THE OREGON STATESMAN. SALEM, OREGOH SUNDAY MORNING. AUGUST 14. 1921 i C!;: Czi&v tide:. aujuxnxo Amxxsxicnrti wavswaWa ' a rt wt ' v Tm taMTttM ' '". U Thro insert ioaa . 8 Om wk (iU insertiona) r- M th , Q Six aanta' Mttrwt, per mm 1M It miUi' oatreet. pee melte iltitnM tor ui-kMttlMMl 8 ; i jsoRwicn union -. nilB 1N8URANCK HOCOJTT TbJelsoa, KoUad 4k ItnChardt lUaadefai Ageat 87l tttM M. ; MONEY TO LOAN : ' On Real Estate r . r T. K. FOKD I .;, tOveT Ladd Bash Bank FARM LOANS HAWKINS & ROBERTS 204-207 Oregon -Building .' LOANS REAL ESTATE: ; INSURANCE- v; Ws lasmrt asytawg-Wsaav km to hana Par as back I lias rsst Oar lam ed ity property ! ona plot, as us first. j '404-T Orsisa Bide ZT FkeM 1(44 NEW TODAY 'wttrv . TOII HMOKE I A POSTER" Cigar ye, are neiping w ouira iw ' ikmuo reouuunity. Phone 2081-W. , liar wa bad a aaoro attraettre list ml city realdeaco property lor saio thaa -mm aa njot aow, who m. ' nrirss and term to suit. Ao trouble " ' .wi. .nurif it mt tims. Com ia and let aa talk tb matier r. Vou will like our arle. ;Try ; Kra- fsr, 209 uregoa oiaw. THE HAT BOX 179 SOUTH IHOH, k , aats rsaoratsd; bloeksd. 1.00..' ' LEAVE YOCR -FILMS AT THE CAP!- - tol.Drag iitor; in at . tlsj r ;' une. .'.' - 1 -- .OEM HOTEU 1M SOUTH COMMER- k eiaL rooms 6,. so an . Jobasoa, propriotreas. I - ' - FOR ? SALE 8T. C1.ATR ! RASOE:ASID . wat-rr tapk. 114i Korwaj St. Pba . 1S&S-W. ' ' ' WANTED HOPPICKER8 AT THE Uinta yard? 40 seres arly and lata hop.. Kerister at 21 Bafinsw St. or , pboa 1SS8-W. i - . vnu mi.r.l MjOOM HOUSE. EVERT thing modern, lot 100-210, ahrubs garden, garaca, oara an. canasn . . M. Cbaao if Ukn at one. Terms Owner. 1845 Mission St. - . RECEIVER'S SALE THE BANKRUPT stock of new sad seebadbsad farnl t tar.-beds, bedding, atoras. dishes, and ' kMukolil fnTatthinfa formerly beloac- . '. (n- if. 11. Cannon Co. will be .M t nblie anetloa to th biahest bidder for eash In band, at th fornar , of Hth and Mill streets In. Sslem, Creron. Wtdneday. Anguat 24, 1821. st 10 'clock a.m. J. H. Dunisp. rs- . ccir. . EXPERIENCED WOMAN WANTS WORK clean na. ete- fall aaji. raon osa i eail I Mr, oaaw. I TOR . SALE WELL MATCHED LOGO !, ing team, full brothera with beary i wora Barnes., mww ris . w. .lit S2M1 Hiaiu. rerainana dman. root 1. Boa 72. Jefferson. Or. BERO APARTMENTS ROOM APART; S ; nivnt. eiesn " - liSi J f wonta. saa Jtanoa ou ruvum " I x $700 DOWN h-v, mv pUu In modern 7 room plaa- . i . I . -.ii. tared boo. pseo sireei. cemem , roseret Vasement. i mlaatea walk t ti(k arbccl or postoffice. Owner tear lag e'ty. Vo qui'k sal will ; prie at. f..S04. -v-'l'''" 7". t . ni rtAnbUN; ; y 408 U. 'B. Bank BWr. . - :T- ! PrlrA iRIFiOOr $500 Ddwtt iWUl huy 8 room modem plastered bontt I eicept batonicnt; aat imu, ura, .tor bona, corner lot. South Salem, i Bent hargafn Ui wn v- f u S. R. PEARSON ; i 40$ V. 8. Bank Bldg. r.lRH BUYER YOU HAVE A DECID- t ed advantage oa these particular places I -VL7m win ull tm arhv. . . 0 room modern eottare near schools, e ( pavement, gaa, bath, hot water, eement I walks. r me larw m ww ww S cation. 2100. . " , jh h.nLowa of S rooms each, veil le . i rated on pavement east at $2500, $2700 and 3oo. . it; mm knnralow. aouth. on nretty lot 'modern and dutch kitchen. Trim and aw paint Job. $2800. . ; at : kmnrilow witb evervtbina tnci idins, furnae,. fireplace and fall icement basement at $4.&00. ' mama: all bunt-slows with vew V thing, priced $8,000 to $8,500. One jaesr hirh school, one aouth aad one fast All fine locations and pavement ni pall and ahow in i few home that u bav not teen, . W, like to ;BECKE HENDRICKS 205 Vj S. Nat'l Bank Bldg. Phone 161 TRACTS ONE ACRE AT $1200. SOUTH Acre aad half north. 1 with email hoaae. eloa to car. aiouv, vsuu caaa, aai atua like reat. i -hut It ctr en ptvemcnt: all la liearinr fruit and berries. small ' buildings. $.t50O with stock aad tools K acre tracts all ways. ' . 10 acre fin ra oirt ciose vm oaiem 5BE'ckT - HENDRICKS c f , I f 90S U. 8. Bank Bldg. ! EX4MARINE WE CAX STEER JOC -dt a billet that ia kippr, for aad aft, with good rigging and deck, where vr eta standby aad mak yoar lose buy . Um. 8hove-off and ee this , rWk Headrick. SOS C. 8. Bank FOR SALE il.l room bungalow with basement and cood plnmbinc $2,400; $400 ssa. ba Jtewt' modera bnagalow. good , Iocs t ion, V In T room bora, basement, light. aa. tar. re. aad twa Iota. Good lo- I avBaat IVU VtePf moiia. : eatioa. $4,500. , Thre room bouse, 1 let, $500. , with, naw knnralow and out fcaiMian. bat and eokl water with ,i bath, water piped from spring. Prie $3,4104). f acre adjoining at t2.00. t'ive seres oa Orecoa Electri aesr Port Isad, orchard sad berries, $2,200.' 368 acre river bottom farm, well local aA tao mar arm. 60 err farm for reat with stock, crop and implements, aiouu. . Ahaiaa lot near ataln bona. $1500. Fit ! room hanralow, , plastered, newly painted. $1650. Bmall . house, aouth Commercial, ttreet. choir it. aiaau. Frd car, "SO: $1W . t. Li WUUU $41 Stat St. -Good Buys d. room house, ' good location, only $fi0fU part terma. .. , , 5 rooms plerd nearjer end paved ' ttreet. $1350; with $300 down. S room 2 Kits, psved street, close t car, good boy at $1400; oalv $200 down, balance $12.50 per moath. JO vro tree' njWHitlr,.la oeehaed. Bear Liberty, trad for citr property. - - THOMASON 881 U Stat Street ' Statesman . Bring Results NEW TODAY I XOW HAV A LIMITED AMOUNT OP fund available for ehote building A. C. BOHRNSTEDT ; D7 Masonic Tempi Salem. Oregon GOOD BUYS 89 rr trsrt of good prairie soil located en Hi pen ioal just et of me first cross read, alt cultivated, bow bars and inr sis room bun r alow. rTe f 1 3,500. 8 'A acre tract of broth and limber land. located 14 mile from tout a Commercial atret earliae, $1600; 1300 down, ba Iim eaar Ural. acre tract Close tm ear 1 line sad .paved road. 4 room new aooee ana carats, l'rire t!70O. term. 8. So acre tract eloee in, rood 8 room bcinlov. well. tar aoua. aoi! Prica S3850. 8 rtam bout on pared ttreet, bearing fruit, good location. 1'ric azouu: trims. Five room bungalow and two lota oa mini afreet. Price S320O: terma. Larue house with six apartments located on Center ttraet. large lot, pieniv room for soother house; ineaa $120 per wont. Prise 87.00O. W. H. Grabenhorst & Co. - 275 State St. EMPLOYMENT- rEMAUa WANTED LADY COOK FOR SMALT, Haw mill. Kings Yaiiey Jumper Vo. Kings Valley. Oregon. MEN WANTED TO QUALIFY POR firemen, braksmen. experience aaaee' esssry. Transportation, i fsraished. Wriu W. Boggess, St. Louis. WAJTTED KMEBOrrrv TOUITO MAM wk ba bad experience sailing iifs lasaraae, stocks r adrertistng. "blast b able to deroU hi eatir tua aad be aabitioaa for adraaosaieat. Mast bar the son race to present business proposiusa t msressats and profea- s tonal men. Answer ia yeor wa saad WTitiDK atatUiK sre. adaeatioaal anal' If Wsatioaa. sxperleae a solicitor, etc address I - w. u lUstosmsn arrie. MALB AND IXMAJLB HOP PICKER8-WANTED BELL HOP yard. Pickers ml former yesis pre- I erred. Kerister 411 Uregon Bldg. MAN OR WOMAN WANTED SALARY so full time. 75e aa boar spar time. Hellinr ruaranteed koaierr to wearer. Experiene aanecosaary, Internatioaal Hosiery Mills, .Norriatowa, Fa. WANTED HOP PICKERS FOR THE Mitoma Yard. Please reriiter with Homer H. Smith. MeCorniek bldg. or Aaoipa - uroa, cigar store, etat t. ANTED ME It WQMJOf TO taka farm paper saaoeriptbsBa. A food , propoaitioa to tb right people. Addroa Ui Pacif i Ham fad. Btateamaa Bldg. waiem. ur ALE8MBM WASTED WANTED LIVE SPECIALTY SALES , man t ti up with a lir telling pro positloa. Wricht'a'richt lin of tail- orinc and furnishinc ia the only com plete line oi men a wear In America todar. - Ne eomnotitioa. Every man a GMpect. ' Yon get yonr commiationa adrsnc. . W deliver goods and eel , lect. W bars men who her mad aa .. high aa $80 ia one day and can prove : it 15 tm $20 n dav with our line la nothing aauaaal. - We supply every ; thing, including a $20 tailing outfit and complete coarse in scientific sales- aian.hip. All w want to know is that Joa are in earnest and mean buainess. ines ars going faat and this ad .may not stain aDDssr so writ today if you - want to make sure f connecting, fell as all about yourself end we'll giv you -. full psrtirulsrs. Wright Company, Dept. V 187, 1801 W. Coagress Ht, Cbiesgo. WANTED UVE SPECIALTY 8ALES- - man to ti up with a lira selling pro position. - Wright's right line of tail- oriag aad furawnings is tne only com' ; plete line of men's wear Ja America todsy. .! N i competition. Every- man : a prospect. , You get your commissions ia advanc. Vim .deliver od tnd : collect. W hsv man who hav made , as high as $80 in one day and caa prove it. $18 to $20 a day with our i lin ia nothing unusual. We supply . everything, including a $20 telling out-''- fit and complete court In scientific tslesmsnship. All we wsnt to know :' Is thst you are in . earnest and mean ' business. , Lines are going fsst and ' this ad tay not again appear. -X So 1 writ today if yon want to mak sure of cwnnectinr. Tell at all abont your . self and we' II giv you full particulars. ' Wright Company. Dept. C-197. 1801 ;" W. Cons-rees St. Chieagw. ' personal; BACHELOR, v 82, WORTH $30,000 ' want! wife. KBoi 85, Lcigue, To ledo, Phi. - LADY FARMER. WORTH $60,000, ,: wants a husband. N Box 1134, Les gu. Detroit, Mich. . - MERCHANT, 35, WITH $40,000. WILL marry, r Box tiuo, f ort wayae, ';;Ind. ' GET MARRIED BEST MATRIMONIAL . paper published. Free for atamp, Correspondent. Toledo, Ohio. ATTRACTIVE LITTLE MAIDEN OF 19 1 summsrs will marry. Box 65, Oxford, ,.. rim , - - MARRY FOR SPEEDY MARRIAGE, nbsolutely tb best, largest in th .. country; estsDiisaea to years; mens anda wealthy - members. botn sexes, . . wishing i early marriage; confidential description free, Th Old Reliable CUb, Bx 26 Oaklsnd. Calif. MARRY HEALTH. WEALTH THOC8 ands attraetiv. congenial people; worth $5,000 to 810O.0OO. : confiden tial dstcriptiodt (either tx) free. r Reliable, successful, natisfactioa guar anteed. Sunflower " Club. Cimmarroa. ... Keaaa. HANDSOME. CONGENIAL Y0UX0 LA -: dy worth $100,000 ia aaxioua to mar- . i ry nonoraote, wortnr gentleman. &.ata srine, 608 Lanksnhiiu Bldg, Lot Aa J ! gel, CaL MARRY IF LONELY: FOR RE8ULT8. try me; best and most successful "home maker" ; hundred rich wish marriage aeon; etrtrtly confidential; most re liable; years experience; description, fro. ''The Successful Club." Mrs. Naah, Box 558. Oakland, California. CATHOLICS, WISHING TO MARRY : part tcslars free. Addres Home Club, L Box 23. Uraad Ksptda, Mich. IF YOU WANT A HEALTHY. WEAL- thy loviag wife, write Violet Rays. veanisoa, unto, aaeiaaing stamped en velop. MARRY RICH BEAUTIFUL 12 PAGE Illustrated magaiin tent tealed for 4c " Manage Fe'ie Review Baltimore Bldg, Dept. 27, Cbicago,llliaoia. ASTROLOGY STARS TELL LIFE 8 etory. Send birthdat and dtn for trial rending. Eddy. west port St, 28-SA Kanaaa City. MUsourL NOTICE A LARGE COLLECTION OF . picture and descriptions of beautiful ladle sent free t any on upon re auest. Address Prof. ' Ward, B508. Valley. Keb. . .-. t FACIAL SCALP TREATMENTS: VI 0- Ut ray I maaieariag. ahsmpoolag. Or- even Bath hoaae. Pboae to. FOR SALE BUSINESS 0P1H)RT7JHIT1X FOR SALE GOOD GASOLINE AND servic station. 0a main , highway. A bargain. Has 14. i FOTTLTRY FOR 8ALE-e.WHrTE IOHORN TEAR ling laying bona. Pboa 8F3. . POULTRTMEN SEND EIGHT TWO ami atamne tut SDeeial thro month.' .trial far aad oldest urasl ia th west. Th article and sdver- tisemenU ar f spec is 1 Interest to the poultry breeders of th northwest. Northwest Pool try Journal, 21$ Com mercial St Balent. Uregoa, Use fc?ts tesmaa CLualflftl Ad FOR SALE CAJtAXY BIRDS i 1 i .1 FOB SALE CAJTAR1 BIRDS. Night . Mrs. K. A. sl 1B4A, KQ Cbensateata. TAXM FAFEB IF TOO WANT TO GET THE BEST farm paper, as ad 1 be to Taw racUie Mamosfad. Salem, Oregoa, far a tar Matba trial aabacriptMia. M eatioa Ui ad. - HOUSES "ALADDIN READY CUT HOU8S" SO percent aaved in cost of roastrnc tion. Chaa. K. Hants, factory repres entative. 20 Northwest Bank BUlj. Fcrtlsnd, Oregon. SSi.flOnl.i.ABbPa FOR SALE CHAMPION PKI.'SiKS. Phone order to C. ti. Kuvcnton. 36F16. WIRB UOP, LOOlXBCKOr, OII1CH.SVJK wire, dtoiaswea. ia uourt atroat. OFFICES AND , STORES A BIO LOT f now boost far aai at bail prie. Sterabaeka. FOR SALE 1920 ELECTRICALLY- quipped Harley-Davidsoa Baotorevcl. jo.t overhauled; a bargain. Phone 10&8-J. THE WESTERN SONGSTER SCHOOL AND COM MUX ITT 81 SGI NO Aa oapecirilr good eelectioa of the son yea have boea wanting witb word and music complete. Sm matter bow maay aongbookt yon hsv you should have this one, containing the Orogoa songs. Prie: Sine:! copies. 25c; 16 euti each la lou of a dosea or mere; $12.60 tb hundred, postpaid. Secoad aditioa printed sines September. OREGON TEACHERS M0STHLT 1S S. Commercial Bt Salem. Oresva WOOD DRY FIR AND OAK WOOD FOR BALE. Pboa 77F. OLD GROWTH 16 IN. FIR. $8.60: 4 it. eoa growta pad ash. Pkoae 1467. DEALERS IN WOOD ALSO WOOD SAW- Ins: cat our trieoa baforo bavinr olao- wbere. Oak. old fir aad secoad growth. Fiahar Bros. Phoao 2046. FOR SALS LARGE 4 FT. MILL WOOD, tawed even length, 12 lack or 16 inch. Spcia! prie an 8 cord lots. Seasoned mill wood-. First class 16 ; inch old fir. Second growth fir, sawed 16 inch. Fr4 E. Walla. 80S 8. Church. Pbon 1542. FOR RENT BOOMS LEONARD HOTEL St MANAQE . mont, clean, neat rooms and apartments. 254 North Front Bt. FOR RENT LARGE SUIT OF ROOMS, . firtt floor, with privet bath, Tb Alexandria, 1080 Chemeksta street. Pkoa 1280. WANTED ROOM AND BOARD. PRE ; fr something near 14th tnd 8tU St Mast om good. Address "1-7B." care t H talesman. FOR RENT ROOM FOB GENTLEMAN , in mod era noma and centrally lecat- ed. Fleas giv mama and ad dross. E. ear Statesman. HOUSES F. U WOOD. 88' "rTATK 8T atat. rentals. KXAX WANTCD KXSOZLXJLSBOUS H WANTED TO TRADE ACREAGE FOR good shght car. Fine land, just off psvement.: itvo at is. ton Bt. OLD MATTRESSES MADE OVER - Capitol City Bedding Co, Phone 10. WANTED ON SHARES. FARM READY for operation by man with family. Ad dress J. 8. Graham, 304 N. 21tt St. CHERRIES WANTED TfE ARE BUY- ing Black Republicans, Bings and Lam berts. Drager Fruit Company. WANTED TO RENT OR 7 ROOM C. McDonald. bouse in Sslem. Mr. Independence. Ore. WANTED USED HOUSEHOLD GOODS, range and eookatoves, tool, mn t aaita and ahoot. Liberty Exchange, 141 X. Commercial, Paen 841. WANTED EVERYTHTNw IN HARD .ware and furnitur. Beit price paid. THE CAPITAL HARD WARS AND FURNITURE CO. 185 V. Commercial St. ' Pboa 847 BUSINESS CARDS Auto Directory AUTO TOPS AUTO T0P8 W. 0. WRIGHT. -171 Bonth High. AUTO TOP, guaranteed. 1128. UPHOLSTERY. WORE 688 South 12th, pkoai TJ8ED CARS Chevrolet 490 Maxwell, '17 Maxwell .'20 Overland 'BO MHchell '18 Mitchell 1 . Hupmobil '20 VU '19 : Fran hi ia J $ 250 185 550 500 B50 1250 126t 1250 1600 Good bug 75 Cars in good condition; all hav been overhauled. GINGRICH MOTOR CO. 371 Court St. TIRES AND ACOESSORZEt 8MTTH WATKIN8, 147 NORTH HIGH . Flak, Silvertoa Cord. Hood extra pr tiro. Every thing for auto. OARAGB AMD REPAIR HOFFMAN A EOSEL TIRE REPAIR Ing, vulcanising, retreading; 197 Soutl Commercial street. Phone 471. CAPITAL GARAGE BUICK, 8TUDE baker repairing. 172 South Liberty Pboa 88. AUTO ELECTRICIAN: EXPERT TROD bt shooting. 88$ North High. Phon 20$. ... . "AIR GROUNDS GARAOB TIRES, AO cessorie. used esrs. Our wrk gnar nntoed. 1841 PorUaad Road. Pha : 80S. SOUTH COMMERCIAL GARAGE GIN , rJ repairing and verhaliag. 421 8. Commoreial St, SaOeaa. . , PRESTO-LITE BATTERT SERVICI station. Expert battery aad electrics' work. Farria Bros. Pboa 8803. 41 f Court. TRACT'S STORAGE GARAGB 64' Ferry ttraet. LIB BY S AUTO REPAIR SHOP I South Liberty, Pboa 901. AUTO REPAIR SHOP L. MTUVER, 14 Canter. Phoao 890. SALEM' AUTO RADIATOR SHOP 19 . Sooth 12th. Pboa 13. JO. BAIR, RADIATORS, FENDER8 Ttnattao tenalad. 444 Pet IV BEAUTY PARLORS M. MYRTLE BERNARD MAS8EUSE: pnintroeat Oregon Bath Ueus. Pboae 040, ZOZBaV. i BARBERS COXY ROOK BARBER SHOP 116 Wee - CONTXCTIOKXRT REMINGTON CONFEOTIONERT. HOM Ti med candies, eonfediona, aigara, mag- atioe 13T3 MtaUk. .1 wirwmnti ctinincq Ads-- BUSINESS CARDS CHZVESX PHYSICIAH DR. L. M. HUM CURES ART KNOWN iaiaa.s ta ft. H Pbetnw CORSETS MRS. ESCH AGENT FOR PRINCESS t'orseta. Phoao 1043 R. gI 8. lxth. DEESSM 8 ITW DRESSMAKING 12S8 Soutb High. GRACE WHITE. PKESHMAKINQ 330 Li.llWm fkaaa WIIW ;, MRS. R. CARTER EXPKR1ENCI.D dreeamaker. Pboa 17 1W. RUTH McADAMS DRESSMAKER, 758 South 13th. Pboa 12 at. HATT1E WILLIAMB 24d RorU Cotta-. -XKK88UAaUNU. Pkoa 1&92W. CARRIE FISHER IrME.SM A KINO. d,i(ninc. Spnor oorsata to ordVr. S McUormack BUt, MRS. V ARTY, DESIONEtt AND MAKER Ladiea' Sail aad ire was. 7 McOr mnch Bide DEU0 STORES BREWER DRUG Pnoa 1S4. CO. 40ft COURT; RXMSTITOHXHO 8AI.KM ELITE HEMSTTTOUlNfa. ckaia.titcauic. pmotiag. battens. SXtf SeO Oregon Big. Pboa S7P. HAT SHOPS HAT SHOP MEN'S AND WOMEN'S bate maovate aad blocked 405 Court 'ZNSXTBANCB OUEGON PIRE RELIEF OP btcMIXN rille is the best protection you buy. aad low cost. See Staadley k Foley. Bosh Bsak Bldg. Phone 347. INSURE YOUR AUTOMOBILE WITH th Oragoa Auto Indemnity Exchange. Fall protect ion. Reduced rate. Freak Meredith Co. Buah-Breymaa Block. 0 BEERHOUSES PORCH BOXES BEDDING PLANTS for aai. Smith's 801 North Commer cial. FINANCIAL MARION-POLK COUNTY FARM LOAN association ha money to loan at aix percent. W. D. Smith, eeeretary-trea- nrer. sua oaiem Bank of Uommerc. FLUMBIBO JOE'S PLUMBING SHOP. SHIPPING and Broadway. Pbons 1502. Prices reasonable. If you have anything to lis let Jo do it. PLUMBING, REPAIRING AJCD OOIL work. Pkono 1517J. Shop: 127 rtwi street, a. I, uodfrey. JOB PRIBTXNO FOR HOP TICKETS SEE BEKTELSON Printing Co, Y Bldg, Salem. laAtnroRxxs SALEM LAUNDRY COMPANY. 186 8. Liberty atroot, Pbon 15. Old Urgent best. Established 1889. CAPITAL CITY STEAM LAUNDRY Quality work, prompt eerviee, 1384 Broadway. Phono 16ft. MXDICAXi MOUNTAIN BALM COUGH REMEDY rnone oi . i FRTVATB HOEMTALS WANTED CONFINEMENT CASES AT . private hospital. I bar beat f equip ment, raon iv3j. PAXNY CONTRA OTORS THE NEATEST PAINTER IN TOWN Work by day. contract. Walla. Phone DAVTR A (TTItAveieltAnamR'KWV'Rtl contractors ; paiats. oiL'Vrallpapar, 120 oouta uiDorty. rnone aui. . AUBREY H. CLARK, SUCCESSOR TO Glean L. Adam. Painting, paperhang ing. kalsomining. Work goaranteed. terms reaaoBaot. faoae lsvov; r 42ft South Winter. PAINT WALLPAPER SEB PORTER FOR PAINTS, WAL1 a per aad Picture Proming. Good work men. 46ft .Court St- PbtM 486. PERIODICAL MISS GOODHUE TAKES SUBSCRTP tiont for sll msgsiine. 161 Bo. 17th ttreet. Pboa 74IM. PTJBLIO STENOGRAPHER : MARGARET :-BURNS PUBLIC STEN ographer. 408 Masonic Bldg. Phone 262. ROOF REPAIRING ROOFS RESHINGLED, CLEANED. RE S aired, painted ar tarred. Pboa Kayet 4P8. REPAIRIMa AND SHARP ENINO CUTLERY GRINDING. LAWN MOWERS asfety rasors, etc. Stewart'a Repair Shop. 847 Court a tree. BEN WHEELER EVERYTHING BE . paired. General sharpening, ehimsc weep. 1486 N. 17th st, Phoao 141 8W SH0B REPAIRING WILLIAM '8 SHOE SHOP 198 SOUTB High. STUDIOS DE LUXE STUDIO. KODAK FINISH ing. 147 North Commercial. SCAVENGERS 4ALSM SCAVENGER GARBAGE, REF e of sll kinds removed. Oaoap.ab cleaned. Phono 1H7. SECOND HAND GOODS HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR SECOND band clothing and auoea. Also do classing, pressing snd repsiring. Csll snd deliver. Capital Exchange, 842 North Commercial. Phono 1368-W. VB BUY AND BELL SECOND HAND good of all kinds, pip fittings, bar nest, seller, collar pad, tools, aad chain. Fred 8c hind) or. 186 Oaatet street STOVES STOVB RXPAJRIMO TOVE REPAIRING. BRBUILT. COILS, coauections. Will call aad clean, pol ! ish at hooa. 171 North Commsraial , Pbon 734. 1T0VE8 REBUILT Arru REPAIRED 40 year experience; Depot Nation 'feaea, aisea 86 to 18 las high. Peintt oil aad rarniahea. etc.. loganberry aai bop hooka. Salem Fne aad Star .Works. 160 Court street. Pboa 114 TAILORS FRANK PALM MERCHANT , TAILOR 211 S. High snd Ferry. TXAN8TER HATTLnra MERCHANTS" DELIVERY, 179 SOUTH High. Phoaa 230. Trunk, city. 50 e. CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO. 11 State St, pboa 938. Distributing forwardiag aad atorsgs aur tpwsialty Get )e rates TAXI DIRECTORY. LANHAM TAXI COMPANY PH0NX . -40. THE OREGON TAXI-TRANSFER r CO, Liberty ft Frry. Pboa 77. Dry sleh. a-laeb wood for aai WHERE TO EAT WHITE CLOUD "TEA HOUSE CHINA dhrbea, a oodles, fro discing. Open am 1 at alght. 1104 N. Com'l. , Classified Ads. In The Statesman Bring Results BUSINESS CARDS aTCSICAl, ALLIE CHANDLER PIANO, Ml kenkOeiun BEATRICE 8HELTON PIANO fJTCsiIO 844 Marioa. Pboa 12. LILLIAN B.ART8HOBN PIAKO. 84 Nortk Church, pkoa 178. T. 8. KOBKRTS PIANO. ORGAN. 7u ScnU let. Phone 77o. DAN p. LANUKNBERQ. VOCAL fwy Bldg. Pboa 107$. LENA WATERS PIANO. Pawn ll4M. 14T2 MILL MOLLIS, 8TT1.KS VOICK PIANO, 85P Coatee Phoar 2014 aV I IUKKUS LA UN Kit North 17th. Pboa rLANU. 1418 JULIA MILLS WEIUEL, P1AMO. 15 booth Church. Phne IXHIK. P. U M1L1.EB VIOLIN; OTHER tiring iaatrauteat. 419 Marian hotel. LUU1LK KUS8 PIANO. OHM AN. ! Nortk Uberty. Phoao 1187W. MA1T1E GILBERT STRINQ 1NSTRU atotita, 1872 Stat. Pboa 1168 K. MISS MABLE SHEPHERD. PIANO 267 N. luayor; daacos, ail Liberty. HAI.B.U CON BKKV ATOM t OP ML'tUO All branch tewgbt. dtulnua's arantod. John tt. Hitoa, direct, 1281 Court Pboa 826. TUVRRS WENDELL HELM TUNTNQ, REPAIR nt raoao, 4W2. EDWARD VELP EXPERIENCED pmao tuner. Leave orders WUl'a Muaio .tare. B. W. BALLANTYNE. TUNER, PLAY- era a specialty. Phoao 352. Chor- risgtoa sa fia iaao Hon. PIANOS PIANOS, PLAfER PIANOS: NEW. J. W. TaUtaan, 121 So. Com 'J. CUERRINGTON PIANO HOUSE. HAN oie ttusa-la eelebratod piaao 416 Court. Phono 862. TRAKSPORTATI0R SALEM 8ILTERT09 8TJ.GE Leovea Leaves Sslem SUvertoc O. K Dpt : ' News Stand a.m. . . B115 a.: 11:00 a.m. 1:00 p.m. o:w p.m. o.-tft ym, SALEM INDEPENDENCE MONMOUTH STAGE Lv Sslem O.K. depot 7:00 aja. it:wu bjb, :ou pjn. Leavs Monmouth Hotel 9:15 1:0U p.m 6:16 p.m. Leav tadepeadeneo Hotel 8:80 a.m 1:15 p.m, 6:30 pa. Special trip by appointment. Sevca passenger esr for hire. J W. PARKER. Pron. Re, pboae CIS Business phpaa 7 PROFESSIONAL WATEll SALEM WATER. LIGHT POWER CO. OMic. 801 South Com'l St, Tea nor eent dioeeuat oa domeati fiat rate paid ia advance. No deduction for ab eeace or any causa aai .a water is ahst off your snvama. CHLROPRAOTORS DR. O. L SCOTT. P. a C CHIROPRAO- tmrJ, 809-12 ; V. 8 Bank Bldg Pkoa. MT! Ke. 828R, CHZROPOSUTB FOOT CORRECTIONAL SPECIALIST Appllaaee from individnal impressions Satis tact 10 a guarantond. Chaa. K. Tatra. Msaonic BbU. Pbon 441. NURSES FOR'TRACTICAL NURSE PHONE 503R. iwSTEOPATBZO PHTSIOIAKS DRK1 WHITE AND MARSHALL, U.S. Natioaal Baak Bldg. 608 DR. I W. U MERCER, OSTEOPATHIC Plyticiaa and surgeon ; Kirks vill gradual, 404-406 U. 8. National Bank .Bldg. Phones Offieo, 919 ; JUa. 614. DR. JOHN L. LYNCH, OSTEOPATHIC Phrtioiaa asd Sutgeon, 408-404 Oregoa Bldg; Phonos: Office. 1394: Rat. 68 F 6 SUGGE8T0THE RAPIST II. 3t ANDERSEN. D.8.T, SCIENTIFIC masseur, electro-magnetic - healer and mtVapnyticun. Pbone 1108. 41S Ort- go Bldg. Consultation free. OPTICIANS GLASSES FITTED BT DR. L. R. BCB dette at the Bow Optical Company, 886 State street, opposite Ladd aad - jiuaa ttaag. LODGE DIRECTORY UNITED 8PANI8H WAR VETERANS, amp 5, Armory, First. Third Meadays. REAL ESTATE : WORTH WHILE If you want a good borne st a very reasonable price, see us. Y bav larre list to select from. A special bargain ia a 21-acr tract with good boildings Some good vscant lots very 'cheap. Let as write your insurance. See a if 'you have something to trade. MILLS & COPLEY 331 Stste St. Phone 175 BEST BUY8 6 room modern bouse except furnsce-; psved street, full basement, lawn, good location, price $2eao: term. 5 room modern bungalow, first clatt condition, gravel street, ea.t front. large lot. 83100: half cash. 6 room plaatered house, modern except furnace; garage, lawn, fruit, 2 lots. psved street, close in. $2,600; terms 20 acres sll cultivated, best Howell prair ie soiL fsmilv orchard, rood boildinra, miles Salem, paved road; a. good buy at $5250: $2000 raah. 13 acres 4 miles north of Sslem, Sty good logsnt. good buildings, best soil fu.ouu. 16 acres nesr Chemswa. IVx acres bear rdam ia cultivation. 6 acre, cherries. am. 11 buildings, equipment and hone, cow and 100 chickens go: price $5000. See S0C0L0FSKY 341 SUte MOUNTAIN HOME 30 acres i with new 4 room bnagalow, good bsrn and chWkea house, water piped t bout aad barn. Good stream on property. 8 acre caltivated. Some good woodlsnd nnd pastnre. A smsll payment will hsadle this. Price 835O0 14 acres 6 V, mile from- Sslem. 6 acre, prunes, 2 acre logans, 4 acres straw berries, some mixed fruit. 3 room bouse, good barn, water piped from apring. Ktock. implement and grain go. Worth looking at. 88500. 68 acre 7 miles south of Sslem. all cul tivated. Some good fruit. Fair im provement. ' Fine land. $90OO; Vt cash. 80 acre of excellent wood land n high ways Will sell at a bnrgsin if aold soea. If yen want to make some money on wood, see r-e. ARTHUR E. PETERSEN ' 229 Oregoa Bldg. 7 ROOM PLASTERED HOUSE. CLOSE in on 1 4th street and on street car. , first floor.- living room, dining room, kitchen, bath, toilet, bstctnest. fire plaew. buffet; second floor, 4 bedrooms, sad closets: psved street. Price $4,200: rash 82.000.- - 1. A. HAYFORD $05 8tate ttreet WOODS BARGAINS 2 00 ACRE RIVER bottom farm good buildings, oa gravel road on mile to paved highway, torn stock: and implements at $60 per acre. 50 acres of bottom land well located with crop, stock aad tools, $6500 or will rent. Alao bargain in houses, lou aad acreage Want t bay horse and lot close to hnsiaea center. F. L. Wood, 941 8ttBf, - REAL ESTATE 20 ACRES NEW BUILDING, $3000. W ipUia tb new tytteat of telling year property. Mage, aver Bustek a. $4000 BUTS A BEACTIFUL NEW 6 room modern bungalow. Just th kind at a ham yon wsat. Maar -other good buy. Come nnd a na. iirwpr, 3tu9 Oftrs. Bklf. HAVE SEVERAL SMALL HOMES JUST fcetnc eofp!ctd. modern conveniences, prves gliuO to Phono lit&d. to 12 n. ta. Rooming bouse, 12 rooms, east o.'f riut treet, two good lota, raraf nod fruit, oment walks. Thta ta a rood tnvci nwnt. will giv yon n cw4 larem sad a home, prie fS.jOO; soata term. S room plastered boose partly mod'-rn. 81.2O0; taoo cash aad 10 p? Month. 5 acres in alcm hr kS.OOO; aoO dwwn. rat like reat. i'hia fia-- ha a 7 room plastered bout, barn acd other olh-iiMiars. this w s i.arraia JOSEPH BARBER & SON 20 Gray Bldg. INTERESTING A 4 room plaatered bungalow, aire lot aad fruit aad garde at $1100 for a 'ew daya. Alao a 13 acre place a bard surface main road, 8 miles out: prt ewltiwted and timber eneigb to ray for the place at $175 aa acre, wr bargain as Wm. Fleming. 841 Stat St. REAL ESTATE TRADERS YOU CAN find a bomber t good propeaiUeae eitaer aa trade, ar buy ta aay pay meat f Um ar bungalows. Chaa. W. Nieeaeyor. Maaoaia Temple, Saloav PUTNAM MeLASEN CO. RELIABLE Real bun dealer. Room 11, 180 Nrth Commareial Street. GOOD BUY ONE MILE EAST OP CITY limit, 4 room bonae on 5 acre ot choice land, about one sere of cherry trees. Prie 325vO: will esehsnxs for good property. Square Deal Co. Phoarf S7M IT A tt.ab I A BARGAIN XEW 5 ROOM BUN- galow; basement, electric light, built in kitchen, pantry, bath, toilet, sink, bssin, lot 45x150, near school and car line. Owner, 125 Lefello Bt. NICE MODERN 7 ROOM BUNGALOW. casement una furnace, large kit, gar ase. near carliae in East Halem. tt&uo. Fine 10-arro tract close in, 4 room bna galow, nam, garage,, fruiL Knap, 5.000: terma. 4 room cottage, good . location, eaay pay ment plan. $3,500 to loan on good farm security. aee our list oeiore Buying. PERRIXE MARSTKRS 211-12 Grsy Bldg. !0 ACRES, GOOD BUILDINGS. FOR sate by owner. see Lewis at 260 Soutb Commercial St. FOR RENT FARMS FOR RENT 221 ACRE FARM. 7 MILES aortn of haletn, went aid of river. For particulars ee klra. 8. A. Hackett, Salem, Route 1, terma cash. PUBLIC NOTICES V To W. G. Flsner ana J. B. Fisher and the firm of Fisher Brothers and all persons claiming any right, title or interest in or tc that certain truck described as follows, to-wit: Day-Elder truck Model "D." serial No. 302, Motor No. 76 CSS, situated in Marion County, State of Oregon. Each of yon will hereby take notice that I, 0. D. Bower, sher iff of Marion County, State of Oregon, am duly appointed agent ot the owner of that certain chat tel mortgage recorded in Book of Chattel Mortgages, 30, page 181 oa the 23rd day of .April, 1921, records of Chattel Mortga ges of Marion County, Oregon. Said chattel mortgage given by W. O. Fisher and J. B. Fisher on the abore described personal property to secure the payment of 11127.99. That I will sell said chattels on the 18th day of Au gust 1921 at 10 o'clock a. m. on the front steps of the Court Houst of Marion County. State ot Ore gon, to the highest bidder. The owner of said chattel mort gage is foreclosing same in ac- cordanace with the terms con tained therein. XOTIOK OP RALE ON PORE CLOSURE OF CATTEI, MORTGAGE. Notice is hereby siren, that by virtue of a certain chattel mort gage executed by H. E. Henry In faror of Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Company on the 23d day of Octo ber, 1920, and now owned by F ... Waters, which said chattel mortgage covers the hereinafter described automobile, and upon which there is now due the sum of $100 00 and interest thereon at the rate of 8 per cent per an num from the 1st day of Decem ber, 1920, and the further sum of $230.00 and in tf rest '.hereon at the rate of 8 per cent per an num from December 1, 1920. be ing the amount necessarily ex pended by the mortagee in the re pairing of said mortgaged proper ty, and on account of the appoint ment of me as agent of said F. N. Waters for the purpose of fore closing said chattel mortgage and selling said automobile under the terms thereof. I have nn such agent of the sa!d F. N. Waters, taken possession of the following described personal property cov ered by said chattel mortgage, to wn: One Cadillac Roadater Automo bile, bearing serial number 33808. And I w ll on the 19 th day of August, 1920, at the hour of 10 a. m. of said, day at the went door of the court house in the city of Salem. Marlon County Oregon, sell the above described automo bile to the highest bidder for cash In hand. O. D. BOWER, Sheriff of Marion County. Ore gon. Japanese Listed As Booze Violators HONOLULU. T. -H-, Aug. 8. At a recent meeting ot the board of directors of the Jaoanese Unit ed association of Honolulu, a resolution was passed deploring the increased number of convic tions of Japanese for violation of the prohibition law, and appeal ing to the Japanese residents of Hawaii to observe the law. A committee was named to call a meeting of Japanese church mn. rres. reoresentativs and language school teachers to dis cuss plans lor a campaign . for law enforcement. MY HHBT SGD MY I1BI0 Adsdei Garrtatta's Kw rtttane tf REVELATIONS OF A WIFE CHAPTER 111 HOW ALICE IIOLCOMBE RE TURNED TO THE SCHOOL "Where's Alice?" . v " Bess Dean ooDDdd her head in at the oriice door, saw that 1 was alone, came into the room and shut the door behind her. "She'a gone to the village. "When will she be bach.?" "1 don't know. She may not re turn at all. There's nothing f ot her to do." . "I'll bet a cookie I know where she's gone." Miss Dean put her palms upon the rather high desk, leaped lightly to the top of it. and began swinging her feet. She evi dently was in a gossipy mood, and I wished her anywhere else. "What are you doing here?" I asked, trying to turn the conversa tion from Alice Holcombe. "I thought you had left with the rest ef them as soon as you re ported this afternoon." Bess Dean "Digs " "Oh. I'm trying to get In the class with WInesy," she said airily. "She didn't leave until just a tew minutes ago. That's the reason 1 proceeded cautiously until I saw you were alone... 1 thought per haps she was skinning and. cutting you up, and far be it from me to Interfere with, a lady's little di versions!" I laughed In spite ot myself, her saucy nonchalance was irresistible. I have often envied her power to throw oft everything disagreeable, and at no time more than at this moment when the weight of the world seemed to be resting upon my shoulders. , "Then you've really been work ing." I tried to speak bantering ly, but failed miserably. "Pos-i-tive-ly. Got everything cleared up for a week. And let me tell you something- don't look for little Bessie In the morning, 'cause she's going to be sound asleep In her little bed.. Oh, yea! I know the orders that old stuffed owl left today, and anybody can obey them who wants to. ! But not for me. dearie; not for me! You can send in a written report it you like on my absence, but they won't tire me for oversleeping and I should wor ry if they dock me." v "I shall file : no report unless one is asked for," I replied a bit stiffly, "and as far as L am con cerned the entire staff may sleep the whole two days away." ., I "Don't tool yourself. ...Day after tomorrow we ll all. have to be In evidence at that funeral with teary eyelashes and black bands on our sleeves. : That's one reason why I'm going to get a good sleep to morrow, I'll need It. If there's one-thing more than another that I can't stand it's a funeral, and nn a. a s ? especially one nice mis win oe.;; I opened my lips to say that nn der no circumstances would I at tend the funeral of Mllly Stock- bridge, and to express my opinion upon the bad taste of making It other than a strictly private affair, but an instant's second ; thought closed . them again, ; .Not to Bess Dean could I utteF say confidence. I might as well paste it upon the postoffice bulletin board. - - "Oh, Lady. Please " "Oh, you can keep It to your self," Miss Dean tossed her head offendedly. v "What?' I asked Unguardedly. "I "Whatever yoa opened your mouth to say Just now. But never mind that. Let me tell you some thing that you can't deny, Alice has gone to the coroner's Inquest as a witness, and I know IL" "If you know it, why question me?" I asked with a non-com-mittial air. "Just tor the fun of seeing you squirm,'! she retorted with a mali cious little laugh. "I always did enjoy seeing little goats meander ing around the lawn, and your small Nanny has certainly slipped Its tether about now. Ta-ta. Keep your . secrets, deary, - but - don't think you fool little Bessie, for you dont. You'll have to get up earlier In the morning than yoa ever did to pull the wool over dis chile's eyes.' . "v''V " She slipped from the desk with careless grace, swept me a mock ing bow that, after all, had no ill nature In it, and danced out of the room. I heard her humming a lit tle tune as she went down the cor ridor, heard it again as she came back from her: Toom and left the building. I stood Idly at the win dow and watched her lithe figure tripping down the path, as If she were the spirit of careless, happy youth Itself, and felt suddenly old and careworn as I watched her. I stood at the same window s number of times In the next hour, for an uncontrollable restlessness had seized me.. I felt as If I could not stand the Interval of waiting until Alice Holcombe should re turn. '.-'-'.' - -'-Z r. Upon my sixth -or seventh trip 1 saw a taxicab being driven rapidly up the curving, private road lead ing to the school. . As It drew up in front of the door I recognised In the driver a boy of whom Alice $clb n czjccists nimmj ."V Kteel Aa g owe anwatet far T7 iM Pen. Art t- Vt iTTB 1 V Ii 1AMS MBA a A rilXt, fcelj ae II 1 . aait.tiliaAMhaUaMi X . . . a- Sunburned Not tflciWiahlfini Heals f ey.alw araj mmtiil Iloleombs bad spokca at a former f arorlttt pnpil ot hers. Tb Ut ' trot down from, ' his seat, t brew open the door, and then I saw Urn Kirs a distinct ; start, and thrust bis Bad Into: th tax lea b. . Tb next instant be had withdrawn it and cast a frantic look toward the chool buildias. I leaned from the was onlv oa the window, which second story, r Snd ealltd down softly: ,v t k-;. '-....a j "What Is the 'matter?"' "Oh, lady, please come dowa here Quick!" nei Implored. "Alias HolcombeV: dead ' or tainted or something." - . ( continnrd) Tells Peasants That Soviet Government Has Bourne Burden; Cites History . RIGA. LATVIA. Ansr. 10. Th Moscow Pravda. official orran of the Central Committee of thn Russian Communist Party, recent ly Drin ted the comnleu text or at speech by Lenine. before the Sum mer conference of the Communist party, outlining frankly the rea sons for the recent . chanren to ward free trade in Russia Vt Appeals to lmrle-," . "We openly, honestly and frank. ly say to the Deasanta." Lntnt I quoted as saying, "that In order to keep on the road to socialism, we make many concessions to you, peasant-comrades,, but only with in certain limits, and to a certain extent and, of course; these limits and the extent we will determine ourselves. The concessions bear upon the distribution of the bur den, the greatest part of which hitherto fell to the lot of the pro letariat, but not on the, peasantry. , iiarxisiiip. Many. "Durlna the three aait.a half years of the idictat6rshlp of the proieisnai, me latter took upon Itself more hardships than did the peasantry. This is an obvious truth and cannot be challenged. '3 ne question as to the mutual relations between proletariat and peasantry stands as follows: Either the peasantry comes to an understanding with us, and we accord them economic concessions., or It .Is' a fight. That Is why all other arguments are nothing but unaiiuiea nonsense. Laxity Means Defeat. "Every other road leads In real ity only to Muliukoff. that Is, to the restoration of the estate own ers snd capitalists, but we say that we are "willing to make any con cessions so long as they sre with in the limits of . a pojlcy which tends to support and strengthen the proletariat; which, if unfalter ing. In spite of all hardships and obstacles, make for the destruction ot class distinction, and for the ultimate establishment ot com munism." ;t - r. v On entering the grocery stori Elijah. Cummins, got generous' daubed with wet paint and began berating the groceryman r accord ingly. ' t-x - .' .; f-f r-.- i 'Cah'ttyott read? Didn't you see that sign fFresh Paint'?: re torted the grocer, ' "Ten, 1 did," replied the In censed Elijah, "but I've seen the sign Tresh Eggs' to many times when they weren't fresh that I paid no heed to your sign." V WHOLt MILK . AND ' PRODUCK WANTED Marion Creamery & Prodaet Co. Salem, Oregon Phone 24S3 I SALEM MARKETS it i i BTTTINO RICa Egg tad 1-Mttry Egg. S8. .. .... )i Hena, heavy, SOc. Heaa, medium. 17. , fUnt, Iifht, 15. Broiiers, 18e-82. , f Old roosters. S loe. . - . ork, Mattoa sag Bee Tail ban 14 11. , An -. Z .. 1 j , ' if , 10$, HOgS, VC Smooth hewVM. S . Uresaed bogs; 1 and ltc, rm?"' Tlg, ! 8 e-4. 1831 nrilk lambg 4V$ ft,. Bf tteert, .T! ; Cows, 2-8. . fl''M': -Bulla, 8-ge. ."tf , , . Top real, ia i$o, ' . 1 v.v ..' ...... .Torsls - - Whest. 88c, Ko.t 1 whit. Outs, milling. K. 1, 40. 1 Whetatale t Daators " Creamerr Butter , 48-44. Butterfat. 86 ... Whole milk. $1.85 ewt. rratt ' Orsngo. $4.50. I ,$ . ' Apncou. $l.5 crato. -Battsnas, lOe. . ! Lemons, $10 and 10. 50. Grape Fruit. Cali 84 0. Date, dremedarr. $7 ess. rt VfgeUbUs Oregon rsbbsre, 6c. i Tnraipe, 82.UO sank. ' f ' - Beaaa, Sc.- ij - . . Was beaaa, 5c; . Ittuc. 85e. - .H- :- Celery. $1.25 dotea. , New potato, a. Ot-egoa en ions, 75c ret Wall, Walla onions. $j 15 Caa, onions. $3.28 ssck. Raduthea. 40e dosea bunch. Oregoa cucumber, bo. i Oregon honor. 80 lb. .' Rhubarb, e. Ml . Persley. 60 dot en bwnche. Beet. 40 dosea. heaebe. Tpasatoos. $1.7$, i ' i Heser, aitrscted. 20 Tb. Apple-, $2.75. -Oreen P, 12. tU,' 12.25; flat Melons, $1.80. ' ' ' Oroea peppers, if, " V Bet 11 rSZii4345-' cuss mm Mfatyolcooluig- ,1