The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 23, 1921, Page 1, Image 1

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    Tie Statesman receive tbelekte.
wire report: of the Associate;
Press, the txeatest and most re
lish press association la tit
world --'I-5 JiAi-ls-t.'
Fair; gentle westerly winds.
fi7' nn
s Passed! i&y. Mqms
" ' - " t -
j 4
fa. iL f
Net Revenue for 1921 Only
$161, Says Rate Engi
neer, .While Estimate for
1921 Is $16,400
Mr. Boy les Enlightens Head
ing With Account of '
Toll Conditions.
The most concrete information
that has been drawn out of the
telephone rate rehearing since
its return to Salem more than a
week ago was that . submitted
yesterday by N, Wigdon, rate en-
. gineerK. , ot the - Pacific , Tel
ephone & . Telegraph ' com
pany. He introduced exhibits
ehowing the revenues , and expen
ditures, , balance net, revenues or
deficits, rate bases and rates o(
revenue forfthe state, for" Fort
land and for other-Important cen
ters In the state for the year. 1920
and the estimates for 1921 based
on two months under old rates
and the remainder of the period
underr new rate. A deficit was
: shown for Portland for last year.
State Return Hmall :
t For the entire year Mr. Wigdon
introduced the following figures
for 1820: ;ft:,':;.v'',
Revenues, $4,171,949; expendi
tures, $4,128,818; balance net
revenue, $843,181:,,. rate base,
$15 726,494 r rate of revenue,
-0.27: per cent?; V-.o' -
For Portland-the figures were:
- Revenues, $2,530,468; expen
ditures, $2,611,661: deficit, $81,
19$; .rate-base, $9,77$,885.
jj Salem Results Shown
V For Salemi second city in sue,
the following figures were shown
fort 1920: ' j : ' :i
Revenues, $ldS,161t -expenditures,
, $10S,000; net " revenue,
$161; rate base, $324,053; rate
of revemie; .05 per cent, i
Estimated results of operations
for 1921 were introduced as fol
lows: . . u. . ' '
For the ' state Revenues, 8t
128,000; expenditures, $4,618,
000; net revenues, $510,000;
rate' base, $16.&8.44; - rate ot
revenue, S.01 per cent.
Portland Situation Difficult
? For Portland Revenues, $2,
17,000; expenditures, - ,4,345,
000; net revenues, $234,000; rate
base, $1 0,68 0,759; rate of return
2.21 per cent. ;
For Salem -Revenues, $142,
.100; expenditures, $125,700; net
revenues, $16,400; rata base,
1 339,599 ;ate ot return, 4.83 per
cent. n-f :;, ,
t Fall Traffic Estimated
An analysis of , the rr.onthly
telephone traffic 'originating at
; Milwaukie, Oak Grove and Oswe
go and between those points and
Portland was presented before the
rehearing . by E. E. Boyle ot
, Portland, assistant rate engineer
for the Pacific Telephone & Tele
graph company. The month oi
April was taken as an example
period. '
Mr.-Boyle V exhibit purported to
show among: other things tnat 10
per cent of the- subscribers at
those three points do not use the
service to Portland and do not on
the -present normal basis assume
any portion.ot-the charges: also
that 70 percent of the lnterex
change serrice charges" between
those points and Portland are in
curred by lees than 30 per cent of
the sabscritters. -
it- Cost Per Subscriber Muted
The number of .Bnbscri hers at
each of the three places rod the
average - charge -per subrcriber
were given as follows: Milwaukie,
286 subscribers, 81 cents each;
Oak O rove, 318 subscribers, S
( Continued on page 2)
. . LOS ANGELES, "Cal., Aug. 22. Clara Smith Hamon,
who was acquitted in Ardmore, Okla., several months ago
vrhen tried for the murder of Jake L., Hamon, was married
here late today to John W. Gorman, a motion picture director.
' Sister Surprised ;
i ARMORE; j Okla., Aug. 21.
The marriage of Clara Smith Ha
mon to Mis Gorman came as a
tnrprise to her sister, Mrs. V. U.
WASHINGTON, Aug. 22. With a number of amend
ments, the McNary senate bill, which would make $1,000,000,
000 available through the war finance corporation for stimu
lating exportation of agricultural products was passed today
by the house.
, The McNary bill is an administration measure. It was
placed in charge of Senator McNary. As introduced in tho
senate, it authorized the issuance of $2,000,000,000 in bonds
by the war finance corporation. This was cut down in the
house to $1,000,000,000. The bill is regarded as a construct
ive measure for -the relief of the farmer, livestock raiser,
country banks and livestockfinance corporations.
Mr; Robertson Can Say Things in
Six Different Languages, Finds
Russian Hardest to Tussle With
C. A. Robertson, who has con
siderable real estate interest in
West Salem, and who has repre
sented the eHhry Ford interests
for. several years In Europe, , can
talk to., his friends in; Russian.
Spanish, Italian, French and Ger
man. Also American,) making a
total ot six languages in which to
say things. , J
; Not only does he talk in these
various - languages, but his busi
ness relationship has been with
educated men in each country and
with high office holders. Hence
his conversation must be in real
language and not in any so called
"pidgin" half . way. ot expressing
one's self. ':.--.'--
Referring to his language ex
periences, lie says the Russian is
the most dificult, as the Russians
have 12 more letters their al
phabet than American do. Also
American letters do . not hare the
same sound in' the Russian lan
Sharp Decrease In Revenues
of Accident Commission
Is Observed
Because revenues of the state
industrial : accident commission
have been decreasing for several
months, with indications that not
much relief will be offered by the
elimination of about 30 employes
on September 1, it is probable that
another batch of employes will be
dropped next month, according to
information yesterday emanating
from the commission.
Early last month it was ascer
tained, that the administration al
lowance of 10 per cent based on
receipts was not big enough to
meet the department payroll. The
rather sudden decrease in revenue
la' attributed in the main to the
closing down of war Industries, to
the effect of business depression
on the lumber industry and to a
general reduction in wages
amony many, industries.
AH employes who are dropped
from the department are given 30
days' notice.
Pioneer Fatally Hurt
By Fall From Windmill
EUGENE, Ore., Aug. 22. J. F.
Smith, a pioneer of the 50's, died
at Eugene hospital this' morning
as a result of a fall from his wind
mill at Springfield yesterday aft
ernoon. He had climbed the tower
to make repairs when he slipped
and fell to the ground, a distance
of 20 feet.
Waiting, of Wilson, Okla.
Following her trial, Mrs. Ha
mon has shown little Interest in
men and their affairs, Mrs. Wait-
1 ing said, and it . waa thought she
guage. For instance, the letter
"H" in Russia has the sound of
"N" and the letter "P" has in the
Russian the sound of "R."
The Russians have Bounds in
their language that Americans
have never heard nor have any
conception of and it takes months
of phonetic training to pronounce
some of their strangs words, he
In Spain, no foreign language
is spoken, not even to any extent
extent in official circles, Mr. Rob
ertson Bald. But in Italy, all the
upper class people speak French.
German is now in bad. everywhere
and it Is not spoken : except in
Germany and Austria and in some
parts of Czecho-Slovakia, that
were formerly, part of the Aus
trian 'empire. W
After years ot residence abroad,
Mr. Robertson says he feels a
slight partiality for Rome and the
Italian people. ,
IMF Mill
Prosecutors Office Ascribes
Cause of Kennedy
Murder Mystery
LOS ANGELES, Cal., Aug 22.
The motive 'the prosecution will
try to orove was behind the slay
ing of J. Belton Kennedy was "oc
cuit love," Malcolm McLaren, spe
cial investigator for the district
attorney's office, declared today.
McLaren said he did not believe
the case would go to trial before
late, in October or early in Novem
ber.' Arthur C. Burch and Mrs.
Madalynne Obenchain, Indicted
for the alleged murder, will plead
next Monday. Asa eKys, deputy
district attorney in the investiga
tion denied that David Davis, ar
rested in Chicago at the request
of the Los Angeles police, was to
be questioned in connection with
the Kennedy case.
Oregon Plane Patrol
Resumed After Delay
PORTLAND, Ore., Aug. 22.
Patrol of national forests in Ore
gon by airplane was resumed yes
terday after a lapse of several
weeks in which gasoline shortage
made it impossible for the ma
chines to operate, the forest ser
vice announced today. The patrol,
however, will be limited, two
planes being operated instead of
three as previously. Gasoline was
purchased locally at Eugene, the
airplane base, to operate the ma
chines until a shipment of fuel ar
rives from the east
would, devote her time after tbe
making of- tb picture to mission
ary work.
Following her trial in Ardmore
in March she made the statement
to newspaper correspondents that
she would never marry, despite
the fact she said she bad received
hundreds of proposals of mar
riage in person, by letter and ty
telegram from all. sections of the
Senators Borah And LaFol
lette Assail Executive For
Address Against Soldier
Aid Bill
Republican Party Pledged
Bonus Legislation, Idaho
Man Contends
WASHINGTON' Aug. 22 Pres
ident Harding's appearance be
fore the senate last month in op
position to passage of the soldier
bonus bill started a storm of
debate in the senate tonight when
the shipping board deficiency bill
was being considered, during
which his course was criticised
and defended. The discussion was
started by Senator La FoHette,
Republican, Wisconsin, who re
ferred to the resolution introduc
ed in the house by Representative
Cockran, Democrat, New York,
criticising the president for ad
dressing one branch of congress
on pending legislation, and flrew
many senators into the fray; ,
' Precedent Cited.
Senator Lodge, the Republican
leader, called attention to the
"peace without victory" speech
of Former President Wilson to
the senate prior to A mericaa- en
trance into the war, and his ad
dress on the suffrage amendmeut
-It would be a sad day, the
Massachusetts senator said, for
the republic when anyone of the
three branches of the govern
ment could not confer with an
other. Judgment Surrendered.
Declaring it was not necessary
to "eulogize Mr. Harding," Sena
tor Borah. Republican, Idaho, stid
that on the question of the bonus
"wo surrendered our judgment
to his dictation." If Ihe presi
dent wanted a precedent, there
were plenty, he declared, adding
that this did not change the situ
ation. Mr. La Follette assailed the
president for what he described,
as executive Interference with the
legislative branch of the govern
ment. He asserted that the pres
ident was brought into the debat
to prevent passage of the bill,
and that hi3 action was without
authority under the constitution.
? "Is Rlaofc Tage."
"It were well if that black page
in the senate's history could be
destroyed and forever forgotten,"
Mr. La Follette declared. "It was
remarkable that alarm should
seizu the president's mind when
the soldier bonus bill was pend
ing and appear at the senate to
rescue the nation's finances from
utter destruction."
Mr. Lodge declared he saw "no
reason for debarring" the presi
dent from congress and Senator
Knox. Republican, Pennsylvania,
"And I see no reason why con
gress should be barred from th-s
White HousR, as has occurred in
the past eight years."
Mr. Lodge also cited numerous
constitutional provisions which he
said gave the president full au
thority to address either branch
of congress at his pleasure, say
ing that it would be impossible
for the president to speak to both
houses if only one were la ses
sion. Asserting that he never
had heard " such a violent de
nunciation oft Wilson," as had
been directed at Mr. Harding,
Senator Kellogg, Republican, Min
nesota, said he was unable to
understand the reason for it.
Mr. Borah explained that ho
was in full accord with the pres
ident on the bonus question, but
that his criticism , was aimed at
the appearance of a) president,
whether Mr. Wilson or Mr. Hard
ing. "Pitiable Spectacle."
"I am unable to find anything
like it prior to the Wilson ad
ministration," h said. "With all
due respect, I know of no more
pitiable spectaple ever presented
to the people than that of the
senate throwing down the bonus
bill 'after It had een reported
and the president hall come here
to oppose It. It was because he
came here that ' we surrendered
our Judgment to bis dictation.
"The Republican party had
made a solemn pledge for enact
ment of bonus legislation. There
(Continued on paje 2)
pvR. f.EORGE T. HARDING and his bride, who was MLss AHce Severns. Dr. Hard--J
ins. who is 76, surprised his friends and relatives, including his son the Chief
Executive, by eloping to iMonroe, the "Gretna Green" 631 ichigan, with Miss Sev
ems, h:3 office associate. The new Mrs. Harding is 52, a nurse by profession. .
i 1 v .
it "y
ft if
: V
I i' ,
.v-M:- .-v ..y.
Action this week in spraying the elm trees of the city
to save them from the beetle pest that has invaded the city
is absolutely imperative, declares Charles A. Park, president
of the state board of horticulture. And while there is ho
authority for any city department to take over the work the
feeling among those who are familiar with the ravages of
these insects is that something should be done, and that at
once, whether it isby the citizens singly or collectively.
Speaking of the situation Joint
ly, Mr. Park said:
"The elm tree3 around Salem
were defoliated 0 few weeks ago
by the elm leaf bettle. The trees
are now putting forth new leaves.
I wish to call attention to tlie
fact that the second generation of
the elm leaf beetle is now now
laying eggs, which in five or six
days will hatch out the smalt
worms 1 that cause the greatest
"To control this pst and save
the elm trees, the foliage of the
trees should be sprayed this week
with a solution of commercial ar
senate of lead at the rate of tftree
(Special to the Statesman)
C. H. Stephens, who conducts the
photograph gallery adjoining the
Beaver hotel, became incensed at
Moss Walker, the proprietor of
'the hotel because he was having
the side of the hostelry treated
to a coat of tar paint, claiming
that the paint would soil the
dresses of women as they ascend
ed the stairway leading to" the
gallery. A painter named Wostn
was employed to do the work by
Mr. Walker and when htcphens
protested. Mr. Walker was sent
for to settle the argument, where
upon after some words, Stephens
ordered Walker and ttte painter to
They refused and Stephens is
said to havs procured an' ax and
compelled Walker and the painter
to vacate the disputed territory;
which they did before the av was
brought into action. Walker had
Stephens arrested. He was tak
en before Judge Swope. who, al
ter hearing the evidence fined
Stephens $25 and costs and ord
ered the work to proceed and de
clared that if it was interfered
wit,h he would order Stephens
brOuht before him aga'.n.
Stephens is an Englishman
about 60 years old. and has been
engaged in the line of work of hU
profession for about four yeor3 in
this city. His gallery is In an up
per story with a stairway leading
from the Sidewalk between the
to five pounds of the pasta to 50
gallons of water or one and one
half to two and one-half jjounds
of the powdered arsenate of lead
to 50 gallons of water.
sprayer Available
"The Valley Motor company ot
Salem ptands ready to oner the
us? of its high-po'A-errd spray out
fit for the purpose of spraying so
as to control the pst and save
the elm trees in the city.
"I suggest the park Hoard ot
the city take charge of spraying
operations and make such charg
es as will cover the expense of
(Continued on page 2)
hotel and the building occupied
by him, which forma an ineiosure
with a roofing overhead.
Ooniaip s Articles
Under Otiose Guard
ROSEBURG, Or., Aug." 22. Two suitcases belonging to
Dr. R. M. Brumfield were received by local authorities today
from Calgary, where Brumfield was captured, on a charge
of slaying Dennis Russell.
One of the suitcases was old and contained personal ef
fects of the prisoner. The other was brand new and the
authorities refused to make1 known its contents. They are
guarding it closely.
Attorneys A. N. Orcutt and Dexter Rice were in confer
encexwith Brumfield at the jail most of the day. .They said
he did not discuss his case with them, but requested them t$
take charge of all his property for the benefit of his creditors.
Brumfield this afternoon requested Sheriff Starmer to
permit no more newspaper men in the jail, as he was unusual
ly nervous following an interview this morning in which the
prisoner was more upset than, at any time since his return
here. At that time the dentist shook his. fist at the inter
viewer. : ..'
-ZT ! ;):
Auto Dealer's Ready Aim Hits
Antkred Beauty Which Is
Now In Salem
To Qle Oleson falls the distinc
tion of bringing in one of the first
and finest bucks of the season, a
a beautiful, sleek, red-coated two
pointer, which Mr. Oleson dropped
over in the - Coast range on the
Alsea Saturday,! the first day of
the open season.
Ole still has this fine buck in
cold storage in a local market as
proof of his prowess with the rifle
when he relates his story to a
doubting friend who has to be
shown. ,
A man who said he is William
Ross, 33, a waiter, was overpow
ered and arrested today after he
is alleged to have attacked a wo
man. Police say they believe be
may be the maniac Who killed . a
man In Golden Gate park and at
tacked many women there recent
ly. .
BELGRADE, Aug. 22 (By The
Associated Press) The funeral of
the late King Peter was held to
day in the presence of "vast
throngs of the people. : Perfect or
der" was maintained throughout
the city during the ceremonies.
TUCSON, Aril., Aug. 22. Eps
uandolpn, president of the Ari-
sona Eastern and the Southern
Parifle of Mexico, and one of the
pioneer railroad men of the south
west, died here late tonight.
v v
Startling - Record Mads I
1 Thoroughbred Jerseys (
i Farm . of McArthur
; Stauff at Rickreall
figures Are Furnished I
Records of American Jcr
i sey: Cattle Club i
Accordimr to an official r
Dort " i ust recrvrt rrnm 1 1
American Jersey Cattle clu
me Jersey herd of McArthi
& Stauff. of Rickreall. Pc"
county, has again -broken tl
worias record for month
butterfat production with :
average of 61.37 pounds f,
i cows uunng July..; The
figures raise the world's rr
ord made bvjthis hprd in Mr
t)f this year when 15 cows pr
duced an average of C0.C
pounds, v During the intcrve :
mgjmontri orJune, the nun
ber of COWS on tent ra 1(!r
the): average, production CD.1
pounds, the slight decrease L
ingidue to th farf that- Ji"
is one day shorter than 2.1
ana jury.- i .
The three month
of.. 00 A pounds which h:
Deen made by this herd r. -only
breaks th a JoTraov ..
for hat period by 15 or -mor
cows, out establishes a cc
world's butterfat mark for t
dairy breeds. A large facte
in wis .senes oi sensatlonr
rprftrrla la Via i i
..j v..v. wij;cuein.t
average of 68 pounds durir.
the (three months' period b
10 daughters of the bull Ilci
gerj; It is said by Jersey ex
perts that this performance i
unequaied in the history c
the it breed hv l
daughters of one bull.
!! Kail's Itocord Unlqnc.
Ilolrer. sire of ihu in
record cows, ) was a full brotht
oi naa Lad; of S. B., the granC
sireijof th cow St. Mawes' Lad
Ladjr that last week broke tl.
world's record for all breeds e
a senior yeaning. , . .
B?th were1 bred and sold
Harfy West of Scappoose, Or
..uiva uu own on ins ucArthu
& Staoff fartrt for sereral yean
andiRinda TJad v,.
J " v .. vuv A A 1 I
or G. O. Hewitt, Independence
Anicpampionanip habit seems t
oe prea into the blood of the
Oregon Jerseys. SJIft Ihara'a unfit
Ing else as good anrwhere else a
eartn, it snould be noted, a
stated above, that this , Mc Arthu
& siatur herd breaks all hen
records for all breeds for thrc
motttht production
' breeding Receive Impetus.
The breed In i nf Anaiit tr.
seys in the jWillamette Taller, ii
is declared, Vill receive a power
ful Imnetus ! from these new rtf-
ord made br local cows. Tha;
tnese cows fenould be bred ber
at home, and should achieve their
records without" rnovinc outKirt
their natire state. Is eloquent tes
timony to the strong, TlUUxInt
quality of air and water and soil,
as well as Uo the exceptioaal
feeding and care that makes them
into champions. There are many
potential champions on other Or
egoa: farms,- and It Is a fascinating
porsuit, thiaj developing of $10.-000-hampiont
from flOO-calrea.
' fi PaHnom Bafld Herd.
t The McArthur Stauff herd
has "been . building less than 10
year. It wa. built up by Con-
f Continued on page J
PortUad at Oakland. 1 ,
oeuie t Vcrnaa.
Io AniteW Salt Lake.
Salt Lk Jl-lO. Portland 10-.
- VCT-no S-7.1 Ssa Franeis I-l.
Rattle i
2, Sacramento 6-3.
Oakland 6-0. Lo AnfeUa 0-6.
W. I,. Trl
Baa Francltfo
. 8 56 .r,-c,
st so .r.n
7 60 .r.
77 . 61 .55
. 78 63 .f47
7J m .SI :'
54 " P 5 .r-.
S3 103 .2 i ;
La Angelas
Sattl .
Oakland .
Vrnon -
Rait Lk
Portlaad . .