THE OREGON - STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON SUNDAY: .MORNING, SEPTEMBER 23, 1921 V.f i' i if . 1 fi V Va-ay- NeaWi?s " ' auroras imutiimni Tan tMtiM i t . i Om wek (lU tamtioM) ! Om sal'r tu asenaa' Mtml, itl IS MMtto' (winrt, P i KUm far u; ttimiiwt Norwich uxioa nilK UI8URAKCB BOCXETX . ThleUoa, BfflH B-uxhardt , KtrnjOtsat Agent y aHI Biale Bt. . T MONEY TO LOAN . On Real sCatats : l.i ...... T. K FORD ' (Ortr Ladl Bun Bank) 1 LOANS REAL ESTATE . V INSURANCE W I near anything W bar th bimi . to Im Prr bek like f Om lam m eitr property list era mm lota. See "first, ,.-,-XJLXXAft A LA7XAB 40-T Orogoa aid. 1844 V.:- : NEW TODAY HATlORi SALS PHONE 8081-J. TWO HEX WASTED TOR PICKING up potatoes. Phana 2081-J. FOR 81LE GOOD COOK 8T0VE. Price reasonable. Call 680 N. 17th. .WANTER IIOU8E8 FOR RENT. SEE ne. Bliss U Darby, 444 Court etree. "With W. A. Liston. .'stop RENT BCY A HOME FOR 500. Balaaee of 82.000 payable on yoer owa - terma. room house, eloee in, on paved street. Sea rs. BHss U Darby, 484 Court street. With W. A. Liston. FOR RENT , 1865 Oak. SIX ROOM COTTAGE. Phone 1296. l'OR RENT VERT DESIRABLE FUR nished sleeping rooms. Strictly mod- era. Heat. 990 S. 12th street. Phone .718-M. - .... SPECIAL PRICE OS SILVER FALLS " Timber Company's abort wood, for ten days. Fred E. Wells. Phona 1543. BCY NOW NEW FOUR ROOM BUS - gatow with bath. On ear-line, cloae in. City water, light end aewer. Price only $1,900. $500 cash, bslance terms. Bee a for bargains. Krmefer, 209 4 Oregon Bldg. ASTER BLOOMS, 3 DOZES 5c; DAH- lia blooms, one doses 25c. ' 801 Locust. Phone 102 t-W. - r 4 WHT NOT CARRT TOUR INSURANCE t with a borne company -that keeps all its money in Oregon t It was organ- lied for your benefit, are yon getting , ill Standley Foley, A gU, McMinn rille Co, Phone 34T. PERSET'S LAND OFFfCE CITY - homes, rnit tracts, fsrms. Sea as be- 4 ; tore yon My s Aret , oaia . vo. (Chicago) Store. ' it. MRS VARTY. DESIGNER AND MAKER ' Ladies' Suitg and Gowns, r Orer MU- ler's Store. WAN8TED A !cOOK, AT JACK'S CAFE 168 South Commercial street. BEAUTIFUL NEW GRAND PIANO f65, 4 ..terms.: Tallmaa I'iaae Store. 121 8. t Commercial. KEW PIANOS, AT $295. USED PI A. -- .noe reduced ' m proportioa. -. Terma. ; Tallmaa Piano, Store. 121 South - CommerciaL t v""' .- , - t MIXNETTA MAG ERS VOCAL. DERBY Building. Friday afternoon, 8aturiiy. GENUINE OIJ FIR, RAWED $8.40 t per coro. 1'none lqgFB. FIFTY PERCENT OFF OS ALL USED ..Maxwell - parts, for all model cars. f omgrtcfc Motor Car Co. A, J; FOSTER PAINLESS CHIROPO- . ditt,,' Corns, buniona, ; ingrown Bails remorsd. 148 S. Commercial. rom-KR a roR sso cigars will rrt v yon the . beat amoko tor ; cur THE HAT BOX, 179 S. HIGH HATS ; renovated, blocked. $1. ' i V ' BARGAIN 35 ACRES, CLOSE TO fiarement oa good road, 10 acrea boar . ng prunes, 3 acres logans and straw- berries, good I room bouse, good bsrn and outbuilirfnga. Owner forced to aell and will sacrifice. Price $5,500, w Becks Hendricks, 205 V. 8. Bank t Building. A GOOD PROPOSITIOS MAS RETIR . in from farm life, wants to aell i , email part of bis fsrm and lesso the 4 balance.- This place ia well equipped and the land ia aa good as any in the Taller. cor particulars see Becke A Hendricks, 203. L. 8. Bsnk Building. 6 Vacant houses for sale, terms on an. rriced 117U0 to $4500. Becke ana Hendricks. 203 U. 8. Bank Bldg. 4 HOUSES . TWO LARGE HOURES . $5,000 4 for both, located close ia on psrement. Terms. - ' $3,450 for brand new modern S room - s on naeement. Suilt-in. 93,500; 9500 down, ukes old 9 room .'house close to sow a tewa and hich L & . . . acaooi, ; pavenivnw paia. 4 acre in fruit and berries for $3,400, Terms or statt loan. Bo id inn. 8 rooms . modern, close to high school .t end aaiTeraltr for S4.500. Tenia . i Rcka Hendricks, SOS U. 8. Bank ". - ... ( .. .. Coruult m - REALTOR ir I1 . 1 4 r The Kame Is m Pledge For Good Service and 1 1 Falr. Dealing - ;4 All REALTORS are Real Estate Brokers but not all Real Estate Brokers are REALTORS. 000D BUYS T ROOM MODERN' -i bouse, located oa paved road in west Salem.- Price SJJO0O; terma. JT?!? ",rn bungalow at 20O South i 23rd street. Prico $3800; terms. 4 room bungslow in good condition with f r1.0;? plumbing and light. Price hi J1,6?0' aar terms. W. H. Gra ben- ROOMASD BOARD FOR TEACHER or , college men. Phone 1205 M. . Lfl011 r-60 CRES.' NEAR ; mm ' and barn. Price ' SU.. good house iB :i . n,f,! Tln 9ymnU R. A. Moh- Ai' T(X LOS ANGELES BY ALTO U Full amp.eoaipsaat,.- exen.e, I" nd feomp.a, m. Phono 5821. In t.) dependence. . , -v t :v jWANTED HOSPSTAL JANITOR AT r ,ddrrs Route V Box 4 t "WANTED EXPERIENTrr t.t.v H Best Bargain, in Jo wn,: jrirst elaaa 5 room Biod.rn bungalow ; H 7'h J JCK?t" basement, f lw; f lota, new doable garage, poultry houae. L lr. ! !''r- Priced j S. R. Pearson" 408 tVS.; Bank Bldg. Res, phona 17J9 J - NEW TODAY SPECIAL Aa eepeeially fine corner lot sooth Commercial at l,O0O. Will Ukt a tewa bona or a small poultry ranch r a small orchard, both within mile of ear. See Wm. Fleming, 941 State ' atreet. ' ' " '"" . -FOR SALE 6 room modern bang-alow, built about years, furnace, fireplace, corner lot O room bungalow, tt residence district. furnace, fireplace, paved street, j.?.0. 5 room bungalow, bath, electric ligai. basement, $2,250. WINNIE PETTYJOHN 831 Bute St. Phone S3 A REAL BUT -5 ROOM BUNGALOW with breakfast room, partly furnished and In good condition; located at 1133 8. 111th atreet. Possession soon. Price $2,200; $1400 down, balance $15 per month at percent interest. W. H Grabenborst k Co, 275 State St, L. 8. Bank Bid. WORTH WHILE WHAT HAVE YOU TO TRADE FOB either of these fin farmat x XI 120 acres, nearly level, rich deep aofl; 100 acrea ia cultivation, good build in t, largo amoant of personal prop erty goes with place. Will take in exchange good Salem property np to gnflOO; balance in good terms. Price f 100 per acre. 21 acres on Garden road; 8 room modern house: all in cultivation, 3 acrea ber ries, 5 acres prunes, stork and equip ment goea with place. Price $12,500; will take city propertly up to $3500 ia exchange, balance good terma at 0 percent. . T room bouse with bath, electric lights, 1 b!ock t school. Price $1600; $150 . down, bslance $15 per month. MILLS & COPLEY 3$m Ststa Street Phon 115 SPECIALS have six good little residence prop erties (some bungalows) that are of fered at speeial prices for a few days yet. Worth your notice and eonsld ration if you must buy. I shall be p leaser to have you see them. Wsn Fleming, 341 8tate street. SPECIAL BUY 9 ROOM HOUSE, GOOD basement not water beating plant; modern pmmDing, line electric fixture fireplace, furnace, garage; corner lot. both streets psred. Locsted st 1216 State aireet. W. H. Grabenhorst Co, 275 Stste street, U. 8. Bsnk Bldg. Best Buys and Exchanges 8uborbsa grovery in good location; to aell at once, $2,100 room modern home oa paved street, lot 75x150, fruit, garage, in firat class condition; only $4,250. Terms. Strictly modern bungslow, 6 rooms, gra- Tel street, garsge, laundry trays, built in kitchen; $4,500. For immediate ssle. Tske in good csr snd some essh. rooms modern, paved atreet, 2 lota, fruit, , garage; close to Washington school. $2,600; $1,200 cinh. 20. acres red fruit land, all cleared, rol ling; no buildings t 7 miles Salem only $500 payment required or nothing down if buyer will ImDrove. 5 acres black gravel soil, 3 acres prunes, Dniiaings; hair mile school, one mile town, only $1,700 snd furniture tools, chickens, pi and horse goes at the price. seres in Salem Heights. 3 '.4 prunes. and logans, good buildings; price $5300 Terms. 25 acres alt cultivated, 6 acres besring prunea, aome logans. good buildings, grsvcl road, 1 mile town, fully equip per for $5,500. 70 acres, 10- seres logans, 11 acres prunes, ; modern ' house, barn, garage, drier, water-system,- folly stocked and jeqarpped. $15,000: 1-3 essh. $2,500 ; houae jnd bonus money for acreage with fruit income. 157 acres in Lincoln county, buildings; $3,000. Trsde for hoase or acreage. 115 . acres, 10 miles Salem, family orch- .ard.. bondings, bungslow. $16,000; trade for stock of merchandise. For . best buva and trades ee - S0C0L0FSKY Realtor 341 State atreet GOOD BUYS 120 acre tract of land 5 miles south of Salem, 60 acres cultivated, balanca pas ture and timber: thia ia first class grain and trait noil. Price $100 per acre. 10 acres all n fruit, 8 acres prunes, 1 seres logans, soma apples, goote- berries, good cottage, barn, well, rock - road; close to highway. Price SS.OOO. 9 acrea nearly all la hearing fruit; prunes, cherries, logans, strawberries, family unit, a room bouse, wood house barn. well; will exchange for bouse and lot up to; price $3,000. 40 acres of fine berry soil located aouth of Salem, all ealtivated. Price $5,000. Easy terms. 8 percent Interest. j 5 room modern bungalow -except base ment, furniture goea, located at 1185 S. 16th. Price 82,200; half eaah. 3 room cottage located at 847 Saginaw street: price $2,400; $500 down, bal ance terms. 7 room modern boos on pared atroet; West Salem. Price $3,000; half cash, balance terms. 9 room modern home locsted st 1210 State street. -Thia ia a good boy, come ia and aee us shout it. 6 room house located at 1330 -Commercial street; price $2,800. 5 room house, bsth, toilet, lights, base merit, furnace, garage, close in. Price $4,200. . v ;VY. H. Grabenhorst & Co. 275 Bute street EMPLOYMENT rncAXB A HHJH SCHOOL GIRL WANTS TO worn- tor room and board. Address 1086 Center. WANTED,. BY THE HOUR HOI'S E wors ay experienced lady. Address , ; car Htatesmsn. WASTED POSITION BY COMPETENT woman, aonaekeeper for widower, bach eior or gentlemen s eldb. No objec tion to country. -ai. Statesman. WANTED. EXPERIENCED TELE phone operator for independent com pany, m saiem. Answer in own band writing, giving ge, experience snd telephone number. Address "13," care niiifiimin. WASTED JOB PUTTING IS WOOD Phono 1534-J. riKKMEN. FRAKEMEN. BEGINNERS $150, later $250 monthly. Write Rail way, car Htatesmsn. EXPERIENCED WOOD CUTTER WANTS worn.. Aaaresa U. cars Htateaman INVESTIGATORS $1 AN HOUR Representative wanted. Part time rk Experience and atudy nnnecevsacv. ! teraational. Box 194, Dept. 590, Essex , otaiion, isoaton, Maas. MJCJt WASTED TO QUALIFY FOR firemen, brakemen, experience unneces sary. Transportation furnished. Write V. tfoggess, St. LOUiS. UOUSECLEAKING, FLOORWAXINO winilnw .I...... -' A v. It. :i ing and woodwork cleaned. First das vers. x . nowe, 1 none WANTED I IOHPITAL JANITOR, AT tno Oregon utsts Tuberculosis ho " pilsl. Phone 433, or address R. 5, IOX z. MALB ABO fSIUU WANTED APPLE PACKERS. WRITE r phont" Oregon Grower Cooperative aaaociation, Roaebnrg. Oregon. A GOOD PAYING PROPOSITION FOR live wires, men and women Agents wsnted by Atlsntie-Paeifie Electrical. ( Advertising snd Novelty company. Ap , . ply at Hotel Marion. Salem, Oregon, ' on ; Monday, September 26th. ' between tno nours of lO and 1 clock. Won derful opportunity for sale manager. MAN OR WOMAN WANTED 8ALART $38 fell time. 75e aa hour spore time. sluing guarantee a Hosiery to wearer. F.xperieitro nnnecesssry. Internstwa f Hosiery Mills, rrutown, Pa, EMPLOYMENT AGESTS WAJTTEO TERRITORY OPEN WADE AUTOMO bile Safety Chains revolutionise wet weather driving. Guaranteed not to injure the tire. B. F. Wade Co, Los Angeles, Calif. AGENTS BE SUCCESSFUL.. SELL onr new leather utility bags and water proof aprons at erery homo. Big steady profits. Improved Mfg. Co, Dept. 165. Ashland, Ohio. AGENTS $12 A DAY GUARANTEED for selling 4 average fresco Rain coat a. Outfit free. We deliver and collect. Improved Mfg. Co, Dept. 164, Ashland, Ohio. 'DUPLEX TRANSFORMERS NEEDED oa every auto. Save gas. Easily snM Kxclouve distributors wsnted. Low prices. Big profits. Address Presid ent, 1388 Sta. C. Omaha. Nebr. MAS OR WOMAN OF GOOD CHARAC ter to distribute religions liter4ture. Goad chance to make $600 or more in abort time. Spare time alao. Experi enea not required. Universal Bible Honse, Philadelphia. SALESMEN WASTED OI'R I ROTECTED ARTICLE EXCLU8- ively owned and controlled by us clears far above expectations, being year after year repeater. Government created de mand; large territory to aaleamea able to handle crews. If you cannot sell this specislty you will fsil selling life preservers cn sinking shin. Definite co-operstion. Jerome, 1'rts, 8 South Dearborn street, Chicago. SALES REPRESENTATIVE WANTED railing on anto dealers, garages and service stations. An automobile re placement part. Not an accessory. Sixty thoussnd sold by msil in ten months. Now standard part of most good ears. Liber si eommisuort. Good territories. Pocket ssmples. Write to day. Dalton A Balch, Chicago. PERSONAL FACIAL SCALP TBCutTMIXTS; VI O lt ray; manicuring, shampooing:. Or egon Bath aoaaa. Phone 540. GET MARRIED WEALTHY, REFINED, ranchers, widows, msidens, business, professions! people. Photos free. An gelus Souvenir Club, 508 Lankershim Bldg, Los Angeles, Calif. ASTROLOGY STARS TELL LIFE'S story. Send birthdste and dime for trial reading. Eddy, Westport St., 33 8 A Kansss City, Missouri jr you WANT A HEALTHY, WEAL- thy loving wife, write v tolet Rays, Denaisoa. Ohio, enclosing stamped en velope. CHICAGO LONESOME CLUB" THOU sands belong. Send ataraped envelope 29 28 Broadway, Chicago, Illinois. NOTICE A LARGE COLLECTION OF pictures snd descriptions of besntiful ladies sent free to anyone upon request. Address Prof. Ward. U509 Valley, Nab. CATHOLICS. WISHING TO MARRY Booklet free. Address Home Club. L Box 23, Grand Rapids, Mich. WIDOW, 47, WORTH $30,000, WANTS hnsband, M Box 325, Club, Fort Wayne, Ind. MARRY FOR SPEEDY MARRIAGE, absolutely the best, largest in the country; established 16 years; thous ands wealthy members, both sexes, wishing early marriage; confidential descriptions free. The Old Reliable Club, Mrs. Wruble, Box 26, Oakland, Calif. GET MARRIED BEST MATRIMONIAL paper published, tree for stsmp. : Cor respondent, Toledo, Ohio. MARRY IF LONELY FOR RESULTS, .try me; . best . and- most successful ."Home Maker"; hundreds rich wish marriage soon ; strictly confidentisl; most reliable: years' experience; de scriptions free. , The Successful Club," Mrs. Nash, Box 556, Oakland, California. FOR SALE CAJTABY BIRD! FOR 8AI.E CANARY BIRDS, DAY an aicnt ameers. lira. Bennett. Phono 1280. 1030 Chemeketa. 1 ' 1 1 IT YO0 WANT TO GET TH1 BEST farm paper, sen 1 &o to The Paaifie Horn toad. Balem. Oregosv, for a threo ontb trial soMcriptioa, Mantioa tbia sd. HOUSE "ALADDIN READY CUT H0U8ES" SO percent saved In cost of construe tion. Chss. F. Smith, factory repre entative, 620 Northwest Bsnk Bldg. Portland, Oregon. a REALTOR The Xame Is a riedge Whatever your Ileal Es tate Problem consult a REALTOR. His code of ethics makes bim worthy of your confidence. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE A GOOD ALL-AROUND team, 7 and 8 yeara old, weight 1C00 each. Add reus T. K. Fleming, 8ck, 1 rr MISCELXJUTEOTJS CANNING TOMATOES $1.50 PER BOX Ward K. Richardson. Phone 404. OFFICES AND STORES A BIG LOT of ew books for sal aall prte Steinbocks. WIBtj HOP. LOGAiCKir. CTTICKIN wire. BtaiBboett. sis uonrt stross.. FOR SALE BED AND SPRINGS, ONE Edison and recorda, one old Stradi varius violin. Phone 1934. 220 . N. Liberty. THE WESTERN SONGSTER SCHOOL' AND COMMUNITY SINGING Aa Mpecinlly good sslection of tho song you hsvs beea wanting with word d music eomplat. No matter how many aongbook yoa have yon should have this one, containing the Oregon songs. Prices: Single copies, tie; 18)4 cent oach is lot of a dose, or mora; $12.60 th hnndred, postpaid. Second edition .printed sine September. OREGON TEACHERS MONTHLY SIS 8. Commercial 8t Salem. Orosrea POULTRY POULTRYMEN SEND EIGHT TWO cent stamp for special three months' trial for tho beat and oldest journal la th west. The article d adver tisements are of special interest to th poultry breeders of the northwest. Northwest Poultry Journal. 211 Com mercial 8t Salem. Oregon. WOO IS WOOD FOR SALE NO 1 BIG FIR AND sah wood, $7.10 delivered. Phone 73. FOR SALE BIG FIR. ASH, LIMB wood, second growth. l"hoao 42F14. FOR DRY MILL WOOD AND OLD FIR call Tracy Wood Co.. Phone 520. DRY FIR AND OAX WOOD FOR BALR. - Phoa 77F2. OLD GROWTH 18 IN. FIR, $8.50; 4 ft. second growth and ash. Phoaa 1467. FOR SALE LARGE 4 FT. MILL WOOD, awed event length. 13 inch nr 16 inch. Seasoned mill wood. Second growth fir. sawed 16 inch. Fred E. Wells, 805 S. Church Phone 154. Classified Ads.' In Tho . Statesman Bring Results FOR RENT ROOM FOR BFT HOUSEKEEPING ROOM for Udies only. 910 X. Chare. Phone 634-M. FOR RENT SLEEPING ROOMS FOR transients. 13J5 State or Phone 1318-M. FOR REST BOOM FOR GENTLIMAS in modern homo and centrally jaen d. Pleas give ssns aad a4trea K. care Stoteaaaaat ... - BOOM AND BOARD BOADR AND ROOM AT 1925 EAST State street for $30 a month. Thone 1677 M. BOARD AND ROOM EXCELLENT cooking and all comforta in new, mod ern home'. Near High school; ideal for students. 724 North High HOUSES FOR RENT 6 BOOM HOUSE AT 2290 N. 4th street. $15 per month. Call owner at 846-W. F. U WOOD. tat, vwwtala. AT1 HT, aVRAL LOST AND FOUND LOST LOST CAMEO BREASTPIN, OS UNION atreet, Thursday evening. Finder plesne phone 1342-W. $1 Reward. WANTED mSCXLLAJTEOTJi OLD MATTRESSKS JbtADE OVER Capitol City Bedding Co, Phoao 19. t 1 WANTED TO RENT HOUSE. 4 TO 8 rooms, immediate possession. Phone 1118 M. REASONABLE PRICE FOR AUTO ride to Walla Wslla, Washington. Box 93, Salem. WANTED $300 OR $1200 OX FIRST mortgage farm, security for 3 to 5 yesrs st 8 percent. Ad.lress "V," care Statesmsn. WANTED USED HOUSEHOLD GOOD8. ranges and cooks loves, tools, men's auita and shoes. Liberty Exchange, 241 N. Commercial. Phone 841. WANTED EVERYTHING IN HARD wars and furniture. Best prices paid. THE CAPITAL HARDWARE AND FURNITURE CO. 18.1 N. Commercial St. Phone 947 BUSINESS CARDS Auto Directory AUTO TOF ACTO TOPS W. 0. WRIGHT, 171 South High. 4 DTO TOP, guaranteed. 1138. UPHOLSTERY, WORK 68 South 18th, phone TIRES AND ACCESSORIES SMrTH-WATKTNS, 147 NORTH HIGH Fiek, BilverUa Cord, Hood extra ply irea. Everythlns' for anto. US EC AU FOR SALE IO DC E DELIVERY truck, very reasonable. 554 Ferry 6t WANTED LIGHT TRUCK IN Ex change oa Hudson. Essex or Bsby Overland. Fred Kirkwood, 248 State street. BIG SIX 8TUDEBAKER EARLY 1921 model, at $1650: will consider atan- dard make light car in trade and give term to responsible parties. Address Geo. Steele, esre Marion Hotel, giving your satires. . TRACTORS 1920 MODEL LA CROSSE 12 20 TRAO- tor, with plows. Bargain. See W. II. Trumm, 32ft N. Commercial street. Phone 222. FOR SALE CLETRAC 1920 TRACTOR, used but little, two lessons. Cheap Phone 713 W. OAXtAOS AKD XZTAXM HOFFMAN ZOSEL TTRR REPAIR inc. vulcanising, retread ing; 197 8ouli Commercial street. Phon 471. CAPITAL OARAOE BUICK. BTCDE bsker repairing. 178 South Liberty. Phon 88. n, PAIR GROUNDS GARAGE TIRES, AO eoasorie. aaed ears. Oar work guar antoed. 2641 Portland Road. Phoai 80S. SOUTH COMMERCIAL GARAGE GEN era! repairing and overhaaliag. 3( 8. OommerciaJ it- 8lea. AUTO REPAIR SHOP U 4ULLKR, 84! Center P in 0 STORAGE OARAGE TRACY'S 8TORAGE GARAGB Frr stret BATTERY AND ELECTRICIAN AUTO ELECTRICIAN : EXPERT TRDII ble shooting. 338 Kotth High, Phont xu. PRESTO-LITE BATiERT 8ERTICI station. Expert battery and electrics' work. Farria Broa. Phon 1808, 41r Court. RADIATOR SHOPS SALEM AUTO RADIATOR SHOP 19 South 12th. Phone 28. J 0. BAIR, RADIATORS, FENDERS Bodiea repaired. 444 Ferry. BEAUTY rixLOU OREGONIAN BEAUTY SHOP HAf more help. Customer don't bar U wait. Phone 477. NOW OPERATING MODEL BEAUTi Parlor, 110 North Commercial Street 956. M. MYRTLE BERNARD MASSEUSE hours, 9 to 5, Sunday; eveniaga by ap poiatmeat. Oregon Bath House, phona 640. 8038R. CONFECTIONERY REMINOTON CONFECTIONERY. HOMt made candioa, convection, r.gars, mag sine. 1272 State. CHINESE PHYSICIAN DR. L. M. HUM CURES ANT KNOW dices. 15S 3 High 8t- Php t$$ CLEAN" IN Q A PRE8SINO CLEANING. PRESSING DONE TO YOUB sstisfa'-tion. Clsssy line of collars tie. The Toggery. 1857 Stste. DRUG STORZa BREWER DRUG Phoao 184. CO. 403 COURT ELECTRICIANS SECURE MY FIGURES OS WIRJXf, , By contract, by hour. As pra-wai pricea, H. .W. Hatch, phone 1744 W -r- FINANCIAL MARION POLK COUNTY FARM IX) Ac aaaociation has money to loan at si; percent. W D B"iith. Beretary -treat ror. $08 Salem Bank of Commerce. FURNITURE STORES FRANK F. RICHTER NEW. MKOOND band furniture. 313 N Commercial Phone 666. GREENHOUSES PORCTf BOXES BETrDlNO PLAKT for ale. Smith' 801 North Coauaor "ial. -- i HOTELS LEONARD HOTEL- NEW MANAGE tent, clean, neat room aad apartniattta. 254 North Front St. CHERRY CITY HOTEL; ROOMS 75e p; dining room in connection, family atyl. , Coratr High sad but. - . BUSINESS CARDS. XXSTTRAXCB nker. KPC1 WITH Gewr?? .Rr'tLife; O. F. Booth, General Agent, phone 209-W. fftb.rLl?C? -LTOMOBILE WITH ii.5".vi'""-lid rateaj. Frank , uaso'iirPTinaa aatv w Ladies' Wearing Apparel CORSETS M r'oCIt T AC,EXT rR princess lorseta .hona 1041-R mi a - " a a. ilia dresskxbhsq ,CART5B "pkriencid dreaemaker. Phone l?iw. B1Sn.wll:A?AM8 DRESSMAKER. 756 Booth 12th. Phone 1824 M. .TPk wiams dressmaking 248 aonb Cottage, phono 1552W. LA CLASIQUE GOWN SHOP EXCLUS 8tateD ElDert designing. 831 V CARRIE FISHER DRESSMAKING HXHgTITCHXhTQ SALEM ET.ITE HEMSTITCHING imJlteBiI. Pleating, button. 129 830 OrcgoaBit, Phoaa $79. MTU.TKFBT MRS. C. A. GRIMM. MILLINERY, MA gran, children's hats specialty; remod eling. 226 Oregon Bldg. PLEATING MRS. HILDEBRAND. PLEATING 890 M-iHHi. fhone 799-JI-l. HAT SHOPS RAT SHOP MEN'S AND WOMEN'S Bate renovato and blocked 45 Cwart stret LAC7TD&IL3 SALEM LAUNDRY COMJ-ANT. 186 8 Liioeny sireev mone XS. Oldest largest best. EsUbliahed 1389. CAPITAL CTTT STEAM LAUNDRY uuauty work, prompt aervioa, 1JS4 Rrosdwar Phone ins MAGNETIC HEALER DR. H. J. ANDERSEN. MAGNETIC healer. Drugless physicisu. 416 Or gon Bldg. Phone 1104. MEDICAL MOUNTAIN BALM COUGH REMEDY Phrne 61 7-w LANDSCAPE GARDENER FBED BLAKE. LANDSCAPE GARDEN er Koute 4, Fhone 188 J. MONEY TO LOAN FUNDS ARE NOW AVAILABLE FOR A few residence building losns. A. 0. Rolirnstedt 107 Masonic Tempi Salem, Or NURSERY STOCK WILLAMETTE VALLEY NURSERY All kind nursery stock for sal. Rte. , 7. , Phone 105F5. COMPI.ETB' UNiS TREES, SMALL frails, ornamentals. Caniul City Kurs erj Co., 426 Oregon Bldg, Phon 75 STRAWBERRY PLANTS 8MALL f raits, other nursery, stock, for Oct ober dclirerr Place your order now. Wsrd K. Kicbardion, 2395 Front. Phone 494. pbxntdjo orncss LET BERTEL80N DO .YOUR PK1NT ing. Just phone 779. Y Bldg. PKXVATB BOSPTZAZJI WAKTID CONFINEM EST CA8E8 Al print hospiul. I bar beat of aqnip Fkoae 1 ! J. r PAINT CONTRACTORS I-HR KEATEST TAINTER IS TOWN Work by day. conuact. Walla. Phont 16UM. DAVIS STRAvrSBADtfH GENERAL contractors; paints, oil, wsllpspex. 820 Sooth Liberty. Phon 901 VUBREY H. CLARK, SUCCESSOR TO Glean L. Adam. Painting, paperhang tag, isliomining. Work gnrnteed Terns reasonable. Phono 1396J; re M awn, Wliw n II PAINT WALLPAPER 4EE PORTER FOR TAINTS. WALL par and Pictnr Framing. Good work 4.SS Uonrt ot- riTOtw PERIODIOAUI nISt GOODHUE TAKES 8UBSCBIP tin for H msgssino. 251 Bo. 17U street. Phone T41M PERFUME AND TOILET ARTICLES . . npnar'll . FT. trseu, toilet articles. ilrs. atoyer, 179 Booth 2ard. Phone 1224. . rlTBUS STENOGRAPHER wASOARET BURNS PUBLIC STES orrspher. 408 Maaoaie Bldg. Phon. 21 PLUMBINO N'OBTHWKSTERN PIPE CO. WHOLE ss and retail plumbing supplies. 219 N. Commercial. rhone 179. 'OS'S PLUMBIN0""SH0P. SHIPPTNt 4 Broadway. Phone 1502. Price raassnabl. If Tn bav aything t t let Joe do it ?I.CbTBlSG. REPAIRIT AND OOIT pkon 151 u. oaop, A. U uoarroj'. ROOF REPAIRING 800F$ RE8HIXGLED:CLEANEp. RE Psnjd. painted or tarred. Pba aUye tUPAIRINO AND SHARPEN IN O Cm.tRT GRINDING. LAWN MOWERS aafstj TVasoro, eta. Stewart RPn She, 147 Coart treot E WHEELER - EVERYTHING RR aaned. General sharpenme. -145 N. 17th st-. Phone 141 W S SIGNS PNIOS SIGN CO SIGNS WITH KICK. " cards that tat. ' rtal." Phone 546. SHOE REPAIRING iLUAM"S SHOE SHOP 188 BOOTH "in. STUDIOS -i LCXE STUDIO, KODAK rilild n. 1 147 Nortn SECOND HAND GOODS "-roSEBT PRICES PAID FOR SECOND hsmJ mnA shnCB. AIS ii. pressing and repairtng Call an r.nitat Exchance. !42 WtoBrnwrisi: r a"W WR Key AND SELL SECOND KA1D of all hiaia, pro -. f-t. eollara. collar pad. J ohaam. FT Sobladlor. M Oeater Rcai llic Classified trAds. BUSINESS CARDS 1TOXXCAI. JESSIE F. BUSH TEACHER PIANa formerly Instructor Metropolitan Col lego Masie, Philadelphia. 1864 South Commercial. Phone 88$-J. J. ALBERT KEXNEflT VIOLIN. Piano, and Mrs. fcdaa B. awennedv, piaaov 535 X. Capitol. Phono 1871 K. Special introductory terms. - - - LENA BELLE TARTAR VOCAL IN-strurtien- Phono S3. DOROTHY PEARCE PIANO. North Winter. Phono 845 J. t7 ADA MILLER VOCAL, STUDIO DER by Bldg. Phono 1943 J. NELLIE MULKEY STON E PIANO. 373 Leslie, phono 751 W. Al I.IK CHANDL" PIS WO. til North Cottage. Phone 829 W. BEATRICE RHII.TOS FIASO BTUDIO 815 Marioa. Phojs 1298. LIT. LI AM HARTSHORN PIANO. 894 North Church, Phoao 17$. LENA DOT80X. PIANO. 100 UNION atreet. Phono 543 i. T. & ROBERTS PIANO. ORGAN. S70 BonU 14th. Phono 770. DAN W. LANGENBEBG. VOCAL Darby Bldg. Phone 8079. f UENA WATERS PIANO. Pboaa 1184M. 147J MILL MOLLIX STYLES VOICE, PIANO. 859 Center Phone 2018R IULIA VIIJ.8 WEI GEL, PIANO, 1580 South Church. Phona 191 R. F. L. MILLER VIOLIN; OTHER atring iaatrameata. 419 Mario hotel f.UCILE R083 PIANO, OBGAN. Nrth Liberty. Phoao 1187W. 49$ MATTIE GILBERT STRING 1X8TRU menta. 1572 State. Phoao 115$ R, M18S MABLS SHEPHERD. PIANO player; dances, all occasion. 257 8. iioerty. BERTHA JUNK DARBY. AUTHORIZED tescher, Godowtky Progressive Serie Piano. 679 North Cottage. Phon 1950- W. WESTERN CONSERVATORT OF MUS- ic of Chicago, Frank E. Churchill, rep reaontative. Diploma granted. Odd fellow Bldg. SALEM CONSERVATORY Of MUSIC Ail uranche taught, diploma grsaiod. John K Stta. director, 1337 Court Phone l!26. TCDxEXS WENDELL HELM ing. Phon 492. -TUNING, REPAIR- EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED iaa tiiaof. Loav order Will' iuau atom tt. W. BAL1.JNTYNE. TUNER, PLAY r a spfcirlt. Phon 852. Chr rington Piaa Hon. PIANOS PIANOS, PLAYER PIAROS; NEW. naod. J. W. Tsllrann. 121 So. Com'L SHERMAN CLAY k CO PIANOS, STEIN- ways, Duo-Art an, otliers. alooro Dunn Music Store. Masonic Temple. UfefcHtilNUTON PIANO HOUSE, HAS dies Bush-Lane e'ebrated piano 415 Ceart. Phono 882. SCAVENGERS 8ALEM SCAVENGER GARBAGE. REF as of all kind removed. Oaeapoola cleaned. Phone 1T. TAXI DIRECTORY LANHAM TAXI COMPANY PHONI 640. THE OREGON TAXI TRANSFER OO Liberty Ferry. Phono 7T. - Dry slfb. 16-inch wood for sal . , TAXLOR8J FRANK PALM MERCHANT TAUXJR 211 8. High and Ferry. TRANSFER HAULING MERCHANTS' DEIJVKRT. 179 SOUTH High. Phone 230. Trunk, city. 60a. CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO. 226 8UU Si, phon 933. Distribntisf. forwarding and atorsga aor apocialty Get oar rstea STOVES STOVE BXPAXRZXa STOVES REBUILT Ai CTPAIRED 40 veara experience: Dooot National fence, aise 26 to 28 in, high. Paint oil and varniahea. tc.. Mgsaberry aad bop hooks. Salem Fence aad Stove Work. 250 Court street. Phon 124. WHERE TO EAT WHITE CLOUD TEA HOUSE OPEN Sunday morning e o'clock. American style. UO Vft N. Comeroial. l'hom 472. Saun Louie, Prop. TRANSPORTATION SALEM SILvXRTVJr STAGE Leave Loaves 9alem HUverto ). R Depot Now Stand 7:00 a.m. 6:15 a.. 11:00 .nv. 1:00 p 5:00 p.m. 6:15 pat. MONMOUTH STAGE Loav Salem O.E. depot 7:00 a.m tl:ou a.m. o:oo p.m. Ieav Moamonth Hotel 8:15 .An mm a i K w m Lesvs ladependene Hotl 8:10 a.m. 1:15 p.m, 6:80 p.m. Special trip by appointment. Seven passenger ear for hire. 3 W. PARKER. Prop. Re, phon 618 Buainra pha WOOD SAWS CITY AND COUNTRY WOOD SAWING Phone 2046. Flatter Broa. CITY AND COUNTRY WOOD SAWING Phone 1608-W. WATER SALEM WATER. LIGHT ft POWER 00. Office. SOI Sooth Oom'l St. Tea per cent discount oa domestic Cat rata paid la advaec. No doductioaa far - one or sny cans unless water a ahat off your Drerniaea. PROFESSIONAL CHIROPODISTS CORNS AND CALLOUSES REMOVED without pain. Applianrea from indi vidual impression. Dr. Tstro, Maaoak Bldg, Phone 442 OHXROFRACTORS DR. Ol K BOOTT. P. a C. ORIROPRAO- tor, 800-12 U 8 Bank Bide Paa. 87: Rea. BZBK. OSTEOPATHIO FHYSICIAN8 ORR. WHITE AND MARSHALL,' U. 8. National Baak Bldg. 60 DR. W. L. MERCER, OSTEOPATHIC Physician and surgeon; KirksvUM graduate, 404 405 U. 8. National Baak Bldg. 1-aonea tjiiico, svoa. sit nit JOHK r- LYNCH. OSTEOPATHIC Physicisn aad Surgeon, 408-404 Oretro Bldg: P hones: Offn. 11W4: le. e.gro OPTICIANS POMEROY KEESE JEWELERS ASD Optometriata. 4o state. ULAS8K8 FITTED BY OT. U. St. BUV dette at the Bow Optical "Jem Deny, 825 Sut sUMt, oppoaiu Ladd and Bnah Baak. LODGE DIRECTORY rmtTF.n SPAirrSH WAR 'TETERANSL eamp 5. Armory. Firat. Third Meaday. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR TRAf8 BY OWNER ice improved 4') acre farm close balera. ,Pric ri-;ht.l'hoB 53F5. REAL ESTATE DO TOC WISH AN IDEAL FARM HOME oa pavement the beaatifml Belkw dsstrirt f Yamhill county I II n, aee this 49 acrea, all mltivetod; - J . acre ia rhsver. absvndaaxa of fruit, room modern hoase. f iae gsrsg, com " plete set ( good mtbildiags. pro ss re water ayateaa, electric light. Ideal tor logon tx i i tea. Cannot be rpas4 v ftsr a roaatry home, - Ooo-,artcr mii front st'er, rharch, school. For term and other panicu'.arm, write SAN, care Statesman or oaB &arkaS, phOM 1401. jr. TRADE 8H ACRES CLOSE TO SALEM, good soiC good 5-rc-om bangalow, poul try bona ea. etc mostly in cnittvatioa, su timber and paatnr. for Salem residence p to $2500. No rash ro an ired; aw wUI sell prico $3,AOO. terms. 10O down. W hav others ,aai or trade. Sv R. Pearson 408 V. 8. Bank Bldg. WOOD'S BAR0A1M9 T1TREE ROOM bnngatow. aew, $750, terms Nw ' onagaiow, goea local ion, otsao. jvow five room busgalow, $2450. Bis room eottago, good locatioB, $2100, term Seven room baa r alow, two Iota aad rarage, $4500. Five room baairalow, $1650. Apartarrat boas, rood in come, price right. 260 aero farm, river bottom land, well sees ted, at hslf value, to acre well ' improved, tsko a hoase ia Salem. Nearly aew Bvick rsr to trad for bona. Choice let, paved street close la, $600. - F. L. Wood. 841 State St, 10 ACRES ALL UNDER CULTIVATION close ia at $2,400. Ilenta, good barn, with two lot aad plenty of (rait t $1,200. - Square Deal Co. 203 V. 8. Bank - Phoao 470 RaTAL RSTATR TatADRRSe YOU CAR find itahw of good propeaiUon either aa trade, or bays la y pay matt of land or buraUws. Cha W. Nfsmeyw. Maaoaie Tempi. 8lat FOR 8ALE FIRST CLASS MODERX bungalow with seven room, full base ment., furnace and garage. Fin loca tion en paved atreet. 8o owner, v eommiasion. 265 N. 21st St. ROOM HOUSE AND TWO GOOD lota. $2,100; liberal terma, located at 1097 Fir. It. A. Mohney, 309 Oregon Bldg. Phone 217. 8 ROOM MODERN PLASTERED HOUSE two large lots, close to school aad car line. A good one for th money. Priced for quick sale, $3,8001 Good terma. Joseph Barber k Son, 20(1 Gray Bldg. , LET US EXPLAIN THE NEW SYSTEM of selling your property. Propert) listed aot . exelusiva. Year ' propert) photogrsphed. Brewa, Ms ceo , and Bessie Snyder. Ovr Basiek star Stat and Commereisl. Phon AT9. . KEW MODERN riUflct t.OVr JUST completed, built ina of all kinda. .if yon ar planning for a new horn, see I hi and yoa will buy aad not build. Joseph Barber Son. 200 Gray Bldg 20 ACRES AND PLENTY! Free book about Florida. Telia the truth Monthly payments, essy terms. Orange groves planted. Sylvester fc. i'-tcn, Dept. 8-360, Orlando. Fla. LEARN OF THE VALE OF PARADISE, where dreams come true. Thi wonder city ia having a magic growth, and a million dollar-, in mcncipal improve menta are authorised for thia year. Every kind of besinesa opeaing hare. We have seventeen -miles of , protected wsterfront, with gorgeously beautiful bom sites. Wonderful homes. , Won derful velvety lawn. Wonderful Tow er in semi-tropical - profuaion. . Fish mg supreme; Every dsy Tee caa catch the big fellows until your back ehes snd yonr hsnds blister. Parsdis for motor hosts, with hundreds of mile of protected wsterwsys with wonder spots to visit. Finat metering: roads in the south. Bathina; ia bay and gulf wonderful. Healthiest city in America with no business for doctors. Great est golf course in America tinder con struction. Coolest place iri America in summer, delightful in winter. Yoo may own a beautiful home here, with a perpetual income, at practically no investment. Orssp th opportnnitv of a lifetime. Addmi TUE 3IAY0R, a'parsiso. Fla. You Will Get Better Service by putting your property , in the hands of one REALTOR exclusively than by listing it with a number vof Real Estate -Agents. The Marion Co. ' " Realty .Association 1 will ' ' mail to you on request a ' lisit of all the REAL TORS in Marion County. FOR SALE Nice aew modern 5 room bnngalow, good lot, paved streets, on rerhne. Friei $2,900. $300 cash, balaac $25 pt month, with o percent interest. Fine new modem bnngalow. aire loca tion, paved atreet. on ear lice, vrie $3000; raah 30O. $23 per month wit! interest at 0 percent. ' Five rcom horse wttn modern improve nent, good lot, some fruit, grsvel street, cloae to esrline. prrce $1800 $300 rash, bslsnc $20 per mouth wits tS percent intereat per annum. For good bays, sie H. L. MARSTERS 111-213 Grsy Bldj Miono'-IOT iO ACRES. GOOD BUILDINGS,' NEAB school. Bargain to aell at once. , See Iewia. owner, at 260 S. Commercial street. Money-Makers JO acrea choice land 66 miles ont, all in cultivation. On eaay term or will divide in two tract. 20 acrea. 2 acre logans, young family orchard, balance in cultivation, except 1 acre timber, good 6 room bouse with all other necessary bnildinz. ' All stock and crop go. $8,500. Just off hisrhwar. i li acrea en Paeifi highway only 1 imile out. 9 acre in frnit and perries. arrea clover. food improvement $18,500; small cash payment or will consider noose in naiem. . -. . . 10 acrea. 1 3-3 acr logana, 8 A acres ' prunes, fin family orchard, good noose. bsrn, two modern can-iea s-siei. i ly 3 miles ont en good road. -$ 7,500. - or will consider bouse in ttaiens..' 10 acres, 3 acre logans, 4 prone. aome mixed frait. law bens aad bar ' Cloae ia, $5,500; win consider large farm. We hav good bay to offer oa soldiers ., loan, . . ;,.s . Houses-- 7 room." moderw ' bdaav. 7 ) -fcaae-Beat . and furnace Garage and plenty of T- irtti. f.2J a.eaayi psywienta. S room modern boas sod gsrsg, $1,250 ' eaay 'terma. , - , i room bnnsalow, with, garage.. n4,fia- - iabed and close in. Best a ity. "$5,500. -' T '.- - f i rJ 4 room cottage, $800 amall payment iTH0R:Ea PETERS 779 Vr'ien Bid;, "-i RIAE ESTATE Good Buys and Exchange's yi 160 ere IVi mile wf FaTIa CUy. good, rock rood .-. trad tor city prow -; ortF , ac Klt tract, lric 20 pet i '" acr. 4- ' ' Niro vacant Wt, $250, wiU $JS tlownj anal $10 per month, s 'V : We -hav a small improved tract Pro Ola ad to trade foe a lanrar far -1 toom boos, good location, for $1 IW i with $100 anJ 1J per month. " Fine haildiag J4 - r. ,10 Wock t, pavod trv-eVi o fSOO. , .. t tTfjOMASOH 131 Suu 84jri , . $2,600 BUYS (THIS ROOM HOUSE , aa $ toU o corner N. Wta'-er street, . living room, I diaing roam. fetUthea. 8' bedroom, bath, toilet, elect rw light, acrera. shade; ia ooeapicw by a. f i L. A. Hayford -: !' SOJ Stat trct ..... ' s ROOM PLASTERED HOUSE, MODERN except heat. ;$l,aOO, pay like roat. room . modern except boat, two lot. plenty fmit, bar, gsrsre, pv4 streets. Frio $1,500; $500 ab, mi;,' lika rat i , Smsll raache cloae ia at a bargain, or - xchango for eity property. Dairy and rsacho lot sal or is , chaago. ' i '',' V i So foe what Two want JOSEFH BARBtn & SON 100 Gray Bids S V',I .-v' ; BUT NOW GOOD LOT ON THE COR- aar of 5th and Heed, streets, pa lag paid for. Price only $800; term. ' i: merer, 209 Oregon Bldg. FOR SALE MODwts 6 ROOST BUX , galow, fall jMaemeat, S lota. , garsge, -frnit; 8 block to Highland acaool. j See Sundley Foley, Phon 847, 7 baiasa hoars; or call at 1030 V. CommercUL L FOR REST FOR RENT SIXTY ACRES OF LAND in N. Balera; Inquire.! IL r. Dot, Breymaa Block. - ' - TO LEASE 840 ACRES OF LAND OXK . team ef hemes for sal. Be Mr. A. J Miller, Trer, Or, ' ' PUBLIC NOTICES I . agsj- ii . STATE TRKASUIEU'S XOTia: Kotlca 1 !$ berebr ' civen that on October 1 5. I i 2 1. At U o'clock X. m., i win,: Mil at puviio- aaio ai my office In the Capitol Butldln, Salem. .Oregon, to the best cash bidder ' thaj foliowlng , dcscrlb4 bonds i .ii .. ;.j a. v.tsk-:t . . Rainier Dralnare District per cent bond , No. 30, dated, Oct. 1, t20. due Oct. 1. 1930. par value $500. :"' ;s;-...,' .-fir.--.tAf- Rainier Dralnare District pr cent bond No. SI.' dated ' Oct. 1 ; 1320. due Oct. 1. 1931V par Value, $1000. . ! Rainier Dralnare District I per cent bond. No, It, dated Oct. 1. 1920. doe Oct. l, nil. I will receive bids tor -any one or more ot these bonds. 1 reserve the right to reject any and all bids and to sell any or all of said bonds. This sale fa ni ado under Paragraph 27 a Oregon Laws.1 - O. P, IIOFF. SUte Treasurer., Date ot first publication, Septem ber 9.1921: f j Date ot . Ust publication,' October lit, 1 9 l . f f ... I 4 WHOLE MILK . AND CREAif WANTED : 1iIaH6nCrrmefy,&, Produci Salem, Orejron Phone 2488 ,-t i I SALEM MARKETS- i Stmso tuan 'j.-' Raraa ssi Ttanis , Ksrars. 35e.' j -s ..ojs-'f W tieae, heavy, 80e ' - . - it liens, medium. 17a Maas, ligbL 'IweV.'J . .;: H rollers. 18e-81e.''t ; - i;- -,. ....., , Old rooster. 8 loo. u... :' :.,.:- - rorav Mottoa av Boaf t ? ... top bogs, II He. MO 8 ib -- - - .How d bogv 1 ad 8. i . . , dmeotk,, top, lle..jUu! ii J.-- Urease boga, 15 lea. . , .am be. yearlia. , 8 He-4a,' fji . t21 milk lmb. V Sib. ' ' . V savl tera.:e. low. s-e. i' . . .' lla. R-8. roa eeal. 14 ldtfco, . Oral) Wheat, 8100, K. 1 whlta. Oat. Billing. Ko. . 1. 40. -. ;'. 0te. food, I 85. . , i- Bay Veatcb aad Oat bay, 811. . , ' Jlover Uari. 810. ., , 'V , . Mill Faodi. aUtaa Will mn. 3 to. . .. ..... Jhorts, 3i to. , w '. , WboUoal I Df alars ' ?remery Butter. 4c a - ' SI.'Jw-L'lf , Wool, milk, 12.20 , ' 3rang, $7.50. . " L V. ', Banana, He. , . ; '.aona, 870. ' i rape Fro rt. Cal fdJtO, Date, dremedsry. 87 eae. t i VCUbl " - - Jrrgoa csubagt, do. , iaraip. 92.00 sack. V. - , r. fKth i' Poena, ae. .aa. ae. " t t Wax baaaal So.' 1 " Lettuce. 74e. ' " . vis CeWry. fl! oosor) ?'f;' -'- Vew potatoes, JH. Oregon onions, IHc:' ' '' " -' ' ! ro-oa esowrxv, o.'-'- Vragoa beey. SO Th. ''-"'-. t.v Parsley. f0e doi bonebag, ?eeta. 0t dose baacb," ' Tomstors.! 81.18. 'toacy. trwne4, SO n. ' ' vpple. 88.7$. -.v r.-v Caataloo-MS poy, tip flt, 90c, t r Water melons, 81.SO. Oree peppers. 0 ra, . i '::? . fee Oream wmIms, fl.T..v-.' M.y 'A Casaha. SH ' ' s Honey few. JHe. weel Pet, 4V--c ... i Haekloberrte. 1 ;''- il tm . Tokay Qrapoe, II. ,f -r- h- vt-w ; Ifalaeaa. f lOaj.-"-- - '4 --!' , ,J ,t '.Retail . 'resmerr better M. . Egg. 88f-40.- ''"t eieer. bare wheat, f 8 80 89 'OV . teor. ort waae. 81.M 8S.0O, . - ; . . CHICHERSJILLS JA fills ta Ke4 a . i TsssMstam rarr . piaes. AiietiUfft.Tflt lLMiB StaVKa flLXa, Ssr a , ; saa n c-xcgists ninmi r. i n a VFNPfiriT t . - va . tn v awsia xstav . -aEOWEE AJTO tI-.a ' . --'- ' SHtPPEm - '- Apple. Peeetoee. Oaioaa, Bm4 Pota , tre 'vartiw.--.- The tf--4.; ,et that crowa. .-, - v vaaaa "' VI "' ) "prodae oHcHH. 1 1T Front 8.- ' PorUa-t, Ore. Ife-'l? SsV l ...stsaar ' ( a- ..