THE OREGON STATESMAN. SALEM OREGON WEDNESDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 23, 1921 Police tetlrltts -wo noteij :a tbcsOaratrapai. Dorin ttoftir' week Chief Mof f If t'e lorce of nrty four officers stationed tn th etty end at tlie fairground hare "ban died hundreds of minor eaae not entered xm the Wetter. All , of these cases were of .minor Import; anca as lest children, or, traffic; disturbances. Criminal actitUJea acUrltles hare been unusually scarce, this- year, although many suspicion characters hare been ordered lo iMort before they could get to work among the crowds of Ttsltora. ---'-- - Hoboes Disappear When Officer fcranson hirried out to the vicinity of Thirteenth and Waller afreets to investigate a report ttat'nohies "were caustn trunhle thers lajU might, he foond that the tfateUri g gentry had moved to bth&? Motions of! th eouniy, . .. . .v. V . Oasoltne Stales . Bert Adams, of 612 North High Mreet reported that thieves last night. visited his garage for the second time within a few days.' On the first risit a box "of tools were stolen whUe lastnlxht'a raid on Adams ear netted "f It gallons or . gasoline an da motormeter for f he tl teres. t Tvmrn VmvmM.' A part fcettalilasf small arti e!e and a note teatlnc the name ol laellle Smith, of Jefferson was tamed Is at the falrgroin da po lice station yesterday. :. '. Broach in I -v- Mrs. Paa Pierce- of 740 t street reported to the fairgrounds sta tion that she had lost a small . broach, valuable as a keepsake. The bit of jewelry was la the form ot a cluster of grapes small pearls forming the frntt design. ' Dlfltarbance Reported . Alderman George Wenderoth roported last night1 tb at riotously Inclined individuals were making, a disturbance in his neighborneod at 1790 Water street. Patrolman . Duffield and Fletcher were as signed to the call. v.K;'H.'v:h) Checkbook Foond Kenneth Webb claimed a check! book asd folder wbicto was found on one ot the fairground walks yesterday by. Of fleer Miller. The . folder contained passes In the names of Dure Hofflne and Pen nth Webb. . ... j-f. u ,t Dog Is l4t Rosa Cnls forth, of Mar Brooks, reported to the f airgrennds police that he had lost a six-months old Airedale puppy while bringing the animal to - Sales- la ' trailer be hind his auto. He offered a re ward ; to .of fleers or-others' who might find the little animal which Is described as I follows: llnzile and legs, of a light tan color, shoulders shaded ; and saddle of Mulsh-gray tinge. . . , fmff to ;Vklars Bookrtl a ActiTities by traffic officers caused the booking of the fol lowing named individuals Tues day, ball deposits are' noted: W. C. Mechami Bormg, T)r.,' f 10: i Robert D. Gale. Tamer; ;Lai.H. Yick. 153 South High street, 110; T. W. Gorman. Salem, JDealer's license No. 1 -., $10; Henry C. Black, $5. Various , traffic vio lations were 1 booked against the offenders, speeding ' within city and' fire limits being the. common offense. All were booked' to ' ap : pear before Recorder Race today. Fines Are Collected f. Judge Race Imposed fines yes-" terday o the following array of 1 trafflo violators: C; H Wilson; IB; W. C. Phelps. $10; George T. .Strine, $10. Bail money was for feited by A. O. Neshum, $10 and II. W. Lyons, $10. Cor Cadly Damaged ; Uli A, Klrschnecki of Gerrals, ! reported yesterday -that-be bad struck Oakland car bearing Ore gon license No. 71072 and that A pipe won't burn your tongue if you smoke P. A.! ,i 1 Get that pipe-party-bee buzzing in yotir smoke- Ml 'ATbtrt to bmf. tidy rmf tinm, mmd hmU mtmtl tin IratlM I cmtml mli iUr with rexte L Copyright 1921 . br k. J. RyiiU . Wlaata-SJBU i - n.c r! t .. ' j. - his own machine baa sustained a broken light, tent axle and a cat tiro. The Oakland escaped un scathed. Mr. Kirschneck report ed. Morse Again VlctimT Dr. W. B. Morse, who Is unable to aecosnt for the frequent at tacks on his car by petty pilfer ers last night reported to the po lice that ' someone had stolen a browa taackinaw robe and & light raincoat from bis car. Prowler Cause Alarm , Officer Dnffleld was unable to locate a auspicious character seen In the vicinity of Cberaeketa and Eighteenth streets last night. E PAVING IS COUNTY'S PL1 Grading and Graveling Will Continue In Prepara tion for 1922 While the season Is closed for the laying ot bard surfaced roads, W. J. Culver, county roadmaster, says that the county la going right ahead In preparing roads for the pawing " program to open . next Directly 4 . south , of Silverton, there Is a stretch of almost one' and a half miles that will be graded, widae4 and graveled this winter, work to continue as long as the weather permits. This Is in preparation for hard surfaced paving early in the sprfng by the county. .: '' , ; West of TSubllmlty there is one niile of road that will be gravelled and graded this winter, Mr. Cul ver says, preparatory to hard sur facing. Between Sublimity and Stayton work will soon commence In grad ing and gravelling. On this stretch of road, estimated at one mile, the grade over the hill will be cut and there will be consider able filling; in. - This road is part of the market .road program tor hard surface. From Stayton to .West (Stayton there is a. stretch ot road about one and a half miles long, which will be widened and graded prop erly, for the work of hard surfac ing next sprisg. Progress in this work, like all other, depends largely on favorable weather. I There Is a nine mile stretch between ' Stayton and - Mehama which, according to the market program. Is to be gravelled and widened where necessary. Work on this stretch will begin , soon, nd continued na: weather will permit. :. -. V;,l ' W . The general plan is to do all gravelling and grading possible this fan and winter, in order that where the roads are to be hard surfaced they will be in condition at least by next summer. SUGAR - DROPS. :PORTlAND, Sept. 27 A 15- cent drop in sugar was announced by local jobbers today. Best grades if cane granulated are now $6.55 a sack, with beet sugar at $6.35.,' As the train neared the city the colored potter approached the jovial-faced gentleman saying, with a smile:' "Shall I brush yon off,- sah!"t r k i r;- , "No," he replied f "I Drefer to get off la the usual manner ." Princeton Titer. IS?) r section! Know for a fact what a joy'us jimmy pipe V. tin xmwill'do for your peace and content!. Just check up the men in ail walks of life you meet daily ; ; who certainly get top .sport out of their pipes -"all 1 aglow with fragrant, delightful, friendly Prince --Libert! . t., " And, you can wager -your week's wad that Prince ' Albert's quality and flavor land coolness and its iilfreedoxn fronfilte andpafch (cut but by our exdu , ive patented process) will jring up records in your : little xld smokemeter the likes1 of 'which you never . before could believe possible! . You don't get tired of a pipe when it's packed with Prince Albert!. Paste that in your hat! And, just between ourselves!: Ever 'dip into the sport of rolling 'em? Get some Prince Albert and the makin's papers quick and cash in on a ciga- mat wiu prove a reveiauoa;, -.-JT- notional joyjtmok 1 ;l 11 a box is SWIG I Early Applications to Com mission Mainly from Men Vho Wanf Money Up to yesterday, ex-eervice men who are interested in the benefits of the bonas law, have expressed preference as follows: Wanting cash, 2,831. Preferring loans on real estate, 2,682. At headquarters of the state aid commission, this showing Is felt to be satisfactory, It is figured that men who want the cash will be the first to respond, wfclle ex service men who are interested In , loans, will take a little longer time In thinking It over. Captain H. C. Brumbaugh, sec retary of the commission, objects most strenuously to the report that he had advised ex-service men to employ attorneys to help ibem in making applications for cash or loans. Instead, the captain advises all men to study their application blank, apd then if they do not understand it, go direct ,to an American Legion post, where they will he given full information in regard to making out the blank In proper form. Although there Is a space on this application blank to Indicate whether the applicant is interested In cash or a loan on real estate, the blank is really only a form by which (he commission can estab lish the soldier's eligibility to the benefits of the bonus law. No blanks have as yet been sent out in which the soldier directly makes application for a Joan on real estate. These may not be mailed for several weeks. Captain Brumbaugh says. However, he does urge all sol diers to fill out the rirst appli cation form of blanks in orders that records may be gone over. and the soldier's eligibility eatab- iisnea. . This must be done prior to May 25, 1922, whether the sol dier wants cash or a loan. The big thing for all ex-servlee men to do, Captain Brumbaugh says, is to file their application as soon as possible, in order that the commission may proceed to go through all records nd estab lish the fact as to whether the soldier is entitled to the benefits oz the act. After eligibility is once estab lished, the loan or the cash fea ture can be taken op later. Cash must be claimed prior to May 25, iZ2, but If eligibility is estab usned before that date, CapL Brumbaugh says the soldier may taice his time in regard to apply Ing for a loan. As the law now stands, the loan may be made soon, or in years to come. FIRST HORSE SHOW AFFORDS THRILLS (Continued from page 1) night. List of Winners Last night's winners Were: Class 1. Fine Harness Horse: .single Mabel Reade, first owned by James A, MeCloave, Victoria. B. C; . Bohemian Art, second owned by George E. Plummer, Se attle; -Tom Keilow. third, owned by H. M. Kerron, Portland, Ore. Class 29. Trotters iWth Track Records Jennie W-. first, owned by C II. Wheeler, Gresham, Ore.; Gnbeht. second, owned by H. . Glernian, Portland, and Howard Comet, third, ovrned by H. Cier-1 man. T'ortlaad. I GeHlemen's Three-oaitcd Sad. dlers . Cl--s 32 Admiral Dower. Xr, owned by James A- McCleave. Vic toria, X. C; Buttons, seu4i; Babe third, both owned by CurtU Rea?y of Seattle. Class 12 Sterling Duke, rirst, owned by Matt McDougalL Scat tie; Fixe Lad, second, owned by Dr. .". Meyers. Seattle: Victoria, third, owned by James A. Hc Cleate, Victoria, B. C. . Class 16. Ladies Five-Gaited Saddlers Bohemian Art. first, owned by George E. Plummer. Se attle; David Haram. second, own ed by A. E. Graham. Grants Pass. Ore.; Le Grand McDonald, third, owned by Miss Lula Ruby, Port land. Ore. Class 37. Six-in-Hand Heavy Draft Teams Six grays, first, owned by A. C. Ruby, Portland; six blacks, second, owned by A. C. Ruby, Portland; Team, third, owned by D. F. Burge. Alblna, Or. Class 22 Novice Hunters In dian Princess first owned by James A. MeCleave. Victoria, B. C, Wenona. second, owned by Margaret . Ellen Douty, Portland. Walter Bud, third, owned by H. M. Kerron. Portland. Class 27. Handy Hunters Prohibition, first; Titferary, sec ond; Victoria, third; all owned by James A. McCleave, Victoria, B C . Class 7. Gig Horses Indian Maid, first; owned by James A. McCleave, Victoria, B. C. Ace, second, owned by Harvty Dick. Portland, Qr. Tom Kellow, third, owned by H. M. Kerron, Portland, Or. Tonight's Program Class 2 Ladies roadster, sin gle, 14 entries. Class 30 Pacers with rec ords, foar entries. Cla3s 88 Sin-in-hand driv ng competition, 4 entries. Class 50 - Ladies' three-gait- ed saddlers, 26 entries. Clas3 8 Tandems, two entries. Class 17 Gentlemen's five- gaited saddlers, four entries. Class 33 Pairs in harness. four entries. Class 19 Lightweight hunt ers, 16 entries. Class 2G Water jump, 17 en tries. Class 14 Combination three- gaited saddlers, 12 entries. Class S5 Heavy draft pairs, 7 entries. Living is Found High In British Columbia Llvins: is pretty high In British Columbia, according to U. G. Holt, logging superintendent of the Spaulding Logging company, who has just returned from the northern country where he has been spending several days in the Interest of the Miaml-Spauldlng Lojrglas company. For instance, cantaloupes sell for 35 cents each. Concord grapes at 75 cents a basket, and Graven etine apples so high that they ar one of the great luxuries of.-tbe, north. . . . r Mr. Holt found the cedar busi ness active, and the price of cedar higher than tor many a year. Ce dar logs No. 1, are selling at f 2T a thousand feet, while No. 2 Is bringing $20. The demand for cedar is snch that many companies are building railroads into the monntalnj In order to supply the demand. Heavy shipments of cedar are be ing made to Japan. Mr. Holt said-. Mills are also cutting cedar Into bevelled siding for eastern ship ments. As to the difference In Ameri can and Canadian money, Mr. Holt said that when going over the line, he got 11 per cent more money, in Canadian than be took with him. As he spent most of It vhlle across the line, he suffered none in the depreciation coming this way, as be only, had a dollar or two to depreciate. , What struck Mr. Holt as unns ual was the, fact that the big Japanese steamers loading and unloading at Vancouver, had a crew almost entirely of Chinese. and that while the longshoremen were on a strike, they did not in terfere with the Chinese while loading the Japanese ships. Deschutes County Farmers Want to Buy Dairy Cows Farmers in the eBnd section of the state are long on hay. but short on dairy cows, and incident ally rather short on cash, accord ing to a letter that Is being sent out by the manager of the Oregon Wool and Mohair Co-operative as sociation, with offices in the Mor gan building, Portland. The letter states that the farm ers around Bend, In co-operaUon with the First National bank of that city, are in th market for several hundred head of dairy cows. That with plenty of hay, they are in position to care for hundreds of cows. But that oa ac count of being rather short on cash, the farmers would have to buy, giving a mortgage forthe cows and also on other stock Farmers In the valley wishing to look into the proposition mlrht write the Oregon Wool and Mo- nair urowers association, Port land, Oregon, Morgan building; Congress to Take Time4 4 For Revision of Tariff WASHINGTON, Sept. 27.-a.ny expectation that any special ses sion or congress can complete permanent revision of the tariff before December is understood to have been abandoned by Siost mgn administration officials.- : The present belief is that when tax legislation is completed and the peace treaties disposed, of congress will devote Its attention to the administration measures authorizing readjustment of tor eign loans and relief of the rail way situation. It is not thenght likely by the officials that eaffj. cienl time will remain to enact a1 permanent tariff meaeure. . i j, ! however, which begins ia Decern-! bcr is expected to tackle the tariff .problems soon' alter it assembles. WW DIE Hi BOAT Failure of Mechanism on Submarine Craft Cause of Accident Yesterday LOS ANGELES, Sept. 27. Opening of an inner torpedo tube while the outboard shutter was opened and failure of an inter locking device to operate, cansd the sinking last night of the navy submarine R-fi, with loss ot two lives in the harbor here, it was officially announced at fleet headquarters today. J. E. Dretfein of San Pedro was drowned when thrown from the conning tower of the linking submarine, and Vincent Splash burg of Powers Lake, N. D. was trapped ia the engnlfed 'craft Both were seamen of the R-6'B crew. Admiral E. W. Eberle, comman der in chief of the Pacific fleet will return aboard the U. S. s' New Mexico tomorrow from San Diego and inaugurate a court of inquiry into the accident. The sinking occurred late yes-' te,r.lay ,WiIe the R"6 was moored with eight other submarines to the mother ship Camden. That the sinking was accelerated by in rush of water through opened vents and the conning tower, also opea due to the excessive warmth here last night, was the oninion expressed by Rear Admiral H. O Stickner, commander .of the Pa cific fleet train. Ill witnessed it from the deck of his flagship the eraiser Frederick, moored nearby. Diving crews worked today on the R-6 and expect to have it raised by tomdrrow. Its conning tower is six feet under water. ST1KE MS Two $3000 Events Decided Yesterday as Part of Card of Five Races COLUMBUS, Ohio. Sent. 27.- Two stake events were features of today's grand circuit program, the Board of Trade 2:05 pace and the Chamber of Commerce 2:08 trot, each with a purse of $3000 being decided as part of a card of five races. Emma Harvester was installed as the favorite in the 2:08 trot. but she never was a contender. Kilo Watts trotted two successive heats in 2:041,.i to cinch the race. In spite of Johnny Quirk's vic tory over Roy G rattan a week ago, tbe latter was made favor ite to win the Board of Trade pace, and after dropping the first heat to Johnny Quirk, made good. Murphy drove Roy Grattan in 2:01 in the final beat, which equalled bis record made last fall. The 2:17 pace furnished a bit of scandal. Hal X. C. A., the winner, having been driven in the last heat by C. Valentine, the judges withholding their decision on Driver Neal and the horse un til further investigation. Hal N. C. A. did not look to be trying in the second heat and the change resulted in a third heat victory in the fastest time of the three. Mr. Valentine was awarded $100 of the winnings of Hal N. C. A. for his drive. The 2:19 trot was won by Bes sie Worthy. The 2:09 trot wa3 a split beat affair, Selka landing the last two after Bilston had won the first. Peter Manning, slated to run against time today, did not start. Increased Attendance Worries College Board At a meeting held yesterday afternoon by the trustees of Wil lamette university, there was a general discussion as to what shall be done in the near future in regard to the rapidly increasin, attendance. The limit of the university Is 500. and that limit has already been reached. ' The situation brought before the trustees was that of either limiting the' attend ance hereafter, or of providing some means or increasing iue university's facilities for caring for students. In order to be fully informed as to what other institutions have done when confronted with an at tendance in excess of facilities, and to look into the matter of building, the trustees gave Dr. B. L. Steeves authority to investigate and report at the meeting of the trustees next February. Lieut: Carson Resigns National Guard Position The resignation of First Lieu tenant Allan G. Carson, of Salem, mmnanv P. Oregon national guard, has been accepted by Colo nel George A. "White, adjutant rtni Having devoted more than five years to service In the national gnard , ot uregon. air. Carson resigned in order that he might devote all his time to the study of law. . xt- r,rcnn has an enviable rec a Koldler. He enlisted In Salem campany M. December 10, 1S15 and saw service wim me company in on. he,I,eJlcn hor-Lr. on March 13, 1917, ha receivedrTiis discharge froiri com- r nrfter that he iniRbt en- .. i .. TP!n!ar armv. This sir, k s It FUES neJ aii. tl ,iiv -o - w- t did at '"'Jefferson- Barracks, St.f: Louis, March 27, 1917. . r He served' there aa lnstrnctw,f and also In France. He was com missioned second lientenant Octo ber 1, 1318, and first Iientenaet on November 17, 191S. He saw serTice following the Armistice, ith the army of occupation in Germany.. He still holds a con mission as first lieutenant of in fantry in the reserve corps of the regular army. Americanization Board Will Meet Here Tomorrow The state- Americanization com mittees that was appointed sev eral weeks ago by Governor Ol cott will have its first meeting Thursday at 11 o'clock in the of fice of Governor Olcott. Th mem bers are J. T. Rorlck of The Dalles, Herman Wise of Astoria. Judge Jacob Kansler of Portland. Miss Margaret Cosper of Salem, E. F. Carleton of Eugene, L. . Bosley of Portland, Lee W. Tcm linson. examiner of naturaiiia- K-tion service of the United States department of labor. Portland. OIL WHS STI111TEU6 Another Day Without Appar ent Developments Passes In Wejl Region BAKERSFIELD, Cal.. Sept. 27. Another day of watchful wait ing was passed here by the strik ing oil workers from Kern coun ty and Coalinga fields. The watchers along the roads, aroused by frequent reports that uniden tified automobiles were entering the strike districts carrying five aad six mn, and were returning emoty save for the driver, re doubled tbeir vigilance, but con tinned their policy of inspecting cars without stopping them. The strike leaders posted bul- letns at the various headquarters in the district, calling attention of the patrols to this situation and urging that a careful search be made for any unsuspected col onies ot. strike breakers. The patrols were, instructed to inspect various ranches where bunkhouses and cooking equip ment were known to be available for housing, on some places as many as a hundred men. The reported influx of strike breakers, however, did not devel op any final facts. Astoria Man Near Victim of Assassin's Malice ASTORIA, Ore., Sept. 27 John Janson was at a hospital here to night suffering from three, bullet wounds in his right hip, as the re sult of an Ineffectual attempt of somp unknown assassin to murder him last night. Janson Is the keeper of a duck shooting preserve on Clatsop plains owned by Martin Costello. Last night Janson was awakened by a rap on the door of his cabin. As he opened the door he turned his flashlight on the face of a stranger, who immediately fired three shots at' him. Three other men were seen standing a short distance from the house. Al Seafeldt. who was spending the night at the Janson home, was aroused by the shots and hastened outside but could not find trace of the men. Janson will recover, doctors said. AUTOMOBILE ROAD MAP STATE of 01 AH Through Trunk Hithways and Main Traveled RoaaY With Mileages ' and- ;.; " Complete 1920 Censuj of the State of Oregon ' 7 Printed on pood linen paper and in three, colors (blue, yellow and red -travel roads marked in yellow paved roads in red) this map is TjrMucstionably the best auto road map man subscribers absolutely. "::( Here's how Old subscribers pay up your 'arrears subscription and one month in advance and the map will be handed to you at the office counter 'wr mailed to you post paid absolutely free. ..'.,. , , j,,. New subscribers pay one month's subscription in advance and jet tho map free. ' ' ' . Statesman Publishing' Salem, Oregon. ; ' ' ' , Gentlemen ; -Enclosed , pi cage (find $ h ' ccnt3 ib pay for new or renewal subscription to the "following .address--plcaie mail map and 1920 census of Oregon to me atne:. ,N. B'.--Clty subscribers at tne oiiice and paying, np the arrears aad one month in advance - WELL, JOHN . m f&KFf J FOR "THE OPeRA ON ?nME; I HAVCNT fsYOU WATTING ft MIrtOTE II t m i WSiEBEfl ILL 0IE1SM Petition for Commutation Is Lost and Slayer Must Pay Death Penalty ' SPRINGFIELD, III., Sept, 2T. Carl Wanderer, convicted slayer of bis wife, her unborn baby and "a ragged stranger" will go to the gallows Friday, according to an nouncement from the governor's office tonight. - Wanderer lost his last fight for commutation of sentence to life imprisonment or another reprieve when the division of pardons and paroles recommended to Governor Small that Wanderer's petitions be denied. Bodies of Service Men Will Arrive Thursday PORTLAND, Sept. 27. Bodlea of four Oregon service men who died overseas are among 16 4ue here Thursday. They are; Howard Callaway, Eugene; Frank C- Paks, Pendleton; Ed win A. Foss. Bendj aad W. W. Morrow, Portland. Wirt Minor, Lawyer of Portland, Drops Dead PORTLAND, ' Sept. 27. Wirt Minor, prominent lawyer of the firm of Teal, Minor and Winfree, dropped dead in hi office here to day of a stroke of apoplexy. Read The Classified Ads. OFFICIAL 1921 OF THE SHOWING of Oregon ever published and F R E E Use This Coupon MAP COUPON , Co. . in accordance with the above Address. i ill - may secure the map atl4 ,'1020: censna free bys calling; It KEPT SOLVE; I THIS PUZZLE WIN A BIG CASH PRIZE fSM.OI Rcirrnf th fisvKS la tke sVoti tqnar la sack a Muksner that tkij wit fount IS vary tf a4 aaa4 yM tmwer, tojethtr vilk yarn mm u kddreM, nd U it ia eorrwet, vtn . ur mail fttVL Mtrniicent thrM-o)4 it ro4 map sad 1020 canini ( tU : itata ot Oiogoa, aai tali ' pmtaalara an ea alBpl Mditioa that 7a aaaat fl fill orehr with mi rriatrtd siris tiat. Thla coaditioa. ia Tcrr mt u card not oi xoa on ent o( TMr tti moBr it is mrclf a matter of aaenrln two annal amirr.lntfon ' (f 1.00 oarb) to the PACIFIO HOMKBTKA.B, ho U cat and tout unUt fonav aaaai pub- tubed ia tb Pscifio JiorUiVHt,' How to Send Your Solutions tTto only ens aia of th papor thai eaetajna tb aotutiea and pti your aam4 and addraaa oa tiia apper riat band coraer. . ..w s r- n.-, , .. ,!..,' Thtv ladniMleat jadtra, karlac M eoonectioa with thla firm will award h prixea, and tat antwer fBtalrf 169 pwiatt will takt tha firtt prlia. : Yon will . grt 100 poiuli for iiWhii Hi pud, 40 WtU t awarded for rn(at appMraaea, atyla, apalliac pn nets at km, etc.. 10 aoiata foil naad wriuac. and 100 points for fulfil ing th caditiM of taa coatait. fao aanacam&t of taa prlia wti Bera and tha arreet aolatioa win hm printed at tha etaa Of the eontaat, aad a copy mailed a paraoa aadia ia a aolnUoa, . . Thla tpl"dld efliw wfil ealf U ffooi for a limited tiaaa, aead 1b Ta( aa who m rir w ( ; - : , rami OostMt Eaaof THE PACIFIC HOMESTEAH SALE3I, OREGOISr- ! 5 will, be .gives, to States i' offer: . .kit. -it- First : 123 Prke ; 456 $200.00! ZarA i op 1 . U it