The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 10, 1921, Page 5, Image 5

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5 V
1 1
r . a
To Witne Khrlner Ceremonial
Fred A. Erixon, Z. J. Kigga.
Dr. O. A. Olson and a number or
other members of Al Kader
Shrine of Portland will no to
that city. Saturday afternoon to
witness the semi-annual Shrine
ceremonial. It is understood that
several Masons of Salem will be
Initiated into ths mysteries ot
the Shrine and incidentally be
taken over the hot sands of the
desert. I "
lor Kent
Two suites of 2-room boarding
apartments. Two blocks from
Etate house. Phone C30. Adv.
Clenn CanibeH 1 tome
Glen W. Campbell has just re-
' turned from Emmet, Ida., where
he has been working the past
summer, lie was former adju
tant of Capital post No. 9,-JUneri-
l con ieglon, and will again resume
such duties as assistant adjutant
Sunder Adjutant Max Page. Mr.
1 Campbell will attend Willamette
; university this fall and winter.
orchestra from Tualatin will as
sist in the music at Wilsonville.
Sunday,, September 23, will be an
all-day meeting at Tualatin, when
a basket lunch will be served,
aJid the Wilsonville church will
assrifct in the program. Sunday,
October 2, the-MuIlog orchestra
will assist in the music at Wil
sonville. Mr. Hates has finished
his second year as pastor of the
Tualatin and Wilsonville charge.
High grade piano, only slightly
used. Cannot be told from now,
295; terms. Tallman Piano
Co, 121 South Commercial.
Petition for Administrator
The widow and children of R.
T. Richardson, who died in Port
land September 6, have petitioned
the county court for the appoint
ment of Whitney Richardson' as
administrator. The estate is of
an. estimated value of $2,000.
Will Give 3 or 10-Year Leane
Qn large billiard parlor; also
lease on restaurant or lunch
room. Space In new Central
stage terminal, now being erect
ed by Odd Fellows. For infor
mation, call phone 1212-J or
postoffice box 97, Salem Adv.
Estate Appraised
The estate of Joseph Brom
bcrger, who died at Mt. Angel,
has been appraised at $3,843,19.
He willed all his property to his
wife, who died 10 days later. Her
estate, based on the cost of ad
ministration of the estate of Jo
seph Rromberger, was appraised
at $3,000.
(iuardiun Appointed '
M. S. Ramp has been appoint
ed by the county couit guardian
of bis 3-year-old son, in his suit
for damazes against E. G. Os-
bungalow at 1025 North Capital
street at the c wt or $4000. and
Bessie Snyder will alter her resi
dence at 2617 Brooks avenue at
the cost of $1200.
Trap Immer's Oat fit Found
A black leather ease contain ng
a traD drummer's outfit was
found by small boys along Mill f
there is no provision under which
a district may furnish transporta
tion for pupils living in this dis
trict to another district, except in
case ot suspension of the school
in which such pupila live.
Heppner Man Appointed
the people, and this is the record
as shown bv Captain Brumbaugh's
office, that SO per cent of th
service .men intend to make Ore
gon their home and will take the
benefit of the law in the way of
a loan or real estate.
creek between Thirteenth and j State Traffic IrKDPrtnr Pnm- i
Fourteenth streot yesterday. iWj UU , a'",U "!PcU0r UOIll-
boys were playing on the bank at
the time of the discovery. Lat
night no one had yet identified it.
pels Driver to Throw
Off Part of Load
State Bank Examiner ,owa Man Takes Lease
on Hotel at suverton
Wood Special
For a limited time we can Fell
you slab wood at $5 per cord.
I hone us your orders if you
want any of this wood. G. H
Tracy Wood Co. Pbone 52 0.
1S25, Governor VOlcott wm pre
sen ted jwltt. n, exposition enjblera
by Mayor Ceorge u. Bakr.
embleii - Is designed as a flgnr
bead for an automobile.
Fov Terrier Ixe-t
I'.pttt-r keen an eye on your
borne. The boy was seriously in- i 0g for you may be the next one
... . J
Itat- AlranKrN Meeting
'. Alfred P'. Bates, pastor of the
Tualatin and . Wilsonville Metho-
dist Episcopal churches, has ar
ranged some interesting meetings
" In (connection with his .charge.
'.Sunday the Wilsonville quartet
will sing at Tualatin, and on Sun
day, September 18, the Nyberg
Minnetta Mayers
Teacher of singing. Studio
Derby bids. Friday afternoon;
a-11 day Saturday. Phone 208.
iured when the Osboine car
crashed into the car of M. S.
Ramp near Brooks, July 2.
Anv Our Having
First class oats and vetch hay
should get in tourh with Charle3
A. Archeid Implement Co. Adv.
I I 111 J
One Marriagw IJccnse
A marriage license was issued
yesterday to Albert J. Mader, a
I farmer, of Silverton, and Gene
vieve Patton, who lives at Mac
leay. "They will be married Sunday.
Ethel Clayton-
h '
- .
Hartman's Glasses
Easier and Better
Wear them and see
rhone 1255
Salem, Oregon
Ositalri at 182V4 V. Oommrctl stmt
Chop Buy, Noodles and Asorleaa
UsMft, wo cream ana anui.
Op.n 11 a.m. to 1 a.aa.
f Bpacial Sunday
for Spring Planting Order Prom
f t
428 Oregon Building
S Phone 1763
Going to Roi:
W. C. Hampton, field represen
tative who assisted in the organ
ization of the Salem Kiwanis
club, left last night for Portland,
to attend the Shriner ceremon
ials. From Portland he will go
to Boise, Ida., to attend a Ki
wanis district convention.
Served as Chauffeur
Lawrence Grasman of the aero
service has filed his discbarge for
record in the county clerk's of
fice. As chauffeur, he say serv
ice in the Oise-Aisne offensive, at
St. Mehiel, in the Verdou sector,
and in the Meuse-Argonne offensive.
Piano Students
Our classified musical direc
tory contains the names of the
best and most successful piano
teachers. lAdv.
to send into poiice headiuart?rs
a report of a lost pet. Latelv tnt
police records have been fairly
pwamped with these reports. H.
II. Sampson is. the latest one to
report such a la.-:s. for he yester
day told the olice that his fox ter
rier had wandered from its home
at Chemawa. The dog answer? to
the name of "Spot", the owner
IOses Hand Ilajj
F. J. Collier cl Alameda, Cat..
reported to police yesterday of the
loss of a hand bag during a visit
in this city.
Girls Wanted
The Spa. Adv..
Laura Grant, Teacher or
School credits ,'ivcn.
55F13. Adv.
Navy Discharge FiIeI
Oren McDowell filed his navy
discharge for record yesterday
with tho county clerk. He en
tered the navy, enlisting in Port
land, in 1915, and served for
four ye'ars.
Club Meets Today
The Salem Woman's club will
meet this afternoon at 2:30
o'clock in the Commercial club
auditorium: After the regular
business meeting, reports from
the federation will be given. Miss
Ruth Johnson will sing two num
bers, and tea will be served by
the social committee for Septem
ber, of which Mrs. John McNary
is chairman, assisted by Mrs. U.
G. Shipley. Mrs. G. G. Brown,
Mrs. Charles Robertson, Mrs. T.
B. Kay, Mr Frank Spencer and
Mrs. John Harbison.
Daughter Rom
A daughter was born to Mr.
and Mrs. V. E. Rings or "30
North Front street, Thursday,
September 8.
A truck belonging to the state
penitentiary was stopped on the
highway Thursday by T. A. Raf
fety. chief state traffic inspector,
and compelled to unload an excess
of about 3000 pounds over the le
gal weight of load allowed on a
state road. On the same day sev
eral Marion county trucks haul,
ing hot stuff for road work from
the plant on Front street to River
side drive southi of Salem were
stopped and compelled to unload
an excess of about one ton. Four
wood-hauling trucks operating be-!
i een baiem and Mill City also
were compelled to discharge por
tions oi tneir loads.
When trucks are found over
loaded they are compelled to stop
and throw off enough of their
loads to come within the law.
Raffety recently was in confer
ence with th,e heads of the traffic
department of the Portland police
and a working agreement was
reached relative to enforcing the
taw in that city; As a result there
have been 300 or 400 arrests made
recently in Portland. Most of the
l ortland violations were failure
to equip the trucks with mirrors.
Some were for failure of the oper
ators to equip themselves with
chauffeurs' licenses.
Frank C. Bramwell. state super
intendent of banks yesterday an
nounced that O. B. Robertson of
Condon has resigned as state bank
examiner and C. M. Sims of Hepp
ner has been appointed In his
place. Robertson, it is said, re
signs to give attention to personal
affairs at Condon. He was a mem
ber ot the state senate in the legis
lature of 1S21 and resigned to be- nia Bly
come a bank examiner.
Sims until recently has been as
sistant cashier of the Farmers
and Stock Growers' National bank
at Heppner. Before accepting that
position he was connected with
the First National bank at Eu
gene and prior to that was in the
banking business in North Dakota
Pretty Rough I H't oar
Coming from Portland, Carey
F. Martin says he struck a de
tour yesterday that ranked as
about one of the worst he ha3 ex
perienced. It was at Barlow on
his way home from Portland that
he was obliged to detour south
west into the dusty rough roads,
returning to the highway under
the bridge at Aurora.
Music Lessons
The leading piano, string in
struments and vocal teachers are
listed in our musical directory.
H OttYL d tP
7 hv buvinff your hardware And
i f j furniture at The Capital Hard.
ware & Furniture Co., 285 JN.
Commercial street Phone 947
' i'
We Move,
Pack and Store
i .1 iW ,
Wo pay highest price.
Wo buy and sell everything.
'o sell for less.
213 Center St. Phone 308
Do yon take
If not. why not?
No other baths or treatment
can produce the permanent re
lief to the person suffering
from disagreeable cold or ail
ments of the flesh or body like
the Turkish Baths wllL
Open 8 a. m. until 9 p. m.
Lady and Uentlemen attendants
Republic truck In fine
condition, pneumatic
tires, will trade or sell on
easy termsL. Apply Sam
People's Cash
LANIGAN Near Sidney, Thurs
day evening, Sept. 8, George
Lanigan, aged 33 years, a vet
eran of the World war, with'
the 75th Canadian engineers.
Survived by wife and two child
ren. Body -at Rigdon's.
Webb & Clougb
Funeral Directors
Leading Morticians
Salem School of Expression
147 N. Commercial Street.
Lulu Rosamond Walton, Director.
Phone 1484-J
li-ls Wantel
The Spa. Adv.
At the Iublic Library
Children have been asked by
the librarian to come to the city
library any time today to meet
with Miss Lucile Crockett,; the
new school librarian. Miss Crock
ett wants to become acquainted
with the children and talk over
with them their readings and oth
er matters of interest.
Large celling fan. Welch Elec
tric Co. Adv.
Going to Shanghai
M. O. Griebenow left yester
day over the Oregon Electric for
Vancouver, B. C. On September
14 he will sail on the steamer
Empress Russia for Shanghai,
where he will take up work as a
Music Student
The progressive music teach
ers of the city are listed In our
classified musical directory.
McMInnville Realtors Busy
(Jonathan Arms, owner of
"Twin Maple farm." 1 miles
east of Dayton, was in the city
yesterday. He says that the Mc
MInnville real estate dealers are
preparing to organize an associ
ation similar to the Marion Coun
ty Realtors' association. The
movement is backed by the Mc
MInnville Commercial club.
Home Made
Chicken Tamales and Olym
pla Oysters, Mexican Chilli Con
Carne, at the Spa. Adv.
Fresh Stock
ridding Spices
Stone Jars
Fruit Jars
135 N. Liberty Phone 67
We Are Office Outfitters
are a1, necessity in every modern
office. See our line first.
163 Xo. Cora'l St.
rhone 64
Will Live Near Mosetnirg-
Miss Fay Pratt, 1321 Willam
ette university graduate, was in
the city yesterday. She Is on her
way to near Roseburg, where her
parents, the Rev. and Mrs. C. C.
Pratt, will take up a homestead
claim. Her sister, ; Miss Irene
Pratt, will attend the university
this year. While driving from
their home their car ; caught fire
near Arlington. The car and
most of their clothing were destroyed.
Leaving for Harvard-
Paul Doney, son of Dr. and
Mrs. Carl Gregg Doney, will
leave today for Boston, Mass.
where she will attend the Boston
university, ana aiso take up a
special course at Harvard univer
sity. Last year, after his gradu
ation jat Willamette university.
he attended Wesleyan university
at Mlddletown, Conn. . He will
be accompanied by Robert C.
Story, 1921 university graduate.
who will take up special work at
Harvard university.
Bright, intelligent boys
with bicycles wanted to
carry morning routes. This
is an excellent opportunity
for ambitious boys to get
a start in business for
themselves, and also make
some money for their very
Apply Circulation
Manager "
Leeal Blanks-
Get them at The Statesman of
fice. Catolog on application.
Uves at Fayette
Mrs. H. M. Kutch. wno now
lives in Fayette, Ida., writes
friends here that Bhe likes her
new location. She was former
ly Miss Ruth Schlaulmann, and
has many friends here.
Bank Call Made
Frank C. Bramwell, state su
perintendent of banks, yesterday
issued a call Tor a statement ot
the financial condition of all
state banks in Oregon at the
close of business on Septem
ber 6.
Chilli Con Carne, Home Made
Chicken Tamales and Olyn.pia
Oysters, at the Spa. Adv.
Five Fatal Accidents
Reported to Commission
(Special to The Statesman)
C. R. Haywood of Ellsworth. la.,
has taken a five-year lease on the
Hansen hotel cn Front street.
Mr. Haywood will leave for
Wisconsin the first of the week
to look after some business in
terests. During his absence Mrs.
Haywood and h5r tister. Miss Sel-
will manage the hotel.
Exposition Emblem is
Presented to Governor
While in Portland Thursday,
where he presided at a meeting of
representatives of all Oregon
counties at a meeting which decid
ed upon policies for the world's
fair to be held in Portland in
Children's Hats
Several numbers of one lot left
sell at .....4 and S3
. L.
Also; a new shipment ot pretty
patterns just received. .
i ; -
! -
Mrs.L. G. Curtis
i - :.:
I Ma nlc 'Building
More Pig Club News
W. H. Baillee. county super
visor of schools, returned yester
day from a visit in the Oak Grove
school district, 20 miles east of
Salem. The two sons of Arthur
Barrows are arranging to exhibit
Berkshire pigs at the state fair.
For Rent
Front office room. Apply Gray
Belle. Adv.
Now a Real Kalemite
R. R. Bouruaian, who recently
came to Saiem to take charge
of boys' work and the general
physical work of the Y. M. C. A.,
has purchased a home from Lem
uel llobscn. It Is located on the
northwest corner of Waller and
Thirteenth street, in Yew Park
addition to Salem.
Mrs. J. E. Marcy from Portland
is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Min
nie Bates, at 1138 South Thir
teenth street for a few days.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Traglio mo
tored to Marcola to vist Mrs. Trag
lio s brother and sister-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. David Hill. Sunday
they motored to eBlknap Springs
on the McKenzie, returning home
George Grabenhorst left yester
day for the coast to spend several
days with his family.
Prof. W. E. Kirk and wife re
turned yesterday from Newport
where thev have been visiting lor
the past 1 days.
Dean George W. Alden relumed
yesterday from a business trip in
the interests, of Willamette uni
versity in Western Washington.
N. S. Savage, business secretary
of Willamette university, went to
Eugene yesterday.
Miss Alys Sutton, who has been
visiting in Salem several days, re
turned yesterday to her home in
Portland. She was recently ad
mitted to the bar.
Knight Pearcy went to Port
land on real estate business yes
terday. Perry Porter is home from
his summer work as lookout on
Sugar Loal mountain. He will
visit in Tacoma a few days and
will then go to Oregon Agricul
tural college for the coming school
Charles E. Shnnkle of the state
engineer's office, left yesterday
for Bend.
Mrs. O. A. Malagaard left yes
terday morning over the Oregon
Electric for The Dalies.
Mr. and Mrs. George Vincent of
Silverton, were Salem visitors
. Henry Millie returned yesterday
from Grandview, Wash., where he
wus called to attend the funeral
services of his brother who died
Five fatal accidents out of a
total of 365 were reported to the
state industrial accident commis
sion for the week ending Septem
ber 8. The fatal cases were: Chris
Mueller, Dallas, logger; Phillip
Fruft, Astoria, logger; Wert J.
Gortmaker, Oregon City, carpen
ter; Charles Northrup, The Dalles,
labor foreman; G. P. Sloan, Port
land, painting contractor.
Of the total number of accidents
reported 341 were subject to the
provisions of the workmen's com
pensation act, 17 were from firms
and corporations that have reject
ed the provisions of the compen
sation act and seven were trom
public utility corporations that are
not subject to the act.
Open Grade Crossing is
Denied for Linn County
The public service commission
has denied an application of the
Linn county court for authority to
establish an open grade crossing
over the tracks of the Southern
Pacific company near Plainview,
and allows instead a crossing pro
tected by a gate.
More Than 1000 on File
With Secretary of State
Aid Commission
Came from Palo Alto
.Miss Grace Elizabeth Chase,
graduate of the Palo Alto, Calif.,
high school, was in the city yes
terday, making arrangements to
enter Willamette university. She
will visit in Portland until
term opens September 19.
Full Line Ingraoll Watch
Tyler's Drag Store.Adv.
Could Hardly Straighten lp
When the kidneys are over
worked and fail to throw out
waste matter from the system, it
causes aches, pains, lame back,
swollen ankles, sore joints, dizzi
ness, floating specks, etc. J. W,
Seabock, Chester, Pa., writes:
"My kidneys and back hurt me sa
when I got out of bed in th
morning I could hardly straighten
up. Had to rub the small of my
back before I could walk. 1
could hardly button my shoes. I
haven't felt the soreness since 1
took Foley Kidney Pills. Sold ev
erywhere. Adv.
Up to September 6, applications
were received to the number of
350 at the office of the World
War Veterans' taid aid commis
eion, from somiers who Intend to
take the benefits of the bonus
law, according to H. C. Brum
baugh, secretary of the commis
sion. Up to date nuie than. 1,000 ap
plications have been received.
Work is now going on In the pro
cess of checking the discharge pa
pers of the soldier with state
ments in his application.
Then the service record of the
applicant is checked with the rec
ords of the adjutant geneiai's of
fice, and then again with records
in ths ofifce of the secretary ot
state to learn whether the soldier
has received any money from Ine
state in educational aid.
If all records oj-e found correct,
those who prefer to take tha ben
efits of the act in cash are certi
fied to the secretary of state.
Those who prefer to benefit in
tho way of a loan on real estate,
have their pupers filed, pending
completion of plans and regula
tions governing the loan.
One thing Is especially pleas
ing to those who were influential
in putt'ng the bonus act before
Teachers Ready
With the exception of four or
five rural districts, all teachers
have been contracted for in Ma
rion county for the coming school
ear. This year there are more
teachers than Jobs, quite differ
ent from conditions a year or
two ago.
RITIle Drive Coniletpl
The county paving plant com
pleted its work on the Riverside
drive road yesterday, according
to Roadmaster W. J; Culver, and
today it will be helping out the
government In putting some pav-i
ing in the rear of the postoffice.
It requires but one day for this
to harden, so by Sunday citizens
may drive in the rear of the post
office to their hearts' content.
Next week, with his county pav
ing plant, he will do some pav
ing and repair work on the road
in front of the big pavilion at
the fair grounds, and then he will
begin work on the mile of road
leading to the feeble minded in
stitute. And then after that is
completed, the chances are that
winter weather will be here, and
no more paving will be done for
the season.
A riMulfleri Art
Will bring you a; buyer.
Law Library
Law library for alo. Box 4 3.,
Brownsville, Or. Adv.
Pour Permits Issued
Four building permits have
been issued from the office of the
c ty recorder this ;week. H. .
Armstrong will repair hia resi
dence at 1298 Highland avenue at
a cost of $1750; W. W. Fuller
will erect a one-story frame dwell
ing at 550 Eighteenth street at
th cost of 12200: Benjamin F.
Forbes, Jr., will erect a one-story lent, $10
i Reported by Union Abstract
Adolph E. Torgerson et al. to
Jacob A. and Bertha G. Ganow,
NWfc and SWVi of NEi sec.
10-8-1 E.. $5,000.
Moilie M. and John H. Daven
port to E. W. and Mabel S
Grove, NE lot 23. Silverton.
South. $500.
Clarence W. and Mae Forrest
to Lloyd A. and Ada C. Lee, lot
29, Hampden Park, $10.
Alva A. and Ethel Webb to
W. W. and Rosa Loomis, hi
fere In M. Johnson's add. to
SilTerton, $1,800.
A. E. Bell to A. D. and Cora
Wagner, part lots 7 and 8, block
38, Unls add. to Salem, $10.
Mary T. Mitchell to Charlie
Engel, lots 7 and 8, block 24.
Highland add. to Salem, $1,800.
Samuel and A. Gerig to Jen
sie and Roma Davis, Vg acre iu
sec. 30-9-3 E., $950.
M. T. Irwn and wife to Miss
Leara Clark, part of lot 7. block
10, Geo. H. Jones add. to Sa-
School Transportation
Statute is Interpreted
The law providing ror ttie
transportation of pupils in school
districts is interpreted in an opin
ion of Attorney General Van Win
kle written for the district attor
ney of Columbia county.
The attorney general holds
that a union high school district,
although not mentioned in the act.
may avail itself of the same priv
lllges under another statute pro
viding that all laws governing
regular school districts and offi
cers shall apply to union high
school districts and officers as far
as applicable. It is held, however,
that the right to provide transpor
tation under the statute is limited
to pupils within the school dis
tricts of which the union high
school district is composed, and
Oh Boy!
How They
Can Play
Dried Beet Pulp
Another car of this
great feed now on track.
It certainly pays to feed
your milk cows.
Eastern Corn
Another car of fancy
yellow corn now unload
ing. Special prices on
large orders.
Fall Seeds
We have all the leading
varieties of Fall Wheat,
Fall Oats, Cheat Seed,
Vetch Seed, Fall Rye and
Clover and Grass Seeds.
We buy only the high
est grade seeds on the
market and reclean all
our seeds in first class
shape. It does not pay
to sow with inferior seed
or seed grain as you only
secure less crop but are
liable to get some weeds
that you do not want and
cannot kill out.
251-261 State St.
Opens Monday, September 12
New Arrangements Make Possible Broader Field
Courses Offetjpd in
Grammar Grade Classes llyear Academy for Boys
4-year Academy for Girls Music
Boarding School for Resident Students Now Open
Established 1863
General Banking Business ' .''
Office Hours
from 1 a. m. to 3 p. m.
McDowell Market
Where a Dollar Does Its Duty
173 South Commercial Street Phone 1421
j - .......
We now have on hand absolutely the choicest, Steer,
Meat of any market in the jeity. These choice Steaks
and Roasts cost you no more than others charge for
their junk. f . ;
Legs of Young Mutton..!-- .. .. - - .. .12c
Mutton to Roast.
Mutton Chops....
Mutton Stew
Choice Young Pork to Roast.
We have the only pure Pofk Sausage in the city, that "
does not contain water or cereal. It costs you no more.
Our Own Pure Lard inj 10s $1.45, 5s 75c, and
- 3sl50c y---:'y;y!::
We remain open until 8 p. m. Saturday evening for
your convenience . . '
Quality Meats for Less
McDowell Market
-L-lOc per lb., 3 lbs. 25c
I will noil at Public Audi ion!; at my farm, five ml("N rat oj
Salom and ne and oneJwtf mile north of Halem-SIIicrUyU
rosid or K miles t of Hllverton, on
Commencing at 10:30 a. m., All the follow ing property: ,
One pair geldings, are 7 and 8; weight 1400 pounds each. :
One pair black geldings, weight 1500 pounds each; a fine'
work. team. One bay mare, 8 j years old, weight 1500 pounds; ,
fine mare. One roan gelding, weight 100 pounds; a good
worker. Four cows, miiklng, one with call br aide. Three fat '
heifers, fresh this fall. One Berkshire boar, eligible to registry.
One Berkshire sow with papers. One Berkshire eligible to t
registration. One Poland China sow with litter. Six small
brood rows. Shoats. feeders, blockers, weaners, gilta (about)
20). chickens, docks and geeafe. - ' 1. i
Tractor, Case, 10-20 hp.
Engine gang plow, 3-bot. 11-in
Deering tandem disc, 7-lt.
Spring tooth,, 3-ection.
Spike tooth harrow. 3 -section
Deertr Under, 7-ft.
McCorr.iick mower; G-ft." i
McConaick rake. 10-ft.
Oliver Lise. 6-ft.
Dupkx Kelly reed RrmCer. big
Corrugated iron roller 8-ft.
New Peoria drill. 7-ft.
Van Brunt seeler, 6-ft.
Riding cultivator, wiggle tail.
Kimball thistle cutter, 7-ft.
Oliver plow No. 40, wood bm.
Oliver plow 222. steel beam.
Wagon with box, good shape.
Wagon with box. fair shape, .
2 hayracks, good shape.
1 garden plow, 10-ln.
I N W potato plow.
1 gas engine.. 1 1-2 hp.
Fanning mill, pow. or hand
Pump Jack.
Hay rope, 1 1-4 In. .
Cream separator.
14-ft. freight bed with
high side boards.
Barn pulleys.
Hay carriage.
2 double harpoon forks.
Anvil and forge.
Platform scales.
Scalding tat. -
Feed cooking store.
3om household goods.
Lots of small tools.
Six seta harness in food condition, and other articles too num
erous to mention. Owner has rented his farm and Is there--fore
closing out the beat bundh of high-grade stock and prac-'.
tit-ally new farm machinery ejrer offered at public auction In
Marion county. , . - ,
i. i
L. C X C It B K U V El 1 , O X G ROUNDS
TERMS:. All stuns of $20 ami under. Js ratli) over that
amount six month's credit vill be Riven, pim-haner giving
bankable, note with approved jwcurity. Interest at H per cent
from date. Xo property to be removed until settled for.
Geo, Satterlee, Auctioner
' Phono 1 177, Salem
L Bechtel & Son
Owner. : - ?..V .
ii ' '