The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 25, 1921, Page 11, Image 11

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1 INDEPENDENCE; Or., Sept. 24
-(Special to lTe Statesman.)
Walter plant has purchased jthe
Dallas Groeryhcompany store at
Dallaa and Will take possession
as" soon as the stock "is" invoiced.
Mr. Plant for a number of -years
was tbe head bookkeeper at the
Wigan Richardson hop ranch and
for the past six months wu book-
r- --r-M !,'" t" f ' r'.r ;. 'l ' : ; ; '
S A:iLE:
. Factory First
.8000 Mile Guarantee
8O1314 nontklJ $19.80
3t'4 non.kid 1 75
82i4 nooikid 24.75
M4 non.kid : ( 25.25
84x4 non.kid ' 25.90
' . " "'' i
10,000 Mile Guarantee
B2s4M noDk id L... $41.90
B84 non.kid . 43.85
84i4tt non.kid 44.00
S5i4'A non.kid , 45.25
25(5 non.kid 54.75
! FABRICS Firsti
6000 Mile Guarantee
80i3 nomkld
80x3 4 non.kid
-2x3 non.kid,
81x4 non.kid
82x4 non.kid
83x4 aonikid
84x4 non.kid
$ 9.25
Other Sim la Proportion
1 Commercial and Court .
One of a Chain of Stores
keeper at the Independence gar
age, lie expects to mave m fam
ily to that city soon.
E. Steptoe, who last ween lost
bis barn by fire, together -with
several horses and farm machin
ery 1 having a new barn built
cn tbe site of tbe old one.
Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Kullander
are the parents of a daughter
born to them recently. Shirley
Mae Is the name.
, Miss Kate Hoax, who has been
spending the summer at her
home in La Grande, returned to
day, ready to resume her work in
the training school which will
open Monday.
frs. O. A. Kreamer was sum
moned to Eugene by the serious
illness of her aged mother.
, Mrs. . Schneider of Portland la
making an extended visit with
her daughter. Mrs. O. G. Well3,
near Buena Vista.
Raymond Hall left the middle
of the week for Eugene where he
will attend the university.
Miss Gladys Reynolds left Fri
day for Albany where she will
again teach domestic science. She
was accompanied by Miss Jarjorie
Reynolds' whl will spend the win
ter In that city.
Miss Alma Wells left this week
for Salem where she will attend
Willamette university.
Clifford Wells has entered sev
eral of his registered cattle for
the state fair.
- Chester McClain, wife and lit
tle daughter, returned to their
home in Portland after a visit
of several days with relatives and
friends south of this city. "
Beginning Sunday, October 2,
evening services at the Methodist
church will be at 7:30 instead of
8 o'clock. The Ladies' Atd so
ciety will meet in the church par
lor Thursday afternoon. Preach
ing service will be at 11 a. ra.
and 8 p. m. Sunday. ' .
Mrs. J. B. Violetto received
word today announcing the mar
rlage of her son Clarence Eddy,
of San Francisco, to Amelia Le-
mus of that city, the marriage
taking place at St. Mary's cathed
ral September 17. Mr. Eddy is
a graduate of the Independence
high, school. Mr. and Mrs. Eddy
have gone on a wedding trip into
Old Mexico.
John Richardson, formerly era
ployed in the postoffice here, but
now working In the Adams Ex
press office in Portland, was here
today tor a visit over Sunday with
his mother.
A pretty social event of today
was a gathering or children at
the home of Rev. and Mrs.
Lynn Huntley has accepted a
position in a" barber shop in Cor-
Mr. and Mrs. George Sloper
have for their guest- this week
Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Palmer of
La Grande, who are on their
bridal trip. Mrs. Palmer is a
daughter of Mrs. Jennie Miller,
former resident of this city.
Mr. Palmer is engaged in the
printing business at La Grande.
After a visit here of several days
the newiyweds will go to Eu
Dr. II. Charles Dunsmore,
bookkeeper in the Independence
National bank, will leave next
week for a visit with bis mother
Canada. During his absence,
which will be several months, his
place will be filled by Miss Orrel
Powell of Lafayette.
The Elkins school will begin
Monday with Mrs. Chloe Seymour
In charge of the high school and
Miss Florence Enschide In charge
of the grade school.
Gilbert and Clarence Loy and
Cyril Reynolds are enrolled as
A. C. students from here.
Guy Prather, south of town. Is
attending the .Ellison White Con
servatory of Music in Portland.
A daughter avas bom last week
to Mr. and Mrs. George Hayes of
North Independence.
: It'll be not" onlya joy ' tfot wHl keep up that healthy
vigor in your young body, but also ah economical
means of exciting exercise. We have a bike to
suit your needs and pocket book terms arranged
if necessary, '
Dayton ColumbiaHeavy Service
All Good Bicycles
387-Court Street
ff TO
BED Pill
The Breeder Who is Ever Seeking to Improve His Flock
Is More Successful Than the Mere Multiplier Meth
ods of Selection The Early Layer is Best.
Free-for-AII Pacer Wins Cir
cuit Track at Columbus
COLUMBUS, O., Sept. 24.
Hal Mahone, a western pacer.
captured the free-for-all event
that featured today's program of
grand circuit races, and turned
back San Ardo in a four heat
struggle. San Ardo tired himself
the first beat, which he won in
2:01 1-2 and he did himself no
good when he stepped the first
half of the second heat in 59 3-4
seconds, for he faded and finished
fourth as John Henry came from
the outside and took the heat in
2:1 1-2. Hal Mahone then began
won the last two heats and the
Legal J, favorite in the 2:17
class trot did, not succumb either
until an extra heat waa raced.
Donna Halrane was winner.
Jane the Great won as she
pleased in the 2; 07 trot.
Many long shots went over dur
ing the day. DonnarHalrane paid
$262 for a S2 mutual ticket when
she won the third heat In 2:17
trot. Lena Moko placed second
that same heat and she paid
$129.60 on a $2 investment. In
the first heat of the 2:07 trot,
Main Lick paid $79.40 to place.
The 2:15 class pace and the 2:13
trot were unfinished when dark
ness fell.
By A. G. LUNN,
Professor of Poultry Husbandry,
O. A. C.
There are two classes of poul
try breeders: The type known
among poultrymen s the multi
plier, who merely mates a male
bird of birds to a flock of chick
ens, with no other purpose than
I to obtain fertile eggs from which
a flock is to be produced, and the
breeder in the true sense of the
word the man who Is ever seek
ing Improvement of his flocks.
being constantly on the outlook
for the individual which, when
properly mated, would be expect
ed to im Drove the future flock.
In the final analysis such a
breeder will meet with a degree
of success that the multiplier can
never hope to obtain.
As to which is the most Impor
tant time of the year for the se
lection of breeding stock is
question among poultrymen.
Methods of Selection.
In the case of egg production
the work of the O. A. C. expert
ment station, the use of the trap
nest and the study of a large
number of individual egg record8
have shown the possibilities of
selecting in various seasons of
the year the best producers in the
flock. This is now possible, even
without the use of the trap nest
At the season of the year when
plans are beinc made for hatch
ing and plans are being made, the
question of selection naturally
arises. If the breeder has been
able, through the various methods
now at hand, to study the indi
vidual production of last year s
flock, it is a simple matter for
him. He knows which were th
early maturing individuals as pul
lets and has watched them during
the summer months and fall and
has selected the late moulters to
hold over for breeders in their
second year.
Breed From Hons.
It is now necessary for him to
give them the proper living icon
ditlons and a feeding menu that
will bring them through the
moult into good condition of flesh
for the work of the breeding sea
son. There are some wbo have
not had an opportunity to stud;
or make a selection from, last
year's flock, or perhaps who do
not have any yearlings and are
upon their pullets as
It is not ..considered appropriation of water from Mor
rison creek, trioutary t Kan
Fork of Evans creek for, irrigation
of five acr3, domestic use, and
milling purposes in connection
with their mining operations In
Jacksru county. lhls uevetoymeu
will cost approximately $1S.090.
By Alonzo It. Denio, of GoM
German Boxer Cheered
In Bout With Frenchie
MAYENCE, France. Sept. 23
Hans Conrad, a German boxer of
local repute, participated In a
boxing tournament Just held un
der the auspices of the French
Army of Occupation, in which the
rest of the contestants were
French soldiers. There were four
Frenchmen (mostly, soldiers) to
each German in the audience. Con
rad won his first bout but was el
iminated in the semi-finals. The
audience gave him a great recep
tion when he won and cheered
him lustily for his gameness In the
losing fight.
It was the first time since 1914
that a German was opposed to a
Frenchman in" a sporting event
Read The Classified Ads,
The Tire with the Wider and Thicker Tread
Getting Down to Brass Tacks-
The best way to get the real first
hand facts about a tire is to ask the
fellow who uses one.
, -J
There are now more than 100,000
users of Gates Super-Tread Tires in
the United States and any of these
people will tell you.
7 -w t .1 f - '
- i - ' " f i ' ' -
The Super-Tread is delivering satis
faction and we are proud of it.
The wider and thicker tread has more
miles in it. That's why the Gates
Super-Tread Tire is making friends
every day, s . ' '
".T ' -1 , ; ft ' i . : '
Quackenbush Auto Supplies -
- Phone 66 294 No. Commercial St. ,
good practice to breed from mil
eta. Some argue that they are
not fully matured and have not
the necessary vitality. This may
"ui be true. It is better t.
from hens, becauan
check can be made upon them
after observing th
their pullet yea of production.
" is necessary to breed pul
lers it is not advisable to breed
irom tne entire flock, but rather
select the best 25 or 50 per cent.
Karly Layer nest.
HOW is that to be lon? Tn
the study of the records mentinn.
ed the O. A. C. experiment station
has found that the age of ma
turity and the differences in the
various maturing ages are closely
connected with the yearly pro
duction. For example, it will be
found in a flock all hatched at
the same time that some will
start to lay much earlier than
others. On the average the early
layer will be the best laver for
the entire year. The last ones
to start laying may not lay eggs
enough to pay their board bill.
y marking the pullets as they
start to lay, a very close estimate
can be made upon which will
be the best Individuals in the
flock. There is, of course, the
precocious pullet that starts lay
ing comparatively early without
developing size in the body.
Trap Xest Best Method.
This class should be guarded
against, but if the entire flock is
divided by colored leg bands or
by similar methods to show what
months a particular pullet started
to lay, it will then be possible
about January 1 to make the
proper selection for the breeding
The trap nest is the more ac
curate method because it will de
tect the individual that starts to
lay early, but is apparently lack
ing In vigor and unable to. stand
up under the strain of heavy pro
duction and stops laying after a
few eggs. It is reasonable to ex
pect a pullet laying at the rate of
15 to 20 eggs monthly during No
vember and December to give a
good account of itself for the rest
of the year. For those persons
unable to use a trap nest, selec
tion of the best 23 or 50 per cent
starting to lay first in the flock
will give practically the same
class of bird3.
Eleven New Applications
Are Red With Engineer
Eleven new applications have
been received by the state engi
neering department for authority
to appropriate water from Oregon
streams. The applications follow--
By the city of Medford, Jack
son county, covering the appro
priation of 10 second feet from
Big Batte springs for municipal
supply for the city of Medford.
By the War Eagle Mining
company of Medford, covering the
Beaeh, covering the appropriation
of water from Indian .creek. for
the development of 70 horsepower
for generating electricity, at a cost
of approximately $5000, in Curry
By the Clear Creek Water, Users
association of Halfway, Ore., cov
ering the appropriation .of water
from Clear creek. In Baker county,
tor irrigation purposes,
By W. K. Beverage, ot La
Grande, covering the appropria
tion of water from Slaughter pond
and springs to be stored in the
Bevfrage reservation for - Irriga
tion of 12 acre, and for domestic
supply in Union -count)'.
By A. C. Shute, of Hillsboro.
Ore., covering the appropriation
of water from . Murtough creek
for domestic purposes, and irriga
tion of a two-acre tract, in Wash
ington county, at a cost c about
$1000. .
By Laura M. Wilson, of La
i Grande, covering tbe apprbpria-
Uon of vraier from an: unnamed
spring for; domestic supply.- and
tor irrigation of a Hre-acrn tract
in Union county. -
By Dr. jU O. Roberts, of Port
land, covering the appropriation
of one second foot f rota OsVorn
Spring creek tor Irrigation pur
poses, tn Multnomah county. -t
By CVVvVKlng t Portland,
covering the apropriaUon ot wa
ter from an unnamed spring tor
domestic supply.
By Henry and Matt Kentta, ot
Holland, covering the ; appropria
tion ot 15 second feet from West
Fork of I Althouae creek. Frocr
Gulch, aid other small streams
for mining purposes la Josephine
county' l'-i-':''-': -:.kJ;";
By II. H., and J. H. Rosenberg,
or ITUamook, covering the appro
priation jot water from an an.
named stream tori operating a
light and power plant, and for do
mestic supply for a beach resort.
In Tillamook county. '
Well Known Monmouth Man
Succumbs to Unexpected
Paralytic Stroke
(Special to The Statesman. )-
Charles E. Ileriin of Monmouth
died very suddenly last night fol
lowing a pralytic stroke with
which he was stricVon a few min
utes before he passed away.
After being comfortably seated
in a chair reading a newspaper
he became sleepy and retired
rather early. Mrs. Herrin, who
was in an adjoining room, heard
him breathing heavily and went
into the room and found him in
iioh a critical condition that she
hastily summoned a physician,
but the end came without his re
gaining consciousness.
Mr. Herrin had spent practical
ly his entire life in this county
He was born at Wells about 59
years ago, and for a great many
years lived in Independence, and
during the latter part ot his life
had lived in Monmouth. He fol
lowed" logging for many years and
later followed farming. He
owned a part of the farm known
as the old Craven ranch, had a
prune orchard and a tract of land
in Independence upon which he
had been growing hops. He was
mite successful in all his ven
tures. Mr. Herrin was married to
Anna Hall of Buena Vista 30
years ago. She survives him, to
gether with a son and a daughter
Harold Herrin of Astoria and
Mrs. Ernest Riddell of Monmouth.
Mr. Herrin was a member of the
Monmouth lodge of Odd Fellows,
under whose direction the fune
ral will be held Sunday from the
Baptist church in Monmouth.
Just Turning a
Drains the Buick Crankcase
You don't have to crawl under a Buick to drain the crankcase , The oil drain i$x
like many conveniences found on the new Buick models to give you utmost
pleasure and comfort from motoring. With these refinements are1 the sturdy,
powerful Buick chassis and valve-in-head motor. See the new Buick models
today , " .- -v. . . , . , .i,.
Buick Fours
, i i w j 4 v -V .v.- -
22-Four-34 Two Passenger Roadster $1130
22-Four-35 Five Passenger Touring 1180
22-Four-36 Threej Passenger Coupe 1730
22-Four-37 Five Passenger Sedan 1925
All Prices F. O. B. Salem
Buick Sixes
22-Six-44 Three Passenger Roadster $1792,
22-Six-45 Five Passenger Touring.... 1823
B2-Six-46 Three Passenger Coupe 2466
22-Six-47 Five Passenger Sedan 2778
22-Six-48 Four Passenger Coupe 2664
22-Six-49 Seven Passenger Touring 2051
22-Six-50 Seven Passenger San 3010
Otto J.
Center and Commercial Street
a. ' 'j''-VV;'V-j;- T -"
Valuable Guns Stolen
From Independence Store
24.(SpecIal to The Statesman)
The hardware firm of J. D.
Hibbs & Co. was recently entered
" bnrrlars and four valuable
Winchester rifles were taken. The
proprietors did not discover the
loss of the guns for several days
after the robbery and after tak
ing an inventory found that they
had stolen the best guns carried
In stock all Winchesters. They
were a automatic 12 gauge shot
gun, a 025-20 carbine and a .3
calibre carbine. The value of the
guns waa approximately $275.
The robbers forced an entrance by
means of boring through the pan
el ot the door in the rear of the
building, a hole large enough to
permit a hand to - pass through
and unlock the door. There Is not
a clue of the Identity of the burglars.
A Washington (D. C.) girl has
been, acclaimed as the most beau
tiful girl in the United States. But
that must have been without the
competition of the Salem district.
g "
Chevrolet JPrice&z'''
We received advice from the Chevrolet Factory this morning advising us of a slight ad
vance in prices of 490 Models.
Those who have orders and deposits with us at this time will he protected and get their ;
cars at the old price. . " . . , ;
490 Roadster Salem Delivery .! . . . . "..ii'S.. $670
490 Touring
490 Coupe 1115 r
: 490 Sedan ;.;-.....::...:..:.::ll.:.:-..ni54'' U' V
490 Delivery 655 '
Prices on Bahy Grand Model G 34 Ton Speed Wagon and the One-Ton Truck remain
the same. I
The Highest Quality Lowest Priced Car Iii W':$brld
Salem Automobile Company
a: l eofe
We Will Not Exhibit at The State Fair This Year
A f
. -