-4. I -S. i i - ' - I A 1 1 THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON WEDNESDAY MORNING, figtHTAffiER 14. 1921 r i .1 ii ! By D. D. WILSON Phone 108 The followlg from the Clubwo man' Bulletin will be of interest to Salem women: Y I 4 f 'Tbe Oregon Federation of Wo, men's clubs will open the fall sea son with breakfast at the Mult-q nomab hotel on Saturday, sen tember 177 at 1 1150' i'm." -r Every club la the Btate la Invit ed to send delegates . Thls la to ,e bnsy and successful year in clubdom. Let every club hare a pari lit making it the b'.ggeat and benf ever. f ' ' ' rrv;"'r. The "break fast" committee In cludes Mrs. C. E. Itunyan, Mrs. A. I. Goldstein, Mra. William Pren tiss, Mrs. C. G. Tipton, :Mra. J.-'A. Hilt and Mrs. Nettie Greer Taylor. Mrs! ' Runyan," 2t Eaat Twenty fourth street, Portland; i! assist ing 'the chairman of the commit tee.' Mrs. John Van Zante. state treasurer: Send reservations to Mrsrt;: Of Tipton, E.' 1462. ' -The program, for, the , year' work will he 'discuBsedi ! i ' State department chairmen ap pointed -foi 1821-2S' are: Depart ment of PublkS 'tyelfa.re, Mrs. Sa die Orr-Dunbar; , department of American citizenship, i Mists Vella Winner;' department' of fine arts. Mra.i Collins 'Elfcina of Printllle; department of legislation, Mrs. Alexander ThomDnon: nres and publicity; 'Edith TCnlght Hill. Mlssr Ara B. Milam will head the de Salem School of Expression j . i7 w. uomiaetciai street RE-OPENS SEPTEMBER 20th Lulu Rosamond Walton, Director '.-. Phone 1484-J : " ' partment of applied education. Each chairman will have several sub-chairmen who shall be respon sible for various branches "of work." - ...... A number of friends of Mr. and .Mrs. Merle Ivie were entertained at their home-on North Cottage street on Saturday evening, the affair being in the nature of a house warming. " - r '.' Dainty refreshments were serv ed. Miss Marian Drager and Miss Thelma Martin assisUngthe host ess in. serving. ? ;;-. ; Five Hundred formed the amusement for the evening. Mr W, Fred Drager winning the hig score and Mrs. C. G. Nichpls the consolation. -Those present w?re Mr; and Mrs. C. G. Nichols, Mr. and Mrs. W. Fred DragerMr. an A Mr. O. I Martin, Mr. and Mrs. Wi A. Cummlngs, Mrr andf Mrs. E. A. MeElvaln, Mies Gale, Mis Marian Drager,' Miss Thelma Mar- tin,, Mies ..nazei- juarun,. ueorge Fry, Mr. and Mrs. Merle Ivy Mrs. C." A. Downs entertained at ah informal dinner partyHast evening at her home, 240 North Eighteenth street, i The affair was given in celebration or the birth baby .ias been named Howard McNary. Mrs.- ; anmn wasTor merly Miss Hortense Kppley. daughter of Mrs. C. M. Eppiey, and had always lived in Salens up to the time of her marriage. Her home is now In Cottage Grove. Oregon. Miss Florence McGregor expects to return to hr home in ' San Francisco on Saturday evening. Miss McGregor has spent tbe greater part of the summer as tbe guest of her sister, Mrs. B. I Darby, 1251 Center street. Paul E. Davles. wno has spent the past five months at Pinebnrst, Or., in the employ of . th state highway department, is spending a. short time at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. W. lev ies, 941 North Cottage street, pre paratory to taking np his studies at the University of Oregon. T j Miss Mabel Dotson "will lean; Sunday to enter the Oregon Agri cultural college j at Corvallis for her first year. She will special ise in home economics and will live at Waldo hall. 'Miss Dotson will be accompanied by her fathe ef. U. S. Dotson! who will return Monday. . Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Delano, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Teed, Cynthia De lano and James Teed motored to Portland Monday to spend the day. -' Members of the Monday night dancing club have decided to hold Homo swmm elebhanj t HOWDAH IS CLEVERLY SHOWJJ I 4 Of Pickling Spices - Stone Jan v. t h i . -J n YftiL GAHLSDORF 135.N. Liberty Phone 67 flD EAOYs for instant use in bil cookstoves, ofl heatero or lamps. 4 ! 4J i t -. f 'A Mi f,' . xttmif burning mn4 conomlcmL a 8'- .! day of her mother, Mrs. Luella, the first party of the season Oeto Stowe. The rooms were lovely ber 10. They have, engaged for -.itii'iho vftiinv and tA bios-1 the season tne rooms iormeny ..J.--,iiu ii.;i.."i.- imnvn nk Monse hail, now under the name oftlie-;Elite. Mrs. Agnes M. Morris, assistant editor of: the Pactf ic Homestead. leares Saturday-, . for .Portland where she has accepted a position With the W. S. Klrkpatrick adxer- tislng company. , Dr. C. II. Rebertson and son. Charles, expect to-leave the latter part of the week for a 10; days' hunting excursion in, souinern Oregon; . " Mrs. Hubert Hansen entertain ed on Monday evening in honor of her husband, at their home 340 Division street, the occasion being Mr. Hansen's birthday. ' Their home was tastefully dec orated, autumn flowers-and pot ted plants being used. Those bidden were Mrs. M. V Ritchie. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Rit chie. Arthur Ritchie. Miss Bessie Jones. Mrs. Wilson. Mr. and airs. Leon Hansen and; little daughter lone. E.tP: Hansen. Robert Han sen. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Kapphahn, Mr. and Mrs. Frank. Holder. Miss Blanche Holder. Russelr Stafford, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hulsey, Mr Hand Mrs. W. D. Albright. Mrs. E. C. Simmons was a week end guest at ths home of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Eckerlin, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. F. Nr Woodry have returned frpm a two weeks outing" at Pacific City and near by points. Salem friends are in receipt of an announcement to the effect that Miss Delilah Faulkner and H.. W. Keyser were married on Sunday morntng, August 28, at Portland. Mfss" rauikner is a former Salem girl. sbms of the season." Covers were laid, for six, ' " a -: . ;; ? - i 'Miss Mildred Apperso'n of Mc Minnvlllja.waa a weekend guest, at the' 'home of Dr. and Mrs. C. H. Rohertson, 277 North Capital street. , ' - '. '' ; "r Mrs. F. M. Harding and broth er.Al Keene, motored to Cottage Grove yesterday where they will spend a few days with their-brother William Keene. and family, who are conducting Mrs. Hard ing's large farnrat that place. .v. -- - " Mr. and Mrs. Frank Miller of Palo Alto, Calif., have announced the marriage of their daughter Clare Margaret to Victor Myers Reid on Thursday,. September The young couple will be at home after September 15 at' Berkeley avenue and Bay Road, Mento Park. Mr. Re!d is the son of Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Reid. 231 South Sev enteenth street. Salem.- He grad uated from the Salem high school In June, 1916, afterwards attend ing dental college Ih Portland, - . Mr. and Mrs.. Paul Wentworth Morsft. whose wedding was an ,ev ent of August 51.. expect to leave the ; first of Jhe, week ifoi their new home in Kansas cuy, mo. , , , Jffx s. , Robert , Eak In, her , daugh ter" Gertrh'def 'arid' son Hartold, lert toay wrAstor'a. where theyrwlif Tlsit for several days. : .Thft "arrival - of s smalV' son. td Mr, and Mrs.',llngh Smith at the Deaconess C hospital, O September IS. hag'- been-' arnnounced. i Tito " Will iain Wa Uace Graham L. . VIOLIN ' Soloist and teacher. Nine and a half years study and teaching in Europe, twelve in Portland. Pupils holding responsible positions in many parts of United States as teachers and soloists. Beginners accepted ; coach ing in accompanying and ensemble. For appointment call Marion Hotel, Salem, Wednesday, September 7 or any Wednesday or Saturday thereafter. ' rsj Mk 1 -Jtjg&t- . J r m- r f - We've all wondered atj times how haughty ladies of the eircus parade "climb 'into the howdahs atop the big elephants without mussing up their gorgeous roDes. i Hero wa have it in one lesson.! Using the recumbent paehysderm'ai left forearm as an eaciine runway the pupil simply walks np, clam bers, over; the brute's;shojilder.and with" a Quick twist. , of. the; left wrist vaults into the uowaan.. Presto! Q. E. D. Although- it would - be easr to add that any child can do it. one suspects, that Blanche' -WellsJ who.' Frost Does Heavy Damage To Lane County Vegetables EUGENE. Or., Sept. 13. An other heavy frost on low lands in Lane county last night did, ex tensive damage to the tomato crop and killed other tender veg etation, according to farmers and truck gardeners. The tempera ture was as low as 33 degrees, two degrees lower than on the previous night when some dam age was done. - " ; has trained the biggest elephant tern with the Sells-Floto circus, cohiing to Salem on September 21 accomplishes it so prettily because she: ts absolutely at home around , ine nuns, as the animal men term thei elephants. One doubts if an amateur could land in the howdah without losing a lot of costume and good nature.. Also, it is oos- Eibta that the elephant, who la so 1 oaeaient to MJss WeUs. might not stay- put for the beginner. The five Sells-Floto performing herds are: worked by Blanche Wells, Idah Delno, Stella Rowland Cora waate and Sue La Vine. ' SILVERTON PERSONALS. AND BRIEFS " V 1 " ' ; Last Day of Our Two-Day Special Suer-SeUin QM-EMLF pitlCE SALE OF LADIES' DRESSES AND SUfTS ( The greatest underselling of Ladies' Apparei e?er undertaken this season, j Prices absolutely ct ia.two. Wfe season modelFall's most larish gar i ments. At these prices they'll; go fast. ; Be here early. ' III ' ' Wool Serre . . and Tricotine: $12.00 valnes..r.$6.00 'f S19.00valuesL.. 9.50 ; $25.00 values.;..:.12.50 $39.00 values......l9.50 1 Serges Gabardine Tricotine $15.00 values..$70 $16.00 values... 8.00 $19.00 values,..! 9.50 $25.00 values..l 12.50 ; mi ( Salem's Busiest i . .... : ... ;. . Store - o "inns iinlH m Where, iople Shop SILVERTON, Ore.. Sept. 13.--(Special to The Statesman) A number of Silverton folks mo tored out to the home of Mr. and Mrs, , Joe Edison" In, the Silverton hhls Saturday night, where an old fashioned melon feed 'was en. Joyed. The party was In the na ture of & surprise on Mr. and Mrs Edison Those who were-, present report an exceptionally! flse time. Those who attended were Mr. and Mrs. Joe Terry, Mr. and Mrs. J. E.. Edison, Mr. and Mrs. Lon Edi son, Mrs. M. Cooley, Sheldon Cunningham, E. Stuart, Robert Stuart, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Davis. Rev.i J. C. Roseland has re turned from a month's social and business 'visit in eastern states. Rev. Mr. Roseland is president of the Lutheran Home Missionary board which has charge of work in the states and Canada. He has been president of this board three terms and was re-elected while iu Minnesota this time. While in the east he was asked to address a Norwegian society known as the "Stavahger Log." This society has for its members. Norwegians who come from a certain section ot Norway. They hold an annual meeting which was this year held at Eau Claire, Wis. Before return ing to Sirrerton Rv. Mr. Rose land Tisited his three sons, two o whom are. ministers and his daughter. He also visited with his mother who is 97 years old, at .au uiaire. Key. Mr. Roseland reports that she enjoyr excellent health ana that she is still able to see to read without the aid of glasses. Attorney M. Van Valkenbure. who broke a leg a few weeks ago is a Die 10 do aoout town with the aid ot crutches. The Interurban TeleDhone com pany of which P. L. Brown is the Silverton manager, has out out a new directory which has been re ceived oy us patrons this week. me irosis which a-Dneareri at Silverton during the past two guest of Mrs.. M. C. Hubbs of Silverton. 1 Harold Larson has accepted a position at the 'N: Dfgivness' store. ; Mr. and Mrs. Martin Tinkhstad and Miss. Helen. Tinghstad of Jef ferson, spent Sunday with Silvep- toa mends. : . Mr. and Mrs. S. Williams of Donald and Mr. and Mrs. P., Mqberg and family of Woodbnrn are guests at the, L. II. Meyer home.oa. Paradise roadL, Mr Wil liams andr Mis. Mbberg aVe brother and sister of Mrs. Meyer. Mr.' Moberg- recently purchased a J larm near Scotts mills. Miss Marie Corbouse has re turned from a visit to Portland. s Dr. S. H. Saave la visiting friends at Spokane. Mr. and Mrs. Pearl Blackerly of Salem were, at Silverton Sat urday. ; , , OREGON ffl CALLED BV DEATH Claiborne MT Walker Dies At Home of Daughter On Summer Street Claibourne M. Walker, who was born in Polk eounty 66 years ago, January 4, 1855, died yesterday at the home of his daughter, Mrs. W. Connell Dyer, 330 North Sum mer street,' Mr. Walker was the son of an Oregon pioneer family who came to Oregon in 1842. For many years Mr. Walker was a resident of Maridn county fc but recently he had lived' at New port. He is survived Ty his wife and daughter in Salem, and y one I i v. n. A tmrn Viators . The nights are thought to have don! ll-:u!l n.v xr - tv.ivh r . .. w j nriJUiCl Id aom. w r.. B? w lDe iaie I Walla Walla, ana tne jHsiera, arv m " w Al y BCilSUlIl this year it is believed that the late potatoes have not developed as they should and that the frost has stopped their growth entirely The frost also ripened the corn. Airs. k. a. retlt haa been ill fnr some time. Miss Hazel Knight was at Sil verton the first of this week. Miss Knight taught in the Silverton high school last year. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Anrierann and baby daughter of Thornton. iC uu .cir way west in their motor car. Mr. and Mrs. ah. son lived for a few years on the eimer kub piace on Paradise road. Mrs Anderson is a former Silverton girl and will perhaps be remembered by many as Mi Lena Christenson. Mr. and Mrs Anderson will visit friends at Sil verton after which they plan to make their home with Mr. Chris tenson Mrs. Anderson's father who lives at Portland luluer The Hubbs real estate office has been moved from its t.m. at the Hubbs Planing Mill to its permanent place in the corner of the Steelhammer Drug building This building has been rif.- so that it now hag twice the room It formerly had. Besides th ?!L 0per J4 he 'eal estate uiW mere-tm aiso be a music show room. - '. H. HaaJand fell from lo. recently, and his left arm caught " ymuuuius screw tear in z a long .wound r which required 2 0 ot.ti.vuca close. - aimer, uivane u bniidsn - marquee for the Palace theater Miss Louise Fluheir la enjoying iwo weess- Tacatlon at Spo kane. Miss Fluhrer U employed Mrs. Cf arles- W.- Kamm ot Port land ?nd Mrs. E. Irving Couse of New York City, wife of i noted orf let ' ' The funeral will oe neia at tne i Webb & Clougn unaer taxing chapel in 8alem at 2 o'clock p. m. today. " '" " Sage Tea and' hmipnnr iarn oray, aea muriawt i and Glossy . Almost everyone knows that Sage Tea and Sulphur, properly compounded brings back the nan ural color and lustre to the hair when faded, streaked 'or gray. Years ago the only way to get this mixture was to make it at bome which is mussy and troablesdme. ! Nowadays we simply ask t any rfrnr store for "Wyeth'a Sage and Sulphur Compound." You will get a large bottle vof,ithis old-time recipe improved byi the addiUon ot other Ingredients at very little eoeLr Everybody uses this prepa ration now, because, no. one can possibly tell that , you darkened your hair, as It does; it so natural ly and evenly. You ,-dampen a sponge or soft Truk. with, it, and draw this through ' your,' hair, taking one, small,! strand, at a time by morning the gray:, hair disappears nd aftel' ahother ip plication.'or two, ; ,yonr; hair; be. cotnes beautifully, dark, thick": and - t -- t : ...... L ., v ... o Like (dl othet articles of ladies', wearhz WpnA I 5 , j orices i ont Preltn Furs within tki reacli ct (Z jM'A:-1 ti$ Dame Fashion has designed man v ntu; and vrtilv styles TtfV' -1; O I tor this fall s, wear and it mil pay yoa to set us fit . hav low r foj Kn$ furs. Oar prices are right . . r,' j EST FUR 0. J- w 521, Cpurl Street , OppoiUe. Caart zzx ' -a. ' H .t':Y: I ..... T. ! : Viv ' . c b ' Daily Store Hours 9 a. m. to 5;45 p. m. n -. 4 Saturdays 9 a; m. to ra. - -J q;rc.f ' T - xi.' ; ; t m our 109 r.)N to" r -f : j, We. can't list in this small space all the articles yoa will' find at saw ing prices in our downstairs store. But rest assured everything down there is at a price thaj is exceedingly Ipvf. ojrapari to you wui et tnem eisewnere. 27 Inch White - ... i- . i-;" Outing Flannel 121-2cyd 36 inch Colored Stripe 1 Outing Flannel, 19 yard Jane Dandy. 1 PlaySnits j Childrens School Hose lif w - fM. n 7. jw.-W.- . .-f i inasium Bloomers Official High School Bloomers The Sorority TwiH muiasmin oiouracrs wc ore icAiiuiug avi iu( scnool classes,' are recbrnniendec by coaches o the best schools ant colleges.. Much better than serge, more dur able, heat and hoUsJpIaits bettfc than sateen. '.'Con.b'eairly;' get your site. t f .1'- v - . Sateen Pciticcdts" BJaskand Colored $l,andj$lA8, ?Wn)hClq& MUMJads, j 29cyard Romper. Cloth ' Mitt Ends 21c yard - Priced so 4 lb. Bed Pillows Fancy; tick, good f quality, goose leath ers " 98c each Woolnap Bed Blankets ascs Good Quality' : - V ' a - a , j . - " t ' ' 25c each 1 Size 7678, good and I i - -warm WatchiQurWjiM Display ; oiDoynstairs Store Values " Mail orderswe pay the postage or express on cU maU orders ' Bnngalowr Aprcns '' for women' made of jjood quality Percale 59 c .. ChiHren's Dr Extra well, raace ci. frond onaJity Gb.T 7 ham, sizes 6 to 14 j j V4a9 !;' If - , I. ! -w, , e..t.i: .' f BiOSSy-auu- fir iwa jMijjuuu-