THE OREGON STATESMAN. SALEM. OREGON SATURDAY MORNING. AUGUST 20, 1921 I la t " ! lets fM ffnl laertioa, fte e Je tMk (six iasertioaa). aetata Hi maths' eon tract, pr eaa lie M xathi' contract, per tea He Mtairaim fee Mjr adeertieeaaeat 88a at ; NORWICH UNION TtRB INSURANCE SOCIETY ' Thlelnm, Roland Burghardt ReafdettAgent 871 Beat Bt. , MONEY TO LOAN On Real Estate ; T. K. FORD (Over Ladd A Bttih Bank) f FARM LOANS HAWKINS & i ROBERTS 204-207 Oregon Building LOANS REAL ESTATE INSURANCE we lutii enytoliif -we aeve Me aour n loan Pay aa back like rant Our ud eity property liata art eom- lt. Bee na flret. M t LAXLA fc XJUXAK 808-7 Orefoa Bldf. Phone 1644 NEW TpDAY T S ACRB8 CI.OSK IN--CAJ BR PIXT 1tel to lota. Will eaerifice for quirk . enle. 13, (K) ; $2,000 ra.b. Arthur . reterssn, 229 Orenoa Hldg. . THREE KOT8 AND i GOOD 6 ROOM I bouse, plastered and wired, barnw close f to ear, large taat front porch. Rood "' Welt. Thi i Uttr than it mindl 2500, todar. Beelce ft Hendricks, 20S U. 8. Bank Bids. 7 room modern except Beat. Two lota, doable Karate, rloaa to achool and ear line. , f 4,000; easy term, ft room modern plaatered bouse, only $1500. Hoiall payment down, real like rent. J 6 loom plaatered home, 91200 ; $300 eaah $10 per month like rent. 12farre farm, a dandy one mile to Town. Price 112,000; want food Ha- lem property, up to. half, balance Ions time 6 perrent. 1 room plaatered modern home except - beat, wilkin distance to postoffice, naa lance lot, barn, garage, aome fruit. I'rire (3,200; eaay term; really worth 4.000. New modern 8 room bungalow wilt be ' ready to move into September lit. - tfhis ia up to-date, and it yon want to buy direct of owar. ! and get the beat for the monev in Halem. are n JOSEPH BARBER & SON 20O -Gray Bldg. ANOTHER SNAP " 5 'acres all in fir1tiTtion,-nire family orchard, a fine 4 room house, juit pap eTe4 and painted, good barn, water aliped in -from apring, It'a on a good road. .$1800 terma. i You'll hare to hurry to be the lurky one on this. V 'Arthur E. Petersen, 220 Oregon Bldg. fcVKN KOOM MODERN' HOME IX EX rellent condition, full cement basement. Clone to schools, gas. $4,750. Quick raeaaioa. . Becke Hendricks. 205 8. Bank Bldg. 1 " 0 room rottage on pavement at $11 50, must be sold. Nice 1 cottage ea para- meat. nar rsnitot. cheap. . SQUARE DEAL CO, 293 U. S. Bank Phone 470 WORTH WHILE 4 I 6 room houae with hath and electric T ., light, price $1050; $350 caatCbalanr '1 monthly payment. i ' 1 room plaatered houae.I city water, elec i trie light, price $1350: $350 each, balance monthly paymenta. CVire building lot. rWe in. on paved 1 treet,; $00. Terma to auit' purchaser I 147 ncre farm with good buildings. c!oc I "to rairaad station, 40 acres in culti : tition,. 40 acres good timber, balance in pasture. A good farm well located ' Price only $50 P wr. . , MILLS & COPLEY i 831 Btate Street j Thona 173 S 1R 8AI.E. CHEAP -K-I.OT Of NEW , fnrnitare and Bnick utomobile. l'r. ' Chase, 27 N. Liberty atreet. Salem. . rboatt 1815. v I . r rOR. KENT FURNISHED ROOM. 242 Center. " I 81800 BUY8 A SEW PLASTERED home, lot 43x137. two! Wocka from car line. Terma. : W. CI Kraeger. 209 Oregon Bldg. I OOOD 7 ROOM 1101811 ONE BLOCK from ear line, large wi. a Bargain . $4,200; terma. W. C. Krueger. 209 Oregon Bldg. ' , FOR SALE NEW 8 ROOM HOUSE 1 Price $900. For eompdete information addreae Box , oaiem, urriou .mm CI18K Tf N1I.KM ON TWO 4 ni. ivi'" J - . , , , , rood roads, finest timoer. 1 miie to R.R. loading station. Large hop house and good well, rnre eooo.. ""7" Hendricks, i-. "" WILL THE GIRL WHO GOT THE " tit ammtmy f" . . " Z .jjm.s aM tham cfrivrm nrd or .1 Htmteaman. She may keep ' tha money, WANTED" HOP PICKERS. BROWN : Island yard. Phone 982-M. FOR 8LE BLUE DAMSOX TLUMS. " 8V4r Ih. I'hona 67F3. I . ET OUR 8-YEAR PAID UP POLICY for two annral premium nny v-7 . . w. ntAnwihtle insurance. too. Ptandler A Foley.) Agts. Phone 847. Bush Bank Bin. 1 - FOSTER" CIGARS ARE 8ALEM 4 made and ther give a pileaaing amoke. Phone 2031-w. ' . t.. . vm-o ptrva T THE CAPI tl Drug Storo. I at 1, at they re done. - - . 1 fHKY IXK)K I.IKE NEW THE HAT Box, 179 South IlAVB YOU $1.000 HERE IS A FIXE little home or 5 rooms, in; trict. with paving, ; terrace, cement iir. i.ra north , front porrn. lrice $3.000 .- $1,000 down, balance at 825 a month. Interest r. "Ti. Bcke neadricka. 203 U. 8. Bank Bidg. i. . 1 FOR SALE 8PLEN DID 1X)T N. 5TH atreet. cloae in, alt assessments paid. $750. ; . ... ft room - plastered house, 5 good - lota. 11675; $2S0. balance $13 pe' month. W Interest fl percent annnally. , 5-room house, ceiled and papered, east on Lee atreet. 81650. 8230 down, bal- t ance 813 per month, G percent interest 4 room cottage. W, Baleui, good lot. eWe i. $550. .:-: . ' I THK FITSAJI MfUKBJ ) HO N. Cnmercil St. i rhone 430 SHOESTRIXO HERE ONE AND H hV I acrea with liveable small buildings. , mr Priee 8I6KU $300 down, ! balance like rent. Becke A Hendrteka, ' H Bant, Bid -. r - U EMPLOYMENT MALE 'WANTED ENERGETTlr TOt"0 VA " ft.. 1. k MnftVlMM aMllina 11 N life loauranoa. a"ka r advertiawg. Moat ' e K ahla to devote hie eatira tinta and i Us ambitions foe advancement Mnat haa the eonraga to preoant bnalnaaa propoeiUon to marehaaU and profea alAnal men. Answer in wr own hand hi,, b a elneatWnal anal r i l " ftVM."a ' - , . . - . fctiona. axperienoo aa aoliettar. eV, iHHrx. T v at. rw t'bad The Classified Ads EMPLOYMENT KaXB 1IRSTCLASS LOCAL BfSIXESS Op ening for experienced :alesman. Im mediate action for right man. Box 10-Z, Mafsman. MALE AND FEMALE WAXTEI EVERGKEEN BLACKBER ry pickers. I'hone i)K3 or rail after 5 o clock in the evening. C. C. Kui sell, route 2. Gerrais. WANTED MEN A!t WOMEN TO take farm paper aubaeripttona. A good propoaitioa to the right peopla. Addreat the Pacific llotneaUad, btataamaa Bldg. Salem. Ore. HOP PICKERS WANTED BELL HOP yard. Picken of former years pre ferred. Register 411 Oregon Bldg. WANTED SI BSCR1PTION SOLICITOR for weekly farm msgniine and monthly poultry journal, salary and commia BMn; premiums supplied free, ownpr ship of auto or motorcycle essential. Apply Circulstion Msnager, 1'acific Homestead. Salem. Oreeon. PERSONAL CATHOLICS WISHING TO MARRY Particulars free. AddfesK Home Club, L Box 23, Grand Rapids. MWh. FACIAL SCALP TREATMENTS: VIO ' lot rar; manicuring, shsmpooing, Or- goa Batn house, fnoaa ou. FOR SALE OAJTAKT BIXDB FpR SALE CANARY BIRDS. DAY and night singers. Mrs. Bennett. Phone 12S0. 1030 Cbemeketa. FAKM FAFEB Cf TOO WANT TO GET TH1 BEST farm paper, aend 15e to The Paeifi Homeatead. Salem Oregoa, for a tare monthi trial aubacriytioa. Mention tbia ad. HOUBBI "ALADDIN READY CUT HOUSES" 30 percent saved in coat of construc tion. Chaa. F. Smith, factory repres entative, 620 Northwest Bank Bldg.. Portland. Oregonr ' LIVE STOCK PIGS AND STOCK HOGS FOR SALE Phone 622. 8 p.m. FOR SALH: WELL MATCHED LOOG ing team, full brother! with heavy work harness. Age eight and nine years. Weight 3250 pound. Ferdinand An dersen, route 1, Box, 72, Jefferson, Ore. HTJKSEKT STOCK BROCCOLI PLANTS FOR SALE. $6 per 1000. V. C. Russell. Phone 3E3 erenings. MISCEXLAKXOrss WIRE HOP, LOG A2TB CBrtT, CHICKED wire. Stein bock, 878 Court atraet. OFFICES AND STORES A BIG LOT of aew booka iot aale at kali price. 8teinboeka. FOR SALE JEFFERSON, BICYCLE practically now.' Bargain. 1118 Oak ' atreet. FOR 8ALE, CHEAP ONE 9-HORSE Hercules engine with wood saw at tachment complete, mounted on 4 wheels. Can give aome terma. Phone 1995. aak for Wagar. THE WESTERN SONGSTER SCHOOL AND COMMUNITY SINGING Aa especially good aeection of the song yon have been wanting with wordi and muaie eomplata. No matter how many aongbooki yoa have you ahould have this one, containing the Oregon aonga. Pricea: Single copies, 25c; 18 cents aeh in lota of a ootea or mora; $12.50 the hundred, poatpaid. Second edition printed since September, OREGON TEACHERS MONTHLY . 218 8. Commercial St. Salem. Oregoa MXTLTRT; - POULTRYMEX SEND EIGHT TWO cent stamps for special three months' trial for the best and oldest journal in the wait. The article! and adver tisements are of special interest to the poultry breeders of trie northwest Northwest Poultry-Journal. 211 Com mercial St., Salem, Oregon WOOD DRY FIR AND OAK WOOD FOB BALK. Phone 77F2. ORDER YOCR WOOD BEFORE WET weather, you will save money. . i'hone 022. OLD GROWTH 18 lit. FIR, $8.50; 4 ft. second growth and ash. Phone 1467. DEALERS IN WOOD ALSO WOOD SAW ing; get our pricea before baying else where. Oak, old fir and second growth, ruber Broa. Phone 2048. FOR SALE LARGE 4 FT. MILL WOOD, tawed even length, 12 inch or 16 inch. Specie' price oa 6 cord lota. Beaaoned mill wood. First elaaa 16 Inch old fir. Second growth fir. tawed 16 inch. Fred E. Walla, 805 8. Church. Phone 1542. FOR RENT APARTMENTS FOR RENT 4 ROOM , UNFURNISHED apartment, cloae in. ' Phone 1040-R, call 465 Center stret. BOOMS GEM HOTEL, 185 SOUTH COMMER eiat, rooms 83c, 50e and 75c Lucy Johnson, proprietreai. LEONARD HOTEL NEW MANAGE ment, clean, neat rooma and apartments. 354 North Front St. FOR KENT LARGE 8UIT OF ROOM 8, first floor, with private bath. The Alexandria, 1030 Chemekete atreet. Phone 1280. FOR RENT ROOM FOR GENTLEMAN in modern home and centrally treat ed. Please give name and addraaa. K, ear Stateaman. HOUSES r. L. WOOD. 88 TATK ST, REAL state, rental. LOST AND FOUND LOST LpST - EYE GLASSES, GOLD RIMS, horn rovering. Reward if left at Statesman. WANTED MISOELLAJTEOUS WANTED TO RENT OR 6 ROOM house. Phone . 1312 J. OLD MATTRESSES MADE OVER Capitol City Bedding Co., Phone 19. CHERRIES WANTED WE ARE BUY ing Black Republicans. Binge and Lam berta. Drager Fruit Company. WANTED IT8ED HOUSEHOLD GOODS. rangea and rooketovea, . tools, men niti and ihona. LiWty Etehante, 241 N. Commercial, rhone 841. WANTED EVERTTHTfcu JN HARD ware and furniture. Beat pricea paid. THE CAPITAL HARDWARE AND FURNITURE CO. taS- 1. Commercial t. Thona 947 BUSINESS CARDS Auto Directory AUTO TOPS AUTO TOPS W. O. WRIGHT. 171 Bontk High. - AUTO TOP, UPHOLSTERY, WORK gntnnteed. 6d3 ttoula lata, phvui . 1120. BUSINESS CARDS Auto Directory TIRES AND ACCESSORIES 8MITH-WATKI5S. 147 NORTH HIGH Fiik, 8tlverun Cord. Hood extra ply tirea. Everything for auto. TJ8ED CABS FOR SALE IM)nK DELIVERY 'J,iKrJT,,!,',,,n,''" S-5 Ferry tit GARAGE AND REPAIR HOFFMAN A ZOSEL TIRE REPAIR ing, Tulcanixing. retreading; 197 South Commercial street. Phone 471. CAPITAL GARAGE BUTCK. STUDE baker repairing. 173 South Liberty. Phone 83. AUTO ELECTRICIAN; EXIERT TROC ble ahootiag. 238 North High. Pkeae 203. FAIR GROUNDS OA RAG R TIRES. AC eeaaoriea. med cars. Our work guar antaod, 2041 Portland Road. Phone 808. SOUTH COMMERCIAL GARAGE GEN oral repairing and overhauling. 420 8, Commercial 8t Balem. PRESTO-LITE BATTERT SERVICE atation. Expert battery and electrical work. Farm Bros. Phona 4803. 418 Court. TRACY'S STORAGE GARAGE 844 Ferry atreet. LIBBT3 AUTO REPAIR SHOP 220 South Liberty. Phono 901. AUTO REPAIR 6HOP L. MILLER, $45 Center. Phone 890 SALEM AUTO RADIATOR SHOP 198 8outh 12th. Phone 28. i 0. BAIR, RADIATOR8, FENDERS. Bodies repaired. 444 Ferrv BEAUTY FARLOBS M. MYRTLE BERNARD MASSEUSE; hours, 9 to 5, Sunday ; eveninga by ap pointment. Oregoa Bath Houae. Phono 540. 202AR. BARBERS COZY NOOK BARBER SHOP 1S88 State CONTECTIONTRY REMINGTON CONFECTIONERY, HOME mada eandiaa. confectiooa, cigars, mag aainea. 1272 HtaUk CHIKE8E PHYSICIAN DR. L. M. HUM CURES ANT KNOWN disease 1X8 fi High St Phone 288. CORSETS MRS. ESCH AGENT FOR PRINCESS Coraeu. Phone 1043 R. 891 S. 12th DRE8SMAKXNO DRESSMAKING 1299 South High. GRACE WHITE, DRESSMAKING 830 Division. Phone 1031W. MRS. R. CARTER EXPERIENCED dreaamaker. Phone 1971W. RUTH McADAMS DRESSMAKER, 756 South 12th. Phone 1824 M. . H ATT IE WILLIAMS DRESSMAKING. 248 North Cottage. Phone 1552W. CARRIE FISHER DRESSMAKING, designing. Spencer eoraeta to order. 2 McCormack Bldg. MRS. V ARTY, DESIGNEK AND MAKER Ladtaa' Buita and Gowna. 7 MoOor mack Bldg. PLEATING MRS. HILD.EBRAND. PLEATING South 24lh. Phone 798-M-l. 390 DRUO STORES BREWEB DRUG CO. 405 COURT; Phone 184 HEMSTITCHING SALEM ELITE , HEMSTITCHING, rhainstitrhinr. pleating, buttona. 829 830 Oregon Big. Phone 879. HEMSTITCHING AND PICOTIXO AT tachment; works on all sewing mach ines; price 8'.'; personal rhecka 10c extra. Light Mail Order . House, Box 122, Birminham, Ala. HAT SHOPS HAT SHOP MEN'S AND WOMEN'S hats ranovatao sad blocked 495 Court atrt INSURANCE INSURE YOUR AUTOMOBILE WITH tbe Oregoa Auto Indemnity Exchange. Full protection. Reduced ratea. Frank Meredith Co. Buah-Breyman Block. GREENHOUSES PORCH BOXES BEDfttNQ PLANTS for Bale. Smith 'a 801 North Co miner eial. FINANCIAL MARION POLK COUNTY FARM LOAN aaaoclation has money to loaa at aU percent. W. D. Smith, aecretary-treaa-arer, 80S Salem Bank of Commerce. I NOW HAVE A LIMITED .-.-OUNT OF fundi available for choice building toA. C, BOHRNSTEDT 407 MssonJc Temple Snlem. Oregon PLTJMBIWO JOE'S PLUMBING SHOP. SHIPPING and Broadway, Phone 1502. Price reasonable. If yoa have anything to fix let Joe do it. PLUMBING. REPAIRING AND COIL work. Phcne 1517J. Shop, 127 TTaioe " street A. K Godfrey. JOB P ROTTING FOR HOP TICKETS SEE BERTELSON Printing Co.. Y Bldg.. Salem. LAUNDRIES SAI.EM LAUNDRY COITWNI, 188 & Liberty atreet. Phone 35. Uifleet largest beat. Established 1889. CAPITAL CITY STEAM LAUNDRY Quality w,rk. prompt aervice, I2t4 Rroartwav Phone 1V " MEDICAL MOUNTAIN BALM COUGH REMEDY Phone 51 7-W. PRIVATE HOSPITALS WANTED CONFINEMENT CASES AT private eospital. l nave oi ei equip ment. rhone 1959 J. PAINT CONTRACTORS THE NEATEST PAINTER IN TOWN Work by day, contract, weiia. rnone lfiUM. DAVIS A BTRAnvBArem GENERA1 eoatractors ; paints, oil." wallpaper. 820 South Liberty. Phone 901 AUBREY H. CLARK. SUCCESSOR TO Glenn L. Adaroa. Painting, paperhang Ing. kalaomining. Work amarmnte Terma reasonable. Fhooe 1396J ; res. 425 Rontb Wintor. PAINT WALLPAPER SEE PORTER FOK T" A I NT 8, WALL anr and Picture Framing. Good work men. 455 Cnnrt St. Thone 44. PERIODICALS MISS GOODHUE TAKES "TTBBCRTP tiona for all magaxinesv S51 Bo. 17tb treat. Phone 141 M. PUBLIC 8TEKOORAPHER MARGARET BIR VR PUBLIC STEN ographer. 408 Masonic Bldg. Phone 22. BOOF REPAIRING ROOrS RE9HINQLKD, CLEASED, RE palred. painted or Urred. Fheae Kayee , 84F8. BUSINESS CARDS MUSICAZ. ALLIE CHANDLER PIANO. 51 North Collage. BEATRICE 8HEI.TOX PIANO 8TC3I0 843 Ukrwa. Phone 1299. LILLIAN HARTSHORN PIANO. 894 North Church. Phone 178. T. S. ROBERTS PIANO. ORGAN. 270 Scuta 14th. Phone 7"t. DAN P. LANG EN BERG, VOCAL Derby Bl.lg. Phone 2079. LENA WATERS PIANO. 1472 MILL Phone 1184M. MOLLIE STYLES VOICE, PIANO. 659 Center Phone 201 6R. FBAXKLIN LAL'NER PIANO, 268 North 17th. Pbone 1415 JULIA MILLS WE1GEL. PIANO. 1560 South Church. Phone 1191 K. F. L. MILLER VIOLIN; OTHER string inatrumenta. 419 Marion hotel. LUC11.E HOSa PIANO. ORGAN. 49a North Liberty. Phone 11S7W. MATTIE GILBERT STRING INSTRU ruer.ta. 1572 State. Phone 1156 R. MIKS M ABLE SHEPHERD. PIANO player; dancea, all occasions. 257 N. Liberty. SALEM CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC All branches taught, diploma's granted John K. Sites, director, 1237 Court Phone 624. TUNERS WENDELL HELM TURING, REPAIR ing. Phone 492. EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED piano tuner. Leave orders Will's Vtuaic store. R. W. BALLANTYNE, TUNER. PLAY era a specialty. Phone 353. Cher ringtoa Piano House. PIANOS PIANOS, PLAfER PIANOS; NEW, -naed. J. W. Tallraan. 121 o. Com'l CHKRRIXOTOX PIANO HOUSE, HAN dies Bush-Lane celebrated pianos 415 Court. Phone 852. REPAIRING AND SHARPENING CUTLERY GRINDING. LAWN MOWER .safety raxora. etc Stewart' a Repair Shop, 847 Court atreet. BEN WHEELER EVERYTHING RE paired. Gennral sharpening, chimney sweep. 1485 N. 17th at- Phone 1418W SHINGLING SHINGLING DONE CHEAP. 1917 M. CALL SHOE REPAIRING WILLIAM'S SHOE 8HOP 195 SOUTH High. STUDIOS DE LUXE STUDIO, KODAK FINISH ing. 147 North Commercial. SCAVENGERS SALEM SCAVENGER GARBAGE, BEF ase of all kinds removed. Oeaepool cleaned. Phone 167. SFCOND HAND GOODS HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR SECOND hand clothing and shoes. Alio do cleaning, pressing and repairing. Call and deliver. Capital Exehanre, 342 North Commercial. Phone 1S63-W. WE BUY AND BELL SECOND HAND goodi of all kinds, pipe fitting!, bar neat, collars, collar pad. a, tool, and chains. Fred Bchindler. 258 Cental atreet. TAXI DIRECTORY LAN HAM TAXI COMPANY 640. PHONE THE OREGON TAXI-TRANSFER CO, Liberty A Ferry. Phone 77. Dry alrb. 16-inch wood for aale. STOVES STOVE REPAIRING STOVE REPAIRING, RHJUILT, COILS, connections. Will call and clean, pol ish at house. 271 North Commercial Phone 734. STOVES REBUILT tTiru KEPAIRED 40 years experience; Depot National fence, aisea 26 to 28 ins. high. Paints oil and varnishes, etc., loganberry and hop hooka. Salem Fence and Stove Works. 250 Conrt' atreet. Phone -124 TRAH8FEK HATTLXHG MERCHANTS' DELIVERY, 179 SOUTH High. Phone 230. Trunk, city, 50c. CAPITAL CrTY TRANSFER CO. 226 Plate St, pbone 933. Distributing, forwarding aad storage oar specialty Get onr ratea. TAILORS FRANK PALM MERCHANT TAILOR. 211 S. High and Ferry. WHERE TO EAT WHITE CLOUD TEA HOUSE CHINA d lakes, noodles, free dancing. Open 9 am -1 at night. llOVh N. Com'l. TRANSPORTATION PORTLAND SALEM STAGE OX THE hour every hour; daily, 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Saturday and Sunday 7 am. to 9 p.m. Fare, $1.50 each way, includ ing war tax. SALEM SILVEBTCT JTTAGE lavea Leaves Salem Silvertor O. E Depot News Stand 7:00 a.m. 8:15 a.m. 11:00 a.m. l:UO p. in 6:00 p.m. 6:15 pm. SALEM INDEPENDENCE MONMOUTH 8TAGE !eave 8alem O.E. depot 7:00 a.m.. tl .00 a.m., 5 :00 p.m. Ieave Monmouth Hotel 8:15 a.m 1:00 p.m., 6:15 p m. Ieave Independence Hotel 8:30 a.m.. 1:15 p.m., 6:30 p.m. Special trips by appointment. Seven passenger car for hire. J W. PARKER. Prop, ten. phone A 15 Buaineaa phone " WATER SALFM WATER. LIGHT POWER CO Office. 801 South Com'l St. Ten per cent discount on domestic flat rates aid in advance. No dednetinna for ab aenee or any cause ualcaa water ia shut off your premises. PROFESSIONAL CHIROPRACTORS OR. O. K SCOTT. P. S. C. CHIBOPRAO tr. 809 12 U. S Bank Bldg Pboae. 7: Rea 2R. CHIROPODI8TS FOOT CORRECTIONAL SPECIALIST Appliances from individual impreaaion Satiafaction guaranteed. t'aaa E Tatro. Masonic Bldg. Phone 443. VTjESES FOR PRACTICAL NHRSK PHONE 503R U8TBOPATHXO PHTSIOIAHS DBS. WHITE .AND MARSHALL. 06 U. S. National Rank Bldg. DR. W. L. MERCER, OSTEOPATHIC Phreician and eurgeon ; Kirkavilie graduate. 404 405 U. 8. National Bank Bldg. Pbonea Office. 919; Rea. 614 DR. JOHN L. LYNCH, OrfrEOPATHIC Phyaiiian Bad Smi geon, 403-404 Oregon Bldg; Pbonea: Office. 1394: Rea. 66F5. SUGGESTOTHE RAPIST H. J. ANDERSEN. D8T, SCIENTIFIC masseur, electro magnetic healer , and metaphyaician. Phone lioa. 416 Ore goa Bldg Conanltatiow free. OPTICIANS GLASSES FITTED BY DR. Tfc R. BUR ietto at tee Bow Optical Company, 125 Bute street, oppotite Ladd ssd Bush Bank. LODGE DIRECTORY UNITED SPANISH WAR VETERANS, camp 5. Armory. First. Third Meadays. REAL ESTATE 7-KOOM P!-ASTERhl HOUSE. CLOSI in on 14th street end on street car. first floor. Iinng room, dining room. 1" -?sth' baicroent. fire- plae, buffet, lecond floor. 4 bedrooms, and closets; psved street. Frits l.-OC: caah f J. iron rr L, A, HAYFORD 305 State street A FIX E ' LITTLE PLACE A smsll acreage with bungalow, etc, cloae to car fwner wua take town houe lor eqnit;, raPm or Tortland ''rice ia right Bring along your trade Mt move at nce i, FLEMING REALTY CO. 341 Htste A DAM LOT ON S. fOMM KRriAL i at '!tJ,,; paving pid. Fleming Realty to . 341 State street. NICK MODERN 7 ROOM BUNGALOW, baxement and fiiriarr. Uree lot. gar age, near carline in East Salem. S4AOO Fine 10 acre tract close in, 4 room bun fV? arru rse, fruit. Snap. $5.00 : - terms. 4 room cottage, good location, easy pay ment plan. to loan on good farm security. See our list before boring FERRINE MARSTERS 211-12 Gray Bidg. WOOD BARGAIN'S SIX ROOM MOD ern house except furnace, nesrlr newt pod location, 82850. New three room K.", Pumb'"K- rood location. I..-iO. FiTe roo-i bunralow with basement. $2750. Xew six room mod ern bungalow, paved atreet, cement baaement, ' 8420O. 9 acre. imnravcH close in. to trade for horse. 266 acre river bottom farm, good buildings. 860 er aire. r. i.. Wood. 3tl State i. woou iot close in, trade lor house. 20 ACRES, GOOD BUILDINGS, FOR ilf by ovoer. See Lewis at 200 South Commercial St. Price $1500; $500 Down Will buy a 6 room modern plastered house except basement; has fruit, garage, , store house, comer lot. South Salem. Best bsrgain in town. S, R, PEARSON 40. U. 8. Bsnk Bldg. JUST COMPLETED XEW FOUR ROOM bongslow with extra folding in bed, plum!d, plastered, remeut basement, wash trayi and sidewalk. 1 V4 blocks from good brick schjol and treet oar line. Price 82950. Kasy payments and terms. Phone' 903 W. BEST BCT 6 room modern hone except furnace; nsved street, full basement, lawn, good location. Price 83650; terms. room modern bungalow, first clans condition, gravel street, east front, large lot. 83100; half cash. room plastered house, modern except furnace; garage, lawn, fruit. 2 lota, paved atreet, close in. 82.600; terms. JO acres alt cultivated, bet Howell prair ie soil, family orchard, good buildings. 9 miles Ms lem. paved road; a good buy at 85250; $2000 cash. 13 acres 4 miles north of Salem, 34 food logsns, good buildings, best soil. 6.500. 16 acres near Chemawa, tVi aerei bear erdam in cultivation. 6 acres cherries, email buildings, equipment and horae. cow end 10O chickens go: price $5000. See S0C0L0FSKY 341 State GOOD BUYS 19 acre tract of good prairie soil located on the pen roai just east of the first cross road, all cultivated, new barn and new lix room bungalow. Price 813.500. 6Va acre tract of brush and timber land, located mile from south Commercial trect csrline, $1600; 8300 down, ba lance easy terms. acre tract close to car line and on paved road, 4 room new house and garage. Price $1700, terms. 8.86 aoe tract cloae in, good 5 room bunralow. well. I chicken house, good (oil. Price $3850. 6 room house on paved street, bearinjr lruit. good location. 1'ricu 2800: terms. Kite room bungalow and Iwo lots on paved street. Price $3200; terms. Lsrge houae with six apartments located on Center street, large lot, plentv room for another house; incanie $120 per month. Price $7,000.' W. H. Grabenhorst & Co. 275 State St. LOOK HERE 7 A modern 4 -room rottage, newly painted, with good water in kitchen. 1 sen ground, on highway, 10 minutes walk from street rar. $1350: half earth Arthur E. Petersen, 2Z9 Oregon Bldg LX)R SALE 8 ROOM MODERN HOMf. on paved street, hot water furnace, fireplace, sleeping porch, conservatory, garage, lot 100x250, .fruit close in Price 8850O; good terms. Winnie Pet t; john. 542 State street. 30 ACRES New plastered 4-roora house, good barn water piped in from spring, rnnnin: water on property, 8 acres iu eiiltiva tion, aome good timber and pasture berries and fruit. A fine little coun try home. Come in and let me sho you a genuine buy. Arthur E. Peter son. 229 Oregon Bldg. 20 ACRES NEW BUILDING. 83000 We explain the new system of sellini your property. Magee. over Busick's corner State & CommerciaJ. HEAL ESTATE TRADERS YOU CA find a number ef good proposition! either as trades, or buys in easy pay ments of laud or bungalows. Chaa W. Memeyer, Masonic Temple. Salem Good Buys ! room house, good location, only $600 pnrt lerin. ' roon;s plaMered ncr car and pavc street. $l;;.,0; with $3O0 down. rooms 2 lots, paved street, close ti car. .-good buy at SItiiO; only t20 down, balance $12.50 per month. 10 r tract, mostly in orchard, nca: Liberty, trade for city property. THOMASON 831 Vg State Street $700 DOWN Burs very close in modern 7 room plan tered blouse, paved street, cenieut walk concref? I an inenU 5 minutes walk U high s heel or postoffice. Owner Icst ing c'tj. Koi quick sale will prie st $-."."(! bi.Unce like rent. ' S. R, PEARSON 4oa r s Bunk Bids PUBLIC NOTICES XOTK; OK ASSKSSIK.T Notice of assessment ror tru improvement of Maple avenue from the north line of HiRhlam avenue to the south linp it" Locn? 6treet, in the city of Salem, Mar ,ion county, Oregon. Notice is hereby given tliat the Common Council of the T:ty o Salem, Oregon, will, at or about 7:30 o'clock P. M. on the 6th daj of September. 1921. or at - the 'same hour at any pursnuent meeting of the .Common Council thereafter at the Council Chm bers in? the City Hall of he City of Salem, Oreson, proceed to as sess upon each lot or part , there of of parcel of land Table there for its proportionate share of the cost o7 improving Maple Avenue from the north line of Highland Areniie to the nonth line of IO- Read The Classified Ads. cust Street in the City of SAlem.1 - s- . . . if juariuo county, uregon. AH persons interested la the said assessment are hereby notified- to appear at said t.'ivs and place be ore the said Co.nmon Council and pre?ent theii oDjec t ons. if any they have, to fcaid as sessment and apply to the t?a:d Common Council to equalise their prorortionate share ot said assess ment. Hy order of the Common Coun cil the 13th day of August. 1521. Date of first publication hereof is August 18 1921. EARL RACE. C.ty Recorder. WHOLt MILK AND PRODUCE WANTEL Marion Creamery & Product Co. Salem, Oregon Phone 248 I SALErf MARKETS 1 i BUYING FEICE Egg aad Poultry Eggs. 28c. lien, heavy, 20c. Hens, airuium. 17c Hens, light. 15c. Urouera. 18r-22e. Old roosters. 8 10c. Poik, Murtoa and Beef Top hogs. lt to 2du Ibe. Sows and hogs, Uc. Smooth heavies. 8 e. Dressed hogs, 13 16c. Lambs, yearling, 3e-4c. iy-1 milk lambs, ft-5e. Beef steers, c. lows. 2 -3c. Bulls. 2 it. lop veal, 14 14 He. Grain Wheat. 98c. No. 1 white. Oata, milling. No. 1, 40c. Oats, feed, 35c. Bay Veatch and Dat hay. $10. Clover llay. lu Mill reeds. Wholesale Mill run, !t4. Wholesale to Dealers Creamery butter, 4t-45c. Muttertat. 40e. Whole milk, 1.85 ewt. rrult Oranges, $6.50. Bananas. 9c. I.cmoni, $8.75. Urape r'ruit, Cal, $4.50. Dates, dromedary, $7 rase. Vegetablea, Oregon cabbage, ic. iurnips, tl.OV sack. Beans, 5c. Wax beans, 5c. Ltttuce, $1. Ci-iery, tl dozen. New potatoes. Jr Oregon onions, 75c ewt. VVnua Walla Onions, e'-75. Can., onions, $2.25 sack. Radiahea, 4oc doien huuehea. Oregon cucumbers. 50c. Oregon honey, 30c lb. Rhubarb, 6c. Parsley, 50c dosea bunchea. Beets. 60c. dosen benches. Ton.atoes. $1. Honey, extracted, 20e lb. Appies. e2. 75 Green Peas. 12c. t', pony, $2: flat, 90c. Melons, ft. So. Green peppers, 20c lb, Ketau Creamery butter, 48-50e. figs, 3c Flour, hsrd wheat. $2 50 $2 0. Flour, soft wheat, $1.65 $2.00. Sugar, $6.80. Adele yarrlson's Xew! I'hase of REVELATIONS OF A WIFE CHAPTER 14 THE WAY MOTHER GRAHAM GREETED MADGE. For a moment as I gazed upon the blank sheet of paper which Dicky had seen fit to enclose in the envelope he had given his mother for me I "saw red" in primitive feminine fashion, and "ould have shrieked my anger and humiliation at the trick my hus band had played upon me. Then, as I remembered that the keen eyes of my mother-in-law ere fixedly watching me, I con trolled my wrath with an effort of .vill power that cost me more than I realized, and laughed lightly as I crumpled the paper in my hand. "Poor Dicky!" I said carelessly. "I wonder if nothing will ever cure him of being absent-minded. 1 suppose he is carrying the note 'o me around in his pocket under the impression that it is a sheet of blank paper, while he has put no writing at all into this envel ope." Madge Gets1 a Cue. "Do I look like a fool?" was ny mother-in-law's rrspone to this contribution of mine. 'You'd better own up the whole thing, tichard simply handed me that tote in order to pull the wool over ny eves. Rut," grimly, "he never has been able to do it yet, and I'm not quite in my dotage, al hougn you and he probably think hat I am. No? you've had a dis graceful row, and I don't wonder tichard tried to Ret out of it by iretending he had such a rush of )idcrs on that he couldn't get iome to sleep for a month. Said a ot of them had come in yesterday. MY HEART AND MY HUSB1D OREGON STATESMAN WILL They will find lost articles, barsrain if you want to buy THINGS -THAT HUBBV PEAR, DO VoU rARF IF I GO To the theatre WITH MV OLD SWEETHEART TbNIGriTf I StiLU L.OVE. HIM. and that he had told you about them." I bless my stars for my mother-in-law's garrulity. She had given me my cue. If Dicky had be trayed no inkling of our disagree ment I assuredly should not be the one to "spill the beans." In spite of my anger at him I could not help a twitching of my lips as I remembered how often the crude phrase was upon his lips. "He did speak of the orders," I affirmed unwinkingly. salving my conscience with the remembrance that upon our motor ride home he had said that his work was pick ing up most encouragingly. "And you are utterly mistaken, mother, in your theory that Dicky and I have had anv disagreement over Alice Holcombe," "Well, if it wasn't she it was; something else!" she asserted stubbornly. "I. know the ear marks of a row when I see them, but, "of course if you make up your, mind not to say anything, why, I suppose you'll be bs mulish as you generally are. Now never mind standing on one foot In your hurry to get away. I want to hear all about what happened today. I feel it ih my bones that sorae thinc mighty unpleasant Is going to develop from that woman's death." Mother Graham's Idea. "Your premonition is Justified this time." I said stiffly. "Mr. Stockbridge was arrested this aft ernoon upon suspicion of having killed his wife." "Y'ou don't tell me!" Bhe ex claimed, her face and eyes alight with the enthusiasticc interest with which she invariably greets a myBtery. Dicky more than once has re marked irreverently that "the old dear ought to4iave been a sob sis ter on a yellow journal, she had such an eye for people weltering in their gore," and the ludicrous phrasing came back; to me as I saw the querulous lines fade out ot her face, leaving it purposeful, .aiuiatea. 1 saw with a Utile thrill of relief that she had tor gotten all about the affairs, peace ful or quarrelsome, of Dicky and me, resolved to gratify her appe tite for thrills to the utmost of my ability. To this end I drew a chair near hers, and sitting down told her as much of Milly gtockbridge's story as I dared without betraying how intimate was my knowledge of the tragedy, and the events leading up to it. then related Alice Hol combe's account of the coroner's inquest. t I tried to make my friend's con nection with the affair as sketchy as possible;, thought that I had succeeded until after I had fin ished and my mother-in-law, had relaxed somewhat from the breathless attention with which she had followed my story, she said caustically: "If that red-headed friend of yours doesn't look out she'll find herself held as an accessory or whatever they call l. She seems to be making an 18-carat idiot of herself. For my part I wouldn't put it past her to hare slipped something in the other woman's tea at that. What's the matter?" I knew my face must have be trayed the inexplicable feeling which had recurred to me at the commonplaces phrasa "the other woman's ta," which my mother-in-law had used. Why should I F I N D A N YTHIN G will fine, a buyer if you have something. - .Z.; iV , NERetflP MM GO To iTTflEN t ifAhl S ei m m ar w -w Hy&NINO IN be haunted at every turn by the memory ot Milly Stockbridge" hands reaching Out greedily tor the packets ot tea which I had offered her at the school house the last day I had seen her alive? But oot . to my mother-in-law could I confide my psychic hor rors. " l is ' HALTED. ttO FUEL Fire Service Vyill Be Resum ed 'Oyer Oregorj Forests, : Gasoline Ordered PORTLAND, pre.1 Au?. Is. Airplane, patrol of Oregon nation al forests will be resumed within the next few days. It was decided at a conferencej today of forest service, air aervice and timber or gan ration officials here. If authority for local purchase of gasoline 1s not forthcominc from Washington immediately, it was agree., sufficient money to operate the ( planes Surrt.ll a ship ment of gasoline from the eaut will be donated by various 11" protection organizations. Not'ce was received her? -a-few days axo that ai carload of gaso line had started for Mather Field, Calif., from some point in the e art but It is not expected to arrive for several days. aUer whtch It still must be shipped t$ the Oregon plane base at .Eugene.. lED RELIEF TO Agreement js Reached and Starving Russian Child- . ren Will Gel Food WASHINGTON. fAng. 1 8. A satisfactory agreement has been reached with the soviet authori ties st Riga under which the Am er can relief administration will begin immediately to fight fam ine among the! children ot Rus sia, Secretary Hoofer announced 'today. The agreement, he added, accepts the conditions laid down by the American organization for at.eeuarding the lives of rell-sr workers and insuring American control of food supplies. , While negotiations hay? come to a successful conclusion, the sec retary explained. It may be a day or two before a formal agreement is s'.gned. I ACTRE8H' MOTHER DIE. BREMERTON, Wash.. Aug. 18. Mrs. Martha 8. Pj(ttack, aged 51 years, wife of Robert F. Plttack. former councilmn and mother of Wanda Hawley, motion picture c tress, died at the family home here today after fan Illness ot twenty-four hours, following a stroke of paralysis. something to sell or will find - ?T " md J mm 4 ODES jSiETS .... i i - 1 1 A.