The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 04, 1921, Page 6, Image 6

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6 r
Report Tht Traffic Officer
Abuses. Privilege Appar- .
rently Unfounded :
Ho One Nabbed Traveling
Tfiss Than 33 Mile an
Hour is Assertion
Taken in me llgit or record or
Wood burn officials. th nrnhldm
of speed regulation -on th. Pacif
ic highway at Woodburn, wnere
lialf of the highway Is owned by
the state and the other halt lies
within the c:ty limits of Wood
turn is not as great as rumors
reaching; here would hare it. Ac
cording to the Wood hum traffic
officer no attempt has been made
by tie city lo inforce the -city's
ZO-mlle speed limit on the highway.-
-t . . ...
j According to the records of the
cty recorder there were 21 ar
rests made during the past month
for . speeding. Of that number
no one wa arrested who was
drltjng less than 33 miles aiuhour.
The maximum rate at which an
offender was arrested was 48
mile and the average for all 21
was 37 miles.
j In 1868 when the city wis first
Thi of Literature. ,The Graduate School
1 r f
l , science ana in srts.
Tha School of Architecture
i and Aliid Arts. 3
The School of Business
- Administration. '
The School of Education. .
The Extension. Division.
x Fall Term .Opens . September. 6
A.k'",!r,lo,iuhur,l Mf ?fol ackolartKip Ut become
one oil the outstanding marks o tke Sute Univeraity For a catalogue.
. 4 Holder on tite vartou acluioJa, or lor any information, write
7 --lv;;i-;',V
lie of
We have resolved to fake' radical price reducing measures for immediate un
b'idin? of Muses' and Women's Presses, at Ae most remarkable price reduc
jtics attempted in years, all thoughts pf,profit haye.been abandoned and,prices
cut to ithe quick. To make selecting e,asy we have arranged our. entire stock
iCj iDrgandie,:Si!Ic and Wool, Dresses infive great groups as follows :
No. 4 Dresses
Beautiful new lot of Misses and Women's
Crepei de Chine, Georgette, Messaline, Fou
lard, Taffeta and Serge - Dresses some , in -handsome
tailored effects, latest models
Including short sleeves and round neck
styles , .
V " Sale Price
$32J0: Dresses Ann -ffk
$3750 Dresses , Hw-tf?w v
Gingham Aprons
One hundred dozen
Women's Gingham
and Percale aprons,
various colors and
all sizes, special r
i $1.15
planned out. tha western boun
dary was established as the cen
ter of the road now known as tn
Pacific highway. ' When the state
paved that portion a paid the en
tire cast without negotiating .with
the Woodburn officials as to reg
ulation rights. - ...
After tne bUhway - had been
paved the e.ty refuted to give up
that portion. At the north end of
the cfiy limits placed a sign,
w;t back Uyond the intersection
ou a street leading to Woodburn.
on which appeared the notice
"8am down to ?0 miles an hour'
To a tourist not acquainted with
conditions it might easily tx tak
en for granted- that the 20-mile
regulation was for the street on
which: it appears.
I tumor Ara Heard
No pother aigi . appears on the
one-mile stretch which adjoins
Woodburn except the notices of
several of the streets leading to
the city of the 15-mile regulation
while going 'to the city with an
arrow to indicate the direction tn
which the regulation is effective.
On the highway sign there is no
arrow to indicate the direction of
the restricted r rea and contrary
to the usual sign appearing on the
Pacific highway it gies no reason
for the change of speed regula
tion. ; i
These conditions ' scrv?d as a
background for 5 era' stent rumors
in which the Viodturn traffic of
ficer, ' Flay Har n id. was said - to
have arrested Innocent tourists
traveling only 21 or , 22 mile an
hour who- had- tailad. to notice the
Sign, or if they had, thought it
was effective only on the street
leading to the city.
Man (who has been knocked
down in Fleet street Jy a motor
car) Where .am I?,
Enterprising Street Seller
Here yer are, sir; map of Londpn,
one penny. London Fun.
tltm RtMimamATk rnaanfrtMl Art
ersity of Oregon
The .School of Journalism.
The School el Law.
The School of Medicine. '
The School of J4uc.
The School of ghyaical
The School of Sociology..
(Jroup No. 1-J)resses .$475
Organdie and VoOelDresses in pink, ; sky
blue, lavendar, etc Some in simple sash'
styles, neatly trimmed.
- -Your Choice
Regular values. $10.00 (fsj it
Regular values. $12.50 Jl '
Regular values $15.00 t v
. Group.No. 2 Dresses $10
Including Taffeta, Silk, Tricolette, Jersey,
and all wool serge dresses, in smart col
ors and styles, some tucked and many tu
nic styles. August Sale; Price
- -
$15.00 . Dresses...............
$17.50 Dresses .
$19.50 Dresses
Group;No. 3-rl)resses $16.50
Georgette, Messaline, Taffeta, Silk Dresses
in abundance. This season's most favored
models, including short and medium length
sleeves, in all the best shades.
August Sale Price
Regular Values..M...$25.00
Regular Values
Regular Values....... $30.00
$23:50 :
Group No. 5 Dresses $29.50
Splendid group of Misses' and Women's
New Spring and Summer-Dresses, in Taffeta,-Silk,
Velvet, Crepe de Chene, Trico
tine, Crepe, Georgette, f etc., " some natty
beaded and" embroidered, very latest models.-
. ' .v'.-"v ; Vv . I
. ' , August Sale! Price
Regular Values $40.00 tfQA C A
Regular Values $45,00 3)H.tjl
Regular Values..: ....$47.50 T
New Voile i Waists
Great; big lot of new
and pretty Voile
Waists, some trim
med with lace, var
ious designs, special
Middy Blouses
L Great variety
Wend pretty Middy
Blouses in white and
prevailing colors,
. M.75
SalcraVGrcatfst Women's Apaarel Slore
French Women Are Blamed
for Spread of Habit, is
Paris Information
Objection Made to Adoption
' of Custom Associated
With Lower World
' PARIS, - Sept. Z. France is
smoking nearly 9000 tons of . to
bacco a year more than before
the war. The biggest increase !s
is pipe tobacco, though th in
crease in the number of clsrotta?
consumed is about 2,000,000 kil
ograms. The war is blamed for the in
crease and women are given a
share of blame, if any is at
tached. Middle CIaa.4 Succumbing
Even middle-class French 'wo
men among the most conserva
tive and properly behaved, of the
world seem to be fast succumb
ing to the smoking habit, in which
English and American women
have set the example. So far.
however, their smoking is a very
private affair in the seclusion of
their own homes. In restaurants
and. public places only American
and English women smoke, and
those French women who do not
belong to any social world. No
well-bred French woman of fhe
came class as those English and
American women who thus trans
gress would think of doing so,
though how long their manners in
the matter are going to resist the
increase In the habit Is a question
which a tew years will answer.
Underworld Followed
' Meanwhile protests ard coming
from the men. Many have been
shocked by the number of Ameri
can and English women; who in
the last season have indulged in
cigarette smoking in public with
a freedom which a Frenchman as
sociates , only with liohemia and
the demfl-monde. , M. "Alexandre
Duval, a famous restaurateur and
one of the last, of the "dandies"
"To smoke in pubHc Is always
; .? - Your Choice
x uur v-iiuii.t;
Your Choice
- .
Serge Bloomers
Navy Blue Serge
bloomers,' various
sizes, regular values
$2.50 and $3.00, spe
cial i
$138 ;
White Corner)'
-Tiniwaiffifin. it, . mm
p. f
J, h
'' ' 'V''-A.
fo.f'atf...-n ..... - V i. t
. j ITioto by Underwood & UR!ersw'l. .
A . vivid illustration of the comparative sizes between White Stars
Hell (ate ,Vk:k. the largest dog. in the Long Branch (N. J.) dog show,
and Little Vamp,, the amalleet dpg exhibited. .White Stars Hellgate Vlck
,1s owned by Mrs. Amzi J. Dodd of Long Branch, and Little Vamp Is the
pride of (Irs. Charles, Williams, of ,Wbltestoae, L. L .Both .were pr,Iae
winners la-their, respective classes.
had taste in a woman. In private
she- may be pardoned if she does
it with sufficient, elegance."
Dallas Grower is Paid
Seven, Cents for Prunes
It paid; to hold over the ,1920
crop of prunes, according 'to
Frank Brown f Daus. Tbe
Maeon-Ehrman company has pur.
chased 5,000 pounds .of 55-CO
prunes , of Mr. Brown, .paying 7
cents a pound, the purchase, try
ing been made yesterday. This is
reported to be the highest' price
paid during the season for hold
over prunes or the 55-60 size. '
According, to reports, there are
but fewr lots of the, 1920 crop of
prunes left in Polk county, but
those who have been forqsighted
enough to hold, may now sell on
the rising market. Even small
sizes are being quoted at from C
to 6 cents.
Prunes of the size sold by Mr.
Brown were sold as low . a
a pound during the past winter,
ouen in large quantities.
Woodburn Garage Files
Answer Against McElroy
In the suit in tbe Marion coun
ty court of W. L. McElroy against
the Opera House garage of Wood
turn, the defendants has filed aa
answer claiming that according
to its books Mr. McElroy owes the
garage considerable money.
The defendant in his answer
alleges that a Briscoe car was
rented to McElroy and that he
had possession of it for 57 days
p.nd that $3 a day is a reasonable
charge for rent. Also that dur
ing the time McElroy had the
tar he wrecked It and that it cost
the garage $198.87 for repairs.
Also at another time licElroy
damaged the car to the extent of
$33.50, which the defendant paid.
Hence, according to the fig
ures of the Opera House" garage
at Woodburn, McElroy owes the
owners of defendants in the suit
the sura of $191.4S.
Three Collisions Are
Reported to Officers
Three accidents in which autos
collided were reported to police
yesterday. The damage in all
three cases was but slight.
As Homer Cross started a mer
chant delivery car away from the
curb In front of the People's Cash
store he was struck by a car driv
en by George F. Judd of Port-
WEM- boys i
$ JJ-
aiwar in i mi i ,tmm
Ifcnd. The damage was insignifi
cant. 1 B. C. Binger failed to give the
proper signal, according to G. T..
Moisan of this city when he
tnrned around in the middle of
the block on Court street. As
a result the cars belonging to the
two drivers collided, bending a
spindle on Dinger's, car and tear
ing the hub cap off of the other.
J. A. Jefferson ran into a car
,on Commercial Btreet which ha,d
stopped suddenly near Market
street. The damages, which were
slight, were settled for oy the
"Nearness" of Los Angeles
Beer . Arouses ' Suspicion
of Service Men
LOS ANGELES, Sept. 4. Sev
eral former saloons were raided
in Los Angeles during the Elk's
convention In July on a charge
of felling near-beer that was too
near. The refreshments committee of
the .Ninety-first division reunion,
to he held there September 24 and
25, promises to have an analysis
made of the liquids at the regi
mental banquets during the gath
ering, and if any are found to be
'.'near" to reject them.
That Is the committee's state
ment issued today. "Take it any
way you choose," it says.
Disabled Service Men
Planning Cooperation
INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., July 13.
Officials of the . American la
gian, representatives of the war
risk insurance bureau, publie
health service, and federal board
for vocational education will mem
here early in August, according
to legion officers, for the purpose
of discussing closer cooperation
in behalf of disabled former ser
vice men.
The legion has received wora
of the appcirtment of Carlos A.
Pennington, assistant director of
the bureau o war risk insurance.
as contact officer between the le
gion and the government bureau.
Guts for Roadways Disclose
Paying Veins, of Valu
able Mineral
ANCHORAGE, Alaska. SepL 3.
: A number of gold strikes have
b ni made in the rock cuts blast
ed out of the precipitous walls of
the Turnagain Arm division of the
United States railway between
Seward and Aathorage. More
than a dozen gjod t iaaurea nave
been cut and prospectors and min
ers are preparing to begin devel-
opment work.
The only similar condition
known to exist waere a railroad
became a prospector and opened
mineral wealth v. as the great Co
balt strike where the roadbed cut
native silver. ,
The Tnrnagala Arm division of
the railroad has been costly not
only, in construction but mainten
ance. It, has ieen necessary to
erect numerous sjjowsheds to pro
tect the track and a major por
tion of some 40 mi'es of roadbed
Is literally blasted out of solid
Recently whn the strike was
niade a lGrwoo.1, prospectors be-
fan to examine th quarti fis
sures in tbe various roadbed cuts
and values ranging around $-
per ton were found In veins twenty-odd
feet In width. There was a
rush to locate and a strip along
the. roadway a distance of 12 miles
has been staked.
Like many instances in mining,
these veins had been passed over
by thousands of men who at times
panned the rock for colors. Whlto
some veins fhew free gold, tbe
.major portion of them indicate
what is known as cyaniding ores,
necessitating concentration.
To facilitate development and
encourage miners, the United
States railroad officials have
granted easements, and issued or
ders for trains to the, pros
pectors In any way possible, even
to allowing them to utilize the
snow sheds for camps.
Prospecting farther back in tbe
hills reveals rlc free-muling ores
and a strike made July 30, lf
miles northwanhindicates that tbe
quarts belt, extends at least 12 by
15 miles.
Astoria is Stage for
Norwegian Sangerf est
ASTORIA, Or., Seyt. 3. The
sixteenth annual ttangerfeat of the
Pacific Coast As;)ciatlon of Nor
wegian singers, as enlivened here
today with over 350 members, pre
sent from various parts of tbe Pa
c, fic coast. Tbe teasion was open
ed with a public reception and the
address of welcome on the part
of the city and by President W. P.
O'Brien for the Chamber of Com
merce. .,
At noon the visitors were enter
tained at a salmon dinner.
. The first concert was held to
night. Wedel Has Many Friends
Now in Southern Russia
F. B. Wedel. president of the
Deaconess Hospital association,
spent 17 years of bis early, life in
the southern 'part of Russia, not
Coats were sever more attractiveUian
they are this season. Fashioned of oft
surfaced warm. wool fabrics with or with
out fur trimmings in belted or loot! ef
fects, many featuring large cape-like col
lars. Suits that embrace the latest in fashions
It is good to know that this year jt is pos
sible to get values in suits ,of excellent
fabric smart and new. in style, well made
at such popular prices.
The woman who .knows she must ;have
new, clothes this win ter, be comes immedi
ately thrilled and chaimed bjr the;alhtre
of the soft, deep .fabrics and warm rich
colorings, of these splendid garments.
Ladies Suits
Ladies' Coats.
4 r :v ...a. .. .i, -
,oT , V : . .. . : f
& S, -.: f y j
' , - e. . ' ' ,t . t
Mathlas Ereberger. formerly
vice-premier int the German
Cabinet, who was murdered near
Offenburs. Baden, where be was
far from Sebastapol. and stli:
reads and epeaks the language
"I still have a number of
friends in that country, most of
whom are now" termed the Intel
lectuals," Mr. Wedel said; "and I
surely would like to go there
again. It is In the southern part
of Russia that are found the fin
eat of people, and it is these who
pre suffering greatly."
Mr. Wedel has not been In Rus
sia sinoe 1874, , but has kept in
cl0se touch with bis many friends
in tbe southern part of the coun
try. "
426 State Street
$24.50 tost49.50
.$12.95 to $45.00
Our Pficts Always The Lowest
Com.meriia and Court "Streets
Woman Asks-to See-AIH -
Cloth$s, C-aips Sipt
imYAtLrP.'IWash.; Aag.
Bg. 1-. (j
Pyallap-was abie to Wf4
hrst Uma 1 eiht years recently.
th first thing she exclaimM wa, .
nih. thia kimona U lavender.
stored -when ulrgeona,Tnovd
rrowtb frosn hr ey. b. Im
medlately asked that aU ter co
tlung be "bfought to her,ra-fn
could .see ; tie.cOlonJ.,. -
It Sr(ki3
A saootlka
Ja'e ' rTuI(?
Rasmr, Each ia hlA
giiaraatej :U"fr"500 74Mk".a4'
eomfortaUU haTM. "
Borrmw m jiut$tn4 jZaor for 39
Jyr tl trJ w! frt Ja
Am offer of tkIavkJJ t Wt w U
mad i eonatctaoa .-witli ur otLar
raxor tad u tnort eoaVtaitatf. proof
ie merit o(,lJL mtS$rflfJZ
tha aay artfQjaet'r cdUl preseR
Call at our tore.oorrow aa AutoStri
Razor aa J lcnoatrat t&u merit
yoar wi tauf
Coma, ta : aa'j tk
... . . v- v
t wxta yoa
write at onoi, '
. Tylert Drug Stcre
157 S. Coml St. ! Phone 35
irri u j.
V'f . fli'l
You get fine style In a suit
of Scot;k Wbolen Wills iaU-
,ored clothes, i" You have the ;
satisfaction of knowing you
are dressed right. These
dothes are rde froria lOO.
per cent purf "woqI fabrics. "
They last longer, Jook bet
ter and hold jtheir shaperto
vthe last They are tailored
to your individual 'measure, -
therefore you, get a, perfect
fit. You pay less and-get
more whn ypu : buy; Scotch
Woolen MilJ Clothes
. .. .
Salem, Oregon
" : - " ; '. .... i m ' l f :'.
( ) i
' - Uv ; '
' ' ' ' I ' ' ' ')'" '
' ' ' k . . ;
. . .. . ; L
4 1
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