The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 06, 1921, Page 5, Image 5

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i m
Xo In From Fire , .state are In operation. Ilowerer.
j Timber owner in mis pan ui n reportea tnt the Harrmona
th Willamette valley report that m il may open for operations ear-
thla season there has been practl- lythis fall. It has a daily capacity
eaity no loss from forest v fires, of .250.000 feet, and is one of the
Heretofore there h u been consld- largest mills infills district.
,. erable loss each. snmiufcr, but due
to the continued pnolie education I Preparing Baton Shrine Hall
calling attention; to uaugers wvi Aireaay vrorx has commence'!
forest fires, as wen as placing ot m preparing Salem Shrine Hall
slrni. th's year baa been afortu-l for social entertainments of tbe
nate one. ? ; , j ,," V , : , . .. i ? I Salem Shrine clob. El Karai Grot-
i ana otners wno mi use tne nan
ACUifle A4 . ! I this coming fall and winter. Ira
Will brini yoo a buyer. I provements include a new floor,
improved ventilation and a gener-
Bony at The Commercial Club I al renovation of taa ball.
j With tne flpenmr of the ran
season, the r Commercial clnb is I Law library
once again Decom ing the center i uorary tor saie. w. w.
of various civic activities. Tues-1 Bailey, Brownsville, Or, Adv.
day evening of this week will be
g'Ten to the monthly dinner or I Farms at Jlalsey
Chertians. Wednesday evening is Dr. William Ogle.: a dentist or
tor tne wecsiy tenearsai oi me e- Francisco. w in th eitv
Apollo club. Thai sday there will yesterday on h"s way to bis farm-
bo a meeting or the campaign I ne Interests nr lTalaew Thi
committee and Faturday atter- doctor was formerlv a resident-of
niwii bi i.u.o ciura, , me : oaic u saiem.-
Women s club will. meet. Al
ready, arrangements hav.) been
mada ttr 17 mentlnra thl MOntll I
Vnnil thin ta.lnat lb he.rfnnincr ot I
the season lor - the .commercial
Married Sunday
Edwin Noreen and Miss Dor
othy Lamb were married Sunday
at the home of Dr. Carl Gregg
Doney. Both are Willamette uni
versity students. Mr. Noreen will
continue Ms studies in the univer
sity. Mrs. Noreen is a niece of
Dr. Doney.
Box Wood, $3.50 rT Load
Prompt delivery. Spaulding
Logging Co. Adv.
Blarrted Saturday Evening
Claude Jorgensen and Miss
Margaret Knapp were married
Saturday evening at the Baptist
parsonage by the Rev. W. T. Milli
kin. The left Suncay for a short
outing at Newport. Mr. Jorgen
sen is associated with Graber
brothers, plumbers.
Han Fine Broccoli Crop
Dr. Mark Skiff is home from
Orville where he has been looking i
over his farming interests. He
says that the broccoli crop ot Drs.
Caster & Skiff is looking excep
tionally fine and that already it
is one and one-half feet high.
This is their first attempt in the
broccoli industry. Dr. Skiff said.
-,4club. m . -
fton Is Born - ' ;'
A son was T-iorn Sunday, Sep-
tiember 4, to Mr. and Mr I. A. A.
Mlckel. 495 North Liberty street.
.He has been named Albert An
drew, Jr. Mrv M ckel is freight
agent for tha . Southern Pacific
railroad. t
U. ft. Grand Jury To Meet
The United States grand jury
to meet in Portland Sept. 23 will
Include two members -from Mar
ion county, William T. Hogg of
Scotts Mills and Marion Taylor ot
Mebama. One of the cases to
coroo before the jury la that of the
Columbia River Route Now
Open All Way From As
toria To Pendleton
Fan Line IngeraoU Watctu
Tyler's Drug Store. Ad v.
Fire Looked Scarey
What looked like a holocaust or
at least a catastrophe Monday aft
ernoon, from the amount ot smoke
it sent up, proved to be nothing
Riv Vrorf Ttnvtfnn ..,nrf.,i with more than the burning of some
violating the Mana' act. and who stubble on the Davison farm south
la. now on t nn ha II , oi iwcum mrwi. n wo a vuu-
trouea Diaze ana aian i ao any
Returned to Salem harm except to smoke up nae a
n, t,- r. r. .-v . v, I volcano in action
K Imhnll Chnnl Than n . lirwiuii '""O'"
return to Salem Vithin a few daysL?"LindwHh,0hrPh
accompanied, by bla wife and .on h J? P?S
. M i Tr n woar MTnir wrninria xnm
so that the frame may be finish- tenmng conrerences. Dr. Mcuor- -- "r-:
td to suit any picture, the only eucceeaex, wr anerooa ' -"I, " I
Contract Is Awarded For
Graveling One Unit of
Mt. Hood Loop
llave Ton a PI' tarc
I To be framed? Have it dono
right, at the Gilbert Stud'o and
Craft Shop. A complete stock of
moulding Is carried In the raw,
The longest state highway in
the United States completed on
permanent lines' and grades be
came open along its entire course
yesterday when the Oregon high
way department removed the last
obstacle in the Columbia River
highway. This was at the point
known as Cape Horn between The
Dalles and the Deschutes river.
This opens the famous highway
to traffic all the way from Astoria
to Pendleton, and by removing the
barrier at Cape Horn the old de
tour road around the hill at that
place is abandoned.
rroject Is Record Breaker,
The highway, according to Her
Miss Yaanke will teach Snnish
In the Grant's Pass school.
Miss Mary Notson has retained
after a month's visit at Heppner.
She will take up a post graduate
course this fall and winter at
Willamette university.
Miss Lelie Cook in r ham of Port
land is a guest ot Miss Alice Wood
of West Salem.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Tot ten of
Stan wood. Wash., were In the
city yesterday, guests of B. A.
Shaver. They are on their wav
to southern California.
H. I. Miller ot Cleveland. O.,
who has been visiting at the borne
of W. H. Grabenhorst. left yes
terday tor his home. ,
Mrs. Minerva Holcomb arrived
home Monday from Vancouver,
Wash., where she has been spend
ing the summer. She lives with
her mother. Mrs. E. M. Pound.
755 North Twentieth street, Salem.
Ready to Helo Ton
It you are subject to biliousness.
gas, bloating, sick headache, sour
stomach or other ills that result
from indigestion and constipation.
you can get relief with Foley Ca-
tnartic Tablets. They are a gen.
nine, wholesome physic that at
fords prompt, sure and safe relief
without griping or pain. J. T. Os
burn, R. F. D. 1. Lucasvllle. O..
writes: "Foley Cathartic Tablets
a refine . I bad stomach trouble.
I took Foley Cathartic Tablets and
now I can eat anything. Sold
everywhere. Adv.
Streets Congested AH Day
Yesterday, Theaters Do
Rushing Business
terday were: Jlev. and Mrs, justice fca4 Wmstl a an-
George Henricksen. P.v Hansen, tagonism to Uj Phllologl caiso-
Mr. and Mrs, J. Refsland. Mr. and cletJerof Great Britain Md Aaer.
Mrs. Samuel Torvend. Mr. and lea and to Murray, ths wn"f
Mra. Bert Iversoa, Mr. and Mra. modem lexicompher. The ic-
Oscar Satern. Mr. and Mrs. Mar- torlan educatioa drtm.enLH
Tr.ttoK.r u'oiiini. Hatteburc. adoDted a small number of aimpu-
Miss Nettie Hattcburg, Mis Ag- ficationa of - spelling chaa
nes Hattesburg, Mr. and Mr, -program? -renter", and 'plow '
John Moe. Mr. and Mrs. Helge It had also adopted the. ending
Rue. Mrs. Clara Bait more. Miss "ixe" lnste.l ot "1mm Th dtp-
Esther Grace, Mr. and Mrs. O. 3. thong "ae" bad been Anvt'.
Moe, Melvin Moe. Miss Veraa Par- "But.- declared Mr. Gatea. for
ker, Mrs. Anna Jensen. Alfred eyery simplification there is th
Jensen, Rueben Jeusen, Misa Alice highest English authority and U
Jensen; Mrs. Marie Bunlss. Miss S therefor not correct lor bir
Vivian Buuiss, Norman Jensen, Adrian to refer to prograra- ana
Marvin Jensen. Dr. and Mrs. O. center" a American spelling
F. Helsley. Mr. and Mrs. Artnurijaat because these woras wr
While holidays- and Labor days
are supposed to be days of quiet
in Salem, time has so changed that
even on days wnen ail are sup.
posed to rest, the down town dis
trict keeps up its appearance of a
real live city.
From early morning until late,
all streets yesterday, especially on
the shady side, were crowded with
parked automobiles. In what Is
now termed the congested dis
trict of the city, there was al
most the usual crowd, and al
most the usual difficulty In cross
ing streets and dodging automo
Business In general of . course
was at a standstill, but the res
taurants were crowded, drag
store did a rushlnc business, es
pecially during the morning SYDNEY, N. S. W., June 2 C
hours, .and the movies played tol'r Adrian Knox, chief Justice ot
spelled in the Uftlted States pub-
licatione." j,, . :
i - -
Sheridan District Will
Vote On Decreased Budget
SHERIDAN, Ore. Sept 5. iSpee-
tal to the Statesman) The school
budget for the Sheridan nsinci
for the ensuing school year wui
If Adrian KnOX ObjeCtS tO special meeting to be held Sep-
AmM.-:Ann:nm D.! IU.J Itember s, accoming o onun-
Amei icanism Being Used menl of h. a. Banister, cierk. The
1921-22 budget calls for an appro
priation of $22,162, a decrease ot
several thousand dollars over that
of the preceding year. . , .
In Australia
Iowa Farmer Becomes
Mercy me. what did we do be-
standing room only during the the high court of Australia, does I tore we know anything about Tlta-
greater part of the day and eve-1 not approve ot tne moaern mer mrawf
lean method of spelling a numoeriT
of words. - - I i mm: ' -9
attidavtc was
way to frame correctly. " Upstairs
over Weller Grocery. Adv.
I ' . . . ' - ;;
teacher in the Kirab.-vli School, of
Theology. The fam'ly will live 'in!
the theological college building.
Saw Mills Operating .
. i With the exception of tbe Ham
tnond Lumber lamnanv'n mill tt
Mill ICty. all th large saw mills Iflce. Catolog on application.
of the Polk-Marioc district of the I Adv.
Legal Blanks-
Get them at The Statesman of-
the two companies. He will re
turn to railroad work and has ac
cepted a position as freight and
traffic agent in the northwest of
the Illinois Central, with head
quarters in Portland.
In fact. Salem has now become
such a metropolitan city that the
old days of a deserted city on legal
holidays, appears to be a thine ol
Confirmed Oregonian the.plasi- . , . .
busy a city as on ordinary dava
bert Nunn, state highway engi- P " from general appearances.
neer. is one of the biggest pro- ir", YfJ "e who could not arrange to
A j - l " i ao v v a ws iui a v b i i
JVKM cer unuermea uj uj o. mpr hn wmilHn't traHo h(. Will 1 . " V' . v"
The length of the highway is 349 a lYy tlrm ol III acres GOwn ,nto tne DU8lpe''i dl8irlci
miles and of this 194 miles is for any farm twice the sUe in the
paved. This is the distance from oId frnm hl4.h hgk Mraa Ha milini Tfl lirin
leave the city, managed to come
Astoria to The Dalles,
stretch from Astoria to
1 n?Tn n n n nn n nn
v . , II
Be be Daniels
In '
"One Wild Week"
Sydney. Chaplin
In ; ,.' ; V.
"King, Qaecn, . Joker
Summer Street Invlng
The petition to have Summer
street paved will be presented to
the city council al the meeting to
be held tonight. It is understood
" -wi " -C .1 J Twelfth street and Allport
ers to the petition practically to "J? as he turned t0 on State
cidbuiu tut?- uavnife. vv ilii iuo u
Barely Escafiea Injury
Thomas Allport of 433 South
Seventeenth street barely escaped
serious injury Sunday when his
bicycle which he was riding was
struck by an automobile driven by
E. S. Rich of 148 Miller street.
Both men were going south on
ual time for advertising for bids
and awards, it -is possible, those
interested say, to have part of tne
street paved this fall.
If the fhlfilra Tnwa a rAi.laPrn1 V I
were considered as part of the yearg ,n Iowa and thftn trfed
Columbia River highway, which Jear, ,n thls yalley he ha8 nQ de
engineer unn sas n uuuiu ,lre eTer tQ return to lowa. i
the highway would be longer man Mr Campbell was the owner of
me racmc nignway. a iarKe farm near Oskaloosa. Ia.
Whole Cost Ot Known. 4 number nt vnara rn ho visitant
The highway aepanmeni qoes Oreron and rnuMn't tnret th
not at present have the enure cosi country. About two years ago he
of the highway to date totaled up, bad an opportunity to sell hi3
dui tne sireicn inrougn wbubu- i lowa farm and is now located on
mah county, which was ol no ex- Pacific highway. He feels he haa I
pense to the state, cost the county struck just the right section of the
O C A A A AAA I IT 1 . 1 j . . . . .
o,vvv,. i uuueu oiaics iu wnicn 10 Drinc
Tne aeparimenc says me pt- up nis family.
Last month, an
presented In the high court, con
taining an extract from a letter
written in America, in which the
Entrllsh word "programme was
Americanized to "program."
His honor said he would like I
Americans to know that Australia
was not a dependency of the Unit
ed States. The spelling of Eng
lish words should be done In the
proper- way. The high- eourt. be
said, was, quite content to adhere
to the good old style of English
spelling. Having pointed to the
spelling of "centre" as "center"
his honor hoped that this metnoa
ot orthography was not taught In
the schools.
'This is an Americanism I ab
hor." h added.
Referring to the Incident, w.
VmrU Boa; Bar:
! look
ta h-alth.! don
took iwm
la lb
Oat talaaU
ktaUa kr
O. U Sr
t . 0.
Annual Election Held By p. Gates, inspector of schools In
Pr,Ul! CrAr D victoria aeciarea mai me cmei
Follows Voting
ing of the Pacific highway will be
completed by the end of next year
and Oregon will then be the only
Foe Kent
Front office room. Apply Gray state west of the Mississippi river
Belle. Adv.
Sea Food Brought Home
E. A. Rhoten and family r
1 Says Car Stopiied too Quirk
An automobile driven by II.
yr . . 1. 1 . . . . .
, , r, . . , - iop oi mis city was sugntiy aam-
!0r?vd A"??. LlP Used yesterday when run into by
to have a paved road entirely
across it.
Loop Contract Let.
Alex Moisan To Market
Alex Moisan, who owns consld-
i to the jcoast for clams, sea crabs.
I . , nr.i i t. . x
a car driven by Charles Maxwell.
untuui caicu 01 a., laeso un ... Juat ahead of n5m tnnn,,
are blistered where, they wielded ' the cra8n could not be
i 1 r 1 vi 1
cictin raaB uu banuuu lines ana
Hartman's Glasses
Easier and Better
Wear them and see
KVar Mothers Meet Today
The Salem War Mothers will
meet at tbe auditorium of the Sa
lem Commercial club at -2: 30 this
afternoon. As there is business of at Front and Trade streets.
Phone 1255
Salem, Oregon
1 Vsttilrt al 182 K. OommwUl stmt
I 9 Ca7 y, ToodlM sad AaMrtcaa
Hint, lea craam ano - uwu.
i 0pM n a.m. to 1 s.M.
j','" 1 , . ' al aa4y V
for 8prlng Planting Order From
. .49" Dreeon Bulldin K
c Ainrr (? t? ti
MiS Onilj.V til til
1 ' riv hnvincf Vour hardware and
furniture at ine vapiiai xu-
ware & Furniture uo 60 n.
Commercial street Phone 947
f t 1 ' 1 t-L
TT A1rvl7D Phono
a lUll liU 930
We More,' 1.
Pack and Store t
" Do yon take ;
If not, why not? ,
No other baths or treatmenU
can produce the permanent re
lief to the person suffering
from disagreeable cold 6. ail
ments of tbe flesh or body like
the Turkish Baths wllL
: Open 8 a m. until 9 p. m.
Lady and Uontlemen attendants
other appliances .of "the sea-food
catcher. The, party was away for
four days. ,
Break Into Building
Harvey Ackley. 18. and Gus
Schenk, 16, who claim Portland as
their home, were arrested Monday
morning by Police Officer BIrtchet
after it was reported the boys had
nroxen into the Willamette Val
ley Transfer, company's warehouse
importance, it is expected that I boys are being held pending an in
uisniiroi wu ia iu ma khj i Tesii gallon
win ue present.
Executive Board Meets
The executive board
WURTZBEROAIl At Chemawa Business "and Professional
, .6 . v Z .I. tn 1 eSht miles north of Salem, fig-
, .v" i. ores this year that he will grow
J.111"1" 4"r K7 u " bout 30,000 pounds of onions to
lue niouuL nwu iuuu uitunu iu .v. rrv, i . j i. -
Clackamas county between Sandy explalns oniy on tne famous Lake Mi"1
ana wnerryuie. iub cuuu" i-hink lonila
Two years ago conditions were
The annual election of the lo
cal Knights of Columbus was the
principal item of business at the
meetinc of the order lat nlrht
HeaVV CrOO Of Onions Following the election a banquet
- - -.- - . . . . ,
was ecrvcu tti. wuicu court taias
were made by Thomas Brown,
Frank Bell. Rev. L. J. Derauin.
Flavious Meier and P. B. Keaney,
The new 'officers who will as
sume their duties at the first
meeting in October are: Grand
David O'Hara: deputy
grand knight. P. B. Keaney: chan
cellor, Thomas Brown; recording
103 :
: ataat
11? yrtsat
' 8300.00
s i -v-. Oasa.
nrlu la 1561 K. This la unit No. 2.
t .i i wo years b.ktd conaiuons were i . . -
Bids for the graveling of unit ,deal onio growing and in "rf' "4 Ie 1
No. 1, between the Multnomah gom T,ortions of the beaverdam flnanclal secretary. Rev. L. J.
county line and Sandy, and for f2eEr"S?K' anIt-'E Derauin; Treasurer. Cyril Suing;
... . I s-aavj ansa no aaa.aa ao v v v v syvuuua 1 rr . .
unit No. 3. from Uherryvine " to the acre. It was two years ago T . ' , .5 eenan; aavo- R.,rranra rta finra. la tn. slwr.
Brlghtwood have been rejected that onions touched a hieh nrie . lc ru nsiae guara, I sqnara is auca a manaer uat tkey wiu
ln" oniuns loucaea a uign price Tnr- u I Mnn is &l
Decause inej were wo niga. ot 3c0 - hundred, while the wi . . . . I IT..... V.,h.. iih mmi
rrw aiH.v.ak Janatmat i . .... i UriAUinrnioni: riiKiAA i bar ani : ' .. ' ...
ia ..-v . oottom was reacnea last year,
bir"!. AndtSath"'8 T.1 ,&f nlSht &t the "3.001.30. The work will
announces the letting or contracts wnen qnotation8 were as low as
tor paving tne west siae racmc B0 cents a hun(jred, Mr. Moisan
nignway wunm me-ciiy umus said.
the town or Yamniu. tne warren Onion growers are feeling a lit
Construction company is awara- te better this year than one year
ed a contract to lay 160 square ago. There is a strong demand
vntHa rt Kitnlltlift navftmAiit At r ntA i
jasvta va w-vw.-U. f ' w..- T " 1UI UI11U113 ttUU IUO UrUSUCUlB itlC hltr will . K. nA-a
$11,405.90 and Cochran Brothers that a 8ati8factory price to the 1"' h,s report ttl tut
of Portlsnd uill lav 2825 samK .;n k m
. - j u n rt n... jatu
yaras or concrete pavement ai
DeAutermont; trustee. Charles
O'Brien; publicity committee,
Thomas Brown and Theodore
Peer en boom.
Due to unavoidable absence.
rrank Davey. delegate to the na
tional convention, was unable to
pivn ha ronnr .. oenn it la BiTe ly nattr i aaeaiin
k... i. i .. . . I Iwo a
addresa. and il it ia cornet, wa will at
one mail .res s matrnifiecat thrsa-color
unto road aiaa and 1020 eaaaaa at th
atU ot Oiecoa, and fall partiealars f
one atmpla ronditroa taat yea But J
ftU tor ether with m inatrat4 ptisa
lut. This onditios is very aay ana
Dead not coat roa ona cent of year owa
f i
to tba PACIFIC HOMESTEAD, ths eld-
innoal aubsrriptioiia $1.00 aaeh)
age 42 years. Isody at Rig
don's. Notice of funeral later.
orrice of the president, Mrs. Dr.
Rowland, and a very enthusiactic
session was held. All those pres-
FARR In t this city, .Monday, ent Voted tnelr earnest
age 51 years. The body will and co-operation for the much
be forwarded to ' Portland needed work of the coming year.
where funeral services will be Also arrangements were made for
followed by cremation, Rigdon . ,,.... tn K .v..
On VrtUlon. " '
atJ v ia mui tiv iar
Webb & Clough
U::.-; 'i' Co.?
Funeral Directors
meeting next Tuesday night, Sep
tember 13, hour and place to be
announced later, .
Large celling fan. Welch Rio.
trie Co. Adv.
V Leading Morticians
j Will Speak to Kotarians
Dr. R. E. Lee Stelner. siinerin-
tendent of the Oregon state hos
pital will speak to the Rotarians
at tneir luncheon to be held Wert
; r.esday at the Marion hotel.
i 215 Chemckela St.
Lived in the Phlllppli
. Ji. winiams and wife, who
have been visitine at th hom r
P. J. Kuntz, left yesterday for Mt.
Vernon, la. Mr. Williams has jnst
returned from the Philippine is
lands where ho spent the past six
done by cooperation of the Btate,
Yamhill county and the town ot
Bids received on the Winston
Camas section of the Roseburg-
Coos Bay highway in
Help Them Help Yourself
When you consider the steady
continuous never - interrupted
work demanded of the kidneys
you do not wonder that they musl
F. W. Jobelman Resigns
Bligh Hotel Management
nnue-laa have help occasionally to filtei
J !()"" i,7 a aa awWD aim-. VIaaJ I w -" O v uc aaa
county have been rejected and " si oui irum iuB publishing his magaxine "Civics".
the commission will readvertise me waste iir ii wa. w in which he has been interested
rat and bait wraklr farm maajaaiaa pub
lished in. tna l'acifio Aorta weak.
How to Send Your Solutions
Ui only en a alda of tha papac that
eontajna tha aolutioa and pat your aama
and address on . tba apper right haad
Thrra Indemndaat Jadfaa, harlaf aa
eoaaectioa with this fins will award tha
F. V. Jottelman, manager of
tbe Bligh hotel, has resigned, and
Will devote his time hereafter to I prise, and tha answer raising 150 points
will take tna lira prixa. sou wui gat
100 oolats for silTins tha ttassta. 40 will
LUC (.uuiui lOO 1UU nui svatu vs . ... i-a vast s mwof wvas fuavi a. I . - - .
r ma. k ni ihQ Mt sons and acids tl permitted to re- ,or .,. tfmn Th. nair.zin aw.rded for sneri ppre, styia.
meeting in Portland on September main, causing backache, rheuma- be issued 8emi-m0ntniy, will be td wVltind l
20. At the same meeting bids pains, sun joinis, sore mu- published in Salem. Mr. Jobelman I in the conditions of tha coateau
will be opened on $1,000,000 state u,H,He"- ays aUnough it will be devoted
highway bonds on a par basis.
sallownesa and Irregular bladder
j action. Foley Kidney Pills give
relief promptly. Sold everywhere.
Th innouarufnent of tha oris win-
aora and tho eorraet aolatioa will bo
printed at tha etosa of tho contest, and
a ropy mailed to aaek person sending
ia a solution.
This snlendid offrr wilt only ba aood
ing up community pride and clvle I for a limited tima. so and is rear aa-
Iite in general and win De so etui- I baiias . right awar o'
ed that it will be of interest to
to general civic affairs and not be
especially local in its character
The magazine." says Mr. Jo
belman, "will be devoted to bn'lrt
Interesting Statistics Com
piled Relative To Sale Of
I Will Resume Regular Meetings
isnaawicn chapter No. 31. Order
of the Eastern Star, will resume
ua regular meetings Tuesday eve
ning, Sept. 6 at 8 n'p.lnrk h
Masonic Temple. Adv.
Kepubllc truck In fine
condition, pneumatic
Tllrcs, vill trade or sell on
easy tcnnsT Apply Sam
Solof, ; -
People's Cash '
;t Store i "
First See Our
.Here you have so many more
pretty designs to pick from and
our, policy of . low profit' gives
you a better value in the long
run. See our stationery first.
163 No. Com! St. Phone 04
j Returns to Kellogg. Idaho
captain E. p.: Dudley left yes
terday for his home at Kellogg.
Ida. He was sent by the Gus
Zoeilner American legion post of
Kellogg to represent the post at
tho Zoeilner funeral services held
Sunday at Lyons.
Married Sunday
. Hubert Wilkin and Miss Vivian
Isnam were married . Sunday at
Grants Pass. Both attended Will
amette nniverstty. Mr. Wilkin
graduating last year and Miss Ish
anr attending tbe university as
Junior. Mr. and i Mrs. Wilkin will
fu. to, ff nrrd nnlversity to study
this fall, both taking np studies
iu tn mem lor missionary work.
every community and especially to
educational institutions studying
civic affairs.
Mr. Jobelman has been with the
Bligh hotel for tbe past two and
a half years. In addition to pub
lishing his magazine, he will de
vote his time to other interests
r . n j r'u ana win remain in oaiem some
DOSton DOyS and UirlS MaKe time before doing some traveling
o:U Two ni.r nrr War n interest of the puDitcation
Oiinyit; iujo i-uiiiit,
razxls Coaitit Sdttor
dad :
! Usually. Dad Is boss except
when mother .takes htm in
band. Quite often Dad al
lows his work to destroy his
health, and It is pretty large
ly up to mother and the
girls to keep an eye out tor
When al man's health be
gins to break It is an Indica
tion ot the weakness of some
organ or group of organs.
There is no more Important
thing to do at such a time
than to get a spinal analysis.
In the spine Is the index to
every weakness which habit,
or accident, may have de-
19 VIVW. '
Chiropractic spinal adjust
ments correct diseases of the
bead, throat, lungs, heart,
stomach, liver, kidneys and
Intestinal organs. ,
X nrmutt on tnnu.
I aanrcsMPtsusaor
a. whoa
yea tal-
Jihoaa ST.
or as as
poiatnaat. Conaalta
tkoa ta
with est n
eharca. ;
j $feMM
- OaaacacAi
k aasstsaMe
Dr. O. L. Scott
V Chiropractor
" S "a- I '
414-19 U. S. Bank Bid;.
Phone 87!
Summer Months
Marion county is buying more
automobiles than any other coun
ty in the state w th the exception
of course, of Multnomah, accord
ing to a report recently issued
from the state automobile depart
Gillette's Resignation
Announced To School
By a standing vote of thanks.
ROSTOX. Aug. 27 Hundreds
nf hnvt and CirlS Of tne MaiT I tha Viral VfalhnHlcr SnnHav .rhnnl
Hemingway pudiic scnwi m tendered its best wishes to Super-
nnrrhester district have gone in- Intandent Alnhen Rillcf tA chnnn
netltion with Santa Claus
Snnrlav annnunrfri that ha was r.
of last year to August 1. purchase in an open air workshop here and Bjgnmg nj3 0ffjce to RO t0 Korth-
nf .siiIa. tn tf,r!nn PftnnfV haV6 I rhrlRtmftS time will find tholr western unirefKitv In talta fur.
v a. auvvo aas a at ivii -j . j - , I I - - -
numbered 725. making a total tor handiwork scatterea in many ther training for religious lnstruc-
the county a month or so ago."1 packages. tion.
7,503. With work benches set up un- Mr. Gillette,' who was graduat-
Dur'ng the eight months men- ger fragrant fir trees in a natural ed Irom wjnamPtte a few years
tioned. there" were 54 automobiles park on Lonsdale street, the ago and has since been an instmc-
nurchased in Polk county, accord- ..,,,.... whistle and saw away tor in the Salem hieh school, was
ing to the same authority, brlns- wnue making toys, furniture and J elected to the superin tendency of
Ing the total of Tolk county auto-
unique gewgaws out of any ma-j the Firji church Sunday school
monies up to s.wio. -iterial that comes to nana. iuoin idodih igo. in ri n g ni3
The Linn county total of cars ducks horses and pigs or 1 incumbency, and largely by his
on August 1. was 3.687, of whicn . .nidiers. chairs, dolls, guns j personal initiative, the member-
uaa wvn juiruou . irnhlns all are proaucts oi amp aas veen largely racreaseu.
December 1 of last year and aur- hanrin nf these yonng cntil the fame of the Halem or-
utl. 1 enthnslasts. Even the refuse gantzation has gone all np and
. 10 snow g-nera! ousmew cu. r - - material. A sar- own the coast as one of the moet
tions, tne report gives V". . T hoeomes a cooky cutter, successtul of such schools
ounty 30 less cars than
1800 PoaiKis Hods to
ut ; aairk Skltf, who has been
pending the past 10 days super,
intending the picking of hops on
nia yards near Orville, says the
crop is most satisfactory and that
It will average about 1800 pounds
to the acre. He savn hi h. .
early fuggles and the quality this I
f vi tne iinest.
He Wrote "Our Boardinr How
" Charles Bacnn TTnHirVln. r i
dependence, was ; in the city yes-
teruay. uis ciaim for fame la from
the fact that he wrote a booklet
cntltledrOnr Boarding Ilouse,"
. ... 1 I W ft ft A In th. Want
" . --i. an ehanea. into a crur ".i.
December 1 and Union county i-u ..u tons A meeting of the Sundar .rhnoi
makrexcVent cap. for tin yZi this week, to
i. a tir.HSw in tne- nanus i -y: -or mr
I r. " wi- .o,.nrior nrndnces uineiwj. no expects to leave with
IIOI a rat-u" . ... i tKo nert wooV f, ki. ,
a monkey on a trapese tnat ro. - - ; ' u"w UU1"
- m . X
nd like a perrormer in a en
versity work at Evanston.
By Silverton Motorists
cus. . , ., I r . i t: r- .
Chair caning Is a iascinaung ouunu 5 LanQinQ raVOrea
ioh . and mother S oia arm
ct miT new seat.
nrnrir is rarriea on irum
til 4 under the supervision o. siuvcktuw. ur.. sept. 6.
Mls:( U "Gertrude Howes, witn j (special to Toe Statesman)
tn ma nnal training teachers to I b pongs landing is becoming a far-
ai Newport, and other relatives at show the stndent how to manlpn- ortte picnic ground with Silverton.
rJrL ? " " r , - late the tools." A bouse Is used ians. Every Sunday sees a group
-ft- v...V.-ininilTrii a -bad Weainer snop, :wmm i iictvw uivwiiu, uistiu - uia
...1.3 w v.. i - - . fn..lliiMl lanHlnw (mm A-v.
Lata I h a hn rasiuiiru uu n
Joseph II. Albert and two child
ren spent Sunday and Monday on
the Tillamook beaches.
Evelyn Poulson has returned
from a three weeks' visit at Jef
ferson with her grandparents.
Pauline Welch is visiting her
grandmother. Mrs. Wintermute.
: I ' 1 i 1
' Established 1868 i i
General Banking Business
Office Honrs from 10 a. m. to 3 p. m.
n.ntnrt hT -Vr mnthcr will
today for Crlnrs Pass, where 'made by the children.
A Great Heart Drama of the Western Plains
With Allene4 Ray and Ilarry McLaughlin
Also - 1 ; '
Hank Mann in "TBe Plumber"
' ' f ! !
Today Tomorrow and Thursday
. BUGH MMk. ;
Among those who went out yes-',