SATURDAY MORNING. SEPTEMBER. 3, 1921 4. THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON f - Issued Dally Except Monday by THE 8TATKHMAN PUKMSIIIXU COMPANY 2i5 S. Commercial St., Salem, Oregon (Portland Office, 627 Board of Trade Building. Phone Automatic ! S27-69) . ! MKMBKIt OP THK ASSOCIATKD P11E88 . The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for repub lication of sail sews dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited tn this paper and also the local news published herein. R. J. Hendricks. . . . . Stephen A, Stone. Ralph GloTer ................. Frank Jaskoskl .... . i .Manager ..'...Managing Editor 4 Cashier Manager! Job Dept. DAJLT STATESMAN, senred by cairler In Salem and suburbs, 16 cents a woek, 65 cents a month. DAILY STATESMAN, by mail. In advance, $6 a year, $3 for six months, II. SO for three months, 60 cents a month, in Marlon and Polk counties; outside of these counties, $7 a year, $3.50 i for si months, 11.76 for three months, 60 cents a month.. When not paid in adranee, 60 cents a year additional. TUB PACIFIC HOMESTEAD, the- great western weekly farm paper, wlU be sent a year to anyone paying a year in adranee to the ' ' Daily Statesman."'- ' SUNDAY BTATESMAN, 11.60 a year; 75 cents for six months; 40 cents for three months; 25 cents for 1 months; 15 cents foi one month. WEEKLY! STATESMAN, issued in two six-page sections, Tuesdays and Fridays. $1 a year (if not paid in adranee, $125); 60 cents for six months; 25 cents tor three months. ; willing to pay $50 a month. Whether this would be any in ducement to a budding physio- has accepted newspaper Style, the style that says things in the fewest possible words compatible with accuracy, and makes words the servants of clarity and thought. Thas style has its advantages. Grant had as much use for style as he therapist remains to be cn. j had for face powder, yet his "unconditional surrender" was1'"1 J. easily understood, both by Robert E. Lee and the world, - " - Washington borrowed the most of his style from Alexander AiovnivBUL woitns. Hamilton, in fact, the claim is made that Hamilton wrote the . Farewell Address. Lincoln was a -Ifucated inan yet hisj X'ZT. Gettysburg address is the finest example of style mall our jvocabularV of mo!e than 120rt American literature. J words.. Tha kid win be writing ONE MAN'S NEAT IS ANOTHER'S POISON With Col. Bryan iivi:i; in Flor ida it need excite no surprise to see that state heel inti the Re publican column. Tell the Salem slogan editor of your fine crops of wheat and cats and other grains. He want3 to tell the world in The States man of next Thursday. TELEPHONES: . -! i Business Office, 23. Circulation Department, 68 1 Job Department, 68S Society Editor, 10 It may yet require the service of an Einstein to determine the relativity of the agenCa to be presented to the disarmament conference. Entered at the rostoffice in Salem, Oregon, as second class matter AN ADVERTISING ACHIEVEMENT The wives or widows of forty seven former Austrian ministers of state are taking in sewing a? a means of livelihood. At last they arc doing some real work. The sight is encouraging. The soviet government has kindly agreed to allow the Am erican government to distribute the food it is about to furnish it to starving people of that coun try. Such condescension is most gratifying. President Hardins Invited Sen ator Itorah to call at the White House and it is understood that the Idaho senator gave his views of the disarmament conference. Of course. President Harding did member mission. of the American com- A few motorcar dealers in the city by the Golden Gate decided last winter that business was being hampered by the inaccessibility of the peninsula on which Sah Francisco is lo cated; for only from thesouth can it be reached by land. , Direct communication, as all the world knows, is by ferry." .' . These men of .vision conceived the idea of focusing popu lar sentiment upon a gigantic engineering undertaking the building of a bridge, five miles long, across the bay, to elim inate the ferry trip. . They got their heads together, and they saw that the m . . i ' , j j i ik. n ::. t only way 10 put ineiaea across in a nurry.auu, m uic spun t tell him anything; he of the west, these men were in a hurry ; for they wanted the couldn.t. There mIght be strang .. ...rliift lkr urfira rrt AfirtVi and nnf cnlolv fnr rw I ... uuiiciiLa wiiiic taicjr nuv vu v v . uvv i-- tr twines than to see Boran a teriiy - . ; Was by newspaper advertising. So thev subscribed $50,000. and raised $50,000 more, for i fx campaign ui wieuuaiu prupurtiuua. Pf ' About the middle of May the project was launched in lull page announcements. By the time the third ad. appeared the public was be hind it.; "Bridge the Bay" was the slogan and San Fran cisco has already decided to bridge the bay, and eminent en gineers have been engaged to report on methods, sites and probable costs. f T i r , i ; San, Francisco Wflf undoubtedly have? a bridge across the bay, and it wzs made possibleUhrough newspaper advertis ing. ; . . , Newspaper advertising will build bridges or Sell safety- pins . And if your business comes anywherfe within this range, you need the help of the newspapers.' . . . The enterprising business men of Salem are 'extending the business field of this city constantly by advertising. The "l , i . , J t' -T f i 1 . . aaiern newspapers are wiaening ineir iieia oi circulation over the 'whole Salemn district; and widening the potential field Of Salem concerns, cohstantly--ahd intensifying this field f r And mostf the Salem business concerns could afford to ' "i - 1 A.Si.i- L . - f ., . 1 piaxe meir newspaper advertising campaigns larger in voi time; The whole trade of this city is helped by the live ad Vertisers. They are missionaries, and they help the business even of those who refuse to advertise, or advertise indiffer ently, and thui' refuse tor help carry the burden4-a burden which in justice ought to be a common and equalized one destroy what these clever mas ters tell him to destroy,, thinking co more of what he is doing, and why, than he ttid in the eld days when he negViCted to inform himself when the Information was fairlv thrust into Jus hands. ! All that polities needs is the ; Jionest, sincere attention of the , whole people, for evtf one elec- j tion. Outside commission leech-j es can not supply either the hon- I est intent or the judgment neces- J pary for good politics. '",hat la j a personal matter arrl no j thoughtful land owner in Onvon. j whose land was once low in pi!Ce but now rates as of high valine, ought to subscribe to the Non partisan campaign against "mid-i dlemen" and "monopolies," with- i out thinking out that this creed, it honestly enforced, will ruin him first of all and if not en forced, i3 a lie that the public will not stand. seed catalogues before he gets tn be an old man. IHSARMA3IKXT. ; One of our admirals offers to j bet money that ue government will never start to build another $4r..ftOO,000 battleship. If all our admirals bad talked that way we might have saved a lot of moncv. THK LOVE TOKEN'. France is a bit wary auout the disarmament conference, fearing that the United States is trying o strengthen its diplomatic po sition. rossiVj , Jean, possibly. Tn't it about time that the na tion that has to be the big broth er to the world should take its proper place, at. the Uble? Am erica has entered upon a new era. Tt might be well to remember that. It is reported that Ko.iprt 1' Skinner, in the diplomatic nervtee since McKinley's time, is to be sent as ambassador to Belgium Quite a rise from the wet sum raer back in the early nineties when "General" Coxey led the army" to Washington, and Bob Sktprier, who was tlicn employed on a paper in Massillon, Ohio., accompanied the ragamurnns as correspondent. The spiritual ruler of Zlon City forbids his following the use ot the diamond ring as the seal and token of a matriiuonial engage ment. He says it is a usele ss and costly symbol, lie insists that the girl wears it chiefly for ad vertising purposes to show thai she has captured a man. For that use it is too expensive. He suggests that the engaged girls in his flock wear a sunflower in stead. This would be much more fchowy and cost practically noth ing. A sunflower can be Been for a block where a diamond would pass unnoticed. The trou ble with this idea is that some of the girls might take to rais ing their own sunflowers and have a new fiance every week. If sunflowers were engagement tokens Oregon could supply the world we raise 'em here to fill silos with. Cut what is the matr ter with the wall flower or the ose? Is the sunflower the only good advertiser? upon all who benefit. TO THOUGHTFUL FAIiMKUS The farmer who believes he should endorse the Nonparitsan League, now being organized by out-of-the-state organizers for One of the greatest of America's business experts is just now; telling the people of the United States that what this country needs to put business squarely on its feet and give employment to the idle millions and set all the wheels of com merce in motion is advertising srreat campaigns of adver tising, changing the psychology of the whole people until the ward- l!&ht do wcl1 to consider atmosnhere tinirleswith faith and hore and couraee and ten lUB Vson siaie laws oeiore ac j j; in ii. . li it.1 : i i i ana go, aissipaung an me ctouas oi me pessimists auu gioom sters who have recently had their -day. profit of from $4 a head up- new po ceptlng this strenuous litical taskmaster. Take the road laws. The present system ot highways is built mostly by bond issues; but , President Quezon of the Philippine Senate is here to rtWrl for thn indenendenef of the islands. It is .'honed that Brer Quezon has had a pleasant trip, but that will be about the maintenance, and the sinking nlT an roi. no inrlanarwlanoa Jo nrmi ortn.fl IrtnV mnv hn in hfr luuu lul eneaiuauy pays inc tcr shape when General Wood spends a year or so over there. The Filipinos have some distance to go. Independence would be the most disastrous thing they could possibly have, short of a plague toAvipc out the whole population. And, the con stant talk of independence is the next worst thing for them They should be made to forget it tor a thousand years. that bonds, is not a direct land tax but a tax paid by the automo bflists or the state. The lands benefited, by these splendid new highways, are not specially taxed :or the unearned increment, the accrued value; this is paid by the road users and that's some bill ic pay: Tens of thousands of E t Woodrow Wilson finds fault with the English.of his sue- . m m 1. ft m A pMenr i hnf eoomi rn ha nnnnr mo. nniv criticism so tar inat w v v n v . a&Mv p w- - - - - " - - j , . hchas entertained or expressed towards the new administra- l-" "ave n r,noslPd m va,u lion. A for WarrrnG . Hardinjr. he is a newsnaner man. He l,t"? lTom Zi lo an aert ...... - - ' - I ft. . 1 A 1 .... j iiicsb ruttus vnai ine oiner fellow" paj-3 for. This legisla tion takes money from the other man and puts it into the -farm er s pocket, without even a "bv your leave." This is not an iso la ted case; the code is fall o laws mat iavor the farmer at the expense of others. , If there are others on' the other side, 1 ia no more than a (air balance there is small excuse for class discrimination. The state prints a booklet trior to every election, mailing it to every voter, giving: the full arguments for and against every measure, every candidate. The citizen who does not inform him .j ... sen on tnese subjects, and act according 'to bis own intelligence is risking a lot to turn his money and his hope over to these out ride organizers ! He may have been only thoughtless before; in the hands of these agitators he is a fool in financial suckerism and he may be a firebrand in pol itics, rushing like a mad dog to BOYS AND GIRLS OF SALEM IN school you are taught lessons in Arithmetic, but at the United States National Bank your playmates, who have savings accounts are learning their practical application. You will never make a success of life until you know how to manage your money efficiently, and to be self-reliant. A savings account here will help you both directions, and we-' invite you open one. m to FUTURE DATES 17, Skturdar ConstitHtron to October 1 Orffop onccoN S-ptember Mute rir.' : - A'ith aid rommUioB to onen bidx aa i -..oiiu.iHwi nnntia ntnhr 7J, 23 and 23 Marioa rtrnw ry TrrTi int:nti, I BITS FOR BREAKFAST I . Seen the fair' grounds? V " They are all dressed up. V The flowers out there never were so beautiful. The detourists south are still iunting the day only IS left now. he. Douglas county folks are mad' because their judge was tak en off the Brumfield case oh ac count ft alleged prejudice. Judge "Jimmy" Hamilton is one of the fairest aidges and squarest men in any maif's country. But it looks from this distance that a charge of prejudice might be justly made against any man in all Douglas county, as Jo Brumfield. They all seem to sve red when the name is mentioned. A well known re sident of that county was in Sa lem a few day ago, on business that had no reVence to Brum field : but he wuuld talk about nothing else. The bootlegger will pretty soon avoid Salem. They get the boot here. It will take more rafn than fell in the short showers of yesterday to dampen the ardor of the hop pickers. S If the United Railway line is extended to Tillamook bay, as seems in prospect, and the lum bering business keeps on picking np, there will soon be big doings over in that region. They have enough timber to keep a lot large saw mills going for 1000 years. That '"what's one rfnan s meat is another man's poison." is shown by the comments on the raia of Friday aiternoon: "Well I be doggoned It it isn't goin' to taia after I hoped it -had given up all that foolishness. Just ihen my prunes are ripe and fair achiu (or the pickers! A rain that you could throw with a teaspoon would crack 'em open as wide as a barn door. Never saw sulh prunes; never saw 'em with as tender skins. A 10 minutes' rain Wjill cost me $20 a minute!" ' Rain til you -wam to, o!tl fel icr! You rainrt scare me a little bit; never, nohow! Th.t pasture was about as dead as a billiard baU. and I was clean out of green paint to paint what looked like grass for cow feed. This rain will bring, me $10 a minute in the next month's cream checks. Come a-whoopin' and soak 'cm tp till the cows come home!" "Oh, dear me, that roof isn't finished yet. and it'il soak off tha plastering and fall down and kill us in our sleep! Johnny, Johnny, run down town and tell your father to come out right away and do something! I don't care what he does just p's he conies this instant and docs it! Oh, dear; oh dear!" You can't print n bird's whistle, but here's about what he said: "Oh, joy; here's a drink right at our door! We won't have to fly clear across town for a drink, and dry up like a salted codfish before we get back. And a good rain brings out all the juicy lit tle angleworms and we'll have a Christmas dinner inside the next 15 minutes! Joy!Joy! JOY!" "What a jolly little rain cloud that is coming up the valley! We'd better scoot for cover, since we haven't a lid over this darned machine, but say won't it lie ge-lorious when the rain settles that dust, and a feller ran then lieathe once more? Wonder rherc all those tramps come from Oiat stir up so much dust on the rvads? Wish the Mate would sprinkle its condemned, roads and nake it decent driving. Who. in?? Pay for sprinkling the roads 1 travel "over? Not on your life; ran while there's a whrel turnius t 's taie me away. L' them that owns "era. sprinkle 'em it's all I can do to drive over 'em when they're dusty!" And there is one more: , "Oh. lord, we thank Thee for tv mercies which Thou hast be scowod. m We in our weak way ntay not know the things Tor w?iich we should as-k, nor how or vrhen they should come; but Thou, oh Lord, knowest and doest ajl things best. We thank Thee." MILK AXI1 MtrMC. A Mississippi dairyman declares that his cows aTfe genuinely sus ceptible to music . and .will give much more milk after they hava teen listening to a few bursts of harmony. He has a barn dance at his place every now and then and he has noticed that his cows always give much more milk im mediately following one of these azz festivals than before. He expects to put a phonograph in his barn and do his milking to the accompaniment of Kreisler and Sousa's band. There is a possibility that certain compo sitions and certain Instruments might have a soothing effect upon tho bovine mind, but it won) seem that unpleasantness would follow some of the explosive stuff that docs duty for th9 dance. Be cause a heifer shakes her hoof is no sign that the milk supply i being augmented. fouM Hardly !rrai;m-i Vp When the kidneys are over worked and fail to throw out wtvsto matter from the system, it causes aches, pain, lame back, swollen ankles, sore joints, dlxxt ness. floating specks, etc. J. W. Sabock. Chester, Ta., writes: "My kidneys and bark hurt rue so when I got out of bed in the morning I could hardly straighten up. Mad to rub the small of my back be fore 1 could walk. 1 could hardly button my shoes. I haven't felt the soreness since I took Foley Kidney Tills. Sold .everywhere. Adv. Extradition is Denied For California Man Governor Olcott yesterday de clined to honor a requisition from the governor of California, de manding the extradition of M. I. Jones, wanted in Contra Costa county on a charge of failure lo support minor children. A police officer named W. M. Wood was hero to take Jones to California SOLVE THIS PUZZLE WIN A IUG CASH rmzE First Prize $200.00 1 8 2B 6 tvtaty-Mm athtr fcif priSM totalling f 300.09 . Cask.. ! : Rearrange (ha fiur ia tha atxa aquara ia mch a manner that they will eoont 1 erfr way and aa4 tta jrnr aiikwer. toother with your naraa aoj adurraa. and it it ia rorwt, im will at one mail jea; a mamUirrnt thmmlor .vito mad v aad 1S20 renaaa f tho atata ft Ouiton. and foil particalara f on aimple condition that yon aauat ful fill tpfclhcr with aa nhtatratod prla list. This ndttioB ia Terr ay and ar(l not rout ion one vent of your own money it ia merely a mattar af aevariaK two annual aiharription ( 00 ear) to the TACiriO HOMESTEAD, tha Id eal and beat weekly farm Diamine pub ltahed ia the j Tartfle KorthwcaU - How to Send Your Solutions Uae only one aide of the paper that rontajna the addition and pot year aaaia and addreaa 0b the upper right hand corner. j Three independent judgres, having no connection with thia firm will award the prinea, and the anawer raining: 250 r-ointa will take thejfirat pri. lew will art 100 point for ailrinf the punle, 40 will be awarded for general appearance, atyle, apeMing. pnnrlualton, etc, 10 nointa for hand writing, j and lOO points for fulfill ing the conditkina of the contest, ,. The announcement of tha priie win ner and thej correct solution will te printed at the etoee of the eonteat. and a copy mailed to each : peraoa sending in a solution - i . , : Thia splendid offer will only be good for a limited j time, ae aend In your so lution right away now to I ' Ptrule Contest Edn&r THE PACIFIC HOMESTEAD SALEM, OREGON See What Governor is Going to Read Children "Perspicuous Demonstration of the Practical Utility of Adequate Knowledge of Syllogism and En thymeme," is the subject of a Complimentary copy of a neat booklet that has been pre sented,.' to, Governor Olcott. The donor, is Jacob French of Washington, D. C, the author. The' governor will read the v.ork to his children. PLUMBING SUPPLY HOUSE Opens epf..G ,: Will carry a complete line of plumbJnj supplies WHOLESALE AND RETAIL We sell to everybody. We buy direct from the fac tory in carload lots enabling us to quote you low prices. Estimates given free. Get our prices before you buy. No job too big for us to handle. I , North western Pipe 219 North Commercial Street Salem, Oregon 187 Front Street Portland, Oresroii -f- TIIE HULDIXU IMM)5I. I The men who compile our building statibtics note some curious things. For instance. they find out that we are build ing more garages than we are homes. Last year we housed 20 per cent more autoa than we did families. In the 200 largest cities of the country we put up nearly 100,000 garages. We are going to keep the paint bright on Lizzie even if the baby has to sleep with the dog. It also appears that we spent almost twice as much in building theaters as we did in new churches. Hut look at the hours a movie house keeps, while a church may only be in use for a short time on Sundays. LOVKLY WO.MKX. A delegation of club ladies waited upon President Harding and asked that women have a per sonal representative on the .dis armament conference. What do women know about disarmament' They havo taken 50 years to get rid of their corsets and they arj still carrying hatpins. Los An geles Times. SKKVIXG THK fOlXTRY. There are civil service examin ations called for the benefit ot those who wish to serve the coun try in the capacity of associate silviculturist at a salary of $2000 a year. The incumbent must be able to stew prunes by candle light and gifrss the number of quarts ot wild oats tn a peck. The govern men t also wants an as tistant reconstructor in occupa tional physiotherapy, tut is only i New Price Roadster with starter and demountable rims $555.87 Tourings with starter and demountable rims 587.11 Coupes with starter and demountable rims 738.08 Sedans with starter and demountable rims 805.77 Trucks without starter and demountable rims 572.30 All prices are Salem Delivery Qld Price 602.73 649.58 842.2l 1 909. 90 1623.54 The Greatest value per dollar in the automobile world Quantity production alone (as many as all other makes com bined) permits this THIRD big reduction Better select your model and place your order at once because the demand at these prices is going to make it difficult to take care of all orders promtply. Valley Motor 6b, 260 North High Street Opposite City Hall Phone 1995