' : 5 I 'i THE OREGON" STATESMAN SALEM, OREGON WEDNESDAY MORXHCGr SEPTEMBER 7? 1921 " ft t - ! f 1 :! I": .a: THE SECRETARY OF STATE'S OFFICE Serfea of Three Articled by Sam X. kozer, Incumbent, ; ; Article No. 2-State Institutions and Finances Smite Idea, of tho growth of the and- the demands upon it rmay be obtained by comparing th nuinber of persons in the var iicus state institutions at tni pres ent time with the nnmber when ' tUDxe institutions were first creat ed.; ... .. f; Cre of Inwnc AwumH , V-.'Tne carer of the Insane was tak , en over directly by the stata in i j W3J and- daring ; .that year the i I present" hospitt.1 east : of the ?citv j ; was opened. tThere were 409-pa. i , item iraasierrea rrom the Haw l inorne . sanitarium r in ' Portland M wnere tne state cared for its in satifl; prior, to that time nnd.-., ntfact.- The number of Inmates ;i wo nofiiai at the present time ; Isertearly 1809: and in hhjt. Uhere: are nearly 550 persons now eastern Oregon state hos kp,,tal'Jl,t rndleton.j which institu- s was openea for the reception H fr. J?ai,0BJ; 10 years ago, ji ' ine , nnnd school opened its Kd2?!?"'11 1871 than attendance i 1T. wmcn nas increased at 'tine- present time to 43. ji ;: ' The .boys- training school, be i ; tweea the city of Salem and Tur i? fryras" opened in 11891. with 20 yoys, andjiQwOaeroiaxa more than oeiag cared for. : - - Tubercnlar Cared for I ' rTh Oregon schodT tot the deaf , icne m me year i7U with f 10 ? students, and those attending m present time number about ; ino ; iuoercuiosui, Hospital was j. first opened la 10. Jrith: f've I patients, and now there are oyer 100, Ihis institntion j being always r luieq to capacity. I , tF.ae reeble-mlnded : Institute, located southeast of Salem, was opened in the year 190S; with 11 inmates, which '.number has rap- i miy, grown until there are now 4 600 people confined there. ! The Soldiers Home at Rob6- burg, which the state maintainf i for, the care of old and enfeebled :; veterans during their declining years. has a population of nearly 1C0 at all times. j i ; ji So as to make the adult blind I fiejf-supportlng as much as possi- We, at the special election May 21, 1920, the people of the sUte I provided for the establishment of f an institution at Portland for ; those ao .afflicted. . Inasmuch. ! however, as the . money - for fin t Anclng this , institution 'will not ; bo available before January . 'i 1922rita; real . work must be de f forred until after that time, al i though the last , legislature , pro- tided $15,000 to carry onthls r work until the funds provided be come available. ;' ? lasthntlon P-ayrbri Heavy 'Z4 i ,& It might be also worthy of rio r tfee or interestinr to know that ; the payroll of those in the. em I ploy of the state and Who main tain their homes in the capital ! city amounts to considerably more j than. $1,000,000 annually. There i' are more than ' 300 persons con ? tlnuously employed in the various j departments and activities' quart . ered In the capltoF and supreme court buildings. At the state bos I pital there are about 220 persons ! reguiariy employed. At the state .institution for feeble-minded, the f employes number about 70.' At the Oregon - state penitentiary about 60 persons: at tha Bara' F tralntnr hroI. nhnut in iunnni nt,the industrial school for girls, i about' 1 0 ' persons ; , at the tuber I cu!osIs hospital. 30. at .the., state I school tor the. blind,. 20 persons; tUhe state school for the deaf, i 30 persons. - Then in addition to 1 those institutions. located in-', the j' vicinity f Baletn," are the eastern i Oregon - hospital- at Pendleton, ll where 50. persons, are i employed ; the Oreron Soldiers'.':' home ' . a illtoseburg,-about 35 person. The f unmrstty of Oregon oil lis in s structional. v and . administrative :, force employs over; 2 SO persons. the Oregon Agricultural College' Mat Corvallisy has otf Its payroll in tno same capacity, more than 350 persons; and -the Oregon normal school at Monmouth in like capac &HK, overjtu persons.u .; !; i Thounlji Man If iMtrtmenta tin . ;. iThl -doenot 'fnciude" any of f the great, army of employes en rfgaged da. accomplishing the ex i i i i i i i Fall Seeds . We have a complete stock of Fall Seeds all RECLKAN . ED in' first class shape, in cluding Waldo Hill Gray Oats. White, Winter Wheat. White Eaton Wheat,' Kinney. Wheat, Durham . Wheat, Fall Ryo, Rosen Rye, Cheat Seed," Oregon Vetch, Hairy,. Vetch, and all kinds of Clovers and : Grass Seeder tVf Too, wilt always, find our prices the lowest in the Wil lamette Valley, for QUAL-. ITY. SEEDS. '&m' " :i Sded Cleaning ' We have the most Improv ed cleaning machinery in the state, and pride ourselves on doing the best work in the state, , We clean clover j so as tahave the highest grade seed possible and wltbs the least possible .loss of seed. It certainly saves and makes you money to have us to do your seed cleaning. And the price Is as .low. as., others charge! for inferior work, - Bring us your seeds and cleaned right.' ' seed grain and . have it - i.' - D. A. WHITE S SONS Phone 160, 255 State St.4 1 Pt,FM. OUTl;. V 'I J tensive road , program which the state, is vigorously proetuting at this C tlmo, - outside or those em ployed immediately in the capitol bnildings. Tho state of Oregon, It will be observed, ia quite an extensive in stitution, requiring not only hun dreds, tut thOMSinds, to conduct Its business and carry on Its ac tivities. 'Perhan.? the miitTi tudt of the business of the state Is not grasped by the people generally, for the reason that its many ac tivities are more or leas scattered. The lack of their being central ized fails to make thht Impression upon the public which any-larj, business naturally does by rea son Of;'ts being ecn-finedv within a limited space. The state fs net to be compared with a ; large In dustry in that it must produce something in order to Justify. Its existence. It produces only where it can in order to reduce the cost of the burden which society im poses upon it. It cannot at the end of a fiscal year show a profit, notwithstanding its affairs have been successfully and economical ly administered, as can the ordin ary successful business enterprise or venture. . The .only, diyidends it can expect to f ecure upon its investments-, which are its taxes, if they may be called investments, which I scriouMy 'doubt, are af fairs well administered, the unfor tunates of the state comfortably and decently cared for, and a sat isfactory accounting by tho sev eral , officers . entrusted with the discharge , of the various duties Imposed upon them by law. ) Hnge Program' Under Way The large : program which tho state has undertaken to effect durjngjthe years 1921 and 1922; involves the expenditure of near ly $45,000,000. Of this sum about $1.07,000 Is for what is classified as general governmental expenses, which includes the ex penses of the legislature, the em ergency board, the executive de partment, the ttcasury. the commission, the attorney general. tne salaries of the district attor neys of the various counties, the expenses of the ftate department. the board of control, the conduct f elections, thn expenses of the supreme court and of the supreme court library, tlte-salaries of the var.oua circuit - judges, and the maintenance and ; upkeep of the capitol buildings and grounds, to gether with ' -., tronie , unclassified miscellaneous expenses.- ; or protection - to persons and property, over $C. 265, 000 is ner essary. :; Under- this classification is included the expense of special agents, the expenses of the fire marshal, the general expenses of the nat'onal guard of Oregon; f be expenses of the banking de partment, the corporation depart ment, the insnrance department; the real estate department, and of the public service commission; Al so the expenses ot the sealer of velghts and measures, the. board of aconntancy. the board of ar , chitects' examiners, engineering examiners, - board ' of conciliation; board of Inspectors of child labor, naustnai weiiare commission, tng board of pilot commissioners, the state board' of forestry, the ex penses of registration and licens ing of motor, vehicles, payment o bounties on wild animals, and tor the eradication of wolves and coy otes, "etc.; the expenses of the la-i bor department and : also of me industrial accident - commission,' including compensation to injured worker -: . , - - , . ... ' V i Industrie FoKteml - j t Undor tho head ot development and; conservation of: natural re-i sources,; there .Is Included over $1,737,000. This includes the an- nual appropriations for the var-t lous state, district - and county fairs: for the expenses of the state board' of torticulturer. tor conducting the sUte lime board at Gold Hill. Oregon; for advertising the scenic : wonders of the north west arid, encouraging tourists ti visit Oregon;; for expenses of tho livestock sanitary board, the stal lion registration board;, the vet erinary examining board, and thq Oregon ; human tocietjr; f or thO office of the state engineer in eo-i operative work with the united States geological survey,- and also includes the expenses of the eta to water board. and i desert j lanii hoard;-: tho-threau ot mines and geology, and the department of fisheries and also ot the depart meat of-game. vi r- -f't v.- tUnder ; the i hmd of health and sanitation, aggregating $339,000 there is included the expenses of the1 state board of health, the ex pens of maintaining the Oregon1 Tuberculosis hospital, conducting the work of the Oregon Social Hy giene society, and for the conduct of The Cedars at Portland. The expenses of the child welfare com- mission and ot the dairy ana iooa commissioner .are included nnder thls heatL ai aro&lRO the expenaoj of thef state' board bt' barber ex? aminers and board of chiroprac tic examiners, board or denial ex aminers; board ( of k medical exam iners,, board ot examiners of craduate nurses. board of exam iners in optometry; and the state board of pharmacy, .-.: .- .. - . . . Htmln ItnildH lliChvaiTa , : Under the head of roads and highways, is included all the ex pendltures. made directly by the state In the extension. (and im provement of rods and highways throughout Oregr.nc Tnts item a gregates over ' $2 f, 660.000 and much of it. will arlte from the Bale of bonds, the' issue of which has be?n v authorized for the purpose of improving the roads and htgn ways throughout the state.' ' Under t he head of " charitlee. r hospitals and corrections, the Tar lous items aeireeate over 13,- 427.00.; and Include the moneys provided -! for th3 conducting the -Mate School-for the 'Blind at Sa 'lem. the Employment Institution : for the Blind at Portland, the .deaf school at RaK.m. and for sup porting a number ot private insti tutions) throughout;. , the fv state which are carta for indigent or phans and foundlings It also' In cludes the Etate hospital at Salem, the Eastern Oregon Hospital at Pendleton; the Institution for tiie Feeble-Minded at Salem, thp pen itentiary at Salem. ' tie Hoys' Training School, cnl the State n dustriai bchol lorjfiirla, ; Ktii-atlonl Affroprlatloas lalc ; For education the total sum ag gregates over $6,507,000. Th:s includes tiio Ur'artnient of educa tion of the stat, the carrying on o.' the vocational educational work in cooperation with the federal government, the expenses of the Oregon AcTicnltnral ("ollegT at Corvallls. tho T:t:.vrr,ity of Ore gon at Eugen. tiie Oregon Nor mal school at Monmouth. a well as the amounM wh!ch the state is contr'bntin? to -x-serv cc men tr aid them In securing an education. Th'i erpenses of I he Oregon State Mbrary and of the Oregon .Histor ical society are ali imnluled un der this classification as is also the Oregon Blue FKok. Under the classification of re creation, there is' but $1,600 rdaced. This includes the . im provement of Champoeg park, in the northern part of Marion coun ty, and tho preservation of the John McLoughlin' home at Oregon City. Under the head of relief to special classes, is included the ex penses of condncting the Oregon Soldiers home at Roseburg. and of printing the proceedings of the department of Oregon of the Grand Army of the "Republic. This classification totals over $133,000. , . Of the foregoing sum of more than $44,000,000, over $7,272. 000 is covered by direct biennial appropriations from the general fund of the state which were made at the last session of our legisla ture, adjourned February 23, 1921. Over $7,396,000 will re sult from fixed mileage levies. Upwards of $19,567,000 will be derived from the sale of bonds for road building. Over $3,446- 000 will be contributed by the federal government for coopera tive educational work and high way construction, and over $6.- 537,000 will come from fees and miscellaneous income and receipts of the different ! departments, boards and commissions. X6t All Direct Taxation While the aggregate of the ex penditures of the state for the current biennium is a sum beyond easy grasp, yet as before stated, this entire amount: in fact, by far the greater portion of it. is not the result of direct taxation. The receipts from what are gen erally termed "miscellaneous sources." that Is, from departmen tal fees, licenses and the like, are estimated at over $10,398,000, while the expenses of those ac tivities which - are ! payable, from the fees which they collect, are only a little over $1,681,000. The difference is diverted to the gen eral fund -for defraying the gen eral governmental expenses, and portions for specific purposes. i For example, it is estimated that the sum of $2,375,000, be ing estimated receipts from the laws providing for a tax on gaso line, less than $95,000 will be refunded , by reason of the usq of a portion of the gasoline sold for other purposes than In the operations of motor vehicles. Ot' the estimated receipts of over $5,043,000 from motor vehicle li censes, this sum, together with the receipts from the gasoline tax. la made available for road con struction and . road Improvement throughout the state. Aggregate of Fees Krdimated The estimated receipts from corporation licenses over $540,- 000, and from inheritance taxes aggregating over $5,000 are, less administrative expenses, available for the 'payment of general gov ernmental expenses. The opera tion of those salutary laws desig nated to protect the health, lives; and property of the people, an nually produco a revenue Bubstan-I will be proven by a mere ; 1 ,. THE STORE WHERE Princess Hard Wheat 1 "t" ; , Flour , 1920 J Prlee, aact' f 2.15---Onr Today's Price- - -- Sack Bond $7 ien lUTOoery.jjept.j .7; II mi llllllIK L- : vLj?..;'. JLiF J . iSilM'U I Ulli UKT -::T-i' 11 v uf Aiit a hi 11 i i s a. ' miTsix." k isj" " w m 1 11 1 1 1 1 : 1 .w a. - s .,- t f a - 1 v ' " - t- 1 . - ' , ..-i-n ."aBat-vj c . 1 A Gmantic' Effort m on TYPICAL MINERS HOME IN MINGO, H?-r' 'Wr- 'V'-''' y - " I1 "Jf "V- if : ti i y. .: T -A... Feieral troops have been ordered to make ready for an Immediate move-to West Virginui it neces-i sary. Gor Morgan of West Virginia appealed to the President for troops when he learned that striking: miners and deputies were ready to clash in Mingo and Logan counties. The coal fields have been the seen of several outbreaks ever since the striking coal miners and operators disagreed.! The picture shows a typical miner's tent, erected: to meet the demand or the high cost of living, since the miners have been out of employment tially in excess of the cost of ad ministration. It is often stated that the state 1 cumbered with an endless num ber ot needless commissions, which could well be dispensed with fand the expense of their functioning saved to the state. In this con nection it might be stated that there are, nearly 40 boards, and Commissions of various kinds, practically all of which are honor ary, or of which the members re ceive but a nominal per diem while in the actual performance of their duties; so that while thera is a considerable number of hoards and commissions yet they are not a drain upon the state,, for they arc supported. from the fees deriv ed from persCns engaged in those vocations which they are created to regulate. There are no separate boards for the conduct o the various state institutions. These are all centered in the board of control, composed of tho governor, secre tary ot state and state treasurer, who receive no compensation whatever for their services on this board. The state penitentiary is under the . direct control of the governor. Population Grows Rapidly In 1900, the population of the state was substantially 413,000, while in 1920 it reached nearly double that, or 800,000. Ex penses have increased in greater ratio than the population, which is accounted for to some extent by the fact that the value of the dol lar is not as gTeat as it was two decades past. The greater portion of the disbursements during the past biennium are represented by the receipts from the sales of bonds for highway construction and improvement throughout the titate. as authorized under the sev eral statutes providing specifically therefor to bo used for road con struction and improvement, and from licenses, excise taxes, ,, etc. Prior to 1917, Oregon had no bonded indebtedness. In fact, it was one ot the very few states standing in puch an enviable posi tion, and it was with pride that the secretaries of state in their bi ennial reports always referred to this condition. No. more, how ever, can attention be directed to this singular position of distiinc4 Power; of Ybur Dollar Today visit to this store. We pnrchase our merchandise on the lowest possible levels. Our far - .,.. ! overs, give up the advantage of, ender selling all others. YOU CAN SAFELY SHOP WITH PLEASURE AND A SATISFACTORY UNDERSTANDING OF LOW PRICE GIVING Shop Where the Crowds Buy . v .- Men's Heavy 220 .Overalls 1920EPrice f 2.70 Our. To day's Price t i i 98 c (Men's-FumiEhing Dept.) Merely Examples : ot 'itie Low w. - . tion among the staters. Bonds have not been issued for other purposes than for road construction, with the exception of come few hundred dollars under the so-called "rural credits law." Thox total road bonds outstanding at this tlmo ap proximate over $20,000,000. The expenditures of the proceeds from the sales of these bonds in high way work and highway construc tion under tho directfon of tho state highway commission are au dited with just as much care as are the accounts of any other state activity or money expended for any other governmental pur pose. Xe-iv Duties ImpoNcd It might be here stated that one 6f the laws enacted by th? 1919 regular session of the legis lature which imposed considera ble additional duties upon the secretary of state, is the soldiers', sailors' and marines' educational financial ,aid law. This law, it will be recalled, was enacted at the 1919 session of our legisla tive assembly an4 directed to be referred to the people at a sp-ecial election held in June, 119. Thereat the people approved the same and such law authorizing aid in not to exceed $25 per month to any ex-3ervice man pur suing a cpurse of study in some Oregon institution of learning, went into effect. This law requires that the ex servire man submit an application to the executive head of the edu cational institution in which he w'shes to pursue a course of stu dy. If the executive head of such institution finds the application in order, hs approves and forwards it to the secretary of the state, who further examines it and U found correct places it on file. Thereafter tho claims of the ex service man not in excess of $2 per month as may be approved by the executive head of the In stitution, are paid by tho secre tary of state for a period of not to exceed four years. Up to March 3-1 . 1921, over $794,000 was paid to more than 54 00 ex-service men by the state to aid them in securing an educa tion. This law carries an appro priation of substantially $200, .000 annually. By another law f approved by the people at the special ejection cm May 21. 1920. Our Part -vSs - - i ;vLit. . II am - Bob White Soap 1320 Price.! Bar 6c or Today's Price, Bar i i ! . 4c i ' (Grocejry Dept.) WEST VIRGINIA. i r-f ylj the sum was tubstantially doub led. Very few o! the states of . the un'on are assisting their enlisted men as is ; Oregon, though som of them have provided a cash bonus, based on the length of service during the recent World war.. Klectlon Work Heavy Duties generally devolving up on the secretary ot state are those in connection with the conduct ot the various stale elections, both primary, general and special elec tions. Prior to 1906, there were only the general erections, hem biennially, and such special elec tions as might be called- by the governor from time to time. How ever, when the primary law went into effect, in 1S06, the election work of the state was doubled. Just as much work, in fact more labor and expei.se, is involved In the conduct of a primary election than In the conduct of one of the biennial general elections. S1LVEKTOX PKHSOXAIaS SILVBRTON, Ore., Sept. G (Special to Tho Statesman) Alfred Jensen, Martin Hatteburg and Mrs. M. O. Gunderson mo tored to Portland today in the former's car. The party went on business connected with the Trin ity pipe organ. Miss Cora Satern who is pick ing hops at the Grinde yard, spent the week-end at home in Silver ton. Rev. and Mrs. George Henrik seu. Miss Dora Henriksen and Miss Louise Henriksen are spend ing a few days at Portland this week. Miss Esther Larsen and Harold Larsen motored to Salem Monday night. Commons Frowns, British Officers Take War Brides LONDON, Sept. 6. Seven Bri tish officers with the army on the Rhine have married German wo men since the occupation, it was stated In the house of commons today by a government spokes man in reply to a question. Ho added that it was not the policy of the war office to encourage such unions, but' the department has no power prevent them. 4T . iytfv to Demonstrate the Gorrip:ecl With- Prices in 192p Unbleached Muslin 1920 Price, yard 22c Our Today's" Price j u-: 9c ... (White Gooda AIL NEW TODAY - , - IPS A wIhr yo cast . or frtcaasced, and j oo stt on a golden .throne- all day, v surrounded by ymtr MVag subject.. and dnr.ky slaves f bring .you ' bushels of " ' pearls, a.nl jcoldrn-hrow-n tvamps do th ' and thew, blooie!. the alarm clock rings! A screamingly funny plot are of Kchool boy life, frofn Mary Roberta IUnchart's famous s story. . , i - - - - It's a V Adapted Empire Builders . - - r - Mary Rbb&fsr MMi tibeiEiyi, i1 - -Jt a. - - . . . - ! " - ' ' . ' k '-At j : - ' -' , i. LafJiFallHats The charm of the new Fall Millinery is expressed in these Hats. . " . y-'-:'j ..y'-'i :";.'f f - 'i - ' r v.".'. The cleverly fashioned seml-tailoved and Press , Hats, whether it he the' large . Hat, with ' a' toUch pf i brighter color in the facing or trirrirnirigi or the smaller; , closer fitting Hats, effectively trimmed with the much demanded Ostrich feathers. . " j .. . , - 'I $2.98. $875 Our Prices Always th lowest Commercial and sightedness, our tremendous buying power and quick turn-' -., ' , ; , $ ' rS . . ..I "-. 1 Detailed Examples of Under-Selling. - r m w 15x34-mHuckWls 1920 Price 25c Our To day's Price : " r'' Section) (Bargain Sales Main Floor) 4 ; GREAT. LIFE ! 'hav your enrmlm ' boiled !- according to jour mood. "T itr i from the fambnb" story Today ... Tomoiroyirys .1 . . Court Streets n I . r -1 t ( Purchasing AND BETTER SERVICE. - , v .mw 60x76 Pfaid Blankets J920 Price 14.00 Our To day's Price , $1.98, (Ikr;ain Tables, Main Fir) Great Life By J , t x