The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 25, 1921, Page 6, Image 6

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"StDAY urnpVTvn SEPTEMBER 23. 1921
5 3
; Welcome Visitors to Oregon State Fair
Beginning Monday September 26 and continuing for one week Salem will be crowded
with throngs of visitors, who will come from the state of Oregon, Washington and adjoining-
territoryto attend this -great Oregonian annual event the Portland Cloak
and Suit , Co. take this opportunity , of extending an invitation to all to visit Salem's
greatest women'g apparel store, where they will. find 'hundreds of new models, in
cluding every -worthy design, in young Ladies' and Women's Coats, Suits, Dresses,
, Skirts,- Waists, Sweaters, -Millinery and : Furs direct from the foremost coat and suit
makers and millinery artists. By coming to this store for your Fall and Winter Suit,
Coat, Waist, Dress or HaCyou have the advantage of choosing from the largest and
most exclusive stock in Salem Moreover, a comparison of garments and prices will
convince you that ours are invariably correctHYoull find here in our large and care
fully selected stock, styles" for-all types and figures, including little women and those
who wear the larger sizes, including Stout Figures.
Special Announcement
Beginning Saturday; October la this store will open at 9 a. m. and close
- at 6 p. m. each day, including Saturdays.
of lim MwW'i
Never before did feminine fashions portray
bo many delightful styles, in women's suits as
are to be seen this season. Many smart mod
els direct front America's foremost makers,
now on display here. Some are plain tailored
made with long coats and rich warm fnr col
lars. Materials are Peach Bloom, Silrertone,
Trtcotlne.fiergea, Velour, Homespun Duvet de
LaLne, Broadcloth, and- Novelty Mixtures,
'Black, Navy And alt the new Fall shades are
.here in abundance
- $21.75 and up to $125
Attractive New Fall
. . You will be delighted with the new Fall
presses, for the styles are more attractive
than ever before. Materials arc Serge, Trico
Une. Tricolet, Gabardine and Wool Jersey
Dresses. Smart coat effects, blouse and
trafght line styles. Every woman interested
in the new fashions should see these attrac
tive dresses.' Styles were never bo charming
and there is a wide 'diversity in' modes of
trimming. Prices range from
$22J0 to $25 Dresses $16 JO
Special group of women's and misses' New Fall Dresses in Messaline Silk. Wool Seree. Trlco-
tlne and Jersey dresses in an assortment of styles that wll please the most fashonable women,
'some are beautifully embroidered, others neatly (rimmed "with, wooj yarn and not a few of these
; popular priced Dresses are charmingly- beaded. ,.
'Women' who wear the large sizes will ;
be' interested in nowing we specialize on "
garments-of ; this-kind, becoming models
in Coats; Suits and Dresses in most want
ed materials.- -f
Little. Women
Particularly misses and jianiors will
find here a splendid showing of Suits,
Coats and Dresses in greater variety and
at prices less than elsewhere.
Fair Week Special
One hundred Women's Utility and Dress
Coats, smart new models, some ' with large
convertible ' collars and desirable materials,
Including Velour, Melton and Kersey cloth, all
sixes.. :- : .
Regular ' Values 125.00 . . I RAt.K mitcr
Regular Values 127.50 ; l(M O l-fT
Regular Values $30.00.. 87S' W
Regular Values $22.60. . H U iffl&F
$32 JO and $35 Coat?
Special Ordup of Misses' and Women's New
Fall and Winter Coats, principally full-length
models, of Velour, Peachbloom, Yolama and
mixtures, made with large collar of Fur or
Self .Materials, Navy, Brown, .Henna, and
Blue, sizes 36 to 44.
'Regular Value $27.50 . . . I SALE PRICE
Regular Value.
Regular Value
Regular Value
And a big variety of Women's High Class Fall
and,; Winter Suits, direct from New York's
foremost makers i of . Wotnen'B Apparel, In
Trlcotine, .Wool Velour, Silvertone, Navy
Serges. Duvet de Lalne and other pdpular
materials, some In high waistline effects, oth
ers with full flare ptplumes. 'and 1ox plaits.
Regular sixes 36 to 44, also .sixes for. Stout
Figures at prices ranging from. ;
'332J0 up. to $125
i All the latest models and materials are here
for your Inspection, many of. the Coats are fur
trimmed and moat of them are popular-priced .
three-quarter, and full-length models.
We make our selections with great care, and
with special regard, for women who'.wish to pay '
a moderate price and yet secure a high class
crmnt. f i . f ' . . -
$ao.oo....lH M HH 1,1
'ii 'ii-riif.i mt ii i in ,i trj i L.ii'i -:.w
wviw ii i vf i iii ii t i ii i.t tir4 ia . rwa
$25 Plush Coats $16 JO
We have selected from regular stock 45
Plush Coats, including a few manufacturers'
samples, short, medium and full-length models,
some silk-lined throughout, made with collars
of self i material, fur or plush, smart loose
styles, also belted models arranged in two
groups for "your selection Monday, and each
day during the week, or until the garments are
all sold.
Ate w Sweaters and Sea rfs$5.75 and ud to $15
Great variety of Slip-on and Coat Style Shetland Wool Sweaters in a good assortment
of colors, also wool scarfs made with pockets, self fringe and belt, solid colors and
striped, all at money-saving prices..; , . ; ; ' -
Atjf&mn ldillinerv in Abundance
Latest Models In dimmed Hats An exposition of New Autumn Styles in Dress Hats,
portraying the newest creations of these beautiful new Hata, will be shown Monday
for the first time. If you are interested in the new models, you wiU find here just
the kind of early Fall and Winter Hats that: will be worn the coming season at prices
that win SAVE YOU MONEY, j
. Fall Millinery, Extra at $5.75
One hundred street and Dress Hats, in all the wanted -styles and colors, including
Plush; Beaver and Velvet models,; small, medium and Jarge shapes; purchased away
below regular values.
(Old White Corner).
, Salem, Oregon
SilcaV Creatcst WcmwiVArrartl Start1
Mahoney Smiles as Grim
Reminder of Tragedy is
Introduced at Trial
Hotel Stenographer From
Sti Paul Identifies Let
ters Dictated
SEATTLE, Wash., Sept. 24.
James E. Mahoney, charge with
the murder of his wife, smiled as
the prosecution today introduced
in evidence at the trial a drab,
battened trunk with an old-fashioned
round top, said to have
contained the, body of Mrs. Ma
honey when It was recovered from
Lake Union here August 8.
Admission of the trunk as a
state's exhibit followed addition
al testimony supplementing yes
terday's evidence, the identity of
the body.
Court Review's Monday
The first week of the trial was
completed with the state having
presented evidence intended to
show that Mrs. Mahoney
ted and " declared ' those
nnld not he found in
rlate work.
Court was adjourned at noon
until Monday. It was indicated
at that time the state's ase
roald not be completed- betore
Tuesday. '
Identifies rUefcer"
Mrs. Myra A. Helm, stenbgra
Dher and bookkeeper at the it.
Francis hotel, St. Paul. Minn.,
identified a photograph of the ho
tel register for last April 22 and
Stifled it was Sdenticar with the
original sheet. She read from U
the entry:
440 J. E. Mahoney and wife,
Seattle. Wash.. 10:43 a. m.. room
Prosecutor Malcolm - Douglas
hamded her two letters, one ad
Sed to a Seattle 'f
asking him to turn over ta Ma
honey - all abstracts belonging to
Mrs. Mahoney in his possession
and the othw to a Seattle bank
vinr Mahoney authority to use
f lafe deposit box maintained by
trrt Mahoney. Both purported
tn be signed by Kate M. Mahoney.
Mrs. Helm identified both let
ter, as ones she had written Tor
Mabonev. Kate Vahoney was not
present when the letters were dic
tated, she said.
Next Move of Producers Is
Anxiously Watched By
Bakersfield Strikers
union Men Speculate on
Question Whether Own
ers Will Import Help
2CEW YORK, Sept. 24. Cleve
land tied up its "crucial series"
with the New York Americans to
day faking the second game 9 to
0 and the Yankee lead in the
American league race again has
been cut to less than 2 points.
flTe New York players reached
tase on Uhle in the first two in-nin-s,
but the Yanks could not
mncnes. aiici iuii
hit in the
wis i ru' nitched brilliant ban and
worth about 1200.000 when Mj- vw v.-irk was helpless. He
honey married her, in February: I '5mp onlv four! hits.
that she disappeared on April 10, J - K.ise ori balls to Uhle
the date set for the trip they had
planned to St. Paul: that shortly
after she was last seen alive an
expressman took Mahoney and a
trunk to the waters' edge, where
Mahoney put the trunk in a skiff.
It Is not expected thxj state will
rest before Tuesday.
Dentist Testifies
The -body found in a mystery
trunk" recovered from Lake Un
ion here August 8. was "absolute
ly that of Kate M. Mahoney, for
whose alleged murder James E.
Mahoney, her husband is on trial
here," Dr. Frank E. Wood, a den
tist, testified in superior court to
day. Dr. Wood positively identified a
plate and wire anchor attachment
found in the trunk as those he had
made for Mrs. Mahoney in the
course of" dental work he had
done for her. He pointed out pe
culiar angles of root attachments
into which wire pegs had been fit-
forclns in a run ;in the tourtn,
Fvans double seni in uums,
O'Neill and Uhie. Shawkey pitch
ed better, but Cleveland scored
three more runs in the sixth af
ter 'i Burns, the first man up.
reached first on a muff by Ruth.
j Speaker played center nem ior
Cleveland ror me ursi ns omtc
his Injury in St. Louis two weeks
He was handicapped with his
tad leg.
Cleveland . .
New York . .
Uhle and
Bhawkey and Schang
When irreenlmr or nppresmed use Tri
umph Pill. Safe and dependable in all
proper case. -Not torn at drag atorea.
Do not experiment with other; tare dis
appointment. Write for ' Relief and
particulars it's free. Address National
Medical Institute. Milwaukee, Wis.
It. II. E.
9 9 1
0 4 3
O'Xeill; Harper,
II. E.
15 2
2 9 0
. At Boston i
SL Louis .... .L...
Boston :. . . .
..Davia and Severeid;
and Walters.
. - Second game t
St. Ijouis i. .
Bavis and Severeid; Jones,
Myers, Dodge and Walters, Chaplin.!
R. II.
11 19
, 0 6
: . It Philadelphia R. H. E.
Chicago 4 8 1
Philadelphia 7 14 3
Kerr, Fenner and Schalk, Yar
yan; Rommell and Perkins,
if Second game R. H. E.
Chicago 18 n i
Philadelphia 1 7 i
i Faber and Schalk. Lees; Free
man, Wolfe, Keefe, Bishop and
At Washington R. H. E.
Tetroit 1 9
Washington 5 9 0
Oldham and Bassler; Johnson
and Plcinicb.
GNB of the greatest joys
In this lile comes to a
man through his ability to
read. When It becomes ne
cessary to strain your eyes
to take In what Is on the
printed page It becomes Just
as necessary that you con
sult an authority on op
tometry. Have ns build for
you a pair ot glasses that
will give yonr vision - the
proper accommodation.
i At Cincinnati R. H. E.
Brooklyn 4 10 1
Kincinnati 2 5 0
Gordinier. Schnpp and Taylor;
Xarkle and Hargrave.
1 At Pittsubrugh
i Ring and Henline;
and Gooch.
R. H. E.
3 9 3
4 9 0
At St. Louis R. H. "E.
ElNew York 4 9 0
St Louis 8 la
i Toncy. Barnes and Snyder, E.
Smith, Gaston; Doak and demons.
Republic of Uruguay
5 .External Gold Bonds
of 1010
at $01 and interest per bond
At the price per bond of
S61 and Interest these bonds
give yon a day-to-day re
turn ot almost 8 7.97
to be exact and in addition
a profit of $36.20 when the
bond is paid at its maturity
value of S 97.20 in U. S.
gold coin.
Although expressed In the
Sritish pound sterling, these
securities are payable, prin
cipal and interest, in U.S.
gold coin in New York City
at the fixed rate of $4.86
'American gold to the pound.
. Consequently, uncontrollable
fluctuations in currency of
. other countries do not af
fect the maturing value ot
principal or Interest.
Clark Kendall & Co Inc.
Room 409 U. S. Nat. Bank
BAKERSFIELD, Cat., Sept. 24
Striking oil workers, who tied
up the fields of Kern county two
weeks ago. had their eyes turned
toward San Francisco tonight
awaiting further word from the
headquarters of the producers
thereabout what the latter had
tin ally decided to do.
The oil workers were anxious
to know whether the shutdown
threatened in a recent statement
by one of the producers was ar
tually to occur, or whether the
producers planned an industrial
invasion of the fields, now that
the roads are no longer guarded
oy armed strikers operating as
deputy constables organized into
a "law an order committee."
May Take up Arms
The strike leaders left here to
day for a tour of the field's, and
issued no statement. The rank
and file, however, discussed very
freely the statement from San
Francisco today that the produc
ers were planning to import
workers. The local men said that
if this was done, the roads would
again be put under guard and
steps taken to exclude the new
comers. They declined to say
whther they would return armed
patrols and resume the question
ing of travelers that resulted in
an inquiry by state officials and
the cessation of the practices after
the Inquiry.
Prowcutlon Threatened
District Attorney J. R. Dorsey,
issued a notice today that the dis
play or discbarge of firearms along
the highways by other than au
thorized peace officers, acting in
the necessary discharge of their
duties, would result in prosecu
tiori. Men who have been watching
the situation here and elsewhere
in Kern county, said tonight that
unless some compromise was
reached; or the producers attempt
ed to import outside labor, the
strike was apt to be' long-drawn
and without unusual incident, but
if outside help was imported, the
increased tension that would re
sult might cause a sudden change
lrom the comparative quiet that
existed yesterday and today.
Sunburned Note
Use plenty tf ceoKag
Heals ftUlyklJ aaJ srtiaepcaPf
aMnaisSMSBs mZ " '
I :
t ;
THE United States. National offers
- : all State Fair visitors a hearty wel
come. We hope you'll make this bank!
your financial headquarters while
We're here for banking service to
tomers in Salem and outside. We
fer a splendid tlepAtmentalized.service
which we would like to tell you aDout
Bank in person, or by mail, as
United States IMmmlKimO
sands more industrious and intel
ligent and resourceful men in the
orchards and on the farms and
ranges of the Salem district. Men
who will dig in and work out
their own fortunes in the country
and the city of welcome.
Honest-Advertising, In
j "f:,iai'S"-lM,
Stores, churches and banks advertise,
? doing so in a legitimate way, aiding you
to select your store, church or j bank to
i v your advantage j
" I advertise to help you select your den
tist. I have nothing to offer to you
vbut dentistry as practiced, by all men
of reputation 1
SALEM PEOPLE patronize my office,
as I give the best quality of work and
save them time and expense.
Gold Crown $7 Plates-. $15, 525
Bridge Work $7 per tooth Extraction $1
Gray Building Over Hartman's
SALEM, OREGON Jewelry Store
Rain predicted today.
Let us hope for fair weather
tomorrow, and the balance of the
Rain or shine, however, It will
be the greatest fair ever, and
there will be the largest crowds.
With the miles of new concrete ;
walks and the new buildings, the
state fair is in better shape than
trer before to accommodate the
crowds during rainy days.
"William A. Rutherford of Sa
lem has Just received notification
that the patent on his dirigible
automobile headlight has been
granted at Washington. It was
panted on the 19th- It is un
derstood that this light is to be
Manufactured in Salem.
H "1. W
Salem and the Salem district
ue the most prosperous city and
section In the whole country, and
at the same time having the
brightest outlook for the future.
There is only one thing for the
Cople here to do and that is to
keep on doing the things they have
teeri doing to Xeep on keeping
cn and to do them on a more
extended scale, and with increas
ing intensity. They have what
tmounts to a franchise on a score
ot agricultural and horticultural
and stock breeding lines. These
are the things to push and devel
op, along with that range which
makes of this section the land of
diversity and the country of op
portunity. S V'
In the carrying on of this pro
gram there is work every day m
the year for all. the laborers we
awe. with a gradual Increase of
th nmw and there are great
i 1 f ):
J Cyf fkiC III
Holding the Mirror
up to Fashion in
Alluring Coats
at Popular Prices
The scissors snipped, the lids
were lifted, the tissue unfolded,
and lo and behold, yesterday waif
the proudest day in Coatdom.
Coats that silhouette like a
sheath that muffle you up in
copious folds, every conceit of
novelty button and silk or che
nille stitching.
Linings are different collars
are different. In many fabrics
such as Chamoistyn, Bolivia and
Color everything that could be
borrowed from the autumn dye
vat; sparrow brown, tobacco
brown, squirrel brown and oth
ers. These coats must be seen to be
appreciated and you will consider
your time well spent in viewing
Ladies9. Coats. . . . . . . . . .-. .:.$12.75 to $49 JO.
Ladies9 Suits. . . . . . . .$19.75 to $45.00
Our Prices Always The Lowest . , '
Commercial and Court St.
... -
i r
- f
opportunities -lor tens of thou-c