THE OREGON STATESMAN. SALEM, OKEGON SATURDAY MORNING, SEPTEiffiER 10, 1921 1 . -X u il i ""eV dAMXrXCD AOTXXTiaZltUTI lata Ta Wart e to rtt - - , TXrae laaartiaaa .Oma weak tats inoewtiaas) One ssoata 8i asaine' wtrset, Pr aielSe ta sneaths' control, per MLaunaa lor any aovertiaaaaant Me NORWICH UNION FIRB INSURANCE SOCIETY TbJelaoa, llolaad Burghardt Resident Agent 871 Bute Bt. MONEY TO LOAN V - on Real Estate ; i- T. K. FORD : (Over Ladd 4fc Bush Bank) LOANS i REAL ESTATE jTV INSURANCE We lasare anything Wa aave taa saoaev le : loaa Pay aa back lika real Oar fafm aad city proparty liata ara earn lata, baa a first. LAJUB ZJUXAS 0aV7 Orafoa Bldf. Pkona 1944 NEW TODAY W HOI PICKERS MAXTED5 OR 6 4Ur picking. mono St '3. L. C. Kus . s.i. 1 OR REXT FIVE ROOM VODERS house at 1032 Saginaw. 120 a month. .Will furniah. if desired, and rent for uu a month. Apply at Statesman business office, or phone 23. OKD SEDAN 15 A RG A INLATE 1920 look and run like new, aorae extras, "only $675. See it by inquiring at Mtatesman office. UtACHKfl OL'R PERFECTION PEA rhf arc Dow ready. Call Saturday 'and (Sunday with boxea. M. C. Pet 4. iy, Wallace Koad. 116YERS AND FRKKH EOGS FOR SALE t'ii Xorth Winter. UL'Y NOW GOOD LOT OX .NORTH ommerrial .street, paving paid for, "j Price only 00. l.i.t your property t with ui. hrui-jer, 208 Oregon EW BUNGALOW 4 ROOMS, TWO i, lot, city water, toilet, located in Kingwood prk, -Price 91550; 150 down, balance easy term. W. 11 it Orabenhorst ' Co., 273 IStste street LAIRMOUNT MILL 3' ROOM BUNGA low, modern .plumbing and light, lot . tOnljO, esl front, pared atreet. lo- i ested at TA' Fairniount street. Price :t'i,l: 91I0O down, balance time. V - II. Urabenhorat -Co.. 273 Htate bt E.VAP 8 R(K)M IIOLHE AT 56 5 r Commercial direct. Large Tot. Price Ma, 700; 91.200 down, balance 3 years i il 1 percent interest. W. it. Urabrn ; horst Co. 276 fctate atreet. I1IOXB WILLAMETTE HARDWOOU ; Floor company, located in Albany, Or i egon, when -n need of hardwood floors J or floor work. We also sell hardwood flooring.' We bare had twenty years ;. -experience ta the floor buainsss. WE WRITE 8I.RETY Bo:JIS CALI j. 'when in need of such. tttandley 'A i' Foley, Agt., Orecon flra Relief A T eociation, Bush Bank Bldz. Phone 347 CAN M'fPLY A rEW MORE CTSTOM era witb first class, second growth fir ; wood at 9 a per cord. Phone 5-94. IIUII , SCHOOL OIKL WANTS TO won for room aad board. Phone 20U8-W. VVT ASTERN -- ALL COLORS. FOR ;t. aale. 372 8. 17th. Phone 1484 J. 7VANTED OIL STOVE. P. O. BOX 283, , Salem. , m- r T ' ROOM HOUSE, BATH, ELECTRIC I J ' lighta, furnace, fireplace. Dutch kip I V . .ku ...... tl Hill l'!T. !'. , w. chen. aarsa-e. John, 341 , State atreet. Pbone 534. fcOT FOR SALE OOOD LOCATION, . reasonable price, easy terms. Phone ; 609 R. BEAUTIFUL HIOH GRADE PIANO OX , , ly slightly used. Cannot be told from new. 9295, terms. Tallman Piano store, 121 South Commercial. WAXtF.D WOMAN" FOR 'HOt'SEKEEP ir.g work, also a kitchen helper. Kef ' ereneea required. School for the blind. Phone 21. .. , . . , . FOR SALE FIVE ROOM MODERN . bouse. Phone 2030-J. TOR SALE 25 ACRES OF OOOD LAND. 4 arret clear, balance good 2nd growth lir limber, 6 miles out, for 2,650. terms. Ben F. West, 370 Vi State St. For Exchange Flne 13 acre tract all in commercial i.. fmit, with set ot fair buildings, want -good reshlence In Salem. 20 acres of fine commercial fruit ami fine's room bungalow with fine water system, and out buildings, .want Mty proerty. We hare a larire liat of rood nausea for e .l. , ... . .a.I titrmm v v., p, . . . ...... If you want tv buy, sell or trade, sie PERRINE & MARSTERS - Koora 21113. - Gray Bldg. ..Phone f07 WAX! ED 'A Y0UXG WOMAN TO take rare of little draf children. Call i at atate arhool for deaf. A Square Deal That is Worth iH; .While itSerenty acre farm, four miles out. All in cultiralmn. Fruit for an income, e - Two! good, bouses with outbuilding. Or wo can sell twenty acres and fifty acres, each equipped with buildings. i 5 Square Deal Realty Co, a rifTO ri-awi"il, kih'I 203 V. ft. Hank. Phone 470 EMPLOYMENT FEatAU CIIHL8 WANTEIV THE SPA. WANTED GENERAL TEAM WORK'. . 1918 Fair grot nd road or phone 1652-W. IfOl'SKCLEAXIXO, FIvOORWAXIXO, ' window cleaning, painted walls, ceil 1 in and woodwork cleaned. First class. work. P. II. Rowe, Thona 282. WANTED ENERGETTCr TOOKO If AN . . waa baa bad experience selling life , - Inaaraaca, ttocki of adrertisiBf. Must be able ta deeota his entire lima and ' he ambitious for advancement- - Must ' : bare the c oar a ara to praeeat baainaae ' r prepoamoa ta mercbaata aad profea- aional me a. Answer la your ewa kaad w . arriting atsting age, ed neat ion tl antl- Hicaiiona, ex (nine are aa aeiiciter, etc. Addroaa I No. 81. Btateamaa affieo HOP PICKERS WANTED BELL HOP rysrd. Begin picking immediately. Ke ; ' - gister 411 Oregon Bldg. WANTED MKft Af.t WOMEN TO i . take farm paper isMcriv take farm ptper anbecrtptioae. , A good ; ' pcopoeitioa ta the right poop la. Addreaa lha Paeifia Hameataad. Stataaaaa Bldg. )! Ore PERSONAL- . CATHOLICS WISHINfl TO MARRY mrtirulars free. Adiireos Home uilio. I. Box .23. Grand .Rapid. - Mich. FACIAL SCALP TREATMENTS:- VJO . let ray; manicuring, shampooing. Or ' egoa Bath bniisa. Pbona 640 FOR SALE CAJAKT BID tOK SALE CANARY ; BIRDS. IAY ' "'l niirl't singers. Mrs. Bcnuett. (i J'bont U80, loao OfWelft".", . . FOR SALE Il TOO WANT TO GET TH BEST farm paper, send 15e M Taa Pacific Homestead, Salem, Oregon, tor a threo montiis trial eubacriptioa. Meatioa this att HOUSES 'ALADDIN READY CUT HOUSES" 30 percent tared in cost of construc tion. Chas. V. Smith, factory rcprs entatiye, 620 Northwest Bank Bldg., Portland, Oregon. UVE8T0CK FRESH COW FOR SALE 740 8. 12TH street. MSCELUU5TE0US OFFICES AD STORES A BIO LOT of new books for aala art ball price. Steinboeks. WIRE HOP, LOG AS raM, CHICKEN wire. tstembock. 873 Uoart street. FOB SALE FIRST CLASS RAILROAD ticket to Peoria, Illinois. Phone 1746W. THE WESTERN SONGSTER SCHOOL AND COMMUNITY SINGING Aa especirJly good selection of the tongs yoa aaee been wanting witn words and mnaie complete. No matter how many aongbooka yon hare you should have this one, containing the Orer on tongs. Pricea: 8ingle copies, 25e; 18 cents each in Iota of a doze ar more; 912.50 the hundred, postpaid. Second edition printed tinea September. OREGOS TEACHERS MONTHLY SIS 8. Commercial St Salem. Oregon POULT XT POULTRYMEX SEND EIGHT TWO- cent ttampa for special three months' trial for the best arid oldest journal in the west. The articles and adver tiaementa are of special interest to the poultry breeders of the northwest. Northwest Poultry Journal. 211 Com mercisl Bt.. Salem, Oregon. WOOD DRY riR AND OAK WOOD FOR SALE. Phone 77F3. OLD GROWTH 18 IN. FIR, 98 50; 4! ft. second growth and ash. Phone 1467. FOR-SALE LARGE 4 FT. MILL WOOD, aawed even length, 12 inch or 16 inch. Scaitone'l mill wood. First class K inch old fir. Second growth fir, aawed 1 inch. Fred E. Wells, 305 9. Church PSone 1512 FOR RENT BOOMS GEM HOTEL, 185 SOUTH COMMER rial, rooum 35c, 50c and 75c. Lucy Johnson, proprietress. LEONARD HOTEL NETW MANAGE tnent, clean, neat rooms and apartments. 254 North Front St. FOR RENT ROOM FOR GENTLEMAN in modern hom4 and centrally leeat ed. Please giro name and address E. ear Statesman. HOUSES r. L. WOOD. 8P' HVATS ST, aetata, rentala REAL LOST AND FOUND FOUND OLDINO TWO STRAY HEIFERS IF owner does not pay damazes and claim, sume will he sold according to law. Ironhill Orchards Inc.. Route 3. WANTED inSCELLAirZOTJI OLD MATTRESS-r r-ADE OVER Capitol City Bedding Co.. Phone 19. WANTED BARTLETT PEARS AND Orsrenstein apples. Ward K. Rich ardaont 2395 Front St. ' WANTED 5 OR ROOM HOUSE Nov ember 1st. Responsible party. Bos 234, Salem. CHERRIES WANTED WE ARE BUY- ing Black Repurticsns. Bingt and Lam berts. Drager Fruit Company. WANTED BOARD AND ROOM IN good, part of town, not too far from W. of O. Will pay whst Is right. Mr. C. L. Carey, Halsey, Ore. Route 2. WANTED USED HOUSEHOLD GOODS, ranges and eookttoree, tools, men's tuitt and ahoet. Liberty Exchange. 141 K. Commercial. Phone 841. WANTED EVEKTTKiiiu IN HARD ware and furniture. Best prices paid. THE CAPITAL HARDWARE . AND FURNITURE CO. "!85 N. Commercial St. Phone 47 BUSINESS CARDS Auto Directory AUTO TOPS AUTO TOPS W. 0. WRIGHT. 171 South High. AUTO TOP. guaranteed. llZft UPHOLSTERY, WORK 653 South 12 th, pkonr EXCHANGES WANTED TO TRADE FORD TRUCK for touring. Phone 77F12. TIKES AND ACCESSORIES SMTTH-WATKINS, 14T NORTH HIGH ' Fisk, SilTertea Cord, Hood extra ply tires. Everything for anto USED CAES FOR SALE 1K1DGE DELIVERY truck, very reasonable. 55 i Ferry St TRACTOS8 FOR SALE FORDSOX TRACTOR gang plow tnd double disc. All nearly new. 8800. Terms. A. i.. tray, IU 1. Phone 7F3. OAEAOE AMD REPAIR HOFFMAN A ZOSEL TIRE REPAIR ing, vulcanising, retreading; 197 South Commercial street. Phone 471. CAPITAL OARAGE BUICK. STUDE baker repairing. 173 South Liberty. Phone 88. AUTO ELECTRICIAN; EXrERT TROO ble thooting. 238 North High. Pkoae - 108. FAIR GROUNDS GARAGE TIRES, AC cettoriei, nted etrt. Our work guar anteed. 2641 Portlaad Road. Pkoae ' 80S. SOUTH COMMERCIAL OARAGE GEN eral repairing and overhauling. 420 8. Commercial St., Salem. PRESTO LITE BATTERY SERVICE atatien. Expert battery and electrical work. Farm Bros. Phone 1803, 418 Coart. TRACY'S STORAGE GARAGE 844 Ferry ttreot. AUTO REPAIR SHOP 1 MILlJR. 345 Center. Phone 890. 8AI.EM AUTO RADIATOR SHOP 19 South 12th. Phone 88. J C BAIK, RADIATORS. FENDERS. Bodiee repaired. 444 Ferry. BEAUTY PAELOE1 NOW OPERATING MODEL BEAUTY Parlor, 110 North Commercial Street. 056. M. MYRTLE BEKTCARD MASSEUSE; hoars, 9 to 8, Sunday : evenings by ap pointment. Oregon Bath House. Pbone 540, 2028R. ; BXR.BE RS COZY NOOK BARBER SHOP 1266 , Btat. , ,- , . . BUSINESS CARDS COlfTBCTIOlTZST REM INUTON CONFF.CTIOSERT. HOME made candiea. ronfeetiona, -aara, aaag aainea 12 72 fctare. : CH1KE3E PffTEICIAJI DR. L. it. dteease. Hill CURES AST EXOWJf 153 f Hib St Phone DRUG 8T0EES SREWER DRCG Phone 184. CO. 405 COURT; ELECTR1CIA1:S SECURE MY FIGURES ON WIRING By contract, by hour. At pie war prices. H. W. Hat -h, phone 1 "4 4-W fXSAKCXAI. MARIOS POLK COUNTY FARM LOAN aaaociation has money to loan at si percent. W. D. Smith, eecretary treat arer, 803 Salem Bank of Commerce. QBEEXHOU6ES PORCH BOXES BED TSQ PLANTS for tale. Sainh'i 301 North Commer eiaL i HOTELS ICIIERRY CITY HOTEL; ROOMS 75c -up: dicing room in connection, famil style. Corner Ilish snd Ststc. XKSURASCS MUTUAL BENEFIT LIFE INSURANCE ftimiiinv. J. ('. Baich. ecnt. room 5, Metornack Bids Phone Ci. INSURE TOUR AUTOMOBILE WITH the Oregon Auto Indemnity Exchange. Full protection. Reduced rate Frank Meredith Co. Bush-Breyman Block. Ladies' Wearing Apparel CORSETS MRS. ESC1I AGENT FOR PRINCESS Corsets. Fbone 1043R. 891 S. 12th. DRESSMAKINO 1290 South High. GRACE WHITE. PKF.SsMAhUNG 830 Division, Phone 1931W. EDITH M. ASHLEY DRESSMAKER. 1315 Droadwsy; 1 130 J. MRS. R. CARTER -dressmaker. Phone EXPERIENCED 1971W. CHILDRENS KCHCMJL to 1 ; plain inst- CLOTIIINfi. 1 N. High St. RUTH MeADAMS DRESSMAKER, 756 South 12 th. Phone 1424 M. H ATT IE WILLIAMS DRESSMAKING. 248 North (Jqitage. Phone 1552W. CARRIE FISHER DRESSMAKING, designing. Spencer corsets to order. 3 McCormaek Bldg. MRS. VAUTY, DESIGNED AND MAKER Ladies' Suits and Gowns. 7 McCor aiack Bldg. HEMSTITCHING SALEM ELITE HEMSTITCHING, chainstitching. pleating, bnttona. 829- 830 Oregon Big. Pboue 879. MILLINERY MRS. C. A. GRIMM. MILLINERY. MA tron. children's hats specialty; remod eling. 22S Oregon B'dg. PLEATING MRS. HILDEBRAND. PLEATING 390 South 24th. Phone 79 M l. HAT SHOPS HAT SHOP MEN'S AND WOMEN'S bats renovated and blocked 496 Court Street. LAUNDRIES SALEM LAUNDRY COMfANT, 188 Liberty street. Phone 25. Oldeal largest best Established ; 1889. CAPITAL CITY STEAM LAUNDRY Quality work, prompt service, 1384 Broadway Phone 185. MAGNETIC HEALER . DR. H. J. ACDERSENV MAGNETIC healer. Druglex physician. 416 Or- egon Bldg. I'hnne 110. ; MEDICAL MOUNTAIN BALM COUGH REMEDY Phone R17-W. NUE8EEY STOCK STRAWBERRY PLANTS SMALL fruits, other nursery stock, for Oct ober delivery. Place your order now. Ward K. Richardson, 2395 Front, Phone 431 PRINTING OFTICES LET BERTELSON ing. Just phone DO YOUR PRINT 779. Y Bids. PRIVATE HOSPITALS WANTED CONFINEMENT CASES AT private nospital. I have best of equip ment. Phone 1959J. PAINT CONTRACTORS THE NEATEST PAINTER IN TOWN Work by day. contract. Wells. Phone 161IM, DAVIS 8TRAnf&ATJfTI GENERAI contractors; painta. oil. Wallpaper. 320 South Liberty. Pbona 901. AUBREY H. CLARK, SUCCESSOR TO Glenn L. Adams. Painting, paperhang ing, kaltomining. Work guaranteed. ' Terms reasonable. Phone 1396J ; res, 425 South Winter. PAINT WALLPAPER SEE PORTE K FOR PAI3ITS. WALL aper and Picture Framing. Good work men. 455 Court St. Phone 465. PEKIODICAX3 MIS3 GOODHUE TAKES SUB SCRIP tiont for all megaiinee. 851 So. 17th street. Phone 741M PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER ' MARGARET , BURNS PUBLIC STEN oerspher. 408 Masonic Bldg. Phone 2G2. PLUMBING JOE'S PLUMBING SHOP SHIPPING and Broadway. Phone 1502. Prices reasonable. If you have anything to fix let Joe do it. PLUMBING, REPAIRING AND COIL work. Phcne 1517J. Shop, 137 Union street. A. U Godfrey. ROOF REPAIRING ROOFS RE3HINGLED. CLEANED. RE paired, painted or tarred. I'bone Kayet MF3. : JLEFAIKINO AND SHARPENING CUTLERY GRINDING. LAWN MOWERS' .ttfety rtsors, etc, Stewart't Repair Shop, 847 Court atreet. BEN WHEELER EVERYTHING RE paired. General sharpening, chimney sweep. 1485 N. 17th sL. Phone 1418W SHOE REPAIRING WT'LIAM S SHOE SHOP 19$ SOUTH High. ; STUDIOS DE LUXE STUDIO. KODAK FINISH in g. 147 North Com nwrei aL SCAVENGERS SALEM SCAVENGER GARBAGE, REF nse of all kinds removed. Coaapoole rlenad. Phone 161. TAXI DIRECTORY LAN HAM TAXI COMPANY PHONE 540. THE OREGON TAXI-TRANSFER CO.. Liberty 4k Ferry. Phone 77. Dry elrh. 16 inch wood far! aale TRANSFER HAUXJXQ MERCHANTS DK1.IVKKY. 179 SOUTH llifh. Thona 230. Truink. city. 60e. CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO. 236 Plate phone 933.; Distributing, forwarding and storage Our specialty, tjet cut tttea. j BUSINESS CARDS MUSICAL IK.IROTHY PEAUCP PIANO. North Winttr. Phone 341-J. ADA MTLI.ER VOCAL. STUDIO DER by Li.l;. Phone UH-J. NELLIE LKK STON L- oi-i I.enlie. 1'hone 751-W. -PIANO. Ai CHANDLE" - S51 North Cotttce. I".ione e29-W. BEATRICE SHELTON PIANO STUDIO 345 Marion. Phone 129. LILLIAN HARTSHORN PIANO. North Church. Pnce 178. 394 LENA DOT SOX. tret. 1'honc PIANO. 543-J. l'JOfl UNION r. S. ROBERTS PIANO. OKOAN. Scuth 14th. Phone 77C. 70 DAN F. LAN GEN BERG, VOCAL Derby Bldg. Pbone 2079. ..EN A WATERS PIANO. Phone 1184M. 1473 MILL MOLLIS STYLE3 VOICE. PIANO. Center Phone 2U16R. 859 ICLIA MILLS WKiOEL. PIANO. 15ot South Church. Phoue 13V 1R. t. L. MILLER string instruments. VIOLIN; OTHER 419 Marion hotel. A;CILE ROSS PIANO. OKUA-N. North Liberty. Phoae 1187W. 4Vti jIATTIE GILBERT STRING INSTRU oienta. 1572 tato. Phone 1156 &. MISS MABLE SHEPHERD. PIANO player: dances, ail occasions. 257 X. . Liberty. BERTHA JUNK DARBY. AUTHORIZED teacher, Uodcwsky Progressive Piano. b79 North Cotta;u. Phone 1950 W. WESTERN CONSERVATORY OK MUS IC of Chit-ago, Frank E. Churclull, rep rcM-ntauve Diplomas gianled. Odd felivw'k lildg. SALEM CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC All branches taught, diploma's granted. John R. Sites, director, 1237 Court Phone 628 TONERS WENDELL HELM TU5TN0, tng, i'bone 42. BEPAJ R- EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED piaco tuner. Leave orders Will's Music store. K. W. BALLANTYNE, TUNER. PLAY era a apeciaUy. Phone 352. Cher rington Piano House. PIANOS PIANOS, PLAfER PIANOS; need. J. W. TaiLuan. 121 Ho. NEW. Com' I. CHEKRINOTON PIANO HOUSE. HAN diet Bush Lane celebrated pianos. 4 15 Court Pbone 352. SFCOND HAND GOODS HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR SECOND hand clothing and shoes. Also do cleaning, pressing snd repairing. Call tnd d'hver. Capital Exchange, 342 North Commercial. Thone 1Do8-V. WE BUY AND SELL SECOND HAND gooUe of all kinds, pipe lutings, bar nest, collars, collar pads, too.'t, and chains. Fred Scbindler, 258 Center street. STOVES STOVE EEPAJRINQ STOVES REBUILT Sm IMPAIRED 40 years experience; Depot h'ttiona! fence, sites 26 to 28 ins. high. Paints oil and varnishes, etc.. loganberry and hop hooka. Salem Fence and Stove Works, 250 Court street. Phona 124. TAILORS FRANK PALM MERCHANT TAILOR. 211 S. High and Ferry. TRANSPORTATION PORTLAND -SALEV STAGE ON THE hour, 7 to 7. 81.50 each way includ ing war tax. . SALEM SIXVERTOTT STAGE I eaves Leaves Salem Silvertoi O. E Depot News Stand 7:00 a.m. 8:15 a.m 11:00 i t. 1:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. 6:15 pm. SALEM INDEPENDENCE MONMOUTH STAGE Leave Salem O.E. depot 7:00 a.m., 11:00 a.m., 5:00 p.m. Leave Monmontb Hotel 8:15 a.m 1:00 p.m., 6:15 p.m. Leave Independence Hotel 8:80 a.m, 1:15 p.m., 6:30 p.m. Special trips by appointment. Seven passenger ear for hire. J W. PARKER. Prop. Res, phone 615 Business phone " WHERE TO EAT WHITE CLOUD TEA HOUSE OPEN Sunday morning? s o'clock. American style. HOVj N. Comercial. I'bone 472. Siuin 1-ouie, Prep. WHITE CLOUD TEA HOUSE CHINA dishes, noodles, free dancing. Opei. 9 am 1 at night. 110H N. Oom'l WOOD SAWS CITY AND COUNTRY WOOD SAWING Phone 204. Fisher Bros. WATER SALEM WATER, LIGHT A POWER CO. Office, 801 South Com'l 8t. Ten pel rent discount on domestic flat rates paid in advance. No deductions for ab sence or any csuse unless water ia hut off your premises. PROFESSIONAL CHIROPODISTS CORN'S AND CALLOUSES REMOVED without pain. Apnlianies from indi vidual impression. Dr. Tatro, Mason n Bldg , Phone 41J CHIROPRACTORS DR. O. L. SCOTT. P. 8. C, CHIROPRAO tor. 809 12 U. S Bank Bldg Phone. 87: Rea 2R. OSTE0PATHI0 -PHYSICIANS UHH. WHITE AND MARSHALL, 60f U. S. National Bank Bldg. DR. W. L. MERCER. OSTEOPATHH I hysician and surgeon; Kirktvilb paduate, 404 405 U. S. National Bant Bldg. Pbonca Office. 919; Ret. 614 DR JOHN' LYNCH. OSTEOPATHH Physiriaa nad flu; geoo, 403-404 Oregor, Bldg: Pbonea: Office. 1394; Rea 5RF5 OPTICIANS GLA88K8 FITTED BY PR. I,. R. BUR dette at the Bow Optical Compenv. 825 Sute ttreet, oppotite Ladd and Rush Rank. LODGE DIRECTORY UNITED SPANISH WAR VETERANS ramp 5. Armory. First. Third Mondaya REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE TRADERS YOU CAN find a number of good propositions either aa trade, or hnva In eay pay reents of lad or bungalows. Cl.aa W. Niemeyer, Masonic Tcupla, Salem Foot Hill Farm For Sale 2 miles e,Kt of Prat'im. UJM s-re. .' in cultivation, 13 in g-od timber. S'Hne family fntit. some good pastnre. nw liout,e. new barn :ix"i;, lrodem with concrete grainery an.; ilo. good water systeo. 3.", ina, of iar in barn. corn for silage, 3, 5 milk cows, heifer 1" piss, all farm machinery. ill give immediate possession. This is a first class general farm. Price 917.00". some term. I am on the main road. . . W ilka, owner. ISox 51, l'ratuio. Oregon. REAL ESTATE To Exchange 40 acres excellent ' witn sto-k. too:, n,chin-rr R tn.luding personal prt-perty tl'),50 Wrfl take city rental pr-perty up to U T,!B. t:ou iu exchang t.ood Cu lalan" I nomason 3' 14 State St. WOOD'S BARGAINS arrr good lard w I Ic-al.d run inns water a',out n acre losniorrie few prunes, sm.n v, cue. rtod lrn ti... u a haml!i' catt-d u.mtrr, 2501, caih w.K or take eo-l .-itv pro;.-rty riTer tottom farui wcl! 10 " rodu rcal at half 1 r'HJin rottaire i,v.m1 rue. street ar -line. location, f 1 iM Ne- liunzaloa-. SlSjiy, and oungaiowr, J750 F, L. WOOD 31 State St. DO YOU WANT TO TRADE CITY PRO Phoae 6!"j:i 70 ,cre ara ' flTOO ni YS THIS 5-ROOM HOUSE ON comer lot Livls room, room, kitrben hti rooms, toilet, bath. e!cr trie lights, only li hlm-L. i,. v. car line. Ter ins . Se L. A, Hayford 305 State St. Best Buys and Exchanges HOUSES 7 room modern house, frujt, iarce : 42.".o Tc-rr.s. 5 room modern bunsa'.ow. f irenl, stationary. iub: good lot, east Jront, lawn: 13100, ' s cash. 10 room fine modern residence 1 block irom post Ollice; cast front, street and a..e, auu jtiaue; ouly li I'd". 1-3 cash o rooms modern, close in, lawu and snaue, eagt jront; 52 1O0 FARMS 8 --- seres red soil, pared road, close carlme, acres bearing jirrnes and -...m, cic-iric ngnt!, in liouse; pru-c !..UU. tin n.-rcs :i cultivated, dark loam, buildings, roi k ro id. 4 miles from town, at station; 10,00i, trude for p nitre orchard. 4 a'-res on paved road. 2 miles Salem, good soil, fenced, no buildings : 81250. ' Hi-res lime from Aumsvtl'.e. witu cro;. snd eiiiipmem ; $;soim 100 acres on Pacific Highway. Hit acres cultivated. 10 acres young lopans, 4 '-res apples. It acres beaveriUin. buildings; 6 miles north of Salem; ouly , .er acre. See S0C0L0FSKY 341 State St. GOOD BUYS 200 ACRE FARM 6 MILES FROM SA lef, 100 acres cultivated, balance tim ber and pasture, obi buildings; will consider good home in Salem ug part payment. Price J'.' Well improved 4 acre home in Wood iurn to trade for modern home in I Salem. Price Tb.500. 5 room house and large cist front lot, bearing fruit, bam. Price $2,500; terms. 6 room house and three lots located just outside of city limits, close to car line. Price 92,500. 5 room bungalow located 370 Richmond avenue, basement, flretnace, bath, toil et, lights. Price $3.6iio. Half acre lots close to S.- Commercial street car lii.e and main paved high way, Price $100 per tract, 825 down, balance 310 per month, interest G percent. If you are looki-ig to buy, trade or se'.l, see. W. H. Grabenhorst & Co, 275 State street WOULD YOU ACCEPT A GIFT OK several thousand ' dollars i That is whst you will get at the price at which this place is offered, as owner must e!L 43 acres of land all in cultivation and only 7 miles from Sslem. on good road, good red hill soiF, If) acres in bearing prunes. 3 acres in strawberries, 4 acres in Logans, 1 Vj acres in young cherries, ti room modern house, fire place, concrete basement. Dutch kitchen. bath., toilet, electric lights, own their lighting plant, barn, machine shed. 2 chicken houses, hog house, smoke house, etc., horses, cows, chickens, hoss. and all farm implements included at the price of 911.500. Only 82,500 reunited as first payment. Will accept some trade. L, A, Hayford 305 State St. Real Bargains A GOOD fi ROOM HOUSE WITH GAR a?e paved street, east front, biir lot and fruit, close in at 93250. Another at $2250. A nice 5 room bungalow. laundry, sleeping porch, lxrgc rooms and clost-ts. Soulh Salem, fi:ie location, lor a few days c-heup. A 3 room plastered new buugnlow, bath, toib t, hot water, electric I near school and car at 91350. See The Fleming Realty Co. 111 Statf t. 20 Acies Choice land, 6 mile out on good road, i room house, wood shed, barn, chicken house, rout house and garage. 3 acres 'ogans, 1 a'-re strawberries, 1 acre mixed fruit, 3 acres clover. 2 acres corn. 1 acre potatoes, 1 acre kale, 1 acre squash. 1 team, I milk cow, 1 hog, 50 chicken, and all farm implements. Price 3850U. V genuine good buy. Arthur E, Peterson 229 Oregon BMz. FOR SALE SPLENDID LOT N. 5TH street, close in, all assessments paid. 9750. "1 room plastered bouse. 5 good lots. 81675; 9250. balance $15 per month. merest li iiercent annually. 5-rootn house, ceiled and papered, east on Lee street. $1650, $2.0 down, bal ance 815 per month, 6 percent interest i..v.lij annnallv t room cottage. W". Salem, good lot, close in, $5o. the ITTX AM McLAKLN CO. mil N. Commercial St. Phone 430 tJoOO BUYS THIS 5 -ROOM HOUSE and lot .'lO.xllo. Liv'1112 room, dining room, kitchen. 2 bedrooms, bath. ..toilet. electric Lzhts, is locate.! on terry St. anil one block to iftate St.. street tar TlTU.s. See L. A. Hayford :;5 State St. j KOOM UOOMINd Iiot SK CL(SE IN at a bargain. This will give a coo-i income. rice ?5.. VHI. il? a-re in Wood burn, well improved, house fnrnihed. stock, implements end all for fii..V)n, will take S;i!em property up to t7..".iM) and pav cah difference. Sew 6 room modem bunsalow. t l.-"K). 7 room modern b-.itisalow. -lose in. for t-?. 20O Liat vor.r oronerty wiih u. e ar- selling. We do not a-W or recom- tid exclusive iUtinzv snuare deals and fair play is all we ask. JOSEPH BARBER & SON 2i' firay Bldj. NLW JIOHKRV riU.Mi.M.OV.' JUST compii'tcd. built in of all kinds, if vou ar- planning for a new home see this and vou will buy and not Joseph Kartier & Son. 2ot fray l.ldg KN S KKVICK Tl V.r. "ONSIlKK THIS l;i a res I. carina apple and pear orchard iti excellent condition. New and coiv small bungalow. ''r" and garage Owners have over -i.jOO invested, but will sell for 9.-0'J on trins vou can handle. Have other god'bns which call be handled on ibe terms von need. A '. HOHKXSTFOT 407 Masonic Temple. Salem, Oregon FARM kor sale. H3 acres, WELL suited for prune, cherries, small fruits and general farming. "r, a--nooi. Hood new buildings. W .ill red...-e ,n.-e $1,000, to sell Oils fall. Might 'ake some trade rtte owner mi ill - lT REAL ESTATE Worth While Vacant : lot oa Broadway close in I5P0. A t.eo-1 lot on patest trr-et ce in 6tHi All aetiBems paid, good teraia. A fine rat front lot on pavd street Don t rent, kir a borne jn auu II down payment. Ba!aa-e. monthly. S-e tl tt have a cLcni who wiahes ta bay a fruit ran-b with smalt amount mwd balance in crop pavn.enis. Mills & Copley 331 State St. Pbone i; J-J'H BUYS t RCHIM HOUSE AND LOT J.t'xllO on X. Broadway street. ! ivint room, dining room, kitchen. 2 bedrooms, ewipg room, lath, toilet, and tlr !.no! on kitchen and bath room has t !ei trie liguts. See - L. A. Hayford 3'i3 State St. FOR SALE EIGHT ROOM HOUSE; :i odk-rn except basement, lot 62x137 27 South Commercial street. 2.2rv BUYS MOIERX NEW Bl"N'GA low: F. S. Lataport, owner. Plume 2028. FOR SALE OR TRADE BY OWNER luce ur.nrotl 4 acre farm close to Salem. Price right. Fnone 53F5. LET ( S EXPLAIN THE NEW SYSTEM of selling your property. Property listed nor exclusivt our property photographed. Unve. Magee anil Besate Sr.yder. Our Uusick s store. State snd Commercial. I'bone 559. ROOM MODERN PLASTERED hoise. close in. on pave street, cement wsljk, basement ith wood. Immediate pos.ession; see thy, snd see if you can beat it at 9230O, $omi d0 nt 'lalunce ike rem S. R, Pearson 408 U. S Bank Illds. Good Buys 5 toctns modern, lnrse lot close in on Cottage street, t.ood buy at 82t00. Part ti mis;. 5 rooms, 2 lots, plenty of fruit snl ber ries. Price 92IIMI. Terms to suit you. Let as show ; on this. We have a bargain in a nice lot on paved street, 5 room plastered bo' se, good location, three blocks to car. 0:i!)' 1J.jV w;lh J.IOO uown. Thomason 3:n'i State St. $7oo(i MODERN" FINK HOME WITH best view in city. I'aved Mreet. be.tu till 1 lawn and i.irg'' grounds. If sold soen within next ton edays, will take small, payment down and easy terms. An opportunity to get in easy. I ialso have a dau-ly 4 room cottage on one acre land, on paved road and mil very far to car. $1350, easj terma. Ask Kolmi.son, "JJ'.I Oregon I'lld. FINE NEW llUNcJALOW 1 BOOMS and bath rosen, electric lichts, toil-!, etc., ready this, week Price 91275. Terms. I'hnne 1 l5t between 9 and 10 u. in. or H and 'J p. in. FOH KALE DESIRABLE BUILDING site: soi til Church and Lefell: 2x105. Very cheap, t,ce owner. A. S. Mulli gan. 1000 Fairniount Ave. Phone . lf .W. FOR RENT FARMS FOR CASH RENT FARM, 175 ACRES. 7; miles south of Salem. f. S. l.aiu port, care U. S. National Bank. PUBLIC NOTICES AllMIMSTRATOIt'S NOTH'K Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, "by an order of the County Court of Marion County. State oT Oregon, duly made and entered on the 24th day or au; ust, 1921, was rppointed adminis trator of the ?3tate of Frank A. Turner, deceased, and that he has duly qualified as inch. All persons having claims atnint said estate are hereby notified to present the panie, duly verif ed, as required by law, at the oftice o Rav U Smith. :o;t Salem Hank of Commerce build ing, in the City o Salem. aMrion County. Oregon, v.ithin six months from the date c; this notice, to wn: September ?tA. 1921. UY L. SMITH, Administrator of tha estate of Frank A. Turner, deceased. STATK THKASIUKU'S NOTICi: Notice is hereby given that on October 15. 1321. at 11 o'clock -,..m.. I will sell at public sal at my office In the Capitol Building, Salem, Oregon, to the bo.t phj" bidder the following described bonds: Uainier Drainage District G per cent bond No. SO. dated Oct 1. 1?20. due Oct. 1. 1930. par value f 500. Rainier Drainage District 6 per cent bond No. 31, dated Oct. 1, 1920. due Oct. 1, 1931, par value $1000. Rainier Drainage District 6 per cent bond. No. 38. dated Oct. 1, 1&20. due Oct. 1, 1932. I will receive bids for any one or more of these bonds. I reserve the right to reject any and all bids and to se'l anv or all of said bonds. This sale is made under l'ararraoh 2748 Oreston LawB. O. P. HOFF. State Treasurer. Date of first publication, Septem ber 10, 1921. Date of 'ast publication, October 14, 1921. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO IM I'KOVK NO I ITH V H V It C H STIiEET KKOM THE NOKTH IJNE OF UK. HI-WD .WEN! E TO THE SOUTH IJNE OF I'IN'E STIIEET. Notice is hereby given that the Common Council ot the City of Sialem. Oregon, deems it expedient and proposes to improve North Church street from the north li'ie of Highland avenue to the .south line of Pine street in the City of em, Marion county, Opecon with a four-inch Portland cement concrete base and one and one half inch asphaltic concrete wear ing surface pavement at the ex pense of the adjacent and abnttinc property within the said limits, except the street intersection, the expense of which L- to be borne by Uie City of Salem, in accordance With the ;Ians. .specifications and estimate.! for the improvement or Kiid Nort'i Church street from tiu north lin,j of Highland ctcnue to the south li'ifc of Pine -reet an heretofore adopted by the Com mon Council pnd on file in the of tice' of tr-3 CHy Reeor;l".. which are hereby r- t-rred to for a more particular and detailed descrip tion of said improvement, and are hereby made a part of tvis notice. Written remonstrances acainst the improvement proposed herein may be made at any time within ten (10) days from the final uub- lication of this notice in the ner provided by the City Charter. This notice is published for tin days pursuant to a resolution of the Common Council and the date of the first publication hereof is the Sth day of September. 1621,1 and tho date of the, final publka- tion hereof will be tjie 2CUi day of September, 1921. EARL RACE, City Recorder. WHOLE MILK AND CREAM WANTED Marion Creamery & Produce; Co. Salem, Oregon Phone 2488 I 1 SALEM MARKETS I BUTXSO rues Eggs aad rouxurj Etjrs, 3tc. ricns, heavy, JOe Hens, medium. 17c liens, light. 15c. Broilers. lac-JSc. Oid roosters, 8-1 Or. Pork, Mutton tad Beef Top bogs. 12 4. 140 to 230 Ibtv Sows and boga. 9c. . Smooth beaviea. 8 e. Dreaaed bogs, l V16e. Laroba, yearling, 3He4e, 1921 milk lambs, 5c Beef tveera. 5e. Cows. 18c. Bulla. 2-Se. Top veal, 14 14 Vic Orsia Wheat. 5e Ne. 1 white. Oata. milliag. No. 1. 40e. Data. feed. 35c. Hay Veatcb and Dal bay. 910. Clover Hav. 910. MUl Feed a. Wholes ale Mill run. S4. Wholesale to Dealers Cresmery Butter, 47e-18e, Butt erf at. 45c Whole milk f2.10 cwt. Fruit Orange. 96-50. Kantnas, 8c. Lemons, 97.50. Grape Fruit. Cal 94.50. Dales, droiuedarv. 37 rasa. Vegetable Oregon ralilwge, Turmpa, i.CH tack.. Beana, 5c. Was beans. Sc. Lettuce, 65c. Criry. 91 dorec. New potatoes. 2e. Walla Walla onions. 93. Oregon cucumbers. 50. Oregon honey, 30r lb. Parsley, 50e dosea bunchea. Beets. 60c. doren banches. Tomatm-s. 7He. Honey, eitraeted. 20c lb. Apple. 32.75. Cantaloupe, pony, f2; flat, 90c. Melons. 81 50. Green peppers. 9c lb Ice Cream melon. 81.73. Casabas. 2?c Honey Dew. 2';c. Sweet Pat. 11.75 Hnckleberries, l.r. Tokay Orape, lc. .. Malagas, lllc. BetaU Creamerv butter .VJc. Kngs. 40 12c Eloiir. aaru wheat, 82 50 93 CO. Flour, soft wheat, 91.658200. Sugar. 96.80. MY HEART ID Adi-le ynrrlHon'.'s Neve Phfn of REVELATIONS OF A WIFE ciiai'teh ic 3 WHAT LHXIAN RCGGESTKLt TO MADGE I could not help wondering juM vrhat train of thought Lillian was following, for her only Inter ruptions were those concerning the frustrated attempt of Milly Stookbridge to tamper with my fruit punch, and the episode ot the tea. She listened in s lence to my tale of the telephone conversafon I the frenzied woman had had with' me but a little while before she was found daad. of the threate she had made, of the mysterious y severed telephone wire, and of Mr. Stockbridge'a queer behavior. Hut t my mention Of the man, who had celled -upon me she lifted her head for the first time. "Ah!" she said, drawing a s bl lant breath. "Now we come to th? cullud gentleman in the wood p:le. What did he look like this chap who claimed to be Mr Stockbridge's attorney?" I described him minutely. This time to my surprise she keot her eyes fixed upon mine as I talked. "You ought to thank your lucky stars for your memory, Madge." she sa d. "You;- description of that man is as pood as a photo graph for me better- In fact for a nhotosran-.t wouldn't repro- Charter No. 58 REPORT OF THE Ml HUSBAND Salem Bank ot Commerce At Salera, in the state of Oregon, at the close of bubineai ' September 6. 1921. ! UKSOIHCKS ! Loans and discounts, including rediscounts showniln item 31, If any . $323.o94.2T Overdrafts secured and unsecured ........... .j. , . 813.39 U. S. government securities owned, including those - - 1. 2, 3. shown in items 31 and 36, If any ..!.. 150,000.00 4. Other bonds, warrants and securities, including for eign government, state, municipal, corporation, ictc. including those shown in items 31 and 36, If any. ; lS7.119.n3 6. Hanking houc. I23.H00; furniture and fixtures. 12001) 25.500.00 9. (b) Amounts true 'from banks, bankers and trust companies, designated and approved reserve agents of this bank .! .. 106,749.37 11. Exchange.-; for clearing house hanks in the same city or 12. Cash on band in vault .., 1G. Other insets, if any State of Total INABILITIES IT. Capital stock paid lu 1 K. Surplus fund 3 9. (a) Undivided profits (bl Less current expenses, Interc&t taxes paid . I)KM.NI DEPOSITS, "other than banks, subject to reserve: j 21. Deposits due tho State of Oregon, and deposits; due county or cities and other 2S. Individual deposits tibjec. to 27. Ca.shier's checks of this bank j i tiemann , 28. Certified checks outstanding ............ Total of demand deposits, other than bunk deposits, subject to re- I i-orve items 24. 25. 26. 27 and 28 .. $578,172.68 TIME ANIi SAVING DEPOSITS, subject to reserve and pavabie on demand and nubject to notice; 19. Time certificates of deposit outstanding....'... 30. Savings deposits, payable subject to notice...... Total of time and savings deposits payable on demand and subject to notice, items 29 and 30. 37. Liabilities, other than above deposit ........... Total....,.-- State oi Oregon, County of I. 11. V. Compton. c.afihier emnly swear that the above statement Is true to knowledge and belief. CORRECT Attest: It. O. White. J, C. Perry. 8. T. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 9th ber, 1921. duce forne bf fho llttlo earraare: 1 you have nited." l A Memory Irest, I SomcXMlit; In her munner made me think .b . reeosnlaed some ot the!Pularities of which I had apoMif. Wa it pos.blo that she kniw Uv man's IdentUr? In my esrtteement I almost put th on err to her. hnt I thecked my self in t'm If ftw thought it hest for met! to fthare her knowl edge I kne that shto would tell me e'erythsng without quesi.on ing. 1 madt hr seihow vital t waa that the; mai't Identity t3 es. tartitsnea. f i nm was which I needed to concent mvaeir. The rest ccjild wfcly be Jeft n her hands, j! i v - A I'ttle Itor I found that he , w $hed morie thn a descriplV ot the manfa twrson Alter s tlnr rigldlTiaileint for a momei or two wh4 she evidentlT conno w and filed fot future ret?rence the'. Information f I had riven fcer, tnn tpoke agHini abruptly: 1 " -Now 1 want another test or vour memory. Madge. Can Yw give me ycpir ronversatien WH" ht man verbat'm. even to the ln- flections otjyoiir volcea? I want to see whehcr he got anything out of you.f I I do not believe that I frare ever experienced ia more delicious mo ment of RTatifidd pride than that which eame:to m when at tho close ot my narration which waa an exact reproduction of my con versation wUU the mystcrloui stranger TJIlian aald approving ly "d with lingering emphasla: "G o-o-d gyl-r-1! i Yon didn't give him ever) th-J tiniest crumb of nformsfon. land that's vital in this mess. Pfe oi re that you allele to exactly thi;ame ttitudo when ? the man compa tac:.', f ' ' Lillian's rianjB. ; 4,Oh. do yo tMnH he will coma back?" I asked dismayed "Why, f t-irsel" Lillian re-- ' turned. The jj next minute ah , looknd un at ine, h(?r cyp" Rleam 'ng as thev 9lwava do with lhe -ndden flnshif) of a new scheme--, 'nto her bra . . . "How wouM jou Uk to have me deal with !th gentleman whn next he appear?" ah asked with a grimn-as tjhat Bpe'led distinct i , nnpleaianlno(i for; the jnarj . l . whom she spoQ. I "Like It!" I exclaimed, with a wave of relief ushlng firer-me at tho thonctit. "L'nt how ran It bo managed? Yowr work " "Think yoiii'd like me aa nc ghhor?" LU'npok flippant Iv, and my atilma .rose accordlnp iy. When she baa dee'dei npoir. ronie course of action or V ha straightened but a problem of her own mind spe always becomes frivolous. ijj knew that tor tho present, at ldaat. 8h? must apprc- hend no danger to' m. "A neighbor!" II echoed. "The same.;" Lillian, roee and , made me a tiinnyi awkward MtHi bow. 'Tleaije, Miss Graham,. I'd, like to borrow t tup of sugar and some eg. and Itjyou'va got the pattern of that sk'.rt you've got on I adm're ito copy It," I rushed at her and rave her an perated little shake. , , "Will you tell me what yn man this mltiutef-1 demanded. "S'mply that if Mrs.. Durke will let me. knd t think she will, . . . ! ..a a Marion ana I win come aown ni'i to board with hef this summer, "You'll dd ro isuch thing!" cried hot'y. f "You'll come to ui as our Riiest.r j . L ilian tapiped me gayly on tu forehead. i "Better furnish! that noon." she advis-d. "JiMt run over your household, pleafe.; Item, one tem peramental Uitby. It-m, one mor-than-tcn,neramental Tms Item, one tnolhct tin-law ot whos temperament! wo V 11 charitably not speak.- ltm( one seml-lnva- ' Ud father. Hern, one maid with dynamite possibilities. Nay, nay. my dear, as ftiirats for ths week end or eomethlng like that. lov lv! Hut for us to be here a'l summer lm-pr'fI-ble! But I'M be near enouehAnO that for all of fensive and dcnanelrp purposes I might as well lie In the same house." V fTo be rrtnt nn led) It eservel District No. 12 i 5 CONDITION OF 11 IE and Items on other town as reporting bank. S.713.0S Oregon warranta . 43.51.9 . 102,489.15 .$916,872.78 .....$ 59.0no.00 li.... 14,000.00 96.542.68 and 5.717.12 825. 2t7 i;;.m 353.071.09 7,502.90 46.B5 public funds...,! check . ... h ... I outstanding paaJil - e on 33.905.1S 137.4S0.21 ... . $171.38 stated, If any Special 102,489.15 Marion, sa. ---. .,,1916,872.78 ot the' above named bank, do sol khe best of my II. V. COMPTON. Cashier. Elliott. day of Septeat- ROr F. 'SHIELDS, Notary Public. My commission expires J vine -9, 124. N