The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 20, 1921, Page 8, Image 8

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... . - -
One Day of .State Fair Will
Be Set Apart for Spec
j: r ial Recognition
made primarily- to show what the
HHue of foreign euuntriea have
brought to enrich American art
and. craft and also to t .it-blU h
mure ir.eumy reiiiioiis L.iva
the residents of tMs state and
thoie who have accented ritii'.en
st'P and created homes he r
The state fair board undertook
the work last year, atide
on day lor those of . foreign
director; is chosen
Mrs.1 Patterson Named to
Formulate' Program; Edu-
ver. i r.
nt r.iiv
cational Value Big
An outstanding" feature of the
coming Btate fair, September 26
to Ofctober 1, will be the A!l-Am-
erlcajn exhibit-, vlilen n to '-
CCWXm Absent
:Sn.aiu7ZriJm Masked Robbers Lool;
every point of view, that It was! .RriI of WnfalinP Fn!k
decided to give over a Ration ot ! Bar'K ai eidline railS,
the educat'oi al talliing toi sim-j Wa?h EflSHf
ifar exhibits this year, the place Vdwll., CbUdfJU
to be occupied by thern during the
eutire week
HtH. Patterson Niuiie,!
Mrs. isaac raiiffBOn, vice;
president general o the National j
Society of the Daughters tf the
African Involution, who po
ndered the effort last year, has
again been named to take charge.
In her endeavors sha will havej
the assistance of other riiemte;-s '
of her organization, who will act
as hostesses and lend aid In other
i-Jlforti; have been golsg on for
several months past In solieitin
vault and took the r. tuaiiul?r of
1 he lil.eiiy lo;ds.
iffrt'ii Ti.l.
After tying the hands rf the
.,nl:V. , c, rs. la n;t,iir"
f-nabed l h-fjr into the vault !!
hut thr- door. An alarm to
nected with the rtore of K. O.
Dressel. brother of the cashier.
e:av the w&ri!u. and a the ! oU-
!u wpf li'.'i". inE the br.-.V T?ie
r r-.:sh."vd oit with a re vol-
II! I I 0h-1 hllr f ' uia!!- b;,t in of hafcdling.
Ul I LnllU UULU li .ch-iiiliness of packing and iu
.., ... u - ,. ' . - . 1 ;
They are the clean st and the
nicest barreled straw berties l
u-ve ever seen.
' 'iOslv one ol.jeik!n could be
bandits fired at iwin
Fnlirn Tonnage Held by As
Two Valleys
Sold at $65
j i'ii-t'liciivf
i . '. jifve
Thugs Fire at Storekeeper,
Are Afoot, Posse Fol
lows Into Hills
SPOKANE. Wash.. ,Ang.
After locking two officers of the j the
Utility Valuations Are
Compiled by Mr. Lovcll,
Frank K. :.ov-ll. state tax con:- j
in Lssioner. has written leit"rs to
the i.a(!.-!Sof various utility tor-
' oorations oierating in Oreo:. !
i asking them to call at h'. offices 1
,;i .aic-;:; n-u;i;n tue next few .
weeks to discuss the valuations ot ;
their respective properties. I
Levying of taxes on these cor- j
porations will rot he completed1
iriit-1 December, but because of
many intricate problems in-
of shiji'ing twiaaiuers.
ilo'nc a nobie job. We
I k-o:i?ratu!ate you.
j Ire as.-uK iatii.u r.iakcs every
i ci'fou, . 0:1. intent with reason, to
1 . t oat products of the highest
JtjHality possible. It Is tiiroush
j this sort of effort that a market
lor Oregon trttit can te omit v.u
that will be profitable an 1
O: P-2 r! i c ....... nn m-tfer other f.i:!-
:iiem n-ir,vt t- fom; 1,1.1:
s icxn inv ureton l rowerf ware
house today. The entire tonnage' "
n lh" hand? of theu,:tssocijtion in J 0. . ,
the wniamette and rmm..u vai-!Cneese Factory Closed
TionT ti. ippin?in; I Temporarily at Silverton
for No. Vs and shipments will iei
made regularly trom ths time1 SILVEUTON, Ore.. Ang. 19.
forward. (Special to The Statesman)
Pears are several days earlier ! The Evergreen Cheese factory has
than they were last year and the; stooned the manufacture of cheese
cooperation of forelgti-Aner.eans M:talino Fal'3 State bank at Ale- tanne raws. wasn.. zt mnes
lettion of ii.aterial has c!aimedi11rllieas' of here, in the bank
much t;me, and judging from tnei vault this afternoon. two un-
mm? P;
r: Starts Sunday , Si 1
receiTe the benefit of
the lower prices v on
meats j I You can when
L you trade at the Mid-
As for quality; there is
none better ?
The prices speak for
themselves -
Regular Prices-.
Sirloin Steak, lb. 15c
Prime Roasts Uj 12Vc
Best Boiling Beef lb. 8c
Breakfast Bacon lb 30c
Fresh Hamburger,
v lb. :.:- ...lOc
Picnic Hams, lb.:...18c
Sausage 'Meat, lb. 10c
Fresh Small '': Salmon,
1 whole fish, lb.....lOc
Kippered; Salmon,
lb...i .....I-25c
Special For
i I Saturday :
Pure Lard, No. 5 pail,
Originators of Low
'V? Prices
351 State St
Out of consideration to
our employes, we close
Saturdays at 7. p. m.
heautitui array of artfeies al
ready promised, the xhthit will
be easily the moat notable and
interesting or all that tho educa
tional bu ldiBg has Loused.
Things Eho'vn last year covered a
wide variety from exquisite need
rework to remarkable erat'a aiul
art objects. The display this fall
Will be eimilur to the original one.
K-'!iin' Set Apart
Decora t:on of a patriotic na
twre w ll furnlh a f iling back
ground for the booths whieh win
be presided over throughout the
week by rprerentative;j o' the
different rntionalities.
One evening of the week will
t'tvri over to these peoplr.
who are to nut on the renS"ar
progrifm iii the now pavilion. Koitr
d;'.T!ce and t onga will be hi order,
with those tak ng part garbed in
ntiivn tf.tnmt r. The Hwedlsh
citizens of Oregon will send John
C. son of Portland to the state fair
to. lead in characteristic liancea.
lie will be assisted by six couples
and three musicians. Mr. Olson
hau as a gackround for bis work
many years experience in him;lar
activities all over the United
" fi reeks and Ilaxstans Vme
The Greeks and ttusians are
oreparlng folk dances, and the
Swiss will demonstrate yodeling.
Other exhibits . of arts and
crafts will be thown in the art de
partment In the new pavilion and
in the textilo building. Mrs. Al
ice Welstar of Portland is super
intendent of the former, this year
being her sixth season In that ca
pacity. She. win be assisted by
Mrs. J. Albert Jackson, also o'
Portland, who has a thorough art
.education to aid her in her worK:
Mrs. Welster Is aatlclpating one
of the boat exhibits In years.
Some rplendid loan exhibits are
to be made, and many new artists
who are gaining distinction in the
northwest will be represented.
Among old favorites will be Sid
ney Bell, Clyde Leon Keller, Mar
garet Ie Voe White and many
Renewed Interest Probable
Mrs. Walter J. Holman of Port
land, will supervise the textile
department again this year, which
is her second seaeon. Owing to
the more normal pricing of Hnon
and needlework goods Mrs. Hot
man predicts renewed interest m
work which her section represents
and in consequence expects to
have much new and fine work on
display. . Many ' entries have ar
rived already to substantiate hT
assertion, coming from as far
east as Massachusetts.'
Those who realize the tremen
dous educational value of arts
and crafts ate endeavoring to get
an appropriation for a separate
building, and it is thought that
by another year, two years at
most, the dream will be realized.
i!fai"i-:ed raen . scaped with about
$!M0 in liberty bonds and $2000
ill c.irrency. it was estimated.
Sheriff On Trail.
Deputy Sheriff Daer of lone,
aad a posse of 30 men were on
the trail of Hie robbers tonight
who were reported t(t have cross
(.4 Sullivan creek and escaped in
rd the mountains. The men were
oa foot.
The two men entered thn bank
fHrr.iih the rear door ond ordered
A. W. Dressc 1. c;:.hier, and H. W.
Neelands. presidt nt, to face the
wall with their hands in (he air.
'i i;.' yoiin;r man then forced
Neolands into the vault where lie
volvcd in making the assessments.
tlie officials of the various con
cerns wi!l be given an opportun
ity tj ie heard. Thi;. Mr. Iovci!
believes, viil eliminate nisviv
rlrrSiandinps and prove more s-.iv-isfaclory
to all concerned.
Prisoner Given Credit .
For Time Incarcerated
I A person sentenced to pay a i
. fine and to be imprisoned i. (' - j
j fault of payment theoof, i;; en- 1
titled to credit :it the r:it. o! 2 :
rer day for the time lie remains in ;
: jail, according. to a legal op nio;i
baided down by I. 11. VanWwiK
' liit'jrnev general. The at tor- i-:!V
general also h: id that iV..- , ion-
pears are ii larger size. tZin is;
due largeiv to the light crop!
which enabled the few pmrs on!
the trees to develop to the mcxi-i
mum size. The August report oC '
the hurean of estimates T'lice-: tho j
Oifgon crop at about j to VU,
;;cr 'r'!:t r.orni.-' I. j
Tr - ;rpr:; are running strongly :
to t (. No. 1 gradn in cpit" ot
liore liiiin tin" usual amo'int ot '
c.-i- i'(,!lcf;im; lb" Into :)ii!igj
r ! ' :i s.
lor the remainder of the summe:
-eason. Mr. Zahler, the cheeste
maker, said that in all probabil
ity the factory would begin oper
ations agains in about to weeks.
In the meantime the factory is
stili receiving miHf and senlia?
;t to the condensry.
Normal Regents Must Select
Another Successor of
Late President
Teport-irtth ' TiMSttpn-to- the in
under probe hadijlHen eeiei at
the fctate fire marshal' oilloe s-r
i i tX to
Are Off to Oregon j
Barreled Strawberries
!- ! a;-pre.
r.iiin borire
i:,te.l a::-J
ut by the
r lr.av :it anv ti!)i- k.v tlie in
; eomnolled to suit render a part , remaining unsatisfied "and dfn n:h:
the libeity bondd and about ! his discharge. .
J-17M in cii!i'!!cy. The cash
drawer was rifled whereupon the
robber made r. second trip to the
The opinion wnr, pfvon at the re
quest of John L. Foote, district
attorney of Colrnibla eoutily.
it l!ov. In;: o'nip.unictioii received
l.v the Orowerx' as-.;oi ia
'io'i con.'f rrdii'T iwo cars o." !ar
roled ;,U'a i.en i s which v. i re
: old n the (.".hieaj-'p markel;
"Tl)i:- rnoriiin We oi.w-ieil lh"
err.: of bnnele.l rtra wherries and
our ;trr certainly off to you.
Aitorneys and Appraisers
To Be Paid by Soldiers
I'.otb ntlornev- ii'.l appra'sera
employed in connection with the
:ui;ii.r.i,-,tr:)t.t.ii uf I he s ddtera
i' mil.- luv. . vil: l.e paid by li.e ap
i)i'c:i;it for 7 ii;.;. and n.t ly I he
! ate. !!-cordin to nniKoii'ffinnt
m-ide by t :ip P-rurobfgh, !.--i":t:
ry t,. i in- World wur v t-T.in3 r.-ium .vicn.
t'r.pi.iin I'.i Hinbaulr r;id the
nn:r':-.:;ion iuid f.iiie out that Hie
appra-'sers wt.uhl U paid out ot
Hinds appr..nriat' d ny tli-i last
legtKbitnre for li.e admin ist rat on
of the bonus act.
Formal not'ee that Dr. Fred V.
Aver had dtc'.ined to accept tn?
pfesidsncr of the Oreso: ftate
normal school to succeed J. li.
Ack-rnian. was received yete-day
bv Miss Cornelia Marvin, stait U
b'rariitti, an1 a member or t&e
board of regents of the institu
tion. Dr. "Aver is now connected
with the University of Wasning
ton where he has been nhployed
as professor ot education for the
paet three ears.
Dr. Ayer as elected president
of the stat? normal school at a
meeting o the board of regents
held in Salem last week. He haa
been an active candidate for the
nlace. and his rejection - came aa
a complete surprise here.
Miss Marvin got into .eommunl-
cat'on with other members of tno
board of regents, and it was sa;d
that anothor selection would tie
made within th;V next few day.
It was not beiirved that it will he
nece-sary aga'n to call the te
g;Mits together as all apoiieants
were given tareful consideration
at the lust meMin-g'.
No Fatalities Reported
During last Seven Diys,
AHhoush there were 4 OS ae-,
cldents in Oregon industries iur .
Ing the week ending August IS,
there were no jfatalitlesacconlu
to a report prepared by the sat.,
industrial accident commission. j j
Of the total of '408 accldoits
reported, 400 fwere subject to th
frovlsions ot the workmen's com-
penstion acti !f two were from
firms and corporations that natf
rejected the law, and -.six- vera
from public utilities not stikjeci.
to benefits under the act.
Afowi Showing
Pomeroy and Stokes Are
Called to Investigate
II. II. Pomeroy. and fleorgo W
Stokes, special investiga
tors for the stato fire .marshal's
department, have gone to &uisld
where they are making an tnve:i
ligation of .an alleged suspicious
firo in that vicinity. , No formal
... . ... .. .
News Topics
'SNOWliIJNir Sunday
C. I. Lewis Compares Con
ditions Here With Those
Elsewhere in West
. iff v4.WSL 1 1 .jP4i MW0 Mm m premium, toading coupons hA.
ly 4rOTikflsa JiPgr ViUfRffljia PtMt' S-Rilf ll&W- &r DOUKLK PREMIUM COUPONS will . be given ia.the,.
j of wise wmGflJr)
From Atlantic to Pacific from Canadian to Mexican borders Nature has
hurled her Golden Harvest and as if in friendly rivalry our factories; and mills
have produced more than expected. All this Is not without result abundance
and plenty are to be found on all sides, and the natural result da a lowering of prices
whfch puts within reach of all a HARVEST OF OPPORTUNITY. This! will' be in
sharp contrast to conditions which will prevail this coming winter, for prices might
ascend to prohibitive figures. Are we to let opportunity slip by unheeded? Are
we to ignore the warning to prepare for winter? The far-sighted will, not; the
others should not. " - ! L
Spltzenberg, Ortley. Winter
Banana, Rome and Grimes ap
ples grown in this section are un
surpassed In quality by those or
any other section of the north,
west. This is the opinion ot C. I.
Lewis, who has had wide experi
ence In apple producing, market
ing and judging. Mr. Lewi3 has
judged at many international ap
ple shows and Is ' of the opinion
that these rarieties can not bo
surpassed by thorrs from any other
section ot the country.
Present indications are that the
fruit will be of superior quality to
that. shipped In ordinary years. It
has more color than is normally
found this early In the season and
Is large and unusually free from
- Completed estimates of the Ore
gon Growers' Co-operative associ
ation show that it will have 1000
cars of apples. Of these, COO will
come from the Rogue River valley
and the remaining 400 from the
Villamelte and Umpqua valleys
and Wasco county. .
Tha apple harvest Is expected
to start more than a week earlier
than It did last year. . Grimes will
move-during the first week in
September, and other .varieties
will follow at about 10 day Inter,
vals, coming In order as follows:
Jonathan, Wagener, Spltxenbcrg
and Ortley. . Romes. Newtons and
other late varieties will follow
after the middle Of October.
. " - - .. . . , .
Tlckeu on aale daily, S3 4 o
good for return same day; on sal
Saturday and Sunday limited to
return Monday 3.Q0 FarcsHn
elude tax. Station State . and
Another big shipment ot
Fine House Dresses
Extra special values
Former prices to $2.00
Harvester Work Shoes
Elkskin uppers and oak
tanned leather soles all
sizes Harvester sale
price $2.98.
Ladies' and Girls'
White Canvas Shoes
95c pair
Piled in the bargain
counters to a heaping
peak big values all of
them high shoes, low
shoes, oxfords, pumps
with high heels, low heels
and military heels. Big
values to $3.50 all
grouped in one bis lot to
sell at the ridiculously
low price of 95c pair.
Girls Bayside one-strap
Canvas Pumps
. : : 95c
In all sixes to 2, especial
ly useful fpr; all around
wear, Harvest sale price
95c.; ,
10c pound
Crystal White
Ten Bars, 50c
Tall Can,
5 cans, 53c
One Can, 4c
Breakfast Bacon, pound 32c
Cottage Rolls 25c
Bologna 15c
Wienies 18c
Lard in bulk, per pound 15c
Honey in bulk, two pounds 23c
Peanut Butter in bulk, pound 8c
Crown Flour $2.20
Blue Ribbon Flour $1-70
Rice, terr pounds 40c
White Beans, ten pounds 45c
Oatmeal, ten pounds. 50c
Macaroni, ten pounds 70c
White Wonder Soap, 12 bars..50c
Citrus Powder 21c
Karo Syrup, No. 10 ...65c
Marshmallow Syrup, No. 10....$1.00
New Spuds, ten pounds 25c
Watermelons, per pound lc
Standard Tomatoes, five cans.... 55c
Standard Peas, five Cans 60c
Van Camps Pork and Beans, medi
um size, three cans ... 45c
Del Monte Raisins, one package 20c
Coffee in bulk, seven pounds $1.00
Peaberry Coffee, five pounds $1.00
Cocoa, four pounds............ 50c
Ground Chocolate in bulk, 2i
lbs "50C
Fresh Eggs, per dozen 30c
We Carry Only Government Inspectet) Meats
T & W Kabo
Go on sale at
Special close-out line,
to be sold below actual
value, many former
values' to $2. GO.
Ladies' 75c Summer
Union Suits
Go on Sale at
A complete close-out of
all light weight and
summer garments, ir
respective of their
worth high and low
neck garments.
Ladies' 23c
Cotton Stockings
Harvest Sale Price
In an assortment of
colors, including all
6"c Ladies'
Lisle Stockings
Harvest Sale price
39c pair
In all colors, all sizes,
an exceptional fine
Children's 29c
Ribbed Stockings
At this lowly price
15c pair
In colors of black,
white and brown In
all sizes to 10.
Hop-pickers Aprons
on sale at
69c each
Guaranteed water
proof, regular value;
Plain and colored.
47 inch
Oil Cloth
Harvest Sale Price
29c yard
Karatol Aprons
Harvest Sale Price
49c each
For canners and hop
pfekers, absolutely
waterproof. Harvest
sale price, .
3 Jb. Cotton Batting
Harvest Sale Price
Of sanitary white floss
stitched and ready to
use. '
Canvas :-'
Used by field workers
In the making of cots,
porch curtains, etc;
36 inch 10 ot. Canvas,
yard . .Vi..!.'. SJHs
28 inch 8 W Canvas,
yard ...!.... .29c
60 inch 12 'oa. Canvas,
yard . . i . . ..7c
Toweling's Special
lte bleached toweling,
red and blue borders,
9c yard
20e Unbleached Towel
ing, linen -finish and
colored border,
12c yard -
19x3G heavy weight
lluck Towels, red bor
der. Harvest Sale
Price ; , f
15c each
Medium large size fine
quality Turkish Tow
els, formerly; sold to
35e each. ! Harvest
Sale price,
15c each
45x22 inch xl heavy
weight, 7 fie nrtoney
comb Towels, made
with colored border.
Harvest Sale price,
29c each
f ; "'Infill rJHUUH
' ru v a - . . - -
i 1
mm m
Harvesters Work and Outing Clothing
for Men, Women and Children
Reduced In price for this special occasion
$5.00 values Ladies Fine Khaki Dresses, $1.5)8
$4.00-value Ladies Heavy Khaki Breeches, 2.49
$3.00 value Men's Heavy Khaki Breeches, l.O
$2.50 value Men's full cut Khaki Pants.. 1.23
$3.00 value Twill Khaki Middies 1 OH
$4.00 value Ladies' Heavy Khaki Skirts, $2.49
M.00 value Ladies' Khaki Lee Unionalls, 2.49
I -- w
New Fall Style V
Plush Coatees
IS.OO- Silk Georgette
Overhlouses S
A big lot of bt -,t -
offered, an pretty coW hV
sizes. Sale
:k - . j. $2.08
1 1
: H
1 4
i f
High streets.
J. W, Ritchie, Agent Adv.
i- i ,1 -1.1.1 i v. i i 'IT1 " ""V' TT .' . v 1 "" " mJn n
j - - -.i . m fi i Mm i i, r n