THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON SATURDAY MORNING. AUGUST 20, 1921 V. i i 1 ' V INDEPENDENCE BRIEFS AND PERSONALS 1 (Brcciftl to The Statesman.) J Madeline and Oretchen Kreamer pvere rails; cn friends In Salem Monday, ' J tunes Carhray of Eureka. Cal.. dropped in on his brother George -JCarbary by surprise and will re- main here lor about 10 days. This is the first time they ha7e , tern each, other a r, years. Miss-' Margerlo Iteynolda, who has been making her friend Ger- ;trnde Snapp, who lives on route 1, north of town, a visit of about '10, da j; "left the first or the week for her home near Bucna (Vinta. ' Vera Fenton, who has been a jxneniber in Iho United Htaten cav lry, has returned from the east where he has been stationed for Several months. J j Mrs. V. O. Parker and family1 "will leave next week for a two weeks' vacation. They will spend a greater part of the time with relatives in Portland and St. Paul, li Marvin Richardson, who re cently was graduated from the Journalistic department of Oregon Agricultural college, was in town several days this week making a tlslt with friepds. lie formerly laved here, but now lives In Port land. 1 Mrs. F. O. Parker received a let ter today from her son, Hugh Miller, who is a wireless operator on the steamer Frasch4n the mer chant marine, that he1 is schednl cid to make a long voyage, his first stop will be Hamburg, then Nor way and Finland. i W. n. Huggans, who recently eciaired the Sayles Motor Car company, was a business visitor at Alrlie and Salem yesterday. ! Mrs. T, D. Pomeroy and two children of this city, and Mrs. Sue Orttke of Hoskins, motored to Eu cene Wednesday where they spent the day with friends. S There will be preaching services at the Methodist church Sunday ovenlng at the usual hour. Sub ject: "The Power of a Liovable Personality."' Rev,, F. S. Clemo, thepastor, will preach at Huena Tlsta Sunday morninf? and the al morning preaching services will be dispensed with here.- j Fred Wiltshire and wife of Cor vnllis were calling on friends here Wednesday. They lived here for several years. 1 Mrs. (X A. Kreamer is visitln? with her mother, Mrs. Rlchard , BQn in Eujseno this week. She " was taken there by her daughter, Mtes Gretchen, in their sedan. . I Joe Eaton, who before the World war made this city his home, but when the big Bcrap was on in Europe enliBted as a mem bcr'ln the a-viation department, maklne a record for himself, is in town this week visiting at the Pearl and John cooper home on First street. 1 The usual morning and evening services will be held at the Bap- tist church Sunday. The morning j subject will be "The True Church" and the evening subject "The Re- V - I w " " WHAT A HIGH CLASS FUNERAL IN JAPAN LOOKS LIKE. ..MESA'. markahle Conversion of a Bus!- j nes3 Man.' Uecause of the sick ness of Rev. Mr. Waehite, who was to conduct the Bible con ference, it was decided to post pone the conference until Octo ber. I!r. Waehite became sick at San Francisco and had to give up his trip north for the present. He will be here in October. T. J. Alsii and wife who live in the vicinity of Monmouth heights. attended a meeting of the Oregon Growers' association in Salem on Wednestday. Will u:id Clem Fishback and Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Douglas of Salem spent Sunday with fhe for mer's brother, Pearl Fishback, who lives near Monmouth heights. Mrs. Itlttner pi Pedeo spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. A. Z. Tedrow, near the Elkins neigh borhood. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Harman r.nd C. W. Price received shucks during the electrical storm wheil lightning strnr-: in three differ ent places in Mr. Harman's grain field. Mrs. A. Sejinour of Centralia. Wash., was here last Friday and Saturday visiting friends and looking after her household goods at her bom in the vicinity of El- truders broko into her honse and stole a number of articles and in their search for money scattered what thev did not want over the j rooms. She is contemplating liv ing in a tent house wiiicn sne win erect, on the school grounds dur ing the school year. Mrs. Jack Eakm and son of Dallas visited today with her Bis ter in thi3 city. Al Whitney and wife will con duct the restaurant and butcher shop on the Wigan-Richardson hop ranch during the irop picking season. Hop picking will start Monday. Thomas Hart and wife will look after the hop pickers on the Ruph ranch and supply them wiro. their groceries. Hugh Hanna and family, wno have been spending about 10 c'ayB at Cascadia, arrived home to day. Mr. Hanna Is one or. the big hop growers in this section. He expects to begin picking about the first of the month. Mrs. Sherman 3. Hayes, who has been spending a month or six weeks with her son and his wife at Tacoma, arrived home Thursday. Dr. F. G. Hewitt is driving a fine Ookland coupe, purchased of Vlck Brothers in Salem yester day. Airs. Jason Uyers of West Sa lem is visiting her son and other relatives here this week, Mrs. Fatima Baldwin and her daughter, Gaynell of Portland were over Sunday visitors it me ; f-'i: -y "uc? ft ; t-lrl ' . 't-tr lbl. . Al W T V f s. . , . 'till 1 y I .4 ' w n I ; a n 5 s ; i I ' ii.Wl IT. - '1 '1 :i A i A.fl W'HM'i - - ni 8 J 1 f . 1 ' ' ' li " 3 b?vc purchased ths grocery etock of the Farmer's Cash store which t. longed tot. Burton Durban be fore he wnw bankrupt. The i t. r? i? heing put in order for the r CAMJ LF.WIS, Wnsh.. AtJg. 1. j Uecriits aro asklngrf garding bean, storied i-'.-t-d to fiiij tue gooa in a i ,n me paM..- .jhw ' --,- .... . . rMnri 1 1- iiLlnwn rtr, I14VA IWHn ill them. j encamptnent here Ibis sumiucr r- lUnt-on vill have f hargcl thpy lim uui una WaM cf the ftor.- on opening cliy. , . u Pboto by Underwood A Underwood. Full military and religious honors were accorded Marquis Naobiro Nabeshima, warrior, diplomat and member of the House of Peers of Japan, who died recently in Tokid. The picture shows a Buddhist funeral car being carried on the shoulders of professional mourn arm, won 5v jtgh oflSclala of the army and navy are forming a guard of honor. heme of Mrs. Lucinda Baldwin or. ! Second and C streets. Miss Bald-! win is a musician of considerable j ability and on Sunday afternoon ; rendered a number r,i selections 1 .on her violin, being accompanied i by Miss, Mabel Johnson ol Mon- mou;h. ; 5da Bertholtzer is ill at her : home. Mrs. Job McLoid was called toi Surer the first ot'the week by ; the serious illness of h r nephew. Carl Iarson. He was taken BRIEF NEWS FROM SILVERTON VICINITY i 71 the Albany hospital- where an; operation was pertoimed Wednes-j day for acute appendicitis. The young man is a former graduate of . the high school here. Mrs. j McLoid rt-iurned home after hav- j SILVEKTON, Ore.. Aug. 19. (Special to The Statesmun) Mrs. Eva Booth has srtld h?r prop erty on First street to Mrs. aMry Freeman. The deal was marie-' thnjtieh the Hasmer asenry. Mr. and Mrs. T. i'reston were t i business callers at Fulem Tuuro- da. A baby son was born to Mr. anj Mrs. A. B. Meyers Wednesday night. Attorney Cusiter E. Ross ha? gone to St. Louis, Mo., on a busi- AMERICAN LEAGUE a 'f''mmti mum m "'.i1r1IIitl,Iu? Jjfcwm 1 ing accuranca from the attending i nos physician that" her nephew would ;ret along well. ' M. J. Prather and wife, after a sojourn at Crater lake for several weeks, returned home the first cf the week, and after a day or f.o locking after a number of de tails that needed immediate at tention, left again for Tillamook and other coast' cities to complete their vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Baldwin, Bernic-o and Howard Baldwin and Miss Iela MeCann'of liarrisburg at tended services at the li hall church last Sunday ne;r Bucna trip. He will also go to Washington, D. C. and to Bloom ing Grove, O., before he return? to Silverton. He expevts to re turn to SHverton about Au gust 27. O Jergenson, a Decorah, la., bapker who has been visiting Sil verton relatives for some time, has returned to his home. While here Mr. Jergenson made the re mark that in none of the states I through which he had traveled dkl their Lid being ?3,54'.16. j The next olwest bid w:ts by Ward Maya r. This was ?::,765. j Thp l-pctiiip plant contract was j awarded to tho Lebanon Plumb ing Heating company, i he bid was fS.TllO. Tlie Contract for the building of the Central Howell school war liven to William Jones of Silver ton. William Zosel and Cooley of the Siherton Woolen Mill store have purchased the interest of It. Axley of the Club Pool parlors. Mr. and Mrc. Wilfred Loomia went to Portland today to enjoy a few days vacation. Mr. and Mrs. H. Haaland have returned from a two weeks camp ing trip at Newport. r Mr. and Mrs. E. Johnson. Miss Sylvia Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. M. PL Solberg and Miss Hilda Solberg have returned from itockaway. Mrs. M. 'Van Valkenburg went to Portland today to visit her hus band. Attorney M. J. anValken burg, who is at St. Vincent hos- re- At Chicago New ,York . Chicago W. ollins, c'jon and Hodge and Schalk. At R. II. E lii 13 20 Quinn, Pierry, Tei Schang, Devormer R. H. E RANHv Theatre U' Where The Bis Shows Play D. W. GRIFFITH'S Last Times Today 2:158:15 With Its Owrj; ORCHESTRA OF SYBPH0JUSTS In nil Thematic pcore Evening Price-i, -JCc, $1.00, $1.50. beats Kcserved Get Your Seats KoW Matinee 50e$.QOr Not Kcservfd Detroit- First Gamo Uostnn 12 1 Detroit X 15 2 Rush Thormahlen, Karr and Kuel; Dauss, "Middleton, Parka and Bassler. Second Game RoKton 0 4 2 Detroit 10 1J. . 1 Myers and Rucl, Walters; Colo and Woodall. At St. Louis R. H- E. Washington 6 14 2 St. Louis 2 11 3 Zachary, Acosta and Gharrity; Vangilder, Kolp, Bayne and Sev-ereid. MER e "Suro! It's A Harley-B avid s p n I Uaa batS lis aiiiwiyua . Bojs and Girls Get One of These Famous '' . Harley-Davidson . Bicycles Free There arc no restrictions. Any boy or girl in the Pa cific Northwest can have one of these bicycles. Just secure HO new half-yearly subscriptions for the Daily Statesman. Make your vacation days count. Start at once to get subscription. This is your golden opportunity. f Pay no money. CfeUect no money. In case you are not able to get 30 subscriptions you Will be. paid a cash commission on every subscription secured. i,w v ; 1 Here's How You Start V Fill in and mail this coupon totlay and full infor mation and supplies will be forwarded to you by re turn mail. ;;. V ;,. ..- ' , 7r COUPON 1-. i : STATESMAN PUBLISHING CO.', ; SALEM, ORE. ' - - . -Pti wat to win a Harley-Davidson Special Bicycle," ' Scuii mc full information on how I can get one free OS FII BUNGALOW Lack of Houses at Silverton Deplorable, Says Real Estate Man the crops look as cood as in the Willamette valley. Mr. Jergenson i pilal. Mr. Van Valkenhur ali o said that taxes were no high- j re ived a broken leg some time apo er in Oregon than in Iowa or while on a motor trip to Portland. Minnesota. : !ln i- reported as doing well. How- The contract for the huildinr , ever, it will be some time yet he for the heating plant of th new i fore he can be removed to hih school was given tr Anderson &: ' home at Silverton. NATIONAL LEAGUE SILVEItTON", Or.. Aug. 1!. (Special lo The Statesman ) J. E. Hosmer of the Ilosmer lieal Estate agency, has completed the erection of a beautiful little cot tage on his South Water street property. The houso contains, besides the bath room, four rooms a living room, a dining room. Dutch kitchen and one bedroom. There is also a large basement, which contains the laundry and wood. The kitchen and hath rootoi are finished in white enam el. The remainder of the rooms are done in old ivory, with cor responding light fixtures. French doors open rroni the living room to a spacious veranda, j A feature of the living room is : the large' br'ck fireplace whlcn I was built by Mr. Wolfe of Salem, j v ho Ih now doing the brick work j on tne new o: tne trtee! h:;r.'.mrr drug store. Glass rlccr knobs are featured Mr. llo.-iiner says the lioiii" w?s rented to Mr. and Mrs. liholin f'coley before the rafters were vp. He went cm to say that the !a"k of houses at Silverton is de plorable. Every day, Mr. Hos mer s3itl. the Hosmer agency ha" calls for fropi 10 to 1T houses in lown which cannot be supplied. At present nearly every house at Silverton is occupied. V.'h tloek of Silverton was recent ly nnov.need. The guests present at the fhow er ,. re. Aliss Mi?h, tt.oy "'hiiiock. Al iss Lois Zimmcrmap, Miss Faye Allen. Miss I-etha .'av-iii!-r, y 'as Hertha Merley, -Miss !.'s Ames. Mrs. Ouy Sanders, MrJ. Le-ter Whitiock, Al-p..Sar.i Anus,. Mrs. L. Whitiock. .Mrs. lohii Whitiock. Mrs. Wi",l llerig statl. Mrs. A. llerigatad. Mr. ami Mrs. C. 1. i'.arr, Mr. and Mrs. I'. Ames. At Brooklyn K. H. K. St. lx)uis 0 17 0 Brooklyn 4 13 4 I'i'efter and Ainsmith; Miljui;, S. Smith, Sch u pp and Kieuger. At New York it. II. E. Cincinnati 3 12 0 New York 8 12 0 Kixey, Donohue and Wingo, Hargrave; Barnes and Snyder. At Philadelphia It. II. E. First Game Pittsburgh . 14, 20 0 Philadelphia - 11 2 Morrison and Brottem; Mea dows, Bctt8 and Bruggy. Second Game Pittsburgh 1 7 0 Philadelphia .' 4 12 0 Zinn and Schmidt; Hnbbfll ami Henlinc. 75he brings to you ite recorded mane of th world wilh overwhelming advantages different snd belter. r 1 H.i-iHi l ...... r McGinnis-Allen Marriage Takes Place in Salem ir. Salem Girl Honored At Silverton Shower SiLVKIlTON", Or.. An?. 19 (Special to The Statesman 1 Miss Alene High of Sal?m wa3 honored at a miscellaneous showr ed Wednesdav evening at the hme of Mr. and Mr?. J. P. . m merman, north of Silverton. Miss High'- engagement to Ky SILVERTON. Ore.. Aug. j (Special to The Statesman) L. i Clay Alien and Miss Sylvia E. Mc- Ginnis were quietly married at the parsonage af the Congregational church 'at. Salem Wednesday. They vere attended by Mr. and Airs. Floyd Allen. Immediately after the ceremony Mr. nu Mrs. Alien left for Seaside. On their return to Silverton Mr. Allen will build a home on Fine street. The wedding was a surprise to Silverton friends. Durdall Stock Bought At Silverton Location SILVERTON. Or., Aug. ID (Special to The Statenun) .. Tasker of the old Bcntson ft ore and Mr. Neushim of Salem U It ! V t r THIS MODEL With 10 Records and Equipment $185.50 $10 Cash $3 Week The most popular of all th Brunswick modeh can be had in waxed oak. fumed oak or maHpganyJ The September Records are now ready. Step'in1 and hear them on this Brunswick. MOORE DUNN MUSIC CO. Hcrlie L. Moore C. E. Diinn ' Basement of Masonic Bldg. FAMINE SWEPT RUSSIA SCENE OF TERROR AS STARVING THOUSANDS REVOLT. Name Address.- State . . ...vwi . . .. . . ... ...... ,. - . ... . ... , . ... ... , m ' rT i . Jr ' "" JTf rir. TKfX -... 'f-.t -WS Moscow baa become. terror stricken vith the news that thousands 'V U?m-fKl PSS5.?9S Tea mUlloa peasants are dying from starvation, according to reports women that havq beca forced to .labor under the -Soviet ruje la Bus?u What Does It Mean , To You ? To trade at a store where the prices are always uniform and every one' is treated just alike. No special prices or special sales. jYou always get War lowest price. It denotes confidence in our ability to always give you ths greatest values for your money and coupling thb principle with our enor mous buying power, there is every reason for you to know that this is the log; ical place for the entire family to trade. 36-inch 12-oz. Duck ...,.....35c 40-inch 11-oz. Duck 33c Ladies' Leather Gloves :...".: 49c Liifiios Hop Picking Gloves, hog skin faced, mule skin back.. .69c Ladies' Gauntlets, all hog skin 98c Canvas Gloves, per dozen $1.00 Khaki Middy Blouses $1-79 White Middy Elouses with red or blue detachable wool collars $1.69 to $2.19 Ladies' 12-inch and 14-inch Hiking Shoos, Goodyear welt soles,, Smoked Elk or Nap-a-tan uppers: ....$7.50 Men's heavy, fu Bib Overall."! .. Men's Khaki Ou 1 cut size, blue ' denim Boys' blue chambray Work Shirts.49c Rockford Socks, two pairs 25c Men's and Boy's! ! Caps...... .59c to $1.98 Children's heavy'play Suits, blue, brown and striped L.. ....J..l79c Men's Leatherette waterproof Coats t-- .....U.I.$9.9 0 Boys Coiduroy Suits. :...:..$4.98 Boys Knickerbocker Pant 98c to $1.93 Mule skin faced Canvas Gloves29c if Mm ANATI0N-W!DE, I ' INSTITUi W mm Nnccrpcroara 312 DEPARTMENT STORES SAI.KM, onKGO.V ' ' 1