The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 20, 1921, Page 4, Image 4

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breed; That's going some for
St. Mawes' Lad's Lady.
t Issued Dally Except Monday by
(Portland Ibfflce,; 27 Board of Trade Building. Phone Automatic 'ar he!P1n her out oi the 8,ougn
of the war
Italy is overrun with American
tourists any they are welcomed.
Italy counts on the Arm-rican dol-
' The Associated Press Is exclusively entitled to the use for repub
lication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited
in IBM paper and also the local news published herein.
R. J. Hendricks. ...Manager
Stephen Aj Stone. Managing Editor
Kalpn Gloter .............. Cashier
( g Frank Jaskoskl Manager Job Dept.
Yjmaaji a i a. i usMAt, serreo. dj carrier in B&iem ana Buouros, 10
cents m weei, Bit cents, a montn.
DAILY 8TATESMAN. by mail. In advance, $6 a year, 3 for six
months, 1. SO for three months, SO cents a month. In Marion
and Polk counties; outside of thew counties. $7 a year, $3.50
; for six months. $1.75 for three months, SO cents a month. When
not paid In advance, 50 cents a year additional.
Of course, in the coming dis
armament conference mere win
be no disposition, so far as the
United States is concerned, to
"let George do it."
In various parts of the country
almost daily burials of service
men who died during the war are
being held, demonstrating that,
although the war is over, its bor
rows ai o not.
Til PI PirTPIfl linMRSTK A n ha , wn.fn.-r. u.V1 rmrn9 I
1 Will ha apnt m. vear In invnnii nivliif a vm r In arfva.nj tn th
VII Daily Statesman.
j' fiUNDAT STATESMAN, $1.50 a year; 75 cents for six months; 40
1K1 t cents for three months; 26 cents for 1 months; 16 cents toi
I ' Am month.
f a, WEEKLY 1 STATESMAN, Issued In two six-page sections, Tuesdays
. and Fridays, $1 a year (if not paid In advance, $1.25); 50
cents lor six months; 25 cents for three months.
Told you, all alonJ, that this
is the greatest cow country iu
he world, and, by the same sigu.
the greatest dairying country in election and choice
and humorous. And he smokes
a disreputable old briar pipe that
has seen long and arduous ser
vice. Being "called" and "appoint
ed" instead of elected. liarou
Byng has not been required to
make any election campaign from
any platform, promulgate any
views or issue any manifestos.
His only proclamation to dat
is that the Canadians are his
friends and if be makes any
breaks they will probably see him
through. Quite an innovation :q
statesmanship and evidently as
effective as any mighty rhetori
cal exhortations he may have
made. He will have five years In
which to prove or disprove Can
adian saeacity in its choice of
him. Canada elects her prime
minister, but chooses her gover
nor general. Actually there can
be quite a distinction between
the world.
Business Office, Z3.
Circulation Department, S8S
Job Department, 581 .
Spclet; Sditor, 10S
nnSntered M the Postofflce In Salem, Oregon, as second class matter
A trained farm observer visiting this section of Oregon make both ends meet with high
tthrouirh the heat of summer might say that the summer pas- hates.
HXure is not -good enough to make this a superlative dairying But, then, Henry Ford knowi
country. He might go to the coast, be entranced by the beau- U good worker is worthy of his
jtiful Velvety green Of the summer pastures, and say, "Here's pi re; he knows a poor worker J of sentiment and practical com
Jwhere I buy . and StaV. I draws a dear wage, however low moa sense with Mother England
J a al . ' . m . a a I... - . a a a a. S I a
And vet even tne trained observer sometimes sroes i u is, ana isn t worm ms san. ado umy oieasmg me union.
ng. The Willamete pastures are dry and brown in sum- whether 11 19 ln nls motor car
er: but: the hay is almost always cured without a touch of plants or at his farms or on his
ew or rain and the winter feed-is as important as the sum- railroad Henry Ford in one way
er. The flies here are fewer than almost any other place in or anoiner- ,abor un'ons or no
Che World I Jnion8 labor boards or no labor
'This! really Is a dairy country . boards, gets na ot the worker
The best in the world. tnat does not dellver the gooda
There is no other woof as 'rood as the fact that a Polk Tnus tne Producer can get, and
Lhounty cow, a Salem district Jersey cow, St. Mawes' Lad's does et. and ouht to et wnat
tstffjidv. nwnefi hv Harrv 11. Tliff nf TndpnpndpnrP has msf s- lormeny went to me incompeiem
';tabhshed a new world s record not only for her own breed but
Vaa m a a a
thor ail oreeas. lor nutter iat production xor a cow 01 ner age
wjfor a fulf year.
d1 Vive La .France, the world's Greatest Jersey cow of any
pjage, and the other wonSerf ul cows bred by Pickard Brothers
htff Marion, are' fairly familiar to most local readers; they are
P;kt the tongue tips of the whole breeding world.
1 Nobody could tell the wise breeder, even back in the Isle
bf Jersey where the breed originated, that the Willamette
k valley isn t a marvelous dairy country
tcl Dairvinor ia the hest anchor ever forced for riprm&nent
Efrarm prosperity. Prices may fluctuate somewhat; but the for, anybJdy e,se- H knows that
ctUairv countrv never did. never will o-o hankrnnt. Tr. lnnks unleS8 nls frelght ratea brin-
Chrnanarnna well lrof onnionio if Vioo mnnav in fVio Konlro woiiic lor ilia roau 10 uaai lucjr
MvfAi Ho KV rv Ua ViAtiona 0 A Ko0 i oirv I are a heavier burden for his car
bjports a fixed population without the murderous ups and rI" than forthe Bh,DPr8 .migratory lonsana, people A trayeier:wouid not
Henry Ford Is one of the busi
ness economic geniuses of the cen
:ury. He buys a railroad and
increases wages on that property
when all other wages are being
marked down. He establishes low
freight rates on his road when
other carriers are striving t-:
But this "choice" in itself was
something of an innovation. For
hitherto governor generals havo
been chosen and appointed by the
king and his cabinet in England
and unless he was particularly
distasteful to the Dominion he
was merely accepted with good
grace. On the whole, Canada hai
been fortunate in her governor
generals, even as the parental se
lection in matrimonial affairs in
Prance has worked fairly well.
Out today Canada, like the mod
ern girl, has preferred to choose
her own team mate and in thli
ase it is a happy combination
"heed to see either the cows or the barns, to know instantly r 016 publi,c hich
Jr-lhat he had entered a j good dairy section; the fences, the
li .houses, the shetlded machinery, shout the fact aloud. Dairy
4ng is founded on attention to detail: the really good dairy
rnancan not well neglect any. of his farm, for careful atten-
dlion to his whole job becomes inherent.
There are many farms in the Willamette valley that are
f jbeing wastefully handled without cows.. Some of these cpuld
t , . iJ -A. 1 A. 1 ' 1 1
c,pe ungaiea lur summer pasiure , uy sieum, vy wmu, oy gaso-
fctlme or electric pumping, and some by gravity systems from
the creeks and streams. Irrigation, and the fertility that
.-brows with dairy! farming, would make these Willamette
ttllairy farms-the most wonderful in the world. It is an eco- Baron nynr, who Boes to can
pfiomic nightmare, to drive up and down the valley, and note I c governor general, is a
"some of the run-down farms still being sown to grain, some definite case of the pob seeking
pi wmcn can naruiy pay me cost 01 narvesi; a aisiressing 1 mau. uaaa ug&ea ior mm
wbroportion of the grain this year will not pay the cost of in a voice not to be denied. He
fiblantintr. the harvest, and the cash rental of the farm. I has never held any diplomatic
f ; Grain farming may offer certain advantages to the man position before, says he doesn't
m,wno ' does not want to De tied down to tne xarm every day wow tne nrsi ming anont aipio-
kin the year. But as between impecunious and vacation-1 macy and has never been mixed
atull grain farming,' and busy-all-the-year-'round dairying that! i in politics.
riotro mAot arkViA va Vntm ri Anoir r r n flaf o rrfteK All nf torhifh la clvntflnnnt in
(.rfjajB, uiwt BKjkjL iucunuuiu jicivc an ojr cuuit. vjv-l a guuu ......... ,o o..i i. ...
a punch of cqws, suck to the dairy, and the Willamette valley tnat Canada was obviously 100k-
Bfcould double its population1. Quadruple its bank accounts, and ng for character, for intelligence.
)xnultiply by mfinity its desirability as a sane member of so- courage, resourcefulness, rathe
Editor Statesman:
Persons desiring to secure in
formation about this organization
can find condensed accounts of it
n The World's Ilest Histories
serleB, The United States, vol.
VIII, page 59; in Andrews' U. 3.
History, Vol. IV, page 273; in
Nelson's Encyclopedia; the Ency
clopedia Americana; the Dritanni
ca, and in "The Aftermath of th.
Civil War." by Powell Clayton,
United States senator, and gover
nor of Arkansas, 1868-71. Also
in the International Encyclopedia
in both the earlier and the. latest
editions. The following notes ar
taken from the last named work
ivu iviux Kian, a secret or
ganization which existed in some
of the southern states during the
reriod 1866-1872. It is said to
have originated in Giles county
business, and a large slice of all I Tennessee, in 18C6, and to have
. ...
the money ln the country. And I oeen at first an association of
all the while perhaps nine-tenths I young men for amusement. -The
of the rest of the population go I demoralization and turbulence
around cussing their luck be-1 among the negroes at the close
- aV a . a, a a. I v A 1 . a. . a.
cause ibduious ricnes aon t rani" me war, necessitated, it was
into their laps as they fall into! said,, some means of restrain
Henry Ford's. New York Herald. ) which the government did not af
ford. The association devised bv
or the slacker.
And Henry Ford knows that
what! gets the business is the
right price. He knows, whether
it is his automobile, his tractor
or his railroad, that unless he
operates to capacity he cannot
operate with economic efficiency.
He knows that unless his price
sells the motor cars and tractors
lit is a worse price for him than
So Henry Ford gets the support
s J Thf new wnrM rermrrl rnw in the Salem district ia heln- I adroitness.
v!ng to prove what the Salem Slogan editor of The Statesman Everyone who has ever come in sion of a,d to the widows am or-
than for , glamoring titles, diplo
matic distinction or political
.ue joung men or tennessee was
adapted to this purpose.
in Its beginnings it was not
greatly dilTerent from the old
slave patrol, and was intended
simply to scare the superstitiou
-lacks into good behavior an
ooeaience, ,and its membershiD
comprised some of the best citi
zens of the South. Its orieina
purposes as set forth in the con
stitution of the Klan, a copy of
which is printed in the report of
he so-called Ku Klux Klan com
mitlee of congress, were the pro
lection or the innocent and weak
from the outrages of the Inwlocs
'and brutal; the relief of th. in-
lured and oppressed: the
Kas been saying and repeating . contact with Baron uyng, who as
t n t a il . a ! a 1 " a 1 J ? - a i Ji m - j 1
C4 , mat mis is potentially tne greatest dairying country in omier won iame ana maae nis
wlhe world: the trreatest cow countrv in the world, and thatrory in that first fearsome Intro-
llllhe competition for world records in universal Jerseydom will luction of the tanks in France
l w IU- kftfrnAAn ivf9rv mttb Kaf waati CqIotvi 1ia I whlrh ark ahntt&rckH (ha innri In nf
II luo a VibUi. c uc uc li n ecu vt ckuu wno irevnssn uatcui viij- i - iq v
lict bows. , ' . t ' 'he Germans, insists upon his es-
Kl St. Mawes Lad s Lady was competing for the world s sentiai nonesty. And, like so
'Tecord in hr class with, an Oregon cow; and she not only many of the men in high places
broke that record but exceeded the record of anv cow of anv today, he is just plain, whole-
ohans of Cor federate' soldiers; th
assistance of the government In
execution of all constitutional
AW " ( TIlO Ilrllon.l.. - I J
'The emancipation of the whites
md maintenance of the political
and social supremacy of the white
"The organization was soon
perverted. It became a .band for
' purpose of whinnln? honi.i,
- ii---Oi wMninu-
ing, and murdering negroes r.nd
northern men Many oX the bet
ter class of citizens abantlnnoi i.
pureed m her age class; and, more than that, she exceeded the some ,man. folks" for ha
Ki-ecordof the world s record cow of her breed in the next hicrh- h a not an aristocrat bom. his
. , 1 .
rofr ace class. - l tine having been recently con-
And Salem district breeders of world's champion cowsperred upon him by King Georg
Ua nnf fvnrVi TViora will Yt ntVrnr rpcnrila amaaVioH Voi-o land anDroved as a nersonal honor
mJB iiukumvuBui. oiviv ..... - .."i-v. .wv., - - '
. 11 AlT. 1 . rfl. . IOAA A Vx.. . 4- n. tl. i i.l.ltn klma.lf l.v Kn PinatUna nrkvllint huniuifni.ll. 1. . I.... . .
pun BU me Classes. - . i in; i6UV(Muau uuitci tuw is uu uic lv "j vu.uiauB, " t ---- -vu.uun .-i vuuMsiea or ine
"ivay: and She lives Or Will be bred in the Salem district; and asked for him as their governor more restless and lawless char
' lhe Will not be long In coming - general before nis elevation to aciers or the South."
And by the same sign, the average production of all ine peerage. u was styled the invisible
tlairv COWS Will be increased greatly here : giving this district When Baron Byng is affection- EMPIRE, and had territorial di
ctt Still ttiore distinctive lead as the best dairy country and ate'y accused of being democraUc prions as follows: The general
queathed to as by our forefath
ers. (2) I reject and oppose the
principles of the radical party.
(3) I pledge aid to a brother of
the Ku Klux Klan in sickness,
cistress or pecuniary -embarras-
and their households., shall be
the special objects of my car
and protection. (4) Should'I
ever divulge, or cause to be di
vulged, any of the secrets of this
order, or any of the forejroine:
obligations, I must meet with the
fearful punishment of death and
a traitor's doom, which is death,
death, at the hands of the breth
ren." (This oath is copied from
the older edition of the Kncyelo-
edia as taken from the congres
sional report.)
Membership in the Klan was
confined to Confederate soldiers
nd the sons of soldiers, except
by special orders from highest
uthoritie. All weie required
to be well armed and ready to
assemble at the call of the Cy-
lops. and obey any orders re
ceived, no n.atr what the char-
cter of the deeds might be, even
urning and killing.
"In nocturnal raids they were
isguised in long robes, wore
masks over their faces, avd high
cardboard hats with ears and
horns attached. Exaggerated tales
were circulated among the freed-
nen as to the numbers and super
natural powers of the Ku Klux.
who were reported to be the
shosts of dead Confederate sol-dierf"
"Resolutions were introduced
n secret meetings oi tne Klan
ind the decisions took the foyn
f decrees. The most frequent
ictims were negroes, who were
active in politics, agents of the
L S. Freedman's Bureau, carpet-
t'anjrers (Northern men who went
with for business!, scalawags
Southern white men who became
Republicans in politics after the
var, as did General Longstreet t .
Vorthern teachers and ministers.
rhese were sometimes simply
warned tb desist from certain
courses, or notified to leave the
community, but sometimes suf
fered punishments of whipping ct
"In case of a warning or noti-
ication the decree vas couched
in strange or mysterious phrase
ology, and posted ia some con
spicnous place about the premi
ses of the victim for whom it was
intonaea. The fallowing ar-3
samples of such decrees, the first
being copied from the congres
signal report, the second from
Geaeral Clayton's Aftermath:
"K. K. K. Dismal Swamp,
u2 D. XIV 11th hour.
'Mene, mene, tekel, upharsin.
The bloddy dagger is drawn-? the
'.rying hour is at hand; beware!
Your steps are marked; the eye
of the dark chief is upon you.
First; he warns; then the aveng
ins dagper flashes in the moon
light. By order of the grand
Cyclops. Lixto."
Posted on a tree at Pine Bluff
Ark., April C, 1SCS;
"K. K. K., Corinth Divi$;on,
"Pine Bluff Retreat,
"Special Order No. 2:
'Spirit Brothers; Shadows o
Martyrs; fnanioms rrom gory
fields; Followers of Brutus ! !
Rally, rally, rally. When shadows
gather, moons grow dim, stars
tremble; glide to the grand coun
cil hall and wash your bands in
tyrant's blood; and gaze upon the
list of condemned traitors. The
time has arrived. Blood must
flow. The true must be saved.
Work in darkness. Bury in wat
er. Make no sound. .Trust not
the air. - Strike high and sure.
Vengeance! Vengeance! Veng
eance! "Trie!, condemned. Execute
well. Fear is dead. Every man
is a judge and this executes ! ! ! '
Fail not! ! Mandate of the M.
G. C. By D. M. G C. 12 m m 2.'"
, tini a wn rnn RELIEF WORK.,
ISt r"o yk: h'KT v A
i w?-AViiV . . pi-Kn-tU ; -,v rklxr:: I
I AMERICAN -WlLi ' irJ " H w JrS
NURSES CONDUCT J iv J fe &l ' ' U XhY J' M
A BABY - - , , Jt J&yS H?S
11 - ... . IT1..M an n a& KaMIA
Twelve American nurses will shortly leave for Poland to go onu reuei wr --
about two months ago and now are anxious to go DacK to me lamme . . Jy. " " J." , f,"
vering over Russian hordes in and about Moscow and Petrograd. because of a famine.! the peasants of Po
land look toward the American Red Cross for rood, i pwara oi jdu.iwu.uuv peopi ut uc i y
rnni7.t(nn , hoRnital conducted bv American nurses nas Deen openea ia atsw iur m v
children. The photograph shows American nurses with some of the children they attend. j
beas corpus writ, and to use the
Military forces to execute the or
ders of United Staftes courts. Of
the effect of this legislation the
World's Best History, :eferred to
above, says: "Any negroes who
showed fight were whipped.
maimed or killed, treatment
which was extended on occasion
to their carpetbag and scalawag
friends, these titles denoting re
spectively Northern and Southern
men who took the negroes" side.
The very violence of the order.
which it at jart turned against
the old Southrons themselves
brought it into disrepute with its
original instigators, who were not
sorry when federal marshals, put
up to it by President Grant, hunt
ed den after den of the lav
breakers to the death."
To this historical sketch, talrer,
wholly from the International En
cyclopedia and other works named
at the beginning of it, may be
dded the statement that, rocem
activities of certain organizations
and the extensive exhibition of
the 'Birth of a Nation" pictures
seem to have been parts of a prop
aganda looking to this attempt
to revive the old Ku Klux Klan
of 50 years ago. That it is, m
fact, the saijie organization that
President Grant suppressed is
clearly indicated by the name
titles of its officers, its masks
as pictured in thT daily papers.
the seal on its literature, and
other marks, and the fact is
plainly stated in its printed an
nouncements in whi'.-li the most
bitter language is used ngait.s!
the United States government's
policies and action during t':o
years just following the Civil vr
language not less bitter than vas
used by the most pronounced se
cession papers of that day.
district cow.
Blood will tell in cowdom; but
the titles are won by perforni-
nce only, which :s -the rightful
It is now claimed that the sen
te hearings of the tariff bill will
be ended in three weeks. But
what year?
After the hearing will come the
awpings, o last till the crack of
doom, unless some one gags ths
Marathon wind jammers of that
When President Harding went
o Secietary Weeks' siinimer home
or u short visit, tho hotels there
aised tluir rates from $2 to $C
a day. They needed the money.
If any of those millionaire Jer
sey men oi the east expect to
break the records of Oregon Jer-
he best cow country in the world.
Hall to StMawes' liad'i Lady!
The galem district, must raise
., - 1. l.v' I. ikn a1rv
pilOie I1V8 BlUC. 1UBI H IUO
..2 . t . a a A n l. ' TKa
rflogan editor solicits your help.
new records will be broken; and,
9tiirmoro important, the average
annual butter fat production will
be raised. The 1200-pound cow
is coming, and the 150 to 200
pound common brindle cow is go-
u.vto iuai ciciiuu ia v. ntJ v,. no Li V 1 1 lea was tne '"1-
cratic nowadays, that everybody j Pire. and its chief was called the
who would be anybody has to belrand wizard; each state was a
democratic, since the publls realm, tnd Its chief the grand
taste has-wandered far from that drafen; a congresflonal rlisfr:,-.
i .
tradition which valued a man was a dominion, and its chief the
upon his birth or his estates. I grand titan; a county was a nrn.
"People take a man only, forMnce, and Its chief the grard
what he Is, not for what he was giant; a local lodge was a dfn
d4 The eye l au : jersey aom rj
M n Oregon. The future champion
f'r'hip competitions are between
11 iregon cowhand many records
ill be broken and then thoso
A nut 11 ' 1-7-tIi,Sl Z:Tnf,
mp wiilWWOjWjf r',rk.- . LlIa
,.. l, W-vlnradaT Join! pirn Iff
'VJpmbJI"? OcUber'lUr.toa
tJUiSr . vr-aiiiH.a.v stt .oi-
aid roramUaio t opaa i bW
t 000 OOO bnd. , ,
raveniber J. 22 23 Msrioa
. v In.titllt. . . .. ( .'
Ing out, to give way to the 400
to 500 and up business ccw oflDorn for what he imagine ana its chief the grand cyclon
the future. I himself to be," the baron is re-land the individual members were
ported as saying, and since the j called ghouls.
vouauiau aruijr was t,u tiuoci) us- . vain la Ken Dy all mem-
soc fated with him during some j bers, at an altar covered by the
of the bitterest trials of the war, j Confederate flag, was as follows
they had good reason to knowj"! (A. B.,) before the great, im
yv ji i miBuer ui iuu mis oyns i-uiaie juage of heaven and
o the tanks really Is. earth, and upon the holy evan-
ino new governor general o: geiiBis or Almighty God. do, of
Canada Is 59 years old. six feet ray own free will and pcord snb-
The new Salem district cham- j tall, erect, soldierly, his brown scribe to the following sacred
plon cow skins any cow of her! hair showing but few gray j binding obligation: (l) I am on
ciass or any nreea. ana ajso ue i streaas. nis moustacne suu an un- i tne side or Justice and humanity
next hlshest age class of her oym 4ided . brows'' and his eyes bluo and constltutlcnal liberty, as be-
The foreign embassies at Wash
ington have a right to all the
liquor they care to own and
house. We might refer to this as
a "leak of nations."
"Following the withdrawal' nf
the military governments in the
South and the restoration of civil
government, the Ku Klu. out
rages increased to such a degree
as to threaten the general secur
ity. In March. 1871. President
Grant sent a special message to
congress in which he declared that
life and property were insecure
in some of the Southern states.
and that mall carriers tnd reve
nue collectors were in danger of
personal violence. He urged con
gress to enact appropriate legls
lation to meet the situation. A
joint committee ot 21 was ap
pointed to investigate the matters
complained of. Their report (13
volumes) snowed that many
crimes, some of them of revolt
ing character, had been commit
ted ior political reasons only, and
that life and property were, in
many localities, insecure. In
April, 1S71. congress passed an
act, popularly called the Ku Klux
act, which removed the trial of
sneh disorders frpm state to the
United States courts, authorized
the president to 'suspend the ha-
The claim to 100 per cent Am
ericanism is very suggestive when
it declares that none but native-
born white citizens of Christian
faith, are eligible to membership
According to the census of 1910
this declaration excludes IS,?. 16,
000 foreign-born white and 10.
360.000 colored people 2:!.G0fi.-
f'OO in all, besides all native-born
Hebrews; and many intelligr
persons interpret other parts of
the declaration to exclude all
Roman Catholics also.
If Catholics are not excluded
tne declaration applies to more
than one-fourth of the population
of our country; if Catholics ar
exciimeu, more tnan two-tiitns n
our people are treated as un
American. 1 nis would ban nn
out of every four of the Worl.
war men as p or Americans. Wha
do 'the Legion boys say to that
It also ss tip a new standard o
American patriotism when
names Gen. X. B. 'Forrest of Fort
Pillow fanfe, as the organizer an
first grand wizard of the K. K. I'
Persons having access to Hon
James G. Blaine's book, "Twent
Years in Congress," will find
volume II very clear and graphic
statement of p 'fit helium con
ditions which tp . largely tho
work of the K K. K.. or arofo
under it? protection and encour
agement. HISTORY.
Salem. Or.. Aug. 17, 10 21.
peys they w(ll have to come to
Oregon, and the Salem district,
to do it. It can't be done any
where else. 3ut It can here. And
will, right aong. j
The telephone investigation has
covered every subject under th3
Min excepting relativity and
Cupper to
Med ford Irrigation Tracts
Percy Cupper, state I engineer,
left last night for couthern Ore
gon where hie will pass a few days
making an ItiFpection of th Med
ford irrigation district. Mr. Cup
per said hai had been surumcneU
to Medfordj; by the directors ot
the dlstr ct.j&nd had not yet been
advised bf the problems at ifsue
there. !.,.,.
'Mr. Cupper and family returned
Thursday night a'ter two weetta
passed at ROckaway.
Established 1868
General Banking Business
Office Hours from 10 a. m. to 3 p; m.
- J
"A Sale Place to Trah"
Cantaloupes j ' ; ,
50 crates of Turlock Cantaloupes, the Very best quality
of fruit Buy them by the crate, 12 to 15 in a crate
$1.10 per crate, or 10c, 3 for 25c and 2 for 25c, accord-
. ing to size. I
Watermelons, per lb... . .2c
Ice Cream melons, per lb. 4c
Honey Dew Melons, per lb 4c
Casabas, per lb. ......... 5c
Gravenstein Apples, has. 2or
Elberta Peaches, basket -50r
Local Peaches, . basket . .-tOc
Plums, per basket.'. . . . .2.1c
Blue Damson Plums, bk. li-V
Blackberries, 4 for. . . .2."
Grape Fruit, Florida ea. 20c
Oranges, SOc and ."c per doz
Bananas, per lb.. . . ; . . ,13c.
Green Corn, per doz.. . .".33c
Tomatoes, iper lb lOc
Per basket 43c
Head Lettuce i()c
Celery, large bunches.. lOc
Sweet Potatoes, 2 lbs for 23c
String Beans, 3 lbs. for 23c
Egg Plant, per lb .13c
Pickling Cucumbers, all sires
Pickling Onions, 2 lbs. 23c
Spuds, 10 lbs. for . .23c
Fisher's Blend Flour
The merits of an article are proven by its repeating sale
to the customer. The users of Fisher'sSllleml Flour are
satisfied that it is the host flour they lean buy even if
the price is a few eents more per sack than ordinary
Hour. They know Ihey ret more loaves per sack and a
Letter loaf of $2.40 per sack, $250 in 4 sack lots.
C. & H. Berry Sugar.
Hail St. Mawes' Lad's Lady!
She is the newest queen of Jer
seydom , m.
Came info her title at midnight
last night
And, ot course, she Is a Salem"
$7.35 per sack, cash
Cakes I
Why sweat over a hot oven in ihis warm weather bak
ing cakes when you can pet them here baked from the
Mime high-grade materials you yourself! would use at a
eost of very little more than the materials would cost
vou? tor Saturday a full line of our delicious cakes
freshly made. Mocha, prune, - chocolate, nut, cocoanut,
mgel, sunshine, jelly roll. Orders fori special sizes of
cakes must be in early in the day. 7
I Ihs Apple, peach, blackberry. Ti
well-lilled pics.
Nothing finer to take on. an outing t!
salads or cold meats. .
ese are liberal,
lan some of our
1 otato salad, shrimp salad, club housej salad, prepared
jello, dressing, dill or sweet piekle, green and
ripe olives, cold sliced ham, corned beefr kippered salmon
minced ham. head cheese, souse, jellied tongue Norl smoked sardines in olive oil 2 for 25c ; $1 40 per
old Leaf Olives, large size, can 50c; 3 for $1 23
Oregon Cream Hrick Cheese, 30c pound.! '
Swift's Premium Hams and Bacon. I
Roth Grocery Co.
Phones 1885-6-7- -
No diarge for Delivery