8 ' .,.'' . - . ' ' . t THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM. OREGON Bonesteel Has Some Attrac - tlve Models In Show ' I " Wifidowi of His Place i' A certain - famous national ad vertiser wrote this of his product; ''We couldn't Improve the good to wo improved, the box. ' Tbey baTfenU'. really Improved the 'Dodge cars those are of tbe , same standard construction ,, from theday when the first Dodge car carae rolling out of the factory Iiut they bare certainly improved th9 looks of the package, In tbe new sedans and coupes, both of which bare been received by the Ilonestoelc Motor company of Sa lem, u v ; . They are made with bine bodies and black Rear and finishing; a dark blue that harmonizes finely with the Jet fnaroel. 7 The bodies tae the strong though dainty lines that have always' haratt r Ized the Dodge cars; but they're refined' tand brightened; fitted with crank-operated . automatic plate glass 1 doors, with : adjust able steering wheel to make easy entrance and exit, and upholstered in tbe latest, corduroy. Thet 'bodies are rather lower! (ban many other cars. They look as comfy as an old shoe. The closed car is, coining more and more Into favor. The day Is al most .here when "dealers would think no more' of placing an open car in competition with the closed styles, as to bny one with only three wheels instead of four. For rain or dust, for beat or cold, for almost every weather extreme or, ordinary condition, tbe closed cars are gaining ground faster even than the buzz wagon gained on the ox-cart and the one-hoss aha v. Tbe sedan is equipped with tteel disc wheels and cord tires. The coupe has wire wheels and cord tires. : They're as nifty look ing Jobs as anyone would wish to drive. 1 The two new models were put out without thiT fore knowledge of the trade, and come as real surprises even to the most harJened dealers. They are alao priced low, too 82050 for (he w dau and I1S30 for th? cojj?, de livered in Salem. One ol eah model i mtv 00 display at the Bonesteele offices and the cove tous razer hxd better wear' blind- ers, for they're real eye-filiers! nse on oor last day's trip to San Francisco. Frisco the Seventh Iaj We eot under way at 5 o'clock. j taking three hours to drive fie miles to Carson t'uy, wn.re w took our breakfast. ' atfd then started a seven-mile climb over the range which brought us np once more over a 7006-foot eleva tion. The scenery was beautiful. T"inif'nt. but all this work of God could not compare with the ,'MTD LILSTI.'.HV IS TO READERS SUNDAY MORNING. AUGUST 21. 1921 WHEAT tistorv, literature, muskv and Pibie literature. We carry fairy stories and bear stories for the younger children and have intro duced many youthful renders to Little Women, Tom Sawyer, and Pinoehio. One great advantage ot our system to the rural patrons i is that there are no lines attacneu , . , , tto books charged 'to- th library Hooks Carted AD.out uounirv iauto cards. HOW THE BET WAS MADEiSi (Continued from page S.) our Elgin, and here we entered nnon our first real roads since leaving eastern Wyoming. We whined around the mountain aides through the Lake Tahoe re. knew whereof they spoke. Still, through pushing our Elgin, disre garding all sense of hitting the washouts at top speed, we crossed these seven mountain ranges and arid alkili flats and landed in Fallon at 12 o'clock m With Z83 miles 10 our creuu ior t San Francisco at 9:2 5. sev- the day We left a call for 3 a. m., en days after leaving the windy paying the landlord or the Com- city of Chicago. ki ki i as.vnf., t Not a tire trouble, not a rce- cnanicat irouuie iiui u imug in 11 on Wheels Declared to Be !n Great Demand Not so many years a so Mon. down through Placerviile in.) beard the argument that the ac- "The people in the country think we made a good choice of a car, as it is a good car, but not the most expensive. They make many comments on the car, espe- . cially since we have met the men you ' in tne Homes. "The Indiana HAULED MACK TRUCK S Dirt and Sand Roads Offer No Obstacles to Big Bull dog Machines to the valley at Sacramento and Stockton and Into the land of the ttine sun, onto the ferry at : jiv. Oakland at 8:45 p. m. Friday. amy 1, anu uiuic vy Market There is where we made our mis take; he did not call 03 until 4:45 a. m. and we had no come back. 4 5 minutes which we wanted to ! .) . .. . ; - i. j - Mew .Prop 10 but a desire for sleep and praise for the wonderful performance and service rendered by the Elgin We had lost one bonr and I Six coupe. which was running sweeter ana cuuiu nuu uuiu tui 1 her way contentedly right back over the same route upon a mo ment's notice. We covered on this trip 2485 miles, used 123 gallons of gasoline and 3 1-2 gallons of oil. Chicago air is still in the tires and the only question that re mains in the writer's mind, who has owned and driven five Elgin cars, it, "How on earth can you do it for the money?" Yours Engineerings ,L. B. MILLER. Library Com. sion is trying to push the country rice Puts Hudson and Essex Cars Easily Ahead of All , T ! Others in Their Class ' Hudson Super Six ex t - $1895 $1375 i These Prices F. 0. B. Factory Effective Now The Hudson At Its former price of $2600 the Hudson was the world's largest selling fine car. ..What will be its record at1 this new saving of ?705? . ; The Essex Everybody Includes the Essex, with the costly cars in perform ance, endurance and appearance. This little winner is bound to go forward by leaps and bounds at the new savin? of $420. Fred Kirkwood Dealer 246 State Street Salem, Oregon There are too many men in this world who are satisfied if they are able "to break even" on their enterprises. 8 n TIRE REPAIRING- Prompt, courteous, com petent service these are fundamentals of our bus iness. Our steady in crease in patrons proves the veracity of this pol icy, solicit your bus ness. HOFFMAN & ZOSEL . 197 So. Commercial St Phone 471 ' Cata corner Marion Hotel j 11.- ft r w a - i i vm. m k I h f-7 Y ou buy a Bigger Dollafs Worth for your dollars if you buy a Studebakermore strength with less weight more miles with less repair expense because yoyr car is built of the best materials obtainable. The Highest Quality at Fair Prices GbodyeiBajr and United States i t Tires and Tubes Truck Mrrorsj Bumpers, SpotLights,Wihdshield Cleaners, Tire Repair Kits, Everything tor your Automobile. : EXPERT REPAIRING Washing, Oiling and Greasing Your Patronage Solicited pen Day and Night ' Marioe 235 S3. Commercial St Auto mobile Co. Phone 362 tomobile was destined to monopo- ,ibrarT idea M are many oth(,r lire people's time, that they would f gtate8 It is much Iter to have 1 ' " 1 1 . i - : : : hv no more leisure hours tor reading and that the nation would consequently degenerate below its present standard of culture. Since then, of courre, it has been proved pretty definitely that exactly the reverse is true. The automobile saves such an enor mous amount of time that people have more opportunity than eer to read. There is no danger that the motor car and culture will ever conflict. As a matter of fact, there are a number of librarians in the conn try today who will tell you that the automobile is helping them in troduce i traces of culture into communities that would otherwise fail to develop appetite for book:: for years to come. These librari ans are taking their books to the farms by automobile. They are Introducing the motorized library, and the success which has attend ed their efforts indicates that it is one of the certain American in- titutions of the iuture. Particular success with the mo torized library is found in tiie case of Noblesville, Ind., a city of about 5000, situated about 20 miles north of Indianapolis. In an exceedingly interesting article describing the methods and re sults employed in delivering the library to the farmer's door. Miss L,ula M. Miesse, Xoblesville's li brarian says: We tried both adult and juve nile stations in schoolhotises and homes and found the adult section was not well patronized. The country schools are open only five days a week and only six months year. So the house to houisfe plan of service was determined upon. We visited some other cities, where library autos were in use, and after looking over vari ous chassis and trucks, we decided upon a Dodge Brothers Business car. In the first place it did not need a great deal of remodeling for our purpose. It was strongly tvilt and highly recommended by people who were using it, for dur ability under bard service, which wo knew our car must receive. "The seats were already com fortable. We had the wire screens and the entire back removed. The steel sides were bent over seven inches and used , for shelves in front of the book case. Inside the car we built our book cases of oak with glass doors opening outward on botn sides of the truck, so that it advertises its own wares as it travels over the country. The shelves slant slightly back to hold the books away from the glass Our territory is now laid in 1C runs, but we- must add at least five to these in order to cover it Some of our trips are Ion?. Num ber one, for Instance, is 42 miles long and begins and ends 10 miles from Noblesville. We have driven our car through fresh gravel, mud and over ice. As we travel four days a week we cannot wait for good roads. The work is very in teresting and grows more so as the librarians and tbe people get better acquainted. The demand for books has been so great that it has been almost impossible to sat isfy both tbe city and the country, as we were not expecting and not wen enough prepared for the voracious appetite for reading matter which we created. . -uur library car is called 'Par nassus after Christopher Morley's bcok, 'Parnassus on Wheels.' It Is a very interesting littler book about book peddling. We nse an old fashioned dinner bell to call our patrenB, this being more ef fective than tbe horn. One side of the chr is used for adult and the other for children's books. We carry about 300 books on the shelves and extra fiction and juv enue dooks inside. Fiction is in greatest demand, but we also cir culate books on farming, travel a strong central library, where de cent salaries are paid, than so n-any small libraries, barely alive, and of not much use in the com munity. The Indiana librarians are very much interested, in our work. "Our car now regularly visits almost SI 00 homes and has about 1500 patrons, the circulation run- ,nlng from 100 to 160 per run. We will give more service when the remainder of oar territory is or ganized. It is the most interest ing library work we have ever one and we hope all of Indiana may have similar service in the near future." TIRES Fabrics Firsts 6000 Mile Guarantee 30x3 njonskid , $ jj.63 303'. 4 nonikid It. 95 32x34 mnkil( 13.25 31 x nonskid 1 16.65 32xi nonskid 1G.93 23x4 nonskiit 17.65 34x nonskid , ; 18.25 36x4 nonskid :4 35.00 Othar tiles in proportion. War tax included Cords Firsts 9000 Mile Guarantee 30x3X4 nonikid 113.95 32x314 aomkid , 19.75 32x4 nonikid . . 24.75 38x4 aomkid 25.25 34x4 Bomkid 25.90 10,000 Mile Guarantee 32x44 nonskid L. .$41.90 8344 nonnkid 42.85 34x4 H nonskid 44.00 35x5 nonskid R. E. Jones is busy hauling this year's crcrp of wheat from the M L. Jones ranch near Arlington. The haul is 13 miles over dirt and sand roads but the three and one-half ton Mack trucks move rigiit along with no apparent difficulty. Tho crop amounts to JOO.OOU to 123.000 bushels. The hauling is mnrn thin hlf completed. tt whol- iob tai: ne about two months. TO SJLTI SEA ohn Hogg of California Makes Daring Venture By Motorcycle Braving a blazing desert tem perature of over 135 degrees at times and the dangers resulting from a negative elevation. Joint Hogg, a daring California motor cyclist, explorer and author, re cently 4nade an extensive explor ation trip of the Salton Sea in the Colorado desert of South Central California. Experiences he en countered and observations he made are being given much space in current magazines. The ingen uity he used in utilizing a motor cycle Bide-car outfit as a craft ior Doin land and water is also be ing quite extensively exploited in various publications. After travel ing to the Salton Sea from ls Angeles with his sidecar combina tion, he removed the side-car body from its chassist and after calking the seams, slid down a steep sand bank and into tbe sea and tben paddled 18 miles to Pel lean island. There he was aDie to obtain water and supplies and after spending two days fishing tor Salt Sea Mullett from his strange craft, photographing the numerous kinds of birds that in habit the island, and making gen eral observations, he returned to where he left his motorcycle, mountsd the amphibious sidecar body on its running gear again. ana returned to Los Angeles. CLAIMS OF VETS TO BE ADJUSTED ? ' Gvoernment, Red Cross and American Legion to Co operate in Work . 1- of tba .nilversity . last yer has. written that ahe will return. She from j"enatcbee4Wah. - Ere-retti-ueu w 'omauu, pmu- uate of tbe Frankim hign sc.moi. will be one, of the hew PortUadi students. jLyall lioiton, gruiTi of s the Tfrtnn Falls. Ida, high , school has arrange to " ltalph Urown. graduate of the j Kennewick. ure. nign scnut i enter the freshman class, as will Ernest tlalhoun, - graduate from the high pchotl of uranti i-as. FEES INCREASED, E STAYS OUT fllliJ Cooperating with tho govern ment and the Hed Cross, thp Am erican legion will soon put n a campaign to dispose of th" claim of every ex-service, man or disab led veteran, according to Dr. .IV K. Pound, commander of American legion Post Mo. S, of Salem.' The state organization wUl it all local posts. " With a Vnited States public service health ofil cer, a representative of the Hed Cross, a representative of , the state American legion together w.th a representative of the Insur ance bureau of war, risks, every post will be visited. It is the intention. Dr. Pound said, to render every assistance possible in getting ex-service men to come in ' and present their claims. All this has been made pfssible under a bill recently passed by congress and signed by the presi dent, known as the Sweet bill.. This bill is part of the legisla tion enacted as part .of the Am erican legion program. While the date of the vistts ot those who will, receive all claim? of ex-service men has not as yet been definitely announced, it 8 thought that the officials will fir rive in Salem about September 1U It is thought that in Salem and Immediate vicinity, at least 1 wo ex-service men have soma claim that should ba adjusted nr wno have some -disability aud who have not made claim. At the meeting of the executive board of the American legion post of Salem to be held m?xt Monday night, plans will be discussed to interest every ex-service man the county who might have some claim. ' . '. There is a feeling among. ex service men, that many nave claims against the government. either mental or physical, and u is hoped that when this commis sion comes, to Salem In Septem ber, that every claim of any na ture will be presented. American Autumobile Asso ciation Successful in En larging Dues T 45.2S Malcom Tire Co. Commercial and Court Streets SALEM, OREGON. One of a Chain of Stores That the American automobile association's recent decision to in crease its individual membership dues has not appreciably lessened the number of new application's nor deterred old members from renewing is well evidenced by the huge daily in-flow of remittances. according to advices from A, A. A. headquarters at Washington The decision to Increase dues was reached at the August meeting of the A. A, A. executive board, and was prompted by the need of more money" to finance the activities of the organization In setting a figure for the in creased dues, it was the aim oX the executive committee not only to obtain sufficient revenue to take care of the present overhead expenses hut to allow a margin for a widening of tha organize tion'a activities. In addition to enlarging its road charting, map-making and legislative activities, it is planned to add several features frequently urged by members and which will make strong appeal to motortst3 generally. Among these are the establishment of an automobile Insurance department and a legal- aid bureau. Also there will be re newed an intensive effort to es tablish national motoring - reel procity and to obtain uniform motor vehicle traffic laws. Town Names to Be Placed On All Postoffice Signs Through tbe efforts of he Cia cinnati Motor club, aided by the Ohio Stats Automobile association henceforth town names will be shown on all postoffice signs out side of the larger cities. Appeal was made to Postmaster General Will Hays by the unio motorine organization to thU3 help posting the suburban dis tricts of the United States for the benefit of tourin motorists. The nostmaster general has in structed postmasters to this er tect and accordingly 60,000 vil lage and hamlet names will be Tosted where formerly tne motor 1st was left to guess his where abouts. The Cincinnati Motor clut is a member of the Ohio State Auto- mobile association. Much ot tne credit for the promulgation of the postmaster general's; order is due to uicnaei u. newu ui iub m Lausanne Hall Rooms Are Much in Demand . . ti-- - f ... You know bow modi easier it is for you to overheat after yot m Pavc overeaten, j Batteries are almost human, . The battery " that overheat nd outs you to a lot of trouble, due to wftrped or buckled plates. is the battery that Has been a towed to over-chare. ; ; Anere is a , miuty wmpw remedy for overheating of bat- . t . 4. iJi :. youH be! surprised to find how , TURN ON YOUR HEADLIGHTS THE REST OF THE DAY . WHILE DRIVING. We can tell you some othe things about batteries that will lave you trouble and expense. oxne a anytime. '' DEGGE & BURRELL Auto Electricians 233 North High St. Phone 203 ' Thl trademark, tamoed to in oo th case, identifies the. WiUant Threaded KuaM battery. . Reservations for rooms at Lau sanne hall continue to come in from several points in the west and from young women who will attend Willamette university this coming year. Miss Amy Kinney, a graduate of the Cashmere, Wash., high school made reservations yester day. Ruby Davis of , Enterprise has also "arranged to attend this fall. Miss Vera Parkhlll. student wmm rwrri Federal Cords give yon safety and soreness in their; scientific non skid treads. Added to their greater flexibility andv long wearing qualities Fed eral Gords mean longer service and riding ease. - greater double Cable Vase CftveS FEDERAL TIRE SERVICE Katty-Korner Marion Hotel VELAwD A Bargain in a new 1921 CLE MOTORCYCLE This Week Only .. $200.00 This is one of the 1921 large motors never uncrated. This special price is in effect this week only, so hurry. Remember that we carry bicycles and bicycle accessor ies and are expert repairmen. 1 LLOYD L RATtlSDEN f V 287 Court Street -: t n . . t; j ctaaU clubt - ' ,Tt it e "i.i,..-viit....,-' t-l9 i