The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 07, 1921, Page 3, Image 3

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5 -t.i
'tr '
I t
w -
f r Phone 10
Monday being her 85th birth,
day. Mrs. Ashley White was ten-!
dered a delightful surprise by, a
few of her very close' (rlentjs at
tier home, 42 North; Cottage
street. Tiief tamo laden r with
flowers gladioli, sweet peas and
fern cut , glass and many other
tasteful and acceptable gifts.
At 5 o'clock Jlrs. JZ. M. Law and
Mrs. Esther 'Armstrong served a
dainty tea, calces and Ice cream be
ing the principal refreshments.
The afternoon was spent in an
Informally social manner. Mrs.
White baa lived In Salem lor many
years, her husband whose death
occurred a few years ago, having
been in business here.
' L. J: Whitely and sou Efnest,
of Hornell, N. Y., arrived In Sa
lem Sonday evening', having made
the - entire trip across the conti
nent by. automobile. This Is Mr.
Whltely's" first trip by the north
ern route although he has made
the southern , Journey several
times. '' ; . -' . '
Mr. Whitely and his son are the
Engraved, Cards .
Wedding Invitation and Visiting
. ,. f ; Cards -..yyy
Prompt, satisfactory Service
( -1C3 North Commercial '
I I I I I I I I I M I.
- Pickling Spices
Stone Jars
V Fruit Jars
135 N. Liberty ! Phone JS7
1 M - All
is refined and redefined
by a special process, male
toj ' Wjia j dean-lmrniiijt
fuel for homft'oaeVf Ask
your dealer, for PEAR1V
onj: v:.'?:-:;.;.;; ,
rnMU of Dr.. and. Mrs. J. TsL
Crothers whose country home Is
near Liberty. After a scori stay
at the Crothers residence, they
wiii'proeeeu on tneir way 10
Angeles where they expect to
spend the winter.
- - 4
Mr. and Mrs. J. Stockenberg of
Walnut park, Portland;., were
week-end guests of "their cousin,
Mrs. V. L. Purviael
Miss Harriet Leslie and George
Leslie of Pittsburgh. Pa., with
E. 1 Leslie of Rogue River are
iruesta at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. F. O. Myers, 593 South
Commercial street. The Pitts
burgh guests have been visiting; at
the Leslie home in Rogue River
and are leaving the latter part of
the week In order to spend some
time with Portland relatives. They
will be accompanied by E. L. Lea
lie. After a short stay there they
will return to their home.
- Mr. and Mrs. E. V. McMechan
and Mrs. Caleb Sawyer joined Mr.
Sawyer in Astoria Sunday morning
for a week-end trip to Seaside.
They returned home by motor
Monday evening.
Professor and Mrs. E. Northup
of McMlnnvllle motored to Salem
Tuesday.' Miss Osa Northup who
has been visiting Miss Lora Pur-
vine returned with her parents to
McMlnnville, takkig with her for a
stay of a few days her hostess,
iniaa I ui f luc.
y,y '
Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Vandevort
entertained Monday evening with
a' venlspn dinner, Mr. Vandevort
having returned from a successful
bunting trip with the legal limit.
The rooms were decorated with
zinnias in red and yellow, place
cards conforming in color. The
evening was spent in conversation,
tales of hunting prowess being tha
principal subject.
Those present ; were Mr. and
Mrs. O. E. Price and sons Stanley
and Howard, Mr, and Mrs. W. C.
Young, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Legge.
Miss Margaret Legge, U. G. Holt,
Roland Randall, Miss Jennelle
Vandevort and Mr. and Mrs. H. H.
Dr. and Mrs. Prince Byrd and
J. B. Young are enjoying a two
weeks' outing at Gearhart.
: . v " -
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Purvine
of Portland, were week-end guests
of Salem relatives.
II. E. Gleason and Gene Croth
ers are enjoying an extensive out-
iThey first explored the Columbia
highway and points of irteret n
and about Astoria, To date theaj
have proceeoeu as ut Mdu. .
Ashland, having camped at various
interesting and picturesque spots
en route. - During- the week-end
they were joined by Dr. and Mrs
H. E. Crothers and Mrs. A. M.
Gleason for an outing at Belknap
Snrinnc I
f- -' - c
Frederic D. Aldrlch left Tuets-
day morning lor ladina. Ore., j
where he will enjoy a weeks out
ing. 1
The Woman's Home Missionary
society of the first Methodist
church will meet at the home of
Alias Hattie McDowell at Cottage
Home, Cnemawa, this afternoon at
Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Daue, Dr.
and Mrs. O. A. Olson and Mr. and
Mrs. L. W. Gleaiton motored to
Tillamook Saturday, returning on!
Monday, by way or Seaside.
A number of the members of
the local I.O.O.F. motored to Tilla
mook for the week-end, the spe
cial inducement being a meeting;
cf the Muscovites there with an In
stallation and banquet. The femi
nine members of the party were
thrown npon their resources dur
ing this part of the progrom but
later all enjoyed an outing at the
various beaches . and returned
home with the memory of a tie
iifu'titiut trip. Those making up
the party were Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Drager and son Gene; Mr.' and
Mrs. C. G. Nicholas, Mr. and Mrs.
W. A. Cummings, Mr. and Mrs.
Damon Fleener, Mr. and Mrs. W.
M. Sigmund and daughters Eu-
. i -
William Wallace Graham
.Solpfst and teacher. Nine and a half years study and
teaching in Europe, twelve in Portland. Pupils holding
responsible positions in many parts of United States
as teachers and soloists. Beginners accepted; coach
ing in accompanying and ensemble! Tot appointment
call Marion Hotel, Salem, Wednesday, September 7 or
any Wednesday or Saturday thereafter. ' ,
Use Grandma1 Sage Tea and
Sulphur Recipe and Nobody
Will Know
The use of Sage and Sulphur
for restoring faded, gray' hair to
its natural color dates back to
grandmother's time. She used it
to keep her hair beautifully dark,
glossy apd attractive. Whenever
her hair took on that dull, faded
or streaked appearance, this sim
ple mixture was applied, with
wonderful effect.
But brewing at home it mussy
and out of date. Nowadays, by
asking at any drug store for a
bottle of "Wyeth's Sage and Sul
phur Compound," you will get
this famous old preparation. Im
proved by the addition of other
ingredients, which can be depend
ed upon to restore natural color
and beauty to the hair.
A well-known downtown drug
gist says it darkens' me hair so
naturally and evenly that nobody
can tell It has been applied. You
simply, dampen! a sponge or soft
brush with it and draw this
through your hair, taking one
small strand at a time. By morn
ing the gray hair disappears, and
after another application or two
It becomes beautifully dark and
glossy. Adv.
Salem School of Expression
147 N. Commercial Street.
Lulu Rosamond Walton, Director.
Phone 1484-J
M. to 5:45 PVM.
MnJ' 'mi ' Bi
E' i . till '.'.Ml ui:Bjr5t
L.ri XT'., v. -v-Wa.Wi."
SATURDAYS 9 A. M. to 8 P. M.
Susan Smart Suits
These SuiU Are Very High Class and
i.- HaVe'i Style All Their Own
A Description, of a Few, Although You
-Will Find a Splendid Assortment to
Choose From. '1 '
lf 'The "fashionable Miss will be delighted with
' :hls striking' mocel. It Is made of that rich, warm
ill-wool material called Mousyne, which has a soft
relvetv n linear ance. It is in the smart looking
Russian blouse effect, hand embroidered In Russian
The color of this Suit is
, lesign.
Surrento Blue.
Priced $89.50
V Here is a wonderfully smart style, one of the
nost fashionable materials, aH-wool Veldyne. This
" nakes an excellent Suit for Fall and Winter wear.
This Suit dsiplays the newest fashion ideas in the
"3elted Coat with trim silhouette lines. An admlr
ible large shawl collar of blue Fox and Fur cuffs
tdd to the charm of this Suit. The color is a rich
lark brown.-
Priced $135.00
A High-Class Suit is this one of Brown Punet Superior with a snug, warm
collar of Mole fur. The Jacket is lined with a pretty" fancy lining. The desired
trimming touch Is given by an artistic band of embroidery that Is altogether
very charming. '.' .
Priced $75.00
Skillful designing and one. of Che season's choicest materials have made
this very late style Suit.' Made of all Dunet Superior In Kavy Blue. The fash
ionable slynx on the collar, which can be worn turned up or down, and also
two rows down the front and round the bottom of the Jacket adds beauty to
this Suit. The hand work of dull gold embroidery on .the Jacket Xs very good
lOOklng. " .. . " ; ' . - "' '
r Priced $98.00
:l, - - -T - . r v
That we also have Suits that are not' so expensive, Suits of Tricotine,
Serge and other materials that are stylish and well tailored, at prices begin
ning at 125.00, and Qn upward.
SlaU Orders
i We pay the
Postage Or Ex
press on. all
Mail Orders.
; , .... -i .; -f , '. :- -V. .- i -
466 State Street
If . Phcne877
r t Satisfaction
Guaranteed or
Your Money
Cheerfully Re
. funded.
gene and Wllda; Mr. and Mrs.
Pasco Trarlio. Mr. and Mr. Jatnea
Chenoworth, Mr. and Mrs. pi if-;
ford Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Leroy j
iai-ril. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rad- ;
clitr, Mr. and Mrs. Homer Ingrey. f
Mr. and Mrs. William Yantall. Mr.
and Mrs. Richard Carlson and
daughter Frederica. Mr. and Mrs.
Clarence Townsend. R. W, Simer
at. George Viesko. J. A. Gosser. J.
E. Maddison. Ruef White and
John Sox.
Mrs. G. G. Bingham. Mr. and!
Mrs. Keith Powell and Mrs. Kath
arine puwell motored over the Co
lumbia highway to The Dallej
Sunday, returning to Salenf Mon
day. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rogers of
Portland, spent Tuesday in Salem
vibiting at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Bligh.
Dr. and Mrs. J. E. Crothers,
Gene Crothers of Salem and Miss
Jessie Foster of Independence re.
turned last week from a delightful
trip to Mt. Hood lode.
O. L. Hahn has JusT returned
from a fishing trip to Pacific
Mr3. Bertha Junk Darby and
her mother, Mrs. Junk, have re
turned frqm a vacation at Ocean
Park. Mrs. Darby expects to open
her studio September 21.
5? -5
W. H. Burghaidt, Sr., left to
day for Portland. From there
he w!ll visit tht numerous beach
resorts for an ' indefinite period.
Mr. Burghardt has spent the
greater part of the spring and
summer visiting various portions
of the state in an endeavor to
benefit his health.
Herbert Darby, . son of Mrs.
Bertha Junk Darby lert Tuesday
morning for Th3 Dalles where he
.will be employed unm the Uni
versity of Oregon opens.
The aid society of the Women's
Relief corps wil meet on Thurs
day afternoon for a social session
at the home of Mrs. F. O. Bar
tholomew, 793 North Capitol
street. '
St. Paul's Guild of the
Episcopal church will meet this
afternoon at 2:40 at the home of
Mrs. V. E. Kuhu, 653 North Win
ter street. Tha meeting is pure
ly a social one.
At the regular meeting of the
Woman's Relief corps on Satur
day that organization, in obed-
ienaf to their general orders is
sued, by the national body, maue
plans for the observance of Con
stitution day, September 17. This
work is under tho direction of the
national Americanization commit.
tee cooperating with the depart
ment committee of which Mrs.
Bertha Drew Giiruan of Heppner,
Or., is the chairman. The chair
man of the local committee being
Mrs. LaMoine ft Clark, who is
also a prominent member of the
Daughters of the Revolution. The
program as outlined by the local
comjmittee, the department a4
local patriotic instructors, includ
es a program at iiccornack nan
at 3 p. m. to wuich all patriotic
orders in the city will be Invited
and each. asked to furnish one Dr
more numbers for the program.
DetaUs of the meeting will be an
nounced later.
Th? Well Dressed Woman
Majorities of Candidates
Seem To Be On Increase
LONDON. Sept. 5. The major
ities of the government candidates
in the province of Victoria, Aus
tralia, .have been increased ;n the
general elections just held, ac
cording to Melbourne dispatches.
The present state of the parties
Government 32: labor 21: far
mers 12. The state of the parties
for. the last assembly was: Gov
ernment (liberals) 29; independ
ent liberals 2; labor 20; farmers
13: independent labor 1. ;
The elections were almost en
tirely fought on the government's
intention to abolish ' the wheal
pool, the cabinet having recently
decided that the time was oppor
tune for de-control in pursuance
of Its policy of non-interference in
commercial activities.
; The Victoria parliament will as
semble December 6.
B? iuua
Tnere Is nerer a season when I
do not find sports clothes Interest
ing and never a season when there
is not something really new among
them. I fancy that my lore of them
la not fully explained by my love of
sports, but is a sort of atavism that
I am barbarian enough still to revel
in the gorgeous colors that are al
ways permissible' aV the country
club, no matter what we are wearins
on the streets or In Use evening.
This suit, which caused my Imme
diate downfall, seems to be conclu
sive proof of my theory. The fall and
pleated flannel skirt Is of the most
entrancing clear scarlet, the little
hat of the came material, while the
tailored blouse is the loveliest, deep,
soft, corn color.
As is essential in such a brilliant
and startling combination, both waist
and skirt are severely plain. The
blouse with its pleated collar, cuffs
and front will stand tor neither
neckwear nor r. tie.
The skirt la utterly untrimmed
save for Its elaborate belt The belt
la made of the -flannel, fastens with
a matching celluloid buckle, and then
la almost completely covered with an
applique of glased kid poppies, and
corn flowers in their own natural
shades, and heads of wheat in brovrn,
gold and orange, with a beard cf silk
The soft little red hat Is trimmed
la the same manner.
Think how wonderful one will look
flaming out against the brown of the
autumn woods or the opaque blues
of the autumn skies.
Germony Would Dispose
of War Trained Canines
BERLIN. S?jt. 6. The German
government is selling off Its war
dogs. It has a large number I
wounded and disabled canines for
sale and ha? offered "them fo the
public at a pre to be fixed by a
valuation comiuiasioa . composed
of veterinarians! , , ; (
Manv of the dogs are said to be
too old for war work .and .others
bare been sick so long that lUO
army officials have defpaired el
their ever being able to engage l;i
active servlke again, should 3uca
service De vequireu. --
The pubUc, w hlch . a ppeara
greatljr attached to .Ihi Uv.ely na
ferocious "polle dos' V has. never
theless, displayed-UtUe tntereat In
thwe canine teteraov
"Johndear. (for that , seemed
to be his name), besan the hew
voter, addressing her husband,
"how ran? scratch a candidate
Intelllgenlly If we do not know
where he ttehes?" " ' .
" He .always Itches '.for office,
wherever that may ,' replied
tb,e w.ise apd We s sian.-rCoun-try
Gentleman. . ; :
in ' m ' 1 !-
li ;i 4. V - ' II 1 "
r m.-
Sacred Heart to Enter 59th
Year as Educational
Sacred Heart Academy, Salem's
pioneer academy and school will
enter upon its 59th year of suc
cessful educational work Monday.
September 12, and during te
summer vacation the bnildfng has
been prepared to accommodate
all the boys and girls of the gram
mar grade classes whose parents
or guardians desire to place them
In this well known and progres
sive school.
Whereas formerly the four
years of academic work were opea
to girls only, crrangements have
been completed to accept boys in
the first year of high school.
The boarding school depart
ment is now ready to receive theh
resident student and all are re
quested to arrivo in time for the
opening classes on Monday morn
ing. Irregularity .in registering
and attending classes th opening
week is a detriment to the tardy
student, and a source of extra
work for boTu teachers and pupils.
The music department Offers
excellent advantages to pupils ot
all stages of advancement on Pi
ano, organ, yioliu and harp, us
well as in theory and harmony.
All students- who expect to reg
ister in any of the departments
of Sacred Heart academy are re
quested to bring reports or credit
sheets showing scholastic standing
in order to facilitate grading and
assignment to classes. ,
We have had all sorts of novel
ists in our day, but ho far none
has had the netve to lay the
scenes in the White House. And
don't think for a minute there ia
i no malt-rim
- - -T-
r ct iii
-Waterproof your. Imthrogm wi&ValspaTy
WATER may splash suds and lather may . ytca!2nff' steam
may cloud the rcm,.jHit no harm. will be done to your bar
room woodwork when protected by Valspar Varnish. '
For Valsparis absolutely waterproof. t ; ' ; . -
But not only in your bathroom, in every room in your home there
is woodwork that ned VaJspar rotertion. . . -
llA A IT (rTT TP ?.
Remember that Vakpar is veryxsiy to apply and that k U poor econ
omy to let yoursejf be fccd intoljuyinghj.vacqrihT iValspar costs
more than ordinary yaxnifh re-varnishiptr sots' mora than Vahipat
w- ; . .
Fall Uthe Tj(me to- Varn)$ v : V ' ;
- -Xt' 7
R. D. Gilbert & Co:
Ray L. Farmer Hardware Co.
- 1 BtMiiMMj--sfMsas ' ' ' ' ' " ' ' '- " . -r ,mmmm: , -
Poland May Send Bid To
American Finance Expert
LONDON. Sent 5 Poland is
contemplating inviting an Ameri
can expert to help solve FoiiBn
financial difficulties, according to
a dispatch from Barstow to the
London Times today. Six months
ago Poland Invited the assistance
of a British treasury official, but
Hilton Young, who was selected,
was unable to accent because of
his appointment as financial un
der secretary.
The Times correspondent 1 de
clares inflation has been neces
sary because Poland does not
raise sufficient revenue to pay ex
British Golf Champion I
Is Beaten By American
GREAT NECK, N. Y.t Sept.; 5
Jim uarnes. American open gon
ruampion toaay deteatea jock
tr... .l j " ... . . . t
nuicumson, uriiisn cnampion
five up and four to play, in 36
hole match for a silver cup and s
nurse nf f snnn .'
Barnes started the afternoon
piay wita a lead of four up, which
he increased to five up before the
end of the match. Hutchison
arove wildly several times.
:'i.;.-fi ry. ":'! ': u '
. i A.V. '-'' "... -'-
' ' "
ji. .. .
t .
THE best paint will be good
five or more years hence, if
properly applied. Cheap paint
on the average, starts cracking ia
itwelvc rxiqnths. '
It's what paint covers that you
jtvant to save not merely a few
cents per gallon m first cost'
Cheap paint does not spread as
easily or as far as good paint- So
when you figure labor and square
yards cpyered, cheap paint on the
house costs just as much as good
Cheap paipt in practically every instance,
b'theiiost "expensive you can buy.
JJtoo't allow sarfeas to rot. It cods less
to paint them.
How Big in 5 Year.
The paints specified by Fuller are die
result of 72 years' experience in the making
pf all kinds of paints, varnishes, etc, for
western use. '
We use the pest materials, PURE PIO
NEER WHITE LEAD, pure linseed oiL
zinc and color as others do, but we com
bine them with a 72 years' knowledge and
long-time skill. -
Our white-lead base is finely ground pure
white. It must pass through a silk screen
with 40,000 meshes to the square inch.
We use special machines for mixing the
materials Li scientifically exact proportions.
So Fuller colors are exceptionally clear
toned and Fuller house paints are noted
for covering capacity, ease of. spread and
great durability. t r i?s
If you want from five or more years? prb-
tectkn for your property investment, get
Fuller's western paint for western weather
conditions a paint you know.
- f- i , . . . . .
' "" : ' ' '' .
. . , '-. ' t .- - j f , ,.
t j t . v- - i 'I'
I . - . - , '
i "I
oh Painting
A SK oor agent for oar free?
j. si
Coondensed Cows Tbere
Mr. Augustus -LInkins of Snn
vllle, Ala., was reading an old
newspaper in which ha chanced
opon an item he thought might in
terest his friend.
1 observes by dls papah."
said Mr. LInkins, "dat de smallest
cows In de world is to be found In
de South Seas. Dls papah says
at de average weight of sich a
cow does not exceed X50 pounds.!
"Does yo suppose, asked his
listener, "dat dat's where der gite
de condensed "milk fromT" Har
per's Magaxlne.
C3ot3'cc Paino
Tniinfactnied by W. . Fuller & Co,
- -
isdrice. He will thaw von
'color card which thowifc 32
shades of this detuahlr paint ' . ,
.tiao Departnentwbicli will elll
yro iu moom cne mow aenraDf 'B-r. JyZr .
coior sebemet, i color ftarnMny ' HV !
.and those other details yott 1 4rv
want to know. T '.-..,; X-CZ:'
Take advantage of Fuller liouae Paints. Takt
tepa to paint now. Don't lef weather de;re
- cute your investment.' !? U-r- - :
t . -. Dept. If, . 8aa Vrajwise ..
Fioettr VaoUturr of ValtH VarnUhet. St-
lor 72 Yura. KsUliiafa4 M '- " v
Branches la 16 Cities la the Wett Dealers evtrywhcrsj
' A1m mrnktri atW CcoMf Floor Paint, Alt
PvpoM Varaishca, Silkcawhit4 XstmcL Pi!tca-of
.TfeMrs VniJh. WhlJ Wa yianh. Aato S.nmmmL
K."4 Koot Pat. Porcb and Step Paint ai
i 10MS WHITE UtAD. : - ;'
Prre prepared and "Phoenix are
Feller's tpee:ficatiht ior Joue paiat
icg. - Get cub f tad you have the best
seryice paints.
paints are important to yea so It's Im
portant to go to the right' stores to gel
them. Agents' pames and addresses
yre printed ia the memo, coapon to the ' Cut it oat and put it in Tana .
yifhffj To Buy Tieto. These ."pcci;; cow, . .
For"2f exlirior job of painting It Is advisable to obtain tk serricM of sv tXictftr PaloUa"
'-' .c- . . '
-v J ;r -'SAyE this-
' . (Cot this oat sad pasts tela your ' -atti
bou usoess) -; "
Vy boo aec4 paiatlar. Vancr SpMificaiioai Beats
faiatts arc aokl by fb feltowias Atta . ,
qmr EBWBK Jffe Aard-riiooatx.
BAT FAKMER 4k CO. Phoenix.
1V O. GLLKT CO Pars Frepra.
JM-iV Oonfcrt Bllyertotw Tvrt l r?pred.
, X. t. XEliNOX Monitor Paw If - sd.
obeoow orjirvi co. shaw rho... '
OUINABT CASH 8T0E2 R.rj5.. ; t-l.rto'' I.
JIOWAED PT.:P Erirkt rcr Fr-- 1
T. P. ' ' -