t i M I 1 I I 1 t -. 4 r . t i t i : I t I I i '' i -. - ,4 - 0l!lt By D. D. HOW frnuch dto they eat In a year, cut t a really big school like Clramawa, where they have 350 pupils even now during the tummer vacation and almost 800 during the school year proper? ' j They haven't imade public all the figures, on what they bny- so many (carloaas of flour, j so Fresh Stock , J -rf.'4-,' ." '" j Picklinff Spices .Stone, Jars - i Fruit; Jars . , ,.h...t. . ... WM. GAHLSDORF 135 N. Liberty Phone 67 4u h. , 1,11,1 ":.," i are vmhappyi Loolt to theii food. Mahe them healthy and happy EAGLE BRAND Condensed Milk JOY and FOR SALE U GLADNESS for. August You never heard t-2103 AlnH AVe ; Got Fun 83cr-Dangerous Blues - 2IIl-iFeaches i- . ; 85c-After These Years ' 5039 $lrenf a Southern Mon Homme (My :Fbr the more seriously beautiful 'r';. ','!," Vr hear ,f ' ' -1 " ', .:".' J0031 The Worlin't Go "Round 'Without You ;'$l.Qft Soprano Solo-Dofolhy "Jardon 1j 3024 Until..;., , f;iA-V-': , $15 DfcamlTenr Sblo ThW Kafle ' ' :.j;.v ;v ' I Moore-Dunn Music Co. V ! Masonic Building WILSON many barrels, of . oatmeal, so many casks of syrtfp and tanks or milk and cords ctf soap. But or the fruits and vegetables that are raised on the farm, perhaps a lew purchased if their own sup ply runs short along- certain lines, here :s a partial Hat: In 1920. they put up 300 gal lons of strawberries; 150 gallons loganberries; 190 gallons black berries; 2000 gallons string bans; 300 gallons rhubarb; 24 barrels cucumber pickles; 1000 gallons canned pears; 1000 gal lons pear butter; 120 gallons canned prunes; 500 gallons prune butter; 1000 gallons corn; 300 tomatoes: 1000 gallons apple sauce; 10 gallons apple Jelly; 10 gallons apple and blackbeiry jel lv: 500 gallons dill pickles: 0 gallons sweet pickles; 150 gallons up ced pickles; &uo gallons oi pic alilli; 800 gallons sauer kraut; 30 gallons tomato preserves. Here is a part of the menu for Sunday's, dinner: Fried chickens, 123; mashed potatoes, soup, jelly, bread, cor fee, milk, 20 gallons Ice cream cake. What chance would a dyspeptic hav5 of refusing to eat from such a list as thatwith the tables garnished with nasturtiums and sweet peas, and real linen. and pretty waiters and every thing? Mrs. David Brewer, for the past 17 vears the chief of the Cbema- wa kitchen, supervises all this food preparation, both the daily meals and the canning for the winter supply. , Recently, when her daughter urgsd that she was "working too bard." Mrs. Iirewer reDlted. "Why. this Is a vacation with only 350 to cook for." She has had more than 800 at a time to feed, "and it any one ever went hungry It was because he had the lockjaw or wasn't tlrere. at an. Mrs. Brewer's story is a real epic. She Is an Alaska Indian, who as a 12-year-old girl came down to the states, alone, because such Fox Trots " Sea Man) i " i 7 after the deals of her mother she felt that ' hr tnce happy - home had lost ita charmi " She vorked at St. Helens, going precariously to school and doing the heavy work: In a kitchen for her fkeep." When the Indian school . was opened at Forest Grove, Jn 18S1. she learned of Its advantages, and in 1882 went there as a student. Aftr a few months she became a salaried employe o: the school, and has bean on ita payrolls continuously ever sinci 38 years. She married Davil Brewer, then a student, and later the old school disciplinarian for 25 years; Brewer Hall, the boys' dormitory now on the campus was named for him. He died in 1906. Mrs. Brewer was or a long time matron of the boys' dormi tory; she has filled other Import ant positions with the school, but her present work as kitchen su pervisor has held her longest. It is an executive position of lespon sibilltr beside which many ether teaching and official places are almost insignificant. With, all this winter food to prepare, and the daily menu as well as the phy sical welfare of the, whole school to look after, her hoars are full. In canning season, she 'frequently stays up as late as midnight, or even l o'clock, t to see that the last o the precious food is saved. "We've never lost even a bean by not staying up to can it." said Mrs. Brewer and It looks like a wonderful motto! ; Mrs. Brewer has ra'sed a tarn ily of seven children. One daugh ter, iMrs, Turney. a talented mu sician, graduated; from Willam ette, and went to Oberlin col lege She is now1 superintendent of the music department of Che- mawa. Anomer daughter, Mrs Mason, is an assistant in the scHool. Other children have graduated or are now attending at the Oregon Agricultural col lege; all are going along to posi tions of honor and respons'bility " "I Hks my work," said Mrs Brewer. "When the school was still young, the superintendent. Dr..Minthorn, said to my husband and me. 'You ought to serve your people for at least 30 years, for the privilege this school has giv en you.' Well. I have served al most 40 years, and am still serv ing. It Is my Job!" Mrs. Viola Dondna Itomins, of Columbus. O., stopped over Sun day for a visit with her cous'n. Dr. James Lisle of 1590 South Thirteenth street. Salem. Mrs. Romans, -vice president of the W. C. T. U. of Ohioi with 40,000 members, has for a number of years been a national lecturer on temperance and lyceum subjects. She is now on her way to the na tional W. C. T. U. convention which meets at Sar Francisco, Aug. 17 to 23. With her was Miss Mary Marvin, of Xenla, O.. national and world secretary ot the Loyal Temperance league, the junior auxiliary of the W C. T. IT. "Salem Is the most beautiful little city I have seen anywhere," sa'd Mrs. Romans, in conversa tion. "This community center, from tire court house to the atate library, is one of the finest pub lic vistas In America." Mrs. A. C. Nelson, accompanied by her little son Richard, and her mother'. Mrs.. C. J. Ling, left Sun day evening for a stay of six or eight weeks duration in St. Paul and Minnesota points. The "Count-on-me" class of the Baptist Sunday school will be en tertained on Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Milton Mel Cher, 1830 Ferry street. The hostess will be assisted by Mrs. A. T. Byork. A large attendance is desired and expected. tfr Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Clark and their Wisconsin guests. Mr. antt Mrs. F. A. Cooley. motorod to Sherwood Saturday to attend the funeral Of Mrs. Orilla Grimes, one of the victims of the ill-fated Alaska. Mrs. Grimes was the danghter of Mrs. Stollnecher ot Sherwood who was formerly a res ident of Wisconsin. K- Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Buchtel re turned Saturday evening from a two weeks' stay In Portland. " Mr. S. McEtnea, Mrs. McKlnek and her sister. Mrs. Delia Hamp ton, of Kverett, Wash., returnetl Saturday from a ten-days' tour of the Tillamook beaches. Mr. H. M. Sanderson spent Sunday at Wilhoit springs. Miss Alene High, who probably has a larger personal acquain tanceship with Oregon livestock men than any other woman in tha state, has resigned her ? position The feather Hats that suddenly thrust upon one an admiration, with their long tails and short bits of light color they command all the effectiveness of style. With this year conies the new shades that enshrine the pretty feather turbans and the new sailors of Plush and Beaver. .,, Price incomparably low for an early Fall felling. - The Well Dressed Woman as assistant secretary of the state livestock sanitary board. Mis Hish will be. married on August 20 to Roy Whitlock, orchardist of the Silverton vicinity. Miss High has acted as secre tary of the livestock sanitary board for more than eight years, and during that time has visited many sections of the state. Fol lowing her marriage she will re side near Silverton. Miss Twltchell of Portland was the week-nd guest of Salem friends. ' , ; Mrs. 'L. L. Mlcklin o McMinn- ville is the guest of Mrs. Wesley Wallace for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Stolz and family returned Saturday from an extended outing at the various Tillamook beaches and the near by streams. On the return trip they camped several days' at Cas tle Rock as a relaxation from more Btrenuous fishing excur sions. Mr. and Mrs. Marion Deppefi have returned from a week's vis it In Portland where they were the guests of Mr, and Mrs. V. L. Swartz at their home, 585 Mason street. Mr. Melvin Carney, who has been a guest for soma days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Clark, left Monday for his home In Wis consin. ' Mr. and Mrs. Guy Harris re turned Saturday from Portland where they have spent the past two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Baker an-1 Mi, and Mrs. O. C. Locke have re turned from a few days' outing at Seaside. Mr.and Mtb. R. K. Pase re turned yesterday from an outing of several days. With Albany friends they motored to McKen zie bridge and nearby points pt interest including Belknap and Foley Springs. . Mr. and Mrs. T. K. Ford and daughter, Loretta. left this morn ing by motor for a week's stay at Newport. x- Mr. and Mrs. G. K. Sohuneman spent the week-nd at Cloud Cap inn, returninc Sunday eveuing. Dale and Fcnton Powers are here from Fr"no, Cal., visiting their jrrandparenta. Mr. and Mrs. Collars and cuffs have come In gain -come In with a rush. Hardly a dress but boasts of them, and the nnartest sweaters are wearing not only collars and cults, but vests as welL This little troctrof dark blue serge bad none, and no place to put any with Its entrancing straps of scarlet taffeta across the neck and at the Tists. Something had to be done ahcut 11 and at once. So the clever "dressmaker thought and though a,nd thought Oil he evolved these set rn triangles of rows and rows of gathered white Valen ciennes lace. They go up and down either side of the skirt, placed so as to make a diamond pattern, and there are three diamonds of them on the outside of each Japanesey. square cot sleeve. And there is your neces sary touch of white with a ven geance. It is a wonderful frock: for cool summer days or for street wear. Practical and serviceable and at the same time "very charming and femi nine, really a joy to wear. With It I wear patent leather pumps, trimmed with Innumerable little holes and with three, narrow buckled straps over eacT Instep. To go back to our frock, there has been and still is much discussion as to the location of the waist line, but this little dress has decided firmly on a happy neutrality in the matter and settled down absolutely at the normal location. The skirt Is quits full and gathered In small folds, somewhat of a com promise there between the Spanish bouffancy wbieh our evening frocka show and the severe plainness of a few moot si baric. " Altogether It Is a very' sensible little frock and a most satisfactory addition t my wardrobe. W. I. Staley, and Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Powers. They were ac companied by Miss Maxine Pow ers, who will return with them in about three weeks, for the open ing of school. Mrs. W. W. Emmons ' and , son Ralph left Sunday morning for a week's stay at Seavlew. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ruef re turned yesterday after a two weeks visit in Portland at the heme of. Mrs. Ruef's aunt, Mrs. i. W. Jacobson. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Sprinkle of Seattle are spending the week at the homes of Mr. N. L. Cummings and Mr. G. L- Cummings of Sa lem. The Cummings' guests are cousins whom' they have not seen for many years. Miss Stella Iverson Entertains Her Friends SILVERTON, Or., Aug. 15. lEpecial to The Statesman) Miss Stella Iverson -entertained a few of her friends at her home on Norway avenue Saturday evening, Among those present were Mr. and Mrs. James Iverson, Mr. and Mrs D. Irerson, Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Moe, Miss Ruth Ormbreck, Miss Cora Saturn, Victor Madsen. and the hostess, Miss Stella Iverson Rev. and Mrs. George Henrik sen spent Friday at Wilhoit springs. The boys of the Trinity Luther an league entertained the girl members at an Ice cream social in the Trinity basement Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Tinglestad of Jefferson , spent Sunday with Silverton friends. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Tinslestad returned with them to Jefferson Sunday evening1 for a few days' visit. Harold Larseu was a Portland visitor last week. Miss Blanche Nelson of Eugene is visiting at the II. A. Shenander home. : $ ; Talk On Music Is Given By Rev. George Henricksen SILVERTON, Or.; Aug. 15. (Special to The Statesman) A large group of people gathered at the home of John Moe Sunday af ternoon for a social time. During the afternoon Rer. George Hen Tiksen gave a talk on popular mu- fsic as most often heard in the theatres and other public places of amusement. Alvln H. Madsen was also called upon to givo a short talk. He c"hose as his subject "Making a Success of Life and Your Vocation." Among those present may bo mentioned: Rev. and Mrs. George Henricksen, Miss Dora Henrick sen. Miss Louse Henriksen, Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Guaderson. Miss Ksther Lowe?, Miss Eva Rue. Miss Emily Hansen, Clifford Rue, Al- vin Leeard. Otto Lecard. Miss Cora Saturn. Mrs. O. Saturn, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Saturn, "Mr. and. Mrs. Adolph Hansen, Mrs. Carl Benson, Mr; and Mrs. Lawrence Larsen, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lar son, Harold Larsen, Jack Larsen, Misa Esther Larsen. Mr. and Mrs. Helge Rue, Miss Ethel Larsen, Harry Larsen, Mr. and Mrs. Gil bert Rue, Louis Rue. Mrs. Marie Runiss, Miss Alice Jensen, Alfred Jensen, Miss Ruth Ormbreck. Olaf Ormbreck, , Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Madsen, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Tin glestad, Mies Lillie Maden, Vic tor Madsen, Alvin . Madsen, Mr. and Mrs: Martin Tinglestad, Miss Helen Tinglestad, Miss Marie Tin glestad. Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Gop terud. Mr. and Mrs. John Copter ud. Miss Mable Evans, Miss Lulu Goplerud, Chester Gopterud, Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Moe, Melvin Moe, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Funrue, Miss IncebarR Gopterud. Walter Tatt. Mr. and Mm. J. Hegtrigt, Mrs. J. Hansen. Hans Hansen. Mr. and Mrs. Martja Hatteburg. Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Lund. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. father, Jalmar Refsiand. Miss Emma , Hatteburg. Miss Nettie Halteburft, Miss Anna Hatteburc. Willel Hattelmrrr, Edwio Hatta- Mr. and .Mrs. Harold Satern. Mr. and Mrs. Helmar Rue. Mrs. Clara Baltimore. Percy Shenander, El mer Sbenander. Miss Ruby SHe nander. Miss Hazel Shenander, Mists Mamie Holman. Miss Clara Holman. Oliver Holman. Mrs. Km i'iij Holman, Chris Halvorsen. T. Do k ken. Mr. and Mrs. Silas Tor vtad, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Tor vend, Miss Llllie Torvend. Mr. and Mrs. O. Salum, Mr. and Mrs. Sel mer Ness. SHERIDAN NOTES SHERIDAN, Or.. Aug. 15. (Special to The Statesman) The Sheiidan ball team won from the Perrydale nine on the local srrounds yesterday by a Fcore ot 4 to 2. "Kupie" Clow pitching tor the local club let the visitors down with three hits. Poor field ing on the part of both teams marred the contest. Rude of Sheridan poked' the ball over the fence In the second inning for a home run, scoring one man ahead, of him. - Yesterday's win gives Sheridan two games out of three played with Perrydale this season. Glowing Reports Come From Silverton; Four Cents Paid by Packers SIIA'ERTON. Ore.; Ang. 15. (Special to The Statesman) If one is to believe the reports of the beginning ot tae season the evergreen berry crop will be ex ceedingly large this year and not only will the crop be larger but the berries are far larger and bet ter flavored than in former years. The Silverton Food Products company is prepared to handle all of the evergreen crop In the Sil verton vicinity. This company Is paying 4 cents a pound. N. Diger nes also has a receiving station for the evergreen berry. Mr. -Dig- erness ships his berries to out-of- town canneries. He, too, pays 4 cents. The cannery started receiving the berries last week and has al ready taken in - a considerable amouht. Mr. Digerness started to receive today. Pleasant nras are ENORMOUS CROP A DEMONSTRATION OF tnhtinf .?icm t ' ! i ' . Mrs. will the the r I 1 n j - 4 IC You will be agreeably surprised at the transformation in your figure after the FIRST TRY-ON; You Come in Stout and Go Out Slender . You are under no obligation to buy-come in look them W. B. Stylish 466 State Street U "AFTER EUERV YAMEnL" Newest jrkds 1 Creation I J&fJA M News for Stout Women JW - T - - j j Beginning Tuesday, August 16 The Expert Corsetiere Alice, Hoops of New VnrU be with us to give all inquirers benefit of her expert advice in selection of a "STYLISH S STOUT" Corset over and try them on if you wish. The Corsets Are Stout La VidaLesielle Youth- line Reduso IcIIciocs peppermint flavored cunar Jacket xround pc eermlnt flavored ch'o, ma cum: yiilaidyoqr:c??ctu3 arid diczzilon. pollcfi jyoar tccthxnd mbltca 1 C2.'' Phone 877 7 burg, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Iverson, 4 , 1 r r