'4 1 r. v I 1 VTEATIIER Wednesday unsettled; moderate "westerly winds. SEVENTY-FIRST YEAR House of Representatives. by . Vote pf 181 to 3 Requests Senate to Take Action on .printed Remarks, r V VOLSTEAD COMPARED TO FANATItS OF HISTORY Democratic. Senator Does Not Comment; When At tack Cited for Censure? ; WASHIN(3T6N. Mil 13. The senate today-wan requested In a re solution adopted by the house by a vote of 181 to 3. "to take ac tion" concerning remarks ot Sen ator Reed, Democrat, Missouri, during 'debate on the anti-beer bill last week, which the house held wero "improper, unparliamentary and a reflection on the character" of Representative Volstead, " Re publican, Minnesota. ; ' First Time in jllstory . It Is the first, time in history. so far as official records show, that the honsa has taken each act tlon..(On two previous occasions. However, it' censured a represen tative for. makins uncompliment ary statements about senator and senate. In both incident, the of fending remarks were eliminated from the congressional record by a bouse vote. . . i The resolution, which was Of fered by Representative Jewton, Republican,: Minnesota, was adop- lea niter Brier debate ' and was referred 'to the rules committee, when it reached the senate. Mr. Reed made no comment concern , senator Heed's language, as printed in the - congressional re cord, follows:.' ,. vy. fsiJtUs ' Reed Derides Volstead "until toe other day, I never had , the pleasure of ' seeing the distinguished author of the Vol stead act. i His brief biography : states that! he was born ; in the United States, 1 am, however, in formed that he speaks a very bro ken English. I do not know what bis ancestry may be, but I do know that I have gated upon pic tures of the , celebrated conspira tors of the past, the countenances of those who have led in fanat leal crusades, the burners- of wit ches, the executioners who applied s the torch of, persecution and saw them all again when I looked at the author of this bill. - , "liberty First 'I have no respect for a mamj whether he be a . member of the house er elsewhere, -who proposes o whittle down the Constitution of the United States, who tries to leave it, as does the amendment of the house, so that nn officer can go into every building' ex- Sept residence; who puts the iscovery of a bottle of beer above the- constitution, who, in the pur suit ' of bis favorite pastime - ot hunting somebody who may take a drink, is willing to destroy that constitution which' he held up his hand and 'before 'Almighty God, swore lie; would maintain, protect and preserve. A man who thinks more, of . 'getting a bootlegger than he thinks ot preserving the palladium of human liberty, is not lit to be in a legislative body and not tit to bo a citizen of the Un- ("-onunued on page 2) SEWATE ASKED TO SLAP flEED FDHJtfET TALK STATE EMERGEfJCV BOARD TD BttiiSillSSIOIRS The state emergency board, meeting here in Joint session yes terday, with; the world war veter ans bonus and : loan commission. adopted a resolatlon pledging It self to back the bonus and loan rd nP'td the amount of ?9i. 000 in fcdmlnlstratlon of the sol diers aid act, which was passed by the people last June, having been referred by the legislature. speaking for the aid commls .vn.: A11!111 General George A. white, declared that the 131.000 appropriated by the act for iur- jionen ut aaministerlng an act which, bnlMa'np a 930,009,000 building and loan assocfatinn la ridiculously low, and that up to ysrprauer i immediately pre ceding the next scioa ot the Ik kkfd ONE ARM IS .. ENOUGH FOR TIUS HUSKY Crippfed Man Working on Odd Fellows Building Wields Shovel With Anyone Thero is a man working in the excavation 5 of the - basement for the new Odd. Fellows' budding in Salem to whom the people ought to taker off their hats though he wOuldn t want any such - foolish ness. . . ., " . lie has lost his right arm at the elbow. For some men this is either an excuse for a never-end ing wau against tne aecrees oi fate or an anarchistic raid against those who Jiave been less unfor tunate, 'or a moral, slump down to the plane of begging for a. living, riot so for this .sturdy man. lie has developed a left arm that would make Jack'Dempsey Quit cold. With that,, and the leather covered stump of the right, he wields a shovel with the beet man on the job. He is a useful, capa ble member of society. He - has asked no odds, made no apology, bat simply sailed Into his job with heart - and soul and he makes good anywhere. a - This man is out of luck physi cally but he has a priceless spirit and a priceless body, in that he has taken what he - had left and put it to helpful work. He is a distinct asset to any community more than many a silk-socked idler or sad-faced pessimist who has every .finger and toe intact! ZR-2, .Giant Dirigible, Held from Shelter While on Test Cruise PULHAM. England, Aug. 23. T Out over the North sea, above the low clouds and the banks of mist; the giant dirigible ZR-2 tonight was cruising up and down off the coast ot Norfolk waiting for day light to guide her-to her moor lngs at Pulham. The big aircraft, purchased ty the' American navy from Great Britain, is on a trial trip from Howden to Pulham. The voyage began at 7:10 o'clock thir morn ing and was expected to end be fore . darkness fell over eastern England. As the afternoon advanced the weather conditions became bad, and as mist' and low clouds gath ered and ; penetrated inland - from the Norfolk coast, it' was decided not to attempt. to 'berth the air ship tonight, owing to the danger or accident. Therefore the ZR-2 I wllf remain out at sea until dawn at. least. ;' , Lightning Storm Starts - "Fires at Denver,' Colo. DENVER. Colo., Aug, 23. A dozen fires were reported started by lightning during a terrific electric disturbance tonight. The city street, lights and the city lighting ptant were nut out of commission. WILL 11EAI DELEGATION. HONOLULU, T. H., Aug. 23. Foreign Minister Uchida will head the Japanese delegation to the disarmament conference, accord ing to authoritative sources, says a Tokio dispatch to the Shtmpo, a Japanese language newspaper here. " s - .'. legislature about $90,000 will be needed. The resolution adopted by the emergency board ; yesterday does not immediately provide any am ount 1n addition to the $30,000 appropriated by the legislature. It guarantees that the emergency board will take care of the defi ciency at such times as necessary. : Sam A. Koser, secretary of state, asked tht $12,500 to meet the expenses of tho additional of fice help made necessary by", tbe act,- and O. P. Iloff, state treas urer, asked for $2,000 to meet the expense ot handling the bonds un der the act. The board did not make ah allowance of these am ounts, but, pledged itself to pro vide the necessary funds when ac tually needed. KB BERTH CHILD LABORER HE DEFENDED BY FEDERATION Congress to .Rectify Wrong Done by ( Federal i Judge Boyd in Holding Owen Keating Law Invalid. HIGHEST COURTS SHOULD PASS UPON JURIST'S ACT American Federation of La bor Body Asserts Na tion's Youth in Danger i ATLANTIC CITY, N. J.. Aus 23. A statement urging con gress to rectify what was describ ed as the wrong done by the de cision of Federal Judge James fc. Hoyd, yesterday .at Ureensooro, N. C, in declaring the Owen- Keating ehild labor law unconsti tutional, was made public here today by tho executive council ot the American Federation of La tor. Should lie Appealed "The decision should ho ap pealed to the highest conrt in our land," said the statement. "And it is to be strongly hoped that the Un'ted" States supreme court will remove the blemish which Judge Boyd has nut upon the jndTciary of our land and prevent the chil dren of our land from ramus in to the grasping and greedy hanas of exploiters and from grindfag their bones into profits." Rfticb, Work on Slate Owing to a large number or inrisdictional matters betore the council, it engaged today only 10 a preliminary , discussion" regard ing thB formation of a new policy m sruide the American labor movement. Various Counties Put Peace Officers in Fields As Pickers Assemble That hop pickers at the various yards in the Willamette valley will be accorded protection is re ported, by peace officers of the counties in which yards are lo- , The distribution of special dep uties and state agents through the yards has been very satisfac tbry In past years, according to local hop growers. Except for an occasional theft or the appear ance of a nondescript labor agi tator. the Willamette valley hop pickers are the cause of very lit tle commotion during the season Usually the best protection Is accorded when the identity of the representative of the law is kept secret as well as the location of the office from which he is work ing. No trouble is looked for in Marlon county this year, as most of the workers are city fam ilies taking advantage of Uie de mand tor help to earn extra money and at the same time enjoy an out-of-door camping experience. I Man Held. In. Los Angeles Murder jase Denies Claim of Attorney LOS ANGELES, Cal., Aug. 23. -Arthur C. Burch, Indicted with Mrs. Madalyne Obenehaln for the alleged murder of J. Bel ton Ken nedy, denied today ho and his co-, defendant had ver ben In love with' one another. Ho made this declaration In. response to a pub lished statement attributed to Malcolm MacLaren, special inves- ; gator of the district attorney's office, to the effect the prosecu tion expected to prove a love af fair lor the motive ot the tiaylg. HOP YARDS TO BE PROTECTED HCH ASSERTS REPORT SALEM, OREGON,' WEDNESDAY MORNING, AUGUST 24. 1921 rn m m VISITORS ARE WELCOMED AT ILIFF'S FARM Directions Are Given for Those Who Wish to See One of World's Famous Cows For those who really would like to see one of the most famous Jersey cows in the world, it may be said that the home of the owner, Harry D. Iliif, is on tne Independence road, two miles south of Independence. It Is the story-and-a-half house with largj red barn, white stripes, on the left hand side tf the road as tne traveler goes south fromt Inde pendence. ' This famous cow, St. Mawes Lad's Lady, Is the world cham pion senior yearling in the pro duction of butter fat in one year. Her record is .828 pounds, and it may be said to her credit that after making this wonderful rec ord she looks as fit and fine as ever. . Visitors, it is understood, invited. are I T ST1D TRIAL Higher Court Holds Accused Man's Sanity is Estab lished by Experts SEATTLE. Wash. Aug 23. After the state supreme court to day had refused to interfere in the murder case against James E. Ma honey, accused of killing his age4 bride and dropping a trunk con- taining her ' body In Lake Union here, Mahoney was brought into Huperior court to plead. The pris oner stood mute and the custom ary plea of not guilty was entered for him. The:trial was set for September 20- Defense counsel had appealed to the higher court to. stay pro ceedings pending a-jury hearing on the contention that Mahoney was insane. A medical commis sion last week examined Mahoney and pronounced him sane. BEETLE PEST IS IHT TO 0P1TE No Concerted Action Yet Ta ken in City to Save Elm Trees Although authorities on bugs and beetles have repeatedly stated that the elm beetle was likely to kill many of the, fine elms in the city unless properly sprayed, there has been no concerted action either by city or county authori ties to do the general spraying that wJU be so necessary within the next 10 days. S. H. Van' Trump, county .ag riculturist, says he has no funds with which to spray, although the Valley Motor, company still offers its Bean sprayer and truck to ald those who are interested in pre serving the stately elms. The first attack of elm beetle stripped bare many of the finest elms in the city, but as is cus- tomary with trees thus denuded, they began to put out additional leaves. Now, just as these leaves are beginning to develop, the sec- ond crop of beetles Is about ready to hatch, and according to Mr. Van Trump, unless these beetles are destroyed by sprayingrvth2 life of the tree Is seriously: en dangered. During this time of year a tree cannot live without breathing and this is done through its leaves, he says. Prisoner Gives; Up and ' Is Returned to Jail DALLAS. Or.. Aug. 23 Special to Tho Statesman Frank Coon, a Dallas boy who escaped from the county jail several weeks acp. gsve himself up to Sheriff John W. Orr Mondayq 'afternoon and was returned lo a cell in the Coun ty Jail to finish serving a 30-day sentence. Copn was arrested for larceny from clothes of swimmers at the pool near the rity park and was given a 30 days' sentence by Justice of the Peace Ed. F. Coad. After he had "served 10 days he .ran away while he and another prisoner were piling In wood. Coon told Sheriff Orr that he had been to Seattle for a visit with a hmthr i t. th nnininn that he has'been in the woods west pf Dallas the aUrt-tlmv'vi:.r'. UUJ urn MW wins - August 24 Set As Date for Completion of Pact Be tween German Nation and United States. TWO REPRESENTATIVES GIVE SIGNATURES Contents of Instrument Kept Secret, Provides for Re sumption of Relations I1ERLIN, Aug. 23. (By the Associated Press) Tho peace treaty between the United States and Germany will be signed to morrow. The cabinet gave the document final consideration at a special spss on early this evening, which was attended by President Ebert The document will be signed by Kllis Loring Dresel, Unitea States commissioner and Dr. Friederich Rosen, the German foreign minister, who has been empowered by President Kbert, according to the German, consti tution to affix his signature in be nalf of the German republic. Mr. Dresel has received full creden tials from Washington. 7 Relations ftestorotl Beyond the statement that the treaty formally provides tor the restoration of friendly relations and an immediate resumption of diplomatic and consular inter course between the United tSates and Germany, no information wns obtainable tonight regarding the Instrument. Detail Not Complete It was intimated, however, that there are no provisions included in it for the precise treatment oi financial, commercial and eco nomic issues, which still are in abevance. It is said that these will be made the subject of fu ture negotiations. -p KILLED BY GRANT Former Polk County Sheriff Will Have fine Rug From Animal's Skin DALLAS. Or., Aug. 23 (Special to The Statesman John M. Grant former sheriff of Polk county, killed ono of the largest black bears ever seen in this part of the stated Sunday on Laurel moun tain about 15 miles west of Dal las. Mr. Grant, who when he is f ot raising hops is in the employ of. the state as assistant fire war den. was going over the trail:; with Patrolman Gos3o when the spied a large bear in the trail. Grant fired at the animal and brought him down, but the bear put up a pretty stiff fight before being killed. The animal weighed .-over 1000 pounds and the men had great difficulty in getting him , to their camp. Mr. Grant brought J the hide to Dallas and will nave Ut made into a rug. ACCUSED SLAYER HIIITS AT AUDI Hightower Tells Prosecutor That He Could Save Self, Writes For Aid REDWOOD CITY. Cal.. Aug 23. William II. Hightower. in jail here accused of the murder of the Reverend Patrick Heslln, Catholic priest of Cod ma. is quoted today as having told Dis trict Attorney Franklin Swart he could tell where he was on the eight of -the murder. August 2, last tut would not "betray oth ers." Hightower today wrote to Fred Hall. Bakersf leld , capitalist, for knni tia aim wnrked . for auRist- s anew in Ilia defense and for thel j address of an attorney Hishtow- c cannot locate. . " PEACE TREATY TO DE SIGNED IW FEW HOURS DID POSTOFFICE PLUM STILL H MANY ARE WAITING Although the Republican political plum tree was sevcroly shaicen a short time ago when a number of the plums fell in to the hands of anxiously awaiting candidates, there is one luscious plum of special interest to folks in Salem that has not yet been picked. I This fine plum is that of postmaster at Salem. Although it should have fallen along in July, according to the opinion of some Republicans, it still clings, and the big question among certain Republicans is, how soon will It be shaken down. i Among those who are promi nently mentioned as in a recep live mood for the appointment of postmaster are the following: Walter L. Tooze, Dr. T. C. Smith. Jr., A. A. Lee, L. Hewlett, W. I. Staley. John H. Farrar and A. E. Gibbard. Test Must De Taken. It is not known whether all these receptive candidates will take the civil service examination, tut in order really to be in po sition for appointment, the exam ination must be taken. A. A. Lee, who is an active can didate for the appointment and Property owners in Salem who have not yet paid the street im provement taxes assesred against their respective properties, are facing a perilous boost In the price of these improvements. City Treasurer Rice is making and sending out certificate of de linquency, which are in errect mortgages collectible by fore closure ImmediatelJ upon issu ance. The tax certificato is the legal formula tor declaring theso lands forfeitable for the non-payment of the taxes. Until the assessments re put Into th5 form of certificates sold to the city, the bills bear only t per cent interest, but upon the sale of the certificates. thy draw 12 per cent interest. While these certificates are saleable to any purchaser, and are gilt-edged se curity and draw 12 per cent in CONTEST, Members, of the American le gion are preparing for some ex citing times at the meeting called for Tuesday night, August 30, at the armory. A number of questions will eome up for definite decision at the meeting that will mean much for the legion's activities this coming fall and winter. Ah to Content Ilroachcd There is the automobile con test plan, in 'which it has been suggested that nhares be ld In an auto during fair week to raise funds. Portland did it, and some members of the local post favor this money raising plan. Others do not. Another big discussion will come up regarding the A. E. F. circus which the boys have In mind for this fall, all In the way of raising funds to pay for proper IE Hi Is Kelly Walp, 19, former care taker of Southern Pacific freight engines, a special officer? This is the .question Salem citi zens have been asking In con nection with reports that young Walp was recently captured- by automobile bandits who had stolen a car from Roseburg and whom he sought to arrest. On the night of Augustvl8, Wafp reported to the police sta tion that he had been seized by the unknown car bandits, and at the point of an automatic tilstol compelled to guide the men and their stolen machine through Sa J lem and on the Pacific highway rente north of town. At that time PROPERTY jjjgit d n y AUTO OTHER THING IIP I S HIGH, who will tako tho civil . service examination, came to Salem from Illinois in 18S9 and has been a lesident of Saiem ever 6lnce. He went into the abstract business shortly after his arrtvrl and re mained In that business" until re cently. Long; on School ' Board.'-v J Mr. Loo served as school direc tor for 10 years.. In the early '90's he Berved as city treasurer for three terms; was a charter member of the Salem Building and Loan association and its pres- ( Continued on page S) terest the E6 certificates or liens so far issued have been "sold" to the city in payment of the delin quent charges. There will be 3 total of approximately 160 such delinquencies, and the certificates might b sold to any outsider who wants to pick up a little easy money on a cinch security at 12 per cent and costs. , ,, some of these tills run away tip Into money, even about; 11000 for corn's of the largest, though the average would not be nearly so large, as there are a few down as little as $10 -to $15 cacn. It's an unnclghborly but legitl mate opportunity for the careful investor to make a BU'o-thing purchase at a prosperous And not legally usurious rate of interest " Treasurer Rice says that ac- ( Continued on page 2) CIRCUS ID . - . ..... club rooms -and recreational head quarters, ' Chcrrlngo Itcnicmbrpl This circus plan provides for an entertainment either at Oxford park or at the armory something like the famous. Cherrlngt" of the Cherrians several years ago. Opin ion is divided as to the advisabil ity of putting on a real live circus and hero again there may be some exciting debates. Then to add to the interest of the' next Tuesday, evening session, American legion members will take up a discussion' of plans for Increasing the membership of Capitol post No. 3. :! More Members X wll At present there are but 450 members. It Is1 felt that fully 1200 -are' eligible to the Salem (Continued on page 2) SERVE AS GUIDE the story was not given ' much credit by the police . os phoned warnings to Woodburn and other nearby points failed to reveal the presence of the men described by Walp, although the highway was patroled for several hours .after the incident as reported by. the young man; . The stolen machine was discov ered Saturday carefully hidden in a straw stack near Gervais and has been returned to its owner in Roseburg. according to - Salem peace officers. - r ' "Kelly Walp is not now, and never has been, a member of the Salem police department; nor has tContlaocl cn page 6) LEGION PLAN The Statesman receives th leased wlrt report ot tha Atsoclati4 ( Press, the greatest ud noit re liable press association la the world. , - , ; v PRICE: FIVE CENTS Department of i Justice Ar ; rests More Members cf Nation-Wide Swindlers Gang Which Undermined Markets. FOUR GANGSTERS SEIZED BY S. INVESTIGATORS Worthington, held Under Bond of $1,000,000 Victimized Many CHICAGO, Aug. 23. Worthless notes, stolen bonds, fraudulent deeds of trust and forged certificates of deposit running into untold inillior.3 6f dollars have .been flung on the 1 markets of the country, federal agents declared today after, investigating tho oper ations . of ,. a band alleged to have been headed by Charles IV. j French ; and John W. Worthington. . . Banks, bond houses, Invest ment , security brokers and yvealthy businessmen frcn toast to "coast were declared to have been victims of one of the jmost gigantic - swindles ever unearthed by department of justice agents. I Six million dollars worth of stolen bonds, nearly $3,000, 000 in worthless notes and hundreds of thousands of dol lars worth of trust deeds and forged certificates of deposit already have been traced by department of justice agents, it was declared. . The revelations resulted from a detailed confession ac credited to Alva W. Harsh man, said to have been a pri vate secretary to French, and who surrendered to federal Officials-: today; 4 vt''.'-.: . Held; I'nder Huge llond Worthington was arrested som weeks ago and is being held in $100,000,000 bonds in connec Hon with mail robberies totaling approximately $6,000,000. French, alleged to be his right band man. was arrested yesterday wit h se v eralj of ' his associates. : Today "C. K. Strobe was taken Into custody In Akron. Ohio, and A. K. fitrel- sin was arrested In Milwaukee. Hkrshman was alleged to bawe told of v a deal negotiated by (Continued on page 2) COAST BASEBALL) SACRAirEirro 4. raiaoo i BACKAMK.Vl O. CI-A. 23. K-- rrnnlo look tha opening jrtro from 8a Krinriuro 4 to 1. in two ba! n inr! for Johanr Coord. Timely kill me coupled with clever Imm roan in r a reaponoiblo for tho defoot et U lejfu leaders im tb fMt . a I- , - ," - I a. If. k. aocUro 17 3 M-rmnto 4 0 Batterie f'oorh, Ltwi i4 Telle : frouKh and Cook SEATTLE t. VEftHOV a ANUKi.h.H, An. rVaflU frll upon Metiraw and raeih in tha ninth t df nd broko intoreclinr U with four Jrnni, the retnlt ot thre tiOKlea. a arrifHr,'a triple aad crroc defeat ter Verooa to 6. . . - -.'- . '. b. n. r.. Rattl r . ., ,. , ; ( i i Vorooa . . e 19 4 BalUYi-r-rraoei. Daily, and gponr fr; SSolkmUck. MeOraw. faeth nd i oakxjutd a. Tovtuum 8 AN FkANCISCO. Jk. 23. Tn l. nmra wt rcoaired for Oaktaad to ar let rortland hero today, 1 to 2. Oak land had two ran toad antil tho nishih hen! Portland tied tho arero u K... halts, a ainjfK a doubln and a aon4 Kincl. Tho Oaka won ia tho tenth when fiiunmer tnraw wua to fore Coopt. . -' - --.i k. h. r. Portland : ,,. . ,',. ., . , ;,;,,, ,;, . j u j Oakland . ... a a i Batteries - Johnson. Plumaier and Kiasi Altea and Koehler. - I SALT UUTJS t, AXOELS 7 8A!,T LAKE CITY. A. S3 After mu knzrr had ben a it en a rnn lead In the Htmt inninc on errors, thn Bora Icradaallr ent down th Irsd an-i won a the ninth inning, S to 7. I,T erenii pitched excellent nail, and liu mates; pat m powerful olfentiva wita the bat. . . r -' . B. 11. T- Vo Ancelea fr, M 7 o o Salt Lake .. .. i5 5 Batteries Thomas, CrandalU Dnnor-H-h and Suaaca, Baldwin; iTOreni an J Edwards. -.'. -.".w . STAJSTJISQ 01 THE CLUBS ' w. I. hi nr et ft f 1 Saa Franeisc Rarramento Kosttle Ios Ancelea Oakland Vsrnon ,. ... . , .. P!t l.uVe I'ort!oi sa 2 78 It, 77 73 ILLiSBf 1ST FRAUDS , .i - " ' " -. i .