f-r -I - ; - ; :, ;f" ; .---. ;- U HaT TIIE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM. OREGON - .1 TUESDAY MORNING. AUGUST. 2. 1021 r 5 I ; . i IK tj Ow00ix 0!att5qm I ' Bats , Pi hiirtfi . Tare iMtrtioM- On week sU iBMrtteaa). vu ssonta, jfO tin: snaths' eeatreet, M 16 It moataa' Matron, per m 11 MfattaMM fr Uf llTMiMMM la , KORWICH UNION rma insurance society Tilelaom, Roland Bttrghardt Rtwldettt Agemt . 171 Stats) St, MONEY TO : LOAN . i Oa Real Estata ! T. K. FORD 1 (Over Ladd ft Buia Bank) , j FARM LOANS j - .. . j 204-207 Oregon Building LOANS REAL ESTATE 1 INSURANCE W tssar anything Wakava th mm? U la Pay back i like reat Oar farm j Mi. eitf property list are eoua let.; 8m as first. J LAXLAB II LATLAB 0-f 0oa Bldg. Faone 184 NEW. TODAY T YOUR HOUSES AND FARMS with H. P. Pearson for uick sal. You rwil b satisfied many other have kHD, M. P. Pearson.' 408 U. B. Hank Bide. . ' f-OR SAMS EIGHT '10 : ACRE TRACTS within sight . at capital For aala or trade far city property. Phone 111. h ACRES OS PAVED STREET SEAR tpwn,. 4 room bungalow, bam, garage, Ira it, good aoiiU Just the place for a araall rural noma. Bargain at $1900, tffms, 8500 down. o. P. Pearson. 408 Cj S. Bank Bldg. M- - I'UiL. RENT MT WELL FURNISHED ! cottage at new port toi siraei tenant lor balaoe of season. sightly location, address "M" care Mtstcsiuan. J JUST LISTED OOOD 5 ROOM BUNQA- low near, ear line and school. Price 83.0OO. Sea Kruger, 20 Oregon Bldg, OR SALE NEW PURE EXTRACTED honey. Phono S2F2. ; WE BUY. RENT, SELL: ASD EXCIl- aga kodaka. Capitol smug Btoro. .. - ; HIE T08TERV CIGARS ARE MADE lit Salem, ana when yon smok a t roster, yon are pnternising homo la ! daatry. 'Phono 2C81W. - paV E ROOM POR A FEW MORE PA8- angers to Paeifio Citf for the 3-dar rvieuration Augiuit ft and 1. , Phona MO for reaerrationa. i ILK: FOR SALE ADDRESS 2181 N "Wat St. - inniiv iv , t.nnM RITNQALOW f. modern except haaement. House is in ' int MBilition. blaatared. hot ana cold water, bath and toilet, sinks, alee ttc lights, garage, frnit. Urge lot. Lei na show you this for tlooo. tfrms rash. 8. Pw Pearson. 408 U. & Bank Bldg. I ' OR -SALE ONE EDtBON PHONO rsph and records, good as h'f riea. Phona 1I4. , Address 220 H. Liberty. 'i ! - iPOR OR SALE OOOD DRY ASH WOOD. Price- fo.w per eoro., , "". h. Una 68 A. Matea. '!-','.-''' i OfJSO GIRL WILL CARE FOR CHIL- - tm afterneono i and , eenings.u jrnons G2F11. r. ' -1 ' IX- m'HADK 122 ACRES, ONE OK THE BEST , Airnu , PO I JflS J Uk I way. Ittrns near saienw noma nyi v. out.. BO aerea Br cultivation, - balance niber and pasture, .j rrirea cnean a acre, ierma, - tun w in city residenrc. Interest & P"' i i v A .Huuil am4 &11 the it will pay yea to. tneaiaa P. rearaoo. 408 U. 8. Bank this. BllC. 8. FERNS ASD PALMS FOR HOfJSBUBE. Artaur rianie wiwbiwm, - w -Jth and Wilbar 8t. I llJAVE 80 ACRES MILES OUT HOOD Hi7 5 orrnsro, isisnce nay, an irrigated, snedera residence, tenant hwaae. big ban aatl pple houae. A naeolera faraa. Will sake 8 room -resident In Salem as Pr payr Bome rsih, bslsnre mortrs. Prwo 124,000. ta. K. Scott. Hood Rurer. Oregon. loKDEKS TAKEN FOR KENTUCKY AVonder atring oeans ror 35 lb. loU or nor. . Phona 10831. XOW 19 i THE SEASON YOU MOST firtl i ire proiminD. with the " McMinnTille Co Sound pro tection at low cost. Stsndley Foley, Bush Bank Bldg. ! t OR HOP TICKETS SEE BERTELSON Printing co, s cm, paim. ; WANTED WOMAN FOR HOUSEWORK n farm, gooa wagea. noije v. late ODKL FRANKLIN-THI8 CAR has kao irn ea in mrw. " uiilcs. Terms ran be arraaged on this P"' eara Klslesnsn. WOODS BARGAINS 260 ACRE RIVER bottom itrrn goon nniiuinga, s'"1' road oae mile to pared highway, some .w.1. mmd iniDleoienta at StiO per acre. . tu acres of bottom land well loratcd with erop,.SlocE ana toois, vi rill rent. Also bsrgslns in souses. r... .-A uMaee. ' Want -ta bur. hoUB ; a4 lot cloae to basiness center. ' P. L. iVOOd, 4l OS. r WANTED A MIDDLE AGE WOMAN TO . rare for Inralid lady. Wages three -AoHara per day. For. particulars w In- quire aw iv. . ' ANTED Bt RESPONSIBLE PARTY ' rnrnUhed cottage at good beach resort. I Apply 17 rr Statesman. UO YOU WANT TO' BUY 63 ACRES OF first rlasa lana an in "" 't'"'."" ,5 acres of hops and lt kop boose witk small fcousa and barn for 130 ler acre I Ben F. Weat; 462 State St. Muetaira ."-.' - " - ' -'--'- T - 1 WORTH WHILE V ACRES CLOSE IN. 2 ROOM HOCSE, running watery Prico f--av. ; ti a L. ....... to (a. IS acres plow landi "water system. Near K. M. komn. 0 per acre, V eaahe -1 120 ncfes. Eseellcnt buildings.. S acres ' plow laffd. near school, B. '. D. Telo 3 phone close to R. R. . station. 'Price I 12.600.00., . . -- ' -c MAin nlaatereil lhAitaa tiaa aewer ran j nection. kiecuie lights. Irgo lot. Si ' Works to ear. ia50, f 4(H) down. -Special. 21Vi ncres, modern buildings, 13 acres plow land, 8 acres timber. t well located and good soit 2 acre 2 year ! old pranea. On a car tine near school. I Price 65o0, 1S00 cash baUneo long ' time. : - noli in and see about sne of these. ' ( ; MILLS & COPLEY f, 831- State St. fJ ' are tract, in Salem, f room plsstered t house, oorn, g.iras:e ana poultry nous. ' Soma fruit. Thia will make a nice I poultry ranch. Only ra.OOO, $300 cash s . rVst like rent. Get in harry if yon ? I wan thia. , i 1 We are building a new 6 room modern ' , Isdbso nesr Stste Ktreet east. If -you i want to buy a new modern home w 1 ' have It for you. Everything up to date. i i We, also have a 12 room modern bene. I t rood for apartments or rooming house. S If Fa snt to deal with the owner se as about these. ' Jihib ' 5 room modem, plastered bouse cement bssement, garage. , Price 25o0 ssy terms. ' It geu want n good home at tight price 1 and easy terms don't wait. F.aay terms will be s thing of the nest verv soon, '-JOSEPH BARBER & SON 200 Gray Bldg. NEW TODAY .Best Buys and Exchanges 10 ACRES CLOSE TO LIBERTY. WILL sell en easy terms or take good boaaa ta eaiem. Wo ha some good buys in large farms also aoioe barxatns in city property. So us before you bay. THOMASON - Ml State Bt. EMPLOYMENT MAN WITH GOOD TEAM WANTS work. A. H. Biederman, Phone 63t 5. WANTED ENERGETIir TOTSO MAN wao haa had ezperteoe sailing life lasnranea, stocks or advertising. Meat be able t devota hla entire tune and be ambitious for advancement. Meat bar the ceo rage to present bnaineea proposition to merchants and profes sional men. Answer in your own haad- . writing stating age, educational a.aal titrations, axperieac aa solicitor, etc. Address I No. L Stataaman off tea. MAXJB AJTD rXMALE WANTED HOP PICKERS. FOR THE : Mitoma Yard. Please register with ' Homer H. Smith, MeCornick bldg. or ' Auolph Bros, Cigsr store. State bt. WANTED HOP PICKERS 100 ACRES of good bops. Pick by weight. Rt. 8. Box 98. Lee HJag Co. Keciater st Peoples' Meat Market, 155 North Lib erty. WANTED MEN At WOMEN TO take farm paper sabecrsytieBs. A good proposition to the right people. Address tha Paetf ie Homestead. Buteamaa Bldg. Salem. Ore. PERSONAL FACIAL SCALP TREATMENTS; VIO lot ray; manicuring, ahantpooiag. Or ogon Bath house.- Phone S40. FOR SALE C AX ART BIRDS FOB SALE CANARY BIRDS. Bight ; singers. Mrs. E. A. Bennett. Phana 1213. 1020 Chemsketa. BPIOfXSS 0PP0RTUH 1TLEB FOR SALE GENERAL MERCHANDISE a to re, doing better than f 00,000 aanaal , business. Stock bow approximates 515,000. Can be reduced so that 10.000 will handle. Own building - 60x80 which can be leaaed. If you desire a good business location iuves tigste thia bay. Address N. Belig, Falls City, Ore, or call 505 N. 14th, Balem, for further Information. HOUSES CHAS. F. SMITH ALADDIN READY cut bouse. 40 Oregon Bldg. ' POULTRY POULTRYMEN SEND EIGHT TWO cent stamps ir special three months' trial for the best and eldest journal . in tha. west. Tha art idea and adver - tisemeats are of special interest to , the poultry breeders of the northwest. Northwest Poultry Journal, 215 Com- mereial 8t Salem, Oregon. FARM PAPER IF TOO WANT TO GET THE BEST . farm paper, ' aend l&e t The Paeifis .Hameatead, Balem. Oregon, far three : months trial snbscriptioav Msntion thia ad. PIANOS GOOD USED PIANOS STEINWAY. v llobsrt M. Cable, Kingsbury, Ladwig ' and ethers, little monthly paymenu. Call 450 Court St. msoELLAjrsous FOR SALE HIMALAYA BLACKBER riea. Phone 11F24. - , i LUGGAGE SALE NOW ON MAX O j Buren, 17 North Commercial., WIRE HOP. LOGANBERRY, CHICKEN wire. Steinboek. 672 Court street. RUSNIN0 BOARD LINOLEUM MAX O. Buren, 17W North Commercial. OFFICES AND STORES A BIO LOT of law booka lor sale A kali pries . SMlnboeka. PLASTER ; WALL BOARD SUPERIOR - to wood, equal to plastering. , Max U. Buren, 17V N. Commercial. FOR BALE DEERING BINDER. POR table and tongue trnek. 1819 model; good aa new. Phono 6F3. FOR "sLE GOOD OATS AND TETCH hay, $12 a toa. First place oast of v Aaylum on. the right,' R. K. McAdsms. FOR BALK HAT AND MORE HAT. , Tha best of clover hay, also some splendid bono hay. C. C. Russell, Phone 3F3. - s - THE WESTERN SONGSTER SCHOOL AND COMMUNITY SINGING An especially good selection of tbe aengs yon have been wanting with words and muaie complete. No matter bow man aoagboeka yon have yen ahould have - ghia one, containing the Oregon gongs. ; Prices; Single copies. 25e; 16 ft eenti r each in Iota ef n doses, or mere; 112.60 ' the hundred, postpaid. Second edition ' printed since September. - OREGON TEACHERS MONTHLY 215 B. Commercial St. Balem. Orsgoa WOOIi OLD GROWTH 16 IN. FIR, I8.B0; 4 ft. second growth and . ash. Phone 1467. : FOR 8 ALE OLD PITCHY FIR, 16 inek and 4 feet. Reasonable price. Phon 1727. WOOD FOR SALE PHONE 254 OR after office hours call 622. Call aad get my prices before you purchase. WOOD , HAULING 200 CORD's OF wood drawn to Salem. , Inquire Square Deal Realty Company. Room 202 U 8. Bank Building. GOOD WOOD REASONABLY PRICED Satisfaction guaranteed. Victor Schaei- , der, Phon 68F41 evenings. . Turner, Oregon. DEALERS IN WOOD ALSO WOOD SAW log; get our price before baying else ' where. Oak. old fir aad second growth, ruber Bros. Phone 2046. DRY FIR AND OAK WOOD FOR SALE Phone 77F. FOR 8ALJS LARGE 4 FT. MILL WOOD, sawed even length. 12 - inek or 18 . inch. Special price .en 5 cord lota Seasoned will wood. - First eiaae 16 inch old? fir. Second growth fir, sawed 16 lack. Fred E, Walla. 805 8. Ckoek - Phone 1542. FOR RENT BOOKS LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING . ROOMS FOR rent at 1132 Center street. LEONARD HOTEL IHTTT-MANAGE meat, clean, neat rooms sad apartments 254 North Front St. FOR RENT LARGE SUIT OF ROOMS first floor, with privet bath. Th. Alexandria. 1030 Gkemeketa street Phone 1281. FOR RENT ROOM FOB GENTLE MAK In modern borne sad neutrally went ed. .- Pleas giv name aad address E. care Statesman. -C BOOH AND BOARD ROOMS WTTH BOARD, CLOSE IX reaaoaabM rates, 4t RV ' Commercial ' Street. - ; ROOM FOR RENT BREAKFAST AND 6 o'clock dinner. Bteem neav rnone 1827-W. - . ' - ' - - , HOUSES 9. U WOOD. ; TATB ST, REAL 'eatato. '.rentals.'-' . , N Classified Ads. In The Statesman Bring Results LOST AND FOUND FOUND FOUND CAP FROM OIL FILLfNO tube en Briscoe 'ear. Inquire this office: FOUND SMALL DARK BROWN FUR neck piece, on Willamette campus. Owaer may have ssme by calling at Statesman effice and paying for this sd. WANTED MXSCEXIJkVBOUS OLD MATTRESSES MADE OVER Capitol City Bedding Co, Phone 19. WANTED TO RENT TWO FURNISHED farms. On shares or salary. Address Box 772. Dallas. Oregon. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR ALL kinds of second hand clothing. 320 N. Commercial. Phone 298. WANTED SECONDHAND SHtrTOUN and rifle. Must be in good condition. Call 220 N. Liberty. CHERRIES WANTED WE ARE BUT- ing Black Republicans, Binga aad Lam berts. Drager Fruit Company. WANTED USED HOUSEHOLD GOODS. ranges and cookstoves. tools, men a suite aad shoes. Liberty Exchange. 241 N. Commercial. Phone 841. WANTED EVERYTHING IN HARI ware aad furniture. Beet prices paid. THE CAPITAL HARDWARE AND FURNITURE CO. tA5 N. Commercial St. Phone 947 BUSINESS CARDS Auto Directory AUTO TOPS AUTO TOPS W. 0. WRIGHT, 271 South High. AUTO TOP, UPHOLSTERY, WORK fnaraateed. 55S Sontk 12th phons 126, ! 0 XIRSS AND ACCBSOKIXS HOFFMAN ZOSEL TIRE KEVAIK anop. i.,...! rcrHvuig. 0.1 Commercial 8treet. Phone 471. I SMITH WATKINS, 147 NORTH HIGH. Flsk, 8ilvera Cord. Hood extos ply tirea. Kverrthing for auto. . USED OABS FOR 8ALE AT A BARGAIN LATE 1920 Chandler Touring car. Phone 1555-W. FOR SALE OR TRADE OAKLAND auto in fine shspe. Price 92UO, or trade for 250 hens. Write Box 81A, 1 Unite 2, Salem. REBUILT USED AUTOMOBILES IF en ars looking for a good nsed ear. hsvs It; and eara that are rebuilt like new, and at a low price en easy terms. Write or phone Mr. Kllton, 890 Esst 9h Ht Portland. OARAGE AND REPAIR AUTO ELECTRICIAN! EXPERT TROU ble shooting. 238 North High. Phoae 208. FAIR GROUNDS GARAGE TIRES. Ac cessories, nsed ears. Our work guar anteed. 2641 Portland Bead. Phone 80S. SOUTH COMMERCIAL GARAGE GEN oral repairing and overhauling. 420 8. Commercial 8U Balem. PRESTO-LITE BATTERY SERVICE station. "Expert battery and electrical work. Farris Bros. Phona 4803. 418 Court. CAPITAL OARAGE BUICK, STUDE baker. Hod eon repairing. ITS twutk Liberty. Phon 88. TRACY'S STORAGE GARAGB 644 Ferry street. LIBBY'S AUTO REPAIR SHOP 220 South Liberty. Phone 901. AUTO REPAIR SHOP L. MILLER. 245 Center. Phone 890. SALEM AUTO RADIATOR SHOP 19 South 12th. Phone 28. J O. BAIR, RADIATOK8. FENDERS Bodies repaired. 444 Ferre. BEAUTY PARLORS M. MYRTLE BERNARD MASSEUSE: hour. 9 to 5, Sunday; evenings by ap rsintnisat. Oregon Bath House. Phon 40. 2028R. ORXOONION BAUTY SHOP MARCX1 waving, hatrdreasiag. 166 South Oom meretai Phone 477. BARBERS OOZT MOOK BARBBB BHOr 18e Htnt 00KTX0TI0VZRT KEMINwTON CONFECTIONERY, HOME made eaadies. eenfeetions, eignrs. asag asinea. 1272 State. CHINE SB PHYSICIAN DR.. L M. HUM CURE8 ANY KNOW dwaaae. 15 S a High 8t Phone 288 CORSETS MRS. ESCU AGENT FOR PRINCESS Corsets. Phone 1043-R. 891 8. 12th DRESSMAXXKO DRESSMAKING 1299 Sontk High. DRESSMAKING OR PLAIN SEWING. Phone 1184 M. DRESSMAKING. TAILORING 873' Cherry. Phone 1678 M. MRS. E. M. ASHLET. DRESSMAKING will go out by hour. Phone 1436-J. MRS. R. CARTER EXPERIENCE! dressmsker. Pkone 1971 W. RUTH MeADAMS DRE88MAKEB. T6 Soutfc 12tk. Pkone 1824 M. HAITI E WILLIAMS DRESSMAKING 246 North Cottage. Phoae 1652W. CARRIE FISHER DRESSMAKING designing. Spencer eorseta to order 8 McCormsck Bldg. ELETHA PdlUETT DRESSMAKING 662 North Commercial. Phono 1931W VIRS, TARTY. DESIGNThr AND MAKE! Ladies' 8niu aad Gowns. 7 McCor meek Bldg. ' - DRTJ0 STORES BREWER DRUG CO. Phone 184. 4PS COURT HXMSTTTCHXNO SALEM ELITE HEMSTITCHING ehaiastitching, pleating, battens. 829 830 Oregon Big. Phone 879. HEMSTITCHING AND PICOTINO AT tachment; works on all sewing mach lues; pries 82; personal checks 10 ' extra. Light Mail Order House, Be? ,127. Birmingham. Ala. HAT SHOPS LIT SHOP MEN'S AND WOMEN - bat renevatea and blocked 195 Oeur atreet. UrSUXABCB INSURE YOUR AUTOMOBILB WITB tbe Oregon Auto Indemnity Exchange Fall protection. Reduced rate. Fraal Meredith Co Bush-Breymaa Block. GREENHOUSES PORCH ' BOX ES J BEDOTNO 1 PLANT for sale. Smith's 801 North Commas Hat FTJANCIAlt MARION-POLK COUNTY. FARM LOAN association has moaey ie lean at aia pare eat. W. D. Smith, secretary -traae orer, 808. Salem Bank of Cemmeree. pxuafBrjra PLUMBING. REPAIRING AND VUtU workH Phene 1S17J. Shop, 12T TJkhM street. A. 1 Godfrey. Us Statesman CUaatfw4 AAA. BUSINESS CARDS hfUIIOAX. ALL1R CHANDLER North Cottage. PIANO. 261 BEATRICE 8HELTON PIANO STUaflO 845 Max wo. Phone 1299. LILLIAN HARTSHORN PIANO. 294 North CI reX Phone 176. T. S. ROBERTS PIANO. ORGAN. 270 Scuta 14th. Phone 770. DAN F. LANGINBEKO. VOCAL Derby Bldg. Phone 2079. LENA WATERS PIANO. 1472 MILL Phone 1184M. MOLLIS STYLES VOICE. PIANO. 659 Center Phone 2016R. FRANKLIN LAUNEK PIANO. 268 North 17th. . Phone 1415 JULIA MILLS WEIGEL. PIANO, 1S60 Bouts Cburch. Phone 139 IK. f. L. MILLER VIOLIN; OTHER atring instruments. 419 Marion hotel. LLCILE ROSS PIANO. ORGAN. 496 North Liberty. Pheaa 1187W. MATT IK GILBERT STRING INSTRU menta. 1572 State. Phone 1156 R. MISS MABLE SHEPHERD. PIANO t layer; daueea, ali occasions. 257 N. iberty. SALEM CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC All brsnehes taught, diploma's graatdd. John K. Sites, director. 1237 Oourt Phoae 826. TUNERS WENDELL HELM TUNING, REPAJB ing. Phone 492. EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED pisno tuner. Leave orders Will's Music store. R. W. BALLANTYNE. TUNER, PLAY ers a specialty. l'boae 252. Cher rington Piano House. PIANOS PIANOS. PLAfER .PIANOS; NEW. - aaed. J. W. Tollman. 121 8. Com'L CHERRINOTON PIANO HOUSE. HAN- ilr Bush-Ine celebrated pianos 4li Pourt Phone 852. LAURDBJXS SALEM LAUNDRY COVfANY. 186 8. Liberty street. Phoae 25. Oldest largest best. LsUblished 1889. CAPITAL CITY STEAM LAUNDRY Quality work, prompt service, 1264 Broadway. Phon 165. PRIVATE HOSPITALS WANTED CONFINEMENT CASES AT private aoapital. I have best of equip ment. . Phone 1959J. PAINT WALLPAPER DECLINE IN PAINT BUNGALOW now 82.56. Max O. Buren, 179 North Commercial. 8XK PORTER FOR PAINTS. WALL a per and Picture Framing. Good work . men. 455 Court St. Phone 485. PAINT CONTRACTORS THE NEATEST PAINTER IN TOWN Work by day, contract. Wells. Phone lbllM. DAVIS BTRAvrsBAUtfH GENERAL contractors; paints, oil. wallpaper. 220 South Liberty. Phone 901. AUBREY H. CLARK, SUCCESSOR TO Glenn L. Adams. Painting, paperhaag Ing, kalaomining. Work guaranteed. Terms reasonable. Phona 1896J; res. 425 South Winter. PERIODICAL MISS GOODHUE TAKES SUBSCRIP sloua for nil magasine. 251 So. 17th street. Phone 741M, ROOF REPAIRING ROOFS RESHINGLEB. CLEANED. RB paired, painted or tarred. Pkone Kayos 84 F3. REPAIRING AND SHARPENING CTJTLKRT GRINDING. LAWN MOWER aafety rssors. etc Stewart's Repaii Shop, 847 Court 1 trnek BEN WHEELER EVERYTHING BE paired. General sharpen in c ehimae) aweep. 1485 N. 17th ex.. Phone 1418W SHOE REPAXRTVfJ WILLIAM'S SHOE SHOP 195 SOUTH High. STUDIOS OR LUXE STUDIO, KODAK FIMISH ing. 147 North Commercial. SECOND HAND GOODS HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR SECOND hand clothing and shoea. Also dr cleaning, pressing snd repairing. Cal' ' and deliver. Capital Exchange, 842 North Commercial. Pbone 138-W. WB BUY AND SELL SECOND HANI goods of all kinds, pipe fittings, bar aess, collars, colisr pads, tools, and chains. Fred Bchiadler, 258 Center Street SCAVENGERS SALEM SCAVENGER GARBAGE, REP as of all kinds removed. Capoob cleaned. Phone 167. STOVES STOVE" REPAIRING STOVE REPAIRING, REBUILT, COILS eannectiona. Will call and clean, pel ieh at house. 271 North Commercial Phone 734. . . STOVES REBUILT ATTXe 'KEPAIRKD 40 year experience; Depot Nations (nee, aises 20 to 28 ins. high. Patau oil aad varnishes, etc., loganberry anc hop hooka. Salem Fence nnd Stove Works, 250 Court street. Phon 124 TBABSFEB HAULTKQ MERCHANTS' DELTVERT, 179 SOUTH High. Phon 230. Trunk, city. 50c. - TOA8 CHANDLERCENTRA L TRANS fer; office, stand, Clark 'a Tire House Phon 74. - CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO. 22 a. . a. L - - .... . . pnn voe. vrntriDuimg forwarding nnd sterags ux specialty Get one rates. TAILORS" 'RANK PALM MERCHANT TAILOR. 294 North Commercisl. TAXI DIRECTORY ANHAM TAXI COMPANY PHONY 840. rHB OREGON TAXI TRANSFER CO.. Liberty Ferry. Phon 7T. Dry . eteh tM-txeb weed fnr asle TBABSPOBTATIOX SALXM-8ILVEBT09 STAGE LesTO Leaves Salem SUvertet O. E Depot Rewa Stand 7:00 8:15 a.m llrOOvm. 1:00 p.m 5:00 p m. :15 pm SALEM INDEPENDENCE MONMOUTH STAGE Leave Salem O.E. dope 7:00 aja 11:00 .m, 5:00 p.m. Leave MonmouU Hotel 8:18 e.m. 1:00 p.m. 6:15 p.m. Leave Indepesdenc Hotel 8:80 a.m 1:15 p.m, 6:30 p m. Special tripa by apneiarment. Seven passenger ear for hire. : .J W. PARKER, Prop. Re, phone 618 Business phene f WBXRB TO EAT FBY THE NICKEL LUNCH AT 861 Court. Anything 6e. WHITE CLOUD TEA HOUSE CHINA dishes, noodles, fro dancing. Open 9 a.m. 1 at night. UOlfc ft. Com'L WATER SALEM WATER. LIGHT POWER CO. UffK-e. not Moata nmn'1 H. Ton per east discount on dementia flat rale paid in advance. Ne dedaeti for ab sence or any cause anlssa water m savat wff your prim Is i. : - v. - - - - ' ! t PROFESSIONAL I CaiRtfFBACTOB DR. O. 1. SCOTT. P. & C-. CHTKOPRAO terv 84r9-t3 V. H Bank Bldg Pheme. "1 Km. 828K. CHIBOPODIBTS FOOT CORRECTIONAL SPECIALIST Appbaacea from individual impruaaasna Sauafactiea guaranteed. Che B. aire, Maaeaic Bldg. Phone 442. SUGGESTOTHXXAPtST H. J. ANDERSEN. D.S.T, iSCIEXTIFIC maeaeur. electro magnet ie' healer aad BBCtaphytKian. Phoae 1108. 416 Ore g Bldg. Consultation free. BURSES FOR PRACTICAL NURSE PHONE 503R. OSTEOPATUIO PHY&IClAJia DK8. WHITE AND MARSHALL. 0 L. 8. Kstional Bank Bldg. DR. W. L. MERCER. OSTEOPATHIC Physician aad aurgeon; Kirksville gradust 404 405 U. a National Bank Bldg. Phones Office. 919; Res. 614. DR JOHN L. LYNCH. OSTEOPATHIC Phystian aad Sutgeen. 403-404 Oregon BkUr: Phajoa: iXIrm. 1304: Kea. 68F5. OPTICIABS Q LASSES FITTED BY D!t ; I. R. BUB "e ttow Optical Company. ?'- atreet, oppoaiti Ladd sad Hush Hsek LODGE DIRECTORY UNITED 8PANISH WAR VETERANS, camp 5. Armory. First. Third Mondnrs. SEAL ESTATE TWO LITTLE BUNGALOWS NEARLY complete; witn ligbta, water, plumbing and about half acre each; nice trees, price very reaaonabie; terme. Enquire ffire Kingwood EnUanca gates. REAL ESTATE TRADERS YOU CAN fiad a number ef good prepositiona either se trade, or bay la easy pay menu ef land or bungalows. Case. W. Niemeyer. Masonic Temple, Balem. PUTNAM McLAREN CO. RELIABLE Real Estate dealers. Room 21, 180 forth Commercial (Street. WE WILL MEET OR BEAT ANY FORM of contract offered en listings en realty for sale or for trade. We make liberal open or specie! contracts aa is most fitting and agreeable. Reasonably pric ed properties re desired, whether for sale or trade. Buyers are .svited to se as op this batuvj '. 'A woman can buy as cheap as a man. The FLEMING REALTY CO. 841 6taU St, IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A SMALL farm of real value, inquire about our 100 acre improved Linn county farm for 24,500. A. C. Bohrnstedt. 407 Masonic Temple, Salem, Ore. FOR SALE . SEVEN-ROOM HOUSE, first elass condition, good location; liiving room, dining room, kitchen, bed room downstairs, - three upstairs, five closets; hot and cold water, electric tights, basement. Three lots with fiwit. Inquire owper. 860 E street. WELL CAN YOU BEAT IT? 1 acre with fine lot of fruit, 2 blocks of car, small houae. 82.000: eaav terma 24 aerea good lauaV. 1 mile of email town, spring .water in' house, verv fsir build ings; some fruit; some equipment. 14,500; terms. 2 dandy residence lots, fscins Capitol atreet at a bargain if sold soon. 5 acres all in cultivation, 4 room bouse, ' newtv painted, spring water in house; small family bearing orchard; good barn and fencing. 91,800: terms. ARTHUR E. PETERSEN 229 Oregon Bldg. WILL BUILD SEVERAL 8MALL BUN galewa. four to aix rooms, with bath, electric ligbta. walks, etc, and sell like rent. Phone 1958, 9 to 12, morn lags for appointment. WOOD'S BARGAINS Choice 20 acre tract located three miles from Sslem; good soil, about two acres In orchard, fair buildings, creek on the piece, spring water piped to build inga, good road. It will pay you to hook at thia. Hare one of the best fsrms in Polk county, 141 acres well located, land tiled, modern house. Urge barn and outbuildings. Good water system Price right. 1 Five room modern bungalow with ce ment basement, two lots, with bearing fruit trees; will take auto part pa) snd give terms. A good farm at 865 per acre; a few choice lots. Want to buy house and lot close to business district. F. L. WOOD 341 Stste St. GOOD BUYS Well Improved ISO acre farm located east of Salem, 105 acres in crop, bal sacs pssture snd timber, running water, fine set of modern farm buildings, 5 acres fsll wheat, 50 acres oats.- This it s fine farm in first class ronditiua Price 2150 per . acre, V cash, bslanw 6 percent interest. 10 seres. 5 acres set to lor ana. 1 acre atrswberires, on good road 4 milet south. Price 92650. Well improved 9.69 sere trsct located in Salem Heights, sightly location, modern ? room house, barn. Vt acres in fruit, about 90 bearing wa?nuts. some spples, cherries,- pears, loganberries. Price 91 5.00O. . Improved acre tract close to csr lint and on Pacific hichwsy. New cottage, garsge. Price 82100, terms. Good 7 room modern home ctose in, paved street, price 86.500. Good 6 room cottsge south Salem, Pric 83.500. . , Good 5 mom cottage en Commercial St. Price 82,950. If you are looking to bny, trade or sell, "" W, H. Grabenhorst & Co. 275 State Street BEST BUYS l g 14 acres valley loam, oa River Road 4 4 mile from Salem, some oak - tim ber, buildings, well; 1 mile Keiset school; Trice $6,000, 81.000 down. 1 SO seres off Silrerton rosd, 7V4 miler Sslem, no buildings, sll woven win fenced, well- price 82.250; Vi cask 9 acres Va miles from earliae. 1 "4 acre iogsns, H acre strawberries. 5 room house, chicken house, hogpen, good well; price 83.500. 176 acres oak grub pasture land. 2 miles from Roseburg; trade for something ear value here; price 25,000 178 acre with 27 acres prunes, 14 ncres Iogsns, 7 acres peaches, full set tn nrovaments. drier aad warehouse ; 4 mile eebeol and town, rock road: 8175- Der acre trade for business, r eminence or acreage. aear Salem. Let as know ronr trade. SEE SOCOLOFSKY 341 State St. SACRIFICE BARGAINS Good modern 6 room cottage, nice let. I . . L t tltilA nam. iron, near canine, vmij fiwv. Fine five nere tract, good 8 room house, barn, garage, orchard, berries, nice lo cation. 94,504). 12 acre cloae in. 1 room heuse.. hrm. fruit, cows, fowls, tools, feed. ' $6,800, W hmrm arreaf to eschanfff for ; eHj prwyrt a 7 - nayvtrf - us wwm ivg crMgi Md farm. 4 ... Call mm- bvm Mr PERR1NE&MARSTERS" , , 211-12 Grsy Bldg. REAL ESTATE LAND LOCATED IN MARION COUNTY far 86 50 i-r mm n u Room 2Sf, eoraer 'State aad Cemmereaal war Buaicka. 1160 BUYS THI S ROOM PLASTER ed boas, and ml 132112, l.vUg ream dmuig room, kitchen, 2 bedroom, teit et, electric light. Jse L. A. Hajord. 3o- Male St. WASTED 82.LGO ON GOOD FARM security. New building, good Well icteresl Report to Square Deal Realty Co. 2C2 U. S Bank Bldg. PUBLIC NOTICES XOTICK OF THK 1MPROVB MKXT OF NORTH CAPITOL STKKKT FROM THK SOUTH XASV. OF SMIl'I'lNO STKKKT TO THK NORTH tT'RB 1JNK CF MAHISON KTRKKT. Notice is hereby given tbat tbe Common Council of the City ol Salera.Vjregon. deerag n xplter.t and proposes to Improve Nortb Capitol street from tbe south line of Shipping Street to the north curb line of Madison Street with four Inch Portland Cement con crete base with two inch "aspbai tic concrete wearing surface , pave ment at the expt-nse of the adja cent and abutting property within the sa'd limits, in accordance with the plana, specifications and estimate, .'or the improvement of said Nortn Cap'tol street from the south line cf Shlppin; street to the north curb line cf Madison Street as heretofore adopted by the Common Council and on file in the office of the City Recorder, which are hereby referred to for a more particular and detailed de scription of said Improvement, and are hereby made a part of this notice. Written remonstrances against the improvement proposed herein may be made at any time within ten (10) davs from the final pub lication of this notice in the man ner providett by the City Charter. This notice Is published for ten (10) days pursuant to a resolu nn of h Com on Conor!, nnd the date of the first publication there of Is the 24th day of July, 1921. and the date of the final publica tion will be the Cth day of Aug ust, 1921. EARL RACE, City Recorder. NOTICE OF THE IMPROVE MENT OF NORTH FOURTH STREET FROM. THE NORTH LIVE OF MARKET STREET TO THE SOUTH LINE OF HOOD STREET. Notice is hereby given that the Common Council of the City of Salem, Oregon, deems it expedient and propostM to improve North Fourth street irom the north line of Market street to the south line of Hood street with six Inch Port land Cement concrete pavement at the expense of the adjacent and abutting property within said lim its. In accordance with the plans, specifications and estimates for the improvement of said Nortb Fourth street from the north line of Market street to tbe south line of Hood street as heretofore adopted by the Common Council and on file in the office of the City Recorder. whichVare hereby referred to lor a more particular and detailed description of said improvement, and are hereby made a part of this notice. Written remonstrances against the Improvement proposed herein may be made at any time, within ten (10) days from the final pub lication ot this notice In the man ner provided by tbe City Charter. Thia notice is published for ten (10) days pursuant to a resolution of the Common Council and the date of the first publication there of, is the 24th day of July. 1921. and tbe date ot the final publica tion will be tbe 5 th day ot August. 1921. EARL RAE, City Recorder. NOTICE OF THK IMPROVE BfrUXT OF COURT STREE1 FROM THE EAST LINE Or FRONT STREET TO THF WEST LINK OF NORTH COM MERCIAL STREET. Notice is hereby given that the Comomn Council ot the City ol Salem, Oregon, deems it expedient and proppses to Improve -Court Street from the east line of Front Street to the west line of Nortb Commercial Street with four inch Portland Cement concrete bast with two inch asphaltic concrete wearing surface pavement at tbr expense of the adjacent and abutting property within said lim its, in accordance with the plans, specifications and estimates for the improvement ot said Court street from the ast line of Front Street, to the west line ot North Commercial Street as heretofore adopted by the Common Council and on file in tbe office of the City Recorder, which are hereby referred to for a more particular and detailed, description ot said improvement! and are hereby made a part of this notice. Written remonstrances against the improvement proposed herein may be made at any time within ten (10) days from tbe final pub lication of this notice in the man ner provided by the City Charter. This notice is published for ten (10) days pursuant to a resolu tion ot the Common Council and the date ot the first publication hereof is the 24th day of July. 1921, aad the date of the final publication will be the 5th day of August, 1921. . EARL RACE, Citv Recorder NOTICE OF THE IMPROVE MENT OF NORTH COTTAGE STREET FROM THE NORTH LINE OF D STREET TO THE SOUTH LINE OF MARKET eSTlXEfT Notice is hereby given that the Common Cohncfl of the City of Salem. Oregon, deems It expedi ent and proposes to improve North Cottage street from the north line ot D street to the south line of .Market street with four- inch Portland cement concrete base and two-Inch asphaltic con crete wearing surface pavement at the exnensa of the adjacent and 'abutting property within said lim its. In accordance with tne pians, specifications and estimates ror the Improvement of said North Cottage atreet from the north Una of D street to the south line of Market street as heretofore adop-, ted by the Common Council and , on file in the office at the city Recorder, which are hereby re ferred to for a more particular nd detailed description of said improvement, and are hereby made a part of this notice. Written remonstrance against the Improvement proposed herein may bo made at any time -Within ten 110) days from the final pub lication of this notice in the man ner provided by the City Char ter. This notice is published for ten (10) days pursuant lo a resolu tion ot the Common Council and the date ot the tint publication thereof is the 24th day of July, 1921. and the date of the final publication will be the 5th day ef August. 1921. EARL RACE. City Recorder. WHOLL MILK AND PRODUCE WANTED Marion Creajnery & Product - Co. r.. SaJem, Oregon Pkone 2488 I SALEM MARKETS I BUT IK Q PRICE , Egg end Poultry Eggs. 2c. - Hen, heavy. 2Ve.', Hens, medium. l?c Hens, light, 15c. Broilers. 18e-22e. Old roosters, 8 10c. Park. Mattoa and Beef Top her. 1 . 14U to 2JU lb. Sews aad bogs. 0c. . biuooth heavie. - e. Dreneed hogs, lOe. 1020 Lambs. 3 4c. lxl milk lamb. 4 Sc. Beef steers, ie. ' j Cows. 8-8e. Bulls. 2 Se. " - Top veal. IYISc. Oram Wheat, e Ne. 1 white. Osta, aije (sacked). Hay - ' Veatch and Oat hsr. 112. Clover Hsr, 810. Mill leads. Wholesale Milt ran, 8 sit. ' Wholssals to Dealer Creamery butter, 41 aad 42e. BulterfaV 84r. Whole milk, 8 ITS ret, . . Fruit . Oranges, 85 and 80. Apricots, 81.50 crate, bananas, lie. Lemona. 1 181150 . Grape. Fruit, Cal, I4.&0. Dates, dromedary, 87 case. Vegetables Oregon cel. bare. 3 1 4 to 4V4. Turnips, 83.0O sack. Beans, 7c. Wax beans, 7e. .' lM-ttuce, 85c. Old potatoes, tl.ewt. Celcrr. 81.25 doxen. New potatoes, 2e. 0j Oreroa onion, 75c cwt. Walla Walla onions, 82.. Csn onions. 82.25 sack. - Radishes. 40c doxea bunches. Oregon cucumbers, Soe. Oregon, 5e dos. Oregon honey, 30c lb.. Rhubarb, Be. Parsley. &0c dosen bunches. Beet. COc. dosen bunches. The Dslles tomatoes, 81.60 lug. Honev, extracted, 20c lb. Apple. 82.75. Green Peas, 12c. Cantaloupe, pony, 12.75; std 3 50 flat. 21.15. Melons, 2-e. Green peppers, 24c. Beteil Creamery butter, 4S tic. Figs, 82c' - . - Flour, hsrd wheat. 82,50 82.80. Flour, soft -wheat, 8105 82.00. Hugsr, 86.80. .. . ' . Adele Garrison' New Phase of REVELATIONS OF A WIFE CHAPTER 131 WHAT DICKY DEMANDED AND MADGE REFUSED Dicky is the most courtly gen tleman 1 know when there are no jangled chords In his brain. Uut under the ; stress of any sud den elemental passion he can be as primitively brutal as any man. I saw that ba was in. the grip of such a passion when he demanded to know the reason of my emotion over reading the newspaper, and 1 was at my wit,' end fr a mo ment, how to deal with H I longed to tell him the whole miserable story of tbe unpleas antness I bad endured at the hands of the Jealous wife of my principal, but I knew that he was not noised sufficiently to listen to the tale, without misinterpreting it. He would imagine at once that it was interest In Kenneth Stockbridge which had kept me teaching at the school It was an old fancy ot his which Lillian had effectively laid but I didn't care-to run the risk of arousing it to life again. But I must do something ant that quickly, for 1 saw that he was rapidly working himself Into one ot his rages, and that specta cle is one I do not care to contem plate. There waa but one re course left to me, the rather con temtpible trick of feigning Ignor ance and indignation.. "I understand neither ,; your words nor your behavior!" I said Icily, rising from my chair, and stepping quicklyrto -one side. "If you do not care to believe what 1 have told you 1 have nothing more to ay. And if you will kindly excuse me T will' go back to my room." v Dicky's face whitened, and there came into bis eye? some thing which I had never seen be fore, a sort of deadly coldness, utterly foreign to his usual rages. Dicky's Ultimatum. . "Do you mean " he asked, th'ckly. slowly, ''that you are go ing to give me no other explana tion o thia weeping business over a newspaper?" . TThe nevspaner is there." I re torted disdainfully pointing to .1 . . n , tltuksr f. ine Hour. . iuu bib -i """j j search : It If you wish. But I j shall certainly give yon no other explanation. Your asking' it Is In itself an offense." ' I had reached the door by this tims. -My tusband stoT-ed m with a phrase. Its syllables metal lic. . "Just b moment." I tnrnevi mv head, looked - at him steadily and waited for him to speak. To all oatvrard appear -. i wi mint but' there was Bot a nerve in me but what was tremDling tingling. ..'.. , "'It la, of course, your privilege MY HEART' AND - , . iW HUSBAND to do this thing if yon ish. But it Is also rain tofretsent it ia my own way. And 4? you rerure ta give me the explanation 1 bavt asked I must ask you not to ad dress me upon arty oth-r subject. ion win receive o answer if you do, nor shall I spf ak to You again until you have sesrs." e to your Why Madga Rof rklned. I felt an insane desire! to lanra at the vlaiou whiyh suddenly ro before tn ot Dky and I going through our dailir routine of life Without speakinaj to each other, ot the wrath of nty motheMn-law, the amazement of the rest ot the family. But ny husband's white fr.ee. bis coldly wrathful, eyes ei frrtually pnrlu4d any! Idea ot mirth. evn tbouh hla threat was childish melodrama. , i . . "That 'rests with you'.' I told him stiffly. "I dhall follow your tui whatever it may be . I waited for nh fuj-ther answer but walked out jot the door, t had gone but a sfep or two befor I heard the -rust! to ot paper, knew that Dicky was searching through the newr paper I had dropped for some clue to th agitation I had displayed arter reading it. With my yp'rlta t sero I went upstairs to my room, lotted the; door be hind me. and sal down to consid er thts new dilemma which Dicky's anger hid thrust upon me. - ' ;- I knew very wll that hla prld would pretent him from carrying out the threat hit had made, lie would never endure Katie's wide eyed amaseraentj Jim's furtive looks, my father's silent disap proval, and -his another's voluble and caustic crjitlc'sm j of tha course he had outlined for us. But, on the other band. 1 knew that his stubbornness woul I keep him from jreceding in . any way jrom me uiiimatum ne naa given me. Therje would be but one thing that he sure that be was could do. I was even-how plan- ning the details Of a sudden; ap parently natural summons' which would entail either his staying; m 4he city tor a wh le or his laktn; ot some trin in connection witit his profession The thought bfought with It a certain relief. 1 felt that 1 could face whatever de Stockbrldge case eloped : In the much1 better II les away. - Dicky were II m (To be eoi tinned) : state Assemble Stronger National Associa tion Planned As Outcome rc 1 1 -i 1 l a a Jt : ui neiena meexing Helena, Mont.. Aug. l.-Secre-taries of state knd other ' state officials from mfcny sections ars gathering here tojiight for the sev enth, annual meeting of American Association Of Secretaries ot State, which is to behll her tomorrow and Wednesday. - Louis Emmerson, secretary of state of Illinois fand president ot the association, reached here Sat urday night and spent today put ting finishing touches on the pro gram with Char es T. j Stewart ol Helena, secretary of state of Mon tana and secretary of the asso ciation. - ' . !- . ; - - The chief theme. It Is said, will be formation of h larger and mors Inclusive nations;! body, to include all elective state officials. Dis cussion during the two days ses sions will be Informal.) There la to be no set program bt ad r esse, beyond those of Governor Joseph M. Dixon who Will formally wel come the deegates I tomorrow who will deliver his annual ad dress. Routine business will in clude the annual report of 8ce tary Stewart and the election of morning and President Emmerson, officers Wednesday and cholse of a convention city for 1522. Bccnle automobile trips about this sec tion and a trip to Bdtte which will embrace a visit to the mines com prise the entertainment program. Finish Your Kidneys OccaalpaaHy II Yn Kat Meat Itgularly. No man or woman who eats meat. regulary can make a mis take by flushing tbe kidneys oc casionally, davs a well known authority. Meat forms uric acid which clogs be kidney pores so they slUEtrishlv filter lor strain only part of tjbe waste and poisons from the blood, then you get sick. Nearly ail rheumatism, headaches. liver trouble, nervousness, consti pation, dlaz news, sleeplessness, ' bladder disc rders coma from sluggish kidneys. The moment yon feel : a dull ache In the kidneys or iyour back hurts, or If the urine lis cloudy, offensive, full of sediment, lr- retmlar or ndium nr aitnntAl kv a sensation bt scalding j get about lour ounces of Jad Salts from anr reliable ' pharmacy and take a tablesDoonfui In a trlasn of wster before breakfast for, a few days ana your kidneys will then act line. This famous salts Is mad from the acid ot grapea and lem on nlcev combined ,wth llthia, and has bee used for generations to flash clogged kidneys and stim ulate them! to .activity, also" to neutralize tlie acids In urine so it no longer causes ) irritation, thus ending bladder disorders. . Jad Salt is . inexpensive and cannot injufre: makes a delight fol erfervesent llthia-water drink which all regular iat eaters should take! now and then to keep the kldncyif clean and the blood pure, thereby avoiding serious kidney compllcatlons.4 Adr. -. . -i SECRETARIES OF 'Sl of SITS 3 f- L I! I ' L c-n- vs IG To c- 5n to rh r- Dt f- 'it t- 4? !; ; t; i- H. te ,)f it iv H rt d t it f 1 It io n I- !e 3 t r a r c 6 e F J- i t