The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 28, 1921, Page 2, Image 2

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TWIN FALLS, Idaho, Sept. 27. The venire of 75 tales
men, impanelled to provide a jury in the case of the state
against Lyda Meyer Southerd, charged with the murder of
her fourth husband, Edward F. Meyer, was exhausted today
and 'court adjourned until 2 p. m. Wednesday to permit of
the impanelling of a special venire of 40 men.
'The 'entire 'day's session was
spent In Che work of selecting a
Jury, ..At. the hour of adjourn
ment the prosecution had exhaust
ed Jour of Its peremptory chal
lenges and the defense three. Each
ttde.nas 10 peremptories and it is
expected there will still be many
changes in the personnel of the
Jury before the box is filled to
the satisfaction of bothsides.
The courtroom , was well filled
with. 'Mutators during the after
noon session, many of whom were
voting grlrls. 4 The defendant and
her husband. Paul Vincent South
ard occupied their accustomed
chairs but there .was a noticeable
toasted to seal
in the delicious
'Burley flavor
rt : v -
that you can buy a used Ford cheaper here
than any other ; place in the Willamette
I.-. l. . '
for we have all models from $50 upwards.
No Ford Touring or Roadster over $400. We
also have . . '
11920 Used Sedan .1 A. ii$550
and Z or 3 other closed
greatly reduced prices.
t ,....
When a car goes through our Repair shop it
comes out RIGHT.
1260 North High'Strcet
We Have a Special
chango in the manner of each to
wards Doth tne proceedings ana
the newspapermen present. Both
announced that they would have
no further statements to make and
that anv further information they
migbt bare to give out would be
provided by Mrs. Southard's at
torney. Minor legal tilts between at
torneys alone served to break the
monotony of the work of Jury se
(Continued-from page 1)
out the window."
"You're crary. Shut up or I'll
throw you out the window," was
the version of Arbuckle's remarks
riven ny Miss Blake, while Miss
Prevost testified "if you, don't
stop yelling I'll throw you out
the window."
Maid Heard Screams.
Both said that Arbuckle admin.
Istered ice to Miss Rappe while
she was moaning in pain. Miss
Prevost saying he accompanied it
with the remark "that'll hrintr
you to." The prosecution, how
ever draw testimony from Miss
Rlake which they said indicated
there had been another ice inci
dent. Another exciting incident was
told by Josephine Keza, a maid
at the St. Francis, who said that
from the corridor she heard
screams from room 1219. the
room described by other witness
es m h- nn -bih Miss Ranno
entered with Arbuckle, and a wo
man's Yoice cryiug ".so, no; on,
my God.'.' . .
rShut up," followed a mascu
line voice, according to Mrs. Keza,
w4io said she heard "screaming
all arternoon in room 1219." and
"music, dancing and ' door-slamming"
in room 1220, where the
party' was assembled,
i Hrrrwntft Arcane Curiosity.
"Why did you listen in the cor
ridor?" asked Dominguez.
"When I heard the scream I
ran'and listened,", she- replied.,
I Alice Blake told of finding Ar
buckle and 4 Lowell Sherman In
bath robes and slippers, Arbuckle
wearing also pajamas and Sher
man athletic underwear. Later
on. she said,'' Mrs. Delmont had
changed her street clothing for
men's pajamas:
i Sho corroborated the testimony
cars to pick from at
' ' ? -
; . Phone 1995
Exhibit at the Fair
of Zeh Prevost that Mrs. Delmont
had knocked and ticked at the
door of room 1219 and asked to
be let in. Miss Blake, however,
said she did not see the first en
trance made into that room, tes
tifying that after an interval while
she was in room 1221, she walked
into 1219 and found Miss Rappe
lying on a bed unclothed.
K.-mark Not lUM-allttl.
Although Miss Prevost was un
able to recollect a remark whih
Assistant District Attorney Mil
ton U'Ren said Mrs. Delmont
made to Arbuckle about the ire.
Miss Rlake said she remembered
Mrs. Delmont had said something
ahout Arbuckle always taking
everything as a joke.
Miss Blake heeitated to de
scribe Arbuckle's arts in recard
to the ice, and took advantage
of the court s suggestion that she
whisper it to the shorthand reporter.
i MifS Prevost said the one
times she saw any ire was when
she observed it in a bowl in room
1220, again when Arbuckle
brought in a piece to administer
to Miss Rappe and when some one
put a bag of it at the back of
Miss Rappe's neck.
Drinking Descrih"I.
She testified that she saw Miss
Rappe take only one drink, but
that when Miss Rappe entered
the room into which Arbuckle
followed her she "sort of skipped
along." Miss Prevost described
Mrs. Delmont's condition at the
j party as "drunk."
(Continued from page 1)
7:30 p. m. Program in audi
torium of new pavilion, featuring
folk rongs, dances and instinctive
musical numbers by foreign born
citizens, all participants appearing
in native costumes. Introductory
remarks by B. G. Skulason, native
of Iceland. Special numbers will
be led by John Olson of Portland,
former member of famous Skansen
dancers. Violin solo by Miss Ellza
beth Levy, accompanied by Ed
wartkCoursen of Portland. Piano
solo by Dr. Emtl Enna of Port
land. Danish tableau. "Denmark
and SJevig," directed bv Mrs
George Lindahl of Portland.
8 p. m. Horse show in stadium
featrring a field of 17 lightweight
hunters; 18 hoYses in water Jump,
most sensational of week's horsr
show program, and three special
entertainment features. Also 12
competitive events.
Note There will be open air
band concerts, music by Old Sol
diers fife and drum corps and mis
cellaneous entertainment events
at different hours of the day and
Hostesses In Daughters of Am
erican Revolution booth in All
Amerlcan exhibit in educations'
building today are Mrs. C C
Clark. Mrs. Russell CatHn and
Miss Ola Clark of Chemeketa
There will be fire drills at un-
niiuouncea nours or the day. par
ticipated In by expert f're team?
under direction of Chirh Thomar
Graham of Corvallis.
, Jramou8 whtney Boys chorus of
1000 voices will give concert on
fairgrounds Sunday afternoon Oc.
lober 2, at 3 o'clock.
Meeting of Oregon Pure Bred
Livestock association for reorgan
ization and affiliation with coun
ty OTganixations will be held at t
o'clock Wednesday night.
Pavilion Program
Program 'to be giyen Wednes
day night at'7:30 in the auditlr
ium of the main pavilion by thr
foreign born citizens of Oregon
who will appear in native cos
tumes. The numbers will be as follows-
1. "Columbia the Gem of the
2. Opening address by B. G
Skulason, a native of Iceland.
3. Violin solo; selection. Miss
Elizabeth Levy, a native of Bel
gium, accompanied by Edgar Cour
san of Portland.
4. Folk dance, part 1 John
Olson. "Rospigspolka" (from thr
middle part of Sweden). Part 2
"Flallnaspolka" (from the
northern part of Sweden). Assist
ing musicians. Otto WIckstrim
John T. Tugerlund, Agar Hagland
5. .Tableau. Denmark, directed
by Mrs. George Llndall. First
scene, "Maidens of Slevig," by
Miss Grace Hagersen and Miss
Marie Hagersen.
6. Vocal solo by J. W. Thielad,
Da vog den vi grov ben."
Intermission, orchestra music
Scene 2 Tableaux, Denmark.
Denmark's Genius." by Miss Ella
Scene 3. Reunion of Denmark
and Slavig. By Miss Grace Hager
sen. Miss Marie i Hagersen, and
Miss Ella Anderson.
Solo "Der er et land" Pv J
W. Thielade.
Piano solo by Dr. Emil Enna
Folk dance led ly John Olson,
(A student dance from the Uni
versity or Sweden, 1600 A D )
Dance, "Vava Velma" (from
southern Sweden). Misses, men
and women in Swedish folk
dances Dancers. Elsie Bolstrom.
Kuth Johnson. Anna Olsen Ellen
Wickstrom. Elsa Mattsen Selma
Dyrhang; Messrs. John oiacn C
R. Nordblad. A. T. Donaldson'
C.nstaye Johnson, Signa Horken.
son. Nils Wicks.
Song. "America " lorf k.. w ....
r, r, . , ft jus.
i C. C. Clark.
186,000 Trainmen May
Be Ordered to Strike
CHICAGO. Sent. 27 t
mediate strike of 18.000 railwav
; trainmen employed on American
j roads will bo ordered if the strike
I vote, now being counted. Tavors it.
I James Murdock, vice-president oi
'the trainmen's organization, an j
pounced, tonight
"A a matter of fact." he said
"a strike really has been author-!
Ized already by the leaders. The
minute the vote is counted ihe
strike order will be Issued pro
vided the rote favors a strike,
and there Is little chance that if
won't. The leaders will not oppose
th$ wishes of the mea."
State Board Takes Precau
tion to Prevent Spread
Of Alfalfa Weevil
Charles A. Park, president piJ net.
of the state board of horticulture, j RQy Warfield. Alsea, Or.. 1st,
has returned from the eastern , 2nd and 3rd cockrels; 3rd pul
part of the state where he looked,! j"tt. ist youns pen.
into aifaita weevil conditions. i '
After a thorough investigation, 1
Mr. Park announces that it 'iliroftn7F IQ Qfll Fl
become necessary to quarantine t DUUtX lo OULU
iiu.neur county on account of
weevil found in alfalfa in that !
county, and that action will be j
taken at once to prevent the ship- I
merit of alfalfa into other coun- i
This action is taken by procla-
mation by the governor, acting
with the state board of hoi ticul.
ture, and when once the procla-
mation is issued, no alfalfa win
be permitted to be shipped out of
Maiheur county until permission
is given by the state board.
This is just a precautionary
measure. Mr. Park said, to nrt
vent the spread of the weevil
throughout the state. It is regard
ed as a most dangerous pest. It
Mas originally brought into Utah
some time ago from Italy, and
from that state is spreading west,
until now it has infested Malheur
In his trip Into Eastern Oregon,
Mr. Park found apple conditions
especially good, with afr apple
producing sections having in sight
a bumper crop. In the prune dis
tricts of eastern Oregon, he found
prosperity, from the fact that all
prunes were being sold green and
at satisfactory prices.
While Malheur has been grow
ing a large tonage of alfalfa, Mr.
Park is of the opinion that farm
ers will go into other line and
scatter their crops the coming
(Continued from page 1)
prize pullet in the Western Win
ter show held at Portland last
December, the other birds in the
pen being in the same class.
MvKlroy Has 1-arire Show
Another exhibit which is ad-
m'red by all lovers of fine poul
try is the Huff Orpington entry
of Burton McKlroy of Portland,
which includes 26 birds, every
one of which would pull down a
prize n almost any show. There
;s no better flock of Huff Orping-.
ton3 in the state.
. Judge Coats, assisted bv Juriara
Keenay, is making good progress
in judging the fowls, and Judg
Carter of Tacoma will have thi
awards uo on the ribbits todays
n fact all of the ribbons will b4
up on tho exhibition cocjps 6j.
tins even ng. .
KohhK Record Made
EH Hogan, a breeder of steal
gray, silver black and black
Flemish Giant rabbits has thl
distinction of receiving 4f
awards on an entry of 4 8 rabbit
The pigeon exhibit of Wallacf
Sears. Edwards & Son. of Salea
and C. A. Matt of Portland !
attracting much attention. Mt.
Matt, as well as Edwards & Soi
has some very rare b rds, amnnf
which is a pair of blue Magpies,
Turbets, English Trumpeters ani
Sc"damons. a-
The Pacific Co-operative Pout
try Producers' association of Ont
gon. is conducting an egg candr
ling and grading demonstration
n the old paviMon, an expert
candler from Portland being oil
the job and R. E. Sheriff, assist
ant secretary of the association
in charge. This demonstration
gives poultrymen some instde in
formation on receiving, grading
and candling eggs for the market
for the mambers of this big egg
market'ng organization.
The list of awards announced
yesterday follows: -Dark
lUiried P. Hocks.
George Downs, Portland, lrt
and 3rd cocks; 1st eockrel; 2aj
hen; 1st old pen; Srd young pen,
II. J. Hamlet, Portland, 2nd
cock; 3rd eockrel.
Mrs. J. C. Murray, Portland,
2nd cock-. 2nd pullet.
J. O. Watte, Eugene, 1st hej
1st pullet. :
Ben V. Keency, Eugene, 3rd
pullet. y
C. B. Wheeler, Pleasant ll&i
Or., 1st young pen.
O. L. Turner, Eugene, 2nd
young pen. ;v
2nd young pen. V
Light Ksirntl P. Itocks k
C B. Wheeler. Pleasant IIW.
Or., 1st cock; 1st. 2nd. cockrels;
1st hen; 1st pullut; ltt and 2adt
jouns pen. '
Nate 1. Wtley. Rex. Or.. 2nd
cock; Srd eockrel; Srd hen.
J. O. Watts. Eugene, 2nd hei;
2nd and 3rd. pullet. '
Whit Wyandot tcs J
J. A. Griffin, Eugene, Ore., 1st
2nd, Srd cocks; 1st and 3rd cock
erel; 1st. 2nd and third hens; 2d
find third pullets; 1st old pen.
H. E. BeU fc Son. Milwaukie.
Ore., 2nd cockerel; 1st p'lllot.
Silver Laird W)mlotes "vs
Henry W. Domes. CcCoy. Ore.,
1st and 2nd cocks; 1st, 2nd and
3rd cockerels; 1st. 2nd and 3rd
hens; 1st, 2nd and 3rd pullet;
1st and 2nd old pens; 1st, 2nd
and 3rd young pens.
linff Wynndottm
Fred A. Johnson Tarnni,
Wash., 1st. and 2nd cocks; 1st.
and 2nd cockerels; 1st and 2nd
Hens; 1st and 2nd pullets.
Columbian Wyandotte
A. P. x Wheeler, Pleasant Hill
Oregon . 1st cock: 1st hen.
Partridge Wyandotte
V. M. LaPue. Salem. Ore.. U
and 2nd cockerels; 1st hen; 1st
S. 0. lUack Minorca.
Nate L. Wiley, Rex, Or , 1st
C. W. Speight, Hubbard. 1st.
2nd and 3rd. cockrels; 2nd and
3rd, hens; 2nd pullet, 1st young
Pen. ,
O. B. Winters, Newberg, 1st,
hen; 1st and 3rd. pulkts.
8. C. White Minorca.
Roy C. Smith. Oregon City, 1st
2nd. cocks; 3rd cockrels; 1st. 2nd
and 3rd, hens; 1st. 2nd, 3rd, pal
lets. William Tupper. Hillsboro, 2nd
eockrel; 1st old pen; 1st young
S. V. Whit Leghorn.
Fred A. Johnson, Tacoina, 1st
cock; 2nd pullet.
A. P, Wheeler, Pleasant Hill.
Or , 2nd cock; 1st hen; 2nd young
E. i nosmer, Sherwooa, ur.,
3rd cock: 2nd aud 3rd. hens, 1st
(Continued from page 1)
Charles F. Clyne, district
attorney tonight still was pre-
nnrinc a full rpnort to ChiVf
I FifTmnrn'a in whirh "hp nrnm
f ltZ0ms ,n wmcn ne Prom;
lses to name every member of
! the police force against whom
he has evidence.
Rprilvirnr to a statement hv
... P 7A ?TJL , Statement fey
wayneD. vvneeier, counsel ior
I the Anti-Saloon leacrue. that
blame for lack of enforcement
of the prohibition laws in Chi
cago lay with the city and fed
eral officials. Chief Fitzmorris
"There is an old Arabian
proverb that will reply to Mr.
Wheeler. It runs something
like this : 'He that knows not
and knows not that he knows
not, is a fool. Shun him."
(Continued from page 1)
the demand. The fear is that
so many poor sires will be
brought into the breeding busi
ness, and will have the effect ol
lowering the production stand
ard. The r rices for good draft
horses are going up every day.
One threfj--ear-old Percheron
stall:on sold not long ago for
$50,000, and CaTnot the sire of
Coreno that brought me the
grand championship here today,
brought an offer of $20,000 for
a one-half interest which vas re
fused because he was worth more
money. When draft horses bring
taese prices, the horse is surely
coming back."
Swine Awards Made.
Final awards have been made
In several of the swine classes
the Poland Chinas, Chester
VZhites, Hampshires. Tamworths,
Duroc-Jerseys; there are still the
Berkshires for this morning. Most
of these classes were well filled.
The Hampshires brought out the
most wonderful lot of belted hogs
jever shown in this part of the
west. The herd of Hayes & Har-
ter of Grants Pass, recently
brought up from California, made
a fine showing. They have one
herd boar for which thoy paid ;
11000, and their whole herd
shows gilt-edge quality. J. C.
Kunzman of Oregon City, who
made a fine showing at the Clack-
lamas county fair, also had a good
showing in this class, and J. M.
Fruitts of Cambridge, Idaho, had
some fine stuff. Most breeders
who have looked on this as a
"small" breed, were astonished at
The Better Car
he sixe of these animals ex
hibited. Competition Spirited.
The Hu roe-Jerseys were the real
thing in numbers, and the qual
ity was fully commensurate. The
fierce competition brought out
sume widely scattered awards;
everybody had to fight far what
he got, and was glad enough to
Wtire any place. There were 4 6
entries in one class oT the Durocs.
If anybody ever dreamed teat Or
egon does not possess some cham
pion Duroc stock, bred by en
thusiast.c breeders, it was a bad
The Poland China class brought
ont a large field of excellent ani
mals that would make up a show
anywhere on earth. These sterl
ing, all-purpose hogs are found
on almost every farm in the val
ley, and they have been making
money for thousands of people.
C. K. Loe of Silverton was one ol
the btT prize winners in this class.
Yakima Man Kxhihat.
I. J. Oder of Yakima. Wash.,
was the only exhibitor of Tam
worth hogs. He filled all the
clashes, and carried away well
earned awards in every classifi
cation. The Tamworths are ba
con hogs, that do excellently on
Three entries were made for
Rambouillot fine-wool sheep but
only one flock actually came for
exhibition, the world-famous flock
from the HutTerfield Livestock
company of Weiser. Idaho. The
farm presents enough fine animals
to fill all the classes, and their
heep made an excellent showing.
The Rtitterfield sheep have been
shown all over America, with con
spicuous success.
Corrknlalci Exhibited.
Phillips & Wisecarver of Mc
Minnville presented a small flock
of Corriedale sheep, a breed de
veloped by a cross between the
Merino fine wools and a larger,
long-wool variety. There are only
five flocks of this breed in the
United States, one of these being
owned by the United States gov
ernment. The exhibitors recently
recelved a shipment of 20 ewes
from New eZaland, but showed
in only a few of the classes in
which they easily won firsts.
Only one exhibitor. It. A. Tem
pleton of Halsey, Or., appeared
with the Cheviots, one of the less
common breeds of sheep in this
rart of America. He filled all
the classes for which awards were
made, and carried away all the
honors for the breed.
(Continued from page 1.)
however, that there was no more
old Overlooked.
"Where's the silver, then?" he
queried, and upon being told, he
took a bag containing $4 40 in
Filver dollars from the safe. In
his search of tue safe he over
looked $4000 In gold..
At the point of a gun he forced
Howell to remain In the safe
where he had gone to get the sil
ver, and after closing the vault,
he spun the combination which
would have locked the door from
the outside until morning.
Quick work with the screwdriv
er which the firm had placed in
the safe for that specific purpose,
soon freed him and he rushed into
the street to spread the alarm.
Ilobbcr Described. '
Curiously, no one saw the ban
dit enter the bank or leave it. de
spite the fact that there was a
score of people on the street in
World's Champion Light Six
. the &oodtHin&s folks are hearing
thinking saying, about it.
I am here.
I wa.s born in 1921.
I broke the record from Chicago to San Francisco, Cal.; il
only took mc seven days; one driver drove nte ail the
I jumped 81 feet 3 inches in Los Angeles In Jane.
Jack Fox of the Fox Film Company drove me.
Lee Gilbert is my boss and sella all of my brothers and
I always lead. I lead the Sells Floto Circus parade. Every
one wants me because I am so beautiful, I am so power
ful, I am so fast, I am so easy to handle, I want to meet
you at the Fair all this week.
Western Oregon Distributors.
Live Dealers Wanted in Unoccupied Territory
SEPTEMBER 28, 1921
the near vicinity. " Smith, who
opened the bank at 8:39 o'clock,
claims that he noticed a tall,
slender man pass the bank several
times. The description of this
man coincides with that of the
man who later robbed the bank.
The bandit is described as be
ing tall and slender and betweeu
SO and 35 years old! He wore a
dark suit and dark cap and his
beard was about a week old. He
made ao attempt to secure any
of the gold reserve, nor did he
disturb any of the bank's securi
ties. The loss was entirely cov-:
ered by insurance.
Cashier Smith recalled that an
attempt was made about a year
ago to rob the bank by blowing
open the safe at night. At that
time three young men. returning
from a dance, had disturbed the
Many Deputies Working.
A suspect of the first attempt
was arrested shortly after. He
wore a moustache at that time.
Mr. Smith says that the bandit
yesterday had a description simi
lar to the man who made the pre
vious attempt with the exception
that the man yesterday wore no
Deputies from the sheriffs of
fices of both Marion and Linn
counties are at work on the case.
Deputy Lee.Morelock has been de
tailed rrom the local office and
is working in conjunction with
Sheriff C. M. Kendall and Deputy
J. V. Rodgers of Linn county.
Officers are of the opin4on that
the robber removed his loot in an
(Continued from page 1.)
various countries to its confer
ence. The invitation to Dr. de
.laczewski was opened by the cen
sors of the Russian soviet gov
ernment. Contrary to his expec
tations, the Bolshevik officials
hart ly urged that the scientist
attend the conference to get into
touch with world advances In
pathological science from which
Kussia was isolated during the
World war period.
"Under the last czar's regime,
my work was encouraged to the
utmost," stated Proressor Jac
zewskt yesterday. "The present
Soviet government has not mo
lested me and I believe I am the
only Russian citizen, loyal to th
old aristocracy, who has received
a passport out of Russia. My
wife and children are held as
Ileimer Kieriments Watched
While at the state fair, the sci
entist was espfelaHy interested in
(he pathological exhibit of Pro
fessor K. C. Reimer, in charge of
tne a. u. t, exper ment station
at Talent. Or.
Professor Reimer's exhibit
shows th development of the de
partment's crusade against fire
ought, th? disease that has rav
aged the pear orchards through
out the United States. The dis
ease has established itself in Ore
gon and has been severely felt by
pear growers in eastern Oregon.
Scientific research has failed
to reveal any practical method of
combatt'ng the disease. Dr.
Reimer's findings are to the ef
fect that control and eradication
of the disease ig only possible
through the development of a
hardy stock that is immune to the
scourage. He found that certain
As'atic pear stock had been found
to be resistant to fire blight and
after two trips to various Ch'nese
provinces secured the stock from
which he hopes to develop his
new blight-proof pear. The Chin-
ese pears are diminutive In size,
but one email tre h&& defied as
many as 14 needhj innoculations
of the Might. One Innoculation
will kUl any of the American
! varieties. the demonstration
! shows.
Goes To Mntlford
"Professor Re'.mer's patient
work Is most wonderful and in
Russia w will await with impa
tience the development of bis new
stock," said Jaciewskt. Our
pear orchards in the Crimea, Cau-S
casus and Turkestan reg ons arsl)
susceptible u the blight and this-,
would indeed prove to be a grand
advance for science."
With Professorj Haras, th Rus
sian scientist left $alem last, night
for Medford, from which point
they will proceed to the southern
experiment station at Talent.
La Follett Markets Over
4000 Boxes of Peaches
In addition to discussing high
taxes and the like, Alex LaFol-
lett. Marion county senator, oc
casionally talks of his peach crop.
Yesterday the senator said that
this year he has! marketed more
than 4000 boxes- of peaches and
that on an average he has re
ceived 11 a box.! Next week he
will continue gathering ,., Crum- ,
well's October, the Saiways and
Wager peaches. , v , , ; ,
"Trees are getting back to nor
mal, following the great freeze of
December, 1919,? Senator La Fol
lett said, "and by next year I. ex-
feet a crop as heavy as in 1919
when 1 marketed 18,000 boxes,"
In 1920 there j was practically
no crop, and having nothing spe
cial to do, Mr. La Follett made a
trip back to Crawfordsville, Ind.,
to attend the La! follett family
reunion. '
While he met a lot of La Fal-
letts there, he told them that to
see a real thriving branch of the '
family tree they j should come '
west. As a conservative estimate -he
figured there were 116 La Fol-
lette on the coast. As for him-'
pelf, he said he had 19 grand-
children and three great grand
children. 1 c
Youth Rifling Auto Is : ,
Taken to Police Station f
"Where are you from?" .,' '
"Oh, San Francisco, I guess.?'
"What address?? . J
"Can't remember the. street,
name, it was ?40, near the union t
depot. 1 . . ;
The foregoing, j questions 'and
answers were exchanged last night
between Police Sergeant Elmer. A
White and one Lester Beard, 17,
when the latter was brought Into,
the Salem station j following, his, -seizure
while searching the car
of W. G. Patterson, 1089 North'
Court street. v,. , , ,
Beard, as he gave his name, was,
roughly surprised: when he at
tempted to pilfer the latter's car,
The youth gave evasive anwer
to all questions. When searched;
it was found that all identification -articles
or marks ..had , been re,
moved from his clothing.
There must be a 'good deal of
distress these times among men.
whose wives have been thrown onl
of employment by the business de.
pression. Burlington : (Vt.)
News. . !
i -t
rore, weight S3SO, ! btorkf baiM
und, gwitl; toad worker; tell ep-l
rule SK Hint St.
I . .: t
' 1 ,