The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 06, 1921, Page 2, Image 2

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Series of Thre Articles by Sara A. Kozer, Incumbent,
Article No. 1 Introducing All Who Have Held
the Office
(Sana - A." ' Kczcr, sec rotary of
stati for' Oregon has prepared a
summary of. the "personnel and
the of ricial services, of all the sec
retaries of the territory and slate
cf Oregon down to tbe present,
which is here presented as a con
else, accurate story of the cm
duct of this important office. TLo
present Installment cover only
the men aid their terms of of t lea.
.A latter story will give an inter
esting In.ilght into tho duties and
orrico dettils ot this htrd-workins
department of the state.)!
The history ot Oregoi l. usu
ally treated in three periods. First,
1 the-- provisional - government,
which covers from tbe time Amer
icans first came In numbers about
1841 to the creation by. congress
of the territory of Oregon in 1S4S
following1 the treaty with Great
I- I
- Burley .
: flavor .
Once you've
enjoyed the ;
toasted flavof ,
f 'you Will' at-
Britain definitely fixing our
northern boundary; second, the
territorial period from 1848 to
February 14, 1859, on which day
the state constitution went into
effect, and third, the period ot
statehood from that date.
LeBreton Killed by IndLtnn
Assuming that a brief reference
to those persons who have here
tofore filled the office of secre
tary of state 13 of Interest, as well
as a statement of the functions
and duties of the office, I have
taken the liberty of prefacing this
paper with a short statement re
specting each of tbem.
George W. LeBreton served as
secretary of Oregon during tnt
three years immediately preceed
ing the organization of the pro
visional government. He waa uu.
in Massachusetts, and was. one of
Oregon's earliest pioneers. He
acted as secretary in the public
meeting held In tbe original terri
tory of Oregon, and as clerk of the
legisaltive committees of that per
iod. He may. therefore, justly be
called Oregon's first secretary.
LeBreton was killed in a battle
with the Indians at Oregon City,
March 4, 1844.
V He was succeeded by Dr. E. J.
Long, a physician, and active or
ganizer of the provisional govern
ment. Dr. Long was first1, ap
pointed, then twice elected by the
people, . He was ; drowned in the
Clackamas river, January 21,
: Tragedy Overtakes IrfR
The tnird secretary of Oregon
was Dr. Frederick I'rigg, appoint
ed, to succeed Dr. Long, and
served from June 21, 1846, to
some lime in 4 7. He had prev
iously served as a circuit judge In
Clackamas county, and as a mem
ber of . the legislature. History
records that Dr. Prigg met the
same fate as his predecessor, hav
ing been drowned in the Clacka
mas river. '
Samuel M, Holderness served as
secretary or Oregon from 1847 to
1849, being the last incumbent of
the office under the provisional
government. His name, like those
of his two immediate predecessors,'
is associated In history with the
early activities of the Oregon
City Lyceum and Literary club, a
society which had been formed
for the purpose of promoting lit
erature in the Oregon territory.
War Hero Honored
, Upon the organization ot Ore.
gon as a territory , of the United
States, President James K. Polk,
appointed as its,. first territorial
I'fieretary, Kintzlng Prltchette.
Mr. Pritchette served In this capa
city until June, 1850, when he was
elevted to the office of chief ex-
mm iteiii fw
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ecu live to fill the vacancy caused
by the resignation of Givernor
Joseph Lane, and pending the ar
rival in Oregon of John P. Gaines
whom President Zachary Taylor
had appointed to be the second
governor of, the territory-
From 18j0 to 1853, the office
of secretary of the territory of
Oregon was filled by General Ed
ward Hamilton, he having been
appointed to that position ! by
Prehldent Taylor, largely in rec
ognition of distinguished services
rendered during the war with
General Hamilton was succeed
ed by George L. Curry. In 1854
Mr. Curry assumed the office of
chief executive upon tbe resigna
tion of Governor John W. Davis.
On November 1 or that year Pres
ident Franklin Pierce appointed
fclm governor of the territory of
Oregon, which office he occupied
until 1859, when Oregon was ad
mitted to statehood, and John
Whiteaker was inaugurated as her
first state governor.
Harding Become I'. S. Senator
Benjamin F. Harding was the
fourth secretary of the territory
of Oregon, having -served from
155 to 1859. Born In Pennsyl
vania, he came to Oregon iu
1849. and settled in Marion coun
ty. He was three times a mem
ber of the legislature, and in
1862 was elected by that body to
Ml the unexpired term of Colonel
E. D. Baker in the United States
The state of Oregon's first sec
retary of state, was Luc'.en Heath,
a native of Michigan, who settled
in Polk county in the early 'So'b
At the expiration of his term in
1862. Mr. Heath engaged in the
mercantile business in Salem, but
later moved to California.
'Samuel E. May served as secre
tary of state during two terms,
1862 to 1870. He came to Ore
gon from Rhode Island about
1853. At the close of his term he
removed to Utah, and later to Chi
cago, in which c.ty he died in
Two High Offices Held
The third secretary of state wa?
Stephen P. ' Chadwick: Hs was
elected in 1870. and re-elected to
the same position jn 1874. Hy
virtue of his office he was dur
ing the last 18 months of his term
both secretary of utate and gov
ernor, former Governor Grover
havinc been elected to the United
States senate.
Following h'm, the office was
occupied by Rockey P. Earhart
for two terms. 1878 to 1887J Mr.
Earhart was a native of Ohio, and
when first corn'ng to Oregon
served for a number of years as
a clerk in the regular armv under
General Phil Sheridan. He was
active !n the political life of the
state, and at the t!me of his
death was collector of customs at
the port of Portland.
For two terms. 1887 to 1895,
th office of secretary of state
was filled by George W ckliff M
Bride, who waj the first native
Oregonlsn elected to that position.
Mr. McBride ha a conspicuous
record in the political arfars or
Oregon and after a contest of 40
days, he was at midnight, Febru
ary 23, 1895, elected by the legis
lative assembly aa a senator in
congress to succeed J. N Dotph.
A brother. .Thomas A. McBr'de. is
now a'mejnber of the Oregon su
preme court, having been a mem
ber of that body tine 1909.
Journalist Elevated
Harrison Rtttenhouse Kincald
was Oregon's sixth secretary oi
state, f iling ih? term between
January 1. 1895, and January 1,
1899. Born in Indiana, be came
to Oregon with his parents ;n
1853. Early la life he engaged in
newspaper worfc. and was at one
t me Washington correspondent
for the Oregonian. In 1898 he
was appointed by Governor Lord.
a regent of the University of Ore
gon. From Mr. Kincaid's excel
rent biennial report prepared DV
him while secretary of state for
presentation to he 20th sess'on
of the legislature, most ot the
receding biographical and histor
ical 'nformatlon has been taken
Mr. Kincaid passed away in Port
land. October 3. 1920.
During the two trms 1899 to
1907. the office ot secretary ot
.state was filled by Frank L Dun
bar. Mr. Dunbar came to Oregon
In the early '80s. settling .u C at-
top county. He was born at sea
has father havirg been master of
a sailing vessel which pltad be
tween Cape Coi and the EaBt In
dies. Soon after coming to Ore-;
gon he became prominently 'den
titled with the political affairs
and commercial life of Clatsop
county. To Mr. Dunbar is due
much of the orsdit for securing
the enactment of our present cor
poration licenr-e and inheritance
tax laws, which annually y eld to
the state nearly half a million
dollars To him is also due the
credit for installing the system .ot
accounting now existing In the de
partment! Sine? hia retirement
from office he has been engaged
In bUs ness in Astoria.
BMiMoa Die In Offlrr
Frank W. Benson was elected
secretary of Stato at the general
election in 1906, and served from
January 1. 1907. to April 14.
1911. when he was called by
death. He cams to Oregon in
1864 from California, in the pub
lic schools of which latter state he
received h'.s early education. First
a school teacher, later an attorn
ey, he had an extensive acqua n-
tance throughout the state, ana
w nrominent in fraternal and
political circles. From. March 1,
1909. to June T. 1910. he was
both necretury !o atate and chief
executive. Governor George B.
Chamberlain hiving- been elected
to the United States senate. Mr.
Benson was ill during a great por
tion of his term of orflce. and by
reason thereof at times h"ndejreJ
from' exerciser that discerning
Judgment with which he was par
tlcularly endowed.
Ren W. Olcott. the present gov
ernor of Oregon was appointed
f.- tiu off left of secretary of state
In 1911 to mi the vacancy cause
w ihi riMth nf Mr. Benson. A
native oMllraois, he came to Ore
gon at the age of 19. and entered
the employ of William Brown a
Co:, at Salem. Except for a few
vears spent 'n Alaska, he has since
lbeen a resident of Oregon ana
COnSOlCUOUSiy-latnunea wim
political activities of her people.
Unon the . deatu of Governor
WUhycombe, Mr. Olcott became
chief executive by virtue j of his
office. . ' ' I ..
The present secretary of aie
with a herd or cattle aboard in
Mrs. N. Wither and sons John
Gordon and Stewart, of Monterey.
Cal.. are visiting at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Skinner. Mrs.
Writher and Mrs. Skinner are sis
Miss Jean Ketchum lert Friday
for Tacoma, where she has a po
sition in the public schools for tbe
coming year. She has been spend
ing the summer with her fatner.
Dr. Ketchum and other relatives.
The many friends of Carl Lar
son will be pleased to know that
he has so far recovered from his
recent operation that he has left
the Albany hospital 'and is again
at his home at Suver.
Miss Carrie Bailey is at N'yc
Miss Ida Bush Is home after
three weeks spent at Newport.
Mrs. Grant West and daughter.
Alta, of Tacoma, are visiting at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. V. F.
William Mac Kay, of Bend, is at
tbe home of his granddaughter,
Mrs. Grover Mattison. v
Mrs. F. A. Green and children
of Cottage Grove, and Mrs.
Blanche Peterson of Eugene, fere
visiting at the home of Andy Wil
son In North Independence.
Mrs. Margaret Osborne died at
her home near Monmouth Friday
night at the age of 94. She was
the mother of the late Mrs. M. A.
Robinson and grandmother of
County Judge Asa B. Robinson,
Lee Robinson of Salem, and Mrs.
Homer Wood and Mrs. John Don
aldson of this city. The funeral
services were held in this city Sun-
INDEPENDENCE. Ore.. Sept. 5.
(Special to The Statesman)
Miss Irene Becken is visiting her
sister at Woodburn.
Miss Tbe; ma Williams has re
turned after a visit of several
days at the home or B. N. Turner
near Airite.
Mrs. Duganne of Portland, is
here for a fortnight visit with. her
son. Dr. Duganne. -"
Mrs, Jane Hedgepath of Tilla
mook, and Mrs. R. ij. Williams of
Los Angeles, are guests of their
niece, Mrs. Pearl Hedges.
John Bramberg is home after an
absence of several months, spent
at Falls City and Velsetz. engaged
la Lis trade as a plasterer.
The Misses Flora and Mary
Welis of Elkton, have been guests
at the Kev. F. S. Clemo home for
several davs. They were former
parishioners of Mr. Clemo and J
were returning from a visit in
Armine Young, son of Mr. and
Mrs. E. M. Young, who lives. on
the Salem-Independence road,
was married recently to Miss Lu
cile Stalnaker. Mr. Young was
across the seas and saw active
service, being wounded in one of
tbe big engagements.
Dole Pomeroy has rented the
Mrs. Nancy Whitaker residence
for the winter.
Mrs. Abe Bedker pleasantly en
tertained with a dinner party for
her husband last Saturday, the
event oeing the birthday of Mr.
Lecker. Birthday cake and can
dles were much in evidence and
Mr. Becker was completely sur
prised. The guest list was Mr. '
and Mrs. A. L. Kullander. Mr. day. Dr. Charles H. Dunsmore or
and Mrs. Glen Smith, Mr. and Mrs. : ficiating.
George Garard, Mr. and Mrs. Abej Mrs. W. G. Shellenberger of
Becker and Zane Becker. Portland is visiting at the homo
Announcements Tiae teen re- or ner motner. Airs, tuen nobert-
ceived by friends here of the birth son, and her sister, Mrs. W. H.
of a son to Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Craven.
Howard (Nellie Bramberg). The) Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Hibbs who
youngster made his arrival on Au. are at Newport, write that they
Fight Is Uninteresting As
Wilson Clinches At Every
Chance Offered
Champion Middle Weight
Retains Belt But Purse is
Held Pending' Inquiry
gust 24 and has been christened
John Morton.
The ferry at Buena Vista con
necting with tbe Marion county
side, which has not been in oper
ation for over 10 days, is again
in operation. The craft was sunk ' cister of Mrs. Spencer
expect to remain there for some
time longer. They own their
cottage at the coast.
Mrs. M. B. Spencer and son
Thurlow, of McMlnnville, are vis
iting Mrs. Will Bloch, who is a
was appo nted by Governor Olcott
to fill his unexpired term ending
December 31. 1920, and elected at
the general election ot November,
1820, Tor another four years.
At St.
R. H. E.
First Game
Chicago ....... 3 7 0
St. Louis 4 10 1
Ponder, Freeman and O'Farrell,
Daly; Pertica, North and Aiu-smith.
Second Game
Chicago 3 9 0
St. Louis 4 6 1
Freeman, Jones, Cheeves and
Daly; Doak and demons.
At Brooklyn
First Game
R. H. E.
Winters and Henllne; Grimes
and O. Miller.
Second Game
Philadelphia 4 11 2
Brooklyn 8 12 3
G. Smith, Sedgwick and Brug
gy; Miljua and Krueger.
Sept. 5. Bryan Downey of Cleve
land and Johnny Wilson of Bos
ton foueht 12 tame and uninter
esting rounds in their bout here
today to settle their dispute over
the world's middleweignt cnam
pionship. y
Wilson Lasts
Under the New Jersey law no
official decision was permitted,
but Wilson retained his champion
ship belt, the fight going the limit
However, it was the opinion of a
majority of the newspapermen
and fight experts at tbe ringside
that Downey won on points. He
forced the fighting in most of the
rounds and landed tbe clearest
Fans Not Satisfied
Wilson's perfirmance was po
unsatisfactory to the New Jersey
boxing commission that they or
dered Promoter Tex Uickard to
bold his share of the purse pend
ing a hearing.
When Wilson lert the ring he
was booed loudly by the crowd
while Downey received applause.
No Hard Fighting
There was not a semblance of a
knockdown at any time. Wilson
tell into a clinch at every oppor
tunity and landed few hard blows.
Downey appeared to have the bet
ter of four rounds, three went to
Wilson and the others were even.
are b?re on a vLut to the former's
father.- .....'-'- -'0
The Martin iamlly left Satur
day for a two we-ks tr p ta sou
thern Oregon. . .v
Mrs. 11. M. Barnett and three
daughters are visiting relatives at
St. Helens.
Bert McKay .and are
spend'ng thir vacation at Detro t.
Sackett Building At
Sheridan Changes Hands
SHERIDAN. Ore. Sept S. (Spec
ial to the Statesman) A real es
tate trade made here today trans
fers the Sacket building In Sheri
dan to C F. Robertson fn return
for the latter highly Improved
43-acre farm near Bellevue and an
added consideration. The - local
block which is owned by F. B.
Sackett of this city, houses the
Miller Mercantile company and
two other business firms. It was
built in 1913.
Possession will be given imme
diately. The deal was handled
by Matt Mouse, a local real estate
Sheridan War Hero Will.
Be Buried At Home Town
SHERIDAN. Ore; Sept 5. (Spec
ial to the Statesman.) Word has
been received that the remains of
Day Churchman, local boy who
was killed in the Argonne forest
in the fall of 1918. have arrived
in New York City. As yet his
mother. Mrs. Etta Churchman,, has
received no notification of the
shipment of the body,- Funeral
services will be held upon its ar
rival and burial will be made in
the cemetery here.
Mr. Churchman was a member
of the 159th infantry of the 77th
division, and was killed in action
Course To Qualify Youths
For Life Saving Is Begun
At Y. M, C, A.
R. H. E.
2 6 1
18 2
At Plttsburgs
First Game
Cincinnati . . .: ,
Rixey and WIngo:
Morrison, Hamilton and Brottem,
x iiauu.
Second Game
Cincinnati l 4 i
Pittsburgh 2 7 0
Markle and Hargrave; Cooper
end Brottem.
R. H. E.
- At New York
First Game
BoBlon 6 9 1
New York 5 10 2
Watson, B.-axton, McQuillan
and O'Neill; Toney, Sallee. Caus
sey and 'Snytr, Smith.
Sevond Game
uusion .... 2
acw York . 5 7 i
ircuii ana uowav: She onH
in Case of Cramps or Danger in
the Water."
Mr. Overdorfer is an old pupil
of O. II. Daniel, the world's cham
pion record holder, and has been
teaching swimming for 14 years.
At Philadelphia:
First game p
Washington 3
Philadelphia 4
'Johnson and Picinich:
and Perkins.
Second game R
Washington 7
rnnadelphia 1
Mogridge and Gharritv:
mcl. Naylor and Perkins.
H. E
10 1
11 2
H. E.
9 0
4 0
At Detroit:
First aeme n u v
CMcaso ; 6 15 0
Detroit 5 15 0
Kerr and Scbalk; Holling.
Leonard and Bassler. Woodall.
Second game r. h. E.
Chicago 3 6 1
Detroit 4 9 2
Wilkinson and' Schalk; Cole
and Woodall.
R. II. E.
S 15 3
0 8 2
At Boston:
First game
N'ew York
Boston .
Shawkey and Devormer: Jones
and Ruel.
Second game R. H.-E.
New York . 2 4 0
Boston sis
R. Collins. Quinn. Rogers and
Devormer; Kerr and Walters.
At Cleveland:
First game R. IT. K
Liouis 5 13 0
Cleveland . 10 11 1
Shocker. Burwell and Severeid;
Mails, Mortor and O'Neill.
Second game R. H. E.
ft. Louis 12 15 I
Cleveland . 8 14 2
Klop, Datls, Bayne and Seve
red; Uhle. Morton. Bagby. Hen
d arson and O'Neill, L. Sewe'.l.
A series of tests for the swim
mers' and life savers' medals un
der the national Y. M. C. A. su
pervision, was begun at the Sa
lem Y. M. C. A. as one of the big
events for Labor day.
The complete course makes a
man show that be is a really qual
ified swimmer and life saver. The
tests are not competitive, and not
t'med. The ability to do the re
quirements, in a workmanlike
manner is the whole story. The
swimmer must be able to do al
most everything that & duck can
do, but quack, in order to quali
fy as a medal swimmer; and show
an ability to dreg even a fighting
suicide or a frantic rock-the-boat
victim who grabs h's rescuer, out
ot the water, after knocking him
cold with a solar plexus or a chin
punch, so he can't resist. Here
are the schedules, for the differ
ent events of thi complete series:
Beginner's test: Swim at least
50 feet (any stroke without
turning at end of tank). Award:
Oxidized silver finish button.
Swimmers' te?t: Swim 50 yards
(any stroke); dive properly trom
side of pool; swim on back 50
feet. Award: French gray finish
Leader's test: (1) Teach one
person to swim f-0 feet; (2) swim
200 yards; (3) dive from surface
of water and bring objects from
bottom (opening eyes) ; (4) swim
on back 50 yards. Award: Ro
man gold finish button.
Life saver's test: (1) Dive into
from seven to 10 feet of water
and bring from the bottom to the
surface a loose bag of sand weigh
ing 10 pounds; (2) swim 100
vards on back, not using arms or
hands, and 100 yards any other
Ftroke; (3) demonstrate (a) on
land. five methods of release;
(b) in water two methods of re
lease; (c) rescue and tow person
ot own weight 20 yards, using
two different strokes (10 yards
each); (d) Shaefer method of re
suscitation. Award: sterling sil
ver watch fob, very neat and dur
able. Several of tha local Y. M. C. A.
boys passed the twimmers' tests
of swimming the four lengths of
the tank (50 yards) one and one-)
half lengths of tbe tank (60 feet)
on back, and shallow dive.
Those who qualified thus far,
were Jack Harbison, Glen Seeley,
Bernard Kafoury (distance sw m
uncompleted) Bernard Richards,
Charles Hageman. Hal Lehman.
Curtis Townsen.l, Kenneth Seeley,
John George anil James Fargo.
A partial list in tbe life sav
ers department, giving the 100
yards swim on the back without
usiner tbe arm 3 and 100 yards.
any stroke, following th3 back
swim, gave to Frank Baker and
Paul Dever their qualifying rec
All the other tests, for the Tar
lous honors, are to be g'ven soon
Professor Overdcrfer, ons of
the best fcnown swimming instruc
tors In the west, will give a swim
ming exhibition a I the Y. M. C. A.
Thursday evening, Septem'Der s.
beginning at 7:15 o'clock. The
exhibition is limited to persons 16
years old or over. Women are es
pecially Invited. "
He will give an exhibition of
the aide arm, cid English trud
geon crawl, original crowl. under
water, racing ( stroke, neat diva,
and the proper form of div ng. He
will lay special emphasis on the
proper form of stroke. "
A lecture will also be given on
"School Days. School Days"
Do you remember the old song
about fchool day be ne golden
rule days? It wrong to send 1
coughing, sneezing, spitting child
to school to spread disease germs
among other UtUe ones. Common
colds are in'octious. Protect
your own and other little ones
with Foley's Honey and Tar. This
safe family remedy checks coughs
and cold?, loosens phlegm and
mucuous and coast raw. irritating
membrans with a healing, sooth-
ng medicine. Sold everywhere.
Record of 225 Miles Is Made
By Pittsburgh Driver, Wins
Purse of $7500
TURNER, Or.. Sept. 5. Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Gunning spent
Sunday and Monday visiting
frrendg and relatives in Vancou
Mrs. J. F. Lyle is very 111 with
Mrs. G. A. G. Moore is spend
ing a few days at Monroe with
Mrs. Belknap.
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Riches,
accompanied by Mrs. Hazlitt and
Mrs. W, T. Riches, motored to
Silverton Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Crawford of
Salem spent Sunday at their farm.
Arthtur Corneiius and family
1. P. Fetterman of Pittsburgh to
day won the autumn classic at the
automobile apeeaway here. He
covered the 225 miles in 2 hours
15 minutes, 16 seconds, at an av
erage speed of 99.8 miles an hour.
His part of the purse was S7500
.Jimmy Murphy, driving the
same car with which he won the
French Grand Prix this year, was
second In 2 hours, 17 minutes.
6 3-4 seconds with an average of
98.5 miles an hour, while Roscoe
Sarles. averaging ' 98 miles was
third in 2 hours 17 minutes '
46 11-25 seconds. Murphy's 'end of
the pursews $400and.,SarlJ
Eddie Miller finished fourth
and Tommy Milton who with
drew his own car during the race
and took Eddie Hearhe's place tn
the latter's machine, fifth Joe
Thomas was sixth and Howard
Wilcox seventh and Jules Elling
boo eighth.
The cars driven by Thomas and
Wilcox skidded and left the track.
Thomas suffering bruises. Wilcox
was uninjured. Both returned to
the race.
Eski-Shehr has been captured
by the Greeks. No, it -is not the
name ot a new face' powder.
It requires a lot of faith for a
man to take a drink of moonshine
without having the stuff analyzed
for wood alcohol.
b aim i "Mil i ii i a W'f'yV
J -vh
.7. , ?'-Ttal''v' t J kxJf ' """"" "'"' - -1
Fboto y P&tha.
Lieut--Commander Emery Coil, married Just about a, month ago,
who lost his life when the giant dirigible ZR-2 crashed and fell Into
the River H umber. Lieut Coil's wife was with, him in England.
Possible To Get Start . of
World Champions for Little
Money, He Avers 7
Sale of Thoroughbred Polk
County Animals .Slated
.For October ill, 1
.'A rnr.n might get the start for
a worlds champ.ou herd J of Jer
sey?, for $1000." is the statement
p O. B, Stauff, resident member
of the famctn . Jtrsev;; hreediuj;
firm of McArtLa & SfiufL of In
dependence. I i
"A breeder might ibuy finely
brM calves from anywhere trout
$100 to $300 each, from untest
ed dams, but by proves sires that
were certain to carry the quality
on from generation to generation.
An average of $ 2 00 wotold buy
tour good females and. one good
male. if the brseder werd will nr
to boy on breedtjg and; conforma
tion without accurate record tests.
' Investment 10KoarKHl
I don't know what ! would pay
any man any better than to invest
la a few good Jerseys, ahd then
set out really to develop them.
The breeders say 'The bull la naif
the herd but that isn't 'i)ult6
true; the Intelligent and 'pains
taking herdmaster and "feeder and
breeder In charge, :ls tbeTeal d
termln ng half.V Me doei hot per.
petuate the mistake of!. nature;
he sees them, and checks Ithera off
on his black Hit. and they go -to
the block instanter."', i 1 - I
The record of the McArthnr A
Stauff herd for the past four '
rrtonths is an interesting jcommen.
tary on what the management has
to do with making a. herd... A rec
oMiied, official record lot- their
milk ;and butter production ..tor
the month of May showed for lb
cows butterfat production of 60.
68 pounds; for June wltti 16 cows,
69.48 pounds; for , July. 61 37
pounds for IB cows; and the un
official figures. Just presented to
the American Jersey Cattle cluD .
for. checking and' approval, show
68.24 pounds for 17 cows, t
' Itcgularily XercmKry
These cows have had regular
milking and regular ife'sdlng
Just like ' ther balanced' ration , pt
tbe clock-fed baby,, only, with av
erage better results.; Durlag
August they have been! fed r t$h
silage a year old; It is a most ex
cellent food, according to Mr.
Stauff. . jThey Lafe a prepared
da'ry feed.a eompositet pf various
grains In a standard heknical rar
niula; also, they have had Oil
meal, and a pound of syrnp a d?y.
and a good supply of dry beel
pulp, one of thi greatest of dalrj
foods'..- i f
"The conditions fot August
were rather tryiug.V? aid Mr,
Stauff. " ThefA was tt hn( von-
ther, and the flies, and the short
pasture. 'But.frora the start al
ready made in September, we ex
pect this month to come back up,
and make tho record already
made, even more remarkable. Jt
certainly stands , aa a t record for
the Jersey breed. If not for alt
breeds, for a similar j herd tor
similar length of time: It I
showing an average butterfat pro
duction of . close to 800 pounds a
year, if it should be kept up for
full year. And when one gets
to talking 'averages', that's very
different from tak'ng one or. two
firsts. , , -
Ifol r Noted Sire
"Ten of.thesexcws are daugh
ters of tn.- great sire, llolger. and
on or two others ara granddaugh-
ttrs oi Holger. No cow ti ab.-vt2
5 year old. On1y hre have tv'ii
reached that ace." i; '
The McArthur ft btauff farm'
to bold a sale of Jerseys on Octo
ber 11, either at the home farm -or
at Portland. The firm will let
go of about 25 animals of various
ags, most of them I. of other
breeding than their own.' . Thoy
now have about 60 head, and tbe
35 to b retained represent the
cream of their stock; which has
proven so wonderfully productive
of records that theyiij propose to
let go of every other animal and
stick to their own blood lins.
Btauff Native Oregonian -
Mr. Stauff was born In Coose
county, and has grown op with
the ambition to raise; good cattle.
He attended O. A. C.j coming in
to the present breeding farm part
nership six years agoj. The lrm
has developed some record-breaking
cows, and is on the fair road
to yet greater tncceases.
. ' ji " 1-
"Excuse me. but haven't I seen
yonr face before?' j
"It's quite possible; air. , That's
where I usually weari It.
iney wiu iina iost; anicies. win ima a Duyer u you nave sometninir to sell ct will finri a
Read . The Classified Ads.
"How to Take Care of Yourself, D&rjrain u you want 10 Duy sometniQir . " -. , ij: vis: ;