THE OREGON STATESMAN. SALEM, OREGON WEDNESDAY MORNING. AUGUST 17. 1021 1 l f, Vr: DLAltxriZO ACTUTUXXUT1 , Art Vr Wor j".'':, Pe baoartioa , , n i . I Throe ineftiena , o Po Mk (sn inaertioaa). rnoath ,.,,.. o Pis Mtha' eoetraet. nt aso ISo 1 IX Math' ooatraet, per aia lie aW 1 1 . . a . as . tuiBii tor uj n D t NORWICH UNION 1 niUB IN8URANUK SOCIETY JTbielaoa. llqUatl DoTKhardt BsoJdcnj Agralt 871 Btatt St. i MONEY TO LOAN I ; On Real Eatata ,1- T. K. FORD I ' . .(Orar Ladd A Bnh Bank) b FARM LOANS;; hawkinsroberts 204-207 Oregon Building LOANS REAL ESTATE S JNSURANCE W4 lanro anything Wo have tke money to. loan far back liko root Our lira and city property liata are oom pieae. 8m as first. . : 04-T Orogoa Bid. Phoaa 14 NEW TODAY 1 ,: ssBssasssaswasssws.asasi GOOD PRACTICE PIANO, UPRIGHT, 100 taken it, term 10 a month, can J&O .Court' Street. - wiTED AT THE OREOOH STATE Tuberculosm r hospital, experience Tiairyman. Steady Job for right man. Call 433. - .!., lOtt BALE WHITE EXAMEL BED. springs, mattress, rugs, won-ia chair. jureakfaal table, aaniiary eoucn. -.oea, a-a-inck , hot a, , lawn mower. Phone F6. ' ! - WANTED ECOXD HAND TOILET Ud feiok. Write "I" 81. care Blatea OR 8ALE--LOT9 OS EASY TERMS. -tail 2011 Maple Are. LOW COST. SOUND AND UXFAILIXO- ly fair. The McHinnlle Co., solicits j our inahrane on thia basis. Stand ley k Foley, AgU, Phoao 3 47. Buab bank Bid. ' ' ? FOR BALE ' - DODGE DELIVER! rsjck, trery reasonable. oa rerry o FORT SALE, CYlEAP OXB HORSF tules encine witn wooa saw at tachmeat complete, mounted oa 4 woeeia. Can .gia some teru.a. Pbonr alUMa. aak for Waar. " - , JIRSL HILDEBRAND. PLEATING 309 Houth ailh. Phono 798 il. FOR; SALE GOOD 5-RSOM BUNG A i tow near the Richmond school. Price IVf3;30U; - 5(M1 down, barsnco to auit Krueger, i!0 Oregon, Bldg. VOR IHALE RAXOE AND HOT WATER tank. A, Capitol Bl. ' i-none hAxrrD'TO BUY A HOUSE FO! 20OO. ' Most M bargata for apot ecaih. Thomsson, 831 cut Bt. ."tANTED ETERGREEX BLACKBER I ry picker. Phane 8FS or eall after I elt roata 3, UerTaia. .WOOD BARGAINS SIX ROOM MOD 1 ern hensa except furnaco, nearly new. 7 A i A 1 k N'r t h rm roam .house, good ' plumbing, good location, tlZftQ.- Fire room bungalow with baaejneat, "2730. Aew six room man- 'baaemeat, 4300. 9 acrea improved, t iotte in, to trade ior house 2a acre river bottom farm, good btiildinga, etiO perl acre. F. U Wood. Stl State t?t. ! Good lot close In. trade for houa. lAERY TIME YOU ASK FOR A CIGAR ask for ioater a ' ue cigar, s none -jOS W. j ' ' -- : ; - DOUBLE GARAGE ,: s r.,n, f ireotace. d room strictly mod ern home .on pavement with nice -lot. "Thia blocks from mat souse, inn ita a bargain and yonra at 95200. ftecka liendricka, 2U U. S. Bank - - " - : ) ilJJT THE WARDROBE TAKE CARE OF WE BUY, RENT, SELL AND EX chsoge Kodak. Capital Drug store. utnd i RTHOOL i GIRL WANTS WORK for her room aad board for faebooi ear. - mono ju-n. . . Bl IHIIMI E Till Kl.Mi T B ing for East, must. sell. Car In fine condition, new top. good tires, engine 'overhauled. Xaka aa oner.' J ar io itreot. CaROOM MOI:RX BUNGALOW. FIRE place, bot water eat, wash traya, all built-in features. Close in, oa paved .street, ideal location. Prire 95,5(M; 93.000 rash. It's a genuine bargain: . ARTHUR E. PETERSEN 229 Oregon Bldg. GOOD BUYS Peveral half acra tracta, located south, close to paved road and car line. Price 9 400 per trsct, oown oaiance easy Three fine building lots lo- cated on Falrmount Hill. Price 91200 cash. ,W.,H. Grabenhorst A) Co, 275 -. Suto St. Phono 613. :-- . SMALLER HOMES room brand new ,'trlm little home, i v-. tiKi.k kiicheru cement osemcnu lire .TTnlir. nice east front lt. near school. S I Prico 93000: terms 990 down, bat iueiV.,u lika rent. V - S I . As.T ' . V im rooms , "l S rooma wilb large aleeping porch, fur anace, firenlaco ai , 98600 5 room with large1 lot. modern, 92700 S rooms old cottaga with bath, elertrit lighta. plaster, hot water, breakfast w room. Urge pantryr some basement large lot an pavement with 'rBii. ce , ment walka, barn, garage. Thia well located near schools and store. Let i I us call and show dosen home in a the class that la teres is. i oat wi hnsiness. BECKER HENDRICKS ' 505 TV R. Xst'l Bank Bldx EMPLOYMENT FEMAXB WANTED LADY COOK FOR SMALL Saw asm. Kings v auey L.umier co Kings Vsltey. Oregon. MALE W ANTED EN EROETtc- YOUNG MAN 'who haa had eaperrewee selling life tnaoraaco, stocks ar advertising. Must ha able to devoto his entire tiao and ho ambition for drneement. Mast have th eoarago ta present baaineoe pfopesittaa to . asereaaata aad prafea atonal man. Answer la y our own band . writing stating age. odueational ojaal k Ulcationa, osperieaea aa Solicitor.- eVc ' Atfdreaa f No. SI. Suteamaa of fie. n MAXJt AND FEMALE EXPERIENCED TEACHER WANTS PO ssjion in rural school. Writo "1" 80. Cre Statesman., .-. - A; .. WANTED-r-APPI.E . PACKERS BY THE egon Orowera f "ooperni ii-e Asuocia ; lion.-for the seasons ..perntions in cur various plants in the Wlllimette Vallev. Call r write Phone IJ70. k for Mr. Bieha or leave tele.hne number. Vi ANTED MEN A Kb WOMEN TO Uka fno paper soKscriytmns. A rood fropoaitJoo to tho right peopla. Address aa Paeiflo Homeataad. Stateamaa Bldg. 6alss. Or. EMPLOYMENT MALI ASD FEMAU3 HOP PICKERS WASTED BELL HOP yard. Pickers of former' year pre ferred. Rcgiater 41 1 Oregon Bld. WANTEDHOP PICKERS FOR THE Mitoma " Yard. Please register with . Jlomer II. Smith. UK'ornkk bM( ar Adolph Bros., t'igsr store. State. Hi. PERSONAL FACIA L BCA LP TREATMENTS; VIO let ray; manicuring, shampooing. Or egon Hath house. Phone f4 FOR SALE KOEIKE88 OPPOBTTJHITIES FOR SALE OOOD OA80LINE AND service station. On main highway. A. bargain B 14. CAJt AJtT BiiO TOR SALE CA.TAR1 BIRDS. Hi! singers. Mrs. K. A. Bennett, Phone llhJ, IPSO Chomofccta. TiiXM P-?Eb IP TOO WANT TO GET THE BEST farm paper, send l&e ta The Pacifie Homestead, Saiem, Oregon, far a three tnonlha trial subscription. Mention thia ad. HOUSES "ALADDIX READY CUT HOUSES" 30 percent saved in rout of ronstrae tion. Chas. K. Hmrith, factory fprit ntatiTe, ti20 Northwest Bank lildg Portland. Oregon LIVE STOCB. rOR RALE GOOD YOL'XO FRESH cow. $30 if taken at once. 2005 Ferry t FOR SALE WELL MATCHED LOOO ' ing team, fall brothers with heary work harness. A(te eight and nine Tear. Weight 3250 pounda. Ferdinand An dersen, route 1, Box 72, Jefferson, Ore. xxscxxTJurzovs WIRE HOP, LOOAHBEKKT, CHICKEN wire. Bteinbockv 7S Cwnrt street. OFFICES AND STORES A BIO LOT of ew book for ala at kali prioo. Steinbocka. FOR . SALE FURNITURE FOR 6 rooma. 1 am going east, and leaving the last of the week. Ilia X. Com meretal St. RECEIVER'S SALE THE BANKRUPT stock of new and second-band furni- tare, beds, bedding, atoves. dishes, and - hoasebold fnrnishinr formerly beiona - ing to H. M. Cannon A, Co. will be sold at public auetion to the highest . bidder for cssh in hand, at the corner of 12th and Milt streets in Salem Creron. Wednesday. August 24, 1921, , : at lO o'clock a.m. J. II. Dunlap, re ceiver. THE WESTERN SONGSTER SCHOOL AND COMMUNITY SINGING Aa especifOlT good selection of the songs : you have been wanting with words and ": mosie complete. No matter how many aongbooks you have yon should have thia one, containing the Oregon aonka. Prices: Single copies. 25e; 16 V4 cents oach in lota of dosen or more; 912.60 tko hundred, postpaid. .Second edition printed amee eeptember. OREGON TEACHERS MONTHLY 21B B. Commercial St. Salem. Oregon POULTRY POULTRYMEX SEND EIGHT TWO cent atamp for spec is 1 three months trial for the best and oldat journal in the weat. The articles and adver tiaementa are of special interest to , the poaitry breeders .of the northwest. . Aortbweat Poultry Journal. 211 Com' mercial WtM Salem, Oregon. WOOD DRY FIB AND OAK WOOD FOR SALE. Phono 77F. J OLD. GROWTH 19 IN. FIR. 9.50; 4 ft. second growth and ash. Phone DEALERS IN WOOD ALSO WOOD SAW ing; get onr price before bnyiag else where. Oak. old fir aad second growth. Fisher Brot. Phone 2040. , FOR SALE LARGE 4 FT. MILL WOOD, sswad even length. 12 inch or 18 loch. Specie' price on 6 cord lot. ' Seasoned mill wood. First elsas 1$ Inch old fir. Second growth fir. aawed 1 inch. Frod E. Well. 905 S. Church. ' Phoaa 1942. , "FOR RENT BOOMS FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOM. Center St. 213 GEM HOTEL, 185 SOUTH COM MER : eiat, rooma 35c. 60c and ,75c. Lucy Johnson, , proprietress. LEONARD . HOTEL HEW MANAGE ment, clean, neat rooma aad apartments. 254 North Front St. FOR RENT LARGE SUIT Of ROOMS firat floor, with private bstk. The Alexandria, 1080 Chameketo street. Phane 1280. , FOR RENT ROOM FOB GENTLEMAN . in modern home and centrally leaat- d. Pleas give aama and addreao. E. ear Stateamaa. s BOUSES T. L. WOOD, 8 ootatov reatsja ' MTATX BT, REAL WANTED MISCXLLAREOUS OLD MATTRESSES MADE OVER Capitol City Bedding Co, Phono 19. CHERRIES WANTED WE ARE BUY Ing Black Republicans, Bing and Lam bert. Drager Fruit Company. WANTED USED HOUSEHOLD OOODa . range snd eookstove. tools, men' aits and ahoe. Liberty Exebaafo, til N. Commercial. Phono 841. WANTED- EVERTTHTKw IN HARD ware and fcrnitnr. Rest price paid. THE CAPITAL HARDWARE ANn FURNITURE CO. 18S N. Commercial 8L Phon 947 BUSINESS, CARDS Auto Directory AUTO TOPS AUTO TOPS W. C. WRIGHT, 171 South High. AUTO TOP. 7TPHOI .STERY. WORK rnaranteod. 858 Sooth 12th, phone 1128. TIRES AND ACCESSORIES 8MITH-W ATKINS. 147 NORTH HIGH Flsk, 8ilvern Cord. Hood extra air tire. Every thin - for auto. . , . - OARAOB AND REPAIR HOFFMAN a 20SEL TIRE REPAIR - ing, vulcanising, retreading; 197 South Commercial street. Phono 471, CAPITAL GARAGE BUICK, STITDE baker repairing. 173 South Liberty rhona 88. j. ' AUTO ELECTRICIAN; EXPERT TROU ble shooting. 238 North High. Phone sua. .. ,- -. rAIR GROUNDS GARAGE TIRES, AO. . eeaaoriea. ased ears. Onr work na.. . aataed. 2841 Pert! aad Road, phon SOUTH COMMERCIAL OARAOE GEN oral repairing : aad overhauling. 420 H. Commercial St, Solent. PRESTO-LITE BATTERY' SERVICE . atatioa. - Expert battery and electrical ' work Fgrrig Bros.- Fhoo 4803, 419 .t'onrt. - Vso Statosasa Classified Ads, BUSINESS CARDS Auto; Directory QARAGES AXD REP AIR TRACY'S STORAGK OARAGK 44 Ferry etroea. LIBBY'3 AlTTo! REPAIR SHOP 22 South Liberty, Pbaaa VOL AUTO REPAIR SHOP I MILLER, 245 Center. Phone H!M 8AI.KM AUTO KADI ATtikt 8UOP lo Sooth 12th, phoae la. a BAIR. KAU1ATOKH. I ISSUERS. Bodies retiairod 444 Ferrv haAUTI PAEXOa U. MYRTLE BERXAKI) MASSEUSE: hours, 9 to 5. Sundsy: evenings by ap pointment. Oregon Bath Houae. Phono 640. 202HR. BARBERS COZY NOOK BARBER SHOf 126 Stat CONFECTIOKERT REMINGTON CONFECTIONERY. HOME mada oandiaa. roufctwna, cigars, mag aainea. 1272 ! State. CHINESE PHYSICIAN DR. U M. HUM CURES ANY KNOWN diaease 1SH 8. Hirh Kl Phase 2 CORSETS MRS. ESCH AGENT FOR PRINCESS Corsets. Phone lp43 R. 9 1 S. 1 2th. DKESSMJLKXSa DRES8MAKING 1299 South Higk. GRACE WHITE, DRESSMAKING 330 Divunon. Phone liCUW. MRS. R. CARTER EXPERIENCED dresamaker. Phono 1971W. RUTH MeADAMS DRESSMAKER, 759 Booth I2tn. fhone 1824 m. HATTIE WILLIAMS DRESSMAKING, 248 North Cottage. Phono 1552W. CARRIR FISHER DRESSMAKINO, designing. Spencer corset to order. 3 ttcuormack : Bldg. MRS. VARTY, DESIGNED AND MAKER Ladioa' Suiu aad tiowna. 7 MeCor mack Bldg. DRUG STORES BREWER DRUG CO. Phono 164. 4Q& COURT; HEMSTITCHING SALEM ELITE HEMSTITCHING, ehainstitching, : pleating, buttons. 829 980 Oregon Big. Phoaa 379. HAT SHOPS HAT SHOP MEN'S AND WOMEN'S hats renovated and blocked 496 Court Street XHSTJ&AXCB INSURE YOUR AUTOMOBILE WITH the Oregon Auto Indemnity Exchange. Full protection. Reduced rates. Frank Meredith Co. Bash Breymsn Block. GREENH0UBES PORCH BOXE8 BEDorNO PLANTS for sale. Smith's 3U North Coiamer cial. riHAKOIAX. MARION-POLK COUNTY FARM LOAN . association has money to loan at six . percent. W. D. Smith, lecretary -treasurer, 809 Salem Bank f Commerce. I NOW HAVE A LIMITED AMOUNT OF fund available for choice building loan. A. C, BOHRNSTEDT 407 Mssonic Temple Bulem, Oregon FLUktBINO JOE'S PLUMBING SHOP. SHIPPING and Broadway, Phone 1502. Prices , reasonable If you have anything to fix let Joe do it. PLUMBING. REPAIRING AND OIL work. . Phone J517J. Shop. 127 Union street. A. L Oodfrev JOB PRINT1NO FOR HOP TICKETS SEE BERTELSON Printing Co., Y Bldg.. Salem. LAUWDRIES SALEM LAUNDRY COMfANY. 138 8 Liberty street. Phone 25. Oldest larguat beL Eatahlished 1889. CAPITAL CITY STEAM LAUnDRY Quality wurk. prompt servico, 1284 Broadway Phone 185. MEDICAL MOUNTAIN BALM COUGH REMF.DY Phoue 617-W. PRIVATE HORPITALH WANTED CONFINEMENT CASES Al . privat iioapital. I kavo beat of oqoip ment Phon 10SHJ. PALST CONTRACTORS THE NEATEST PAINTER IN TOWN Work by day, contract. Welle. Phone 1S11M. DAVIS A STRAvrSBAUem GENERA) contractor; paint, oil. wallpaper. 22( Soath Liberty. Phone 901 AUBREY H. CLARK. SUCCESSOR lO Glenn L. Adams. Painting, paperhang Ing, kalsomining. Work guaranteed .Terms reasonable. Phono 1396 J; re 425 South Winter. PAINT WALLPAPER SEE PORTER POK PAINTS. WAL1 sper snd Picture Framing. Good work men. 455 Court St. Phone 485. PERIODICAL MI8S GOODHUE TAKE3 SUB SCRIP tions for sll magasinos. 951 80. 170 treat. Phone 741M. I . PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER MARGARET BURNS PUBLIC ST EN ' ogrspher. 408 Masonic Bldg. Pbonc 22. ROOF REPAIRING ROOFS RESHINGLED. CLEANED. RE paired, painted or tarred. Phono Keyet 84F8. REPAIRING AND SHARPENING CUTLERY GRINDING, IJIWN rasors, etc Stewart's Rpai Shop, 847 Court streot, BEN WHEELER EVERYTHINO RE paired. General sharpening, chimney awoep. 1485 N. 17th at, Phoaa 1418W SHOE RXPAIRINa WIt-LIAM'S SHOE SHOP 19 SOUTH High. - 1 STUDIOS DE LUXE STUDIO. KODAK FINISH log. 147 North Commercial SCAVENGERS 8ALEM SCAVENGER GARBAGE. REF asa f all kiada removed. Com pool eleaaad Phoaa 187. SECOND HAND QOOV HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR SECOND hand clothing and ahoea. Also cleaatng. presaing and repairing. Call and deliver. Capital F.xcbaog. 842 - North Commercial. Phono 1368-W. WE BUT AND 8E1X SECOND HAND goods of all kinds, pipe fitting, aar aieaa. collars, collar pads, tools, aad ohain. - Frod Bchiadlar. 258 Center : atroet. - ! TAXI DIRECTORY LANtlAM TAXI COMPANY PHONE THE OREGON TAXI TRANSFER CO, .Liberty Ferry. Phoaa 77. Dry alr.b, 18 Inch wood far aia. BUSINESS CARDS hfUSICAX ALKIE CHANDLER PIANO, 2 SI Kortk Cottaga. " BEATRICE SHEI.TON P7ANO STUDIO 45 Marion. Phoaa 129. , LIU.IAN HARTSHORX IlANO. 994 Aorth Church. Pfcoa 17. T. S. ROBERTS PIANO. OKU AN. Re nth 14th. Phone 770. 2 In DAS F. LAN GEN BERG. VOCAL Derby Bl2g. Phone 2079. LENA WATERS PIANO. Phoae lis4M. 1472 MILL MOLLIS STYLES VOICE, PIASO. S9 'Center J'bene 2ftieR FRANKLIN LA UN Kit PIANO. Nona 17th. Phone 1415 aba JULIA MILLS WKIGEL, PJa0, 1Su bout a Chores. I'boae 13W1R. F. L. MILLER VIOLIN ; OTHF.K airing iastrumeata. 419 Marion h.Hel. LUC4I.E kOBfi PIANO. UK.AS. North Liberty. Phone HOTVT. MATT1E GILBERT STRING IN8TBU aicRia, 1572 State. Phono 11. '.6 R. MISS MABI.K SHEPHERD. PIANO playar; dsnrcs, ail occaaions. 27 t. layer; iberty. l.i SALEM CONSERVATORY OF MLBJO All branches taught, diploma's grsated. John R. Sites, director, l'lil Court l'hone 629. TUNERS WENDELL HELM TUWTNO. REPAIR ing. Phone s.92. EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED &iano tuner. Leave order WiP's lusie store. R. W. BALLANTYNE, TUNER, PLAY ers a specialty. Phone 952. Cher rington Piano Hons. PIANOS PIANOS, PI. A f EH P1ASOS; NEW. used. J. W. Tailman. 121 So. Com'l. CHERRINdTON PIANO HOUSE. 1IAN dlea Bnsb-Lana celebrated . pianoa 415 Court. Phono 852. STOVES STOVE BEPAIRXXO STOVE REPAIRING. REUUILT, COILS, connectiona. M ill call and clean, pol ish at bouse. 271 North Commercial. Phon 74. STOVES REBUILT Wl REPAIRED 40 years experience; Depot National fence, aises 2 to 28 ins. high. Painta oil and varnish.?, etc. loganberry and bop hooka. Salem Fence and Stove Works. 250 Court street. Phono 124. TRAM SFXR HATJU50 MERCHANTS' DELIVERY. 179 SOUTH High. Phone 2H0. Trunk, city. 50e. -4- CAP1TAL CITY TRANSFER CO. 226 Stat St, phone 933. Distributing, forwarding and storage our specialty. Oct one ratea. TAJXORB FRANK PALM MERCHANT TAILOR. 211 S. High and rerry. WHERE TO EAT WHITE CLOUD TEA HOUSS CHINA diahea, noodles, free dsncing. Open 9 a.m 1 at nitht. 110 N. Com'l. TRANSPORTATION SALEM" SILVERTcrT ET&GE Leave Leave Salem Silvertoi O. E Depot News Stand 7:00 a.m. 0:1a s.m 11:00 s.m. 1:00 p.m 6:00 p.m. 8:15 pm. SALEM-INDEPENDENCE MOSiMOUTH S1AGE Leave Salem O.E. depot 7:00 a.m.. 11:00 a.m., 5:00 pjn. Leave Monmouth Hotel 8:15 a.m 1:00 p.m, 6:15 p.m. ear Independence Hotel 8:30 s.m, 1:15 p.m, 6:30 p.m. Special tripa by " appointment. Seven pasfteogrr car for hire. J W. PARKER. Prop. Rea. phone 61 S Businoss phon ' PROFESSIONAL WATER SALEM WATER. LIGHT POWER 0O Office, 801 South Cora 1 Bt. Ten pet cent discount on domestic flat rate. paid ia advance. No deduction for ah ence or ny cause unteaa watar 1 ahnt off your nrenuaea CHIROPRACTORS OR. O. U SCOTT. P.-B. C. CH1ROPRA0 tor, 809 12 U. S Bank Bldg Phone. "7: Rea 828R. CHIROPODISTS FOOT CORRECTIONAL SPECIALIST Appliance from individual impreaaionr Satisfaction guarand. Cuaa. K. Tatro. Maaonic Bldg. Phone 442. NURSES FOR PRACTICAL NURSE PHONE 503R OSTEOPATHIC; PHYSICIAN 8 ORS. WHITE AND MARSHALL, (08 U. B. National Bank Bldg. OR W. L. MERCER. OSTEOPATHIC Physician and surgeon; Kirksvillv gradual 404-405 U. 8. National Bank Bldg. Phone Office. 919; Re. 614 OR. JOHN L. LYNCH, OSTEOPATHIC Physi'.iaa nad Suijron, 403-404 Oregon Bldg: Phones: Office. 1394: Re. 6dF5 8UGGEST0THERAPIST H. J. ANDERSEN. D.S.T, SCIENTIFIC msKseur, electro-magnetic ' healer and metaphysician. Phone 1108, 416 Ore gon 'ldgJ Consultation free. OPTICIANS JLASSE8 FITTED BY DR. U R. BUR dette at the Bow Optical Company, 825 State street, opposite Ladd and Bush Rank. LODGE D! RECTORY UNITED SPANISH WAR VETERANS ramp . Armory, rirat. i ntra Monaaye REAL ESTATE FOR SALE (6 room modern houae st 725 N. Church street. Furnace, fire place, all built in features, east front. . . n nrl anil n.intt Within Vl'l. uw. i.rse lot. mod tenr.. nrtee 86500. oo! Immediate possession. Mrs. Winnie Pettyjohn, 542 State St. $75 Per Acre at Donald 128 acres, 40 in cultivation, balanae in timber and pasture. Uood spring water and old logging shacks. This in a good buy, close to electric station. . V00d will pev yon "out. 6. Room Modern-House to trade for 20 to SO acres north or east of Salem Must be good land au4 improvements. Will pay difference. Arthur E. Petersen 2J3 Oregon Bldg. JUST COMPLETED NEW FOUR ROOM bungalow with extra folding in bed. . plumbed, plastered, cement bssement. wash trays and sidewalk. 1 Mj 1 1'Kks from good brick school snd n-'reef rur line. Price $29."0. v.ay payments and terms Phone So;jV. Trades Will take town nrooertiea on the follow ing: 75 acres, fine cleared land, no ttniHt.ags inu. 28 acre tearing orchard, and good Lbldg. 816.00O. ' 17 acres, ten in prunes, a fine sit. 8 500Q. 40 acre farm near Cashmere, Wish, 9000.00. j 56 acre farm equipped, near Aumsville, 8.OW. 120 acres, fine soil, no house, at Turner. Good homeslesd in Jackson county, f 4900, 100 or more olber trade listed. Sen The FI.EM1NO REALTY CO. Sll State St. REAL ESTATE" 20 'ACRES NEW BUILDING. 93000. We explain too near system of selling your property. Magce. over Buatck'a. corner State a CoeuracrciaL REAL ESTATE TKADfcKK YOU CAN find a aumber of gcd pravoaitwa either aa tradra, or baya ta aaay pay nirata ml im.i.j ar bcocslow. Chaa . iiur. Maaoaic 1 vaipia, Saloam PUTNAM McLAREN ! CO. RELIABLE ltrl Eatai dealer Room 21. IdO North Couiasarciai fe'trae. yK1l Bi :V4XE MILE EAST OF CITY limit., - I room bouse tn 5 ai-rm ot cHOK-e land. sUmt one acre of rherrv trees. i ri-e will eivlmucc tor good properly. Square Ieal la. 1 hone 4ju -iuz , i;. s. itank. A BARGAIN XF-W 5 ROOM BIN gsiow ; l.i.einent, eleittric light, bailt in lit. hen, pantry, i bath, to.lct, sink, l.-ixin, lot t.'.xlJ-H, mear . hcol and car liue. oner, 1"J5 L.-felle St. NICE MODERN 7 ROOM BUNGALOW. hi'U.-nt and furna.-e. large lot, gar age, nesr carline in Salem. LSoO. Fine 10 acre tract cios in, 4 room bun gatow. barn. gsrage, fruil. 8usp. i,0Ot); terms. 4 rooui cottage, good location, easy paj n ent piaa. 93.50O to loan on good farm ecurit. toc Our hat before bvTing. PERKINK & MARSl'ERS .211-12 Ciay Bldg. 20 ACRES, GOOD BUILDINGS, FOR sale Jiy owner. Sea Lewis at 60 Soua Commercial St. Price SI 500; $500 Down Will buy a 6 room modern plastered house except basement; has fruit, garage. ; store house, corner lot, South bale.n. Best bargain in town. S, R, PEARSON 408 U. S. Bank Bldg. GOOD BUYS C9 acre tract of good prairie soil located on the pen road Juat east of the first cross road, all cultivated, new barn and new six loooi bungalow. l' 13,oOO. 65 acre tract of brush snd timber Isnd, located mile from south C'ommrrci;,! street carline. 91600; $300 down, ba lance easy terms. Vz acre trsct close to car line snd on paved road, 4 room new bouse and garage. Price $1700, terms. 6.aJ acre tract close in, good 5 room liOBsalow, well, laree chicken house, pood soil. Price 93850. 6 room Iioiikc on paved utreet. bearins fniit, good location. Price 92800; terms. j Five room 'bungalow and t-ro lots on paved street. Price 3'-J0ii ; terms. Large bonne with six apartments located on Center street, large lot. plenty rooir. for another bouse; incame 9120 per month. Price t.0.'0. W. H. Grabenhorst &, Co. 275 State St. ' jGood Buys 3 room house, good location, only 9G00: part terms. 5 rooirg, pUtcred near csr and. pved stt-fef.; 91350; with 930O down. 5 rooma, .2 lots, pared street, close to csr, good bur s? 81100; only ;20ii down, bslsnre 912.50 pen month. 10 a-re tract, mostly in orchard, near Liberty, trade for city property. , THOMASON 831 State Street $700 DOWN Buy very close in modern 7 room plas tered houve, ped street, cement walk, concrete I .ittnient. 5 n.inutes walk to high sclirtl or postoffice. Owner leav ing ejiy. 'ot quick sale will price St. f250o. l..,lun'-e like rent. t:8. R. PEARSON 409 U. 8. Bank Bid?. I ROOM PLASTERED HOUSE. CLOSJ in on 1 4th street and on street car first floor, living room, dining room, kitchen, bath, toilet, basement, fire . place, bnffet; second floor, 4 bedrooms and closets; paved street. Prict 94,200; cssh 9'-. 000 See L. A. HAYFORD 303 Slate street WOHlHILE If yon. want a good home at a very resson.ihlH price, see i-s. We have l large list to select "from. A special bargain in a 21 a-re tract will, good buildings. Some good vacant lots very chesp. Let us write your insurance. See us if ynu havn something (o trade MILLS & COPLEY 331 1 State St. l'hone 17.' BEST BUYE 6 room modern house eiccpt furnace paved street, fall basement, lawn, goo' location. Price 52650; terms. 5 room modern bungalow, first clasi condition, gravel street, cast front large lot. 93100; half cash. 6 room piaaterrd honse, modern except furnace; garage, )awn, fruit. . 2 lots paTed street, close in. $2, BOO; terms 20 acrs all cultivated. bet Hoa-eli "prair ie hoil, family orcharii. good bitildmcK. V miles Salem, paved road; a good buy at ?.V.10; 92000 canh. 13 seres 4 rr.ilet, north of Salem, good logaus, gaod 'buildings, best toil 90.500. 16 'acres near Chetr.awa, 2 acres licv erdnm in et: Iti vatioit. 6 seres cherries small ImildingK. equipment snd hore cow snd 100 chickens eo: ririee $5000. . See S0C0L0FSKY ' S41,Stste TOR RENT PARKS FOR RENT 221 ACRE FARM. 7 MILF north of H.-ilem. went ;dc of river For psrt'eislMrs see Mrs. S. A. Harkett Salem. Ronte 1. terms cssh. Costs 57 Cents Daily To live In Phillipincs MANILA. P. I.. Auk. 16. H costs a laborers in Manila 5 7 cents a day to live, according to statistics just made nublic by the ! bureau of labor. In Ccbu. the sec J ond C'ty in the Philippines, he may sustain himself on &2 cents a day and in lloilo. the third city he require. 5 c?nts a day tor the nccesstieR of life. A fam'lv of two adults and hrp children spnd 91.27 a day for sustenance in Manila, $1.22 in Cebu and 11.23 in Ilo:lo. The da'ly wages of laborers, not in cluding those In the rovemment service, ranpe Trom 73 cents to $l.f0 a day in Manila. 40 cents to one dollar a riav in Cebu and 00 cents to in Uloilo. Soldier Receives Medal For Bravery Years Ago ROUNDUP. Mont.. Auk. 1. Charles Virglls.; a farmer fn this county, ' recently was awarded s service medal by the war depart ment for gallant service tinder fire 22 years ago. The medal came as resuflt of his bravery while serving In th 17th Infantry Co. K. in 1839-. H was rpenm- mended for a medal at that time Rsad The Classified Ads, MY HEART AND ffl isen of lh REVEUTIOMS OF A WIFE Tl Lri ror V 't c vn-y in tnc 'juiCKncsa vita , . . , ' " hirh th nw hart acted. I had 'svrfi cared from the first that thi e 'r j I , u a h- mi other endiiiK to theify , Ji1 ord'.d train of circumstanres sar- ' '"'' ft feared SO rounding Milly StockhrirtRe s ' death. Anl while ny syinpath es were rlroniy with my -school 'prlac'pal whose Ions provocA t on anything Fhcrt of murter no rTion famil ar wHh the family history could deny yet I eoutd not Mind raysel' to the fact that there rere a number of circum stances which needed explanation, to put it mildly. With a Mtle thrill of frlsht 1 remembered th.l one of-those circumstances, the most damning of all, was known only to myself. Th- fact that Milly Stockbridge'i call to -me had been interrupted by some one who had hurt her and disconnected the telephone -t thp same time, was, is far as I knew, a secret shared only by myseif, the dead woman nnd the unknown intruder. Had the tel ephone operator been listening, after all? Was this the thins which had pointed the fing?r 01 suspicion at the rr ncipal? If 80. I saw pain ul publicity, humil iating involvement in the case for myself. No time, now, though, for thinking of self. Hetore me lay a woman whose need of all my ministering ttrength was written upon her tortured face. To-her had come that worst of all trage d es, disgrace for the man she loved, made more poignant by her inability either publicly to share h's suffering or to alleviate it in any way. I must not only rally all my faculties to aid her, but J must let nn vord or look -escape me which would lend her tJ sus pect that I did not share he." abso lute belie' in Kenneth Stock- br.dgc's innocence. Not that 1 had actually a con viction of his Kuiit in my own mind. But 1 by no means shared Alice llolrombe's blind belief, al though I knew that 1 must foign acouioKcencj in her views. To this end I put a B'srtled note into my voice a3 I answered her. Madge Is Worried. "No! Why; how ;" the world could thoy dMhat? What is the charge?" I saw that In ths over strung condition of her nerves it; was far better to let her talk: an her horror cut. "I believT vhey call it belnp: held for the grand jury," 'flstj said wearily, "but it simply moan, that thoV think they think he killed Milly." "What nonsonre!" 1 excla'med. with as much heartiness as I could infuse into my voici. "Why, there is no proof at all! On what are they bas'ng- their charge?" I awaited her answer breath lessly. Had that secret telephone converrat'o:i ben re In shed nt th- coroner's inquest? 15ut her an swer reassured me. "Oh. on thoe mirks on her wrists!" she replied contemptu ously. "And the rsigp her rpoplo say he was in when he came to the;r house. Oh, the way they urred ggp.inst h'ni today was HOnothiir horrJM! You WOUI1 think be hd been a fiend incar nate a'l these years instead of be 'ng gentlenpsa snd tenderness It e'f to-Millv. He ou?ht to hav kille-l her long ago" Alien Hol combe's 'ace twisted itself into a primness unpleasant to s-e ""l ever anybody deserved a .violent end it wps she. but Kenneth Stock bri'lgn. nev?r did it." "Of course not," I soothed, "but tell me just what did her people uay?" "What d'dn't they say, you mean," slip rtortpd. "But the vi tal part of their testimony was the fact that K?nneth had come, to them in a rage demanding that they aid him in divorcing Mill-. a:i' when they refused he left the house muttering threats. Of course, that testi monv combined wfth th? fresh marks upon her wrists, and the fact that hc poison !n her stom ach has b-n . proved to fe thn same kind Ktnneth had in hs photographic studio, was enough ror that set of crooks in charge 0 the farre tday. Hut I don't believe even they would have dared to arrest him if it hadn't been for Kenneth himtU. I don't understand him at all. 1 think the shoe kof Milly's going OREGON STATES WILL tliey will find lost articles, bargain if you waul to buy rHmGSTHAT NEVER ,HAF?3n 1 o-nniDlt. I fflN I 1 .IF CT.l e, rt. . r I"-H " men iff W, , ''''', in so terrible ,a way must have turned his bra n." "What Did He to?" She stepped short and began: to twist her hands tog-ther in her lap. I prodded her back, to speech with a sharp o.uestion. "What did he do?" . "ThaUs the trouble he didn't do anything." she retoried, "He s'mply sat like a graven image a'l through the." rrocedlnrs, nd whenever he wos asked j ques t'en his invariable .answer was: 'I have nothing to coy. KveB when tW cenrer turned t'-j him and d recti y asked hiT.:' ;D'il you or did you, not make tho" marks upon your wife's wiifct? he made tho same, stprec'ypod- an swer: 'I hn?e nothiui; to say. The coroner put it in arolher way: 'Do you denv it V and Knhheth ' re turned: 'I neither deny ;T5or af f:rm it. ; . . "Oh, it hurt Km terribly with the people theri, I could s that! And now he is in jaM think; of it in jail, the kindest, truest man who ever breathed!" ' - (To-be continued) . PUSSYFOOT TD FICHU! 11 Native Indian Cults F.avor Prohibition;: Barleycorn . Has Hold COPENHAGEN. Aug. 10. Wil liam E. .(" Pussyfoot" Johnwri will sail from England for India the first wesk in August. The trip of the famous American prohibi tion leader is in response to numerous invitations from various temperance -.organization, in India, including those among the rats sionary organizations and natlvej ItrgenatOeflfH. "Pussyfoot's" itinerary Includes Bombay, Poena, Rarodd, Lahore, AmriUsar, Delhi, Cawnpore, Lnck. now, Allahabad, Ilenarea and Cal cutta and has been mapped oat by the temperance - forces In India. From India Mr. Johnson will go to Ceylon for a brief- visit, in re sTKiBse to invitations from tem perance organizations there and then sail for England.. . Invited to Come. Among the temperance orgahr zatlons arranging Mr. Johnson's itinerary are said to be somo of the most prominent persons in the social and civic life of India. The various native religions of India are what , may be termed "prohi bition religions." ' While native liquors are made and sold, and drinking has increased to a great jr. . -7, s ..cri MHNsi ; . - ' . " ' S ' . I a tZfo VA7Vai,M.4.tU vvtUrA That depends on the liver. Dr. Miles' Liver Pills mild, gentle, effective. Use them as an occasi laxative or for chronic constitution. At all !r' FIND ANYTHING will find a buyer if you have something. - 1 - POrVrt Trl' ayrKtTElT.i IF Vnn !L, 1 1 rt nvf i ' I VIV V ji-T ' 1 ' v - 14 extent eyea amon jrnany of tho people whose reliio,U3 tenets aro opposed to th use; of intoxicants, tta temperance forioa of India say they ; must con bat of the drink traffic ly. in the hands of f the operations which la largo reirner. WHULt MILK AND PRODUCES! WANTED Marion Creamery & Product: -:r ,: : Co.r, . . Salem, Oregon Phone 2183 I SALEM MARKETS Euriifo tticz Egfs and. poultry cam, aine.. Hena, heavv, 80e. -liens, medium. 17c Hena, light, .1 , Broilera. IHc S'Ja Old roosters. H lOe. Pork. -Mutton land Baas' Top hots, la'a. no; tu.l:o iU. iSowk and hogs, 'Jc , , Hr-,otth lieavua, 8-0. ' j I I'resHcl hogs, , 13 and I Mo. '' , I-amlia. yearling. a'AcM. milk, lambs. 4iU. ' ' ," " " neef steers, dc. . t j tows, S Sa. . ' j Bulla. 3-8e. '. ' Top veal 121Sc, ' ' ..1 flrsln Wheat. oae..f. i mtt,. fats, milling, .No. l.ltfc, Oaia,. feed, tit. .' ,s. : 1 , - , t xif . :. Vantrli and Dst nay.i (10. Cldvor Hv.' I ! him roods. ! Whole talo Mill run, Ht. !t , I Wholesale Ly Dealotl Creamery Butter ij 4S-440. Butterfat, - f i Whole ini Ik. 4-1.83 cirt. ! - iTsngea, fo.fio, . Aprieota, f t.-rff ratV itsaauaa. 10r... . j lniona. . 910 and 11 .' Crane Km it. C'al. r4..r,0. Dates, dromedary, t7;cane. . i i vegetables Oregon cabbage, tc. Turnips. li.UQ sack. v Means. 5s. Wsx besna,'Sc t'ttuc, S5e. ' Celery. 1.25 doren. N'ew potstoea. 8. Oregon onions. 75e cwt. Walla Walla onions. 2 tS. ''an . onions. 2.21 uck lUdikhes, 40e dosen hiincliea. Oregon rncumbera, 5Qu, Oregon honey,. 80s lb.; Khuiarb, He. . ! Parsley, 50c dosen b'lnrhea. Beeta. 60e. doren bunrhfa, - . .,i . Tomatoes, 1.7".. .1 . r'.. ;-...' . .. Honey, extracted, SOciilbJ , Apples, I " . Oreen Pesa. 12e, -. - ? Cantolonpe. pony, f 1 .75 i aid. fJ.25; flt ' fl.OO. j ' - Melons, f .'(). I Ureen peppers. I4e. .. j Eotall Creamery butter. 4U-4icJ Fig. 82c. 8 I Pleor. hard wheat, 2 !I0 f 2 f 0. Hour, sort wheat, f I 03-94.00, Snrse. f ' j -.- - CHICHESTER S PILLS r - PrmH. ttM( ViasTo.M nua mi fiixa.ii yemksevasf UaftRfl.lysaeltila ' SOLD BY DRUGGISTS t.tBYKKtt u&voe somethiujr to sell or will find a . . s 1 1 ft yaia sl AMI year Isragrtatsv.-s llSaIHlPltaaa4bnr4A l-lll. la Kd aad weld avuuicSW Uw, Sale4 fc hiaa S-S.t.a. V "r.k. ,-! si m r MA N 4 4 ' f.