THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON WEDNESDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 23, 1921 Te? 'I le I rtten ThlSO BBSOTtia OM Mk (IK Bu Mitki' ewaxraet. i ii Mute' e. ."rlH Mlabmas, lor say K03WICH tTXIOS rmK W8URASCH SOCDETT Fecldent Ages But BC MONEY TO LOAN On RmI EitaU T. K. FORD (Ovar Ld4 A Bash Bank) ' U LOANS REAL ESTATE fi MR RANP.F . . IVWWt,v,wan - w. I...M aavtklnc Wa have the inn fie loan Pay like MV-Ou i I arts and airy property uat an eosa- slate. Boo tfret. NEW. TODAY 1'OU BALK BOOM PLASTERED - 'cottage, eleetrie lights, wall boUt; la irood condition; two lota, variety of fruit. 11.70O. Winnie rettyjoun, 331 Btata atreat phono 534. IJOO DOWN BUYft 0 ACRES FRUIT : tana, price only f ., aw, ana an cr. Boa Bocolofsgy. sex Ptata atreat. CxBsnn rAil WILL PLACK YOU I3f 1 W . . Ann your owa home, 'Balance aa n-u, w nee month. Prteo 81.500. BUM U barby, f Cow Bt, with W. A. LUtoa. " - 4,600 BCSGALOW AND CASH tir ferenre for amall farm north af Balem suitable for nursery. Boa Soeolofskr, 41 BUU BC OOOD TOMATOES FOR CANNING -81.25 per basket, deliTarad. Ward K. ' 'Richardson, phono 494. " . - r- 5.450 BUYS MODERN S ROOM BUN-a-tlow, new; paved street Jarga lot, Beo thU before yen bay. Socolofsky. 84t Btaf Bt. - -' ' ' rOR SALE CHESTER WHITE SOW and piga. Phoae 0811. f MIX ROOM NEW BUNGALOW, FIVE i blocks from Matonio Temple, orth. Itira low for quick tale at 3 500. 1,600 cash and tarma. B. A. Monney, 209 Oregon Bldg. Phone 817. 1438T OR STOLEN V ' WICKER BUIT , rato with three , palra ladiea wool ' preochei and eoaU to match. Ona pair men's woo! army breeches. Liberal reward. Phone 93F14. No qnestioaa asked. - 1 ' L0STIX KINGS I-O0D PRODUCTS ompany bos yard. Ford Track ehaint. cait lira. , HIGH 8CHOOI OR UNIVERSITY a young man student ena. hare room and ; board in exrhango for work. Call at . 618 Court Bt. WANTED A7 PLACE TO WORK FOR 4 a Filipino boy attending muamene ' UalTeraity. Pboaa 6i0. - TBE MERCHANTS DEUVEKI w naro qiseoatinaea i"ir ' uetk. 'Call 988 or 820-J for your bag- fm gaga baaiaeea. . ' ' ARK ABOUT OCR P'LAN OT INSUR ln brick baildingt. It to worth you ' while. Tbla company is for tha ban' , fi of He homo people., tea it, thre 1 Fira Relief Ass n. iiuah Bank Bldg I Phone 147. am umrrTlON ' SALE ON USED V ' - Tbeae ear ara for asla or trade: V It wUl ,ay .yea to look at them as : they mutt M wia. aii o new wn vara la first elasa condition... . llupo Bedan, roa only 6000 mitot. Mitchell, lata model. ' Oldwaoblle,' 1920, nice finish. Velio ,Bi," newly painted. " 19'i0 Maxwalt lika aew a Franklin, 11 modal f ' ', . Dodge Sedsn, newly painted. . 1918 MaxwelL 8273. ; .Ford Bedan, Bewly painted. - AJ..-..M nias. Olngrhk Motor Tiro Co, 871 Court street, or can atoirt "- ' WANTED EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR general bouaawork. Call 835 Oak or T.l n DBS " '. FOR SALE 168 ACRES, HIGHLY IM nrnrixL eenersl Durpose farm, with hay. ' grain, atock. machinery, ' ate; Fully equipped: terms. For lull particulars - PhO 0. "' ... y ANTED TO RENT A ROOM FOR studio for two days a week in resid- eace. Close la. - paono iuu-v. - WHILE ATTENDING THE FAIR, ASK for' a Foster, Salem made. ' Phona I 2031-W. a n 11 IF YOU WAXT TO PURCHASE TRACTS - - from ( to 60 arret, a'ear Balesa, and m near ' paved read, improved or onim- proved, lor ou ana op per aero ow ssy terms, let John H. Scett, 228 , lregoa Bldg, Phona 622 after Offico - hoars. 81 FT Y PERCENT OFF ON ALL USED Maxwell parti for all model can. '' Gingrich Motor Car Co. . ' WINTER SEED WHEAT AND RYE ; winted. White - winter preferred. . Pbona 622. ' ? f l:w ', I ) , - - , , KICK PIOS AND BROOD SOWS FOR a sale. Phono 822 after office hours. LET THE WARDROBE TAKE CARE OF your clothea. 170 Booth High. JTOR TRADE 42 ACRES, 40 CLEARED. . .... Ii.i.ln, nmnM VM.. . tl 4, for Balem business property or retld- . j ? van, . rw. j . : ; SOCOLOFSKY Bealtor '. V 841 8uto St. 84.700 BUYS THIS 6 ROOM PLASTER- . ed house, located on Chemeketa Bt. ' ; Lot 60x150 with cement walks, first mi floor: livtng room, dining roem, kit- chen, bedroom . toilet; second floor: i 3 Iwd-rooms. -bath, .and toilet, electric : licht, room tinted. Good garage. For , i terma, see . . ..1 . -Li A. Hayford . Bealtor""- r " " " 80S State St 5 ROOMS, N. COMMERCIAL MODERN, . 82.000; good terma. - , - ' rooms, 8. 14th, modern. 3,500; good o : terma, f 1 6 roomi modern except faroare, 82.600. A rooms, a lota modern except furnace; Laflar & Laflar 406-7 Oregon Bldg. Consult m . REALTOR j The Name is a Pledge 4 For Good Service and Fair Dealing I All REALTORS are Real I Estate Rrokern but. not ! all Real Estate- Brokers .1 re REALTORS.- Webster's International Dictionary Defines Real tor. . ' ' i . STRICTLY MODERN BUNGALOW 6 rooms, full basement, furnace, fireplace, . atationary tube: large lot, garage; o .j riot" achool and rarline: reduced from ) 8.250 to l,5W(or quirk sale Takes 2.200' to" handl. or will take light -i car aa Pr pavwient. fee SOCOLOFSKY BeUor 341 State St. NEW TODAY FARMS 84 acres 3 milt from town, 54 tinder cultivation, balance timber, fair bldgs. Price $5,500; food terms. " 110 acres, 60 ander cultivation, balance timber, 10 arret - of prune. 5 acres strawberries and 2 acres of logins, on good road 8 miles from Halem. Price $100 per acre. 158 arret near Haleia. 90 rnder rultiva tinn, good house and barn, well fenced and watered. Price $10,000; good terms. 17 arret, 5 acres of prunes. 5 arret of Other fruit: Rood bldgs. 1 mi'e froia town. Prire $8,500, geod terms. Laflar & Laflar 40e-7 Orecon Bldg. EMPLOYMENT rXMAXE WASTED GOOD EXPERIENCED housekeeper and cook. Middle aged. Good wages paid. Inquire Jars. Seiof, 1 People's Cash Store. sV ANTED ENERGtrrv YOU NO MAN w at a ad experleBee Bailing life insurance, stocks or advertising. Mast be able to devote hit entire tuna and bo aatbitiaaa for edvaBcement. Mast bate the courage te preaent basinets propoaitioa to -merchanta aad. prof es ioaal men. Anawer in your own band writing stating age, educational qual- ' Ifiealiona. sxparie&ca aa solicitor, ate. ' Ad7re7 T t. Bum... offteo. UXLM AJT rEMAT.B A GOOD PAT IN G PROPOSITION KCR live wires, men and women. Afenft wanted by Atlantie-Pacif ie Electrical Adertiaing and Norelty company. Ap Llr at Hotel Marion, Salem, Oretton, etweea tka boara of 10 and I o'clock and 5 to 8 p.m. Wonderfnl opportu nity for salea manager. ANT JED MEA am. WOMEN TO take farm paper sabaeriptkma. A good ' propoaitioa to the right people. Address tka Pacific P-amaataad. Btateema Itldg. Maleai. Ore. PERSONAL CATHOLICS, WISHING TO MARRY Booklet Tree. 'Address Home ciub L Box S3, Grand Rapids Mich. FACIAL SCALP TH&aTM ENTB : VIO- lat ray; maniennnr, ahampooiag. Or- egea bath houaa. Phone 640. ASTROLOGY 8TAR3 TELL LIFE'S story. Bend birthdate and dune for trial reading. Eddy, Westport Bt, S3 I A Kansas City, Miaiouri FOR SALE i CAY AIT BIRDS FOR BALE CANARY BIRDS. DAY aad aight ameers. Mrs. Bennett. Phona 1880. 1080 Cbemeketa. FARM FAPE1 CT YOU WANT TO GET TH BEST farm paper, aead 16a to The Paotfie Homeataad. BaleoL Oregon, for a thrao mentbs trial Bnbaeripttoa. Mantiot thai ad. HOUSES "ALADDIN READY CUT HOUSES" 10 percent saved in cost of construc tion. Chaa. F. Smith, factory repres entative, 820 Northwest Bank Bldg, Portland, Oregon. Consult a REALTOR The Name Is a Pledge Whatever your Real Es tate Problem consult a REALTOR. Ills code of ethics makes htm worthy of your confidence. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE MILK COW AND PI08. 77 8. 12th. FOR SALE A GOOD ALL-AROUND . . team, 1 and yaara old, weight 1C00 each. Address T. E. Fleming, Bcio, Or. FOR BALE REGISTERED POLAND China sow. ' Will take few pips or ahoats at part py . Also iiy mure 13 years old. Works anywn.?rc. '7i Phone 17F31. MISCTLLAHXOUo HAY FOR SALE -PHONE 2091 J. FOR 8ALE GOOD COOK STOVE. Price reasonable. Call 530 N. 17th. OFFICES AND STORES A BIO LOT of bow hooka few Bale at half priee. eteta Docks. WIRE HOP, LOOANaiESKT, CHICXIN wire. BtatnoocK, sts Court atroet. THE WESTERN SONGSTER SCHOOL AND COMMUNITY SINGING Aa eapeciallr good selection of the eonga yarn nave Been wanting with words aad .' muste eomplata. No matter how many (ongbooka yon have yon should have this as, containing the Oregon songs. ... Prieea: Siagla eopiea, 5e: 16M cents aaek ia lota of a dosea or more; 818.60 the hundred, postpaid. Becoad aditioa printed since beptembe. ' OREGON TEACHERS MONTHLY 918 B. Commercial St. Balesa, Oreawa FOUX.TRT POULTKYMEN .SEND EIGHT TWO eoat atamDo for aDoeial Dir.. na.t trial for the best and oldest Journal .. in the weal. The articloa and adver tisement! are of special interest to the poultry breeders of the northwest Northwest Poultry , Journal, ail Com- mgreiai ri. oaiom, wegon. . woo FOR DRY MILL WOOD AND OLD FIR can iraey nooa W, rnoae 620. .. DRY FIB AND OAX WOOD FOR BALI. 'ilea. OLD GROWTH 16 IN. FIR, 86.60; 4 ' . Jmc'b4 frewth and ask. Phone - itgi, . , . FOR SALE LARGE 4 FT. MILL WOOD. .-tii ctib irngia, ia men or IS Inch. : Seasoned mill wood. Heron! m,k aT' M"'4 l h"'h- rrel WoUa. 805 FOR RENT ROOMS NICE CLEAN ROOMS AT RKASnv . able prices. Florence Hotel one block ' west oi v r. iepot. - Phone 928. FOR RENT VERY DESIRABLE FUR- ntsnea sleeping rooms. Strictly mod em. Heat. 890 B. 12th street. Phone lis si. FOR RENT ROOM FOB 8ENTLEMAK ,,, ia monera noma aaa eeatraUy loeat- ed. Please give asms aad address. - k, ears' statesman BOUSES FOR REST ROOM HOUSE AT 2290 ."S. 4th street, 13 per month. Call ' vwaer St 846-W, : r. U WOOD, 8S i. aatattt rental Ma-ATM BT, BtKAL LOST AND FOUND LOST i LOST ATREDALE FEMALE DOG, 6 - montns oia, netweea tervais end So li; leva. Reward, Race Cotaforthy Dog cibow nuuning. rair grounns. LOST A SUITCASE. BETWEEN DAL- las and rails City, Saturday night, Finder ptraae "return "to Tola Belie, 693 N. 14th street, Salem or Fatla fiy an rwtve levtM, -i L'a autteBinaa tlaaaUlea Atlhw WANTED ICUCZUJUTKOUa OLD MATTRESSES VA.DE OVER Capitol City Bedding to, raoae IB. WANTED TO RENT HOUSE. 4 TO 8 - rooms, immediate potseasioa. Phoae 1118 M. WANTED USED HOUSEHOLD GOOD8. rangea aad eookatoeea. tools, mea'a aaita and shoes. Liberty Kxehasvga. 841 N. Commercial. Phone 841. WANTED EVERTTHn-iu IN HARD ware and furniture. Best prices paid. THE CAPITAL HARDWARR AND FURNITURE CO. 185 N. Commercial St. Phone 947 BUSINESS CARDS Auto Directory AUTO TOFB AUTO TOPS W. 0. WRIGHT. 171 . South High. IUTO TOP. CTHOL8TER T, WORK fuaraatead. 668 South, phone 128. TURXS AND ACCSSSOKIX8 SMITH-W ATKINS, 147 NORTH HIGH. Fiak. Sileenoa Cord, Hood extra ply ttree Eeerything for auto USET ARS FOR SALE XODGE DELIVERY truck, very reasonable. 554 Ferry Bt FOR SALE CHEAP HEAVY FOUR Bulck touring or will trade for Ford. Roots 3, Box 168, Salem. WANTED LIGHT TRUCK IN Ex change on Hudson. Essex or Baby Overland. Fred Kirkwood, 244 State street. BIO SIX 8TUDEBAKER EARLY 1921 model, at 81650; will consider stan dard make light car in trade and gire terms to responsible parties. Address Geo. Steele, care Marion Hotel, giving your sddreci. TRACTORS 1920 MODEL LA CROSSE 12-20 TRAC tor, with plows. Bargain. See W. H. Trnmm, 326 N. Commercial street. Phone 222. OARAGE AJRt REPAIR HOFFMAN ZOSEL TIRE REPAIR Ing, vulcanising, retreading; 197 South Commercial street. Pbona 471. CAPITAL GARAGE BUICK. 8TUDE baker repairing. 173 South Liberty. Phona 88. fAIR GROUNDS GARAGE TIKES, A0- eeaaonea. uaed ears. Our worh guar anteed. 8641 Portland Road. Phone 80S. SOUTH COMMERCIAL GARAGE GEN- eral repairing and overhauling. 420 8. Commercial St. Salem. AUTO REPAIR SHOP Xj. MILLER. 845 tienter P-ne 890 STORAGE OARAGE TRACT'S STORAGE GARAGB 644 rerrr street. BATTERY AND ELECTRICIAN AUTO ELECTRICIAN; EXPERT TROO- ble shooting. 838 North High. Phone 208., PRESTO-LITE BAi'iERT SERVICE station. Expert battery aad electrical work. Ferris Bros. Phone 1803, 418 lourt. RADIATOR SHOPS SALEM AUTO RADIATOR SHOP 198 Boat 18th. Pbone 28. O. BAIR. RADIATORS, FENDERS. Bodlee repaired. 444 Ferry. BEAUTY PARLORl OREGONIAN BEAUTY SHOP HAS more help. Customers don't have to wait. Pbone 477. NOW OPERATINO MODEL BEAUTY Parlor, 110 North Commercial Street 956. M. MYRTLE BERNARD MASSEUSE; BOUra. V lo a. Hundav? avenmn Be an. poinunent. Oregon Bath Haute, Phone MO. SOSSR. CONTXCTIONXBY REMINGTON CONFECTIONERY. HOME made eandt, eonfectiona, ecgara. Btag asiaee. 1273 Btata. CHUTE SB PHYSICIAN DR. It. M. HUM CURES ANY KNOWN 158 8. High St.. Phoae BBS CLEANING 4 PEES SING CLEANING, PRESSING DONE TO YOUR , tatisfscttoa. Classy line of collars, ties. The Toggery. 1857 State. DRUG STORES BREWER DRUG CO. 405 COURT; Phone 184. ELECTRICIAira SECURE MY FIGURES ON WIRING. By contract, by hour. At pre-war prices. H. W. Hatch, phone 1744-W. FTJIANOXAIi MARION-POLK COUNTY FARM LOAN association ass money to loss! at six percent. W. D. Smith, aeeretary-treaa-nror. 808 Balem Bank of Comnaaroe. FURNITURE STORES FRANK F. RICHTER NEW, SECOND- band furniture. 849 N Commercial. Phone 666. GEEENH0U3IS PORCH BOXES BEDOTNO PLANTS for salt. Smith a SOI North Oomaaet elal. HOTELS LEONARD HOTEL TTC1T MANAGE meat, clean, neat rooms aad apartments 254 North Front St. CHERRY CITY HOTEL; ROOMS 75e up; dining room in connection, family style. Comer High ant wt INSURANCE MUTUAL BENEFIT LIFE INSURANCE company. J. C. Balch, agent, room 5, McCornack Bldg. Phone 96. 8PLENDID OPPORTUNITY WITH Bankers' Reserve Life; G. F. Booth, General Agent, phone 2098-W. INSURE YOUR AUTOMOBILE WITH the Oreron Auto Indemnity Exchange FnH protection. Reduced ratea. Frank Meredith Co. Buan-oreymaa is lock. Ladies' Wearing Apparel CORSETS MRS. E8CH AGENT FOR PRINCESS Corsets nona 1043 R. 891 8. 12tb DRESSMAJEENa MAUD SIMONS. DRESSMAKER. Bellevoe fit. 1710 DRESSMAKING BY THE DAY. PHONE 645 J. Mrs. Rfid. EDITH St. ASHLEY DRESSMAKER. 1345 Broadway; 1436 J. MRS. S. CARTER EXPERIENCED dressmaker. - Phone 1971W. RUTH MeADAMS DRESSMAKER. $86 South 12th. Phono 1824 M. HATTIE WILLIAMS DRESSMAKING. 246 North Cottage. Phone 1&52W. MRS VARTY. DESIGNER AND MAKER Larties' Suits sad Gowns. Oyer Mil ler's Store. LA CLASiqUE GOWK 8HOP EXCLCS r'ivo models. Expert designing. 831V. Bute. ... ... ., , CARRIE FISHER DRESSMAKING, . deaigniag. 8pner eoreets to order. MeOormaek Bldg. Read41 The " Classified Ads. BUSINESS CARDS MUSICAL MINNKTTA MAG EES VOCAL, DERBY Building. Friday afternoon, Saturdiy. JESSIE F. BUSH TEACHER PIANO, formerly insirurlor Metropolitan Col lege Mntir, ThiUdelphia. 1363 South Commercial. Phone 83 J. J. ALBERT KENNEDY VIOLIN, piano, and Mrs. tdm B. Kennedy, piano, 5:25 N. Capitol. Phone ld77 R. Bpc-rial introdectory tera.a. LENA BELLE TARTAR VOCAL IN strurtion. phone 331. DOROTHY PEARCE PIANO. 2o7 North Winter. Phone 345 J. ADA MILLER VOCAU STUDIO DER by BWg. Phone 1943 J. NELLIE MULKEY STONE PIANO. 373 Leslie. Phone 751 -W. ALLIE CHANDLEH PT. 161 North Cottage. Thdne 829 W. BEATRICE 8HELTOS PIANO STUDIO 846 llsTus. Phone U99. LILLIAN HARTSHORN PIANO. 894 North Chorea. Poone 178. LENA DOTSON. PIANO. 1009 UNION street. Phone 543 J. T. 8. ROBERTS PIANO. ORGAN. Scuta 14th. Phone 770. 270 DAN F. LANGENBEBG. VOCAL Derby Bldg. Phone 2079. LENA WATERS PIANO. Pboaa 1184M. 1472 MILL MOLLII STYLES VOICE, PIANO. 858 Center. Phone 2016R. JCl.TA MILLS WE1GEL, FIANO. 1580 South Church. Pbone 1391 R. F. L. MILLER VIOLIN; OTHER string instrumenta. 419 Marion hotel. LUC1LE ROSS PIANO. ORGAN. 498 North Liberty. Phone 1187W. MATTIX GILBERT STRING IN8TRU aaenta. 1572 State. Phono 1158 B. MISS MABLE SHEPHERD. PIANO player; dances, all occasions. 257 N. Liberty. BERTHA JUNK DARBY, AUTHORIZED teacher, Godowsky Progressive Series Piano. 679 North Cottage. Phone 1950-W. WESTERN CONSERVATORY OF MUS- ie of Chicago, Frank E. Churchill, rep resentative. Diplomas granted. Odd fellww's Bldg. SALEM CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC All branches taught, diploma's granted. John 1 Bites, director, 1237 Court Pbone I2. TTJWEXa WENDELL HELM TUNING. REPAIR ing. Phona 492. EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED I piano tuner. Leave orders W ui a Music store R. W. BALLNTYNE, TUNER. PLAY era a apecu-lty. Phona 852. Ca erring-ton rian- Houaa. PIANOS PIANOS. PLATER PIASOS; NEW. aaad. . W. Talimaa. 181 Bo. Cont'L SHERMAN CLAY k CO PIANOS, STEIN ways. Duo-Art ane. otHers. Moore Dunn Muaic Store. Masonic Temple. CHERRINGTON PIANO HOUSE. HAN die Bush-Lane celebrated pianos. 415 Court. Phona 852. HEMSTITCH1N 0 BALEM ELITE HEM STTTCHINO, chaiastitchiBg, pleating, buttons. 828 880 Oregon Big. Phone 879. MILLINERY MR8. C. A. GRIMM. MILLINERY. MA tron, children's bats specialty; remod eling. 226 Oregon Bldg. PLEATING MRS. H1LDEBRAND. PLEATING 890 So th 24th. Phone 79 M l. HAT SHOP HAT SHOP MEN'S AND WOMEN'S hats renovated and blocked 495 Court Street. ItAUBDBXES SALEM LAUNDRY COMfANT. 186 a Liberty atreet. Pbone 25. Oldest largaat beat Established 1889. CAPITAL CITY STEAM LAUNDRY Quality work, prompt service, 1264 H rot d way Phone 165. MAGNETIC HEALER DR. H. J. ANDERSEN, MAGNETIC healer. Dregless physician. 416 Or- egon Bldg. Phone 1108. y MEDICAL MOUNTAIN BALM COUGH REMEDY Phone 51 7-W LANDSCAPE GARDENER FRED BLAKE, LANDSCAPE GARDEN er Route 4, Pbone 188-J. MONEY TO LOAN FUNDS ARE NOW AVAILABLE FOR A few residence building loans. A. C. . Bohrnttedt 407 Masonic Tern pis Sslem, Ors. NURSERY STOCK WILLAMETTE VALLEY NURSERY All kinds nursery stock for sale. Rte. 7. Phone 105F5. COMPLETE LINE TREES. SMALL frurtft, ornamentals. Capital City Nurs ery Co. 426 Oregon Bldg., Phone 75. STRAWBERRY PLANTS SMALL fruita, other nursery atock,, for Oct ober delivery. Place your order now. Ward K. Richardaoo, 2395 Front, Phone 494. PRINTING OFFICES LET BERTELSON DO YOUR PRINT ing. Just phone 779. Y Bldg. PRIVATE HOSPITALS WANTED CONFINEMENT CASES AT privets hoepitaU I have beet of equip mens. Phone 1959J. PAINT CONTRACTORS THE NEATEST PAINTER IN TOWN Work' by day. contract. Welle. Phone 1611M. DAVIS sj STRAvrsBAUtJTI GENERAL eontreetora; painta, oil, wallpaper. 128 Boutk Liberty. - Phone 801 AUBREY H. CLARK. SUCCESSOR TO Glenn L. Adams. Pointing, panerhaag ing. . ialaors in ing. Work guaranteed Terms reasonable, Phona 1296J; raa. 42 South Winter. PAINT WALLPAPER SEE PORTER lt)ll rArJTTS. WAL1 aper and Picture Framing. Good work men. 455 Court St. Pfcose 468. PERIODICAL MISS OOODHITE TAKES BUB SCRIP tions for eti 151 So. 17th Btraat. Phon 41M PERFUME AMD TOILET ARTICLES CALIFORNIA VKRFITMK CO EX tracts, toilet articles. Mrs. Moyer. 170 Koith 23rd. Phone 1224. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER MARGARET BURNS PUBLIC STKV rrapher. 408 Maaoaie Bldg. Phase 262. Classified Ads. In Jhe Statesman Bring 'Results - BUSINESS CARDS FLrjMMtO SORTHWlsT-j-gj, pipE WHOLE- t" VoiLmd, Iobf aappliea. 219 . Coaxmercial. Phone 179. Pl.rMBI0 REPAIRI?-- AND COIL jgaT "T P ROOF IXFAIKXHa BOOFS RESH1SGLED. CLEANED HaV 4rr MmMMi ri" Kayea IXPAUtSQ AJCD tHAJLPENIHa CUTLERY GBINDINQ. LAWS MOWERS 7nA tc- Stewart b Repair Shop. 47 Conrt street. BEN WUEELER EVERYTHING RE Pwt. uenerai aharponing. ehimaey sweep UHS N. 17th at.. Phoae 141 W SIGNS UNION SIGN CO SIGNS WITH KICK Show cards thst talk. 431 N Commer cial. Phene 548. BOB REFAIBXBQ WILLIAM'8 SHOE 8H0P 186 SOUTH High- STUDIOS DE LCXE STUDIO, KODAK FINI8H tag. 147 North CommereiaL SECOND HANS GOODS HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOB SECOND band clothing aad shoea. Also do cleaning, pretting and repairing. Call sad deliver. Capital Exchange, 842 North Commercial. Phone 1S68-W. WE BUY AND SELL SECOND hAND gooda af all kinda, pipe fittinga, har-aeaa- eoUara. collar aada. toola and chains. . . Fred Sckindler. 268 Ceater SCAVENGERS SALEM SCAVENGER GARBAGE. REF asa of all kinda removed. Cesspools cleaned. Phoae 167. TAXI DIRECTORY LAN HAM TAXI COMPANY PHONE 640. THE OREGON TAXI TRANSFER CO., Liberty Ferry. Phoae 77. Dry alr-b. 16-iBch wood for sale TAIXORS FRANK PALM MERCHANT TAII.OR 211 S. High and Ferry. TEAX8FES HA.ULIN0 MERCHANTS' DEMVERT. 179 SOUTH High. Plana 230. Trunk, city, 60e. CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO. 226 i state Bt. pnooe 43. vutriButing. forwarding aad atarage our specialty. Get oar rates. 8T0 YESSTOVE EEPArRDrO STOVES REBUILT Aaro icSPAlRED 40 7 tart oxperieare; Depot National fence, sixes 26 to 28 Ina. high. Painta oil and varnishes, etc.. loganberry aad hop hooks. Salem Fence aad Store Works. 250 Court street. Phone 124. WHERE TO EAT WHITE CLOUD TEA HOUSE OfEN Sunday morning o'clock. American style. 1101 N. Comercial. Phone 472. Saua Louie, Prop. TRANSPORTATION PORTLAND KOSEBURG STAGES Leaving Argo hotel for Eugene and way points at 10:25. Leaving Salem for Roteborg 2 :25 p.m. Going to Portland, leave Salem at 4:30 anl 9:30. Call 900 for reservations. Che ne Aoto Trsneportstion Co. SALEM SlLvEBTtrr STAGE Leaves Leaves Salem Silverier. O. E Depot News Staad 7:00 B.m. 8:15 a.m. 11:00 a... 1:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. 8:15 pm. . BALEM INDEPENDENCE MONMOUTH STAGE Lesvs Salem O.K. depot 7:00 a.m., 11:00 s.m 5:00 p.m. I-eave Monmouth Hotel 1:15 a.m. 1:00 pjs., 6:15 p.m. Lesve Independence Hotel 8:80 a.m., 1:15 p.m., 6:80 p.m. Special tripe by appointment. Sevea passenger car for hire. J W. PARKER. Prop. Res, phene 615 Bnaineae phone v WOOD SAWS CITY AND COUNTRY WOOD SAWING Phone 2046. Fisher Bros. CITY A.KD COUNTRY WOOD SAWING Phone IfiOfl-W. WATER SALEM WATER. LIGHT A POWER 00. Office, 801 South Com'l Bt. Tea per cent discount on domestic flat ratea paid in advance. No deductions for ab sence or any cause unless water Is the off your premiaea. PROFESSIONAL CHIROPODISTS A. J. FOSTER PAINLESS CHIROPO dist. Corns, bunions, ingrown nails removed. 148 N. Commercial. CORX8 AND CALLOUSES REMOVED witaaut pain. Appliances irora inai vidual impression. Dr. Tatro, Masonic Bldg, phone 412. CHIROPRACTORS DR. a L SCOTT, P. a O.. CHIROPRAO Ut, 109-12 U. S Bank Bldg Psoas 67: Raa. 82 SR. OSTEOPATHIC PEYSICTJUIS DRS. WHITE AND MARSHALL, 06 U. g. National Bank Bldg. DR W. L. MERCER, OSTEOPATHIC Physician and surgeon; Kirksville frsdaste. 404-405 IT. 8. Nstionsl Bsnk B'dg. phones Office, 019: Ree. 614. DR. JOHN LYNCH. OSTEOPATHIC PhyiieUa nad Stirxeon, 403-404 Oregon WM-- OffW-e 1304 1 Roa SFS OPTICIAN POMEROY" A KEEXE JEWELERS AND Optometrists. 388 State. GLASSES FITTED BY DR. L. R. BUB dette at the Bow Optical Company. 825 State atreet, oppoeite Ladd and Bnth TUnli LODGE DIRECTORY UNITED SPANI8H WAR VETERANS ramp I. Armory. First. Third Moadaye REAL ESTATE SPECIALS I have six good little residence prop rrties (tome bungalows! that are of fereJ at tperial prices for a few dv yet. Worth yotir notice and contia eration iT yot' iiililt' toV. I shall be plester to have je tee them. Wm Fleming, 341 Stale -itreet. DO YOU WISH AX JDKAf, FARM HOME on ptrement It the bea.tiftil Bellevre district oi .JaovAiU . county! If an. see this 43 acres, all cultivated; 25 acres in clover, abundance of fruit. P room modern iwwite. fine rarage, ram rWe set of good ontbnildiaaa. prea tnre water mtnn, ele-trie lights. Ideal for loganberries. Cannot be surpassed for a country home. One quarter mile from stor, chnrcb. achool For terms and ether particulars, write 8 A K, rare Statesman or call Sackett. pbone 1101. TRADE 81 ACRES CLOSE TO SALEM t sood toil, good 5 room bnngalow, ponl try bonnet, etc mostly in cultivation, some timber and riattnre. for Sslem residence up to- 82500. No rash re aairwd: or will sell price $3,000. terma, $1000 dowa. We have others .sale or trade S. R. Pearson 408 U. S. Bank Bldg. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE BT OWNER, ROOM plastered house. Bath, electric tights. Sun able apartments by small allay. 2.100 cask. Wig make price and terms 8100O down. Pfcoac 17F31. 20 ACRES. GOOD BUILDINGS, NEAR school. Bargain to sell at once. Bee Lewis, owner, at 260 S. Commercial street. " 8 ROOM MODERN PLASTERED HOUSE two large lota, cloae to achool aad car line. A good oae for the money Priced for quirk sale. 83,800. Good terms. Joseph Barber Son, 200 Grsy Bldg. NEW MODERN BUNOALOW JUST completed, i built -ina of all kinds, l you are planning for a new home, aee this sad yon will bay aad not build. Joteph Barber A Son. 200 Gray Bldg. BUY NOW NIFTY FlVE ROOM BUS galow, jrst off State street. Price M00; 81.250 cash. Balance terms. Krueger, 209 Oregon Bldg. REAL BUYS IN HOUSES 7 room bouse and large corner lot, lo cated clone in, in south Salem, one block from car line. Trice 2,7oi; 8.0U dowa will handle. 7 room modern haute. 1 orated on paved street price 83.000. Terma. 5 room bungalow, modern plumbing and lights, built last J ear. Price S2. J00; 8200 dowa. ba easy term. 3 room bungslow, pared street, plumbing and lighta. located at 1735 Fairmount atreet: once 2100: terma. Just completed. 5 room bungalow, paved street, plumbing aad lighta. Price 82.450 cash: located north Salem. 5 room modern 'bungalow, located close in on south Commercial street. Price 5,100; terms. W. H. GRABEXHORST A CO. U. S. Bank Bldg. 275 State St INCOME 8 ROOMS. CLOSE IN, ALL furnished, income 876 per month. For ouick tale, 8-1,250. Belter hurry Arthur K. Petersen, 229 Oregon Bldg. PERSEY'S LAND OFFICE CITY HOC aes, fruit tracts, farms. See us before you buy. sell or exchange. Over Gale k Co (Chicago) Store. BUY NOW NEW FOUR RROM BUN galow with bath, on car line, close in, ritv water, light and sewer. Prire only 81900. $i00 cash, balance terma See ui for bargains. Krucger, 209 Oregon Bldg. Get Busy 63 acres, 8 miles south. All in culti vation; 1 arret prunes, some mixed orchard. 3 acres log ana, 1 year old; good team, 3 rows, all machinery, bar and fed. Fair improvements. Only $9,000 ; good terma. 9 arret 2 miles out; 5 arret in 'fruit and berries, balance rough ; good 4 room cottage, garage, barn and chicken house. $,&ou; $1,500 cash balance long time. Arthur E. Petersen 229 Oregon Bldg. FOR SALE Nice new modern 5 room bungalow, good lot, paved streets, on csrline. Price $2.B(i0. 9300 cash, balance $25 per month, with 6 percent intcreat-. Fine new modern bungalow, nice loca tion, pared street, on ear line, price 93000; cash 1300, 923 per month with interest at 6 percent. Five rutin honae wim modern improvement!-, ; good iot, soma fruit, gravel street, close to rarline, price $1800; 6:;U0 cash, balance $20 per month with J percent interes: per annum. For good buys, s-e H. L. MARSTERS 21t 212 Grsy Bid;. Phone V07 You Will Get Better Service by putting your property In tha hands of one REALTOR exclusively than by listing It with a number of Heal Estate A cents. The Marlon Co. Realty Association wilt mail to you on request a lisit of all the REAL TORS in Marion County. SPECIAL An especially fine comer lot on sooth Commercial at $1,000. Will take a tone houe on a small poultry rtn-h or a smsll orchard, both within a mile of car. I am Instructed to cut price of a 6-room modern from $3,200 to bed-rock and a lots at $2,600 if sold by Sept. 30th. Vm. Fleming. 341 State street. WORTH WHILE WHAT HAVE YOU TO TRADE FOB either of these fine farms! xs xx 120 acres, nearly level, rich deep aoil : 100 acres in cultivation, good build ings, a large amount of personsl prop erty goes with plsre. Will tske in exrksnge good Sslem property up to SfiOOO; bslance in good terms. Price $100 per sere. 21 acres on Garden road; 6 room modern house; all in cultivation, 3 seres ber ries, 5 acres prunes, stock and equip ment goet with place. Price 812.500; will take city propertly up to 83500 in exchange, balance good terms at 6 percent. 7 room hotise with bath, electric lights. 1 block to school. Prieo $1600; $150 down, balance $15 per month. MILLS & COPLEY SSm State .Street Phone 175 Best Bargain in Town Firnt clast 5 room modern bungalow; with full concrete basement, 2 fine lots, new double garsge, poultry house, variety fruit, on good street. Priced low to sell st $2,650. Terms, $500 down, balance eatv. S. R. Pearson 403 U. S. Bank Bldg. Res. phone 1729 J GOOD BUYS 120 ai-re trart of land 5 miles south of Salem, bo acres cultivsted, balsnre pat tu re and timber: this is first data grain and fruit soil. Price $100 per sere. 10 seres all in fruit, 8 acres prunes 1 V4 seres logant. tome spples. goote berriet. good cottage, barn. well, rwk road : close to highway. Price $5,000 5 acres nearly all in bearing fruit; prunes cherries, logant, atrawbernet, family fruit. 5 room house, wood house, barn well: will exchange for house and lot ur to $2,000: price $3,000. 40 acres of fine berry soil located south cf Salem, all cultivated. Pri'-e $5,000 Easy terms. 8 p-reent mterett. 5 room modern bunsalow except bate ment, furniture goeu. located at 1135 S. 16th. Price $2,200: half cash. 5 room cottage located at 817 Kaginsw street; price $2,400; $500 down, bar ance terms. 7 room modern ho'ise on paved street West Halem. Price $3,0f'0; half cash. balance terms. 9 room modern home located at 1216 State street Thie is good boy, come in and' k'? u about it. 9 nom house located at 1330 Commercial atreet: price $2,800. 5 room honte. bath, toilet, lights, bate ment. furnace, gar.gc, close in. Price I l.BWO. , W. H, Grabenhorst & Co. 275 State ttreet Good Buys 7 rooms with bath, lights, toilet, cellar, one block to school. Good buy at , Slfion with $150 down and $1S per month. Good modern 7 rooms, except furnace n Union street. $3,000 or trade for smaller house. We have a good home in Portland to trede for Salem property. Nice home in Salem to trade for farm A a room house, partly furnish-d, for v $1100; amall payment down, balance " like rent. 331 s SUte street REAL -ESTATE i ROOM PLASTERED HOU8E. MODERN except heat, 61.60Q, pay like rest. 7 room modern except heat, two lota, plenty fruit. barm. garage, pared streets. Price 83,500; 500 cash, real like rect. Small reaches close ia at a bargain, or exchange for city property. Dairy and grain reaches tor sale or ex chaage. Sc s fee- whst yo want. JOSEPH BARBER & SON 200 Gray Bldg FOR SALE MOirwtxS 6 ROOM BUN- galow, fall batemenc 2 lota, garag. fruit; 3 blocks to Highland achool See Standley a Foley, phoae 347, basinets hoars; or call at 2030 N. Commercial. TBADE T5 ACRES NEAR OAK GROVE 9 miles from Salem, Land rolling. All cleared, is cultivation. Good aprings; no baildtngs: no incumbrance. Will trade for am til tract Bear Salem. Evaa Evana Route 1. Rirkresll (owner). FOR BALE OR TRAOE BT OWNER aico improved 40 acre farm rVoae to Balem. Pnro right. Pbaae 53 F5. WOOD'S BARGA'.XV TREE ROOM bungalow, ate, $750. terma. bungalow, good location. 81350. five room bungalow, 83450. Six New ! New cottage, good location, 83100, tarma. Seven room bungalow, two lots sad garage, 94500. Five room bungalow, $1650. Apartnrent hoot, good la eoata, price" right. 260 acre farm, rtver bottom land, well located, at half value. SO acres well improved, take a house in Salem. Nearly new Buick ear to trade for house. Choice lot. paved street close in, 8600. F. L. Wood, 841 State St. 10 ACRES ALL UNDER CULTIVATION close in at 82.400. House, good barn, with two lota and plenty of fruit st $1,200. Square Deal Co. 203 U. 8. Bank Phono 470 REAL ESTATE TRADERS YOTJ CAN find a number of good propositions either aa tradaa. or bars In eaa par maata of land ar hnnralawa. Chaa. W. Nfsmeyer. Maaoaia Temple. Saiam, FOR SALE FIRST CLASS MODERN bungalow with seven rooms, full base ment, furnace and gsrsge. Fine loca tion on paved street. See owner, save commission. 265 N. 21tt St. LET US EXFLAtS THE NEW SYSTEM of selling your property. Property listed nor exclusive. 'our property photogrsphed. Brews. Mages sad Beasia Snyder. Ovtr Baeiek'a store. Stale and Commercial. I'bone 659. FOR SALE 36 ACRES HIGHLY IM proved chicken or frail .ranch, with two dwellings elertririty and water avtlem. Near t'hemawa and Pacific .' highway. Will be sold far below Ha , value. Johan C. Nielsen. Lt. U, Box 31, Salem. BUY SOW CLASSY FIVE ROOM BUN galow, in east Halem. Tbia ia a tine place.- Price "only $3,250. Terms. Krnecer, 209 Oregon Bldg. FOR SALE OR TRADE 400 ACRES good land near Blodgntt, at $25 per af-re. O. O. Larson, Silverton, Ore. BUY NOW FIVE ROOM MODERN bungalow, except furnace, at 1315 N. Ktli street. See na for price. Krueg er, 209 Oregon Bldg. TOR RENT FOR RENT SIXTY ACRES OF LAND in N. Salem. Inquire of JL P. Boise, Breymaa Block. TO LEASE 540 ACRES OF LAND ONE tram of horses for sale. See Mrs. A J. Miiler, Turner, Ore. FARM FOR RENT 200 ACRES GRAIN land, complete outfit,, renter to buy same cash or shsre of crop. Davie Reea Rt. 4, Box 21. Phone 9F11, Salem, Ore. T PUBLIC NOTICES STATE TREASURE!.' SOT1CE Notice is hereby given that on October 15, 1921, At 11 o'clock v m I will sell at public sale at my office In the Capitol Bnllaling, Salem, Oregon, to the best cash bidder the following described bonds: Rainier Drainage District 6 per cent bond No. 30, dated Oct 1, 1920, due Oct. 1, 1920. par value 1600. Rainier Drainage District 6 per cent bond No. 31, dated Oct, 1, 1920. due Oct. 1, 1931, par value vlOOO. Rainier Drainage District 6 per cent bond. No. 38, dated Oct. 1, 1920, due Oct. 1. 1932. I will receive blda for any one or more of these bonds. I reserve The New Administrai:ion Brings New Figures X KEEP ACCUKATELY INFORMED Through : The Country's Most Noted and Most Quoted Independent Newspaper The Springfield Republican The Weekly containing; an expert condensation of the news, together with the week's collected and selected editorials and many special features and interesting departments, offers for i Only $2.00 a more comprehensive and on in trie worm than any other weekly magazine. It goes Into L every state in the Union. j . HlBSCinPTIOXllnTEll: f2.00 a year, CO cents a quarter, 5 cents a copy Scnd for Specimen Copy -All nntrV-Hptlona arc payable In advaisre. Address THE REPUBLICAN, "Springfield, MasS."" the rUnt to reject any and all bid; and to sell t any or. all or aald bonds. This al is made under Paragraph 274. Oregon Laws. O. P. HO FF, State Treasurer, Date ot tint publication. Septetu- bvr 9, 1SJI. Date of last publication, October 14. 1)21. WHOLE MILK . AND CREAM WANTED Marion' Creamery & Produci Co. Salem, Oregon . Phone 2488 I SALEM MARKETS I -4 BUTXJro rxicx Xcgs ami rssnry Eggs. 3Sc, Hens, heavy, t. II en a, medium, 17s, Hens, light. 16a. o reilers. lse-22e. Old rooatera. 8 10. Pork. Mnttem aad Sea Top hog. UHe, 140 So 180 I be Sowe aad bogs, 7 aad . Smooth, heavies, top lie. Dressed bogs, 15-lSa. Lambs, y earl lag. 8 He- 4a,.. 1921 milk lambs, 1 lit. Beat steers, aa. . Cows, 8-8s. Balls. 1 8a. ... V Top seal. 14-14Ho. Grata Wheat. $1.00, Ne. 1 white. Oats, milling, Ks. L Ada. Oats. feed. 85s. i Hs 1, Veateh aad Oat hay. $11. Cwvor May, $10. . ; 1 : , Mill reeds. EetsO , Mill ran, $24 ton. -Shorts. $32. ton. - - Waeleaslo to DoalorB Creamery Butter, 49c. Butterfat, 47o- ... s.v Whole, muk. $aio. ; i ; Oranges, $7 50. - - - . w .- Bananas, Slit;'' Lemooe, 70. Grapo Frsit, Cat, $4.80. Dales. dreaBodarv. $7 eaao, Teceishlos Oregon eabbago, 4a. i Turaipa. $8.00 Bach. Peans. 80. r " Wax beans, as.-' v.. Celory, $1 doaaa . ew potatoes, ac ' Oregon oaiout, 24c ; " : f ' " Oregon eaeumbera. bOs. Oregon honey. Boa la. - Parsley. 60s deaea beaehas. Beets. 00c. oosea stmoaee. .... Tomatoes, 1.1J. - - - - 4. Uoae. axtractad. 10s Ct., , ; Applea. 63.75. V Cantaloupe, poav. $3; flat, 80a. it I Wafer melons, $1.Q. ,? Green peppers, 9 lh. J . Ire (,'ream aeloa. I1.TS. u Caaahaa. t. I llooty Dew. 3 Via. 1, Sweet Tot.' 4.v,, . fc VI Huckleberries, 14a, i r" n '-t t Toksy Grepes, 11 8.1 ... . Malagaa, 10a. f' ? ,- Creamery batter 68e. ' ' "" ? Eggs, 88c-40e. V Flour, herd whett, fl 80 tl M. Floor, soft wheat, $168 $3.00. Sugar. $SVBJ ; "j" j Operator of Games Has j r; Wild Plea to Police Head "Mr.. Chief man! Mr. Chief man! Vat till I do? Oh. YaLjYill 1 tio. Here I ara with $800 wprth of ewinff ball." ring pitch land other games right on the grounds' and this rear you Till not allow it. 1 am ruined!" v ThU was the Tild plea raade yesterday to Chief of Police Mot fitt by the ? Itinerant owner of various games of chance that have' been made taboo on the fair grounds after many complaint had been registered by patrons of former expositions. i Chief Moffit reminded him that notice of the action taken against the games had been published several weeks in advance. The man admitted that he had heard of the action but had thought that it was "Just a. 01.' What luck are you' bavins; with your tomato catchup this year? gal -taa fe JSmaitVtmmi tile at K aaa miww h-a-t. eattad MlhBtae BJtti-. J Teao sm otaaw. sr e a. Sr of rawe " preTt. LtAMon At ua t ux4 rr t-TTT c lAMONB VRAM riLAa, sw B8 BBBw9a bM BMsa SSMs-tCa arwS$Jyw 8JBsS)$Jsj SOLS n DRUGGISTS RimLKT on the SUffc New Issues Republican inielHRent surrey of what. la colas f 0 f-'-'.'L