i -.. FIRST. SECTION Pages 1 to6 c 1 If ft: SEVENTY-FIRST YEAR in 1 1 1 1 i iii -InlniTrn. 1 SALEM POLICEMEN AS THEY SHRINKAGE I : OPENS BATES appear in new uniforms ONE BILLION I UllvUlA Un I U I" '.'-f?rt:z?'."9iu rvTr-rr.v llMlM liLlJ 11 1 Sixtieth Annual Exhibition is Expected to Attratc Largest Crowds in History Of Event, LORAL. DECORATIONS AWAIT MANY VISITORS THorse Show. .Niaht Racina. ' r fiovs' nhnnic nnri Manv J wees 8el Ml J Features Listed MONDAY Children's Day 9 a. m. Format opening of the grounds to via tors. Every child in the state will bn entitled to free dmlBsion providing- be Is accom panied by parent or teacher. s 9:30 a. m. Viewing o lndas Irlal and general displays. 10 a. m. Judging beg'.ns In all departments of industrial club exhibits. .11 a. m. Concert by Stouden meyer's band of Portland. lf3uVmmDeifnJ0of'week'al bom-racing program. 3 p. m. Ralloon ascension and airplane stunts In front of grand Stand. 4 p. m. Automobile races. 8 p. m. Night horse haclng Singers and speakers will enter lain the crowds in the grand etand. .9 a. m. Display of fireworks, ieatnrlng-, novelties. . Tomorrow marks the opening p( Oregon's 60th, annual state fair in this iity. For many -weeks landscape gardeners, carpenters and masons have been busily en gaged in putting the grounds, buildings and new alterations in fb shape for the many thousands who ! will be visitors, during the a'ext week. Grounds Jn Gala Dress. Exhibitors and concessionaires . ave nearlyy completed the task dl presenting in gala dress the grounds with new buildings con taining exhibits from many states and ontside points.: Secretary A. II. Lea, .who has charge of the fair for six years, ij confident that a better drawing card for immense crowds has 'never been provided than the pVesent event. New buildings for oultry and machine exhibits, and alterations in the grandstand en larging the seating capacity , to 9000 persons are - a few of the many improvements. Night J lacing Added. One of the most attractive features of the fair grounds is the landscape arrangement; ' as designed by J. W. Marnny, Salem florist. Mr. Maruny and his crew of gardeners have produced a most pleasing combination of walk borders, flower plots and lawn. The daily races and the four night horse shows, beginning on Tuesday and ending Friday, will certainly draw large crowds of Horse lovers. Evening racing will be one of the events of this sea apn, this being a new feature to Oregon fair followers: A Special; days have been desig nated as follows: ' Monday, Sept. 20, Children's day. Tuesday, Sept. 27, Boosters' Jay. -Wednesday, Sept. 28, Salem day. Thnrsday. Sept. 29, Portland day. (Continued on page 2) STEY OF DEAD m BM Yffli RAILROAD MAY: HAVt SOtUTION 1 That. the mystery attached to the finding of the body & a new-born babe near Turner on the morning of Septem ber 8, would be solved within a very few days was indicated yesterday by Chief of Police Verden M. Moffitt. ,- ? The babe' remains, discovered by a pedestrian on the Southern Pacific right-of-way. caused a vigorous InvesUgation of passen ger lists and train crew on trains from Portland to Ashland, but no -results were reported. At the lime of the finding ot the tiny corpse, other indications along the railroad track verified the con clusion of Coroner Rlgdon. that the birth occurred, on, a nortn nound train. T Chief Moffitt Is confident that fhe mother of thechild 1 in Ma flon county at the present time. Reports to the Salem officers are to the eiiect inai me womau is m ' V fend J hiding because of publicity Vtis ima fiAPn riven tha incident that has been firea the Incident ""SB? 2$i Wl ': . - r - ; i: . 4 - t Upper row, left to right Patrolman W. W. Birtchett, Patrolman O. b . Victor. Lower row, left to right Sergeant Verden M. Moffitt, Sergeant Educators of Salem and Wil-, lamette valley are making great plans for the reception to be given-Monday when John J. Tigert, United States vducational com missioner, arrives in the city for a short visit. ' Mr. Tigert will arrive from Portland about 10:30 a. m. Mon day morning and will speak at the chapel of Willamette university, beginning about 11:30 o'clock. At 1 o'clock a luncheon will be tendered the distinguished edu cator at the Marion hotel, which will be attended by about 100 ot the prominent educators in this part of the state. Following the luncheon and re ception at the Marion, Mr. Tigert YAKIMA HOTELS CA ELABORATE RECEPTION WILL ,. BE BIN JOHN J. TIGERT PRICES DURING STATE FAIR ' i A. Rhoten returned yester-iof day from a few days visit to the Washington state fair that was held at Yakima, during the past week. He reports the fair as be ing a huge success from all points of view. The exhibits and arrangements were unexcelled and the atten dance, while not a record, was very satisfactory. "Business condition? in the Yakima valley are quite good and fast Improving," says Mr. Rhoten. "As this year's crops are being moved at fair prices business as usual is becoming a fact and not a hope." In cpeaklng of Yakima and its handling of the state' fair crowd One of Moffitt's theories in re gard to the birth of the infant Is that it occurred under extenu- ating circumstances, pernaps ag gravated by sudden illness. He expects to have the case com pleted for Prosecutor Caraon within a few days. "One error in publicity given this case has been the Inference that the child was murdered or rtwHhpratelv thrown from, the moving train. This may be very far from the truth when all the facts are ascertained. It is best to withhold any condemnation at present although difficult to un derstand the mother's motive in withholding the truth," stated Moffitt. , . r i ?! Patrolman Elmer G. White, Clyde R. Ellis, Chief of Police Kaipn fci. Davis. will be taken to the state fair grounds in order that he may have opportunity to note what Oregon can do In the way of an educa tional exhibit. He will leave' for California on the Mt. Shasta lim ited Monday evening. Many Reservations Madj Among the educators ot the state who have made reservation!: to attend the luncheon are the Jol lowing: Mrs. M. L. Fulkerson, president ot the State Teachers association , J. A. Churchill, state superintend ent of public instruction; W. J. Kerr, president of Oregon Agricul tural college: P. r,. Campbell. (Continued on page 2) HOLD visitors, Mr. Rhoten says: laKima is a smaii cnj, auum the size of Salem and of course it taxes its ability properly to care for the crowds. However, with the system used, every one was cared Tqr satisfactorily and not a comnlaint did I hear. "The two main hotels, the Don nelly and the Commercial, co-operated with the Commercial club and handled the. situation nicely without a suspicion of an over charge. The usual rates were in effect at the hotels, that is a first class room where occupied by one person was charged at $1.50 and if two or more occupied the same room an additional charge of 50 cents per person was made. Rooms with private baths were charged at a proportionate higher rate. "The hotels kept a list of the rooms available in private homes ond by using the phone and mes sengers good service was given and no one waited for a room. "The hotels refused to list rooms from outside sources that wanted to charge in excess of their rates. As a result the price was stabilized at once. "I arrived in Yakima Wednes- ( Con tinned on page 2) Flames Destroy Ten Auto mobiles, Garage and Sev eral Other Buildings NEWBERG, Ore., Sept. 24. Fire which started in the vulcan izing department of the Lisle Pal mer garage, on the main business street of -Newberg, -destroyed the garage, 10 automobiles, an adjoin ing building, a meat market and a barber shop and damaged a two Story wooden structure. Marvin Moore, a mechanic, suf fered severe burns. The loss was estimated at $10,000. 001 Pi HEAVY FIRE LOSS - r (TTtT f SAL.fc.AI, UKtAjUiN, SUlNUAX .uumuiMU, ofc.r I fciAlfcfc,K 25 1921 i House Tax Bill, As Revised By Senate Committee De pended on to Raise $3,- 324,000,000 in Year. MARGIN OF SAFETY KEPT AT MINIMUM Reasonable Measure of Re trenchment and Reduc tions Held Imperative WASHINGTON. Sept. 24. A shrinkage oi more than $1,000. 000,000 in income and excess prof its taxes this fitoal year was rec koned on by the senate finance committee in revising the house tax bill with a view to raising o, 324, 000, i)00 in internal reve nue in the 12 months ending June 30. This was disclosed by the ma jority report approved today by committee Republicans and made public. The estimated total reve nue is $136,000,000 less than treasury experts have figured would be returned this fiscal year under the present law, but is $84, 000.000 more than the revised to tal under the house bill. l$i Charge to Shrinkage The estimated returns this fis cal year from income and excess profit are $1,880,000,000. accord ing to the report, as against $3, 000.000.000 of actual collections in the fiscal year ended June 30. Only about $50,000,000 of this $1,120,000,000 is accounted for by the proposed changes. Treasury' officials and committee members explained that the remainder is charged to shrinkage on account of business depression, diversion of funds to tax exempt securities and other causes. Declaring that the $3,324,000, 000 total proposed under the re vised bill was only $52,000,000 more than the treasury had esti mated would have to be raised through internal taxes the report said this was "a margin of safety none too large for the fiscal year in view of the business depression and the uncertainty attaching to the yield of the income and prof its taxes." Returns Estimated "Your committee has acted," the report said, "on the assump tion that except the special rail road expenditures which will be nearly if not wholly completed in the fiscal year 1922, the aggre gate expenditure for the fiscal year 1923, will be substantially as large as in the fiscal year 19 22. 1 ne special rauroaa expenditures lnciuuefi in ine ivzz nuagei amount to $500,000,000: and re ceipts from customs and miseel- j laneous sources for the fiscal year 1923 are estimated at $730,000, 000. Deducting both amounts from the- total estimated expendi tures for 1922 ($4,034,000,000) leaves in round figures $2,800.- 000,000 to be supplied by internal taxes for the fiscal year 1923. Economies Necessary. "The revenue bill as recom mended by your committee will raise during 1923. it is estimated. $2,735,700,000. The difference or deficit of $ about equal to the corresponding surplus for tne fiscal year 1922 can and should be avoided by savings and economics. Your committee rec ommends a tax program whieh, while providing revenues substan tially sufficient to meet ordinary expenditures on the present scale, assumes that a reasonable meas ure of retrenchment and reduc tions will be accomplished." I Prisoner Refuses to Recog- r a til- r mze Anyone rviay Be Playing Insanity ROSEBURG. Or., Sept. 24. Dr. R. M. Brnmfield, alleged slayer of Dennis Russell, who yesterday at tacked Sheriff Hopkin? with a cell chair, today refused to racogclze anyone. He remained in bed nearly atf; day and refused to eat the metis brought him. E ther Brumfield is really in sane, officers s.id, or he is do- in or crimo rAif lovcir M f i !T1 ff t : acting DRUIflELD KEEPS HIS BED ALL OAY convince them that he is subject!7; s-Golden, Mrs. J. J- Ackerman to .apses of memory waicn; he contends shrowds the time during which he was alleged to have kill ed Russell. THE WEATHER. -Sunday: ly gales. Rata? strong souther- 1XTT V -Tvrw-t-n n SILVERTON TO CLOSE TIGHT ONSALEMDAY People of Neighboring Cilv Will Demonstrate Fact That ; They Are Live Ones SILVERTOX. Or.. Sept. 24 (Special lo The Statesman ) Through some error on the part of- Silvertor, it seems that it has sot about that this place is a sort of backwoods country vil lage where motor caid are still rare sights and airplanes unheard of. Salem in particular fce.ns to nave lmouea this idea. In fact it is reported that a prominent Salemite wrote an equally promi nent Silvertonian asking him if Silver.' on had yet become aware 01 the fact that the war was over. r ... 10 co.rect tins v?ry erroneous' Idea, hilverton folks have decided tp turn out in a body at the state fair on Wednesday. The Silver ton band will head the procession and every true Silvertonian with uny so.-t of a conveyance is re quested to join in the line. The bilverlon schools will be closed and it is thought that a ereat number t;f tho business houses will also clo&e for the dav. TRY TO SAVE BATHIE Petition With Sinatures At ; tached to Be Presented To Governor The petition for commuting to lff Imprisonment the death sen tence of John L. Rathie has been signed by 22 local members of the Oregon chapter of American War Mothers, which organization it making the fight to save Ra fale from hanging. Rathie, with ElTie D. Kirby and Neil Hart, wa convicted of slaying Sheriff Til Taylor of Pendleton over a year ago. Hart was hanged sev eral months after the shooting, but Rathie and Kirby are await-ior're-sentence following the Ore gon 'Supreme court's action in sus taining the conviction and deny ing re-hearing. Tie petition is addressed to Governor Olcott, who is now the only power that can save Rathie. The statement signed by the Warlothers is as follows: ( AVar Hecord Cited. "It support of our prayer we respectfully submit for your care ful fonsideration the following facte "Tkat the condemned was a member of Company K, 161st in fantqr, transferred from Company H. U2nd infantry, served in the European war, taking part In the engagements of Toul sector and I Chatea Thierry, earned an ex cellent record and was honorably discharged. "That the evidence against the condemned shows him to have take! a desperate chance to re gaiir his freedom, but without a I thought of murder in his heart. ' evemtopping in his flight to give a driak of water to Sheriff Tay 'r IS he lay at the point of -eHw He was no ringleader or conspirator to murder. The man who tired the fatal shot has paid the.fcbt with his life. Early Life Pictured. "John L. Rathie should not he ! Judged by the same standard as i in Ordinary young man. In his childhood and early youth he was compelled by a brutal stepfather to Weal, the penalty for not brining home plunder being an unmerciful beating and other cnjeitiee. "H was compelled to witness terrlMe beatings given his moth er bf. his stepfather. The latter preyed on his mind to such an extent that he welcomed the op portunity to go to war for fear that,When he could da nothing e-RMo protect his mother he raUH be forced to kill his step fatlwr. He has been a bad boy, forfUck of disciplfne, but is not a hardened criminal. Joflge Regretted Circumstance "TSat the learned justice who wrqtr the opinion affirming the Judgiaent of the trial court, after a thorough examination of the recorj and evidence, expressed his regret ovec'having to agree with thiecisjon of the lower court oa the pinion of questions of Iaw" involved, saying that Rathie's assi8tice to Sheriff Taylor was the he redeeming feature of the wbL tragedy." ' Twenty-Two Sign Xame. Sem War Mothers who to date have signed the petition are as follows: Mrt. F!mM:e O. Hendricks. Mrs. Jha?A. Carson, Mrs. Nina B. Rowland, Mrs. F. A. Elliott, Mrs. Mrs-fJ. J. Maurer. Mrs. E. G Whitaey, Mrs. J. Martin. Mrs. A. MlclUs, Mrs. L. E. Bradford, Mrs. r p Proctor. Mrs. J. G. Reigehnan. Mrs. A. Beler. Mrs. R 0g,e, Mrs. Mark S. Skiff, Mrs. j Minute n R.ker. Mrs. M. W. Cautfcorn, Mrs. W. C. Kantner, Mrs;'. A. Anderson, Mrs. E. Hfer and Mrs, H. C Schulx. SEMNACHER STORY ARBUCKLE TOLD, SO HEv WRITES AIL READY FOB SIJIII! ML Woman Accused of Slaying Husband Has 150 Wit nesses Against Her TWIN FALLS. Ida.. Sept. 2 4. 1 reparations were complete herd tonight for the opening on next Monday morning of the trial of Mrs. Lyda Meyer Southard on a charge of murder in connection with the death of her fourth hus band, Edward F. Meyei. What is expected to result in jlerhaps the biggest battle of the f it tire trial is scheduled to break shortly after the start of the in troduction of evidence, when the tjuestion of the admissibility of evidence touching alleged circum stances surrounding the deaths ot her three previous hus'uuniis aris es. Around 150 witnesses have been summoned to appear in district court to testify for the prosecu tion, and an imposing array of legal talent has been marshaled by both sides. Frank L. Stephens, j county prosecutor, will be assist ed by Attorney General Roy Black of Boise and Edward A. Walters of Twin Falls. Associated with William P. Guthrie, leading coun sel for the defense, will be A. R. Hicks and Homer C. Mills, both nf Twin Tolla Tt!, tF;n, T ,1 .... VJ A TV ... A- ai.o. 11.1 d UUt3 William A. Babcock will preside. Probably a day or two will be consumed, jt, is predicted, in the selection of a jury, and it is con sidered not unlikely that the task may take a longer time. Unusual preparations are being made fcr handling the crowds that" are expected to seek admit tance to the court room. It is announced that admissions are to be limited to the number of available seats, in the interest of order during the trial. Special arrangements have been made for the convenience of press repre sentatives. The defendant was declared to day to be in good health, the wound on her wrist accidentally Inflicted by herself some 10 days ago having completely healed. Prune Grower Sells to Eastern Consumer Direct A prune grower living in the Salem district has hit upon a plan of disposing of his prunes almost at a retail price in the east. For the petite prune, he is get ting 1C cents a pound, with ex press charges prepaid on 15 pounds or over. On 100 pound shipments, the price is 14 cents a pound, freight prepaid, This energetic grow er adver tises his loganberries, dried, at 45 cents a pound. On five pounds or over, the express or parcel post is prepaid. By securing names of people in the east who want prunes direct from the grower, which were se cured by judicious advertisng, ths grower has worked up qute a bus iness direct with fhe consumers. BIG LUMBER PLANT IN WEST SALEM IS LOCAL Salem is to have another very large and complete lumber yard and building supply concern, and at once. The West Side Lumber company commenced laying the foundations yesterday for its series of sheds and buildings that are to arise as fast as workmen can put them together just beyond Pinckney station in West Salem. The office of the company will front on the Wallace road, about 50 feet from the Polk county end of the bridge across the Willamette. Backed by Big Concern This new company will be back ed by the Silver Falls Timber company of Silverton, operating the immense sawmill plant there backed for quantity and qual ity and prompt delivery. The quality of the yellow fir of this concern is of ? the very best. The manager of the West Side Lumber company will be Paul Morse, who was for two years with the Long-Bell company, of Kan sas City, a lumber company with a nation-wide business and repu. tation. He was also for the same length of time with the Bnrgner- Bowman Lumber company of the same city. Mr. Morse is the son-in-law of Dr. B. U Steeves. With Mrs. Morse, he had ' already ordered ASHAMED IT ON WITNESS STAND SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 24. Alfred Semnacher de clined to repeat aloud from the witness istand today the de tails of Roscoe (Fatty) Arbuckle's description of his treat ment of Miss Virginia Rappe at the rcVel which led to tho girl's death and instead wrote them out on a paper which he showed to the attorneys and to Police Judffe Sylvian. Lazarus, who is hearing theN murder complaint against the- mm comedian. , He first said that Arbuckle's story of the incident, told to himself. Lowell Sherman, Fred Fischbach and Arbuckle's -chauffeur, Harry McCullough, and which involved the use of ice, caused a general laugh. When the details were de manded, he objected to testifying verbally. No one remonstrated at Arbuckle's tale, according to the witness, who said it was told in Arbuckle's suite at the Hotel St. Francis where the drinking party had taken place the afternoon before. Other conversation about the affair. was limited to discussion of the intoxicated condition of some of the participants, Semnacher said. He testified yesterday that he had only coffee to drink. I DEBATE SLATED TODAY Episcopal and Baptist Cler gymen Will Tangle Sincerity Questioned, Although the genuineness of debate scheduled for the armory at 2:30 o'clock this' afternoon on the Irish question has been chal-t lenged by a Salem minister, and a controversy has arisen between him and Edward Adams Cantrell, one of the debaters, indications are that strong interest will be taken in the argument by the people of Salem. The clash, in fact, has served to advertise the debate and doubtless will have the effect of adding to the at tendance. The speakers are Mr. Cantrell, who is an Episcopal clergyman, and Rev. W. L. Brandon, a Bap tist minister, advertised as com ing from Kansas City. Dr. V. T. Miiliken, pastor of the Salem Baptist church, has questioned the qualifications of Mr. Brandon and in published letters has suggested that the debate is possibly a hip pod romed affair to serve as prop aganda for the Irish cause. Mr. Cantrell, on the other hand, and the religious editor of the Portland Telegram, aver that Brandon is sincere, and a bona fide Baptist minister, who be lieves the Irish movement is in the interest of the Catholic church and should not be supported by Protestant people. Letters that have passed be tween Cantrell and Miiliken through the medium of the press are extremely torrW. Some of the Salem pastors have agreed to announce the debate from their pulpits today. XEW ADVANCE RKGUX MADRID. Sept. 24. Spanish forces engaged against Moorish tribesmen southwest ot Mellila be gan a new advance yesterday, it is officially announced. Colums despatched from Zoco El Arbaa and Nador, and gained consider able ground. tickets to go to Kansas City, and they cancelled their order that he mihgt take charge of the new com pany that is being formed. Dr. steeves and Dr. Mark Skiff are both interested with Mr. Morse In the newly organized concern. The new company will begin business October 1. It will handle orders large or small, and will be able to supply out of stock all the materials for any building, from a garage to a mansion or a brick block, with the exception of hardware and paints . They will not deal in these, but they wil) hare everything else, even to shin gles, cement blocks, brick, lime, plaster, lath, etc Buildings Adequate The new concern will have the .(Continued on page. 3) ENTERPRISE PRICE: FIVE CENTS TO TELL In answer to questioni from Ar- buckle's attorneys, Semnacher said he had observed nothing im proper in iArbuckle'a actions . to ward Miss! Rappe or any of the other women at the party. Death. .Not Understood . When the new of Miss Jlappe'a death wai brought by a nwspapr . reporter to Arbuckle, Sherman, IFschback and Semnacher, In Los. Angeles the evening of September 9, Semnacher declared; Arbuckle . expressed regret at her , fate. Ail of the group spoke of her deatht as an unfortunate accident whica they could not "understand, accord ing- to the witness and 'Arbuckle. after a discussion of what bad better be done, he telephoned tho . chief in San Francisco offering to corns north immediately If he was wanted. j After Arbuckle decided to rome north to report to the San Fran- -Cisco police, according , to Sem nacher, the start was made In tho early hours of Saturday, Septem ber 10. He drove in one ma chine with Fischback and Sher man, while Arbuckle, Domingnex, Arbuckle's ! manager, Lou Angel and the comedian's chauffeur oc cupied another. Semnacher Called First ' There was very- little discussion ot Miss Rappe's death en route, be said, and none at all about Ar buckle's conduct with her. Semnacher was the first wit ness to be subjected to question- I ing by the defense, and these in quiries were but few. Aside from his .statement regarding Arbuck le's conduct at the party, the de fense drew from him aa admission that Frank Dominguex, chielde-. fense counsel, bad told him to tell the entire truth to Captain of De tectives Duncan Matheson, and that the defense had never heard his version of the case.: The prosecution Introduced as exhibits the garments which Sem nacher said Miss Rappe wore on the occasion at the St. Francis . and Dominguex asked the witness if he had seen Arbuckle wear Miss Rappe's panama bat. Semnacher replied that he had not. Actor Temporarily Ctm-efal The defendant entered tho court room with considerably more cheerfulness than he bas (Continued on page 3) r 1: COAST BASEBALL1 AXOEX.S 10, SEATTLE 6EATTL& Wash 8pt. J4.Copr'S wildnrm anil inability to atop th eft tlangbl of riaitins battlera, together wit ragged aupport, kt Seattto another cam to loa Angelea, thia on 10 to 6. Tbo ho ma team made couple of rallies, bat of inaufficient trencth. K. H. E. Ix Angelea . 2 J Seattle . 6 S 1 Batteriea Aldridre and Staaara; Cooper, Mack, Daily and per. : OAKLAND S, 8ACBAXEXTO t SAX FRANCISCO. Sept. 54. Oaklaad defeated Maeramento , W J today is a faat pitckera' battle betwaea Aitea aad l'enner. The Oaka won ia the eighth inn ins wbea Brubaker forced Oniato at firat and : then arored from f iret baao oa Koahler'a bit to right field. R. H. T.4 Par r amen to ? 2 Oakland .. - Batteriea Penner and Schang; Alias and Koehtor. VERVOH 10,' SALT LAJEZ 4 LOfl ANGELES, Cal, Sept. 24 Ver non batted . Salt Lake a pitcher, Keiger, oat -of the box ia tho eereaU inning with a ait-ron rally, and won tho gam 10 U R. It. K. Rait Lake; 10 2 Vernon L . 10 IS 0 Batteries Reiger, Polaoa mad Edwards MeGraw and Murphy. pokttjutd io, raisco t PORTLAND. Ore., Sept. S. Portland hammered: three San Franeiaeo pitchers for IS bisgles today, defeating the Seals 10 to 2. : Scott lasted only one-third of an inning, Portland getting six mat tiefore the aido was retired. Xeefo did better bnt waa lifted for a pinch bitter in the aercnth. The Bearera bunch ed three bits for two nil oa McQuaJd in the eighth. , Fisher had two doable and two aingiee and Bale two doables, a triple and m single. Umpire MeQraw waa hit on the arm by a fowl tip aad delayed tho gamo.-tea minutes before ho coa Id return to ths field. , ! , K. H. E. San Franeiaeo 2 S I Portland ! 10 IS 1 Batteriea Scott, MeQuaid and Agnew; Roes and Fiaher. si AXDrxa or ths extras ! W. L. Pet.a Los Angeles " 102 TS :57S , Fas Francisco 102 T770 Saertmeato. 100 78 .561 Seattle ) V 80 .54S Oakland . , S2 ST .51S Vernon - -, , , 92 82 ".58a Salt Lake . - 72 102 . .411 Portland i .... . i , ,. 49 12 .280, i ,'