The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 31, 1921, Page 9, Image 9

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    .. 1
vinf ornofci'fev Society, Special Fectaes c2
General Neus
U T O i Q B I'-'L E S T RUCK S t RAG T O R
ices Accessories;
... ....
f j
! ;
J'" ., - ' - ... 1 . ' 1. ' ' ' " . ' ' I
I i, i i , i. .
rucifle Highway. .
i Tortland-Oregon City: Milwau
. kl street closed, construction un
der way", but. 'suitable detour Is
. lTOTlded; Elghty-aecond street!
route somewhat longer but paved
throughout. ,
; Oregon CltyCanby: ' Pared. ' '
; Can by-Aurora:' Paring: -work
under way between Barlow and'
'. Aurora and It is necessary to de
: tour traffic over the old road be
tween these points; detour in ex
I cellent condition with a smoother
, gravel surface than the closed
section, v v-t
Salem-Albany: Detour out of
; 8alem over Abkeny. hill, which Is
j- very rough, rejoining the highway
: approximately four mites north of
Jefferson; payed from there al
, most entire distance to Albany. 1
(The road between Salem and
Albany, . Tlax , Independence and
i Bueflk VtsU Is In good condition,
; and although this is a. somewhat
1 longerroad, the- surface Is "much
I smoother on the whole And It Is
to be preferred to the Ankeny hill
route. 'Cross' the Willamette river
. at Salem, turning south at Brunks
- corner, about' six miles west; and
'going through Independence,
. turning at first left hand road,
about one mile south of indepen-
and Rim Parts for all Cars
i ; Free Expert Advice
w ISO Stutb HlgU Street
t -. ...
I It'sTirdc to Tle-rirc I
Smith & Watldris
r Automotive Supplies
i ' ' .
Grabriel Snubbers smooth out the road. Let us equip
our car.
At Your Service
145 North High Street
r ' ' ' ek ' v :'ii '4- '
The giood Maxwell steadily wins its
way in popular tavor because or the
low cost transportation it provides for
all the members of the avierage family.
dence, and following road signs
through Buena Vista to Albany.)
Albany-Junction City: Either
west or east side routes can" be
trareled, the most desirable route
ror through traffic is via the east
side route.
Easf Side Routed ' '
Detour arouhd Trradtrifc opera
tions under way between Shedd
and Halsey, detour starting at
south city limits of Albany, to
the right, following signs Tia the
east side -;Albany-Corvallis road.
and through Peoria to Harrls-
burg; graveled road entire dis
tance; cross Willamette jiver at
HarrisbUrg by power ferry, being
about four miles from Junction
City. This is several miles short
er than the West Side route.
(Traffic can go from Harrls-
burg .to Coburg, staying on the
east side of the river and crossing
the McKenzie just south of Co
burg and the Willamette at Eu
gene.) ' ;
Junction City-Cottage Grove;
(through Eugene) 1 paved from
Junction ' City to Eugene, and
from is paved to Goshen;
gravel macadam from Goshen to
Creswell. Travel is being de-
toured from Creswell to a point
about two miles south of Creswell
around concrete paving . opera
tions. After rejoining the high
way there Is a good, gravel "ma
cadam t6 Walker.,-. Paved from
Walker to Saginaw." Due to pav
ing operations between Saginaw
and' Cottage Grove ill travel will
be detoured through Delight val
ley after Thursday, "July 28.;Turn
left at Saginaw and. cross bridge.
We Never Sleep
Phone 44
Oscar B. Gingrich Motor
and Tire Company
,cptt Good SMaw'eIl
follow signs, returning on Main
street it Cottage Grove.
Cottage Grove - Divide:. No de
tours between Cottage .Grove and
Divide. Pavement begins cne
mile south of Cottage Grove.
Divide - Oakland: Aat a point
about two miles, south of Divide
and alfo at a point approximately
five miles north. of Drain, owliig
to pavement being under construc
tion and no detour being availa
ble, it Is necessary that the read
be closed 'excepting between the
hours ot 5 p. m. and 7; 3D a. m.;
a few minutes at 10 a. m.; be
tween 12 noon and 1pm.
for about 10 minutes at 3 p. m.
Pavement is being, Jald .south
from Divide and south ,from An
lauf. Excellent macadam from
Divide to point 4.7 miles south of
JJToncalla and from thsre it is
paved to Oakland.
Oakland - Sutherlin: At sotth
city limits of Oakland traye! is
detoured over the bid road, crpa
lng' Southern Pacllic tracks about
one mile, south and regaining the
highway a mile and a half south
of Oakland. Paved from this
point to Sutherlin.
. Sutherlin - Roseburg: Arrango
ments have been made whereby
travel Is now being, routed jauth
from Sutherlin by the jiow pave
ment,. Instead of by the Garden
Valley route. The .. highway., ts
paved south to Deady - opposite
the Clark & Henery paving plant
with j good macadam for about
"three-tourthg of "a mile ; mors.
Here detour over Southern Pacif
ic tracks to east side. Follow old
road k and return over Southern
Pacific tracks at the grade cross
ing north, of Wilbur. Short 6e-
tourg are .required through Wil
bur which will change as paving
prog-resses.;. Follow the pigns.,
Rdseburg.;, Myrtle Crejk: un
der construction but opn at all
hours: some detours where avail
able., Myrtle Creek - Canyonvillo:
"grading undr way, fair detours
via Riddle. '
Ca!nyonvllle -Galesvillo: eqod
Galesville - Wolf Creek; Under
construction at Wolf Croek and
aGlesville; where detours are hot
available'. : traffic is allowed 40
passiat least everytwo hqurs.. .
, W6lf Creek - Grave Creek: Be
ing macadamized; take old road
at summit of Smith hill, which Is
In. good condition when tfry;
from; foot of Smith hill to, Crants
Pass, main highway can be used
except when work is actually m
progress, when detour is provid
ed. ; : a ' ,
Grants JPass' Gold Hill:, paved;
detour may be necessary at the
Sardine Creek bridge which Is be
ing rebuilt. ' ! 2
Gold Hill through Medord. lo
Ashland": "pared entire distances ?
Ashlahd - California state line:
v e
paved except one-half mile on
summit of Sihkiyous.
W?t Sile Itouto
Good from Albany to Corvallls.
dctonring south of Corvallls. re
turning to highway 1Q mllea
south; second detour direc.!y
south through Monroe along wl'
traveled county road; cross P. K
& E. R R. track and continue to
Ferguson station; here, take left
hand road and rejoin the West
S'de highway and n?w pavement
three miles north of Junction
City. Follow pavement to Juct
t'on City. Both detours aro wetl
Columbia River Highway
Astoria-Portland Paved ex
cept 1 mile through city of Rai
nier, graveled but rough.
Portland-Hood River Paved.
"Hood Rlver-Mosler Paving op
erations under way, road closed to
traffic 8 a. m. to 12:30 p. m.;
open 12:30 to I, p. m.; closed 1 to
r:30.p. m.; open. 5 : SO p .m. to
$ a. jn. During the time this road
is closed trafric can detour by way
of the old Mosier hill, though it
Is advisable to time a trip tb take
advantage of open hburf pa the
highway., hosier bill is passable,
but travel is cautioned to use
care In driving and have plenty of
Mosier-The Dalles new gravel
ed road in fair condition a much
easier and safer road than Seven
Mile hill. The crushed rock sub
base for pavement is now being
laid, beginning atjThe Dalles end.
This portion has not yet been
closed to travel, but cars are cau
tioned to avoid the trucks hauling
crushed rock. Paving operations
.will start about August 1, at which
time it will be necessary to de
tour during working, hours.
The Dalles-Descnutes River
New road not yet open, impassable
take usual road over the hill.
Deschutes River bridge ouen, no
toll. New road will probably be
open by August 15.
Deschutes River-Heppner Junc
tion Good gravel -or crushed
rock road the entire distance.
Heppner Junction. through
Umatilla and Echo, to Pendleton
Good graveled road.
RooHevelt Highway '
Astoria-Warrenton Paved or
planked entire distance,. part sin
gle track pavement. .Detour from
Miles crossing to Seaside via Mel
ville opened and in fair condition.
Warrenton-Columbia Beach
Columbia Beach-Gearhart De
tour via Ocean Beach, except from
6:30 p. m. to 6:30 a. m., highway
being , under construction and
closed during the day.
Gearhart-Seaside Single track
pavement. v j .
Seaside-Cannon Beach Junction
Graveled and In good condition.
Cannon Beach Junction-Hamlet
Junction -Narrow . single , track
graveled road In fair condition.
,H a m, 1 e t . Junction-Tillamook
County Line Rocked except 3-4
mile which Is In good condition ex
cept. Immediately after heavy
rains.. , , ..
Tillamook. CountyUne to Barn-
esdale Rock or, gravel In fair
condition. Rough In places.
Barnesdale to Bay City r Fair
.' Bay City to Tillamook Under
construction. Take old road.
graveled and In good condition.
Ttllamook-Hebo Paved to
Pleasant Valley: Pleasant Valleyf
Hemlock, graveled; Hemlock to
Beaver, paved; Beavcr-Hebo,
Hebo-Neskowln Passable but
rough and narrow.
Sam hern Part of Toast Highway
North Bend-Marshfield Fair.
Marshfield-Bandon Seven
Devils road In fair condition; good
vie. Couquillo and Bandon. .
Bandon. to California Line
Fair entire distance-
Sit. Ttood Loop Highway.
Portland-Gresham: Paved.
; Gresham-Sahdy: Take Bluff
road, .which Is graveled and In
good condition.
Sandy-Forest Boundary: Under
construction; road not yet closed
but through traffic to points east
of Salmon river is advised to tako
the road via Marmot. This is a
betterroad and avoids the bad sec
tions and possible delays at points
of construction. 1
Tualatin Highway.
Portland-Forest Grove: Paved.
Forest Grove-YarabiH: Under
construction, detours In fair cotP
dition. . ,
yamhlll-McMinuviUe: Paved.
McMJnnville-Tillamook Highway.
-McMinnville-Sheridan: Paved.
"Sheridan-Butler's, store: Un
der construction, but passable.
Butler's storc-Hebo: Macadam
ized.' Hebo-Beaverr Under construc
tion and rohgh. .
Beaverrllemlock: Paved.
Hemlock-Pleasant Valley: Un
der construction and closed; old
road being traveled.
Pleasant Valley - Tillamook:
Corvallls, through Philomath,
to Wren: Good. .', : ,
Wren-Bfodgetti ; .Traffic being
routed over .Gellattly hill- , ;
BJodgett-Newport: j Under con
struction but. open .' at all hours
and in fair conditfon. ' ' '
Willamette Valley-Florence lllgh-
" , way, ' i
l From ' Junctioafof Willamette
Vallev-Flnrence highway With Pa-
rific highway to Jiorten, over the
lligh Pass road, fair .. ;
- Horton-Blachly: Rocked and
In fair condition. (Low Pass
road closed, due to construction
ltoscburg-CooH Hay Highway.
Coos Bay wagon road open and
being used by auto stages; ro.ugh
and Blow.
Also op-en via Drain and Alle
gany;, not much choice between
the two routes, as both are very
rough and slow traveling.
Medford-Crater I-ike Highway.
The Crater Lake road is open
to the lake. Due to excessive
dust from Dbdge bridge to the
j ferry, the route from Med ford to
t-acle Point thence via Rees creek
school bouse to McLeod is to be i
preferred. New grade used from
Prospect to the lake, and cars are '
now traveling the entire distance
to the lake. The hotel is now
The Djilles-Califomia High" ay
, The Dalles - Madras: road hi
fair shape, usual summer condi
tion of this road. Through Iu
fur, Maupin. Bake Oven or Cri
terion, Antelope to Madras.
Madras - Crooked River: new
crushed rock road.
. Crooked River. - Bend- N'rwly
jfravsled road in good condition.
j Bend - .Allen's ranch: (-0
m'.les): cindered road in fair con
dition. "Allen's ranch - Crescent
(through La Pine): fair condi
tion. Crescent - Klamath Falls: eith
er, west or cast side of Klamath
Lake can b? traveled; the west
side road, over Sand creek bill,
is in good shape and is to be pre
ferred to . the east side route,
which, if traveled, leads from
Lamm's mill, from which point it
Is necessary to take ferry to i tor
clay Springs; new macadam from
Barclay . Springs to Algoma: Old
Fort Klamath road from Alfcoma
to Klamath Falls must be trav
eled. , .-'-:
; Klamath Falls California
State Line: good ail the wayr
some macadam.
John laV Highway
Arlington - Condon: fair con
dition. ,
Coaddn - Fossil: fa'r, ecpt
six miles between Thirty Mile and
Mayvilie, still necsssary 'o 8e
old road, as new road i in pro
cess of construction - ?.nd vcry
Fossil - Butte Creek Summit:
fair condition. Road being nia-1
Summit to . Tilley's - ( raantlv oj 1
New Prices are Announced
Samson Products
The Model M Tractor is now -
; i Ton Truck
lVi ton Truck
i -
m . : 1 :
Sarvice Creek): unimproved , City or Prairie City. It is nects
very rough and slow. j sary 'to 'go by way of Spray, 3ion-
Tilly's to Spray: New road: j aaeat, Lonj Creek and ML Ver
rair condition. I non, or by way of Mitchell' and
Spray to Dayville: highway not; Dayvslle from Tilley's oi by Sar
yet open on account or Dridpes
still under cDnstruction. To -get
to Davviile, John Day. Canyon
3 -
with Cord Tires --
Delivered Here '
AH Samson Farm Implements Reduced In Proportion
At these New Prices no one need Delay During . Samson Products
See us about Easy Terms for payment
Dealers in Samson Products
vies Creek. The latter road is
in much better condition, and tra
vel is advised to take this route.
EHIiSPB 1. . . .
- ,.. . ; ' 'i
Women are always impressed -oy
the quiet good taste of its urlhoU
stery and interior fittings.
They appreciate, too, the ease
with which it can be driven,
its unvarying economy.
The erasolire consanxction is anusuady
The xiiu ciQea is unusually high.
Commercial and Ferry Sis, Salem, 0,re,
j 1 .
The new road will bo open about
September 15. ; ,J
Dayville - Prairie City: road In
good condition; last 20 talks good
graveled road. 4 i , V
i Prairie CUy - Bakerroad over
(Continued on page 5)
. ..$895
1. .
I -