' 7 THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON TUESDAY MORNING. SEPTEMBER 27, 1921 5 tf : i i-val euinms Ajmimicmi Pot taaertkoa. Three bseertieae His w sataa Mtatraaa. Ice r idtmiwMrt OOO Mt tCi BBOWWW OM BeOath ; f? MB met. 00 -- M 1H KOBWICa UNION vma issuiiancb sooner t ThlclaoB RoUnd Barghardt , Rktont Agent 71 - MONEY TO LOAN : On Real Estate ' , T. K. FORD (Ortr Ldd it Basa Ban) ' LOANS REAL ESTATE . INSURANCE ar. tmmm aavthms Wo im the MM? It iM Pit back like rent Our farm iti City property ueia are aw sOt-T Onto aids'. NEW TODAY " WATERLOO BOT TRACTOR WITH . Knltom P. and O. tloW. Good condition. o delivered for 1700. SK BirdMwa. on gooa at mw wu wi v Call T. 3. Mean at 117K32. lorn UiTtcrl l. PARTS TOR ALL L- node! can at half price. Gingrich i Jr J Mow Car Co. - ' SMOKE F08TEB lOe CIOARJ SMOKE F08TEB lOe CIGARS. BA1H5 , ;. in Balem. Phono loai w. TOITR 8UIT PRESSED WHILE YOU ? wait.' Wardrobe, 179 Booth High. . BIO REDUCTION OM USED CABS. Tbeao cart are, all la firat class con-.-. V. dilion. ' ' r , - '-. Kord Sedan, newly painted, f 1920 Maxwell, like new. . P Velie 'Six, newly painted. t ; f Mitchell, lata model. , "' k Happ Sedan na 5,000 miles, j Oldamobile, 1920, mice finish. ; franklin, 1919 model, r ' ' Maxwell, 9185. Iodge Sedan, newly painted. 1918 Maiwell, , $275. . . ' 1 ' ti Thsa cars are for sale or trade. II '' will pay yon to look them over a they w most be- sold. Gingrich Motor andTire y Co., 871 Court Street, or call Moir, . 685. ... - '. : " WANTED A PLACE TO WORK FOR a Filipino boy attending Willamette ' University. Pbcdc 621. . BUY NOW NIFTY FIVE-ROOM BUN 4 v galow, Jrst off State street. Price , 94,400; 91,250 cash. Balance terms. 4 Krueger, ,209 Oregon Bldg. : s " LOST TAIL LIGHT TO TRUCK. RE ward return to 105 Sooth Church. TOR SALE 'v ROOM MODERN BUN- 4 galow, bath electric lights, Dutch kit- chen. sleeping perch, basement; new. '. 93,000. Winnie Pettyjohn, 3311 State street. Phone 634. ;L08T AIREDALE FEMALE DOO, 6 . months old. between Gerrait and 8a- jit lem. Reward, Ross" Cotsforth, Dog :;p' bow Building. Fsir grounds. WANTED GIRL TO WORK FOR ROOM . and board while attending school or college. Phone 1940-J. 5 WANTED GOOD EXPERIENCED r; f housekeeper and cook. Middle aged, i Oood wages paid. Inquire Mrs. Bolof, i' People's Cash Store. wRAPES rSEASON WILL BE SHORT. Order early. rbone evenings .212. U. r. iean. ' . f - I s GOOD PAYING rR0P05ITI0N FOR . v live wires. . men and women. A tint t 'f wanted b, Atlantie-Parif is KlactrL-al ( Advertising -and Noveltr company. Ai ' : rlr at Hotel Marion. Salem. Oreian. Iff. and 5 to 8 p.m. Wonderful opportn- t, . ' nity lor ssies manager. FOR SALE MILK COF AND PIGS r 776 S. 13th. ' i REAL BUYS IN HOUSES s T room house and large corner lot, lo- V ratea nose in, in mia oirm one block from til line.' Price $2,700 9500 down will handle. ' 7 room modern house, located on paved 1 ' street price 13.000. Terms m 5 room bungalow, modern plumbing and , liehls, built last year, trice yi.iU'J 1 8200 down, balance easy term. w , 9 room bungalow, paved street, plumbing and lights, located at 1735 Fairmount street: price 12100: terms. 3t completed, 6 room bans-slow, paved , street, plumbing and lights. Price 92,450 eash; located north Salem. . 6 room modern bangalow, located close in on sou m Lommsrcisi street, l'rice W. II. UKABENUOUoT CO. V. 8. Bsnk Bldg. 275 , State St. Consult a REALTOR. The Name is a Pledge. Whatever your Real Es tate Problem consult a REALTOR. His code of ethics makes him worthy of your confidence. SMALL. HOUSE FOR SALE BASE tnent, ttle and 4 rooms; bath, lights, -hot water, sewer, concrete foundation. double construction . plaster. Pavement and paid. Quirk possession. : Price $1,700; terms yon csa meet. Becke vV Hendricks. 205 . 1 . 8. Bsnk Zldg. COME ROOMS. CLOSE IN. ALL v o -i tarnished, income 978 per month. For ' qnick sale, $3,2&0. Better- hurry. : J - Arthur K. Petersen, 829 Oregon Bldg. vFOR SALE FORD TOURING: 9 NEW tires. $115. See owner, at Valley Motor Co. . Mr. Givens FARM FOR RENT 200 ACRES GRAIN , land, complete outfit renter to bay same rash or share of crop. .. Davis 1 hea Rt. 4, Box 21. Phone 9F12, oaiem, vrmi FIVE ROOM BUNGALOW WITH TWO J lots, located at 455 Hickory. Price 91500; 9500 cash and terms, ft A Mohney; 209 Oregon Bldg. Thone 217. FOR SALE OR -WILL LET ON SHARES zu aeao storn ewes. L. . Pickens, - ! . W 19, .... . ' . j $ FOR BEST FURNISHED HOUSE, ! close in. Bliss L. Darby, 484 Court ? street, pnone a32l. with W. A. Lis- .it- ; FOR EJCHAXGE 81 ACRES OF FARM Ian4 lor city property. Waldo hill land. Bliss 1. Darby. 484 Court St. With - : ,, ' . rERSF.Y'8 LAND OFFICE CITY IIOIT. ft ; ses,. fruit tracts, .farms. See ns before ' jss ouy, sen or exrbange. Over Gale a co (cnirago) Htore. Read This Especially If yon could be interested in : a traet. A four arret tract, moatlv ia good atrawberrioa and logars. . Sd 1 bearing frait trees, mostly cherries. , A hog' bouse, small chicken house, milk bonne, abed, gsrace, wcmUhe-L barn, and 3 room bouse; 'good we.'l. This trim tract' lies one mile south f limits.. 8-4 mite to car. Paved read - entire length and into Salem. Price today, ,93,400; -wit some stecg sn1 . tools. Terms ,. if necosssry - or ttste - loan. Thio is the best tract - oiekMo you ; have ever seen and wo wiJI beH pleased to ahow.it morning, ojou or , BECKE a HENDRICKS . 205 U. & Bank Bldg. NEW TODAY OVER 50,000 OREGONIAN8 ARE EN , poring tb low cost protection of the MrMinnville Co. It is for you, too. L'ae it. Loses promptly paid, and low rout. Standley A 'o!ey, Agts. I'hone 37. FOR BALE 36 ACRKS HIGHLY IM proved chicken or fruit ranch, with two dwelling electricity and water system. Near Chemawa and Pacific highway. Will be sold far below its aloe. Joban C. Nielsen, Kt. 9, Box 89, Salem. FOR RALE DRY APPLEWOOD. CUT in 1 8-inch lenrths at l cord at -V C. Jorgennen place. Route 9, Box 31, rbone 81F13. PORTLAND ROSEntRO STAGES Leaving Argo hotel for Kugene and - war points at 10:25. Leaving Salem for Rosebnrg 2:25 p m. Ootng to Portland, leave Salem at 4:30 and 9:30. Call 900 for reservations. Che ney Aoto Transportation Co. BUY NOW CLASSY FIVE ROOM BUS galow, in east Salem. Thia ia a fine place. Price only 93.250. Terms. Krueger, 209 Oregon Bldg. , MCE CLEAN ROOMS AT REASON able prices. Florence Hotel one block west of S. P. Depot. Phone 928. BUY NOW NEW FOUR RROM BUN salov with bath, on car line, close in, eity water, lirht and sewer. Price only $1900. 9500 rash, balance terms. See ns for bargsins. Krueger, 209 Oregon Bldg. FOR SALE CHEAP HEAVY FOUR : Hoick touring or will trade for Ford. Route 3, Box 188, Salem. WASTED TO BUY DIRECT FROM owner, a fonr or five room house, not too far out. Address "43," care Statesman. LOST A SUITCASE BETWEEN DAL las and Falls City, Saturday night. Finder plesse return to Vols Selig, 595 N. 14th street, Salem or Falls City and receive reward. HIGH SCHOOL OR UNIVERSITY 8TU dent ran have room and board in ex change for work. Call at 519 Court at reel. BEAUTIFUL PLAYER PtANO. JUST like new; at a real bargain price and essy terms, ine wucy a, Allen Co., 519 Court street. FOB RENT SLEEPING ROOMS DUB ing fair. Breakfaat if desired. 1620 Court street. FOR SALE OR TRADE 400 ACRES good lsnd nesr Blodgett, at $25 per acre. O. G. Larson, Silverton, Ore. BUY NOW FIVE ROOM MODERS bungalow, except furnace, at 1315 N. 15th street. See tin for price. Krueg er, 209 Oregon Bldg. Get Busy 88 acres, 8 miles south. All in culti vation : 4 acres prunes, some mixed orchard, 8 acres logins, 1 year old; good team, 8 cows, all machinery, hay and feed. Fair improvements. Only 99,000.; good terms, acres 2 miles out; 5 acres in frnit and berries, balance rough - good 4 room cottage, garage, barn ana chicken bouse. $3,500; $l,50O eash balance long time. Arthur E. Petersen 229 Oregon Bldg. Good Buys 7 rooms with bath, lights, toilet, cellar, one block to school. Uood buy at fl600 with $150 down and $15 per month. Good modern 7 rooms, except furnace; on Union street. $3,000 or trade for smaller house. We have a good borne in Portland to trade for balem property. Nice home in, Salem to trade for farm. A 6 room house, partly furnished, for 91400; small payment down, balance like rent. Thomason 331 'i State street Vacant Modern 7 rooms all Urge, with 3 halls, 4 large closets, large north front porch, concrete foundation; gas, cement wslks and pavement paid, car, five blocks to university snd Capitol building. Thia home for sale right and right now. Price 94.200; 9700 down, and 930 a month, 0 percent interest. You can't match it. See this now. Becke A Hendricks, 205 U. 8. Bsnk Bldg. EMPLOYMENT FEMALE A HIGH SCHOOL GIRL WANTS TO work or room and board. AUdreu 10H Center. AiA-L EXPERIENCED WOOD CUTTER WANTS work. Address G, care Statesman. HOUSECLEANING, FLOORW AXING, window cleaning, painted walls, ceil ing and woodwork cleaned. First class work. P. Rowe, Phone 282. WANTED HOSPITAL JANITOR, AT tne uregoa- Btato .Tuberculosis hot pital. Phone 433, or address K. 5, liOX 719. WANTED EN EBOETiv TOUWQ MAN who feu had experience selling life insu-snoe. stocks or advortiaing. Mast bo able to devote hia entire time and bo ambition for advaacement, Mnat feava the eoursgs to preaent business . proposition to mercnanu and p rotes aioaal ma a. Answer la your owa hand writiag stating ace. educational oual- IfKatioaa, experience as solicitor, ek. aacreae 4 no. 1L BUtoaaao office MAIekV AUS rXaiALB WANTED APPLE PACKERS. WRITE or phono Oregon Growers Cooperative association, rioseburg, Oregon. WANTED - MZa ... WOMEN TO toko farm paper eubecriptions. A good propoeitioa to the right people. Address ae raeuie rmestesa. atateamaa atldg Salem. Ore. PERSONAL rACIALeCALP TftluiTM ENTS : VIO . tat ray: manicuring, shampooing. Or egon Joata feouae. I'hone 54Q. ASSTROLOGY STARS TELL LIFE'S story. Send birthdate and dime for trial reading. Eddy. Weatport 8t, 83 Kansas . ity, aiissonri FOR SALE CAkTASY BIXDS rOR SALE CANARY BIRDS, DAY ana aignt singers. - Mrs. Bennett i-none liCBO. 103O CAemeketa. FARM ra?EB IF YOTJ want to get rna rtsi fans paper, send 15c to The Pacific aomeatoaa. Balem, Oregon. lor a throe- moatha trial iubocriptioa. Mentioa wig ac HOUSES 'ALADDIN READY CUT HOUSES' 0 percent saved 1n cost of construe tion. Cbss. F. Smith, factory rep res , ontativa. 2Q orUweat itaak Bldg Portland, Oregon. YouWillGet Better Service . by putting your property . In the hands of one ' ! REALTOR exclusiTcly than by listing it with a number of Real Estate Agents. ;The Marlon Co. . Realty ," Association wilt mall to you on request a ' lisit of all the REAL TORS b Marion County. FOR SALE LIV .STOCK. FOR SALE A GOOD ALL-AROUND team, 7 and 8 years old, weight ICOO each. Address T. E. Fleming, Scio, Or. FOR BALE REGISTERED POLAND China sow. Will take fi.'w pits or s hosts as part pay. Also iiy mare 12 years old. Works anywh-.-re. '7J. I'hone 17K31. MISCELLAKEOUn HAY FOR SALE PHONE 2091 J. FOR SALE GOOD COOK STOVE. Price reasonable. Call 530 N. 17th. OmCES AND STORES A BIG LOT of new books for sale at hail price eteeiaboeka. WIRE HOP. LOGAS-EKirr. CHICKEN wire. Steinbock. 873 Court street. FOR 8ALE BED AND SPRINGS, ONE Edison pud record, one old 8tradi vsrtus violin. Phone 1934. 220 X. Liberty. THE WESTERN SONGSTER SCHOOL AND COMMUNITY SINGING An especially good selection of the songs ! yon nave Den wanting wuo woraa ana Basic complete. No matter how many eongbooks yon have you should have thia one, containing the Oregon tongs. Prices: Single copies, 25c; 1H cents each ia lota of a doien or mare; $12.50 the hundred, postpaid. Second edition printed since September. OREGON TEACHERS MONTHLY 815 8. Commercial St 8nlm. Oregon POULTRT POULTRYMEN SEND EIGHT TWO ' cent stamps for specisl three months' trial for the best snd oldest journal ia the west. The articles and adver tisements are of specisl interest to the poultry breeders of the northwest. Northwest Poultry Journal. 211 Com mercial St.. Sslem, Oregon. woou WOOD FOR SALE NO 1 BIG FTR AND ash wood. $7.10 delivered. Phone 73. FOR DRY MILL WOOD AND OLD FIB call Tracy Wood Co., Phone 620. DRY riR AND OAK WOOD FOR BALK. Phono T7F8. OLD GROWTH 16 IN. FIR, $8.50; 4 ft. tecond growth and ask. Phone 1487. FOR SALE LARGE 4 FT. MILL WOOD, Bsweo even lengtn, l i men or 10 Inch, i u. .......... I :n A a a . , ' .j ..uucu .ii i i j wuvii. c?e;rona growtn fir, sawed 16 inch. Fred E. Wells, 305 8. Church Phone 1542. FOR RENT &OOMA FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING lfOOM for ladies only. 910 N. Church. Phone 631 M. FOR RENT VERY DESIRABLE FUR- nished sleeping rooms. Strictly mod ern. Heat. 090 S. 12th street. Phone 718-M. FOR KENT ROOM FOB GENTLEMAN in mooera home and centrally locat ed. Please give name and address. K. care Statesman. ROOM AND BOARD ROOM AND BOARD FOR TEACHER or college men. Phone 1205-M. HOUSES FOR RENT 6 ROOM HOUSE AT 2200 J. 4th street, $la per month. Call owner at 8-16-W. F. L, WOOD. 8' ai-ATS BT, RIAL eatato. rentaia WANTED edSCZLLAITDOUa OLD MATTRESSES IwADE OVER Capitol City Bedding Co, Phone 19. WANTED TO RENT HOUSE, 4 TO 6 rooms, immediate possession. Phona 1118 M. REASONABLE PRICK FOR AUTO ride to Walla Walla, Washington. Box 93, Salem. WANTED USED HOUSEHOLD GOODS. ranges and eookstoves. tools, men a ouita and shoes. Liberty Exchange, 841 N. Commercial. Phona 841. WANTED EVERYTHING IN HARD- wsre and furniture. . Best prices paid. THE CAPITAL HARDWARE AND FURNITURE CO. 185 V. Commercial St. Pbone 947 BUSINESS CARDS Auto Directory AUTO TOP AUTO TOPS W. O. WRIGHT. 171 Booth High. I DTO TOP. UPHOLSTER T, WORK 653 South 12th, paoat guaranteed. use;. TIRES AND ACCESSORIES SMITH-WATKINS, 147 NORTH HIGH. Flak, Bilverien Cord, uood extra ply tires. Every thine for ante. USE? CARS FOB SALE LODGE DELIVERY track, very reasonsble. 551 Ferry St WANTED LIGHT TRUCK IN Ex change on Hudson, Essex or Baby Overland. Fred Kirkwood, 248 State atrect. BIG SIX 8TUDEBAKER EARLY 1921 model, at $1650; will consider stan dsrd mske light rsr in trade and give terms to responsible parties. Address Geo. Steele, care Marion Hotel, giving your address. TRACTORS 1920 MODEL LA CROSSE 12-20 TRAC- tor, with plows. Bargain. See W. H. Trumtn, 326 N. Commercial street. Phone 222. GARAGE AND REPAIR HOFFMAN A ZOSEL, TIRE REPAIR ing, vulcanising, retreading; 197 South Commercial street. Phona 471. CAPITAL GARAGE BUICK. ETUDE baker repairing. 173 South Liberty. Phons 68. rAlR GROUNDS GARAGE TIRES. AO ceseoriee, nsed cart. Oar work guar anteed. 8641 Portland Road. Phone 80S. SOUTH COMMERCIAL GARAGE GEN era! repairing and overhauling. 420 8. Commercial St, Salem. AUTO REPAIR SHOP U. MILLER, 846 Center r"ne MOO STORAGE OARAGE rBACY'S STORAGE GARAG1 644 erry street. BATTEBY AND ELECTRICIAN AUTO ELECTRICIAN; EXPERT TROD ble ahootiag. 238 Notth High. Phone acs. PRESTOLITB BAT1ERY SERVICE station. Expert battery and electrical work. Farria Bros. Phone 1803, 418 Court. RADIATOR SHOPS SALEM AUTO RADIATOR SHOP 198 Booth 12th. I'hone 28. J O BAIK, RADIATORS, FENDERS, Bodies repaired. 444 Fsrrr. BEAUTY PARLORS OREGONIAN , BEAUTY SHOP HAS more help. Customera don't have to wait. Phone 477. NOW OPERATING MODEL BEAUTY Parlor. 110 North Commercial Street. 058. M. MYRTLE BERNARD MASSEUSE; , boors. 9 to 5. Sunday ; evenings by ap pointment. Oregon Bath House, phons BUSINESS CARDS COKTECTIOHXRT REMUIOTOS CONFECTIONER HOMT made eandi-s. ccnectiona, rmra. aaweo 1272 Btale - CHINESE PHYSICIAN DR. U M. HUM CUKES ANY KNOWN CLE AN IN G at PRESSING CLEANING. PRESSING DONE TO YOUR satisfaon. Classy line of co.Urs. ties. The Tnggcry, 18-Jgjate DRUG STORES BREWER DRUG Panne 1M CO. 405 COURT; EIXCTRICIAHS SECURE MY FIGURES ON WIRING. By contract, by hour. At P'f' prices It. W. IIatchhonel i44. rmAJrciAX MARION-POLK COUNTY FARM LOAN association baa reoney to loan al M per-ent W l Smith, secretary treas arer, 80S Balem Bank of Commerce PWRNilDEB STORES FRANK F RICUTER NEW, 8ECONIJ hsnd furniture. 319 N CouiinerciaL I'hone 666. GREENHOUSES PORCH BOXES BEDorNG PLANTS for sale. Smith's 801 North Commer eta I HOTELS LEONARD HOTEL SITW MANAGE ment, clesn, nest rooms and apartments. z4 fortu Front bt CHERRY CITY HOTEL; ROOMS 75c up; dining room in connection, family tvia. Corner Mien nn ftaie INSURANCE MUTUAL BENEFIT LIFE INSURANCE eompanv. J. C. Batch, agent, room 5, McCornack Bldg. Phone 96. SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY WITH Bankers' Reserve Life; G. F. Booth, General Agent, phone 2093-W. I IN8URE YOUR AUTOMOBILE WITH the Oregon Auto Indemnity Exchange Full protection. Reduced rates. Frank Meredith Co. Bush-Breyman Block. Ladies' Wearing Apparel CORSETS MRS. ESCH AGENT FOR PRTNCES8 Corsets i'hone 1043-R. S91 8. 12th. UBESSMAKINO MAUD SIMONS, DRESSMAKER. Bellcvue St. 1710 DRESSMAKING BY THE DAY. PHONE 645-J. Mrs. Keid. EDITH M. ASHLEY DRESSMAKER, 1345 Broadway: 1438 J. MRS. R. CARTER EXPERIENCED dressmaker. Phone 1971W. RUTH MeADAMS DRESSMAKER, 756 South 12tb. Phons 1824 M. HATTIE WILLIAMS DRESSMAKING. 24S North Cottage. Phone 1552W. MRS VARTY. DESIGNER AND MAKER Ladies' Suits and Gosrus. Over Mil ler's Store. LA CLAS1QUE GOWN SHOP EXCLUS- ire models. L.xpcrt desisning. 231 state. CARRIE FISHER DKK3SMAKIKG. designing. Spencer eo recta to order. 2 McCormack Bldg ttEMSTITCHUja 8ALEM ELITE HEMSTITCHING. chsinstitching. plesting, bnttons. 829- 830 Oregon Big. Phone 379. MILLINERY MRS. C. A. GRIMM. MILLINERY. MA iron, cnuaren s nats specialty; remod eling. 22fi Oregon Bldg. PLEATING MRS. UILDEBRAND. PLEATING Sonth 24th. Phone 798-M-l. 890 HAT SHOPS HAT SHOP MEN'S AND WOMEN'S hats renovated and blocked 495 Court street. ZiATJVDRJXB SALEM LAUNDRY COMPANY. 186 8 Liberty street. Pbone 25. Oldest largest oest. established 1889. CAPITAL CITY STEAM LAUNDRY Quality work, prompt service, 1284 nmaflwa rtione ie. MAGNETIC HEALER DR. II . J. ANDERSEN, MAGNETIC Dealer. Urugless physician. 410 Or egon nidg. i'hone uos. MEDICAL MOUNTAIN BALM COUGH REMEDY -nnne ri7-w LANDSCAPE GARDENER FRED BLAKE, LANDSCAPE GARDEN er Route 4, I'hone 18 J. MONEY TO LOAN FUNDS ARE NOW AVAILABLE FOR A few residence building losns. A. C. Bolirnstedt 407 Masonic Temple Salem, Ore NURSERY STOCK WILLAMETTE VALLEY NURSERY All kinds nurxery stock for sals. Ute 7. Phone 105K5. COMPLETE LIN'ii TREES, SMALL fruits, ornamentals. Capital City Nurs ery Co. 426 Oregon Bldg, Phone 75 STRAWBERRY PLANTS SMALL fruits, other nursery stock, for Oct oher delivery. Place your order now Ward K. Richardson, 2395 Front, I'none rEINTING crncEs LET BERTELSON DO YOUR PRIST ing. Jost phone 779. Y Bldg. PRIVATE HOSPITALS WANTED CONFINEMENT CASES AI privrte hospital. I have sect af equip went. Phone 19SSM. PAXbTT CONTRACTORS THE NEATEST PAINTER IN TOWN Work by day, contract. Wells. Pkea 1611M. , DAVIS a STRAvcrrBAUrm GENERA1 contractors; paints, oil, wallpaper. 23 South Liberty. Pbone 901 AUBREY H. CLARK. SUCCESSOR T Glenn L. Adams. Painting, paperhang ing, islsomininf. Terms reasonable. 2 Pnnth Wl,l Work foaranUod Phone 1396J; rea PAIKT WALLPAPER 8KB PORTER FOR rAlNTS. WAL1 a per and I'ictnre Framing. Oood week mem, 4SS Oonrt St Phoae 46. PERIODICALS MISS GOODHUE TAKES HUB SCRIP tiona for all niagsxtnee. 251 Bo.. 17tl Street. Phone 41M PERFUME ANT TOILET ARTICLES CALIFORNIA PERFUME CO EX tracts, toilet article. Mra. Moyor, 170 South 23rd. Phone 122 1. rUBXJO STENOGRAPHER MARGARET P.URNR I'CBIIO 8TEN ocrapher. CIS Masonic Bldg. Phoae Read The Classified Ads, BUSINESS CARDS MUSICAL MBa5Y MAE-VOCAL, DERBY B- rnday afteraoon, Saturd-iy- JEE F BUSH TEACHER PIANO. lornteriv We M ,nsltf';' Metropolitan Col v"waierctal. Phone e63 J. ALBERT KENNEPT V'OIIV sSSal 5J,t,N-,,-aIJ'toL rboBe 177-R. pecal iatrodi.riory tcraia LENA BELLE TARTAR strartion. Phone 33 . VOCAL IN- J..mBCE - PUNO. Aorth Winter. Pbone 31S J 287 kJh u!LLERrTZVOCA- STUDIO DER by fetjg. Phone 19 lew. NELLIE MULKEY Tnvri.iiv 373 Leslie. I bone 751 V Ai.'-IB OKA.VDLP liVrt orth Cottage. Phone 829 W. BExAiIRLCS SHELTON PIANO STUDIO BaJjktar.on, Phone UNoibSC?AHl?R:i PU!i. ronB Church. Phone 178. LENA DOTSON. PIANO reet. Phone 543 J. 1009 UNION" I. s. KuBEKTi Scuth Utb. PIANO, ORGAN. Phone 770. S70 UA,JL wF- LANGEN'BEBG, VOCAL Derby Bldg Phou. 2079. LENA WATKK8 PIANO. Phone 1184M. 1472 MILL MOLLIE STYLES VOICE, PIANO. 859 tenter Phone 2018R. JULIA MILLS WE1GEL. PTANO. 1580 South Chares. I'hone 189 1R. f. U MILLER VIOLIN. OTHER string instruments. 419 Marion hotel UIC1LK ROSS PIANO. ORGAN. 498 loerty. I'hone 1187W. kt ATTIC GILBERT STRING INSTBU n.nt. 1 t -l . . ... .... -" oiaie. ruone iiso K. MISS MABLE SHEPHERD, PIANO piayer; aancea, all occasions. 857 N. Liberty. BERTHA JUNK DARBY. AirTIIORIZED tescner, Uodowsky Progressive Series 1950W" 6"9 irtl1 CotUse- i'non WESTERN CONSERVATORY OF MUS IC or iniesgo, crank E. ChnrcLilL rep resentative. Diplomas granted. Odd fellow's Bldg. SALEM CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC AH branches taught, diploma s granted. John H. Sitea, director. 1237 Court Phone 24 TUN EES WENDELL HELM TUJTING. REPAIR ing, raene tax. EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED piano tuner. Leave orders Will's Mosie store R. W. BALLANTYNE, TtrSER. PLAY- srs a specirlty. Pbone 852. Cher nngton Piaai House. PIAKOB PIANOS, PLATER PIAKOB; NEW. dmq. j. w. Tallraan. 121 So. Com I. SHERMAN' CLAY & CO PIANOS, STEIN- . ways, Duo-Art abb oruers. Moors Piiun Music Store. Masonic Temple. CHERRINGT0N PIANO HOUSE. HAN- dies Bush-Lane eelebrsted pianos 415 Court. Phoae 852. PLUMBING NORTHWESTERN PIPE CO, WHOLE ssle and retail plumbing snpplies. 219 N. Commercial. Phone 179. JOJS'S PLUMBING SHOP. SHIPPING and Broadway, Phone 1502. Prices reasonable. 1( you hays anything to fix. let Joe do it. PLCMB1M. REPA1RI1" AKD COIL work. Phcna 1517J. Shop, 127 Union street A. L. GodfrW. KOOF REPAIRING ROOTS RESH1NGLED. CLEANED. RE psired, painted or tarred. Phons Kayos urrt. REPAIRING AND SHARPENING CUTLERY GRINDING, LAWN MOWERS .safety rasors, etc, Stewart's Repair Shop, 847 Court street. BEN WHEELER EVERYTHING RE paired. General eharpening, ehimney sweep. 14R5 N. 17th st- Phone 14IW SIGNS UNION SIGN CO SIGNS WITH KICK. Show csrds that talk. 424 N Commsr eisl. Phone 646. SHOE REPAIRING WILLIAM'S SHOE SHOP 195 BOUTH High. STUDIOS OE LUXE STUDIO, KODAK FINISH tag 147 North Commercisl. SECOND HAND GOODS HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR SECOND hand clothing and snoes. aiso oo cleaning, pressing snd repairing. Call aad deliver. Capital Exchange, 342 North Commercial. Phone 1368-W. Wn BUY AND SELL SECOND UAD goods of all kinaa. pipe iiHun, naas. collars, collar pada, tobv and eaares. fred gchindler. 25 8 Center Wiet " ;'. - SCAVENGERS SAIXM SCAVENGER GARBAGE, RIF as of all kinds rttnees. veespowia Sfied Phone 161. TAXI DIRECTORY LAKBAM TAXI COMPANY PHONE 0. Ti' OREGON TAXI-TRANSFER CO.. Liberty a Ferry. rnone 11. m el. l-inch wood for sale TAILORS FRATK PALM MERCHANT TAUXR H S. High snd terry. "TRAMSFXEHATjXrKO MEHfJjjjjjf s DELIVERY, 179 SOUTH High. Phone 230. Trunk, city. 50c. CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO. 226 State St. phone 933. Diatributing, forwarding and storage our specialty Get out ratea STOVES STOVE REPAIRING T0VI8 REBUILT Aw- REPAIRED so " .....: Deoot National feaol aisea 26 to 28 ins. high. Painta eii and Tarnishes, ef logan nerr j -u hooka. Salem Fence nd Stove "arks. 250 Court atree. Phone 134 WHEBE TO CAT WHn ,,r-r TEA IIOCSH: OPEN .-, ; n-elork. American m.u 1 ,inii V Comeroial. Phone 7J. gaim TKANSPORTATIOH i . . u dii KTtT ETAGE f.... , U's 4alen7 j, Sitvertar News Stand 8:15 a.m. 1:00 p.m. a ' 6:15 pm "w b.m. -RALEM INDEPENDENCB swu. O B. depot 7:00 a.m. iZtnZtS Hotel- 815 .Jr, rLUenrnco Hot.l-.:0 a m 6:30 p at. SPeeW-trip, by apintment. otto nuMirrr ear j W PARKER Hr WOOD SAWS CITY avn COUNTRY WOOD SAWING as, .. tlHia .jraoan 201b. r inner." "n ArSD wraw w fOOD SAWING BUSINESS CARDS WATXA SALEM WATER. LIGHT S POWER CO Office. 8UI Sooth Coas'l St. Tea pr ebt discooat domestic flat rates paid ia advaaoo. No dedoetiome far ab sence or any ranee oaleao skat off yenr Dreraiaea. PROFESSIONAL CHIROPODISTS A. J. FOSTER PAINLESS CHISOPO dint. Corns, bunions, ingrown nails removed. 148 N'. Commercial. CORN'S AND CALLOUSES REMOVED without pain. Appliances from indi vidual impression. Dr. Tstro, Masonic BHj, Pnone 442. CHXROPIACTOM DR. O. L 8COTT. P. 8. C. CHIKOPRAO tor. 80S-is U 8 Bank Bldg Paoaa. ST: Reo. 82 8 R. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS DR8. WHITE AND MARSHALL. U. & National Bank Bldg. 806 DR W. L. MERCER. OSTEOPATHIC Physician and aurgeoa ; Kirksville E. aduate. 404 405 V. & Natioaal Bank ldg Phoaeo Office, 919; Roa. 61 A DR. JOHN !. LYNCH. OSTEOPATHIC Phyaieian aad Sntgeoa. 408-404 Oreraa BMr: Phones: Office, 1894: Rea 58P5. OPTICIANS POMEROY A KEEXE JEWELERS AND Optometrists. 366 State. GLASSES FITTED BY DR. L. R. BUB dette at the Bow Optical Company. 825 Bute street, opposite Ladd aad bnah Bank. LODGE DIRECTORY UNITED 8PANISH WAR VETERANS, camp 5, Armory. First Third Mondays. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE BY OWNER, 9 ROOM plastered hoiine. Bath, electric lights. Suitable spsrtments bv small outlar. $2,100 cssh. Will mske price and terms $1000 down. Phone 17F81. DO YOU WISH AX IDEAL FARM HOME on pavement in the beautiful Bellevce district of Yamhill county f If so. see this 43 seres, all cultivsted: 25 seres in clover, sbundsnce of fruit, 8 room modern honie, fine garage, com plete set of good outbuildings, pres sure water system, elei-tric lights. Ideal for loganberries. Cannot be surpassed for a country home. One-quarter mile from store, chnrch, school. For terms snd other particular, write S A K, rare Statesman or call Sarkett, phone 1401. TRADE 8'J ACRES CLOSE TO SALEM, good soil, good 3 room bungalow, poul try houses, etc., mostly in cultivation, some timber and pasture, for Salem resilience up to $25t0. No cat.h re quired; or will sell price $3,000, terms. 1000 down. We have others .sale or trade I N R Posrcnn I VI III I VUI UVII 40S U. S. Bsnk Bldg. $2,600 BUYS THIS 6 ROOM HOUSE I and 2 lots on corner N. Winter street, living room, dining room, kitchen, 3 bedrooms, bath, toilet, electric I isrht. screens, shsdes; is occupied by owner. Terms. See L. A. Hayford 305 Stste street WORTH WHILE WHAT HAVE YOU TO TRADE FOR either of these fine farms! xi xx 120 seres, nesrly level, rich, deep soil; 100 acres in cultirstion, good build ings, s large amount of personal prop erty goes with plsce. Will take in exchange good Salem property up to $6000; balance in good terms. Price $100 per acre. 21 seres on Garden road; 6 room modern house; all in cultivation, 3 acres ber ries, 5 acres prunes, stock and equip ment goes with place. Trice $12,500; will take city propertly up to $3500 in exchange, balance good terma at t percent. 7 room house with bath, electric lights. 1 block to school. Price $1600; $150 down, balance $15 per month. MILLS & COPLEY 331 State 8treet Phona 175 Best Bargain in Town First class 5 room modern bungslow; with full concrete basement, 2 fine lots, new double gsrugn, Kultry house, vsriety fruit, on good street. Priced low to sell st $2,650. Terms, $500 down, baisnce essr. S- R. Pearson 408 U. S. Bank Bldg. Res. phons 1729 J BUY NOW NEW FOUR ROOM BUN- clow with bath. On car-line, close in. City water, light and sewer. Price only $1,900. $o()0 cssh, balance terms See us for bargsins. Krueger, 209 Orecon Bldg. GOOD BUYS 1 2 1 ' acre tract of land 5 miles south of Salem. 60 seres cultivated, balance pas ture and timber: this is first class grain and fruit soil. Price $100 per acre. 10 acres all in fruit, 8 acres prunes. 1 '1 acres logsns, some apples, goose berries, good cottsze, barn. well, rock road; close to highway. Price $5,000. 3 acres nearly all in bearing fruit; prunes. cherries, logans, strswberries, family i frnit, 5 room house, wood house, barn. well; will exchange for house and lot un to $2,000; price $3,000. 40 acre of fine berry soil located south of Salem, all cultivated. Price $5,000. Easy terms, 6 percent interest. room modern bungalow except base ment, furniture goea. located at 1135 S. 16th. PTire $2,200; half cash. 5 room rottage located at 847 Saginaw .treet: price $2,400; $500 down, bal ance terms. 7 room modern house on paved street; Wri,t Salem. Price $3,000; half cash. balance terms. 9 room modern borne located st 1216 Stste street. This is a good buy, come in and see us sbout it. - 6 rnom house located at 1330 Commercial street; price $2,800. 5 room house, bath, toilet, lights, base ment. furnace, garage, close in. Price f 4.200. W. H, Grabenhorst & Co. 275 State street Best Buys and Exchanges Suburban grovery m good location; sell at once. 82. 100. 7 room modem home on paved street. lot 7.xl50, fruit, gsrase, in first clask condition: only $4,250. Terms. Strictly modern bungalow. 6 rooms, gra vel street, garasre, laundry trays, huilt in kitchen; $4,300. For immediate sale. Take in good rar and some cssh 6 rooms modern, paved street. 2 lot frnit, garsze; clone to Washington school. C'J.HOO: f 1.200 iu.h. 20 acres red fri-it land, all cleared, ml linj: no buildings: 7 miles Salem only 5f0 payment repaired or nothing down if buyer will tmprore. 3 acre black arrsvel aoiL 3 acres prunes building: half mile school, one mile tower' only $1,700 and furniture tooli. chickens, pi and hore goer at the nriee. 5 irm in Salem Heights. 34 pmne and logans, gc-od buildings; price $5300 1 ertrs. 25 acres all cultivated, 6 acres bearing prunes, soaie logans, good buildings. gravel road. 1 mile town, fully equip per for $5,50O. 70 acres, 10 acres logins. It seres prunes, modern house, bsrr.. garage, drier, water system, fully stored aad eo:-inr.ed. 815.000: l-lr cash. $2.5O0: house end bonus money for aereaee with froit income. 157 acres in Lincoln county, buildings; $3.rtOO. Trade for hoase or acreage. 1 1 1 arm 1ft miles Salem, family oreh ard, buildings, bungslow. aio,wv; trale for alork of merchandise. j For best bnvs and trH-s see j S0C0L0FSKY i REAL ESTATE 5 ROOM r LA STEREO HOUSE. MODERN except heet. $1.00. pay like real. 7 room asodera except boat, two Iota, plenty frail. barn. garage, paved streets. Price 93,500; 9500 cash, rest tike rent. Small reaches close ia at a bargain, or exchange for city property. Dairy and grata raochea for sale or ox change. See i t for what yon want. JOSEPH BARBER & SON 200 Gray Btdg BUY NOW GOOD LOT OX THE COR ner of 5th and Hood streets. paing paid for. Price only $t00; terms. Krueger. 209 Oregon Bldg. FOR SALE MOl'irrtS ROOM BUN ga'.ow, full basement, 2 lota, garage, I mil; 3 blocks to Highland at toot. See Standlcy A Foley, Pbone 347. business hours; or call at 2030 N. Commercial. Consult a REALTOR The Name is a Pledge For Good Service and Fair Dealing All REALTORS are Real Estate Brokers but not all Real Estate Brokers are REALTORS. Webster's International Dictionary Detines Real tor. TRADE 73 ACRES NEAR OAK GROVE 9 miles from S.ilem. Land rolling. All cleared, ia cultivation. Good aprine ; no buildings; no incumbrance. Will trade for smsll tract nrsr Salem. Evan Evana Route 1, Rickreall (owner). SPECIAL An eaneciallv fine corner lot on aonth! Commercial at $1,000. will take a row n House on a small poultry rancb or s smsll orchard, both within a mile of . rsr. I am instructed to cut price of a 6 room h modern from $3,200 to bed-rock snd Ions at f.'.6on if Mild lr ISci.t. 30th. m. Fleming, 341 Stsie street FOR SALE OR TRADE BT OWNER nice improved 40-acre farm close to balem. t rice riant. Fbone 68F5. WOOD'S BARGAINS THREE ROOM bungalow, new. $750. terms. New bungalow, good location, $1350. New five room bungalow. $2450. Six room cottage, good location, $2100. terms Seven room bungalow, two lots aad garage, $4500. Five room bungalow. fieiu. Apartment house, good in come, price right. 260 acre farm. river bottom land, well located, at half value. 30 acres well improved. take a house in Salem. Nearly new Buirk car to trade for house. Choice lot, paved street close in, $600. F. L. Wood, 311 State St. 10 ACRES ALL UNDER CULTIVATION clous in st $2,400. House, good barn, with two lots snd Dlentr f fruit at $1,200 Square Deal Co. 202 U. S. Bank Phono 470 REAL E STATU TRADERMYOU CAN find a nnmher- of rood propositions either sa trades, or baya la easy pay meats of land er Lasralowa. Chaa W. NUmayer. Maaoaie Temple, Salens. FOR SALE FIRST CLASS MODERN bungslow with seven rooms, full base ment, furnsce and garage. Fine loca tion on paved street. See owner, save commission, zos ft. Zlsl St. SPECIALS I have six good little residence prop erties tsome viunraiowa ) tnat are of fered st special prices for a few days yet. Worth your notice and ron.id eration if you ciust buy. 1 shall be pleaaer to have you aee them. Wm. r leming, 341 State -jtreet. 1 LET US EXPLAIN THE NEW SYSTEM or seiung your property. rroperty listed not exclusive. Your property ptiotogrspned. nrowa, Atagee and Bessie Snyder. Over Btrsick a store. State and Commercial. Phoae 659. FOR SALE Nice new modern 5 room bungslow, good lot, paved streets, on rsrlme. l'rice $2,900. $300 cash, balance $25 per month, with 6 percent interest. Fine new modem bungalow, nice loca tion, paved street, on car line, price $3000; cash $300, $22 er month with interest at fi nereent. Five rcom horse win modern improve neptr. good lot, some frnit, gravel street, close to carl ine, price $1800; $;;00 raah, balance $20 per month with 0 percent interest per annum. For good buys, see H. L. MARSTERS 21113 Gray Bid" Wne O07 The New Administration Brings Y iVew Figures New Issues KEEP ACCURATELY INFORMED Through j " I The Country's Most Noted and Most Quoted ... . ' 1 Independent Newspaper The Springfield Republican The Weekly rontainlpg aivoxpert condensation of the news, together with :. the week's 'collected and sefccied'edltorlils and many special ' features and interesting departments, offers for Only a more comprehensive and intelligent surrey of wjiat Is going : on la the world than any other weekly magatlno. It goes Into , eYcry state In the Union." ' ,; - - . j smsatiPTiox rates: f 2.00 a jmr, 50 cents j?-' , Send for sahMTlpUorw art THE REPUBLICAN, Springfield, Mass! REAL ESTATE SO ACRES, GOOD BUILDINGS, NEAR achooL Bargain to aell at once. See Lewis, ewaer, at Xtl S. Commercial street, I ' 8 ROOM MODERN PLASTERED HOUSE two large lota, close to school aad car line. A good one for the sueaey. Priced lor Maick !. 1 3.8W. Ooo4 t,mis. Jesep Barber a Sob, 200 (ray Bldg. j - ' NEW MODERN BUKOAIaJW JUST completed. bailtie of all kiada. It von are planning for a bow borne, see this and yon will buy and not band. Joseph Barber a Soa,.SOO Gray Bldg. FOR RENT FOR RENT $1 XT Y ACRES or LAND in N. Saleesl Inquire of 1L P. Boiae, llrcymaa Block. TO LEASE MO ACRES OF LAND OXS it am of bcriea for salo. See Mrs. A. J Milier. Tiirner. Ore. PUBLIC NOTICES STATE TRE-StREi;S NOTICK Notice is hereby given that on October 15. 1921. at II o'clock aell at pnblie sale at 0. m.. I will my office in the Capitol Building. Salem. Oregon, to the beat cash bidder the following described bonds: Rainier Drainage District ( per cent bond No, 30, dated Oct, 1, 1920. due Oct, 1, 1930, par value 1500. i Rainier Drainage District per cent bond No. 31. dated Oct. 1. 1920. due Oct. 1. 1931. par value 11000. , - Rainier Drainage District C per cent bond. No. 38, dated Oct, I, 1920. due Oct. 1, 1932. l will receive bids lor any one or mora of these bonds. I reserve the right to reject any and all bida and to sell any or all of aaid bonds. This sale la made under Paragraph 2748 Oregon Laws. O. P. HQFF. State Treasurer. Date of first I publication. Septem ber 9, 1921. Date of last publication, Octob'er 14. 1921.. WHpLE MILK AND CRfcAM WANTED T Marion Creamery & Produc Co. Salem, Oregon Phone 21fc8 I SALEM MARKETS . BrYTNG PRICX Eusisad rosTuy r-KWK, Sjc - v , - - lime, heavy, BOO. 'I liens, medium, I To. Hens, light. lSe. i - Broilers, 18e-82e.! Old roosters, 6-lOe. Pork, afuttea and Boot Top boga, UHciliO to S3U lbs Sowa and bogs, 7 aad On. Smooth, braviea, lop lie. Dressed bogs, 15 lbe. Lambs, rearltng, 8Ve 4e.. , 1021 milk lambs. dVa-Se. Beef steera. e. Cows. , . v ; -Bulla, S-8e. . - Top Teal, 1414 He, ' Orsia Wheat, $1.00, Jfo. 1 whiU. Oata, milliug, Kei 1, 40. Oata, feed. 60. 'Hay . Veatch and Oat bar, $11. Clover Hay. 10 f MUl r$sds. Ret ad MCI run. $S4 toa. ' Shorts, $82. ton. I . ' Wholesale to Dealers " fresmerr Butter, - 49c, Rnttcrfat, 47c. Whole milk, $2.2d. ' ; , aTraa : Orsnges, $7.50, j Banana 8'4c. Imona, $7.6. i ' Grape Frnit, Cat, '$4.80, ; Datoa, droraodarv, $7 ease. 1 Vegttsbles Ore roa eabbago. Oev - I! Turnips, $1.00 sack. rrans. So. Was besns, 5a. Lettuce, 75c. Ceiory. $1 dosee 1 371 New potatoes, 3 ',4 r; Oregon onions, S'r. Oregon eacuaibers, 50a, Oregon honey, 80c lb. Parsley, 60s doseai buaeheo, Beets. SOe. dosea baachae. Tomatoes, $1.15. .1 Honey, extracted, tOc lb. Apples, $2.75. i Canulonpe, poav. $J; flat, 900. Water melons, $1.50. Green peppera. Bo to. tea Cream melon, $1.75. J Caaahas. - 2 4. Money Dew. t4. :wi rot, 4 tie. 1 ltoeVleberrleo. I4e. on the Stage Republican ! r $2.00 a quarter, 3 cents ml copy Kiiecfirie Crpy -arable fa adYance. -.Address f it