At Chicago R. II. E.
Cleveland 3 7 1
Chicago 2 7 0
Coveleskie and O'Neill; Faber
and Schalk.
Lived IUjcIi
R. F. Smith, New York Life in
surance agent, is home from a
month's visit at Duluth, St. Paul
and Colorado Springs. While In
Colorado Springs his expenses
were paid by the insurance com
pany, along with a number ot oth
er agents who made a good rec
ord; Mr. Smith says the company
provided him with quarters that
rank in the millionaire class, at
the rate of $15 a day.
District Manager Coming !
Fj. O. Royal, district manager
of the Sale mdistrict. Woodmen
of the World, will arrive in Sa
lem Monday and will remain all
week, working In the Interests of
he lodge. j
Minister Arriv
Thd Tlev. Martin Fereshetlen,
recently appointed pastor of 1 the
' 1 Do you take
If not. why notT .
Mi othar baths or treatment!
can produce the permanent re
lief to the person uus
from dlsaereeaole cold , or tll-
meuts of the flesb or body like
the Turkish Baths wllU
Open 8 a. tn. until p. m.
Lady and Gentlemen attendant
Fresh Stock ,
Pickling Spices
4 , Stone JariV.-o .: l-
Fruit Jara
135 N. Liberty - Phone 67
od f Jl
TFirEt football games of the 1921
season will be played tomorrow
by four Pacific coast conference
teams, Stanford university, Uni
versity of Washington, University
of Oregon and Oregon Agricultu
ral college. Elevens representing
smaller colleges, clubs and ser
vice units will furnish the opposition.
University of California's eleven
1920 conference champion, open
ed its season last Saturday by
defeating St. Mary's college.
Washington State college, sixth
conference member, has no game
scheduled until October 8.
Tomorrow the Mare Island ma
rines play at Stanford, Oregon
meets Willamette university at
Salem, O. A. C. plays the Che
mawa Indians at Corvallls, Wash
ington takes on the Ninth army
corps at Seattle and California
plays the Olympic club at Berke
ley. The Oregon-Willamette game
counts toward the'Northwest con
ference title. Outside the coast
conference. University of Nevada
plays the PaciHc fleet at RenK
Whitman college plays the Mul
noman ciud at Portland and tne
Sherman Indians play Whilticr
college at Whittier, Cal.
Two new coaches, Enoch Hag-
shaw. Washington, and Gene Van
Ghent, Stanford, tomorrow will
see their (Charges in competition
for the first time. Dagshaw and
Van Ghent took hold of their re
spective teams this season.
Last year California defeated
the Olympic club 21-0. The othpr
teams playing tomorrow did not
meet last season. Conference
teams will not get into action
apalnst each other until October
Adarming Frost One or Two
Nights, But Weather
Mainly Moderate
Dr. Samuel;
Ritsch. third.
6wned by Tate
Time, 1:41.
Sacred Image Decked
With Jewels is Found
ROME. Sept. 21. The 'Sacred
Bambino" of the church of Holy
Mary of the Victory has been
stolen but recovered. It Is the
revered image of the I infant
Jesus by Praga, and is, believed
by many Italians to possess mlr
aculous power of effecting cures
among the! people who worshipped
at its shrine.
So revered was it that hundreds
of pieces of jewelry were placed
at its feet. draped about its body
and placed in close proximity to
it as marks of gratitude from the
faithful who were convinced they
had received healing.
One morning lately the; thieves
gained access to the altar where
the - "Bambino" is placed and
made away with jewels and every
thing. Discovery that the adored Im
age was not at its accustomed
yr"" .
NEW YORK, Sept. 20. Evap
orated apples, normal; prunes,
firm. ' '
The month of September has
been an unusually dry one, ac
cording to the report of Harvey
McLain. official weather reporter
for the Salem district. The total
rainfall amounted to only ' 186
There was only one real good
rain during tho month and that
was on September 19, when the
total precipitation was 1.17 Inch
es. But the rainy period begin
ning with September 18 continued
five days with occasional ehowers.
There was a teal frost on the
night of September 13 and a light!
frost on the 1 1th. The first frost
was the one that did considerable
damage to potatoes in this Salem
The lowest temperature record
ed by -the- government's instru
ments was 32 degrees, on the
mornings of September i2 aad
1 3. The highest temperature was
83, which occurred Saturday, the
The month as a whole has been
one of sunshine and moderate
temperatures. especially dorm
talr weelu Beginning Monuay of
state fair. week, the maximum
temperature whs 72. On Tuesday
it was 75, on Wednesday, ;the
maximum 65, Thursday 76. and
Friday 75. The barometer dur
ing state fair week registered 30.1
the greater part of the time, indi
cating continued fair weather. . ;
; The'' temperatures for the
A Bigger Human-Heart
Story Than "Humoresque"
(l"v-' - S "i" "'1 .f t, s ,
Absolutely The Greatest Buy,
492 North Cottage Street
in a beaMiful home in Salem. Everything modern
imaginable, in A-l condition, priced at only ?T500j See-
me at once. . .. . .
I 4.1
Phone 118G
r , nil '
i i
. ' - .. i:
, Established 1868
; ) General Bankirig Business
Bank open 10 to 12 a. m. Wednesday, Thursda
Friday. Account, Fair week-
The Famous
Will Sing at the STATE FAIR GROUNDS-Sunday Anernoon,
October 2 at 3 p. m. , ' ! . Ii I ,
CO of these Boys were the talk of , Los Angeles this ipnimmen
700 ot them amaied and thrilled Portland last Jutiei
Next Sunday the ENTIRE7 CHORUS will produce music,! Which.'
as a prominent music critic said: "you will never forget b loug
; as Itfe and reason lasts.". . . ! ;fj ; .
; Admission SOe.. Autos 50c s Grand Stand seats J5c etra.
local Representative, Miss! Genevieve Gilbert, Commercial! Club.
Good fori the opening week of school. This coupon wilt
title you to a free ice cream cone with a '60c purch4se of
school supplies.
Clip This Coupon .
Name. . .
Address. 1
1090 Center Street
Corner 12th Street
C ALEM has ! been a busy place
M week, particularly out at the State
Fair grounds. And the United States
National- officials have enjoyed meet
ng old customers, and making- the ac
quaintance of some new folks.
trust this acquaintance will deenen
with the months, and that we will have
the opportunity of serving manyof you.
Our various departments and consulta
tion service aire at your disposal.
I McDowell s QnaUty
Steer Beef at Prices You Can Afford
t t
Are you taking advantage of this fine Meat
low prices we are selling it for. i
We have our regular supply of young mutton at
low prices:
Mutton Legs."..
Mutton to Roast............:. .:......
Mutton Chops:.......!...... ...10c lb., 3 fdr 25c
. Mutton Stewi.J,.!:L
.1-. i ' ' r-.- , k , ! , - , 4li
Choice Pork to Roast......:..;..
Freshly Ground Hamburg....
Our Own Pure Lard in bulk ...
hese ,
U::.9c .
Bring your empty pails.'
Phone 1421
173 South Commercial Street
Open until 8 p." m. Saturday eveninj
!i! f -