-.. --if THE OREGON STATESMAN. SALEM. OREGON WEDNESDAY MORNING, AUGUST 24. 1921 7 i ,! 1 Ante Ff Weti Three tnertiwl- -e Am. araair faia inaartieul So UOm snenth : JO hi. vutk.' cmna. DOT 1 lse 18 b MBwa lor any mwummbi lie NORWICH UNION PIRE INSURANCE SOCIETY ThleUoa, RoUnd M Barghardt ResrtdeBt Agent 871 BUU Bt MONEY TO LOAN ; Oa Real EiUU ' T. BL FORD , (Over Ladd, BuMh Bank) f FARM LOANS v.. HAWKINS & ROBERTS 204-207 Oregon Building i initio nril roTitr J-UAIIO nunL LoJnl L ; , ; INSURANCE, W lasnr anything We bav the atoney to lean - Pay aa back lik rent Out fans m city property liaU are em piaWe. Bm aa first. LA1XAB TJUXAB 0-f Onto Bldg. . Pben6 l$4s NEW a JOOAY I WANTED AT O.VCR EXTBA HEAVY i Yonltry; 'will pay above market. far mere' Produce Co. Phone 10. tf;lT1I M. A8HLKY DRESSMAKER, 1345 Broadway? 143S-J. FwR 8LE 1921 FORD TOURINO CAR. Ku 8000 miles. 200 Cbemeketa Ht. - M,armon "34": Chummy " Jsnt thoroughly overhauled and repainted sl'ractieally; all naw cord tire. This -r is "0 pereent as rood aa new, yet I am forced t sell it for leas than Vail the east of a pew an. Would ' consider- good liarfat ear aa part pay jneut ' Address C. Dewey Brown, Elm- Pftod Apia, , Portland, Creese.. wttXTED' CRABAPPLES. PEARS, quinces and other traits Ward.. K. iKiehardsen, Pbone. 494. i A SNAP BIX LOTS AND SMALL oii la South Salem for sal at a barrels. W. F, Hhank, 1560 South i Liberty, l'bon 782-W. EENTERS-ct-WE HAVE GOOD HOMES for sale where a smalt payment down Viil bind deal aad voor rent bay the plsr. Why rent. Bark Hendricks, sVOS V. H. Bank Bldg. - - " rlKM FOR RENT 5 a MILES EAST f Btayton, 800 acres, mostly bottom, boot 181 'under plow; rood buildings, Rash rent. P. P. Farriagton, -715 Ov rtoa Ht, Portland. - JOR SALE STRICTLY MODERN 7- Too ra bungalow just Ml a street, a good home for soma one. Price $4500. Terms. Kroner, 209 Oregon Bldg. fOU WILL, FIND IT ADVANTAGEOUS . . . i wwt ; ' i.- to get ins j jnceiinuTiue ,v.e a ranrs uv a re placing yoor nest insurance. Oet sound home protection, and at low cost. Ntsndley Foley, Agts Phone , 847. Bush Bsnk Bldg.- f FOR SALE FIVE PASSENGER FORD in good condition.. 2288 Mill Bt fboa 1719-J. ..-.. V0W 0PERATIX0 MODEL .BEAUTY r Parlor, 110 North Commercial Street. W3P. - r' 1 ACRES 60 IS J CULTIVATION. good 0 room house, food barn, same stork, near achooi ana store, ui main euigaway to Newport, severel -. creeks oroufcn place, near raiiroaa. rrif fituuu and will take small home in Salem as jpart. ? Essy - terms if necessary . This is a rsal fsrm bny. Not Hilly. , Becks Hendricks, 205 U. 8. Bank Bidg. kPCTION BALK Of" FURNITURE Thursdsr' at 1 :00 o'clock sharp. All Jiousehold goods, iaclnding piano, pew IrrapBopaone, rocklnr enalrs, beds, saattreaaes, stores, dining room tsble, Cak writine- desk.' ' stady table, baby slkiog chair, carpets, dishes and many ether articles. 1404 Church street. Was. McbolL owner. OR SALE B.ROOM ENGLISH COT- tare, plastered, bath, "electrio lights, cellar, variety of Imit, barn holds tw esr. paved street, corner lot, close In. f 3,600; small payment down, balance Mike rent. Winnie Pettyjohn. 642 Stata atreet. : .- '! ". STER 10c CIGAR GIVES A SOCIAL amok after dinner. At yaar dealer. ,VrJi BUY ' ' RENT, SELL AD Ex change Kodaks. Capital Drag Store. XET THE WARDROBE TAKE CARE "of your clothes. 179 8. High. ONE SPAN MARES, 1300, 8 TEARS; n spsn norses. iouu, h years., Phane sr&. T. 11. Lamm. STKAYED FROM FARM ON BROWN'S m , , , w : . W . , .. isiana, nana lemaie rrenca pooaie dog, weight S lbs. Sewsrd for In sTarmstion leading to reeoTory. Phone 114F2. HOME NEW. MODERN, CEMENT . basement,' cement walks, psvimt and naid. entirely built la. raa. tbia la 7 rooma and close to down town and high achooi. Price 5000. Any ress nabt terms considered. Owner )esv Jng Salem. Also garage. Becke h lendrieka. 205 V. S. Kfet'L Bank Bldg. FOR 'SALE CLASSY FORD BUG, $1) body, good tires, shock absorbers, fen ders for $250, or would consider Ford m- or vs.vr.ir, vh fiu wrui. 3rk.M 1S41-K. FOR RENT 4 ROOM FURNI8IIED spsrtment. 1047 Booth Commercial Mrs. O. IreUa. Phone 116 J. WORTH WHILE A good f--room house for $1650. ' Small tiava uismiI Klan-e -DMiatblV. S room house. 61350; $350 cash, balance monthly par meats. Sirs acres f ine ' lend, good bnildings. Price only . $6,500. Will tak Salem property as part pay. So fine lots, eery cheaps good terms. v MILL. & COPLEY - Stm Bute Btreet f Phone 175 BUYS IN SALEM PROPERTY 164 acres with decent small home. Urge chicken house aad garden. Tbl en food f scl street close to rsr. Prlc 1600; $300 down, balance like rent at percent. : Lre. plastered home, modern, cement walks, this oa fall am of land, re duced from $4500 te $3700 to aell. Brand new. trite and modern 4 room m eaome whu cement basement. Dutch i !. Icitrhen aad f irm niu i I front porch with nice riew. Close to ih eschool. Price $3000; $1000 down, H balance like rent Modern 5-room home with jnent walks, esr Sao. Price $3000; Voo . balance like rent. " New 6 room home with 8 lots in bearing logsns. Price $2500; $500 down, bsl nre .like rent, - . . 6 - with good bondings, all fruit and berries,, close to limits. Price v500; terms or loan to hand'. We know the above oleees. we know that as. vaar 81 fO IBM nrirjsai s a , " . assj p Ugsvaj I ""' '."' cs wut look. Let p esll ad show them. .BECKE & HENDRICKS i 205 Tt. H. Bank Bldg - EMPLOYMENT ' j RAILWAY MAIL EXAMINATION SEPT rV, -ipeciment qnestiona free, i Columbus Institute, Columbus, O. s. a - " - ' 'Read The Classified, Ads. EMPLOYMENT FEMAUE LADY WANTS WORK BY DAY OH hour. Phone 17r,. MATE A2 sXMA2JB HOP PICKERS WANTED FOR BROWN f t Jl t- I b. -miA r.Mk inv al svrta about tb 25th of August. Phone B82-M J. A. Rrebs. . HOP PICKERS WANTED HARTLEY and Crsig yard, lu ninwi '"" Commerctal street carlin. PbOM 14U9 J. 1711 W or 1516 W. 'ANTED MEN At, WOMEN TO take farm paper eabaeriptioBa. A good proposition to the right people. Addreaa tae r-scute Homestead. Statesman Bldg. Salem. Ore. WANTED SUBSCRIPTION SOLICITOR jor weesiy inn sisium poultry journal, sslsry and commis sion; premiums supplied free, owner ship of auto or motorcycle essential. Apply Circulation Manager. Pacific Homestead, Sslem, Oregon TEACHERS WANTED FIRST TO FIP- th grsdes: first to sum araars; ,ir s-fx.ud. third and eichth tcrades; man who can handle atbvletira and tt-ach sciences in high school; several teach ers for vsrious work in high school. . i . ... t .-IiaaIs arantine teacb- .. . 120 Tn . all parts of Oregon. Coast Teachers Huresa, 215 Commercial Ht.. Halt-in. Oregon. Mrs. Ilisnrne a. wuea, jiiur ger. Phone 23. PERSONAL FACIAL SCALP TREATMENTS; VI O- let ray ; manicunna, issbiwsii. ur agon Bath house. . Phone 640. EPILEPTICS WOULD YOU CARE TO learn about new rational treatment for immediate relief of epilepsy, pos itively stopping seiaures from first day's ase. Information free. "Spec ialist,' Drawer O, 693 Lander, Wy oming. ' FOR SALE CANARY BIRDS ' FOR 8ALE CANARY BIRDS, DAY and nlgbt singers. airs, tsennett. Phone 1280. 1030 Cbemeketn. ; . FARM ASM tt TOO WANT TO OET THE BEST fans paper, seaa i to ih s-aauie , mmosteaa. maa. vregon, iot a saraw a tine months trial subscription. , this ad. Mention HOUSES f 'ALADDIN READY CUT HOUSES" 0 percent -saved in cost oi eonstrue tion. C'has. V. Smith, factory repres entative, ozv Aoruwast sans mug. Portland. Oregon. UVI STOOX. BERK8HIRES FOR 8ALE-BEST; OF blooa line, one niaie ana one saw snu seven piles. Albert Liechty. Mscleay, Phone 41 FS. MJaCmJLKEOTJS WISE HOP, LOOAIBKtrt, CHICKEN wire. BteiaDoek. B79 ussn atroes. BALED HAY FOR SALE NO. 1 HAY $9.00 ton. C. C. Russell. Phono 3(3. OFFICES AND STORES -A BIO LOT I OI USW DOCKS I Or ISl e at ssu pria. i Stein boeks. JHE WESTERN SONGSTER SCHOOL AND COMMUNITY SINGING Aa eapecirjly good selection of tb soars i yea hava been wanting with ward and mnaie complete. Mo matter how many : aoagbooks you hsv -yon should have tbia an, eonulnlng th Oregon gongs. ' Prices: Singl oopiea, 25k; 16 cents ach la lou of a dote, or mors ; $12.60 th baodred. postpaid. Baooad sditioa . printed since September. : ! 0KIG0N TZACHEBS MONTHLY tl$ 8. Commercial St. Salem. Oregon. - i ,' 'lOwXmT : P0ULTBYMO SEND EIGHT TWO cent atampa for speeisl three months' , trial for the best and oldest journal . in the west. The articles and adver tisements are - of special ' :terest te th poultry breeders of the northwest. Nru west. Poultry Journal. 211 Cm- 1 tnercial at- Sslem, Uregon. W0O2 DBY TOL AND OAK WOOD FOB SALE. Phoae T7F2. OLD GROWTH 16 IN. FIR, . $8.50; 4 ft. second growth aad ash. Phoae 1467. - DEALERS IN WOOD ALSO WOOD SAW vine: a-et oar pricee before buying else where. Oak, eld fir and second growth. , 1 isner Bros, Pbon 2U40. FOR SALE -LARGE 4 FT. MILL WOOD, , sswed even length, 12 inch or 16 Inch. Seasoned mill wood. . First class 16 ' inch old fir. Second growth fir. sawed 16 inch. Fred E. Wells. SOS S. Church rnone 1548. FOR RENT BOOMS TO RENT 6 unfurnished . horse keeping rooms, upsiairs, mouern. tii n aisi Htreet. GEM HOTEL, 185 SOUTH COMMR clsl, rooms S5c, 50 and 75c Lacy Jonnson. proprietress. LEONARD HOTEL WW MANAGE msnt, clean, neat rooms and apartments. FOR RENT LARGE SUIT OF ROOMS first floor, with private bath. The Alexandria, 1080 Cbemeketn street. Phone 1281. FOR KENT ROOM FOB GENTLEMAN In modern home and centrally locat ed. Please give name and nddreaa- K, ear statesmen. BOQ8SS F. L. WOOD, U MTATX BT- REAL estate, renuis. LOST AND FOUND LOST STRAYED FROM FARM ON BROWN'S lslsnd. white femsle French poodle dog. , weight 8 pounds. Reward for informs- tion lending to recovery. Pbone 114F2 WANTED MISCXLLAJTEOUS OLD MATTRESSES MADS OVER . Capitol City Bedding Co, phoae 19. WANTED TO RENT A SLEEPING . room by a single person. Address 64, otatesman. WANT TO RENT 6 OR 8 ROOM FUR- niahed . house, permanent, responsible family. No children. Bos 11-x. CHERRIES WANTED WK ARE BUY lag" Black Republicans, Binga aad Lam berta. Drsgar Fruit Company. WANTED TO RENT RESPONSIBLE parties, no children, 6-7 room modern house. Will lease for year. Phone 836W. WANTED USED HOUSEHOLD GOODS, ranges and eookstoves. tools, men's nits and shoes. Liberty Exchange, 241 m. Commercial. Pkene net. WANTED EVERYTHTNte IN HARD- ware aad furniture. Best prices paid. THE CAPITAL UAKDWAUC AND FURNITURE CO. IMS K. Commercial St. ; Phone 641 . BUSINESS CARDS Auto Directory auto Tora AUTO TOPS W. a WRIGHT. 171 South High. AUTO TOP, TJPHOLSTEBY. WORK , g-osrsnteed. $6$ South 11th, phone BUSINESS CARDS Auto Directory TIRES AND ACCESSORIES 8MITH-W ATKINS, 147 NORTH HIGH. Flsk, Silerua Cord. Hood extra ply FOR SALE OR TRADE MAXWELL tooring car. Phoae 4K2. FOR SALE DODGE DELIVERY truck, very reasonable. 554 Ferry St USED CAR BUYS Fords Paige Studebskers Cbeyrolets Elgins Oldsmobile Sales Co, 185 S. Com'l. St. Phone 380 OARAGE AND REFAXB HOFFMAN a ZOSEL TIRE REPAIR ing, vnlcsnixing. retreading; 197 South Commercial atreet. Phoae 471. CAPITAL GARAGE BUICK, 8TUDE- bsker repairing. 173 South Liberty. Phone 88. AUTO ELECTRICIAN: EXPXRT TROU- ble shooting. 288 North High. Phone 20$. PAIR GROUNDS GAKAGfc TIKES. AO- coaaortea. aaed ears. Oar work guar anteed. 2641 Portland Road. Phone 80S. SOUTH COMMERCIAL GARAGB GEN- oral repairing and overhauling. 420 8. Commercial St Salem. PRESTO-LITE BATTERY SERVICE station. Expert battery aad electrical work. Ferris Bros. Phone 4803. 4 la Court. TRACY'S 8TORAGE OARAGB 844 Ferry street. UBBT'3 AUTO REPAIR 8HOP 220 South Liberty, Phone 801. AUTO REPAIR SHOP I. MILLER. 245 Uenter. Phone SVO. SALEM AUTO RADIATOR 81IOP 108 South 12th. Phone 28. - i O. BAIR, RADIATORS, FENDERS. tUMllee repaired. 444 rarrr. BEAUTY FARiOR 1C. MYRTLE BERNARD MASSEUSE: hours, v to 5, Sunday; even in rs by ap pointment. Oregon Bath House. Phone 640, 3028R. BARBERS COZY NOOK BARBER SHOP 1306 mate CONTXCTIONXBY REMINGTON CONFECTIONERY. HOMB- suade eandies. eonfectiona. cigar, mag asiae. 1872 State. CHINESE PBTSICZAH DR. U M, HUM CURES ART KNOWN l mease. 161 B. High St. Phoae 288 00R8ET8 MRS. ESCH ASENT FOR PRINCESS corseta. Pbone 1043-K. 691 8. 12th. DRESSMAXXNO DRESSMAKING 1299 Booth High. GRACE WHITE, DRESSMAKING 830 Division. Phone 1931W. MRS. R. CARTER EXPERIENCED oessmaker. Pbone 1971W. BOTH Me ADAMS DRESSMAKER, 756 South 12tb. Phone 1824-M. . HATTIE WILLIAMS DRESSMAKING. S48 North CotUg. Phong 1562 W. CARRIK PIBHER DRESSMAKING, dee in ing. Speaeor eoraeta , to order 2 McCormack Bldg. . MRS. VARTY. DESIGNEbr AND MAKER Ladies' Suits and Gowns. 7 McOor mack Bldg. y PLEATING MRS. HILDEBRAXD. PLEATING South 24th. Pbone 798-M-l. 890 DRUG STORES BREWER DRUG CO. Phone 14. AOS COURT HEMSTITCHING 8AUEM ELITE HEMSTITCHING, ehainatitching. pleating, button. 829 830 Oregon Big. Phone 879. HEMSTITCHINO AND PICOTING AT tachment; works on all sewing mach ines; price 82; personal checks 10c extra. Light Mail Order House. Box 127. Birminham. Ala. BAT 8H0P8 HAT SHOP MEN'S AND WOMEN'S . kata renovated and blocked 496 Court street INSURANCE INSURE YOUR AUTOMOBILE WITH the Oregon Auto Indemnity Exchange. Full protection. Reduced rates. Frank Meredith Co. Bush-Brsymaa Block. GREENHOUSES PORCH BOXES BEDDING PLANTS for sale. Smith's 801 North Co corner eiaL FXNAHOZAX, MARION POLK COUNTY FARM LOAN . association hae money to loan at six percent W. D. Smith, secretary-treae-nrer, 808 Salem Bank of Commerce. I NOW HAVE A LIMITED JIOUNT OF funds available for choice building loans. A. C. BOHRNSTEDT 407 Masonic Temple Salem, Oregon PLTMROIO JOE'S PLUMBING SHOP, SHIPPING aad Broadway, Phone 1502. Prices ressonsble. If you have anything to fix let Joe do it. PLUMBING, REPAIRING AND COIL work. Phene 1517J. Shop, 127 Union street A. K Godfrey. JOB PRINT INQ FOR HOP TICKETS SEE BERTELS0N Printing Co, Y Bldg, Salem. MXDICAI. MOUNTAIN BALM COUGH REMEDY Phone M7-W. ULtJaTDRIEa SALEM LAUNDRY COMfANT, 126 & Liberty street. Phone 25. Oldest largest best Established 1889. CAPITAL CITY STEAM UATJiiPRT Quality wark, prompt Service. 1264 Hreedwav Phone 165 PRIVATE HOSPITAl WANTED CONFINEMENT OASES AT . private hospital. I have neat el eeuip ment Phone 1959J. PAINT CONTRACTORS THE NEATEST PAINTER IN TOWN . Work by day, contract. Wells. Phene AOs lav. ... . . -i ' .: - -. DAVIS A 8TRAtr8BATJH GRRERAL contractors ; paints, oiL wallpaper. 220 s South Liberty. Phone - 901 . . AUBREY H. CLARK. SUCCESSOR lO Glenn L. Adam. Painting; panerhanc Ing. kslsomining. Work risraateed. Terms reasonable. Phone 1896J: -ran, '-43 Keits .Wtasscev .- - v PAINT WALLPAPER ausn. AtMilfav ' FOst PAIKTa, WALL, .;, aper aad Ptevere Framing. Owed w-eek-. men. 455 Court St Phene 6M. Cne tsOeTJuta-i CTagnifled Ads BUSINESS CARDS MTJ2ICAI. ALL1K CHANDLER North Cottage. PIANO, 251 BEATRICE 8HELTON PIANO STUDIO 845 Marion. Pbone 12. LILLIAN HARTSHORN PIANO, 884 North Church. Phone 178. T. 8. ROBERTS PIANO. ORGAN. 870 Scuta 14th. Phone 77t. DAN F. LANGENBERG. VOCAL Derby Bldg. Phone 2078. LENA WATERS PIANO.. 1472 MILL Phone 1184M. MOLLIS STYLES VOICE. PIANO. 859 Cebtor. Phone 2016K. JL'LIA MILLS WEIGElh PIANO. 1560 Booth Church. Pbone 13iR. F. L. MILLER VIOUN; OTHER string instruments. 419 Marion hoteL LUCJLE RU8S PIANO. OUG AN. 416 North Liberty. Phone 1187W. MATTIE GILBERT 8TRINO IN8TRU meats. 1572 Htate. Phone ll&S) K. MISS MABI.K SHEPHERD, PIANO t layer; dances, all occasions. 257 N. iberty. SALEM UON8KKVATUK7 OP MUSIC All branches taught diploma's granted. John R. Sites, director, 1287 Court I 'hone 626 TUITEBS WENDELL HELM TUNING. REPAIR tng. Phone 492. EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED iSDO- tnaer. Leave orders Will's lusie store. K. W. BALLANTYNE, TUNER. PLAY ers a specialty. Phone S52. Cher rington Piano House., PIANOS PIANOS. PI.A f ER PIANOS; NEW, used. J. W. Tsllroan. 121 So. Com'l. CHERRINGTON PIANO HOUSE, HAN dies Bush-Lane celebrated pianos 415 Court Phone 852. PERIODICALS htlMs ttUUUttUK TAKES BUBHOKIP siona for all magasmee. 251 Be. 17th street. Phone T41M PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER MARGARET RURNS-PURUC PTEN eerspher. 408 Masonic Bldg. Pbone 262. BOOP REPAIRING ROOFS RESHINGLED. CLEANED. BE-r-eted, painted or tarred. Phone Kayos 84FS. REPAIRING AND 8HARFERTNQ CUTLERY GRINDING, LAWN MOWERS .aafety rasors, etc . Stewart's atepair Shop, 847 Court atreet BEN WHEELER EVERYTHING BE paired. General sharpening, chimney sweep. I486 M. 17th at. Phoae 1418W SHINGUNO 8HINGLING DONE CHEAP. CALL 1917 M. SHOE REPATRINO WILLIAM'S SHOE SHOP 195 SOUTH High. STUDIOS DE LUXE STUDIO, KODAK FINISH tog. 147 North Commercial. SCAVENGERS SALEM SCAVENGER GARBAGE. REF nse of sll kinds removed. Cesspools cleaned. Phone 10?. SECOND HAND GOODS HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR SECOND hand clothing and shoes. Also do cleaning, pressing and repairing. Call and deliver. CapitsI Exchange, 842 North Commercial. Pbone 1368-W. WE BUY AND SELL SECOND HARD goods of all kinds, pipe fittings, bar ness, collars, collar pads, tools, and chain. Frsd Schindisr, 26$ Cental 'street TAXI DIRECTORY LAN HAM TAXI COMPANY PHONE 640. THE OREGON TAXI-TRANSFER 00, Liberty A Ferry. Phone 77. Dry slrb. 16-incb wood for ssls. STOVES STOVE REPAIRING - STOVE REPAIRING, REBUILT, COILS, connection. Will call and clean, pol ish at nous. 271 North Commercial Phone 784. STOVES REBUILT Ain REPAIRED 40 year experience; Depot National fence, sizes 26 te 28 ins. high. Paints ell and varnishes, etc., loganberry and hop hooka. Salm Fence and 8tov . Work. 250 Court street. Phose 124 TRAJsTSFER HAUXXNG MERCHANTS DELIVERY, 179 SOUTH High. Pbone 230. Trunk, city. 50c. CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO. 226 , Bute St, phone 988. Distributing, forwarding aad storage ur specialty Get enr rates. TAILORS FRANK PALM MERCH ANT TAILOR. 211 8. High and Ferry. WKERR TO EAT WHITE CLOUD TEA HOUSE CHIN A diahen, noodles, free dancing. Open 9 a.m. 1 at night. 110V N. Com'l TRANSPORTATION PORTLAND SALEM STAGE ON THE hour, 7 to 7, $1.50 each way includ ing war tax. SALEM SILVERTO STAGE Leave Leaves Sslem Silvertot O. E Depot Hews Stand T:00 s.m. g:i5 , 11:00 a.m. 1.00 p.m 6:00 p.m. 6:15 pm SALEM-INDEPENDENCE MONMOUTH STAGE Leave Salem O.E. depot 7:00 a.m.. 11:00 a.m. 6:00 p.m. I.eavs Monmouth Hotel 8:18 . a.m. 1:00 p.m., 6:15 p.m. l-eas Independence Hotel 8:20 a.m. 1:15 p.m, 6:80 p.m. Special tripe by appointment. Seven passenger enr for hire. J W. PARKER, Prop. Res, phone 615 Business phene WATER SALEM WATER, LIGHT POWER 00 Office, 801 South Com'l St Ten P cent discount on domestic flat rates paid in advance. No dedoctioaa for ah ewae or any eanae an lees water Is shut off your premise. PROFESSIONAL CHIROPRACTORS DR. O. U SCOTT. P. 8. C CHTROPRAO tor. 809-12 U. 8 Bank Bid Pheste. 87: Roe. 828R. CHIROPODISTS FOOT CORRECTIONAL SPEOIALIST-f Appliances from individual Impressions batisfaetioa guaranteed. Cass K Tatro. Mason ic Bldg. Phoae 442. NURSES FOR PRACTICAL NURSE PHONE 603R. osteopathic PHYBioiAsa DR8. WFTTB AND MARSHALL. $06 u. o. national Bank Bldg. DR. W. L. MERCER, OSTEOPATHIC Physician and surgeon: Kiaksvflle rradaate, 404-405 U. a National Bank r stMsr. Rhamee "ervew ! Hea-t DR. JOHN L. LYNCH, OSTEOPATHIC , Physlis nad Sotgeea. 408-404 Oreron Bldr: Phoeeet OffVe. tS4: Roe. Read The Classified Ads. PROFESSIONAL BUOGESTOTHERAPIST H. J. ANDERSEN nT Bitr--ii-TB-tr- maaseur, electro magaeUc healer and Bt,iLh,cin ,ho'" "08, 416 Ore ronK1d t'onsulistion free opTiciAxa GLASSES FITTED BT DR. L. R. BUR us now upueal Company. 25 Stato street oppoeito Ladd and Rnah Bask LODGE DiKECTORY UNITED SPANISH .WAR VETERANS. """P - Acmorr. First. Third Mondaea. REAL ESTATE NICE MODERN 7 ROOM BUNGALOW. ""''" sou furnace, large lot gsr- SCC, Qr.r p.rlin. i.. I' . O.I m ...... "i.? rr tT,ct c,e in. 4 room bua- Sa.UuO: terms 4 mm cottage, good location, easy psy $3,500 to loan .on good farm security. . ' fc wiore svvisr. PER R IS E A MARSTERS 21112 O'rey Bldg. WOOD BARGAINS SIX ROOM MOD j . irpt rurnace. nearlr new, good location, $2650. New three room hous good plumbing, good locstien, I3jO. ive rooii bungslow with asement 82750. - New six room n-od Srn bungalow. pT street cement basement $4200. 9 acres improred. close in. to trade for horse. 266 acre river bottom farm, good buildings. fo per sere. F. L. Wood. 341 Htate Sit. Oood lot close in, trsde for house. 20 ACRES, GOOD BUILDINGS, FOR "x owner. Bee Lewis at 2ti0 South Commercial St. REAL ESTATE TRADERS YOU CAN numoer of good propositions either as trades, or bays in sy pay menu of Ubd or bungalow. Cbaa. W. Nlemeyer. Msaosis fsmpie. Balesn. 7 room modern exeppt nest. Two loss. "" garage, close to school snd ear line. &4.0UU- eaisv terms 5 m?ieTn plastered house, only e-nj. Dmau payment down, rest like rent. 5 room plastered bouse, $1200; $300 cash civ per montn tike rent. 120 acre farm, s dsndy one mils to . town. Price $12. (MX); want good Sa lem property, up to half, balance long time 6 percent. 7 room plastered modern borne except hest. walking distance to postoffire, has large lot bsrn, gsrage, some fruit. Price $3,200; easy terms; really worth S4,OO0. New modern 6 room bungalow will be resdy to move into September 1st. This is op to date, and if you want to buy direct of owner, and get the 'best for the money in Halem. see us. JOSEPH BARBER & SON 200 Pray Bldg. 6 room cottsge on psvement at $1150, must be sold, Nice cottage on psve ment. near rspitol. cheap. oyUAKL UtAL CO. ! 202 VI 8. Bsnk Pbone 470 FOR SALE SPLENDID LOT N. 5TH street close in. all assessmeau paid. $750. 5 room plastered house, 5 good lots, $1675; $250. bslsnee $15 per month, interest 6 percent aannally. 5-room house, ceiled and papered, esst on Lee street. $1650, $2oO down, bsl , snre $15 per month, 6 percent interest paysble annually, l-room cottage, W. Sslem, good lot close in, $550. THE PUTNAM-McLAREN CO. 180 Nl Commercial St ' Phone 430 : GOOD BUYS 6.86 acre tract of good soiL rood drain age, ) 5 room bungalow, well, lsrge chicken boose 100 feet long, close in, will consider automobile, good building lot is Halem or Portland up to 81400 as psrt payment. Price $3850. Improred 6-scre trsct located on good Toad 4 mile from Pacifie highway, good 5-roora plastered bungalow, barn, ' 2V4 acres bearing loganberries, 2 seres firunes, will trsde for modern bungs ow in Sslem. Trice $5000. 5 room bouse, 8 blocks south, bsth, toilet lights, basement ststionary tubs, east front; Price $2,430; $550 down, bsl snee terms. We hsve some fine building lots on Commercial and Lincoln streets, psved streets, lots 50 by 150 feet. Price $900 snd up; terms. We hsve some very fine 4 sere lot, locsted south of Sslem, close to rsi line and Pacific highway. Sightly lo cation. Price $400 per acre. $25 down, balance $10 per month, intereat 6 percent. 320 acre farm, 97 acres summer fallow about fifteen thoussnd cords of finr stsnding fir snd a lot of oak timber. . located 1 3-4 miles from paved high- war, win cunsiuer psrt trsue. rncf $65 per acre. If you are looking to buy, trade or sell, see. W. H. Grabenhorst & Co. 275 Stste street FOR BEST BUYS AND EXCHANGE? see Tbomeson. We hare houses in sll parts of the city from $6u0 op on terms to suit good list of lsrge fsnns snd small tracts at barrsin prices. IHUMAS0N 331 hi Stste St. A FIXE LITTLE PLACE A smsll acreage with bungalow, etc., close to car. Owner with take town house for equity, Salem or Portland Price is right. Bring along your trades. Must move st once. FLEMING REALTY CO. 341 Htate A DANDY LOT ON S. COMMERCIA! st $850, psving paid. Fleming Realt) Co.. 341 Stste street. 20 ACRES NEW BUILDING, $3000 We explain the new system of sellint your property. Ms gee. over Busick's. corner Stste A Commercial. Best Buys and Exchanges HOUSES room house with bsth. good lot esst front gsrden, woodshed, 2 blocks rsr: only $14U0; $3oo down, i room new modern liungslow, good lo est ion: $3150; $500 down. 7 room strictly modern new bung-slow. $5,000; $750 down. 7 room modem btmgslow, nice Iswn snd shade, esst front 1 block rsr: fine condition; srcsl buy; $2,800; $1500 down. 3 room first-class bungslow. fine con d it ion; close in, only $3,750; see this before yoa bay. 3 room good cottsge, nice lswn, paved street $2,650: 91450 down. . FARMS 10 seres on Silvertoe rosd, 25 clesred. fsmily orrhsrd, buildings, all stock am' grain goes, if sold at once. $6,500. 14 acres, no buildings, 22 acres young prunes snd logsns. 3 acres strswberriet 7 'i miles Sslem ; $8,StM) ; sell or trad, for close in acreage. 9 acres H mile rsrline. 1 3-4 seres ber ries. buildings; $3,600. 20 acres fruit with buildings for Salen residence. acre improved for citv property. 166 acres chocolate loam. 100 cleared. buildings. 1 V miles town; $100 per acre, stocked and equipped. 25 acres cultivated, 6 acres prunes build ngs. equipment and Block goes: $6,300. l essh. , See S0C0L0FSKY 141 Stste street FOR SALE ONE OF THE CHOICEST eighty acre Italian prune orchards in Southwestern Idaho. Highly improv ed. Eight yesr eld trees. Ample water supply. Fully equipped with all kinds of implement, including caterpillar tractor snd new spraying machine Deep well, pure 'water, modem res id enre. shsde trees and lawns : small family orchard. A beautiful home as well as a good investment. Cren Otis fear Will heine SIAlMIO l 11BDMI Price. Including all equipment $500 . per acre. Address owner, -Post office drawer Beteev - . Una aatesaten Classlfbd Ada. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 10 ACRES RIVER BOT turn land. 2 acres riesr. balance ton ter sed brush, eu public read. Price $750. Phone eu or 1363 W. Inquuv Auto Repair Shop. 245 Center. BARGAIN S room house on Pairrrouads road., psvrd; living room, dining room. 2 bedrooms, kitcken. bsth, toilet, rlec tr.e light, buffrtt. Dutch kiloh.n. tin o.euso, bsrn, garage, chicken house, bu ft. well and engine pump and tank, ""j acre Ibgsns. blackberries, prsrs, P'hm. rberr-ea. apple snd walnut trees,' etc, and s lot 82.100 ot aa sere. Price $4.5uO, rash 82750. See 1.. A. Hsyford. 3o5 Hi ale St. 7 room modern, house 4 blocks north of stste bouse, choice location, close in. concrete basement psvrd street cem ent wa!ks, larsV perking, everything good shape. Owner tearing town, for quirk sale, price $2500 ; terms, $2 down, bsianre like rent S. R. PEARSON 408 l". S. Bank Bldg. 6 room cottage, plastered, modern except bastmeot has gsrage ', fruit store house, all in good condition. A bar gain, for $15x: terms, 5(MI down, balance easy. We bars many others on easy terms. S. B. PEARSON 408 U. S. Bank Bldg. FOR SALE BEAUTIFUL 5 ROOM : bungalow home located on Fairtuonnt Hill overlooking the city. Basement furnace. Rued heater, fireplace, built in kitchen, shades and draperies go. Two lsrge esst front lots on corner, both streets paved, cement walks, besr ing fruit snd berries, a large variety of flowers snd shrrbbery. If you are looking for a beautiful home let us show you this pro perl v. Located at 1675 Kir St. W. H. Gralenhorst A Co.. 275 Stste St 7 ROOM HOrSE, $1750. MODERN; with basement, lsrge lot east Salem, near school, newly painted, -built ins Bargain if taken soon, $l,0OU will bauuie; will take in lijjht rsr. S, R. PEARSON 408 K. S. Bsnk Bldg. I FOR SALE By owner, s house and one two, three, or four lots, r.ssy terms Inquire 1304 X. Liberty St. TOR RENT FARMS FOR RENT FRUIT FARM. PHONE 4K4. evenings. WHULt MILK AND PRODUCE WANTED Marion Creamery & Product Co. Salem, Oregon Pkone 248 I SALEM MARKETS I BUYING PRICE .Earn suaAt VaariF. Eggs, 28c. Hens, heavy, 20e. Hens, medium. 17c ' Hens, light 15c. Broilers, 18e-22c. Old roosters, e IOe. rork. Mutton infl Baaf Top hogs, 12 Vis, 140 te 230 lbs. oews ana nogs. He. Smooth besvies. 8 c. uressed. nors. 15-16e. Lambs, yesrlmg, 3c-4c. tvzi milk ism us. 4Afc-Se. Beef steers. 5c Cows. 2-8e. Bulls. 2 3c. Top veal. 14 14V4e. ursin Wheat 98c, No. 1 whits. osita. milling. No. 1, 40a. Oats, feed, 35c. t HIT Yestch and Dat hay. $10. Clover Hay, 8 to. Mill Feeds. Wholesale Mill run, S34. Wholesala to Dtirs Creamery Butter, 47e-48c uutterfat 45c. Whole milk, $1.85 ewt. fruit Oranges. $6.30. Bananas, Vc. Lemons, $7.50. Urspe Fruit Cal, $4.50. Dates, dromedary, $7 ease. Vegetables Oregon csbbsgs, 5c. luraips, $2.0O sack. Beans, 6c Wax beans, 6c Uttace, $1. C'ery, (1 Joien. Xew potatoes, 2c. Walla Walla onions, $3. Radiance 4Ue doien buucha. Oregon cucumbers, 60e. Oregon honey, 30c lb. Kbubarb, 6c. Parsley, 50e dosen bunches. cSeets. 60c. doxen bunches. Tomstoes, 85c. Honey, extracted, 20c lb. Apples, $2.76. drreea Peas, 12e. Cantaloupe, pony, $2 ; fist 90e. Melons, S1.50. Green peppers, 20e lb. Retail Creamery butter, 48-50c. r'lgs, Vic. flour, hsrd wheat $2.50 $2 60. flour, soft wheat $ 1.6b $2.00. -lugar. 96.80. Stanford Eleven Now Ready for 1921 Tests QT A V ITV R r rVTVPPGTTV Pal -r b,s av -y-r a u-r j a, w v MsVS.wa 4V A f Sava . Aug. 12 Stanford is to try this ran to Duna up a lootnaii team which will dedicate the new 1200, jOO stadium here with a victory over the University of California in the "big game" November 19. Both Gene Van Ghent, the new coach and Jack Patrick, the var ilty captain, are confident the Jardinal has an excellent chance for victory. Football plans are being made early, for Stanford authorities realize that it will take a first Mass team to defeat' the "won ier" eleven which it is reported ill again wear the blue and gold ihia season. Last year Stanford lost to California and finished second in the Pacific Coast Con ference title race. Many of the 1920 players will be on the squad this year, al though "Dink" Templeton, star punter, "Swede" Righter. Bob Pe iouze and Fred Adams, stars of a year ago, will be missed. To do the kicking, Templeton. now assistant coach, hopes to de velop Morris' Kirksey, Stanford's star sprint runner. Captain Jack Patrick andv Art Wilcox, end. Kirksey has not yet made a Car dinal varsity eleven but it is be lieved he will be In a backfield po sition this year. In the center position, filled last year by Righter. Stanford has Luedke, a 200-pound veteran of the freshman team of a year ago. Will. FawcettT, former ali-aouthern California end, shauld fill Adams' shoes well at right and Doughty, a transfer student from the Uni versity of Texas and "Scotchy Campbell, from last year's first year team, are other new men available. Frozen credits are among new thing, in up-to-date finance. Yon mar have noted the beginning ot froxen credits by the chilly -way tha banker takes yoa fa hand. 1 HEART ID If 1 Atlt-Ie ynrrlson'n New Ihas of REVELATIONS OF A WIFE CHAPTKR ISO WHAT MADGE FACED IX KA 'TIE'S KITCHEN. The 1 ttle alarm clock at my bedside chimed its warning notes With a start 1 seized it. muffled it in the bedelothng. for tear its noise would waken Junior, sleep ing peacefully in h s crib, or even that Its shrill notes might pene trate to the other" bedrooms. For a moment, no suddenly had I awakened I did not re member why'l had set the ciocK so early when it was Saturday, and I did not have to go to school. Then with a little thrill of excitement I remembered. To morrow would be my baby's first birthday, and I bad resolved to bake his birthday caka myself, 1 had had little heart for birth, day preparations, because L cky had remained obstinately silent. and I bad no means of knowing whet tier cr not lie meant , to swal low the ultimatum he had given men when bn bad left for the city weeks before. - Because ot this I had not discussed, the mat ter with Mother Graham at ait. and, curiously enough, shehail raid nothing to me on Ire sub iect. Hut 1 had made a hurr'ed trip to the city on the Saturday previous, bad purchased . some gifts for my email eon, and had also prov'ded the daintiest single cindle and holder that I could find in the shops for the decora tion of his first cake. Some odd and attractive favors had met my eyes and had drawu more money from my purse than I had expected to spend. For the idea that Dicky would surely return for Junior's first birthday was obspss'ng me, and in the bacJc of my brain I cherished a plan. Madge Plans Cheerfully. If he returned homfl in time 'l promised myself. I would make little fete and rather around the f rst birthday cake Lillian and her little daughter. Marion, the Durkees, and -I included .the Fa'rfax Bi8ter with a wry face Not that I objected to Leila in the least, but I had not yet reached the pinnacle of mental peace where I could contemplate witn perfect, equtuamlty the Inclusion f Edith Fairfax in so intimate ft family c'rcle. But I could, not Invite one sis ter without ihe other, and -1 hrewdly guessed that Alfred Dnrkee had reached the stage where he would not enjoy any -ccasion l3t alone one so prosale as a baby's birthday celebration without waving: Leila Fairfax among thoso present, . and that, on the other hand, . any, place where he could eee and talk to her was pfeasant 'snough without providing any other - attraction. My spirits were at a low ebb, however, as I rose and aressea w th in'lnite care .not to make any noise. Was it potstMe that Dicky meant to carry out h'.s determina tion not to teturn home, an-l that he would let our rttie son's first birthday go by without a sign? II he did not let me know bis plans n the next few hours it would be too late for me to invite Ihe ;nests I had Redded on. A Compi lation. 1 am afraid if I had . consulted my own selfish inclinations 1 would have voted for Just three persons at the birthday celebra tion. Junior, Dicky and 1. But I knew that Dicky's mother, my rather, Katie and Jim must share In the day's JoyV and if they were there I had no objection to in fact would welcome warmly the presence of such tried and THINGS THAT VA 1 wT? rMe Hops for t.l WM "' CPOHT ,HTBNi! J i , JO 0fE (T AT A poKTy . j - That depends on the liver. - .! Dr. Miles' Liver PillsI ill ' - we " inim, gcnue, enecuvc. use laxative nr for chmnir rrwntfT 7. . true friends aa L'llian and the . Durkees. ;,"v 1 .iV-"-. . .. Obviously, however, I could nCY invite theae jrnda, dear s they were, wUboot Dscfcy. I gave a tie stitiidue4 exclamation of anger at ray husband's obstinacy, i Tberfe was but oa thing to D done, however. 1 would go ahea-l. except l or notifying Lillian and the Durkees. upon the as-umpi;on tjiat Dicky was com in g- home. Then at lha last minute 3 could telephone them .f he reieatod and turprhMtd us. . 1 completed my toilet and open, ed my bureau. tak:ng from It a large gingham working aproit which ijoinpletsly covered my gown. SThen. still reducing alt noise oflmy. movements to a min imum, I bpened the door and stole down th steps to the kitchen. It was la the exquisite order in which Jvatia alwaya kepa t. and I forgot, or ratner yesoluteiy pushed to be back of my mint my unhappine; concrn'ng D ".y, aa I moved h round it, opening window here preparing a cooking table there, getting together ail the ingredients and utensils tor the concocting of the momentous cake. ij - I It hajd been; months snc I had mad a cake of any kind, and In order to be sure that I had for gotten nothing I went into the I brary for my own espec al cook book which 1 remembered put ting carefully? away upon a certain shelf.- I - -? But it was not where I had left t. With art exclamation ot dis may at the tte'ay, far I had plan ned to be o))t of the kitchen be rare Katie came downt I turned to the other Ishelves. rV ' it was several minutes before I found thefbook. and when I re turned to tha kitchen It was to f nd my mother-in-law, a torit..d able figure :f her cooking rfgal'a. standTng bepide my table. cold questioning Sin her gase while from the doorway Katie glared at her. .. ' 1 " J - A'- .. To be cont'nued) , : Dentist Urges Lower Fees for Workingmen 1 MILWATJKEF.. Wis;. Aug. 22 The problem jot giving good den tistry to workingmen at lower prices Is one! of tha great ques tions confronting th profenslon.' Dr. irnrv L. jltanxhaf of Milwau kee told the Rational Dental asso clut f on hero tpday. ' J : He advocated co-operative clin ics as a solution. -,vj "Tha aterajto American work ingman RhouTd be able to buy hon est dentirtry aft . reasonable fee," Dr. Banthaf sa'd. ' v "Better dentistry at lower feea can only be accomplished when a group of dentists, each a special ist in his field, conies together in a centrally located co-operative dental clinic, f . "Each denttpt must operate la his chosen field Only, thus In-; creasing the efficiency 40 per cent, because he does only the work he Is best qualified to do." . Dr. Ban'that said the lMlwati. kee Industriali dental - ellnte vi proving: a success. This does work fori ndustrlal Establishments with ' which it has agreements. Chaulmoogra tree To ' . , Be Brought To U. S. A. OROVILLEj Cat, Aug. 11. Steps have bien taken to grow ' the Chaulnooga tree on the Unit ed -States plant introduction gar den near Ch iio, r r The tree", on has prove! ot great benefit In treating lerroey in Hawaii. It i a nat'wof India, Seed have also been acnC to Florida ' ana Maryland.''-: '-,- lavSket Aah rr stews; si saea i.ea swawi m iniis k Jiamiiib MBAhat rtixa, sw si rssssha asSan.liswt, Always KellaUs sou n tasusis niiTcm NEVER HAPPEN ..- - i W " tnem as an occasional tj - I - ,ei As -it .i-..!J:- 'I Jikn viiukuisis rriii r r V .. 'r I WMSHr,