The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 25, 1921, Page 12, Image 12

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. r.EPonT"o:inins
V (Continue front page i.)-
Tiller - 8prayii Kew.. toad' In
fair xatttknf.i:i .0 -
Spray-Dayriiie -r H'ghway not
A. leafar tarn or
top is a constant source of
worry and discomfort. Why
not- have - unmake theold
top v handsome nd( rea lly
serviceable - by having it
' " V " ' '
The cost is reasonable, and,
if pre do it; he work doesn't
take long. Only-ther best
grade materials used.-
, K----T --
We have four men here at
all times to si you serv
ice and guarantee Batjsfac-
We do all kinds, of curtain
and cushion repah"-Trork;
HulVs Tof Shop
??.rT. C. Wood. MgT.f f
(Back of Y.M, C. A.JBldg.)
i-m'CtoemeketSt.- ;
r i j '
:) Letids
. ! Flotp aays select the Elgin Sixeq . J ,
i WHY" 4 j
More mllea per gallop of fuel, rf
More miles-from Avery tire, .:'
i. Thousand pf nUlcs of sure and -even
performance.: yv .
' All this from a motor car of moderate
:eost the Elgin Six.
Perfect balance, comfort, style and econ- -T
omy'-ditonhe ESlxrRd; especial-"
, , . The Elgin JSix
r Five P&iissr
Price f. o. b.
; Lee L.
156 South Commercial' ; , Phone 361
Elgin Motor Car Corporation, Argo, 111.
- ;
it 7.?
. it . - i- - w
"1 .
yet open" on "' account of'brldgea
still under- construction.' - To get
to DayrUle, John' Day,v Canyon
CUy or Prairie City, U Is Beces.
psary to ge by way of Spray, Man.
anient, Xong Creek and Mt. Ver
son, or by way of Mitchell and
DayTlUe from TlUeya (Month of
Sarrice Creek); ' The' latter road
ti m miich. tha batter condition
and. trarel is advised to take this
route. The new: road will ba open
about September SO. i
Dajmio-Prairle City Road la
food condition; "last 29 mllea
good graTeled road. - r ' V
Prairie City-Ironside - Vale
Good road to Ironside; main' road
from there to Vale In fair condi
tion bat alow through loose gravel
take north road between Jam
teaon and Brogan; construction
on other- road; macadam from
Brojcan to Vale. ..-; . ;' -'
Vale-Ontario Fair with so de
tours. .
'. Ontario-NysM Excellent ma
cadam road. - ' j
'."""La. Grande-Joseph Highway "
La Grande-Island City Pared.
island City-Waiiowa HHi Recent-rains
have put this road In
good condition only a lew rough
places. ., ; si . .. t .'',
Wallowa HIIL-Wallowa f Canyon
Only fair. ? !
Through Wallowa Canyon to
Joseph Under construction; de
tours well marked. ,
"Joseph to Head of Wallowa
Lake Fair-county road.
Old Oregon Trail
i Pendleton-La Grande First 20
miles macadamized; from this
point to .Hilgard.-badly cut and
ratted; Hilgard to La Grande, un
der construction, ""rough, '.watch
for danger signs.
La 'Grande-Baker Pared and
f macadamized to Hot Lake ; nnder
Lake to Union take Foothill de
tour, j , v if' -t 'i ..'
Union - North ;' Powder: - Macadam-
under .construction, so de
tour arailahle. road fair. North
Powder-Baker; macadamized, one
side -tarn oat for bridge eonstrnc
tlon near North Powder.- i
1 -Z3
- to.
is Economical
Eljbi Tcsriss
C-i f '
he :range of activity
women is enormously
increased by the good Maxwell,
4and--atrar minimum of expense.
-, y
371 Court Street
Baker-Huntington Fair county
road to Nelson ; - Kelson-Run tingr.
ton J?ew grade now open to pub
lic, except from Gale's crossing to
Weatherhy Hotel and Lime to
orerbead crossing ose old road
at these two points; old road In
food condition.
Huntington-Ontario via Olds
Ferry First 7 'miles rough; WeW
sex to Ontario nnder construction
keen to Idaho, side.
Ontaxio-Krssa Excellent ma
cadam road.
Central Oregon Highway
Bend-Bums Fair, take new
road out or Bend Sqr about 16
Barns-Vale Better road
torn t
Drewsey, rains hare helped these 1
vrnjiyasjuijgyoB dgDwn;
Washington" Bute' iiaePendle-
ton Pard; ase caatktn between
soft. -
anj Weston; shottlders
Pendleton-Morrow County Line
Rougbi two short detours "six
miles west of Pilot Rock; this
road, nnder construction. Traffic
between -Pendleton . and Heppoer
adrised to go ria Eco and loLei
' HIGHWAY ''rW f
Bend-SIlrer Lake--Eouth and
dusty ria either Laplne or Milji
can, although best road - is ria
Mill lean and China Hat - -
Silrer Lake-Paisley Good.' 4
Paisley-Lakerlew Account
eonstractlon work, traffic Is ad
rlsed to take, the hill road be
tween these points.
Best road Is ria Warner Can
yon and Plush; Warner Canyon
recently, graded and macadamiz
ed. '
Trarel J adrised to go on east
side of lake; good macadam from
Klamath Falls to Barcley Springs,
thence , to Lamm's Mill. . recently
graded and tough, and '-from
Lamm's MUI to Williamson Hirer,
good dirt road ; thence to Fish
hatchery Is badly ratted and dus
ty. Fish hatchery to Crater Lake
i-v;i !7::way
, Baker-Halfway Partly macad
amized; balance in good, condition;-
'. 1
Morrow County Line Hepp
oer: -Fair: T . r !! '-i
Heppner - Gilliam County line:
Under construction, rough; detour-
between Lexington and, Jor
dan; 'new macadam" from Mor
gan to the county line.
County line - Columbia High
way; , Rough.
McKenzie Highway.
Springfield - Blue Hirer: Good
road entire distance, some con
struction woik, but traffic not in
terfered with.
Blue Hirer - McKenzie Bridge:
Under construction but open;
good road.-- - v- '-'
-' McKenzie Bridge, ' Belknap
Springs: !.' Under construction but
open and passable; fair.
" McKenzie r Pass " closed until
spring on account of construction
worit on Dead Horse grade.
Sisters - Redmond: Grareling
under way; no delay to traffic.
Redmond - Prineville: Grarel
ed throughout and ' In good con
dition. PrlnetiUe - Forest Boundary:
Under grading contract; rery
rough oter; part of construction
but-passable at all honrs.
. Forest t Boundary - Mitchell:
Rocked to Summit and In good
condition;'- Summit to Mitchell,
'af- 'S'
i 1
13 j '
of busy
' 1 K:
j aa
open to automobile trarel and In
fair condition-
'$terpuui lifchway. ' 1
The Dalle's - Madras1Cend and
Bedmopd s Through . Sherman
county,1 rla Wasco. jMoro.' Graia
Valley', Shanixo and! V Antelope,
fair ihroughduL
Shaniko 3Iitchrll Highway
Fair in general, with a few
roogn placed '
Beker - Unity JlfehJtsy.
Baker, Unity,'
Fair condition.
Ashland Klamath Falls High
way. Both Topsy grade, via Ager,
and tha Green SDrtnes Mountain
waa are roagh and dusty and full
0f ehuck holes.
'Klamath Falls
From Klamath Falls to a point
fire miles east of Olene is good
macadam; thence to a point four
miles west of Dairy is rough on
account of tracks hauling rock;
thence to pairy 'Is newly macad
amized; good from Dairy to'Blyi
trarel is adrised to take the rirer
road from Olene to Bonanza and
the Hill road from Bonanza to
Bly, if it is not desired to pass
through Dairy; Bly to Drews Val
ley, rough; Drews Valley-Lake-riew,
Dodge Brothers Give Inter
esting Course in Port
land During Week
Wallace . Bonesteele. Junior
member of the Bonesteele Motor
company, ' and Homer Tarpley,
shop foreman for the same firm.
spent the greater part of last week
in Portland attending Dodae
Brothers serrice school held there
by Mr. Word, who comes direct
from Dodge Brothers, for the pur
pose or holding a serrice stehool
In all the principal cities. These
schools are for the benefit of the
mechanics in the employ of Dodge
Brothers dealers.
In addition to the different
parts of the car a moving picture
machine is used that shows the
complete working of the Northeast
starting and ignition system as
used on Dodge Brothers cars.
Tuesday Mr. Dyer, ' northwest
ern trareling representatlre of
Dodge Brothers, entertained the
entire school at the eBnson hotel
After luncheon, a short address
was made by Mr. Dyer on the im
portance of good serrice in con
nection with the future of the,
business. Mr. Jack Crittenden,
manager of the Covey Motor Caf
company, followed ' with a short
talk along the same lines, showing
mat tne importance of jraafl trial
cnanica and good serrice has ba-rd.
ly oeen appreciated, and that rood
setvice In the future is more im
portant than good salesmen, and
a ciose co-operation- amour th
management, the serrice depart
ment ana tne salesmen is anno.
lutely necessary for the success of,
the business. '
Xew Books
"Modern Democracies'' A
thorough discussion of the prob
lem of democracy with critical!
study of the most prominent dem
ocratic -' gorernments. excludin
Great Britain, by Viscount James
Bryce. '-'
"House and Garden's Book of
Houses'' Well Illustrated witn
pictures of interesting houses and
their plans, by R. L. Wright. k v
'Four' Hitherto Unnublished
Gospels'? The relation of ' their
experiences rand thoughts as thej
might hare been written by John
tho Baptist, Andrew, Judarlscar-
lot and 'James, told by W. E.
"Seren Ages of Childhdoo"
Studies or the dependent, the dra;
matic, the angular, and the, para-
aoxicai ages, and the age of the
gang, tha age of romance and the
age of problems, presented by Mrs.
lla Lyman Cabot. '
"Character Training in Child
hood" A presentation of growth
through play, through study and
through work, ending with a chap
ter ei' the' religious education o!
the child by Mary S. HavIIand.
How to Become a AVireleas Op
erator By C. B. Hay ward-
'The Grafonola In th Class
Room" A graded catalog of ed
ucational records, published by the
Columbia - Graphophone Company.
"ueaamg JList on the urbaniza
tion r Administration and Develop
ment of Public Health Nurang" r
Compiled by A. M. Carr.
'Standard Library Organiza
tion; 'and Equipment for Secondary
Schools of Different Sizes'? A
report to N. E. A. presented by
W.C certain.
v A Map of Eurooe" Showins
boundaries established by tha
Peace Conference, published by
the National Geographic Society. .
;j "Harbor Map of Portland, Ore.
"Thesaurus Dictionary I of th
English- Language" Giring aa
exhaustive list of synonyms, antft.
arms, idioms and phrases, pre.
pared by F. A. March. i
"Forest Atlas" (part 2), ho
ing the, geographic distribution el
pino trees -i the U. S. f
"Terrible Island" A nOTel By
Beatrice Gramrhaw. i
"Alice Ada ma:. A
by Bcoth Tarknsion.
new norel
rWhen Potiy nas Eighteen"
Another Polly book br E. U Dowl
-jJoctor DooLttle" '-. A new
Hory on the order of 'A.a la
Woaierlaod,; fcr"3the lounge:
readers;' by Hugh' Lofting.
'NeIghbors-TOn-Dad wants to
know, can your wile come over
and helpv me with the butcher
lag? - -
"Well. I don't knpw! I )xarea t
borrowed or me six mouths aga,"
wRusskyfn. Foqrteen-Year.
M oid Lad, Has Friends
r in TanK4iegimeni
Aids Repulse of Siberian
Outlaws Who Opposed
Forces in Siberia ;
' HONOLULU, T. H., Sept. Jl.
jflcholal Mooraeshenko, aliai
VRttSsky." a piece of driftwood on
Qe tidal wares caused by Bol
sieTism and the world war m
the seas of Russian life, has
found a haren here as mascot of
Company O, 27th United States
Infantry, after preilous adTen?
tares rarely experienced by 15-year-old
boys outside the pages
of fiction. "
" According to the officers of
the company, which served la Si
beria, where Nicholal was adopt
ed, his father was a captain in
the . Imperial Russian nary ho
perished when his command, the
Alecander in, was sunk in the
Black sea by a German battle
ship in 1916. Nicolal's mother
bad died when he was four years
Old and be had no other rela
tives. He drifted ino he com
pany of Russian soldiers whom
h't . accompanied to Siberia oyer
the frozen steppes.
The' -boy soon' found himself
among Bolsheviks and outlaw
gangs of stray Russians, Korean
aod Chinese. Near. Vladivostok,
9000 miles from Odessa, his birth
place, Nicholal was 'injured In a
skirmish. He still bears on his
forehead the scar of tbe wouad.
' The outlaws, planning to attack
a detachment of the 31st United
States infantry in July, 1919,
sent Nicholal as a spy because he
could speak Russian, German and
Polish, but no English. The boy
wandered into tbe American camp
and was given an army, meal and
reciprocated by telling the regi
mental officers, through an in
terpreter, of the outlaws'- pro
posed attack. The result was that
the outlaws were . repulsed and
Nicholal was adopted as the regi
mental mascot. He was taught
English, fed. and clothed,
t In April, 1920, the regiment
was ordered to Manila and the
men were faced with the problem
pf getting Nicholal aboard tb
transport without - haying to - an
swer too, many questions He was
dressed in a private' - uniform
and the' "stole aboard among some
mules and? stowed away; out of
sight of the ship's 'officers during
the voyage. 4 ''
I At Manila Nicholal stayed with
Spark Plugs,
1 L' 1 J
i - "!f 4 Orten Day' and Nizht - . , i. v Ti'M
235 South ' Commercial Street '
61 St r.rlm.n 'EV.- r.
raly for- H months. Then ho
t acquainted with Company
G of the 27th and when that or-
uauon was ordered to Hono
lulu, ha dcvtAoA t,x vi.
. - v .v . l.J WW A . .A
"test toster-Careata. In a iu il-
dier's Hiniform he boarded the
transport Thomas, was discovered
ty the ship's officers and nut
shore. At dawn the next taorn
wg he climbed up the iadaer at
the ship's side and stowed away
Pln- He was successful and ar
"Ted In Honolulu with the J7th
Wrty this year.
English Mastered.
For the past five months Nicho
lal has attended school at Scho
uW barracks, where " his com
pany im quartered. Now he can
speak and read English.
"l intend to become an Ameri
can cithen." he said. "I want to
go to school and learn as mvA
as I can and I want to stay with
my company here."
As " the first step toward Am
erican citizenship, the bay has
changed his name from N!cho)a!
Hooraeshenko to Nicholas Mor
ris, but to his soldier foster-par
ents he remains "Russky.
I II LI I II 7TZrZ?a vua company ! :w2?;t 17511? nnkiUWa,.Ui U i
" ' ' 'III,!' -.' . .,.':.-,' i - . r ' ?" . V
r i .i . , v .... s. . 4. t . , ,
- ; ' Any : business that requires dc-!l . l j . .. ..j
A used Franklin that looks like n$w at a, bargain.
4 4
fir. i mm m wrc-B is w I . "'II
Th.i ia all we have left.
roil better come and see these,? They ere orrinalIj
nriccd at $50 and carry lha regular standard, guarap-
it 14 yutu wjibuw
"tie CycU ltct9
H7 Soulli Cwnmercial Street
: business that requires dc
U - - - - - L...1Mr .'1,
livery can 1 use Dodge Brother
Business Car with profit 'il f0
Because its operating-cconQmy-i
and ! rnaintenance-economy hacvq '
been universally established j
. Tha gaaolioe coaaomptloa Is onaaaaAy Icm. . .
Tha if tpfiaage is vnosoaUy bigfev '
Comrnercial and Ferry Slsv6alexn,Ore. x
. . ...
rtrt ?iA
w . " -a-
-1 't
ii 'ei ii
Goodyear and United States
Washing Expert Repairing
Oiling and Greasing
i '
- 1 1 V
, - ;
If; yovt intefid-to get -f"whccH
lney were wisinallx
- -
Vf , &CQH
Phone 63,
- .
1 -
4 r
- t s -r p iW
Cii ti
. - - t?
. ,.-. .. ji.
i "
Phone 362
'I '
Bead :Ihe . Classified fids,