The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 17, 1921, Page 5, Image 5

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j CrnHade for FLsh
i AH members of the party hav
Ing definitely perfected their out
ing plana, a party ofj four will
4 leave Salem today for a two weeks
' vacation at Marion lake, 23 miles
.cast of Detroit, f Members ot the
party are Glenn Sturgias, manager
. of Kapphahn'B confectionery;
Jesse George, of the White House
restaurant; Harry Pearcy, of
Pearcy Bros., and, RaySturgiss.
Wisconsin Picnic j ; i
i Thursday at fair ground; park
cars in the camp ground.- Adv.
Cartoonist Appreciate-
A special rote of thanks em
bodied In a letter signed by De
apartment Adjutant Fred Elvers,
; has ' been received : by Murray
. Wade, local cartoonist, from the
Oregon department ofi the Ameri
can legion. The letter concerns
Cartoonist Wade's aid to the state
bonus "infeasore by a series of car
toons produced by hlra and comes
' in response to Mr,, Wade's refusal
to accept any remuneration for
time .spent at the task or for ea:-
pennes of trips to Portland In con
nection with preparation of the
- cartoon cuts for printing.
Hill Military Academy-
Portland, Oregon, has primary,
preparatory and academic depart'
ments. Adv. i
-To Attend Wedding.'
' Miss -Marguerite Cook of Port
land, graduate ot Willamette uni
versity 'school' of music, 1921, is
' t '.it t
"The Conquest of
Comedy Scenic ;
Hartmah's Glasses
Easier and . Setter,.
.t Wear, them nd see
Phone 1255
Salem, Oregon
nrTri nnn n n n n n
TToitilra at 163V6 H. Cemmwial trct
Ioodla an A - Am;
v7 AlahM, ie crm and rUU.-:
Open 11 a.m. to 1
Spdal Sundy i
Spdal Bandar ;i
For Spring Planting Order Prom
428 Oregon Buildings
. ; Phone 1?63 y.
: SAVE $ $ $
by buying ypur hardware and
furniture at The Capital Hard.
ware & Furniture Co., 285 N.
Commercial street. Phone 947
Do you take ;
It not, whyj not?
No other baths, or treatments
can produce the permanent re
lief to the person suffering
from disagreeable' cold or ail
ments of the flesh or body like
the Turkish Bath will.
Opeja 8 a. m. until 9 p. m. ,
Lady and Gentlemen attendants
We pay 2c above the
market price for eggs
and products
j - 4 4
Home Builders
Take Notice
We can save you money on
your Plumblngj Supplies; it
will pay yon1 to come and
see us about prices. We al
ways have a supply of all
Tent, all sizes, prices
verjr low
Bargain House
We buy and sell everything.
. Phone 393
21i Chemeketa St.
in the city to attend the wedding
of her cousin, Miss Laura Miles. Carrier on Vacation
C.W. Brasher, mail carrier for
rural , route No. 7, which runs
out on the Silverton road to
Howell prairie, is taking bis an
nual 'vacation. Mrs. Percy Pugh
is serving as substitute.
Cool, Well Ventilated
Record rooms at Stiff's.
"MleM Man on Vacation
IT. 8. Rider. accomDanied bv
his son, Bennie, left yesterday for
a 15-day vacation ;n southern Or
egon for fishing and hunting. Mr.
Rider is at the general delivery
window of the Salem postoff ice
and is officially known as tne
Nixie" man.
Police Collection To 1
, A Savage and a Rambler bi
cycle are among the collection
which has been made In the past
few weeks at the police station.
A kit of tools also figures in the
collection. Persons who can lay
claim to any of these articles are
urgently requested to call at the
station and Identify their proper
ty. AH The Latest Records
At Stiffs. ,
Speeder Is Arrested
E. II. Bunnell, 1400 Marion
street, was arrested Monday
night for breaking the traffic reg
ulations by speding- while driving
an automobile on Chemeketa
street, between Summer and Cap
itol. Traffic Officer Hayden
made the arrest and reported the
traveler as driving at the rate of
32 miles an hour. V; i
Money Lost on Street :
J. II. McAldln, wh lives at
b45 North Church street had tne
misfortune to lose a $10 and a
15 bill while on the streets of Sa
lem Monday. The police depart
ment has been: notified and . is
waiting for the finder to deliver
the goods.
, r t-. ts, - : - .
Wanted J
Experienced "phonograph sales
man. H. S. Stiff Furniture Co.
Has Narrow Kscape
Mr , and MriL William Ualder
old time residents, who live on
T.'ncoln road about two miles
from Salem, had a narrow escape
last night when they were aimosi
run over by the Southern lacltic
train, as they were about to
cross Ktngwood avenue. The
couple were traveling by horse
and buggy and were barely .able
to stop. In time , to prevent a ser
loua accident. i
WAGNER A. I. Wagner, former
ly of this city and for a good
i mo n v vaara nrnnrietor of the Old
Willamette hotel, now the Mar-
his home In Stockton, Cal., after
an fllnes's; of, three wor fonr
weeks. He leaveB a slste'r in
-.'this city. .Mrs- E. C. Cross.
Webb & Clough
"vr. ; Co. ' '
4 Funeral Directors
Leading Morticians
ARM E R P93one
. We Move,
Pack and Store
7g: COAL
Republic truck in fine
condition, p n e n m a tic
tires, will trade or sell on
easy terms Apply Sam
People's Cash
Bright, intelligent boys
with bicycles wanted to
carry morning routes.
This is an excellent op
portunity for ambitious
boys to get a start in
business for themselves
and also make some
money for their very
Apply Circulation
funeral Largely - Attended
' Among the relatives and friends
who attended the funeral of Josh
ua L. Purvine which, was held in
this .ty yesterday. Were Mr, CUd
Mrs. Lordan Pufvlne, Major and
Mrs. Percy Willis, Mr. and Mrs.
Charles M. Purvine and children,
and Mrs. Edna Keid oi Portland
and Cyras Purvine and family oi
Indep"rC3enee. All of the immed
iate family .were present with the
exceDt'on of two grandsons.
Lawrence Purvine who is in east-1
ern Oregon and Paul Purvine who
Is absent in the Boy Scout camp.
Vfcdted City Librarian
II. Ci M, Case of Washington.
D. C, epent a f&w days in the city
with his sister. Miss Flora M.
Case, city librarian. He has been
making a tour of the west attend
ing to business matters for the
department of agriculture.
A Classified Ad
Will bring yon a buyer.
Solid Reading Available
Although cummer is the special
month for reading fiction, accord
ing to the records of, 'the JSaJera
public library, it is a fact that a
number of people continue to read
for real intellectual food during
the ; summer months. Recently
there has been .a demand at the
library for H. C. Well's "Outlines
of History," published in two
volumes. Biographies are also
included in good reading, such as
biographies of Mrs. Thomas Bail
ey Aldrich. Edward Box and Ham
ilton Mabie.
Pall Line Ingersoll Watches
Tyler's Drug Store.Adv.
Boys Predominate
Marion county is a great coun
ty for boys, all of which may b.
proved by the county superin
tendent's of ficial I records of at
tendance at schools during the
scnool year just ended. The
records show that the total num
ber of boyg attending in all grades
in the county was 5007, while the
total for girls was 4760.
- " ii 1 ' ' -1 r i. x: .
Churches Show Progress
The Tualatin and Wilsodville
churches, of which Alfred Bates
is pastor, ar& introducing new
features in their church work nd
good congregations are the result:
The Tualatin trio, Finch, Heim
bach and Hates, contributed spe
cial music last Sunday.
Legal niank
Get them at The Statesman of
fice. Catolog on application.
Mrs.' Hates 111 in Portland
Rev. Alfred Hates has received
word that his wife and her moth
er with whom she i sataying have
been 111 for several days at 57a
Kehalem avenue, Sellwood, but on
Mr. Bates' arrival there Sunday
afternobn he found them getting
along well.
Truck Is lamasi"l
While the automobile truck be
longing to J. K. Johnson, 842
North Front street," was standing
on, the street , yesterday, an un
identified' driver o a car ran in
to it. The : truck was damaged
by theycollislon. :
Births Are Announced
A number of births have re
cently been recorded w:th Dr. K
E. Pomeroy, county, health o:ti
cer. Mr. and Mrs. William H.
Morley iof route 6, are the par
ents of. a; girl born , to them ots
August M- A daughter was also
born to Mr. and Mrs. W". W. Wes-
LAWED" ONB of the gr jatest Joyi.
In this lite comes to a
man through his ability to
read. When It becomes ne
cessary to strain ; your eyes
to take in -. what is on th
, printed page; it.becomes just
as necessary that you con
sult? an authority on op
tometry. Have ns bnild for
yon i a pair of glasses that
will give your vision the
proper accommodation.
tinghouse of route 4. on the same
date. On August 1Z, a oa;w
bom to Mr. and Mrs. George Nv.
Cleveland of this city. He has
ben given the name of Bernard
Cleveland. A daughter was born
to Mr. and Mrs. Leslie C- .Newton
of 1553 State street on August
10. Leslie Charlotte Newton is
the name which has been given
For Rent-
Front office room. Annly Gray
Belle. Adv.
Building Permits Increases
Approximately. J58.100 wortn
of build ng permits have been e
in the office of the city recorder
during the first two weeks of this
month. This includes 14 permits
for the bunding of residences,
eight for the repair of homes and
one store building. In spite of
the fact that there are many new
houses being built in Salem there
is stilt a lack of sufficient bouses
to fill the demand.
Three School Houses Unlit
During the school year endfng
June 30, 1921, there were ouiit
three nw school houses in Mar
ion county, according to the rec
ords of the county supermtena
ent's office. were in the
Pringle, Labish Center and Pleas
ant Point districts. Already
plans are under way for the build
ing of schoolhouses this summer
at Central Howell and this winter
at Aumsville.
Receiver's Sale
Tb bankrupt stock of new and
second-hand furniture, beds, bed
ding, stoves, dishes, and household
furnishings formerly belonging to
H. M. Cannon & Co. will be , sold
at public auction to the highest
bidder for cash in hand, at the
corner of 12th and Mill streets in
Salem, Oregon, Wednesday, Au
gust 24, 1921, at 10 o'clock a. m.
VJ;'H. Dunlap, receiver. Adv.
K4ucator Visits Salem
j K. D. Ressler, dean of education
o:Oregon Agricultural college,
w&.h a visitor in the city Tuesday.
He is secretary of the State Teach
ers' association. Mrs. M. L. Fut-
ker3on, Marion county eupferin-
tendent of schools, is president of
the state association. ,
Licenses Granted
A combination resident hunt
er'ss and ansler's license was is
sued yesterday to Carl Yost of
Scotts Mills: An anglers license
was issued to Felix Laurancn.
Licensed to Marry
Robert H. Dann, a professor
Hvin at Guilford colleee. Nortp
Carolina, and Laura B. Miles, of
993 Court street, who gave her
occupation as professor, were is
sued a marriage license- Tuesday.
Notice to Irrigator
Irrigators on flat rate will
please observe the following rules,
All houses having even numbers
ire limited to irrigate on Monday,
Wednesday, Friday and Sunday;
odd numbers n Tuesday, Thurs
day, Saturday and Sunday. Hours
for irrigating, 6 to 8 a. m., 5 to
9 p. m. Salem Water, Light
Power company. Ad v,
Sold 'Prprty In '""Morth Salem
Ws. S. Quackenbush. and wile
have, sold to Howard, J. "Corbett,
a lot in North Salem on North
Commercial street for a consider
ation, ot $2,800., v
Laurel Avcntie ltot Hold
Willis Caldwell and wife have
sold ito Dan Chester Thompson,
three lots in Highland Avenue ad
dition to Salem, Laurel street.
Treasurer c i Vacation
D. G. Draper, county treasurer,
accompanied by his family, will
leave today for a vacation at Nes
kowin. Bargain-
, Large celling tan. Welch Elec
tric Co. Adv.
Now In New York City ,
C. M. Miall, manager of the
Northwest Fruit Products com
pany, is now in New York in his
tour of the east to investigate
business conditions as it refers es
pecially to fruit Uuice products.
Wheat Price Kleadv
Wheat continues to sell in Sa
lem at from S 5 cents a bushel 0
SI for the best grade, uats are
still auoted at from 35 to 4U
cents. As for the clover market,
there .is nothing doing and really
no. market, although pnce3 for
clover hay are about $10 a ton
and $12 a, ton for oat ana veicn
Gravenstein apples are now in
the market, Just a "tne earner
than usual. This year these ap
ples are of an unusually fine qual
ity and byome grocera regarded
as the finest that have grown in
this vicinity tor many years.
Prewared Meats in Vogue
It may the tourist trade or it
may be the desire ot the house
keeper to avoid all unnecessary
cooKing dating the summer
months, but the fact is the sale of
prepared meats is almost dou
ble that of one year ago. Those
that are especially favorites with
tourists and camping parties are
cooked corn beef, veal loaf press
ed veal and Jellied tongue.
Attend Meeting at Pallas
W. M. Hamilton, division man
ager of the Portland Railway,
Light & Power company was m
Dallas yesterday attending the an
nual meeting of the Oregon Elec
trical Contractors & Dealers. An
nually all men interested in elec
trical supplies, as well - as con
tractors, meet to discuss general
propositions of interest to all.
Paving ProgresRej
Advancing 720 feet a day. the
J. E. Bonnell Construction com
pany is rapidly pouring the ce
ment paving of Jefferson way to
connect the Liberty road. vv?t&
fair luck it is hoped to have the
Jefferson way completed by
Thursday o? this week. The com
pany has had in its construction
crew 75 men, with machinery
consisting of a tractor.! graaer,
concrete mixer. 10-ton roller" .and
six heavy trucks. It is this com
pany which has the construction
of the eemeal paving on south
Commercial street between Jet
ferson way and Odd Fellows cem
etery. After peing poured, ce
ment paving requires 28 days to
tt, and at the rate construction
is now being done. South com
mercial street and Jefferson way
will both be opened for travel be
fore the state fair.
Cherry City Plates
The automobile plates of cherrv
color, which have ius arrived,
were being passed out rapidly at
the Commercial club yesterday.
These are the automobile plates
that were recommended bv the
Cherrians and Commercial eluo.
Joint Meeting Held
A Joint meeting of members of
the Marion County Community
Federat'on and the Yamhill Coun
ty Community Federation, was
held last night at Amity. The
meeting was the: first one when
members of the two federations
met to discuss county affairs. The
Marion county federation dele
gates were T. E. McCroskey. U J.
Chapin and "W. C. Franklin.
Dr. Doney Returns Thursday
Dr. Carl Gregg Doney. presi
dent of Willamette university, ac
companied by his wi'e and two
sons, is expected to return to Sa
lem Thursday of this week They
have been on an auto tour of Cal
ifornia going as far south as
San Diegt) and toaring the Yosm-
ite National park on their, return
They left Salem July 20.
Miss Lillian Cornel, bookkeep
er in the office of the Portland
Railway Light & Power company,
has returned from an outing of
two weeks at Newport.
C. B. Geer of Weed, who has
been visiting his brother L. S.
Geer, left yesterday for his home
after a visit in Salem of several
Miss Helen Haines and Miss
Clarice Haines left yesterday for
Camp McCredie for an outing of
a week or two. They will visit
the Boy Scout camp.
Mrs. Willis Vincent of Talbot
Is in the city visiting friends. She
was formerly Miss Grace George.
- F. E. Baker, janitor of the pub
lic library, will leave today for a
viislt of several days in Portland.
Glen Chandler, who has Hen
attending Willamette university
the past term, left yesterday for
W. M, Gardner, formerly bar
ber at tbevHotel Marion, was in
the city yesterday from Seaside.
Sim Phillips of the Y. M. C. A,
i.s again on duty after spending
a couple weeks at the seaside.
'3. Hayter, vice president of the
Dallas National bank, was a busi
ness visitor In Salem yafterday.
. ... .
D. W. f Hellman, ; T. Wigman, N.
Overstreet, Mrs. E. McGee, H.T.
Werschell, William "D. Bennett.
Frank W. Stolk, George Steele, W.
J. Tern by, E. J; Hall, Fred E. Jew
eld, W. Fuldenthal, Earl R. Den
nis, E., C. Schwartz, R. C. Foster,
H. N. Gilbert, Irwin S. Watson, F.
V. D. Bangs, G. O'Neil, A. N.
Smith, A .E. Benson, Mrs. J. M.
Russell. Gus J. Roth. W. H. Kay,
H. M. Wilkerson, E. R. Spenser,
Mr. and Mrs. J. Carney and son,
Thomas E. Anderson, O. H. Tay
lor, Mr. and Mrs, R. E. Hodge, C.
W. Martyne, T. Wigman, Inland;
L. V. Druce, Seattle; W. Burrell,
San Francisco; W. H. Berteaux,
San Diego; H. T. Schachue, Chica
go; C. E. Bonnell and wife, Taco
ma; J. E. Bonnell, Tacoma; R. A.
Funnell, Wallowa- C. B. Booth,
Los Angeles ; C. R. Butt rand and
wire, Chicago; E. D. Woodruff,
San Francisco; Mrs. E. C. Baldrj,
New York; R. J. Rutan, San Fran
cisco; Fred C. Ayer. Seattle; E. F.
Bloom, Spokane; Nina Farley,
Dallas; Otelle Friar, Dallas; P. V.
Soliman, San Francisco; Harry R.
Hogue, Eugene; Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Barnett, New York; J. A.
Gass, Seattle; Thomas Trudjin and
wife, Vancouver; Otto Jarl,' San
Francisco; t G. Ballantyne, Saa
Francisco; ! George B. Eehacht,
Centralia; Ronald. Schacht, Bur
lington; A. M. Baxter, San Fran
cisco; W. D. McKay, Sacto; Peter
Rosi. San Francisco; D. N. H.
Lott, McMinnville.
Jones. A. R. Pratt, J. A. Black. C.
S. Long, Q: B.. Kerth, A. M. Hand,
S. W. Miller, H: W. Withycombe,
H. Kildow. C. O. Moore. D. G. Ad
ams. IL C. Sherman, J. L. Lee. P.
ShulU. Fred J. Pahl. O. Whelan,
H. D. Olseh. E. M. Smith. T. O.
Bryant, A. Paulsen, Portland; H.
J. Hiedeburg, Roseburg; George
Si Barton, Grants Pass; Fred
Frits. Grants Pass.; F. L. Wright.
St. Paul; c. L. Stanley. Pendle
ton; Bert Thompson, Stayton; F.
MIz and wife, Osage. Wyo.; Lucy
Deaton, Osage. Wyo.; C. II.
Kutsch. Grand Rapids. Mich.; G
H. Murphy Stayton; Paul Dunkel,
San Francisco; H. E. Martin, Eu
gene. -
Reported by Union Abstract
State Bank of Portland to Vm.
H. Trindle, part of blocks 1. 2. 3.
5, Willamette Heights add. Sa
lem, $10. '
. Wm. jHJ trindle and wife to
George Tromader. part ot blocks
I, 2. 3, 5. Willamette Heights add.
to Salem, $10.
Willis and Stella Caldwell to
Dan C and Edna Thompson, tots
1. 2. 3, Mock 32, Highland add.
Salem $1800.
W. S. and Mary A. Quacken
bush to Howard J. and R. A. Cor
bett. iart of block 16, North Sa
lem. $2X00.
M. K. Nicewood by Guard, to
James Weathers, part block 11.
North Salem, $1400.
Merritt and Estella. F. Davis
td Fred G. and Laura H. Burk
hart, lot on South Seventeenth
street, Salem, $10.
Architect Advises Delay to
Escape Inconvenience of
Wet Weather
Actual construction work on
the proposed new plant of the
state training school for boys will
be delayed until early next spring
if the members of the state board
of control approve a suggestion
offered by W. C. Knightbn, ar
chitect. The plant will cost ap
proximately $260,000, and was
approved by the legislature at its
last session. .
Mr. Knighton informed the
board yesterday that it would re
quire at least another month -to
complete the plans for the plant.
and as a result the buildings could
not be gotten under cover before
the fail rains set in. Because ot
this, he advised postponement of
actual construction work until
next sprang.
If Mr. Knighton's proposal is
accepted, the contract will be
awarded in January or February,
and some of the preliminary oper
ations will be completed before
spring. It would then be. possi
ble to complete the entire plant
during the year 1922.
Salem Dealers Comment on
Price Prospects For
Coming Winter '
It is really true that food stuffs
as sold by the wholesale grocer
are most likely to be consider
ably higher this fall and winter.
The bottom was reached about
the last week in June, a promi
nent wholesaler said yesterday,
and since then, there has been a
gradual upward tendency.
Of course canned goods are go
ing higher and likely to continue
to go higher, this wholesaler said.
Already tomatoes, peas and can
ned corn have advanced, and
the salmon will sell at a much
higher price than a year ago.
Evaporated milk is also in for
an advance in price, as there have
already been several higher
quotations. Canned peachts and
asparagus, as well as rolled oaU,
are- doing some climbing and no
chance this fall for lower prices.
Wheat products will hold about
the same as during the part sea
son, i
There, is some satisfaction to
the housekeeper and that is. that
meats will hardly follow canne4
goods in thj "Upward tendency.
Market men in Salem say. that
meats will about hold their own
and that the housekeeper may
buy her beef steaks, pork chops
and veal at about the same old
prices for some time to come.
Aggregate of $1,483.80 Is
Mentioned in Papers
Before Court '
Attorney Chris Schuebel of
Oregon City has filed in the su
preme court a bill of costs in
volved In appealing the Hawlej
divorce suit to the state's highesj
tribunal. The: costs, according to
Mr. Schuebel's statement, aggro
gated $1483.80. The items in
cluded filing feea, court reporter
fees, printing1 ot abstracts and
briefs and trial fees.,
Willard Hawley, defendant in
the action, won a decree in the
circuit court for Clackamas coun
ty, but upon appeal to the t
rteme court it wp.s held thai
neither he nor Marjorie Hawley.
ibe plaintiff, were entitled u le
gal separation.
Mr. Schuebel represented Mrs.
Time for Conservative
Speculation was never so
uncalled for, or so much
lacked temptation, as in
these days when legiti
.mate, conservative, in
vestments return so prof
itable a yield.
With the very safest se
curities yielding as high
as 74 to 814, every
man is likely to think
twice before putting his
money into securities of
doubtful nature.
Securities offered and
recommended by us are
carefully selected with
primary view of afford
ing safety of principal to
customers. Our lists are
always available to those
seeking investments of
the highest character.
Resident Representative
Clark, Kendall & Co- Inc.
- Room 309-310
U. S. Natl Bank Bldg.
Wisconsin Picnic Will v
Be Held Here Thursday
Former residents bt Wisconsin
will hold their annual P cule at
the state fair grounds in isalera
Thursday, according to announce
ment made yesterday. The pro
gram will include a dinner at
noon, followed by alhletic -sports
and addresses. Special musical
numbers also will feature tie
day's festivities.
Many Applications for
Lausanne Hail Received
Willamette nntverstty continues
to receive daily'appHcalions lor
attendance at the university this
fall and for reservations in Lau
sanne hall. Among those who
have made reservations during
the past two cr three days &re the
Miss Helen Dark of Moro. She
was a student last term and will
enter the sophomore class this
Alma HalvoiRon ot Silverton
She is a graduate of the Silver-
ton high school and has made res
ervations in Lausanne hall.
Myrtle Tipler of Klberton. Wn.
She is from the Elberton high
school and has a reservation la
Lausanne hall.
From Roseburg. two young
women made reservation yester
day. These are Lois tieddes -n0-
Naoml Phelps..
Established 18C3 J
General Banking Business
Office Hours from
1. ! Courteous attention to every customer, i
2. Honest advice on price conditions. f
3. Prompt delivery of phone orders. jr
4. The lowest possible prices.! , ;
5. Steady customers who "always com back;' not the one-
trial" kind. t
On these principles. we build
patronage. -
, Phone Us
383 Court Street . - 4
I 1
U It : 1
B t .AM M
I I I hit
426 Slaie Street I. Salem, Oregon
go nex
; fastidious
for beauty and utility! We have some ex
ceptional lovely pieces in hand; embroid
ered patterns that are; cut along ample and
yet shm hanging lines. j
You will find many styles and a full
ia'.,6C, ' oiAcjj mai
.. nriAAH
J4 lVVUr '
It's The Pay
Times aren't hard; you
just think they are. Put
on a big front and just
smile you'll be way
ahead in the end, for it is
the man who smiles and
keeps smilin that gets
the business We're still
iving our patrons a fair
eal at the . same old
Schaefefs Drug
Sole Agent
Garden Court Preparations
135 N. Com! Phond 197
4-ru KtAtrm rainrt Art,
10 a. m. to 3 p. m.'
our business,
Your Order '
We invite your
We Ideliver " ' ! Phone 409
Hade to Your
Ve are justly proud of
pur exclusive ; tailoring
and the great showing
or. fall wear of new fab
rics in rich and unusual
textures also staple
blues, blacks, greys and
browns if . you prefer
but every; style guaran
teed all wool.
t us be of service to '
you in making your new
jail suit. jWe'll save you
money. ft
inumazeiy, .
bits of lingerie that
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