TI IE , OREGON- ST ATES2I AN, SALE1I,- OHEGON . ' MBTHOXUSZ , Jiim Lm Hessorial-Sort Winter JrfrMn striata, ) T . Vlnon, pat tor. ka-ular rr Tires will ' 1 held at this charra Hanaar Haertaariter 25th. M.indsr school will panrraa at : a . Our srbool la ' wall areas isaw ami will take car bf pp f all '. 8tra frra and -visitor ' wrlcom. Pufti rr vir Ja tha auditorium at It a.m. Tha fio.st plar tn tha world for yaaaf peo ple. Plaa t t -thrra.. Kj) worth iragua arvir at 6 Zd p.m. 'Vi, wt ansiawa to ar aor young - pcopla. . Wa aaaara yoa of a food tin. Kvaniaf srrir p,Uw Wa . prrarti " tba cot art that aa nwd tadarY All oar- imim ar draifaad la aplift aod rasp int. Yo will njor worshiping with a. ' Reearrtkra of manber at tba saoraing rtr. Prof. Kanfro, Willamrtt Unrrrraity, f wiN prra-b. bolb ,aooring and availing. Laalia V'thodhit Kp'ni-Opnl Ham- M. Aldrleh' paator. t:5 as, ftaftda arhaot, E. A. Rbotan, superintendent. WpH er gsnraai -) fof alt i jv4 gradr aadat th l4r)ia;j of rlf j lent tehr. Primary department aaaeta in Leali Hall Mlsa Itelew IngrrT, awprintaadant. I Hir ing tha.lt o'clock, serrk adrserr i maintained wher mother m.ijr I. mall children. II a.m, ptiMie worship with aartaon hy the pastor. --: Taeate, Counting the Coat."- The ehoir will ting "Nearer Mf God to Toe,' Kxcell. For tba offertory. Mint flarfi Pratt will slng,"Mrniic and Erenlng,, Mas Rplo kr .- t PJO., ianior. laajrne, "Minn Mamie Htapletoa. auparintendrnt. d:80 p m., devotional meeting of th epwortk lea gma, Miu Marguerite Ootaehowpreaid ant. 1:30 p.ss.. wvenjng prayer and ser bm by. th paator. Bnbjeet, "Mj Kaagbbr.".i f rI'-- ; Pint If. E. Oinrcn Oorscr Church s Stat streets. Blaine E. Kirkpatrick. miniate. - This Hands? will be faaarv4 as a plal .welcoao, day for tha atud enu of Willamette irity. Th 8oa-day- achoBl - awn a A4--4-tha claaa meeting at 04l& Three, (prciat Monday arbool - elajiitea ) bays bean i orgaiiiied for atadanta: Misa Laara liaiat'a, for apper eUas.girla; Miaa kabel Oarrett'a, for freahmea girls; and' Mr. Aoardniaa'a, lor college men. The movaiag aervlee, at 11 'alere, will b deaigned t eapociallj as rordial walrom to. the ttadenta. The aernioR will" ta on tha subject, ''Altera aat thd Oaward ' Marnh. Hpaalal maaie will be Tendered by largo e bona choir, aadrr th direction Prof. Ilobaon, Kp worth league aervine at :0, 1 to whlrh Willametto taeat ara: eapaelally ' invit? od. Intermediate league at tha eame hoV .Kreniag servke at- T:30 oVloek. There .will bo a rousing song aerrlee of IS or 20 mlnntea at thw'openlnr. and s brief errata on the sabjeet "The Su pramary of tha Bpiritaal Life." Thia aabjert la a of th aerivs n tha gen eral avblert: "Tba Certaintiea of the goal. All ore rora tally invited. Prayer moating Tharaday. evening at ?:S0. . -, Canter . Btreet - Methodist -North toanth. and Crater atreeu, O. S. Roeder, nini.tt tonndar ithotl It l.U II. II. Oralapp, auperlDtandeat. . Preaching I German morning and evening by Kv. J. Saotbaff of Kimball Srhool of Theology . .v.. II a l i CUXlBTULa - 'i ' r ' Conrt 8tat Sort SeventecntW and Coart streets.' Tstn is promotion day I tba Bible trhooL . Everyone in tba school wanta to be oreaeot for thia event, a that yon will know wherw yo t neat time 1 tt yea are? ptamana- ow lev vi lira ant todav. Kamamber to be niantlv .at 0:45 .m. . HU th mi iLn.rf aiore hv ana ef th chool. th Bally day information, the aarmo to the , child by th paator. "SacrUie ItiU will be tha anblect of that aermoa. Janior failowinc eoamaaiea serrie. At niorn In wonhltt hoar w will tlno out nl f erertla. It la lntereatinc. To day 'we will sJve . a, analjai . of the itialaa ereed. , Coma and aee why it ahonld b Our al weed. Intennediat K ;ao4 nm. ' Tonnr pl C.B. A: SO. Song servic sad sermon 7:30 p.m. Don't forget th change of tim. Hrms:'Ta ospel of l'wolom." This i. u. tmir wank and there will be n ajlJ wetk tervic. Ivery membr ttsi la do to it vrged to he!c tt th Btat fair reataarant thia, week. . Let Xrs. Ed. Tenng r paator' wif know "- whether em can helo or not. Th pnbli it ta wonhin wit n. Ton Will always find av welcome. Students in th ity ar invtted aleo Tea will find aa Invltin church kom with a. B. L. Ftnm, pastor. ? , . 1 1 .1 ,- . Tirst Christiaa . Th moratng and evening sermons at th first . Christiaa chneeh Center and llirkj atreeta, will be givu py th paato, J. J. Evn. "A Oraat Deaire" and "The Sapram Cam- ' a. ' ' are tba twptra rhwsea tor prAa1 ducaaaiew. Edward Wolfo will a - tha liat i to the Karaing worship. ' "Re qneint," by tiknay- Mofac.- m tha tU of the ael. A lad'wa'i iaarte will, give tha aparial m astral nuaibera at the ev ening hear. Especial weleona xtendd t - t'aiaersity aad other 4 of-toir yg pOpl.wh ar member of thia ream en toe elaewhere. AanoonpaaMata of Importance eeaecnviog : thhr foeare en tertainment by the caerrh wihV bo made. Dr. Kpley ha retaraarf front hi varatioa and earaeatly argea s laxce attcadanea at the Hiale rWol boar. A new spirit is man ti act r the programs of thia important , . dvrtasat Alt age, will fn4 - s welroane and eongesisl fcIUtw ahiav. , Th yg people, intoratediat sad samr soeictMat meet at 6:30. ''C; .Z"' ' EKSCOPAJt St i Paal'a Chnrrh arhoal at 9;4S. , It am intr prayer ear II. tWviee i rkarao of tba lay reader. - No other aervire. i . COKOKEaATIOXAZ. First Congrerational Cber.Jr Liberty and Center atreeta W. C. JCanterr min ister. - A chnrrh with a welcome fr all. 10 s.Bm Snaday srhoot with, clas ses for all age. W. I. Statay, snperia-w-adans. It .m "I narne; aad Kiadiaj 3od." 6:30 pjav Criatin endeavor, p.m. 'l Voice utr( IXcaven." Com worditp with . ' st & jut ., ... mswDi - . .. Highland Friends f'hnrch street and flighland avenue. Bib I school at 10 a.m, Clifton Koss, superintendent. Clas ses for all age under the rare of com petent teaches. -4' Morning t worship at Is. -C, E. Meetiag at :3U aad preaching at 7:30 pjnir Prayer meeting Thurs day at ItW yjs. 1. U., and Id J. Lea, pastors. '. - j Ronth Sslem Friends South Commer cial and Washington streets, Hnnday rbool 10 a.m., Walter S. Wrifht, super Bitendent. Morning worship at 11 a.m. Short sermon for the children st th closcof Himdsy srbool. ' Christian eadea vor at 6:30 and- preaching service at 7:3ff p.m: Prsyer meeting at 7:3 Thurs day -: evening. ' Nathan Bwsbh, paator. j Cotttral' rngregatknnl fioulh Kin teenth and Perry streets, II. O. Stover, minister, Snndsy aehool at 10 a.m. in eharro of Mrs.- B. K. Rdwards. Hpecial ainsic and sermon follow Sunday school hour. Christian endesvor st 0:45 p.m. Sacred concert- at 7:30 p.m. I' 'j LUTHERAN I ClirUt Lutheran East Stat and Klgnteenta streets. " Suttday school at :4s a.m. Itivino service at 10:30 a.m. HMeeU"The gucMioa, What lK I lKi to Inherit Kternal Life! and tha Anawer af tba Bblo.M Everybody welcome. No vnlng service. Geo. Koehler, pastor. j ' " TJKTTED BBETHBEW f I First1 United Brethren Twelfth and KUaion streets. Sunday aehool st ' 10 S.m., Mr. Theron Knsaell, superintend ent. Always room and a welcome. Jaa mc ChriUisn. endeavor at It. W have two division. ! Junior Chrsstia endesV r - few the little folk., and Christian endeavor collars for tha older boy a -and girls-i Parenta . are cordially Invited to visit our junior meetings. Church ser vice at 11. Rev. W. 11. VcLaiw will deliver taw sermon. Senior ('hriatiaa en deavor . at . .3Q. Topic. , "Misaionary liaelta htfloui a America.7 Aa intereat iac proxram will be given. . Keening snnon-at 7:3. Mid-week prayer meet it Wednaaday evening at 7:30. AH aye welcome. Rev; C. W. Corby, Paator. !-",. (. PEESBTTZXIAJf ' First Preubfteriaa Ckorch be-t"- Ceetet CcnU. Ssl.bath scbeol anetr at t:3 am, C. A. Kells, tf, ..ii-MMt. Prea'-bing by the paster. Ward Willis Lone, at 11 a.m. and 7:30 pxm, Memiag topic, "Why I Ilelicv the Bible." Evenin tonic: "(od's ratallaaaa t Youth." Jaaior C. E. meet st S p.m. At S p.m. in the ekon-h Parlors there will be a get-together meet isa.ef alt the Preabyterm people in the citv for a social boor, to be followed St. 6:30 pjsw be tha rasntlar senior and intermediate ah. services, frayer meet ing on Tharaday at 7:30 p.m. Kaily day will be observed the second K- rUy in Ursoar. There ta bemc punned very interMtiag program far. the e easioa. CHM8TIA tCIEKCB First Chnrch 440 CJietr.etct street. At 11 a.m.. Bible lessen, subject : Real ity." Monday srbool at :45 a. o. Wednesday evening testimonial meeting at 8 o'clock, lading room, 209 Masonic 'fern pie, ope) eter day except holida ami Handays from 11:42 to 5 p.ai. All are cordially invited : to our services and to oar reading room. IAT1EBIAY SAINTS Chareh of Joaaa Chrtat of 1 -alter Day 8-tmtft Sundav school at 10:1:0 a.m Snbiect: Th New Witness for Gd. l.eetinr at Yon ar welcome. At tba Armory. KISSIOHABT ALLIANCE Christian and Missionary Alliance There will be no acrvice this coming wck. SlLVERTOfi PERSOIULS AND BRIEFS j n x short time, necording to plans anoance4,ar?: . I Cratc Late aNtianal park Is t SCCPKsible from all lonr cities and d i tbp fev.rcmt:n w.H wt.rk also fr i . . : r - . ; ' ' I".-, TWvlf eOinnl P.Qth Mr. A1. rCaa3 to lQP PrK aDd - - I ln and Air. CeawicL if6 employ. J. aa w The Maiesr.ian.) Ko:-n. inr Mr. znl Mrs. Job" BAPTIST First Baptist William T. Milliken, DD, ' paator. Bible school at 9:45, Ed. Srhonke, superintendent. Morning wor ship at 11. - "Is IHvin Healing Part af the Ooenel Mcssafet" Eveniac wor- shin at 7:8; sermon. "Can the Well Run Irv!" B.Y.P.U. senior and second division meet at 6:30. Topic; "Th B.V.P.C. and Missions." The pastor conducts a Bible ' class for everyone above - B.Y.P.C. are at 0:30. Visitors cordially welcomed at U service. ; ...... . CHTJBCH OF GOD 1S48 North Church street, J. J. Oil tespie, pastor. Sunday arbool 10 a. . preaching service 11 a.m., young peoples' aieeting 6:30 and preaching service fol Towfng at 7:34 p.m. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening 7:30. o are in titrd to attend th services. ' L B. S. A. j International Bible Students' Assc-la- on Meets every Sunday in Derby Bid for Bible stutlv. Pnblle welcome. Hours from JO to 13 a.m.. Court and High streets, upstairs. Sunday, September l at 2:30' p.m, in this ball, K. G. Kylant of SoatUe, Wash, will deliyer a free pnbHc lecture on "Millions Nw Living Will Never Die." ? Full. Gospel Mission 187 S. Commer cial. Service Sunday 2:S, evening t:43, Thursday ewninj ' 7:4V. Prayer affsssd-Uu. aklc uj . dX. . Hall Open 11 a.m. Boston and Middlebury Bea ; ten- Other Football Re- I v ;f suits' Reported CATHOLIC CHURCH FACTS By Rew J. R; Buck ' - Th T.M.C.A. drew upon "th Bib) for its moral principles, snd th w good as wall aa effective ' Lsrs-e- bus iness corporstions, heads of college nd naiverttitea, th chiefs of govrnmat d partmeats, of th army and navy, aaw the practical results of It effort and ! Mkin.p.twin In trminine and keeping their young employe -I habits : . CAMBRIDGE, Mass.. Sept 24. Harvard started Its football sea son with a doable victory today. In the first game the Crimson de feated Bostoii university 10 to U and In the second won from Mid dlebury college,-16 to 0. Harvard sent approximately S 9 players in to the two games.' TJ A tTJMflTTVn W Vs. Conf 24 The West Virginia tjnlversity football team defeated the West Virginia Wesleyan eleven ' In the opening game of the season today Invited Ita eo-ooeration tn traininc and ef ordar. economy, rood conduct ana intelligent docility h promoting their corporate Interest. . aalve la conscience obliged to certain ' represented" among th employes of the various bodies, oar young men earn mtnrell under th influeoc of th wel fare activities of tha association. Th Y.M.C.A. disavowed ' any sectarian char acter. It claimed that it Was not op posed to any faith. It was Christie in th m brotd nt a th common wealth of th United Rtatea, wnica t gnis th Christian faith as fundamen tal to ita constitution, though, declaring it entire separation from any particular creed. The rules and ' statute of 4k V.M.0.A, aa opened t inspection, firmed this attitude. So did- the x- ? rested declaration f it manafer. ho lectures fives under tha a asp ices of th saaoc.iatio were confined appar ently ta what tended t ba professional and cultural improvement of tb hrarers. Th moral lastruction avoided all , con acioua reference te dif t erencea of re ligion opinion. Catholic were free ta attend. They war under obligation, though they might enjoy all -th thar advantage opo. to the member ia gen ersl. . ?? . 'V' Thara la on clansa la th eonatitatioa f th Y.M.C.A. whieh appeared t dia- eriminat againat Catnolwa. it proat Bite tha election of a DTof eased ' CatholiS to any of th superior or directing of fice of th organ iiatio. This departur haa bee explained aa baaed oa tha k . alaes (VibaIIm hold tnam- tsa Rathalla venth was aad ia lara-ely observances whichuld aot b shared by th majority of member, thir pos itions aa - director of - the Assoeiatioa would aeeoasarily handicap thosa. ia ..th fulfilment of th office. Jus tie to th member " wh did not ' accept Cat hoi e beliaf and. doctrine as a rule of life de barred aoy direction whirh' h the - esaary result- eti on a t.Uotia. aoncr- ' Tb1 ' aiaoclatloa aimed - at merat as ' call aa eoeial .. aad . meatal improvement meant to employ Christian' principles! ' bat; aot to1 the full -extent t ta Cath li eharch. Thua.. to cite a xampte, m far Catholsra . obligatory- oh- ervsncea of ft sday, -fasts, worship regulation, obedienc lo local authority, whieh would nrevent a director. If, a Catholic, from acting with that freexlont which ioflirh In -tfc-lirtreat of theentir body 4 tos which th vnaiorltV f th member had last claim. Tha YJICAi for th-amo reaao ex cluded orthodox Jews from office, a i i4i...-a . tha vera nam Chsiatiail Ithough it ne that- to th wide as only la. which tt applid t th A.ie.a Mmmon wealth. IU It Wat plsnsibla bald, th higbest ffic f th government ar not actuauy i Cetholie or Jaw, they ar praetie!!; waleaa the incumbent insisted hdj right at th rick of disturbing th puh lie peace or else ignore them aV-th risk of lsrnoring th divln Uv, at kit 'profession of fsith interpret tt. - , Y. with all thl the Y.M.C.A. -founi '! ta hseasanr with it' priacfcllet fr '.cuently to enrage tha nervlee of Prof Seatant minister - who . could hardly fsB ;to expren their peculiar- toterprotaUoS e ctnatiiMMtw site htil 4 Ceptd Catloli doctria. , 4Cen;auc4 sexl guaJ7) ' Sani Francisco, 6-3, 9-7, 8-10, 1-6, 8-6. Rain fell almost continually and numerous slips on the wet court counted for points for the opponent. The match score now stands 2 to 2. Tomorrow Willis Davla of San Francisco will meet S. How ard Voshell ot Brooklyn, M. T., lik the singles and William Tilden, world's champion plays J. O. An derson of . Australia, while Carl Fischer and Frank Anderson will meet Marshall Allen and Clifford Herd in doubles. The - silk hat Is coming hack. The next thing will be the long- tailed coat with silk facings. Not to speak, of pantaloons that the wearer has to be run Into red-hot in a more or less fluid state. Father Melanle is 15 years old. I don't think it is decent of her to appear in public in such a short skirt. Mother Don't worry, dear; she put on one of mine by mistake. Vienna -Muskete. i bta-j'j&l- to Miti ; la ra . . . i m i .? itoien, ana uiai loseuu werei married at the home of Mr. sd Mrs. Kirfen Wednesday at 12 o'clock noon. Iter. J. C Rose land read the weddinjf ceremoHj'I After the wedding a luncheon was served to the. guest, who in cluded only the nearest relatives and friends." Mr. and Mrs. To stad left immediately after the luncheon for Astoria where they will spend a few days. Honoring Mrs. Amy Dewitt and her daughter, Mrs. Ciena Green. both of San Franciseo, Mrs. Lu- cretia Davenport entertained at her home Wednesday evenin?. Those present were Mr- and Mr& fc. E. Taylor, Mrs. Mac Cooley, Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. I.. O. Harvy, Mr. ?.nd Mrs. John Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gourli, Mr. and Mrs. Rob ert Scott. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Riches, Mr. and Mrs. Clay Allen, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Allen. T. D. Allen, Miss Faye Allen, Mr. and Mrs, John Goodnecht, Mr. and Mr ST D. C. Davenport, and Mt-! and Mrs. Roy Davenport. 1 Miss Imosene Shimmon and Ramon Roberts were united in msrriag by Rev, C. Tibbets at Philomath Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock. They were attended by the bride's brother, Clarence Shimmon, and by Miss Lois Ral ston. Mrs. Roberta is the oldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Shim mon, former Silverton residents. During the past year she has been employed at the telephone office at Corrallls. Mr. and Mrs. Roberts will live at Mill City. Silverton quests at - the weddias were Miss Flossie Conbear and Miss Norma Rjce. Henry , Schroeder has been g ranted a pension., by the govern ment. Mr. Schroeder is a Spanish-American war veteran. ,:.T Mrs. A. S. Johnson, a sister of Mrs. Carl Stamey, and Mrs. Gene Hoskinson, aunt of. Mrs. Stamey, are visiting at the Stanl ey home. Mrs. Johnson is from Moro and Mrs. Hoskinson is from Kent. Or. Manley Haskens, who returned from Diekerson, N. D., recently, reports that the cropat in that section of the state are nearly a failure this year. Mr. Haskens also reports that money is tight there and that many are placing the blame on the Nonpartisan lea. sue. . Rev. and Mrs. Georse Henrick sen entertained at a party at the Trinity parsonage on Second street Friday evening. The eve ning was spent in playing games nd with music. Refreshment! were served by the. hostess. Those present wore Miss Mamie, II. Hu man, Miss Clara Holman, Oliver Holman, Miss Emma HatteBiirg, Jalmer Refsland, Miss AMna Ilamre, Alvin Legard, Otto Le gard. Miss Esther Larson, Har old Larson, Jack Larson, Harry Larson, Miss Esther Towe, Miss Sophia Brenden, Miss Clara Brefl don. Miss Jerdis Cloister, Hiss Ruby Shenannder, Miss Hazel Phennander, Percy Shennander, Elmer Shennander. Miss Rath Ormbreck, Theodore Ormbreck, Miss Mabel Johnson, Miss Marie Corhouse, Miss Carrie Qualset. Miss Eva Rue, Amos Eenson, Jliss Ingaborg Gopierud, Miss Lulu Gopierud, John Gorderud. Chester Gopierud, Melvin Reviness, Chris Halverson, Alfred Johnson, f Mr. and Mrs. Chris Johnson. Miss Elsie Eklund. Walter Toft. Ed ward Olsen, Edgar Olsen, Victor Sather, Mrs. Marie Buness, Miss Alice Jensen and Alfred Jensen. Dewey Allen and Burns Sen- wick are at Portland attending i g of the Depot gara-ge. olu--st I , The r-rcDrietors of the Central . -l r . . ,fl.i,rir,Il!j I il ( fr-ie to provide more room for the storing of cars. . Scenic Loop Highway is Southern Oregon Scheme ; KLAMATH FALLS. Or., Serft. J4. A scenic loop highway which will include Ashland. Grants Pass, Bedford. Klamath Falls, is one of the projects that will be tqken bp by the Federation of Soulhern Oregon Cltamberg or Commerce, which will bo formed in Ashland dtavox to bring tourists to see ths krk and visit-all the scenic poiiiti on the loop. Astoria Will Celebrate Completion of Highway ASTORIA, Or., Spt 3. Com pletion Of jif aside-Tte Dalles sec tion of the Columbia Riter high way will be celebrated Saturday and Sunday, October S and 9, ac cording to plans announced here today. Governors of our four western states will be invited to participate. President Harding will be requested to open the cele bration in Astoria by pressing a button in Washington. D. O. Ded ication of the highway and new Young's Hay bridge find, automo tilA race oa the Clatsop beachea will be features of the celebra tion. " J ..r-aa RtatsMnsavia CUswIlled AtU anr ,"' It Is' bow declared that If they inerely wiil to do so.. But whaUtnlil'onit Is jlhat bin ' few have the nerve to show- mcs,i detenninlnatloB Some-people bow lite too! long. Exchange. j j IiTestock, 3rerchand Rcai Estate . Phone 511 for Sale Dates l Salem, Oregon , n , 1 Five 50.00 Piano Lamp. I Fair Week " 1 TT Ywl''UiU ; V- i r ' : . . t I -- " a A W H Bargains In Used PIANOS Little Monthly Payments Piano Buyers Read This With each of the first five new pianos sold during lair week we will give a beautif ul pi ano lamp and stand complete, valued at fifty dollars. This offer is open to cash and time buyers alike. j Your choice of many of the world's best makes of pianos to select from arid we guar antee our prices to be as low as any dealer in the west. ; 'j Only five lamps to be given away and you must be one of the first five purchasers this week to be entitled to one. j Better be one of the five if iA ; NEWHAVBN.'Cosm., Sept. 24. Tale defeated Bates college ! the. opening football game ot the season today 28 to 0. Berkeley, Cal., Sept. 24. Uni- rersity of California 21, SU Mary's college, .0. Other Footnall Itrraits At Hanover. N. H., Dartmouth 34; Norwich 3. At Cleveland Case 14; Hiram At State? CoUege, ; Pa., Penn State, 63; Lebanon Valley 0. At Pittsburgh Carnegie insti tute. 42; TMaf college 0. At Easton. Pa. Lafayette 48 ; Muhleberg 0. ,r. At Bloommgton Indiana -; Franklin 0. " At Philadelphia University oi Pennsylvania, 89: Delaware eoi- lege 0. At Syracuse Syracuse 35; ho- bart 0. . .. ' " ' ''" At . Providence Brow c; Rhode Island State 0. At New Brunswick. N. J. Rn ers SSi TJrsinns 0. r . At Springfield, Maas. Sptlng ileld 26: Amherst 0 ' - At - Lancasterr- Pa. Franklin and XIarshaU 7; Albright 0. ' At Hamilton, N. T.-Col;ate J; St. Bonaventure 7. ' At Beaver Falls, Pa. Geneva 0; Pittsburgh TJniveraity 28 ' At New York Fordham 23; Maine 14.-";- 1 ' l9 At ; Cendar Rapid Coe 12; State Teachera 6. ' At South Bend, lad. Wabash 7Aurtista 0: : ; " ' ' u . At. St Louis st. Louia TJniver Ity 7; Cape Olrardeau, Mo., Nor mal p. "t','i- , -,At Evanston-.-BeloIt 7; North western' University 0. . At "Washington Washington and Jefferson 14; Bethany 0.- At.Reno Nevada 54; Agnetian 0. - - At Athena; O Ohio University 40; Morris Harvey ,(,W. Va.) 0 . East Evens up With West ,, t ; In Tennis Tournament -. aaaaaaaaaaaasBBaaBasaa ,. t. r. CHTCACO. Sept. 24. The east- ternera evened bp xnattera witn the western tennis contingent in the, second d.v' nlay,of, the est vesti championship series today. when Frank; T.-Anderson of New I Ygrk. deleate4 Robert JOxiBeT ot Xiiv "':' Y-Vi.r r" -?" i'E ' I - - mmm - - jtg? iW'Jihr VA -JV-i VJ-tUn 'A k lJ II At ir s '' 'v -V - ft:. , . ' . 10ES for the FAIR Should be of the New Designs and Leathers, such as you may see in The Bootery's wonderful big windows and in the splendid big stock of Salem3 Biggest Exclusive Shoe Store. . In The Boys' Dept. You may select the proper shoes for dress or school wear and feel secure that you are getting the most W4ar for the money inyested. The Ladies? Dept. With its many line and .patterns of beautiful shoes Qjcfords and Pumps in the prevailing colors of 4A leather and Satin You. know are 'correct! 7 The "STYLISH STOUT" Shoes for the lady who needs the larger ankle measurements are there in really GOOD looking shapes. The Men's Department ft; M 7SJ?njr "SEGALS r "WEYENBERGS" tod "WHIT COMBS' provides for the latest in style, the best fitting and thecost to suit the purse. : v. 11. 2JZZAnd:You .WW be Satisfied." ; , ' Shoe Laces : All colorsand lengths7 and' special lengths made ; to order , . v. , ; Cleaners and Polishes i4' ,F?r every kind of sW material. The biggest stock outside of the ' - largest cities. . - l- hi The Electric Sign ?SH0ES" :. . . i , -t ,. . . . .... 1 faVaxfstaitt Taaas Uaas