THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM. OREGON SUNDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 25. 1921 SOCIETY NEWS m WEBv mmmmMz: By D. D. WILSON 4 ; r - 1 Phone 108 "The Country , of. the Big Heart':' that is the ' description of America given to her friends by little Miss Alice Kim. Korean stu dent who is visiting this country for the first time. Asked for her first Impression . of the United States, gained upon her landing In San Francisco , a ewmontha a co. Miss Kim replied that she ; thought ot It as a country with "plenty to eat." the, variety of foods , offered forming a sharp contrast to the inevitable boiled rice and pickled cabbage of her own country. ' Any rfav!r through the Orient can understand and sympathize with, Miss Kim ' point of, view, as oftentimes the scenic wonders of the world are . forgotten In favor of a detailed , description of an unusual "find" In the way of food. A slender little , maiden with lustrous dark hair and' deep ex. press! ve brown eyes. Miss Kim, her charming smile and exquisite poise found her way quite readily into the hearts of the kindly wo men through .whose efforts the Korean school for girls is main tained. This school, a Methodist mlsironary school-lor girls. i l cated in Seoul. It accommodates 1C00 girls. Last year. 5000 appli cations were received, many be ing from girls who had walked several hundred miles to apply in , person for admission and. upon being tamed away, were forced to .retrace their steps.' -;, t MIm Kim occupies a unique pqf tltion in her own country, bein . cne of but four, unmarried girts in the entire country which covers i i , . ) ; w Engraved Cara J: i Wedding Invitations and Visiting r J Cards ; Prompt, satisfactory 8emce .-''COMMERCIAL BOOK STORE ; ' - 103 North Commercial I Salem School of Expression I ' 1 4 7 N. Commercial Street. " iRE-OPENS SEPTEMBER 20th Lulu Rosamond Walton. Director. Thones 1484-J and 592 -.V Fresh Stock - Pickling Spices : Stone Jars- 3 ' : WP.L GAHLSDORF 135 N. liberty Phone 67 about as much territory as does the state of Oregon and contains 17 millions of people. To under, stand this situation, however, one mutt remember that in many Ori ental countries,-children are mar. ried when very young, the wife often not making the husband's home her own for some years. In this connection. Miss Kfm's com ments were pertinent. She said, "I cannot understand your , di vorces. In my country a girl has no choice as to whom she marries, yet there is no divorce. In your country, a girl may marry whom she will and your divorces are ap palling." . Miss Kim's age, reckoned by our methods, Is 24 years. In Ko rea she is counted as 26. The rea son is thisr In many of the Far Eastern countries, a child is reck oned a year old on the day of its birth. This is true in Koreabut here , is a variation in the usual custom. On New Years day every one has a birthday. Thus, a child born near that time has two birth days verv close together the one on the day of birth, the other on New Year day which is thereafter considered its real birthday. The ypung Korean student will continue her musical studies in Portland for some time under the direction of Professor David Campbell of the Ellison-White conservatory. Miss Kim's musical education here Is a contribution by the Ellison-White people to the Korean mission work. Mr. and Mrs. Fred G. Brock en tertained on Thursdav evening at "600 to honor their house jruests Mr., and Mrs. O. E. Tonkin, of Boise, Ida. Pink roses were used in decoration. Mrs. C. A. Vihhrf and O. E. Schuneman were win ners or the high scores while the consolation i fell ; to Mrs. O. E. Schuneman.. . The hostess was assisted in serving by the host, her daughter, Dorothy and Miss Ruth Moore. The guest list follows: Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Tonkin, Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Goodln. Mr. and Xfr A w Moore, Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Schune man, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Simp. sonMr-and Mrs V. E. Kuhn, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hauser, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Vibbert, Mr. and Mrs. David Wright. Dr. and Mrs. John R. Sites and Glen Niles. -V-.: The Mothers' club of the First Methodist church met Thursday afternoon a the home of Mrs. A. A. Lee. 1515 .State street, the bobtesses being Mrs.' M. B. Par ounagian, Mrs. Johnson, Mrs, W K. -Taft and Mrs H. Stolzhelse The business meeting was followed by a social hour, , during which Mrs. 3.x B.: Littler; read a booklet entitled, "Something More," a sequel to "That Something." Re freshments were served, by. the hostesses. Asters were .used in decoration, no special color scheme being observed. U About 25 were : present. i: i t r v i 4 1 W ' (a ' ? ' ,. t , V .. PEACE What was the first prophetic word that rang When down the starry sky the angels sang, That night they came as envoys of the Birth What word but peace, "peace and good will on earth?' And w hat was the last word the Master said That parting night when they broke brother-bread, That night he knew men would not let him live Oh, what, but "peace I leave" and "Peace I give?" And yet behold : near twice a thousand years And still the Dattle-wrath, the grief, the tears. Let mercy speed the hour when svrords shall cease And men cry back to God, "There shall be Peace!" Edwin Markham. . Calif.. Mrs P. A Young and to the old English custom, at 5 paflS Police -Want NeW Miss Ann Dawson's Van Gnndia. drove up from Albany. The affair though impromptu, was charming ia its appointments. Jurfsre and Mrs. O H. Burnett and Mr. and Mrs. Milton Meyers are spending the weea-ud ia Portland. Italy Monday morn'ng Mrs. R. J. Hendricks and Mrs. Mark Sk'if will leave for Sacramento to at tend the National convention ot War Mothers in session there this week. Mrs. Hendricks will repre sent both ,the state and local or ganizations whtle Mrs. Shift will represent the Salem chapter. This is the th rd coavent-on of the War Mothers, said to be the first or fcanizatfon of its Fort in existence, its purpose beinc to aid in every possible way ex-service men and their families The keynote cf the convent'on at Sacramento will be .disarma ter. Dorothy Marsters Ariel Lee Gilbert, Dorothy I.ivesley, Maxine Gilbert, DeLon? Williams, Flor ence Powers. Josephine Jaskoskl, Eleanor White, Claudine West, Isabelle Klein. 'Mary Cupper and Helen Aschliman. Mrs. R. M. Hofer was hostess for a charming luncheon on Thursday, complimenting Miss Aline Thompson in whose honor so many delightful affairs have been given preceding her wedding vhich will take place on Wednes day evening. Michelmas daisies, roses and asters were used in decoration. Hemip:hingland: Braiding Stamping and Hand Embroidery. When looking for ! that Birthday or Wedding Gift, let us help you with ' a suggestion. Also - I D. M. C. Embroidery and Crochet Thread MRS. P. Bi MULL Room 10, Over Miller's Store Phone 117 r Salem,' Ore. IT S A FAD AND WE'LL ADMIT to discard one's cor set now-a-days. And if you're built like a ..willoWj ,b r a n c h which most of us are decidedly not it may b4 alright for a while. And Slim Nineteen who bobs her hair and "slashes ker ;skirt3 and ex ists solely on shocks and excitement can get away :with iU.tShe could adopt anything from a Per sian cai to a millionaire Godfather. But for the majority of us well, it's corsets and no getting out of it! Still, just because you wear them is no sign that other people must know that you do. A well designed corsef conceals itselfbut it gives to your silhouette' a slim imcorsetediine. Com 'fort support but with a free play for graceful "movement marks the newest and best corsets that we are now selling and that we invite you to in spect. r "I 5 No Need to Quote Prices! This is the Pay As You Go Store ! !- UrG; SHIPLEY & C0.: NELLIE HQONE-WETMORB Cornet soloist, who will appear at the State Fair. Nellie Hoone-Wetmore, cornet soloist of the Albany Odd Fellows Saxophone band, is an artist of national reputation. She received her musical education in Boston and New York, and her home was la Boston until her recent mov ing to Oregon. Her first study of the cornet was in Boston at the New Eng land conservatory. She after ward studied with Herbert L. Clarke, the world's greatest cor net soloist, and with Hermann Rellstedt, the famous band mas ter and' composer. She then made her debut in the concert circles of Boston and in a short time won distinction as the premier woman cornet soloist of the coun try. Since then she has appeared as soloist with the leading musi cal organizations of the country and in the principal cities of the country. Her greatest musical triumph ccme when the phonograph com panies fought her service?, for making records and she finally closed a contract with the Colum bia Phonograph company and made several solo records for them in New York city. Among these were "Carry Me Back to Old Vlrginny" and "Old Folks at Home." She is not only the only woman cornetist who has been called on to make records but is the only, woman wind instrument player who has made solo rec ord, tor any .phonograph com pany. This is tho highest paid class of musical w.ork. Nellie Hoone-Wetmore is now teacher of cornet and saxophone at Oregon Agricultural college. At their home 1553 State street. Mr. and Mrs. Elijah Chaffer cele brated their golden wedding anni versary on Thursday. The rooms were prettily decorated with j French marigolds and trailing1 vines. The family gathered at dinner included the four children, Har ley Chaffer of Nampa. Ida.. Mrs. Linus J. M Her of Twin Falls, Ida., Mrs. John R. Newton and Miss Susan Chaffer, both of Sa lem; four gTandsons, Robert iewton. Chaffer Newton, Leslie Ngwton and Ralph Miller of Twin Falls, Ida,; a granddaughter, Isa belle Newton - and a granddaugh-ter-ln-law. airs. Leslie Newton, with her children who are grand children of Mr. end Mrs. Chaffer. Ctara Maud Newton and Leslie Charlotte Newton. John Rs New ton was also present. Those ot the family nnatle to attend were a ! dauahter-in-law and seven grandchildren at Nampa and a son-in-law and two grandchildren at Tw'n Falls. Calling dur:ng the afternoon were Mrs. Mary E. Newton. Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Cone. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Brim and Mrs. Thomas Acheson. Dainty refreshments were served, carry ing out the ctld and white color scheme. Four tables -were arranged, that A wedding of unusual interest of tne hride-elect being done in pink, a large basket or roses lorm ing the centerpiece. Those present were Miss Aline Ybiir Corset Comes First. Your Suit or Gown Next. Order Your Nu Bone ' '- Corset Now Splendid assortment of Silk Hosiery $1.23; $2.00 Heavy Cotton Hose, brown and black 29c , A. E. LYONS Sr. V it - .. On Balcony, Portland Cloak and Suit Co. Phone 733. Salem, Ore. took nlace last evening at o'clock at the First Methodist church when Miss Lucile Jonea and Breyman Boise were married. Rev. Richard N. Av'.son of Port land, former pastor of the Salem Methodist church, read the ring f-erv'xe, the prayers being offered by the Rev. Ward Willis Long. The altar was banked with fern and palms, tall vaces of pink glad ioli lending a softer note to the decorative- scheme. Before the ceremony, Miss Ma rie Churchill sang, "Love. I Have Found You." She was accompan ied bv Mrs. Walter T. McCarty of Corvall s Professor T. S. Rob erts played the wedding march. The bride, gowned in a charm ;nR creation of Chantilly lace draped over satin, wore a full length veil, a frill of lace to match her wedding gown forming a cap "ffect. She entered on the arm of her father who. gave her in "larrteire. Her attendants were Miss Jeannette-Meredith, maid ot honor and Miss Clara Bre ten stein. Mi. Annabel Golden-. Miss Letha Wilson and Doris Church ill Weller. bridesmaids. Both maid of honor and bridesmaids carried lavender chrysanthemums, Frank W. Durbin, Jr., acted as best man. ushers were Milton Sterner, Evan Jones, Archie Holt and Eugene Gill. Following the ceremony a. re ception was held at the. hoipe of me Dnae s parenvs, mrv-ana Ralph R. Jones. 835 D street. ; Mrs. R. L. Kirk of Dallas preside In the dining room, bridesmaids awd maid of honor assisting. Mrs. Fred S. Stewart and Mrs! r, f. DiHea ass'sted about the rooms. Mrs. Boise is a popular mem' her of the Salem1 younger set having graduated from the Salem high school. She entered college at the Ohio state university. snendng her sophomore year at the Oreeon Agricultural college, bhe Is a member of the Delta DeM ta Delta The bridegToom, the son of Mr snd Mrs. Reuben P. Boise, is well; known in Salem having lived here all h'a life. His family are de cendants of Oregon pioneers, m ts a graduate of Salem high school and has attended Oregon AgrieuV tural college where he affiliated with the Phi Delta Theta frater nitv. Mr. Boise is an ex-service man, having spent 18 months overseas. After the reception the young eounle left for a wedding journej of several weeks. Upon their re turn they will receive their friend at their home 254 North Churca streets. As charming a collection oj beaux and belles as ever graced ballroom was in evidence on Sat urday afternoon at a pretty affair given at the Elite hall by Mri Ralph White. Mrs. White's guesti were demure little maidens of very tender years and gentlemen who despite their gallantry and sophis. ticatlon, were extremely youthfti as to countenance and stature. To the lilt of a fox trot, the strains of a waltz, through the en tire list of ballroom dances, these graceful little figures stepped ana swayed. Frocks whose design an colorinr would An credit to a Par.' I laian costumer lent an ap of fes I tivity to the occasion unsurpassed bv many a more pretentious path?. ! ering. Attractive . decorations ! made a perfect setting for this pie. , ture of childish gayety. f This is the first of a series of three parties which Mrs. Whita, gives annually. The second is masquerade and the third a May dance. The only out of town guest on this occasion was little Miai Mabel Digerniss of Silverton. 's 1921 Harvest is Near High Pre-War Mark ROME, Sept 24. Italy's har vest this year will reach its pre war productiveness, according to the government crop forecasts. The total harvest anticipated will reach 51.200,000 quintals (of about 220 pounds each) compris ing all kinds of grain. The average pre-war crop was calculated at 4 8,000,000 quin tals. During the war production decreased to 38,000,000 quintals. The present year"s crop is also distinguished by the fact that it lacks but 6.000,000 in equaling the record grain crop of Italy, which was in 1913. when it reach ed nearly 58,000.000 quintals. o'clock sharp, a Bamptuously uni formed lackey bearing a large sil ver platter containing diminutice cups and tea pots, could be seen walking across the gardens of the Qaat d'Orsay toward the fc-aile d I'Horloge. Towering above the small enps in the patter, a tall glass filled i i... vAiinwish liouid with the cracked ice jingling merrily agaiust the srystal. causea no vim oi speculation among the specta tors. This lemonade Is for the am bassador of a dry country," the lackey said in response to a query "Now euess who It is?" - - " Lemonade and Tea Cause Mirth at Paris Conclave PARIS, Sept. 24. The British Prime minister, Lloyd George, had n an his own way, on the subject ot afternoon tea, at least, during the meeting of the supreme coun cil held in Paris in August. True Thompson, Mrs. S. W. Thompson, Mrs. Thomas A. Livesley, Mrs. John J. Roberts, Mrs. David Eyre. Mrs. William Lytel, Mrs. William Walton, Miss Catherine Carson, Mrs. Hugh McCammon, Mrs. Fred erick Thielsen, Mrs. James Linn, Mrs. Amos Strong," Mrs. William Burghardtv Jr., Mrs. Allan Bynon, Mrs. Dan Fry, Mrs. Clifford Brown, Mrs. R. M. Hofer. Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Geer enter tained on Thursday evening at their home, 475 North Commer cial street, the occasion being their wedding anniversary. Five Hundred formed the diversion of Lthe evening, Mrs. Armin T. Stein- er and Roy Burton winning the h'gh scores. Flowers in autumn shades were used in decoration, sirs. W. J. Kirk assisted in serv ing. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Galloway, Mr. and Mrs. Armin T. Steiner, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Myers, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Burton, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Kirk, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Skelley, Mr. and rMs. C. B. Webb, Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Geer. - IMrs. Ben W. Olcott and sons. Chester, Gordon and Richard, have ' returned from an outing of 'several months at Cannon Beach. Fred J. Smith of Seal Beach Cal., arrived here Wednesday eve ning to join his wife and daughter who have been in Salem for sev eral weeks visiting relatives and mends. Mr. Smith will spend ten days or two weeks here renewing old acquaintances. He Is very-enthusiastic concerning the pros pects for oil at Seal Beach, a num ber of companies now boring for oil in the vicinity of his home. T. G. Clark, assistant librarian at Berkeley who has been spend ing his ten weeks' vacation in the northwe"t, has returned home aft er a visit of ten days at the home of Gideon Stolz, 575 Court street. Miss Margaret Rodcers expects to leave tomorrow for New York City where she wil study art -it-Mrs. Charles Becke, Mrs. Joseph fcrbsland, Mrs. Aurelia Powers and Robert Powers were guests of Salem friends during the week. A social evening will be held for the benefit of the W.C.O.F. Sewing club at the home of Mrs. Theodore M. Barr, 185 North Fourteenth street, on Wednesday. Earl Shafer left yesterday for Eugene where he will enter the University of Oregon as a sopho more, his first vear college work having been taken at Willamette. ' Mrs. W. H. Burghardt enter tained at tea on Thursday after noon in honor of Mrs. Percy Young of Albany, who, with her mother, Mrs. Gibson, her daugh ter. Mrs. Bogard Ropers of Ven- I Earl Shafer was host at a dis nnr partv Riven on Thursday ev4. nlng to honor Ralph E. lson, k former school mate who left Sat nrday for Annapolis where he wi resume his work at the naval ac ademyThose bidden were friends of long standing, the young mea having attended high school UL gether,Mr. Wilson gave an inter. estiag talk on lite in the academy. The guests were Ralph K. W&! son, Ralph Hamilton, Kenneth rs foher Notson. Dona!$ Ryan, Robert Littler. Mrs. F. hiiaier, assisted by Miss Minnl Moeller, served. & f Little Miss Helen Aschlimsia waa hostess on Friday at an after , noon party given In honor of het ; .birthday? by her, annt, Mrs. George i T.. Wa ters. 'The afternoon pasaeg hapiiy in games ana sports, n dainty birthday " luncheor wt$ rerved, with a birthday cake boar. In?? Its 12 randies. Thos attend lag were Mable Cnpper, BettyHt. : mm? The Most Graceful Fig ures Are Natural The more natural an ac tress performs the greater her fame becomes. The more natural the figure appears the greater itsbeautyis. FROLASET CORSETS are designed to make figures appear with true natural grace. RenskaL Swart BIG CHICKEN DINNER SUNDAY $1.00 Plate Cream of Tomato or ' Oyster Soup Potato, Crab or Fruit Salad Roast Chicken with Oyster Dressing or Fried Chick en with Country Gravy Baked Sweet ; Potatoes or Creameq Peas Mashed Potatoes Tea, Coffee or Milk Choice of Home Made Pie, Cake or Ice Cream THE SPA The Revival . Tailored of the Suit i i For Autumn is certain to be a popular movement with the man who dresses on a limited income. wo- by Us "Pay As Yon Go' Plan r has brought to Salem jUst such lovely and dis tinctive looking suits as the one pictured here. . In fine serges, tricotines, velours, etc., these suits -are , priced at figures that have not been duplicated during the last six years. Come in! today and see themlet . them convince! you. WELCOME FAIR WEEK VISITORS n n 1 c . iviaKe uur otore Your Headpuarters Suits $19.75, $25 up to $135 Coats $28.50, $35 up to $125 Dresses $13.75, $14.95, $25 up to $65 Blouses $5.50, $5.75, $0.95 up to $22.50 Gloves $1, $1.50 t4 $1.75 pair I - i ! Hosiery 35c, 50c, 75c pair Corsets $1.50 up to $9 Umbrellas $1.50 up to $15 Stylish Stout Suits and Dresses for Stout Women Thai Really Are Stylish , y: - : . U I, ' - Commencing Saturday, October 1st we will open our store at 9 a. m. and close at 6 p. m. daily, including Saturday Mail Orders We pay the Postage or Express on all Mail Orders 466 Slate Street f Phone S77. Satisfaction Guaranteed ! cr your money cheerfully .refunded Style of Service Garb - TARiS. Sept. 24. The Tart. ro!ioe known as "asenU" ars poiag to rhange their" clothes. , Their- uniforms are quite digni fied but they bare found that t high-collared. Jong-tailed double breasted uniform doesn't add to their speed in a 40-ard sprint after an offender. They object, too. that crimin als are fquick on the draw." Several designs ofcostume and material fcre beinR tried ont on some of the men so as to develop new models. - - . f I - a i r 1