THE OREGON STATESMAN. SALEM; OREGON TUESDAY MORNING. SEPTEMBER. 6.1921' 3 r i - w -WW mm By D. D. WILSON 'Phone 106 1 c" . r-i HERE wu a treat exodus 1 from the city daring Labor ; ' day week-end : and many families closed their in lads t business and household . cares to stct quiet spots at the seashore '. or mountains In order to enjoy to fullest capacity these days when Hummer's inn is brightest. 'Last evening maty parties of tired but happy excursionists retnrned with v spirits f reshendl to begin anew ii the dally found of 'duties." .House parties at the beacftes were draw ing cards for many while the quiet rest of the mountains with the Jure of good fishing holes proved equally popular to the sportsnian. Many automobile parties were : . planned, having' for their destlna ' tion some Interesting spot upon t 'the Columbia highway. -1 And now the vacation' days V Pickling Spices . ' Stone Jars . ' i .Fruit Jars WtL i GAHLSDORF 13? N. Liberty Phone 67 Idlfu. a. ara alt ft & APORAT ine V cream Bottcr mill).- . coolvind have flown everyone is once more settled into the regular routine of work and we took for ward to a few quiet weeks before the days of the state fair dawn upon our horizon. Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Bishop are being welcomed to their home in Salem after an absence of five weeks. Mr. Bishop arrived m Portland on Saturday evening: af ter an extended business trip to New York. During Mr. Wshop'a -absence-; Mrs. Bishop has . been ' the. guest or i. r son Roy Bishop of Portland. Mrs- Bishop also enjoyed a two weeks' outing at Rainier National park, later spending a few days as the guest or relatives and xrienas at Seaside and Long Beach. Mr. and Mrs. B shop returned to Salem on Sunday. ' . Miss Hazel Seeley who has been much feted during the past week as the house guest of. Mr. and Mrs. R. Monroe Gilbert and Miss Dorothy SMusloff. left Sun day for Corvalliv where she will visit with friends and relatives for a brief period before return ing to her home in Independence. Mrs. Frank Snedecor who with her houw guests, the, Misses Su sie and, Llla Pearson.' has enjoy ed an Interesting tour of the Til lamook ' beaches Columbia high way and Crater lake returned to her home last week. ' The Misses Pearson are from Birmingham, Ala., and will remain In Salem until the middle of September.: ;' Mrs. Clara Thompson of San Francisco who has , been . visitlng friends In Portland Is now enjoy ing a few davs as the house guest of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Lachmund. . ' Miss Florence Canwrlgbt who has spent the past month as the house guest of Miss Adah Hark ness of Tacoma is expected to ar rive In Salem today. Mr. and MrsO. E. Lewis were Portland visitors during the past week. Utfon their return to Sa lem they were t accompanied : by Mrs. Cora Starr and Mrs. C. R Child, both olMPcrtland. ' .Vtiy'. .?'. Robert AlbrlRhf and Joseph Hall' of Portland who have been guests ot the Theodore Barr Daily 'StoH' Hollrs 9 a. m." to: 5 :45 p 'm, Saturdays 9 . a m. to ip. m. . , f"'W. '.fi '.','''-"-',;'' ,:'; "'-. ms: ' lis : Mother. Will be interested in the attractive prices on wear things for school girls. Children s Coats for School Wear You will be pleased to know that we have quite a good stock of Children's Fall and Winter Coats. You should not overlook this : ; , - t 1 Prices Range From $4.5 Up To $16.50 ; " i New Ginghams for School Dresses It js high time to select the materials' you intend making up into school dresses. ? We have a bis: assort-' ment of Ginghams in, pretty plaids, checks and stripes. Priced 25c, 30e 35c, 59c, 69c a Yard NEW PERCALES choice assortment light colored Percales very good quality. -Priced per yard.' '''.. 19c, 20c, 22c, 25c NEW POPLIN : Lovely, sha4es that will make pretty dresses for. school wear. Priced, yard 45c Wool Serge $2.95 a Yard : This is a splendid quality of serge; and it really pays to buy. this because there is no wear out to it. Pretty colors as navy, brown, red, sirento , blue and black.!' ' . ' In .Our Dbvn Stairs T ? You will find all kinds' of materials suitable for School Dresses, . Romper Cloth v inMiU Ends ' ' at, yard , . 27c Genuine , Devonshire -Qoth in . Mill Ends, at yard 29c Good looking Ginghams- ,fMUlEnds ' - at yard, 75c MAIL ORDERS--We pay the postage or express, on. - all mail orders. . ' . We guarantee . satisfaction or give you your money : , back. ... '1 Pbs877 borne durinr the past week -returned to their boraea on Sun day. ; ; s ' i v i:.'r:i - " - ' "..'''-. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Pynti are leafing today for - Agate Beach. Trhere they plan to remain for a fortnight. j Mrs. W. P. Babcoc an'l hr daughters, the Misses Amelia and Bertha Babeock returned evening from an outing, at Breit eabush springs.; ; : Judge and Mrs. J. H. Bean are entertaining as their houseguest Mrs. Bean's ni?ce. Miss Lillitb la gain of Portland. 1 - - - ' ' Mr. and Mrs.! Whitney Boise or Portland were week-end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Boise. - , ... . "' -' ' ' .' .; Mr. and Mrs. George. M. Brown and dautrhters. the Misses Marjor ie and Elaine Brown have return ed from Roseburg where they spent the entire summer months. Miss Marjorle Brown will leave next week for CorvalJis where she will resume her studies at the Oregon Agricultural college. Henry Barr has entertained as bis guest during the past week Raymond Cudahy of Portland. Mr. Cudahy is a member of the foot ball team of C61umbia university. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford G. Far mer have been, entertaining as their house guttts Mr. and Mrs. George Haack of Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Haack left yesterday for their home accompanied by Mrs Farmer tffco will remain as their guest for several days., " .' Miss Dorothy Hall, popular Se attle girl, has -returned to hor home after a .brief visit at th" home or Dr. and Mrs. Richard Cartwright. Mr. and Mrsj W. D. Clarke left on Friday tor Portland Where they spent the week-end. Mrs. C. C. Cory returned to Portland last evening after spend ing the week-end at the W. W.. Cory "home on South Seventeenth street. Dr. Angle FoTd Warrem for mer Salem resident who now re sides In Portland la visiting here for a few days. HS A pretty ceremony uniting Miss Bertha Clark and Emil Carlson was performed at seven-thirty Sunday morning at the study of the Reverend H. C. Stover. Im mediately following the service a wedding breakfast was served at the home of the bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs. ML L. Clark, only Immediate members of the family being' present.' Mr. and Mrs. Carlson are now enjoying a motor trip to Astoria, Seaside and the "Tillamook beach es. After a fortnight they will be at home to their many friends at their new apartment on Hood street. ! Miss Eunalne Craig, Charles W. Craig, Miss Wanda Hawley and Harry Depew formed a party mo toring to Seaside for the week-end. Reverend H N. Aldrlch return ed last evening from Oregon City where he was called to officiate at the funeral services of the late W. T. Gortinaker who was fatally burned last Saturday in the con flagration at the Oregon Pulp and Paper mills. The Writers Section of the Salem Arts league will enjoy a unique meeting this evening at Spong's landing. The affair will be la the form of a picnic and later an interesting program will be given consisting of original contributions M)y' the ' members. This enterprising club has planned several such- affairs during the summer months and each one has been classed as a complete' suc cess. - I . il Mark Skiff Jr., Miss Thelma Dyke and Mr, and Mrs. Dyke: were week-end 1 guests at the !Mark Skiff 'f cottage at : Breitenbush Springs. . : ' ""J. ' " Mrs. W. P. Lord and Miss Eliza beth Lord who have spent the vacation period at their summer home at Seal Rocks are expected to mrrire in Salem today. 'I The Tri-L club will hold Its regular meeting this evening at the Y.' WV C.' A. An " Interesting program has been prepared and refreshments will be served- All business girls of the city are cor dially invited to be present, i , Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Farmer and Miss Irene Curtiss spent the last week-end at Seaside. ! 'Mrs. F. L. Porvine has returned from a two weeks sojourn at Sea view. . Before her return to Salem MAY JOIN LADY ASTQR Ifi PARLIAMENT. - i ft I ..w, -f i r& ? r i g 1 fL,Ji: Cls- ? ii' f? :i .:fs u 4mW X X tin 1 I tkeaa, 4 ' c!oUm mm mm miO ' ba have been, .visiting Coi. and Mrs, J, .M. Poorman at Kocka way. ' ' ' ' ' Mrs. J. V. Colvin of Aabura. Wash., is visiting her .mother, Wr. O. H. HasktH. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hereford land Mr. and Mrs. Tom Odekirk are having' an outing at Rocka- way. "" '-' Mrs. lrw Ames of Susanville, Cal., vlsit-d .at the home of Mr. .md Mrs. D. A. McKte last .Tues day. ' Mr. and Mrs. H.'M. Austin and daughter Dortha Ccricn and Mr. and Irs. Frank Proctor and J children spent last week at Rock- away. f Mr?. Fred Lichte and cbiMren cf Heniingford, Neb., are spend ing a month, visiting her parents;, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Oitwerth. Mrs. F. W. Settle ruler euler taiued a few friends at bridge in hoaor of Mrs. Iawa.n M. Toombs of Denver. Colo. Tbose enjoy ing the evening were Mrs. Blaine, The Westminster Liberal -Association has invited Lady 'Bonhami Carter, daughter of former Premier Asqnith, to become a candidate lor Parliament for Westminster. 'She 4s shown here with, her small son ana daughter. -She is the widow of Capt. Gay Bonham-Carter of the Nine .teenth Hussars. ., . . ; . i she spent some days as the guest of her sister-Mrs. Jphn ,Sto;ken burg of Yakima, "Washington. A party onsIstilng , of Mrs. John Stockenburg, Miss Mildred Stock en burg, Mr. A. Thomas, and Mrs. F. L. Purvine motored to Salem to spend - the week-hd at the Purvine home.: , Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Heck man and their grandson . Robert Heckman motored ' to Pacific City for a sojourn over the Labor day week-end., Could Hardly Straighten Up . When the kidneys are over worked and fail to throw oiltl waste matter from the svstein. it causes aches, pains, lame back,' swollen ankles sore .joints, dizzi ness, floating specks, etc.; J. w. ; Seabock, Chester, Pa., writes-; "My kidneys and back hurt me o when I got out of bed in the; morning I could hardly straighten up. Had to rub the small of my back before Ij could walk. 1 could hardly button my shoes, i haven't felt the soreness since ,1 took Foley Kidney Pills.' Sold'et-H ery where. Adv. x ' was the gueet of '.Mrs. F. W. Sifc tlemler Wednesday. . Silases Ft eia and Elma tlohn decided-to try it again and go to Berkeley, Cal. They were almost on the point of remaining home, after the fiist.'trip, when they were passengers on the ill-fated Alaska, for - they lost all their clothes, but were thankful they were alive. They left on the train this time. i " 'Dr. and Mrs. A. A. Parker were guests of Mies Laura Austin Sun day. Dr. and Mrs. Parker are missionaires from Rboda, India, and they worked with Miss Aus tin In India. I Mr . and Mrs. Ed 'Tyler and fam ily 'are visiting the-Tillamook beaches. ! Mr. and Mrs. Fred Poorman df Tillamook motored to Woodbiirn, bringing with, them Mrs. T. (f. Poorman and daughter Margaret, McCord. Mrs. ' S. flnisse. Mrs. Lyman Shorer, Mrs.' IL D. "Miller; Mrs. L:M. Bitney.Mrs.,.Toorab3 Mrs. J. W. Sadler, and Mrs. Ottawa f ABfteofida Mr. and Mis, .Wi A, Roberts are spending a week 'with their son, Fiaf red Roberti, and tamily at ' Seaside.'' 1 ; ., -. Mrs. Kutherine Bjornaas left Wednesday for SlJburae, Minn., where he has. been engaged , to teach next year. t Miss Helen Wage man Is home from an outing at the Washing ton beaches. Dewiry Aliman ,1s h6ftie' Trbhi Nevada and southern CallTornla, where be baa been for the last two months. :v c-sfifM Miss IdabeH Hendricks,' a trad eateTof Vue dasi of!'21 atO At C has aeeepted M t05itlon in the High school at Vale ' and began Irer term' Monday. A ,v '.; Mr. and, Mrs. J .V.T. 'Nalbmaa and family have returned from. an outidV at Seaside. Gearheart and Cash on beacbea.v- i Dewer liilaey, a graduate la mechanical engineering1 at-O. A. C. - ela of -'t l . has - aceepted- a position! in the Westinghouse con cetnat Pittsburgh. Pa., and be- Herbert Gordon Purchases -I Sheridan Business Block ; ., ? . SHERIDAN. Ore;, SepU- 5. j Special' .tp The Statesman) Herber Gordon , and ' family of Pertland, were (a Sheridan tover lhe weiek-end. r Mr. Gordon, , w bo was a (representative m, the slate ty .recently bought the Fanning block here and , was In town on business inspection of hU new property. . Extensive improve ments are being made on the building. - .,' . D CSS f.?Tn i I " EUcRV I I - I . mm tl i i ff5 V .? J I J - . -:'..; r-- S ,TTi V lOppR ) -.' The new. sugar coated '' "gSi chewing smiyMm) which everybody JfwS. - JIS t.ytt.-: 'V .... trc::3 that m XW VZttt tr'ira til Ciii. i isotjr thresh : . t ,t r A t" fw WOODBVRN XEWS WOODBTJRN, Or., Sept. 5. -Frof. and Mrs, M. S. Schrieber and children have returned from a two weeks vacation at New port I . Mr. and Mrs, E. J. Allen' and daughter Helen are home from Newport. Henry Bomhoff and Fred Mil ler have returned from their trip along the beaches from Seaside te Rockaway. Mrs. E. H. Scholes and daugh ter Bonney have returned from Buffalo, Mich., where they spent the summer visiting relatives. Miss Merle Hall is visiting her parents for a month. Miss Hall has been attending summer school at the State Teachers' college at Greeley, Colo. On October 1,'she will return "and take a full year's course. Air. and Mrs. S. A. Conner are home from a very pleasant two weeks' vacation,; spent at Spo kane. Mrs. H. G. Barklage of Seattle 6LASS OF SETS KIDNEYS If Your Back Harts, or Bladder Bothers You, Drink Lots of Waiter When your kidneys hurl and your back - feels sore, don't get scared and proceed to load your stomach with a lot of drugs that excite the kidneys and irritate the entire urinary tract. Keep your kidneys clean like you keep your bowlea clean, by flashing them with a mtld, harmless salts which removes the body's urinous waste and stimulates them to their nor mal activity. The! function of the kidneys is to filter the blood. In 24 j hours they strain from It 600 grains of acid and waste, so we can; readily understand the vital importance ofrkeeping the kidneys active. . Drink lots of water your cant drink too much: also ret from atay pharmacist about four ounces -of Jad Salts;-take a tablespoonful?in a glass of water betore breakfast each morning for a few days aiid your kidneys will act One. Tils famous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, com bined wttb lithia, i and has been csed. for generations to clean and stimulate clogged kidneys; also to neutralize, toe adds ln.7urine ;so It no longer is a source of irrita tion,vthus ending .bladder weak ness. ' . Jad Salts Is Inexpensive; cannot injure; makes a dellghtgnl effer vescent llthia-water drink wbfch everyone ? should take now and then to keep their' kidneys clean and active. ,Try this, also keep up the water drinking, and no doubt yon will wonder whatf "be came of your tldey trouble and backache. Adv. . ' -r ! PI f :j i mm. And TWENTY-SEVEN OTHER BIG PRIZES, Totaling $51()M C&n , , . ..... . . 1 -'.i .,- . ....... .... THESEC2ET Z TT. . I T7 I . SS' ' !K cwES j- o ns real fflp Low m tears Had low net; h tfcgs ts!p &f?e This 2"2rEtm5 L0E0WNLTNL A I HAD 0 10ERR0V KAIGAKHGESA' . VtWTV 00ERLH0ALLC0EA OLTN INTV0L0W HARI AAHRWIQ A ISGfiAEHfiHA WW N0HCLAER0N0EAR L I NTN IWOLTAR HDLWRC I0DA L KLEHQXIf.SE ' KVSTFRV NI!N0REALCH IHCL OWTEARAETIWW HADVV0LA1RCA KKHQ VlStaEHS EaiJlJiKl WNREALAEROEHHO L OA INNTEAl T E HHLWIRWROAW iHKA V 'r tUQue- ?????777?77??? ??7?y77????7 77777777777 7777777777? - ' . ' ' - i DdCiU-. fa kia fcautd rival. Mr l daear jOaTid WarkfMM ertffta, I kava J3 Bfife4 f of U ktst JCarlnj Sctars Sun to Aaieries far my mil bit jC.viBf Ptctara Play." - Of motn this tad Griffm Mfir aacaoaw a Iikca ta aa tha Craaiaat al all tha graa4 Xaria Pradnaars -m4 w trM kit bast to paittoada Da Milker te tdl kim tb aaaaj of U grMt Mi Sua JrH U Uautis kta, Car B. DtMillit mt XWvi4 Tarkfiald Grill i aadaa LiraBatiB &a aaaa al t a awr McrK SUan ha ha4 arac4 c-4 toM U (ha tf ha bnuu aaaock ta carar t aamaj f ra tM aaem sadas Da aaaarr a4 ta kne taam. It tn loa a psa)a far GrUTtB, m U la aald ha eallad la SeatlaM Tard and f (ara4 tha a thaaaaad 4aUani if thy oaaj dia eorar tha Bane for kha fram tha faor ta at Mdas Uat DaMUWr hai rea him. T1U waa aa aaay ak far tha graat fliiallaai Tax4 wataetira Tarea, had i iaaa thaa aa hoar Shay had tha faar ajaaMat Thar fa i tha aai it to Griffia sad aa (a a hia thajy ars- iv .s aw taw ciaas. a vbica yea sm beaeaik sack aae el tae tou MP tkM f Mr a4 a a - - - -- - . "f am o abaat it tkia way. Xaah aai ms ma WMtMto i. Xach lattar rtra raffaiayUa 11 "''t y,f lr aau a, aadlaaarTh5: teath latter la aach aaaa rrr "f tha -i . tastaad af 10. , TrT7 7 ''Each u. u mM, kaataad hmWa li auda af lattara, Wt it aaaialaa aadr tha lattar. that ara aaatala.d fat tha aadTaha Ta ' ehaam tha .v 1 tttlr MaJralaat annaa , aeeaHiag ta tha ada ak , aattiac tha- dawa lia? , lu aa Mrta richt azaatlr aa TVT TitliiiiT. teataaea. tha firat lattar at tha f iratMBaT at K. " trUi aaa h, tha fixat iattor af th Tliis Great Contest Is A-sohitely FR Expense, SenH a - am- aaa a all 11TH Bf-aSB '1M alMA Uu tM th. aod. aha-a U. a-r-Ura itir. ta Miiinai a. i .J -i rj "After tm bar kurA efwy lattar sf fha ana lata a aaaaaa. add aa ta aaai asaatly aa yam vaaJd aay athar aaa tf 6 raa, aad tha total that fam gat ftraa: ya mrelMs lets aastH af tha Sevis Btari. ' M rvar eiws tala war: ,Brit at tha laft-haad adal fh at yaa aat ahaaja aaah flcara ad toa) .'. toOaTS tovraaSta te tht awrt ..da. aaara Ua aaa; far tartaaca, I n JM that SW fim aaaaar ai tW total af tha fim na tt T . Tha lataw Ota XI aath Wttar .hl . aa7aa7 tka iW aaa. tharafara tha fint lattar rasiaaaatad h rw total la Uttar OaTahairTrlJ-i! - aaaaa aVaaaaWSJ Sja JaafVata aaatBa aatad hy that aaa." awaw aa a aaa aa aaay araMaa. Vat aaraararsaoa aay tSd yaa tha i aa craai Jaaria Btara. as .k. i . wa ata mt .tha tolaaad i hi. iwi,i,i. I.. . Tata traal aaataat a War aadaetad Vy h fltataraaa PahUahlar Oa,- Batoa. Ora Eaa, aa ad tha torgaat aad fcaet kaava aah ahiar haaaaa ia Oraaaav ' Tha a yaa raaraataa that tha ariaaa a-Ul ha avardad ith ahaalato fatraaas aad aaaaraaeaa ta yaa aad arery athar -aaataatoat. , frankly, it Is "iaaa aa auaaaaa im none Jttaaattoad. Oraraa'a Oraatatt fara Magaaiaa. aad Tha . . . I I 111,. aaay amtar aad via tha aaat af f lUaa whataar yaa ara aaaaeriWr ta aithar af thaaa aah- Manaaa ar -aoi aaa aaaara. yaa ana aithar aa aakad aar aSpaetod to taka thaaa gmaa ar apaad siaato yaa at yaar Bar Is tha idea- Tha faaiTa la tha aidaat aadtoat fara aafasaa aah- waaa mm aaa x-aeiua jtauaai tradaeUaa alaa laa tmmm tt la. I yto haaeiaUy waarth tva aaadara to Tha Faefis Uaaaatoad aad tw raaiata to Tha Xartlrvaat Paalary Jaar aa. Wttf aOajhtaataayaaTikato ua teas, D aaaUy faifflf tfca afcaaia aad va will aaaa ar aX iiu aaara tiaa. t aa to aaah ad yaa mnm to trss Totix goirsasai TJfca nlr tat aida af tha that f tka Mvia Stariraad yaar (atatiar Mxllra. arlkT) Pr rtgat-haad aaraj. If mvkk rito aaythtof hat t 1 1 u - r-- a - i a a ar irausj. - ,v l2Lf todrpaadait Wcto. aaria . 2toijiatw witkUa fim, via aard pitoiiadtot t:ns8ii? IS for & TV targa aaabai af raaaaa. Tha VartowMt Paaltiy - Joaraal a alae rarr Whtoty wad aad aaa tha argatt airehlatwm af r'fM""1.' Ua-eaw aabHahad i Ua yeHie Kertharart. Bat aaa i atto is aaa af raadata to lnai aenaiated -ith toaaa yaWirartoaa. Thaaaf toa, aha wt MkMvlaift yaar aatry ta i taa aaataat aad aaar yaar atoadiax far tka ariaas. at vary latest tarnaa. Thaa ta ardar to eaalifr awa'--taa7r-a-r,'rSrSl"C 'JS srtor whiak hMgto.toa.ttWaVal SI .T-Zddra VVZL L2r Pie (viq jUy C(v salcmforT is"'- JaWs.r ( .;.fc-to ad the Jadgaa,7T r-.TTv Taa i eaataat vfl eleee U g a. at- , w These Prizes 2sd 3rd 5th. ;.ea: ra M tt ta, li to. ltth, wta, ltta. . if, $5 aa ltth, S6.M X7ta. Ua$ COCO Caxi ' 3X0 Casi 15X0 Ciii esat Caah Cash Oaah Cash. Cut Cash Caea Cut each Xttk. eaak IKk, St. Oaah it, IS Caah Slet, 5. Caah S2ad, $(. Camh 3rd, Caafe 4t, 5.e Cash sect, it.oe cash ttoit. SS.e Caah S7til, SS.SS Caah tStifc PEI2E3 GUAHA1ITEED