The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 25, 1921, Page 9, Image 9

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i i'
NEW YORK. Sept. ; 15.The
American Society, lor the Control
of cancer, wblch sine its organi
sation in 1913, baa been "fighting
cancer with facta," sent out from
Its headquarters; No. 25 West 45th
street,' New York, announced yes-
terday an unusual feature of its
already remarkable campaign, f
! This la a - "National Cancer
Week" which will begin October
3Qth and end November 6th, '
The purpose of the etrort, the
"most comprehensive and import
ant lnr the societya career, is In
; tended ttx carry facta concerning
cancer to as many persona in the
United States and Canada as can
be reached throorh -the profes-
atonal, and lay press, by. lectures
: and by the spread of informative
llteratnre. The work will be car
ried on by the foremost physicians
and surgeon in the country who
speciaJlz in the control of this
4-disease; by State and City
Health officers and by the public
spirited citizens, who. hare given
rnuQti of their time and consider
able ot their money-to the move
ment. ."..- ,. :
The society's organisation Is an
exceptionally efficient one and the
message of "Cancer Week" will be
carried to the remotest corners of
' the country.: It, Includes regional
irect'or?,' state chairmen and lo
cal committees, all working qader
the. direction, of Dr. Charles, A
rowers, president. As&lstlne Pr.
i Lang Ranges, :
. A Northwest t Product,..
EleVen Exclusive Features.
ltfal$ea her work, easier"
Guaranteed, to cut your fuel
' " . on-half. j" .'"
- Demonstrated at 'Vc.
' i.-store;.
271 N. Commercial Street ,
. , ., . .... g .
'"iii win .I'liwi.immmwmmw ww"i"iiwtMWWilwwliiitwiwwiliiiiMwiMiiil'MiWMiii,ffMlwWW'HilwwWiniitHi,ipilHHlil11'ltiW'fT
ry1 miMMin ii n I i iiiiiiunimiuiiimi " " ,!:,.L,,a,.iiiii,.iIi.i., i,,., ..l,..i.,k..ulMil;lll ninmr- Tr m, ,., i '"
1 :m
Mothinr bat the
best trad upper ,
stock U uted. . .
could- b cd.
but tntea4 Full
To Vamp r
nploysd. '
vkiob "BmtT
Brown SW"-
IiM i -! mm'.
. .If-
While it is-best to train the feet correctly from the very beginning,
no matter what shoes ypur boy or girl ! has been wearing previously, you
can begin now to train their feet properly with Buster Brown Shoes, and
while the bones are still soft and pliable they may be 'reformed) if neces
sary, in Nature's way. : v
Buster Brown Shoes are thoroughly de- :
pendable shoes. , They are lnadtv bv skilled.
shoemakers from the best4 grades of leather,1
'have Government standard oak-tanned, soles
attached to the uppers by the famous Good
year Welt process which insures a practical
flexible,; comfortable soled. shoe no nails to, .
run through the sole, no seams "f to pause
blisters or other discomforts. ; i " "
. Blister Brown ; Shoes excel for their
health qualities and for their wearing quali-'
ties. They are therefore economical shoes
jto buy, and are sold by .
Powers are sucn men of note as
Pr. Robert Abbe, one ot the fore
most authorities on cancer In
America; Dr. James Ewing, Path
ologist of Cornell university; Dr.
C. E. Armstrong, of Montreal, not
ed Canadian surgeon; Dr. Joseph
C. Bloodgood, of Johns Hopkins
University, Baltimore; Dr. William
J. Mayo, of Rochester, Minn.; Dr.
Clement Cleveland, for many years
head of the Women's hospital in
New York; Dr. Francis Carter
Wood, director of ' the Crocker
Cancer , Research laboratory, Co
lumbia university and head of the
Board , of Scientists which aided
American women to buy a gram
of radium for Mme. ; Curie : Dr.
Livingston Farrand, President of
Cornell university; Dr. Herman M.
Biggs, health commissioner of
New York state; Dr. Harvey R.
Gaylord of Buffalo, director of
the New York State Institution for
the Study of Malignant Disease;-
Dr. Robert O. Greenough, of Bos
ton, director of the Harvard Can
cer commission, and Dr. George E.
Vincent, president of the Rocke
feller foundation. Drs. Arm
strong, Cleveland and Farrand are
1 among the vice presidents ot the
; Among others who are giving a
great deal of time and effort to
this movement are Mrs. Robert G.
Mead, chairman', of the society's
finance -committee and ' secretary
of the .Marie Curie Radium fund
committee; Mrs,' Thomas Fortune
icy an; Thomas w. Lamont V.
Everlt Macy; Mrs. Frederick F.
Thompson and James Epeyer, of
fsew -Yorkr Mrs, George E. Shaw
ot Pittsburgh and Frederick L.
Hoffman 6t - Newark; N. . -The
latter is statistician y of the ! pru
dential Life i insurance company.
and chairman of the society's com
mute on statistics.
; Since its inception the society
has maintained; that: accurate in.
formation . concerning cancer is
the best means known to lower
the mortality of this disease. It
believed, and it has since been
proved., that a large number of
cases can be - cured . if taken in
hand early and its efforts have
been directed' toward 'Urging per.
sons to seek competent advice the
instant they recognize any ot the
symptoms made plain by : the so
ciety's campaign, of education. In
thi spollcy the society at first met
antagonism fro mthat element
which considered cancer a dis
grace and which believe the less
said about, It the better.
i.i Those lnterjfted in this educa
tional movement ' are extremely
encouraged by the fact that! dar
ing the past three years deaths
from cancer have, for the - first
time in two decades, shown a
slight decrease. It does not claim
that all this decrease, la due to Its
campaign, but it believes that its
campaign has' had something ; to
do with it and it intends to push
Its work in the future even more
rigorously than In the past ' ; : '
Some idea of the ' ravages of
-For Girls, for Boys of 2 to 16
Because of the
. r , Buster Brown Shoes represent a new era .....
.in juvenile footwear a new principle in
Just as going to school trains the mind
of your boy or girlstep by step, from grade
to grade so will Buster "Brown .Shoes train
' 4 the feet v J. v. - . ' .
, , 11 Buster Brown Shoes are a fonri of fool
insurance.' They rnean comfort for the feet
now and in tb.e' future. They keep the feet m
- from growing old bef orevtheir time. :
K . M am
-BOTraSSMoe Store
cancer may be- badfrom the fact
that it eause;ten out of everr
where the victims are more tbao
40 years old; that about 85,060
deaths a year are recorded and
tnat tne mortality among women
is considerably greater than
among men. Women are excep
tionally susceptible to this dis
ease, but it is gratifying to know
that if the symptoms are early
recognized a great majority of
cases may be cured. eBcause peo
ple are better informed early di
agnoses are more common than in
the past, and moreover the meth
ods of treatment, which now In.
elude radium and the X-ray are
becoming more and more effi
cient and effective.
Daring 'National Cancer Week'
there will be lectures in New
York and other eities by the fore
most authorities on cancer, the
distribution of literature at these
lectures; activities by the depart
ments of health throughout the
country and by the medical soci
eties, and the publication of num
erous articles in the medical and
lay press. Nurses organizations.
Insurance companies, federations
ot Women's clubs, social service
organizations, chambers of com
merce and boards of trade, manu
facturers and merchants associa
tions, labor unions and trade conn
cils will take part The Y.W.C.A.
the Y.M.C.A. and scores of other
organizations will give their aid
The meetings will be divided in
two classes; those for physicians
and the like, and those for the
public. Following the public
meetings any person who wishes
specif ic in formation will be given
all he desires. - -
on GAS
A new oil lamn thai rives an
amazingly brilliant,: soft, white
light, even better than gas or elec
tricity, has been tested by the U.
S. Government ' and 25 leading
universities and found to be su
perior to 10 ordinary oil lamp?.
It burns without odor, smoke or
noise no pumping np, is simple,
clean, safe. Burns 94 air and
6-common kerosene (coal oil)'.
The Inventor, W. V. Johnson.
31 N. Fifth St... Portland, Ore., is
offering to send, a lamp on 10
days' FREE trial, or even to give
one FREE to the first user in
each, locality who will help him
introduce It. Write him today for
full particulars. Also ask-him to
explain . how you can get the
agency, and without experience or
money make $250 to 1500 per
month. Adv. '.
"jQsh Slack has lost his Job ns
road overseer," announced the
gaunt Missourian.
"What did Jhe do!" inquired
his wife. - - ' 5
1 "He didn't have anything to do
and hP WouldnVeven do that." "
Kansas City Star. ' - ' '
' . " ' -r- ?
Both Trotzky and Lenine are
ported ill. That's what comes of
trying to do: without a constitu
tion. ;
loathcr oak
counters. ctpe
cialljr adapted to
children's tbott.
I K,
Txtrafl of meced
tittlf. aoliji Sola
Leather nll
ara pd.,u
Hm Wok Sole r
bat only Oo
'raaat Btaalara
Ofk Sola LMtaar
im, ued in-"Bu-UrBranBtoM."
. ft
1 3
I 1
Here Is a frock to tide you over
Into astasia, warranted to make 7
forget your sorrow aver the deper
vre of all your summer fluff od
trills a. frock in which, to loU be
fore the open grates of fall, to wwjr
to the first bridge club meettaf
informally at hotna for i3"
' It la made of bux newest and uea
est fancies, stiff and bouffant tat
feta. with a garBitare of gayly con
trasting ribbons - t-
I The neck line U most unusual,
new an good, Jasneae- to inspira
tion and French in, interpretation, I
ishonld say. The sleeves are more pr
less shapeless ktmoaer affrntrsr the
waist line loonilj cXed, with aa
npstandins band about the . hipa.
while the abort ovrskirt Is faU,
bouffant and made ccmsplcnwua by
three horizontal bands of; the rib
bon. Not for the ston lady neverl
The underskirt is 'quite long after
the fall node, and is decidedly snag.
: But aftet the' sleeves are, the
feature of the whole frock. Sleerea
of georgette or chUtoa went but
months ago; In fact, georgetta has
lost rerf heavily lt iwpuUrit, any
way. And yet these aca oar- eld
transparent sleeves, started by the
Ifrench trick. I have no doubtof
aimuiaiink' a. sleeve in a slfevelass
frock by a bit ot ribbon, oc lac or
an unattached cuff.
yt&n are full an loose, . and
eanght la at the wrist by a caff of
the ribbon. I
Adele Garriaoa'e New Fbjue ef
"Oh, Meesia Graham! you coon,
plecsr qveeck." j
Katir' voica sounded outside
my do-. ase,: worried. I opened
it quickiy and saw that my-little
maid was on the verge ot one ot
her temperamental btirsts -et
"What is itj Katie r; I alred
!: "Ohvmy, dinner heem get. all
spoiled eef nobody eat heem!"
she wailed. ''First, I vait till
MeeBter Graham and dot Jeem
feez in dining room, den I have to
make Jeem sveep all over vunce
yet. And now everybody novaires.
Mr. Graham, he vashinr oop. Meet
Fairfax, she over by Durkees, dot
leeue Marion sne out in. tree. nr
mudder I no know verei, and
- "I am right here. Katie, and I
promise you- that everybody will
be in the dining room in five min
utes. Just take a look at Junior.
Isn't he the cunningest thing?
Katie is very much like a spoil,
ed child. If you can divert hr
attention she will forget any- real
or fancied grievance.
A Successful Ruse.
h-h! dot blessed babeel
she exclaimed with a dive toward
Junior, who, resplendent in hit
very best embroidered white frock
with knots of pink ribbon, white
slippers and pink silk socks, was
sitting in his crib happily striking!
at a colored ball swaying above
him: and laughing delightedly. -'
"Don't rumple him, Katie-'? I
cried "but in alarm, fearing lest I'
had been too 'successful in -my!
ruse, and that Katie in her exub
erant admiration might undo my
painstaking labor to make Junior
sartorlally perfect. - "
"I tlnk I know better dan dot,"
Katie retorted loftily- "But,
Joost got to have vun heady kees."
She bent abote the baby'a crib,!
pressed her lips to his sunny hair,
the caress she always gives him.
and for which she has invented
her qwn term. Then she straight
ened ' herself,' her face aglow with
gratified pride as Junior stretch
ed his arms toward her with an.
appeal to be taken np.
"You like; me carry heem down,
stairs?" she queried hopefully.
' "rm sorry, Katie, but his father
is counting on doing that today.
I'm Just waiting tor him now. The
minute be Comes np lit gather un
the rest of the guests.'
"All rlgbt. I feex qveeck.? the
girl returned, restored td her us
ual " happy good nature, and she
Whisked out of the door Only a
WboV BatU JfelS
tresses Macje to Or fa
I Catorn scouring, and card
ing ox wool.; we guarantee
to return the same wool you
send to us.; We majce batts
any. size, an4 wet ;y6
wish, also mattresses, any
site and weight you wish.
.fronLyour wool, or ourjs, We
f " . " a' '
guarantee our prices 10 De
at least 15 lower than any
concent, of; its kind on the
Paciip coast. Our,
live and let live "
Brown & Swallow; Props.
minute before Dicky entered.
"All ready. : sweetheart!" , He
gave me. a careless kiss, passed
on eagerly to the crib where Jun
ior, always crazy with delight at
the sight of bis father, was Talrly
bouncing himself, up and down.
For the fract on of a second a
film of disappointment spread
over my contentment. It was the
first time my husband had made
me feel that I ranked second in
the scale of his heart values, anil
I had to summon all my batter
ies of self-deriaion to dissipate the
cioud, gossamer though K was.
A Convenient Headache?
"To the last Enap fastener," i
replied gayly.,, '! Will you take
Junior downstairs? , I must Kit
the guests together. They appear
to be scattered oyer the surround
ing country, and Katie is on the
verge of a nervous collapse."
"For the love of Mike, rout ev
erybody out on the double quick !
Dicky exclaimed. "She may col
lapse, the moment dessert is served
if she wants to. but for the sake
of my protesting tummy keep her
ca'm .till then."
J'l'U-dO;. my best" I promised,
hurrying out of the door . and
frammomug my mother-in-law,
Liillian and my father who were
all dresspdi fof dinner , and com
fortably reading in their rooms.
Lillian volunteered to 'fetch Mar
ion and I flew to the ;telephone
called up the Durkee home.
Mrs. Durkee herself answered
the telephone with' such prompt
ness that t suspected' that she had
been sitting near it waiting for
my summons.' She, has an exten
sion 'phone in bet own room, so
that no matter whether she be up
stairs or downstairs she can an
swer a summons promptly. It lsjf
lonly one of the many thoughtful
provisions Tor rer comiort wnicn
Alfred has made.
?'Is that yon. Madge?" she ask
ed whimpered would be the bet-
Ster word, . !' didn't want to can
;you for fear I'd disturb you, ana
I've been waiting for yon to cau
You'll just have to excuse me to
day, dear. I've got a. terrible
headache. Is your dinner ready?
I'll call Alfred and tell him, and
send him and and Leila right
over." ' . ,
i: I know little Mrs. Durkee s
headaches of old. One of. the
dearest and sweetest of women,
'the is not above the subterfuge of
pleading ai convenient headache
or other ailmentv when there is
some social tasks before " her
which she does not wish to per
form. ! ,
( T saw that It I didn't wish raj
sinner to be a social failure T must
Immediately take strenuous meas
ures with my little f riendJ
- (To be continued)
Marion Gets $5778 from
Auto Fund, Polk $2015.
, and Yamhill $3036
I Sam" A. Kozer aecreUrj . of
state, esterday made the semi
anuai distribution of -automobile
hcense iees, aggrcgatlngrM9.
tQ0.9, ' to- the 1 sute highway
fund and the Tarions eounues o
th. atatA nnder the nrovislons of
hantr 371. laws of 1921., The,
lw 'nrovldes that after the pay
ttent of administration expenses
the balance remalnlnf shall be
distributed, three-fourths , to the
highway fund' and one-fourth to
the counties in proportion to the
amount that shall have been re
ceived from- such- counties for li
censes. Marlon CQUnty
$5T8 l.' Polk's $2,016.59 and
ssiaaaaaa 0 w at
i Th distribution represented
the 'net -proceeds frpm motor ?e
Scle "aid, Wator-s; Ileuses.
V.nffeflr TeKiatrations,, etc., for
pkv mtnth: ncrkd--Mareh le
1921 to September 15,. 1921iOt
the toUl of M00.8strlb-
ttted the nlgBW fB4isni2
wmm divided anions the St. conn-
ties f the state. .The. amount re-
... .,,K rniintT foIIOWB;
ohichco cops
Fitzraonis Says 5Q Percent
1 of ;Jiem Violate Prohi
;; bitiorx i Statutes " V
Evidence Sought and VYhole
$aje Prosecution from.
ised if Obtained
CHICAGO, Sept. 2 1. Charles
C. Fitztnorria, general superin
teadent.of police, today asserted
in letters he sent to John Ii. Ah
cock, first deputy, and harlea .
Clype, district attorney, that he
la convinced that 60 per cent of
the members of the Chicago po
lice department are involved in Il
legal sales and transportation of
Chief Fitxmorrig promised dras
action if evidence to support his
belief were obtainable. '
Evidence Sought
Fitzmorrls, after writing . the
letters, in. which , he asked aid in
obtaining evidence against his of
ficers ' and men, said he ' would
take the guilty men before tne
civil service commission when the
government had supplied .'him
with evidence. He said the same
step would be taken "if 1 can get
the evidence myself."
"Prohibition now is a fallacy
and there are more deaths and
drunkenness than in the 'wet'
days," be said in one letter.
"From reports I nave recelyed, I
am Convinced a large percentage
of the membership of the police
department is involved seriously
in the illegal sale or transporta
tion of liquor. - , i,
Five Thousand on Force
"In fact the reports and rum
ors indicate 50 per. cent of the de
partment is interested in some
way in violating tfys prohibition
flaws. .
"I have made every effort to
correct this condition, which Is
impairing the efficiency ot this
The Chicago police department
consists of upward of 5,000 men.
359.53; Clackann". S4.17Z.13;
Clatsop. $1,969.03; Columbia. $1.
3S3.13'; Coos. $3,304.39; Crook.
$548.92: Curry, $575.18; Des
chutes. $1,723.03; Douglas. $2.-
547.3a: Gilliam. Il.ioo.;
Grant, $970.47: Harney, $774.68;
Hood River, $1,320.05; Jackson.
$3,945.91; Jefferson, $330.81; Jo
sephine, $1,441.38; Klamath, $4.-
483.65; Late, $1,365.69; Lane,
$3,842.68; Lincoln, $748.79;
Linn. $3,059.76; Malheur, $1,
928.55; Marion, $5,778.66; Mor
row, $848.64; Multnomah, $33,
973.67; Tolk, $2,015.59; ' Sher
man, $1.205;76; Tillamook $1,
069,63; Umatilla, $3,897.43; Un
ion, $3,409.99; Wallowa $2,328-r
14: Wasco, $2,685.04 r Washing
ton, $4,243.18; Wheeler, $650.
66; YamhilL $3,036.35.
Barlow to Aurora Road
Opens to Light Traffic
To accommodate state fair traf
fic on the Pacific highway be
tween Portland and Salem the
state highway department will to
morrow open to light traffic the
highway between Barlow and Au
rora. Trucks must continue to
use the detour. The hikhway, will
not be opened between Barlow an,d
Canby and all vehicles must con
tinue to use' the detour between
those f wo points.
Menziri$ Fuliopis New
Portland Organization
Articles or incorporation were
filed Saturday by. Monsia &, Fulop.
Inc., of Eortland, capitalized at
$25,000. The Incorporators are
A. S. Meazin, J. R. Fulop and A
Fulop. - . -- '
Other articles were filed as fol
lows: (,(, , (, , , , ,
Mllwaukie Casino, Inc., Port
land; Incorporators. W. W. Ely,
E. E. Merges. O. E. Sanderson;
capitalization, $15,000.
Ron fh' 4b Ready. Mlnlna com
pany, Grants Pass; incorporators.
a 3. Moore, William Wyrick, A.
B. Keller; capitalization, $50,000. Transportation com.
pany, ' Portland;; Incorporators.
John Kiernan. Daniel Kern, T. H,
W ard; capitalization $85,000.
Nolsi la too often mistaken for
public opinion. As a matter of
fat the real strength of public
opinion Is Hidden in silence.
; "Well have to give the f girl
credit," anyhow." ' w
i.i -For what.
."Trying: to . pulL down skirts
that wouldn't pull down., .
Caraa to-Otter BKk an hava a re a!
vacaXtas. reatfal and hoaaelika.'r Uoti
eh' tizn of blnf f, aTer-lookinx eceatt
Xear ItariTs Tuneh Bwl. ' Fin fiah
ins. otl th , roekv lota i aaaaaela- aMl
tlama. ' Xa bttr aata ea tha Orexoa
coaaU- Boarl ass rats si a ' a -. wae.
Too. will' lika it. Tea eiUe nortk al
rrrt.-' WrH 17
THpus, b. HoaJroro, Otuc. Xak. Qr.
j.-.f' I lit
Oa TUIaauek Baaek Iak Lytla, Ox,
- TA hotel ? rllt' Msptr awr aawiera
coaveniraefl and rvpiorU. . WelL kaata4
aod'TIcfctad rooma, with hot a ad eoU
water ixrwsb. .4ttowflti-alhr wbera
daoriac a? if. a iadtilfied to. USam parlsr
erlokuyt wcaaa. , . ? '.ivP.,a
' Boathar PaciTjfl aepat aear t hotsL
,t 4ecaaiM hr 'all" Tw.' '
peii twtttnKi' t dtanr panlet
nhcild, ' ' -- '
Eeaaaaabla winlar rata ' - T
i Vrrr lafnraiatiaBi wtR awtiliMir "'
SEPTEMBER; 25. 1021
Ragmqn; AreTlaccd-at;; :
Grounds .Crossings
"The state pubHcJ e crko coni
mlssion has requested the South
ern Pacific comnaay to ftat-flaff-
A. Rlano Houj3e
. ' '..I:
When yw com to Sherman, Qay 5c Co, :i
we prefer to consider vour reaiiirements '
I - . . (
h: m, k ikm ?i
. what would be the proper instrument for
the liymg-room nay not be the best for- ther:
childrenV piano lessons. Take us into your
corencQand we npf we car) fill your .
every requirement as to price," terms; style, r '
ability and the transaction will be mcf-4
4f taaw, wm Wmr
- See. our . display in ths
Salem Music Director
Teacher qf.iaJiQ r.l . 1 I,.,.
267 North Winter St. v v ' v . Phone 345J
S94 N. Church
State accredited teacherJ llodem methods in the. study, of
piano, Traininij.ot childreri ;a Ispecialtyr r lu
Studio 148 North 12th St - " Phmm 134
Hi in l li ii in i.l .iiii! ij ,n LU
Studio 345 Marion
Derby Building Mondaya
, Special rates to pupils
1473 Milt Street r:i.'.y-TAt
l.-U J..J
4 i
.' '!
? EllflNETTA1 mAGE11 - i
OwtraJo'pn.l rTeacnei: f Singing H
f Accredited by Statfr Board of Education' 1 '
BOidio.' Derby Bids. V :if x - Rhoae 2QS i '
f Friday afternoons an4 Satffrdays t
Portland Add rf. 212 Tiff ord nnlldlna;' ' ' '
i EUJA YEW, ifisnp 11 - t J .
Th modern-weight relaxation, fovernlnir tbW f law ot ton pro
dncilop, trpmotlns elaBtlcity,, piaaticAtjr aati? reailiency, for ad
vanced atudenta. Accredited byjStata Board t 4apaf.ton. ; v
Dunning ytcrn ot Imprflred; Mnslc iStdyl for. Beginners, en-'
dorsed by the world-renowned Masters in Music of both America
.'"-;i'.v;i- ir laadi-Buropayi: tscc j -
Students can register for winter Work now
PhoBft 1351. v. .. . - Resldenca.Sindib 695 No, Lfbertr KL
1 f
Recently returricd tromEuropean! stpclyof tte nl
'!j bestand, most modern violin playing.' Orchestra tl
- vf' training, i Director bflargrestr Ensemble inutha 4A
j state, which, appeared At Qregori "State, Fairi the 1 '
Studio: 563 Court St.
, . t wirecior oi -jmusmj Mienij xug,n scnools.,1 Solotfitj Firat Cbnrci
ot Christ Scientist; Engliab.rrencbrluUan Latin Diction.
' " Credits , glT?n; In 1 Oregon, High' Schools, i pupil of Wllllan
rredrle Gaaklni, qorvallia;-!lo : Tyler TagUeri, Portland; Irvinr
M. Gleai Seattle; Karleton Ha-kett. Chicago hrri.. A V
Bcbwl of iMusic; Amcxicair Consemtary,' CWcago Post Crad aate I
Uaverslty oWasnington.: r .,' j - ' 5
Sadie, 163 liberty St K. I-l ' . " , ' " rbone C
men on. "the! grade crossings over
the tracks at! the state fair
to' eliminate! 'daager to &Ut fair
traffic, which Is always highly,!
congtstedi.j :
i -The i flagmen occupied their ,
pmtm yeterday. - '
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new r'pavlUon. at-thtf v. -: .
Teacher, of Piano and Qrttn rus ;? '-' ! -5
A? DF7iTOTI; y'
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II.UJH n UJJIJjlJlJlJ.lij 1 ij
St, rvi Phone , J.(
and -Thursdays 203 1
.eiwollir thia rnoatlii : :
.,.. ,'iphon; 1184M
JJ.,....1I1I.,.J ,.l.J
!J M I J J 'IWH"
Kill: 1 - J '. '.! 1 II .1 J !" J 1 I I
Phone 244aV( 'V
iCiaa. aUa M. Frkar. rr, -F.O Bk-
t-.. mmnmmii ItlontOTt I2.
paaert i-i-v-inx -x
axara-yttna. rr-:-. J