The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 25, 1921, Page 3, Image 3

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a :
I'or Cherrlans .-. i - president ol the board. James
W. M. Hamilton, chairman of I Palmar, aonr leader of Portland.
the committee : having In charge will attend the meeting to lead in
unernan actmties at the state the singing
xair, last night mailed notic to
all Cherrlans who Tolnnteered for I Marzaret Fisher. Teach
service Tuesday to meet him at the I Of niano. Specializing with
.grounds Tuesday morning between children. Studio 19 ON. Churcn
a ana iv ociocav Mr. Hamilton I Phone 2041M. Adv.
will be found at Cheriran head
quarters Just inside the grounds Returns from Visit
10 we leic alter entering. W. C. Conner or tne wortnwesi
.'' i I Poultry Journal, returned., nome
Open Today (from the Multnomah county fair
With a good - showing- of cut at Gresham last night. He reports
flowers. . Palms, ferns, fair booth I th exhibit and attractions more
decorations, etc. Plant's Floral inn maron a and better than last
Shop, 121 S. Commercial street. year. The speed program Friday
Adv. Iani Rfltnrrta was excentionallT
' f ' I rneUi and there was a large atten.
V. .. . 1 0-. . ..... .
mew iteq vrou juirector r. dance. Most of the exnioits ana
Mrs Lawrence .T. Harris, has I attractions at this countr fair will
been elected member of the board be seen at the state fair at Salem
oi airectori or Willamette chap- the coming week.
icr, American itea cross.
Mai-caret Fisher
Of piano. specializing wim
Studio ivvri. nurcu
Joy Turner i
Pupils now enrolling for piano I children.
and violin. High school credits afreet. Phone 2041M. Adr.
granted, studio 335 N. capitoi
rnone tesu. aqv. I t. f th atat of Om.
rnn arainst James M. Brown, the
uarry eione to epeag r defendant was arraigned yesier-
Harry Stone, general secretary da and cleaded not aullty and
of the Portland VJU.C.A. will be I th case was continued by con-
the principal speaker of tho in- ont h la accused of assault with
nual; dinner of members of the intent to kill in connection with
association to be,' held Monday, the wounding of Arthur Lewis, a
uciooer s. according to an an
nouncement mad by W..I. Staley.
f leer. '
law enforcement of-
m m m m m m
IV AJ :l
f'The Affairs of
and 9:15 p. m,
Frank E. Churchill
Who recently returned from
eastern' .study with Josef' Lher
lnne and Silvio ' Seiontl, will re
ceive pupils In piano and pipe or
can. Hlgn scnooi. creaita giTetu
Studlo--Grand Theater bldg. Res
idence phone 1671R. Adv..
Both Sides Kick
In the case ot w..Lv.JicElrov
against the Opera House garage
of Woodburn, both sides of the
case have filed objections to the
cost bill. The defendant objects
to $3 for notary fee, claiming it
should be 75 cents, and also
against the sheriff's fee of 5
claiming no such . cost was In
curred. The plaintiff objects to
costs of $5.60 to A. I Rirrs,
claiming he had already paid this.
Objection was also made to pay
ment or S9.6Q to Aiired A. Schu
mann, claiming he was not a ma
terial witness. a
Wool and Cotton Batts
For comforters also Sifkolene to
cover same. v. s. namuton.
Good Furniture Adv.
ternoon by lira. W. B. Summer- would be received was made pub
TiUe at hex home. 1160 Center yesterday - and they mist be
street. The rooms were beauti- tiled at the Chemawa office by
fuHy decorated with asters and October 5. Plana for the new
other autumn flowers. Hostesses building mar be found at the
for the occasion were Mrs. - - vaemawa omce.
, i u C. Hallev. Mrs.
Di...)ia rtavia and Mrs.
J. F. Dr. L. G. Altmaa. Phon fat
Tvler. I Homeopathic physleian. Adr.
Having: Taken Over
The grocery business, rormeriy
known as the Fernell Grocery, I
am now ready to serve the public.
We will handle first class grocer
ies at popular prices, also school
supplies, ice cream, confections.
Onr specials for Monday and
Tuesday are: 4 cans Del Monte
Apricots for $1.00; 4 cans Del
Monte spinach for f.50; 4 cans
Elnora sweet corn for $.50. Free
delivery with $1 purchase. Bevler
Grocery, Corner Cottage and Un
ion. Phone 204. Adv.
n v. ...
Consisting oi soup, saiau, i . -,.. t1 -ee. mere nas
or fried chicken and dessert. ipeen filed for record in the Mar
plate today at I The Spa. Adr. lion county recorder's office, 31
nxi&uvr uccu , ma tnree quit
Case Xo. 1 iciainvaeeas. This is regarded as
V. Lyle McCrosky, who was re. I the slowest time of year for the
Mnii admitted to the bar has I recording of deeds to nroitArtv in
been appointed by the Marlon I the county, although in other lines
county circuit court to serve as at-1 of recording, it has been a fairly
torney for me aeienaani u " wwi, . ..
suit of the state of Oregon agiu"t . ,
Antonio Martin, a Mexican who is Law Library f . ,
charged with larceny. The case - Law library Tor aale. Box 43
has been set for trial early next Brownsville, Or. Adv.
week, . - , "
Appointments Announced
Lanra Grant Ha Opened a Studio I To represent the Klwanls club.
For niano and kindergarten, i as memoers or tne recentlv or.
school credits given. 336 N. High, J ganlzed federation, of civic bodies
Are Yon Looking For a Gift
We have stamped and "hand em
broidered towels, luncheon sets,
etc See ; our . line. Salem -Ute
Hemstitching Shop, 329 Oregon
Bldg. Phone 37. Adv.
We Have Fine line
Of wool and cotton batts for
comforters. C S. Hamilton
Good Furniture. Adv.
Funeral services of Mrs. Gladys
I May Asplnwall, who died Septem
ber 22, will be held Monday after-
noon at 2 o'clock, from the chapel
of , Webb &' Clough, conducted by
the Rev. " George L. LOvell and
! burial will be in the City View
Ktnn in Sacramento
r O. E. and Nancy Brooks, of Sa
lem, stopped in Sacramento our
ine fSeir recent trio through Cal
ifornia and visited a number ' ot
niaee of historical Interest, in-
clndlnr Sutter ort me iirei u
terior setuement ny wnue men m
California,-and the center of ac
tivities in the gold rush days of
Buy That lieater
Now. our prices are
lowest. C. S. Hamilton.
Furniture. Adv.
The funeral services of Mrs.
Ida Cowdell. who died September
22, will be held Monday morning
at 10 o'clock from the chapel of
Webb '& Clough. Burial will be
! In Odd. Fellows cemetery.
HartmanV Glasses
Easier and Better
Wear them and see
fhbne 125$' 8alem, Oregon
Oaop Sd7. Voodlaa, and AaMxUaa
iBaa. lea eraua aaa -u
Open ,11 U 1 aw
Sgadal Bn-diy--' ;
1 ;.c . -", .-. '.-:..TREES i '
for: Spring Planting Order From
TpB baii xi;ivJ-ttx w,
ii 42S Oresron Building
leading Blorticltns
Webb & Clough
Leading Funerd ,
Expert Embalmers
Phone 1763
SAVE S $ $
ky buyinc; your hardware and
furniture The Capital Hard,
ware & iirniture,co., zoo r-j
Conmercial street. Ph6ne"9"47
We More,
Pack and Store
Wanted All kinds
of second hand
goods, furniture,
PIi'one 788. j
v HOUSE.'.
We;pay htgbeac price.
Xn bur and sell everything.
i We'ncUtorlesaj
2l5 CenerSt. : Phone 898
I , : i'2 Doyon take.
' ; I; U Jaowhy notT . ,
No other.baths or treatobieha
can produce the"permanent re
lief 'to the person suffering
from disagreeable cold or ail
ments ot the flesh of body like
the .Turkish Baths will.
: Open'S m. until 9 p. vu ,
Lady and Oentiemen attendants
i Bright, intelligent" boys
with bicycles wanted to
carty moniing routes. This
is an excellent opportunity
or ambitious boys to get
a start . in . business .for
themselves and also maka
some money for their very
own. . 1
'.: Apply Circulation
Cole McElrojr'i :
, Orchestra ;
Monte Austin
wonderful condition.
. MondayJNIght and ey-
ery night Fair Week
4 vw-i
j rX f .1..,-
Will find 'our store a
pleasant place to come to
'na warm" welcome, a
' f .....
keen interest in serving .
you this will be our
fair week aim. We would
appreciate an opportun
ity to accomplish this
.aim. v ' i ?
ends, flower containers. Come up
and browse round. Adv.
Grass fir Threat
A efass fire called oat the Sa
lem department to Twelfth street
at Rural avenue yesterday atter-
non.when an area of about . three
blocks was awept by flames., A
stream of water, vras thrown on
the blase, halting its advance on
several bnildfngs.
Mumps Disable Sergeant.
Ralph E. Davis, night sergeant
of the local nolice is confined to
his home with an attack ot that
old-fashioned disease, the mumps.
The sergeant has been Informed
by hia physician that he must
forego the toll and pleasure inci
dent to police work during the
state .fair period. The sergeant
is . unofficially quoted as stating
that he preferred toil to his
present affliction.
Estahnshed 183
General Bankfrsg Business ?,-
Office Hours frbm 10 W oV W .3 & C
kiZ--: . . 1 -1 . '; ' ;'i
Phone If 7 1W. Adv.
To Meet at Starton
The Hi Y clubs of Marion coun
ty will meet at Stayton for three
days beginning October 7. &cn.
clnb in the county will be nernilt-
ted to send five delegates. Tnis 1 nee.
meetinr is Bart of the Marlon AdT,
county Y. M. C. A. progfahu
in Salem, directors of the club an
nounced the appointment of W. I.
Needham. Dr. H. N. Morris and
ttoy r. smews-
Legal TTTanki
Get them at The Statesman of-
catoiog ob appucaUoa.
Breakfast Served
At the Gray-Belle, 8 till ill
m., commencing Monday morning.
Professor' Sherman of Wiriara-
ette university, accompanied by.
his family, left yesterday for a
week-end visit at Seaside.
Leslie Sparks, former athlete
or . Willamette, university, hat .re-.
turned to Salem. He will teach
chemistry and will coach athletics
in Salem . Men school.
Mr. and , Mrs. Roy , Bishop ot
Portland are in the city, gnests
Xo Luncheon Monday '
As the state fair begins Mon
day, there L will be no retahu
Monday luncheon at the Commer
cial club. The Klwanls have post
poned for oneweek their -Tuesday,
noon luncheon, and the -Bo-
tarians.for! one week their Wed
nesday noon luncheon at the Mar
ion hotel. !
Studying Law
Carl T. Pone is stndvinz law lnl ka ,--, n r
me oiace ot imo s. White and p nuhn
. a, . . . i - -"t- , , . ,
V .? Iaw cia?8 or wuiamettel o. W. Munkers, a business man
vnjTwsiiy as senior, a lew days of Anmsville. was In the cltv vea-
1 BCCiaeni commis- E. W. Willard of Berry, was a
ajckiaaa ifiHUt -uat uiuaj
Wc war
40c pr
: -
Big Dance Snecial
Coming to Dreamland colored
jazz orchestra of Spokane GrlD
Fair week something different
Rev. Thomas Cowley left yes
terday over the Oregon' Electric
for Portland.
Mrs. W. Al Jones left yester-
than ever here before. Up-to-date Jay fo.r J?seph' ,r ' e she
6 star artists, two real singer3.
Dance every night-fair week. No
raise in prices. Adv.
has extensive farming interests.
Delicious Chocolate Eclairs . ,
And " chocolate cream puffs.
Gray-Belle French pastry. Adv.
rvihennava Plumbing' Shop-
w. Cohen, formerly proprietor
of the Capital Bargain House, has
nnr phased the stock of tne rai
ton Plumbing company, 220 North
Commercial street. The deal was
closed last Friday and possession
taken immediately. Mr. Cohen is
closing out the present plumbing
stock at reducea prices. am.
ruirr Curtain ette
VAlnea to 11. 2D lor OJ teum -
-ard. C. S. Hamilton, uooa x ur-
niture Aav. . .
tvii IZxhlblc Palntlniss
Attornev M. E. Pogue oi ssaiem
will exhibit five paintings at the
state fair, keeping up his record
nf Mhihitions for the" past. 20
years or more. One is a marine
scene, two are landscape, while
another in named "Drifting" and
another "Cotentmetnnt a uua. -
Trade in Your Old Ffcrnitare -
As part payment on new. vj.
S. Hamilton. Good Furniture.
"Live Wires" to Meet -
The Live Wire cluh of the es-
lle Methodist church win meet
today for its annual rally at tne
home of A. C. BohrnstedW The
membership now numbers 125.
The officers are: Ivan H. corner.
president: John G. Moody, .vice-
president; Sa4ie.Ef Pratt, ylce-
presldent; iiaroia ymau, ireaa
uter; Eya; L. . Feree secretary;
Ruby Rosencranz, assistant secre
tary. . .
Special Chicken Dinner,
t consisting oi soup, aaiau ,roi
or fried xhicken and., dessert. ?1
plate todar at The Spa.
Home From the Orient
- - Mis Besssie Foster la in the city,
a guest at the home of Mrs. Mil
dred R. Brooks, "county, recorder.
Miss Foster, has spent the past 18
. - a.. . . . 3
months vtravenng, visumg ana
teaching in the far east. She vis
ited her brother at Manala, trav
eled through, Japan for a time,
and taught, at Tientsin.
J.' V? ' ;A ':", f ; '
Society Entertained- ...
The Aid society of the W. R.
C. was entertained Thursday af
Regional Executive Coming
C. K. Warne regional scout ex
ecutive, with headquarters in Spo
kane, will arrive in the city Honda-.
While here he will be the
guest of Harold Cook, wha.xe- Bene. Adrc
cently resigned as scout execu
tive for the Saiem district. Mr.
Cook has under consideration
Vancouver, Wash., Astoria, and a
joint scout district consisting ot
Linn and Benton counties. His
decision will be made during Mr.
Warne's visit here.
To Quirt Title-
To quiet title to land within Mt.
Angel, suit has been brought by
A. ,A, Kllnger . and .wife against
Josephine E. Palmer and others.
For Bent-
Front office room. Apply Oray
Dine at the Gray Belle
Today. Roast or fried chicken
dinner served all day. Adv.-"
Jackson Brings Suit
E. D. Jackson has brought suit
against J. F. Keller and others. He
alleges that he was the owner ot
a Ford touring car valued at $400
but that the defendant has posses
sionN wrongfully and that he has
aemanaea tne aenvery of tne car.
Not having the use of the car, the
plaintiff asks for $99 loss in addi
tion to the $400.
Blood Red Silver Salmoi
For canning, lie. Fltts Mar
ket, phone 2)1. Adr.
Dr. Avison Visiting Here
Dr. R. I N. Avison, former pas
tor. of the First Methodist church,
was a visitor in the city yester
day. He Is now supplying for the
Wilbur ; Centennary church": of
Portland.! . .His .charge ; fOT?lh September 6, 19$6, has been filed
coming rear will be decided at 1 for prooate in tne count court
the coming annual Methodist con-1 Mr. Burdette died May 3, 1920.
(Continued from page 1.)
evidenced before since, his arrest.
and grinned at District Attorney
Mathew Al Brady's facetious com
parison of their two waist lines. 1
His smile died away, however, as
soon as; the. testimony began, and
did not return all morning:.
Today's session of, court occu
pied less than two hours. Wtomen
not armed with credentials were,
warned away from the hall ot
Justice by the police, who had
much easier time of It than yes
terday or the day' before in hand
ling the ctpwd. A corporal's
guard of men in the courtroom
remained throughout the hearjng.
but some of the women left ear
ly. The rest of the women's dele
gations from civjc organizations
watching the progress of the case
remained until the end.
on thV Irish" quetjon tfricfer the auspices of the ;'
American Association for Recognition of the Irish :
Kansas City, Mo . and fcdward t Adaras Canlfeil
of Los Angeles, Calif.
" ..- tt -
8 '
Sunday Sepfembfff 25-Zr30pim
Admlssldii 25JCenTa
Will Filed for Probate
The will of John Burdett, signed
(Continued from page 1.)
-. -. m txl t- mm V - -r11
ference to be held at Forest Grit is urvlved by four daughters dwrTrV The first
Valued at $500
beginning October 5.
Adr. I
pastry.-ij A Claesifled Ad
wui onng yon a nuyer.
Amendments Proposed
Although the first fall meeting
of the Salem Elks will sot bt
held until Thursday jnlght, Oct
ber: B. Elks are being urged to 1 Freeman. One-half of the estate
keep the date in. mind. Dr. ,ILlis an automobile appraised at
Byrd, exalted ruler, renundi $150. One hundred and thirty-
them that on that evening they seven shares of the Alaska Auto
will be given an opportunity JJ Sleigh company was given no val-
yote on two important amend-l uation hy the "appraisers,
ments to the constltailoh ot tnji
grand lodge. ... I Box Wood-
Schaefefs Drug
SoteM'Age'nt ; n n ;
Garden Court Preparatlona
. l - c
1S5 IT. Coal. P-0C9 197
School Begins Soon
U-Many a so-called dull chlTdj
la so because of some visual!
defect, which is sapping, his
vital energy.
I Teeth, nose, throat, stomach,!
even the feet, all receive dud
But the child Is sent tol
school without, the least at-J
tention to, the eye the!
main avenue to an education.
U-When the youngster lallsl
behind in' hie studies, thel
blame is laid upon everyH
thing but the real cause.
The child is considered stu-l
pld or the' teacher is blamed
for his backwardness.
.A , thorough e-aminationl
such as you swoum receive
here will teU the story.
204-211 Salem Bank, ot
Commerce Building ;
Oregon's largest Optical
Institution' t: -
Half of Estate in Auto
The estate of C. P. Christensen I
has been appraised at $300 by G.
A. Cone. C. J. Espy and O. O.
shipment of lumber for the new
buildings will arrive at noon to
The first building a
shed 20 by 20. There will be an
other double shed 40 by 100, for
finished lumber, and still another
shed 16 by 120. Then there will
be a cement shed, a lime and plaa-J
ter shed, and others, besides the
office building.
Will Help Growth
The operations of this new con
cern, backed as it will be by one ot
the .biggest lumbering concerns in
the country, will no doubt materi
ally aid in Salem's growth, and
in supplying the shortage f of
houses in this city. These opera-
Hear This .Wonderful
Chickering Amplco Reprodue! delivery.
ing piano in the educational buili-
ing at the fair. Talimah Piano
store. Adv.
Dry trimmings of lumber from
box factory, J$S per load.. Prompt tious, too; will give a big boost to
spauiamg jigging wi i west saiem, wmcn is already! on
'or Men Only
Classes for business men at the
Y. M. C. A. will be under tun
headway by Monday, October J,
according to R. R. -Boardman,
Two Marriage U cense Yesterday
: Saturday is losing out as a busy
day at the marriage license coun
ter In the office of County Clerk
U. G. Boyer.
a boom and, has been growing ,for
a year or two like the proverbial
green bay tree.
Wfe Hate the Follow Real Eitate for Sal;. All
Wffl Be Sold at Prc-Tar Pritt CcsV I :
" -and See 0t v:--f v- ?
.- ' ;.
One lot located at 2242 North Liberty, cheap at . . $281.70
Two lots' at corner; Saginaw and Wilson streets. Good lo
cations, 'close In, a good buy at ....... . . . . . ... .'. . ' flSAO
House and lot corner Washington and Fir streets, good
house, garage, paved on both sides. Best location In city. -You
had better ask about this. $ r 'm.' J f1 -One
lot located at the" intrsectron r-.of Smith" street and
Fairgrounds road. 60x100, agood' buy! at i T. . .V $300
One lot 55x100 ft. at corner of 16th and Ilines, Oaks Lodge
addftion,' 155ft cement walk. Wllleli-at a bargain.
A farm of about 42 acres, 4nbrer , less.' ; nouses and barn,
one mile of Independence, near paved'rOid. A good' buy at
anytime. . ., .
Several lots in Simpson Addition Wil) nearly, let Ton name
your own price. Something cheap. 4 A : , f 4 " ' .
One lot In North Salem, very cheap' - CalTon 'us." ' '
falls criTcsiirJ LTjBn:tib:
840 .South 12th St,
Phono 81S
"Loved His Still Better Than
Wife," remarks a headline. Per-
Only two' were -Is-1 haps he'd have loved his wife bet-
sued yesterdaw. as follows; Reu-1 ter If she'd
ben P, Boise, of 19 Court street. Express.
been still Buffalo
physical instructor. ' Beginning en I a cleric tq Ruth Luclie ..,Jones..Tor 1
mat aat tnese ciassea win miso u sirei, uucuw
held at i S-o'clock in the evenlnri Stanley Joseph Riley ot GervaH,
on every Monday, Wednesday and I route 2, a gas engineer, and Her-
Fi-ihut The exArrtnea viu ia. I mena La Fountalne of Salem
elude general calestheiUcs,, setting j route 9, a student.
nil sTtrrlapt aan ' nilAvhall. ,41 - -
litrie later in the season there Dance, Cole McElrojrs Orchestra-
will be noon classes for business
men on Tuesdays and Fridays.
Monday night and every night
fair week. Adr..
The Chickering Ample
The world's greatest reproduc
ing niano will be. heard in the eftn.
catlonal building at . the ialr.
Don't miss this. Tallman Piano
store. -Adr.
Great. for the Boy ,
During the past few. weeks
boys at the T. M. C. A. have been
prompt in their attendance at the
swimming classes, due to some
extent to the many contests that
are being put on and .the mest
excellent instructions given.' The
average attendance has been 100
a . day..i With the. beginning : of
school in Salem special hours will
be arranged for boys' classes.
To Attend Convention
To attend the northwest district
convention of Kiwanis, to be held
at Vancouver. B. C. October!
and 15. Roy F. Shields, president
announces the following dele
gates from the Salem club: Cur
tis Cross.5 T. M. Hicks, Dr. Henry
E. Morris and Roy F. Shields.
Tt Aa TTaoi. Mnntit Anaiii
, With Cole McEaroyVOrch'eatra?!
Armory, fair week. Adr.
Marrlaee Reported
The marriage of Nelse Cates
and -. Miss; Ollie Stryker, both of
Salem, 'Is reported to have taken
place September 21, at Vancou
n hi i i
? i
i J -
4 1 5
3 1 I
i il
Today -
1, 1
" - ! -'Mi
II i 1
Trusaea .,
Fitted at Trler'a Drug store by
an expert in tne ousiness. aqt.
More Servic f or Fair
For the state fair, the Oregon
Electric will run several regular
trains in double sections. On
Wednesday the train that arrives
Lfrom. Portland at 10:12' in t tie
morning, will come In two sec
tions, while on Thursday, Port
land day, it will be given three
sections. Thursday evening the
last train for Portland on r the
JQregon Electric will be' at .10
Damditer Imoroved
- Word has been received f rom-A.
T. BJork at Mensfleld, S. D., who
was called there by the serious
Illness of his daughter, Ruby
Biork Flick, that she is still ia a
critical condition; but resting eas
ier. She is suffering irom peri-
Drs White and Marshall v
Tr f . TT i.lim 1Un
irrinr. M. Kablan'a hearing on
a oharm of assault with deadly
weapon will be held In JudgeXn-i
ruh's court at lfia. m. jmubu-j.
Th charges against aplan are
in iconnectlon wita.hls self-con-,
fessed knifing of Antonio Vollon-
ino,v Italian,-wluajjs in. ihej wiy
Osteopathic physicians, IT S Bk. j jail recovering from his wounds.
-av. I
Th Gilbert StudSo--
Quick Ftevrins Necessary I And Craft Shop, upstairs orer
i Quick action in figuring costs! the Commercial Book .store ..ton
of material and5 labor wHlt be North Commercial street is a-de-necessary
if Salem contractors se- iightful place tATislt, A eompiete
cure.the contract for!" supplying line of gifts and many, beautiful
materials jmd labor for the. build- nictures suitably, framed,- Fnlper
ing of a brick power house and I nottery. All branches of craft
nthf- Imnro ementa at Chemawa i wnrV Hone candle sconces, can-
tfat Would Yod Dof
XO. 8
Try these words and see how
many you can apell correctly.
They are , practical every-oay
words, taken from our regular
spelling text.
We do not teach our pupils
how to spell "catch words, but
' . . . .
give woraa, sucn . as me . wm
bave in an office. Our classes
are -11 intensely practical and
are. Jaare.: done away with er-erything-that
Is superfluous.
New. ciassea will aUrt.ln all
Bubjects on Monday, October 3.
Write or ' call tor information.
C;t-I P&sx-TsVs tcMzzt
Ealem Oregoa
The.- Brunswick Method1 of ; Reproduction cm-
bodying the IHtona, whicji,c;ushioJis the path of 1 i
the needle by proper suspension and the Oval :.
Ton Amplifier of moulded wood,' is exclusively l
Brunswick. '
The Brunswick Method of Interpretation, which
results in sweeter an3"more bcafitifurrecbrds,
and. assures thoroughly corjecJnterpretations, ,
has not been successfully imitated. . ,-,.4
Hence, musicians, critics 'and teachers all1 will i
tell you that buying any phonograph, withdut'
at least hearing The Brunswick, is a mistake. -And
that to be without Brunswick Record's is to
be without much of what is best in music :
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Hear our daily demonstrations in the New Pavilion &t
the. State Fair. I -
Masonic Temple, Salem,' Orcgoa
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