The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 21, 1921, Page 13, Image 13

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Lake Lylle Garibaldi Bar View Saltalr Elmore
' ," Rodcaway Manhattan Bayocean
! Sad. Bnildisg Mntk f P.O.
Cafe Wr la : and Kastnrant eoaabia4
I " ' Opt an boars ''
Job inimoa, Proa.. ".;
. Bckaway, Or.
TaraUntd Ttnts and Cottigat for Xsnt
astata aaal 4hf f Sa . aitnarii as a t jlanAl am.
: van ton t tba bathing baaeba.
Beach Court bw, seat, elnsa aad aama
'. lib a; will furnish y.n room and board
; at rcaaoaabla rataa,
Far iwaarvationa
address proprlators:
:. .... . .-. '.. . -. '
lb. at Mrs. A. 8. Wailing, ftocksvty, Or
M roam a aalid comfort; avnrythlne boma-
lika, aaal aad clean. , Htriatly bona nooav
lac.i Jtatca nodarata. . r.. ,
Tar Baaarrationa addrau
Cottages and Tents
Bead ta brinf it
Off 8. P. Depot ; Raekaway." Ora.
', f Trcab aad earad aueata ,
CI am a, Craba, PUb, ate.
Pataraaa sad Baaaatt Propa.
Expert Repairing, Etc.
Tira, Oils, Oraaaea
On tba Highway at Roekavty
Sadarbarg Spanenr
Boekaway. Oregon
A$k For
Elmore Bakery Bread
Praxb Svary Day
Pboaa UTi fcockaway, Ora
Vi bav. tents and cottages eomplete-
Tonr knit eaaa and silverware. - uinera
iy faraUbad to all job n
rill etere. bad apriaaa. mattress, diahea
aad eookinf ntenaile. aad yon can enpplr
tha raat. Water, lifhta and frca wood
aatil Aornat 1st. 91 par da aad ap. Lota
of room at Bar View. A lady , eangbt a
73 pound halibut ff tha Jetty last weak.
Praa clam baka Sunday Jolr Slafc
. The Wise Way $ .
. S ' . - !
'". . ' .; ," ": I, ". V " -' '
I ' V - : Oaadyw mv;;.
' Xlcaelia ;.-,y ; .
Aja -Ayi ;
Barara ' ' ' ; V '-
. Tlrea aad Tabae
; ; GaaallB, OUa. Oraaaaa f
' Haaalaf raaaa faf IS cart
fi. X. Ebaldoa, Prop. Oartbaldl. Ora.
. Opem all tba yaar arannd. Tba btt
kt aacoaimodationa oa tha baaebea aay
U bad at thta hateL Bay yoaa ticket
liraat ta Saltair atatioa. -., ?:.;.t ,,r
Kb and lira, f . leyoooi, Piopa.
, - Orarlooklaf Ua Oaaaa,
TuntUbad eoaapleta light, wood,water
yd Janitor .aorrlca fraa. Madera room
(mm: five bada aad all faraiabiaga far
rent, Wrlta " 1 ' -
0. BY Tuniat - Bockaway, Ora.
Alaa eattagaa aad lota for
aala, $300 ap; tarma ta anit
- Beautiful loeatloa adjoining
Creaeaat Lake aad 800 feet from
adge. Bightitnd Park.
Welch & McFall
It May Be That the Best Biro's' Are Being Raised by the
Small Breeders and Back Lotters, Not the Big Breed
ersPlain Talk by a Montana Woman Who Found
the Water Fine.
Xa&katua Baack
Manhattan. Ora,
New Ifanagemeat
40 Toonaa Dlalag raom acnrka. Oar
effort ta eanaUntly ta) kaap tha place
bomalika aad refined.
Vartla Kaaatg. Prap.
At tba water'a edge
Oarlhaldl. Ora.
Church's Confectionery
.Ica Cream, 8oft Driaka
" Home made Caadiea, ate.
. i T. Cbnrck, Prop.
Opp. B. P. Depot Bockaway. ora.
Kodatc the Beaches
' Tkaa bring year fOau ta aa
Id. H. 'Wood. Prop.
Larga Lin a Tiaw Poatearda
Ry Mrs. W. T, Thompson.
Are you going to sk-ow some of
your "chickens" at your county or
state fair? No? Well, why not?
"Oh, well, I compete with those
big: fellows who make a business
of breeding fancy poultry." Don't
be too sure of that. Just listen to
what Judge E. C. Branch told me
last winter at the Montana State
Show at Helena when I asked him
the question: "Who raises the
best White Orpingtons?" Of
course I referred to the big fellows
whose names and winnings are
well known, to all readers of the
poultry papers.
rHi answer was a surprise to
ne then and I pass it along to my
sister and brother amateurs for
their encouragement. He said:
"The beat birds are being raised
here and there over the country
by the small breeder and the back
lotter." This applies with equal
force to all the breeds and vari
eties. Who knows, perhaps the
best cockerel or pullet of the year
is now maturing in your back yard 1
and yon don't know it.
This is not going to be a learned
treatise on the art of growing, fit
ting and snowing, but merely a
little common sense talk amongst
ourselves. Possibly I may give you
a bit of ray own personal experi
ence before I get through.
Don't be frightened by all this
learned twaddle about preparation
of "birds" for the show. Just as
though this fitting was the whole
thing and. that quality .-didn't
count This isn't the fact. Though
of couse it does help the appear
ance some, Just as it does when
you wash Willie's face and hands
and comb his hair and perhaps
put on a clean waist before the
company comes.
This once over doesn't really
make Willie a better or more per
fect child, but it does help the
casual observer to realize that
Willie Is good to look upon.
But bow much does the beauti
ful hand embroidered, ribbon be
decked dress fool the expert "Bet
ter Babies Judge?" Not one little
bit. He takes the measurements.
puts the babies on the scales. Then
loand behold! Ferhaps the per
fect baby is the Japanese, Negro,
Indian or from the home of the
great middle class.
So it is with the poultry Judge.
He too, has his standard to go by.
The Standard of Perfection. Not
withstanding much current belief
to the contrary, he Judges the
birds before him. rather than their
owners. As a matter of fact, if
he shows any preference, it Is in
favor of the new beginners and
for their encouragements Let me
tell you one thing more about
these judges. Notwithstanding
much criticism as to the inca
pacity, stupidity and favoritism of
these same poultry Judges, they
do as a matter of fact frequently
show faint glimmerings of real
9 common chicken-sense.
visit the fair wnne the judging
is going on, or what is better still,
after the ribbons are placed; ask
the Judge to explain to you why
the birds in youx clasa were so
placed. You will be surprised to
note how much pleasure this
seems to give him. You know he
is a chicken crank. Would rather
talk chicken than eat. I've known
them to miss a meal to help out
some embryo fancier to judge his
own birds, or to advise him how
my experience. Feed your grow
ing birds generously with food
that makes bone, muscle, frame
and substance, then during the
last month before the show add an
extra, amount of corn or other fat
tening grain. . With lots of sour
milk at all times. A few days be
fore the fair, wash their faces and
hands, just as you do Willie's be
fore the company comes. Then
coop them in a nice light coop
with plenty of clean straw or shav
ings and trust to the fairness and
intelligence of the judge. Try it
this once. "Bnrap" yourself into
the pool. The water is fine.
Mra. W. T. Thompson, Bozeman.
First Methodist Kpisropa) State and
Church atreeti. Rrv Blame K. Kirk-patru-k,
minuter. :15, old time class
mting, room 4 downstairs: 9:43 a.m.,
Sunday ernoot. Alpbeiis J. Ji11ett, sui
ermteudnt; 11 mm. aenson fcj Ret. E.
K. Gilbert, dtetrirt superintendent of the
SaleiD distrirt; 4:30, union' services in
Willson park; 7 p.IU, senior and inter-m-diat
league meet in their usual pla
o ev.niflt ' ervMe. The iku.)
lO mate UP hiS breeding pens tO t VH''rMa-v prayer and praise ser
. . a fc r i. sci. .iiraiiircri. tuniir n . . 1 1 1 1 .
I Par general Baal Batata, addresa ar ae ,
Llcanaad Agent
Bockaway, F. O.
Taa Ocean War Btaga lines operate fear larre CadilUa aseaagar fcvaaea, faJly
hLffita7 twi TwuBd trips betweem Vortlaad aaaf TUlk viTTigaxd
sad MeMUavtfle. v :V.
lava Portland (Hotel Hort) t:lS a.m.
Leave Ttgard
Leava MeMinaviUa lO.'OO aja.
Arrive Tillamook 1:40 p.m.
f :S0 a.m.
1:0S aoa,
12:i0 p.m.
1:80 BJB.
Leave Tillamook
Leave afelaiaavUlo
Leave Tigard
ArrtTe fartUad
1:00 p.m.
2:80 p.m.
8:44 p.m.
9:20 p.m.
1:45 p.m.
5:80 p.m.
6:85 pja.
1:05 pja.
i.n aim
r? Salem people may make a great Bavin g la tuna' and money by taking tkeaa
Cadillae ears at either lfeHlaavUla ar Tigard. -
' Tot Baaarvatioaa Bkaaa Broadway I960 ar 73 W Tillamook
ULake Lytle
On' Tillamook Beach, Oregon
where you may enjoy surf and lake bathing, boating, sea and lake
fishing,, clam digging. Hiking, horseback riding and dancing. Duck
hooting in season. ;
?' Road in Excellent Condition.
V Rates from $4.00 to $6.00 per day. according to accommoda
lions taken ; weekly rates: American plan.
-- These prices Include bathing facilities, dancing, etc .
i . j .For Reservations Address
P. O. Rockaway, Oregon
. i . 1 JULIA M. PARKER, Owner . '
JPeoce qmdJPsravcicy-
Here you won't be disturbed by the blaring jazz of overnight
J crowds
You get: a chance to ENJOY yourself and have a little pri-
: ; " vacy, Come to
Tents, Bungalows, Hotel, .
Largest Natatorium on the coast
are better today than they
, ... .. j
have ever been Our new
tires are selling fast
-- , '!"-'.
Have yon ever not.cerl the
number of Sound Tires in
use in Salem? It would sur
prise you if yon look at the
tires on each car in town to
see how many of them are
- I - . ' '
Sound All Around
Vick Bros.
Sound Dealers
Trade and High Streets
eliminate some weakness, or to
improve some good points.
Now don't be afraid to show
your birds. It's lots of fun after
you once get started. It's a good
deal like standing on the beach,
seeing others enjoying the water
and longing, yet dreading the
plunge. Then along comes some
one and bumps you right in all
over. You get wet all over, also
mad all over, but it is such good
sport and you enjoy it so much
that you feel almost like thanking
the one who bumped you in. He
knew just how much fun it was
and wanted you to have the same
I got bumped in just that way
myself. Not into the water how
ever. But really now, I did learn
to swim in ten minutes after I was
-1 pretty nearly forgot myself
well I was grown up and was a
grandmother twice. But that was
not the bump I had reference to,
it was into the poultry show room.
If you promise not to repeat this
story I'll tell you in strict confi
dence Just how it came about.
All the married folks, no matter
what yoar sex, can fully appreci
ate myfeelings and the provoca
tions endured that prompts me to
remark, that there are compensa
tions . even when one's "team
mate", is by nature endowed with
sublime ignorance, or as they
claim, with "excellent Judgment
and supreme faith."
,m tne earner days wnen I was
strictly an amateur and newly ar
rived in Montana, they were hold
ing their county poultry show in
Bozeman. Well, this team mate
of mine persuaded. me of course
against my better Jtrdgmeht -to
enter a few chickens, "just for the
fun of it." They were not "birds"
as yet. Well, he hunted up an
old dry goods box; grabbed up out
of the laying pens' the required
number of old and young chick
ens hens and roosters and dumped
them right into the box. Then we
all drove to town.
"He" wanted to drive right to
the show room with them, bat I
was wiser and insisted on putting
the team and chickens In the
hitch barn. It was those earlier
days before the auto. Then I
went to the show room to look
over the competition already, as
sembled. I had my way then.
I was glad' I went over. My!
Oh my! Madison Square Garden
had nothing on those chickens.
They were washed and blued, pol
ished and manicured. I never knew
such beautiful poultry existed out
side of an artist's brain or the
pages of the Standard of Perfec
tion. I just knew my birdies did
not have the ghost of a show. I
declared they should go right
straight home. I didn't have my
way then. It was the old, old
story. You know the way of the
man with the woman since the
world began.
Anyway, I wasn't going to visit
the show if he did put them in.
And I didn't then. But when
my "baby boy" came home from
high school two days later and
broke the news to me gently, say
ing that my coops were bedecked
with all colored ribbons, even
more gaudily than ever was Joseph
of old when attired in his coat of
many colors then I relented and
went to the show. Certainly those
ribbons did look good to me. My
only regret was that the coops
were not bigger so they could
have put more of them on.
And the chickens, no. I mean
"birds." Were they mine that I
had ' brought in so reluctantly
three days earlier? It didn't seem
possible. Certainly they looked
bigger and finer. Must have been
as much puffed up over their rib
bons as I was. Then I learned
that a bird looks 50 per cent bet
ter in a coop than when running
in a pen or in the yards. Try it
and see. Then you will not be so
afraid of competing with the un
known. Then I went over to take
a look at those beautifully-washed
and manicured birds. They didn't
hare many ribbons on them, and I
couldn't tell why. Then I asked
cue of the officials. He merely
flipped over the entry tags in
very superior manner and called
mv attention to some words
scratched on the back, then
walked off.
, You've all heard people refer
contemotuously to' tome : one's
handwriting as looking like chick
en tracks. Well if my Orpingtons
couldn't make neater scratches
than that judge and easier to
read, then I'll eat old "Snowflake
Queen, and sne is no longer
spring chicken either. On care
ful examination these scratches
looked like this! - "Disq. stubs
"Disa. sprigs." . I didn't know
what they meant then. I am wiser
now, " and so : he. Especially
since he caught a hen in the dark
and slipped her into my choicest
old- pea last winter at Helena in
place of "Snowflake 875" with aa
official record of 288 eggs at the
All-Northwest Egglaying Contest.
Instead of the blue and purple rib
bons which I confidently expected.
Judge Charlie Greenfield wrote
the same old legend: "Disq. ,
Stubs.- - -
Take this advice from me out ot r
BCea or old id the ritv for a luf.
UiVittd ( any or all servicea.
Jason IA fmArial Wintpv n1 Jf.
tenun struts, Tbomaa Ailif-son, pstor
l-8pit the so-ralled summer stamp every
drpurtmfot of tttr church is active aJ
we are running full tam ahtii Sun
day. August 21 will not be any exreutioa.
huaday school convenes at 9:45 with
Superintendent Jiafeman in chara-v.
atrangera and visitors welcome. Iwo
service at 11 a.m., aduitorium. Rev. C
JJay, M.A., Wyoming conference. Jun
ior church. M it a Florence M iller. ren-nt I v
of Chicago traininc school. Combined
service of the Epworth league and even
ing service from 7 to 8:30. Kv. Mr.
HpauJding, , Columbia river conference.
m speaa. I Here will be good mraic
and good singing and food preaching at
all of the .services. Aiaka your plans
to come and worship with us. We pre
mise you a profitable time. Junior de
votional meeting on Wednesday evening.
7. p.m. and adult prayer meeting at 6
clock. -
Scandinavian Methodist Episcopal
riutentn ana Mill streets. Serviceg at
11 o clock when Rev. 1. C. liassell will
preach; Sunday school at 12.
Toa are welcome to all our
First Cbriatiaa Ceater aad r High
streets. J. J. Evana. torojsler. . . f-veiuag
services will le raad at this chorck
today aad the full programa of the ettarrh
will be givew both aaomiag and evening.
Xfiecial aaaaieal numbers are beia pre
pared for the servirea. "Head Orih
doxy'' and "Applied Chrt(ality,, will
be the paster' a themes. The Bible
school earnestly invite young and okt
to Bbett for Bible stati? at 9:45., The
aim ia preparation for better ri!uenhii
aad atronger character. A welcome to
aft at alt acr aervicea.
of Jeaaw Cariat of 1-atter Xhay
'Saiata Sunday achoei at 10:30 VV-
iHtaf at 11:30. At me Ansery. 10a
are wetceaae.
Court Street Christian Xo.-th Seven
teenth uil Court streets. biMe chl
9:15 a te Our Bible school aupermren
dent will be bark from his vjjtioa.
Let's have a feig erewd to reet hisa
Sermons: a.m.,. '"Oruria. aad l'nroose of
the Church.-' P.M.. ''The Place of
N. T. in Christianity." The vol
unteer board meets s Monday at S p m.
Mid-week service Thursday. 8 p.m. Vou
are welcome. R. L. Putnam, sutor.
First T'nited Brethren Tew Park.
Bible school at 1" am., preaching at
11 a.m. Junior Of. at 11 a.m. in the
parsonage, senior C.E. at 7 p m., preach
ing at S p.m. Mid week prayer meeting,
on Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. Will
upend psrt of the time singing. C. W
Corby, paator
Fast State and ITighteenth streets
Sunilay school at 9:45 am. Preaching
service, tiern-on, at lf:3o am.. Sub
ject, "Of What Ioe the Widow at the
Temple Treasury Remind I'st" Visi
tors are welcome. There will be no ev
First Baptist- Marion and Liberty
streets.' - Sunday school. 9:45, b
Ite worship, 11 a m. and 8 n.jsu. -lr.
Myrwa W. II syncs will preach at both
services. sVT.P.iy:50 p.m. ' Senior
ieadSr, Ruth, Rom; second division leader.
Ward Southwertlt. Prayer letting on
Thursday veiling 8 pas. On Angnat 8d
Dr. Hoit," a former pastor, will preach
in the morning and the pastor in the
evening-.. '.-
1546 North Chore street J. 3. tGA
leapie, pastor. Sunday school 10 a
preaching service 11 a m . young people
meeting t:4.V and preaching aervieo fol
low ing at T:SO p.m. Prayer meeting oa
Wednesday evening, 7 :S0. We cordially
invite the public to attend any or all
ot the services.
First Chorea 440 Chemeketa street.
At 11 a n., Bible lessen, subject, "Mind"
Sunday school at : !.: Wednesday
evening, testimonial Keeling ot 8 o'eks-ck.
Readme room. -Mason Temple, open
from ll:45 t S p.m. All ,ar cordially
Invited to our, aervicea and to our reading
Evangelical Chemeketa and street, I".
V. Lauher. pastor.' Sunday achoel at
10 am. snipeet, 'Vrhen are get reli4
gioh," Y.P.A. at T bf Ernest Zinn
Sermon at 7:45. Service -at FnMlIan.4
at S p.m. Prayer meeting Thursday t
Annointments Possible
At Meet ng. Tuesday
: -
Member of i h so-called sol
dier's bonus commission "vtH meet
in Salem Tuesday, when tinal ac
tion 'will be taken with relation
to adopting rules and regulation a
governing the j administration ot
the bonus act,! It was tald that
the commission afso would take
up applications for attornejt and
appraisers at this session. V
More than IPO attorneys bare
applied for position under th
bonus act, while nearly twice this
number of applications have been
received from proapecttve apprais
er. Under the bonu law th at
torneys will rHNve not Jto t
ceed $10 tor each abstract exam
ined, while the- appraiser will no
paid $'S for each tranaacUon re
ferred to their " ittentlon. Both
the attorney aud appraiser win
pe paia oy tne pucau4, ru
out ot the state (appropriation of
SS0.000 authorised for adminis
tration of the 1W.
.. .... . . i
In Vienna a sc
planted eyes Into
it see. Here la,'
"Wind tlirer,r
entlst has trans
a fish and made
a hint for the
i .. .
The New Buick Four
Center Street Methodist Episcopal
Xorth Thirteenth and Center streets, O.
9. Boeder, minister. Sabbath school Hi
a.m., II. H. Uralapp, superintendent.
Preaching at 11 in' Gernam by Rev. J.
W, Beckiey. No evening service,
Ieslie Methodist Episcopal Horace X.
Aldrich, paster. 9:45 an? , Sunday
school. E. A. Khoten, superintendent; 11
a.m., public worship with sermon by the
pastor, theme, "Honoring God's Agents"
The choir will sing. "Blessed be the
Name of the Lord," Adams, with bari
tone solo by Kenneth Kogers. The of
fertory golo, "Pilgriir.a of the Night."
Parker, will be sung by Max Alford. No
evening service. This congregation will
eooperste in the service in Willson Park
4:30 p.m. i
Sooth Salem Friends South Comtner
eial and Washington streets. Hunday
school 10 a.m., morning worship 11
o'clock. Short aermon for tiie children
at the c?ose of Handay school. Chris
tian endeavor at 7 -and preaching at 8
p.m. Prayer meeting and abort Bible
study Thursday evening at 8 o'clock.
Walter 8. Wright, superintendent. Ka
tban Swabb, pastor.
Highland Friends Service held in
the Highland school building. Bible
school at lO a.m., Clifton Ross, super
intendent. Our school is keeping up well
in . attendance and is doing good work
fflfe.Jlav.e r!isse .for all ages knd yon. Will
unit a welcome winu na. Morning wor
ship at 11. Young peoples' C.E. mtet
ing at 7 and preaching at 8 p.m. Prayer
meeting oa Thursdoy at 8 p.m., held in
the basement of the school building.
Young peoples' prayer meeting and Bible
study at the parsonage on Wednesday at
8 r rn. Mr. ?,ee will enntinne her RiSle
The new Uulck Pour is a: distinctively
Buick creation in every feature of design
and construction. It embodies those
principles of construction that have char
acterized Buick automobiles for more than
twenty years.
The engine is of the famed Buick Valve-in-Head
typo. The bore is 3 3-8 Inches
the stroke 4 3-4 inches, wheel base 109
inches, turning radius, 36 feet.
A Marvel carburetor with the new auto
matic heat control insures proper vapor
ization of the common low grade of com
mercial gasoline.
Multiple disc clutch, the transmission and
universal joint are of standard Buick con
struction the universal Joint being lubri
cated from the transmission
- The rear axle la the three-quarter float
ing type with semi-elliptical type spring
front and -rear.' The frame la a deep
channel section, strongly re-lnforced 'with
four cross members.' .sh . v
. - - - ,-i t ' I , ---
' High ' pressure Alemlte system provides
lubrication, Delco equipment! with Exlde
battery' Insures efficient starting, lighting
and Ignition. j; ! , ,
All models have non-glare headlight lenses
all are complete with tire 'carrier and
. extra rim. Closed models jafe. equipped s
with adjustable windshield Tisors, wind-J
shield cleaner, dome light, I rentllatlng
windshield. ' adjustable windows, . and sun
shade In rear window.
Cord Tires Standard Equipment on all Model "
See usfor Specifications and Dellevery Date-
- a Askawa aaaatA - snjr aksst S W
two t'assenger uoaasier, zz-d . ..iiurive rassenger louring, x2-i
Three Passenger Coupe, 22-36. . . .$1730 Five Passenger Sedan, 22-37,
All prices F.O.B. Salem ? t ,
Otto aWilsbn
Center and Commercial Street
4 T
. i. i n.
" - M i
.... ii
Foirdson Biisy
All the Year Round
" With Approved .
Farm Implements
The following standard lines have been approved for use in connection with Fordjon
Tractors only after the most exhaustive practical tests under actual working conditions by
the Ford Motor Company. ' r :
OLIVER PLOWS, No. 7, No. 3 Sulky, Two Way and Orchard Types i
OLIVER DISCS, Listers, Meddlebreakers, Two Row Ridge Busters.
RODERICK LEAN Automatic Tractor D iscs, Regular and Orchard
RODERICK LEAN Harrows, Spring and Spike Tooth
DUNHAM Cultipackers
AMSCO Tractor Grain Drill
AMSCO Combined Grain and Fertilizer Drill
AMSCO Broadcase Limer and Fertilizer
WOODS BROS. Steel Threshers
STOVER Grinders
STOVER Comminuters r
STOVER Wood Saws
BLUE RIDGE Universal Grist Mills
WILLIAMS IUiimmatirig System
We either have them in stock or can set them quickly. A phone or a card will bring
our representative to you. ' . . -? " V
f, X "-i-v-
. -
s J f
4 '
260 North High Street
Opposite City Hall
Phone 1005
f -