The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 31, 1921, Page 7, Image 7

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    1 f
f J I ,
"Bumpfl, ..-Bounces. Thrills and
lers to
era hie
up J II
liligh tloday.
tela -.the story about I'c
Uirtf, trampoline- bar
itid cl4!ng performers. Uonsld-
eoniedy result iroin me
the air fun w'.Uch they in-
On the vaudeville at-the
Manr interesting ways of the
JEhlnes In this country who at
tempt to Americanize tht?ir native
dress, lare shown in "A Tale of
Two Worlds;" a story by Gouver-neur-Morris,
produced by Cold-
vyn. wkhich r6m( to the Lib
erty theater for four days, com-
sV J-
mrnflng today. In addition to
wearing American furs with their
native costume, the Chinese girls
frequently wear a sort ot Oxford
shoe, eut from heavily embroid
ered Chinese brocade.
The long henreldcd production,
"reek's Had Hoy." with lovhl"
1'Uie Jackio Cootan in the stellar
role, wil be the feacire o:ferin"J
at the Liberty theater next wecK.
commrncin',' its engagement on
As tho m'schevlous lac! who
makes a lot of trouble for his
"Pa" and sets a whole town "by
the ears." Jackie Cooan Is said
to give an even more de'iqhtrul
and a mil sins impersonation than
that which brought him fame and
fortune In Chaplin's "The Kid."
In "Wet Gold," which comoi to
tho Liberty theater Tor three days
hog'nning Thursday, a submarine
is used that was buiit especiallv
for this production by Mr. J. Er.
nest Williamson. The submarine
is 1 50 feet ions and operates ex
actly like a war-submarine. The
picfirc. "Wet Gold," is being dis
tributed by Goldwyn.
terlzations of the year are to be
seen in the work of ; George Ber
rell and Gertrude Claire as the
small town parents ia "Society
Secrets," the attraction which is
com?ng to the IJHgh theater on
next! Sunday. The character play
ers appear in support of Eva No
vak,; the star, and i add to the
drama and humor of this appeal
ing story.
A1 cattle stamped'', fo, realistic
that even the most blase of ISroad
ways motion picture fans were
moved to appljus, i a t? oi
"The Sky Pilot," a Cathrine. Cur
tis production, relea.Hed a. an As
sociated Fictst National attraction,
which will ue f.hown beg'nniag
soon at the Liberty theater.
Bob Robinson and Hence Pierce
are seen in an amusing comedy
novelty, "Gimme the .Money," a
fun scrap with son? and tiik
based 0:1 domestic quarrels. An
excellent pair of jovial e:iterta:n
ers, on the Lowe's Ilippidrome
vandeville bill at the liiigh today.
"Be as grotesque a3 you please,
meet, with erperience as unique or
absurd as possible, but be nat
ural." That is Buster Kenton's recipe
for comedies, and if those who fol
low h'3 productions will take the
trouble to analyze them, it will be
found, .he asserts, that ho never
sets outside the realm of possi
bility, nor does he or those in hN
cast ever act in a manner that la
Tho latest of the sombre-faced
comedian's two-reel chueklers.
"Hard Luck,"-will be shown at the
Liberty theater beglntng today.
A love story runs like
a thread of virgin gold
through this -tremend-
onsly exciting drama
of the underground
dens of an Francisco's
Chinatown. J J
IZenl Chinese - hund
reds of them lend
sinister color to theje
m ark able Bccncs In the
tnnat fnmagi nimrtr
J. t : A tt kiwi ! th world.
1 i 2
"The Midn'pht Riders," Rich
ard Kipling's new. production, is
an elaborate screen version of the
r.tory;of that name by Alvin J.
Neitz. which is la'd in Wyoming
and deals with the; sheep raisers
of raradio Valley.l
v 'The- Midnicht Riders" will
open an enpatccment at the Blish
theater on Tuesday, Wednesday
and Thursday and; is raid to bo
an unusual combination of rapidly
moving melodrama and beautifni
romance in settings that a'-mnd
in magnlflcont views of WTyom
Inp'g valleys with shecD coverinc
hill and dale as far; as the eye can
rcack. i
n . . -.. -.
Two ot the best screen charac
A hilarious hurricane of fun and
frolic! That's .Mabel Normand in
her latest Goldwyn Kloom-chase-"Pinto,"
written and directed
Victor Schertzinger. Fnn? Speed
Thrills Say, just watch this ripl
snorting Buckeroo in skirts throw
a bombshell of pep into hirh so
ciety. Just watch this lively lass
la so love! Oh. Boy! She'll eoraI
every laugh in you system. Rope
yourself a ticket to the Blank this
week and get in on the one big
joy etampedo. At the Bligh today.
I : '. ;:.; : ::-.--.T-v:. r i
tiiaV TIIK
Butter Kcatoa
y In that riot pf hilarious
, mishaps where the sad-faced
Comedian's attempts to end
i.lia many ' trouble ; always
: bring new ones and make
"Hard Luck"
Too Good to Miss
.. .V . .. f " ' - . : .;. ...,'! ."
... f. .... - ( ,
' i ft
1 4, -f r,: v : i iiii u
'Y' Tf irtmmtt
In i"The Ra'nlMiw Trail" SEE
the daring William Pa mum cow
boys, who'poascRH mors nerve than
the average v'ld man.
SEE the enormous ten-ton rock
that William Farrnm pushes over
the high -clirr, sealing the canyon
below forever.
SEK the famed Xavajo Indian
reservation and its cii-iong Rnd
interesting occupants. 'The cam
era clicked I hem all.
SEE the fast, treacherous and
sweeping Colorado rlvr Hiking
adventure and prey. In this river
a human being's life is wocUiless
lie cannot, escape. .
SEE the great Grand Canyon
or Arizona whoso splendor and
beauty has no equal. It is ,oile
of thc marvels of the world.
Some perilous diving and diffi
cult swimming is done by I) Dai
ton in "Ben m d Masks," adapted
from K. Phillips Opponhcim's
"Jeanne of the Marshes," which
will bo presented at the Oregon
Theatre next Wednesday and
Thursday. Miss Dalton. who has
become known as one of the most
athletic of women stars, docs the
most spectacular "etunt" work or
her' career In this film.
Eebe Daniels starts the action
in her latest picture, "The March
Hare," by catching the overland
limited out of Los Angeles several
minutes after it has left. She overtakes-the
train -at Pasadena and
from then on there is not an in-
t slant during which this vivid little
heroine is not doing something
equally daring and impossible, and
coming through her adventurer
bcr of her cex that the man hatesTaooma authorities. After they
cordially. J Invr been hH i'ir sonio timo Mi"
Zona Kcefe plays the leading , raccma authorities calld and no-
feminine role in support of Con-'tified them tntt Uiey did p.t h;v
way Tearle, and a number of !a charm sufficient to wainitit
other capable players complete their return to that city. They
he cast. arkf-d, however, that the couple
be -released with the understand
ing that tjiey return and eluar up
the matter. They readily agreed
to do that and started on the Hip
immediately upon their release.
Smith said that Ihey were on
their vacation and .after a trip
south were on their way back
;onte at the time they were ar
rested here. They were arrested
v. Jiilo passing the polico fetation.
'813,'" a Robertson-Colo super-
pecial and one of the flntst mys
tery pictures ever screened, will
be shown for the last time today
at the Grand Theatre. It is a
film adaption of the famous Ar-
sene Lupin story by Maurice Lev
He followed her to the tropics
to arrest her for murder, only to
fall in love with the woman him
self. This is one of many strong
situations in "The Woman God
Changed," a new paramount-Cosmopolitan
picture which comes tc
the Oregon theatre next Sunday.
E. K. Lincoln is the detective and
heena Owen the woman in the
case. The support is eminently
Startins Thursday
Conway Tearle, idol of the
screen, has come into his inheri
tance in stardom, and his firs?
photoplay, 'Marooned Hearts."
produced as a National Picture,is
to be shown at the Grand Theatre
for ; 2 days beginning next Satur
Tearle, for many seasons, has
been seen in support oflpractically
every feminine star of the silver
sheet. Now he is a star in hi
own right, and his first starring
vehicle is said to be the sort of
virile picture in which he appears
at his best.
The story is of a man, a woman
and a human brute who are
thrown together on a tropical is
land "by the fortunes of the sea.
And the woman is the one mem-
it B
Big Double Sunday
Direct From
And : ' i
Fresh from the Wild and Wooley West; she
hit high society like a tornado. And Oh;
Police !-rwhat a riot!
And when she fell in love Vith a society Ro
nico, did she .coyly wait for him to pop-the
;-fShc went after him with a wicked-look in 45.
j; coueti a lariat rijrht around his hard-boiled
. " neck-band! in
Constitutionality of Wash
ington Japanese Legis
lation Questioned
niuy 1 1 hi ir iy
f'TimW'P' "'WT .iiii
F -
':: tk.
I i 1
i 2 ' 1
. :. "v ; ; - ; ; :,J::J;';,..;,.;v.?;;i.;. il
.... - - - -' - . - -i -
STAYTON. Or . Jul- 5H. -JMiail and Mrs Ira Trexlcr a pVsant
Betif flow of Orenco. Of., is a sunrise Thursday tenlnj; in thni
ruett a
Mn C. M. Kramer, tomlng In
How -of Orenco. tr., is a tsurrrise Thursday tenlnj; in thni
it the home of Mr. and ! form off a farewell rarty beter
the'f deiwriuro for th? ist. A:
Action is Brought by Frank
Terrace, White River
Valley Farmer
-7- . :
Armed with letters ot approval from President Harding. Gen. Per
ching and other notables, fifteen-year-old Jimmy Bradley of Washing
ton was allowed to discuss his views on nature study before the mem
bers of the House committeefle told the commltteeme that the birds
and trees should be made a study in the public schools. It Is the drst
time, as tar as any one remembered, that a youngster had a bearing
before a Congressional committee.
WcdKwond Nowcll, starring in
'81;:." th" Knbertson-Colc supor-
special which will be shown for
he last time toniRht at tlie Grand
Theatre, gives the best perform
ance of hi.s career as the fascin-
iting Arsme Lupin, master crook, ; 7
is a screen ; More mtormauon concerning
Lcbianc's the swrplsmo mvoiveu in w sui'
Lloyd Files Reply in
I Suit Over Airplane
and detective. "SIS"
adaption of Maurice
famous story.
Tn nrTiinm nhnnr
iu tmi mm
of It. M. Lloyd against John Green
1 and 3. L. Van Doren was filed yes
I terday in a reply entered by R.
M- Llovd.
As plaintiff in the action, Mr.
Lloyd asserts that he had entered
into a contract to pilot the plane
! during state-fair week at Sal" m.
September, 19 20, and that he was.
t: receive $75 a week tor hU
work, he to assume all personal
lisk and his employers to be re-
fpensiblo for chance damages to
Smith and Wife, After Being j tha;
Held Here, Are Asked
To Turn Back
TACOMA, V;sh, July II.
Constitutionality of Washington
state's anti-alien land law was at
tacked ia the f dotal court here in
Juue by Frank Terrace, a white
land-owner of the White Itiver
valley, near here. The case was
heard by Circuit Judge W. II. Gil
bert of Portland and District
Judges E. K. Cushman of Tacoma
and Jeietniah J. Neterer of Se
Attorneys for Mr. Terrace at
tacked in particular a section ot
the law making it a gross tisde
meanor to sell or lease land to an
alien, and asked for a federal in
junction against Attorney General
L.: L. Thompsoa to prevent him
from enforcing the statute. They
argued that the rtate law ia in
contravention of the treaty be
tween the United States and Japan
and that if violates the 14th
amendment to the constitution in
that it disci iminatCK against Ori
entals on account of their color.
JnKn-Hr- Sol Aim, Claim.
Stress was laid on the fact that
the law is aimed solely at Japa
nese because the statute contains
a provision that an alien can buy
or lease land providing "he has in
f.cod fiath declared his intention
to become a citizen of the t'-niled
Ktates." Consel for Mr. Terrace
pointed out that Orientals alone
are not permitted to declare their
intentions and therefore the stat
ute is intended solely to curb
Attorney General Thompson,
conducting the case for the stati
st the time of the arguments, de
nied that the state law violates
the treaty with Japan, lie said
the treaty is solely concerned
with commerce and navigation.
declared that a foreigner is not
allowed to own farm lands in Ja
pan and denied that the law vio
lates the federal constitution.
Iinv PflMMl Till Year.
The antialien land bill was
passed by. the last Washington
legislature to give effect lo a pro
ision in the state constitution
that prohibits alien ownershin.or
land. I'nder the law, aliens, ex
cept Ihose who have declared
their intentions to become natur
alized are prohibited from owning
or leasing any lands in .tho stat:o,
ex-mineral lands and lands for
manufacturing plants. In addi
tion, holding companies possessing
li-nds for aliens are made illegal
and aliens inheriting lands are or
dered to dispo.o.of them within
seven years. Lands illegally held
nder title or lease are forfeited to
the state, nder the terms ot the
In addition to the provisions ap
plying to aliens, any person who
sells or leases land to an alien,
who holds in trsut lands for an
vUfn or who abets a violation of
the law, shall upon conviction be
guilty fo a gross misdemeanor.
It is expected the case will go
to the United States supreme court
for a final decision.
I'ridiv morning.
Uyi-on iKiiny. rreniiient of the
Stayton switch " Itoard associa
tion. m-de a trio to Portland and
cut over the Coin tn bis higrhway
his week, returning uotue Fri
day. -
C. K. Taylor was in Portland
several days this week on busi
Hc-lden Ganong.. representing a
Portland wholesale houre. wan
looking after the interests of his
company in this cad or the county
Friday. .
J. M. Itingo and Mrs. Rinpo
motored to Portland the first of
the week. ''
W. F. Klerker. one of the pio
neer merchants of Stayton. spent
several days In Portland,, return
ing home "Friday. "
Mr. and? Mrs, Jesse Shepherd
and Mr and Mrs Joe McPheron
of fe'em were visiting- In Stay
ton a few hours Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Dunni
pan lert for Portland where they
will visit a few darn beforft going
to their home in Chieo, Cal.
A. S. Pancoast and family ex
pct to leave Monday for Klam
ath county for- a week's outing.
The trip will be made by auto.
Among" the Stayton people in
Silem Thursday were E. D. Phll
Ipps, II.' N. Huntley, E. K.' Titus,
V H Massey and Mrs." Jdassoy.
Mrs. Horace Lilly, E. Shephard
and Ira Tern pier
Mrs. Frances Thomas left Sun-,
rlay morning for Spokane for an
extended visit at the home of her
son. Rev. Frank Ware. She wa
accompanied as far as Portland
by her grandson, Euscne Ware.
Mr. and Mrs. Ira rrexler will
leave Monday for an extended
trip through the eastern states.
They go first to Kansas, and from
thre will visit many other points.
They .expect to be absent about
six months. The trip east will
be made via the Great Northern
route, and they expect to return
via the southern route.
C. H. Itees, pastor of th Meth
odist chinch, his wlfo and a num
ber of Iris parishioners gave, Mr.
uioht pltaiant time wr.s enjoyed,
as well as the Hneheon ot l-o
rrcira ajid cake. Th attests wti
C D. Res and wife. Mr. and Mr3,
Frank poster. M r. ard M ra. , Rob-. '
cit WosmU Mr. and Mm. - J. R. :
Gsrdnei rrof: O. V. While anl
wife. RpTS Ray Foster and w if 01,
end C K Knmw and ;wtf.
Mr. and Mrs. FYank Fctcr m-
iertalnsd the atembers of the Fr
woi th "tue at tbclr . fcorae Fil-day-
ctIt'jik. Aftef a ; round "t
rmusedients had,bcB enjoyed by
he giscsts. Ic cream and cake'
were sj-rved by th bwtc4S. i
Henry Keen' and family wil 11
It heir f ramping outfit, r- passed
throurfi Stayton at an early honr
S?alurdjay liuornlriR on: their way
to CasjVadia mineral epring3. Mr. .
Keen' is one of the prosperous
farmers ot the Shaw neighbor-.
hood. '-- !, - .,----::...
Henrietta, asked dir. : Mcfk-
ton, Tdo yon think votes-ror-woi-
men Is. a jrompletfl suecessT I
"Hfaw can. you doubt It, Lconl-
das?'f ; - - i .
"Vp rhaps , Ism . r over-antloos;
Rut ft looks as It th women, vott
rs pave just put a lot of men
Into f flcei. the same as before. t
Wafcilnnton Star.
"Iisrn no good unless I strike,"
naidlths match..
"And yon lose your head every
tlm you do Btrlke," said th
math box. Science and Inven
tion! .... I .. .... - v:
After being held for fevera!
Lour? yesterday, G. Smith and 1
his wife wee released from he 1
custody of local Dolice ye-.-itertiay
and were instructed to return to
their home in Tacoma where.
pecminRly through some mi-uni-
Uerstapding, Smith faces a charge
oi larceny.
Local police arrested the couplc-
piy asseris inai in ue-
fqndants failed to live up to an
agreement to keen th Imciin'
fleld cljar of other planes and
tliat as a result the airplane was
wrecked during an attempt' to ei
frct a Ifyuiirg. The action in
volves Lloyd's efforts to colle'
several hundred dollars alleged
due fo"r services as pilot and mechanic.
An English writer says the late
kaiserin killed herself with tight
lacing because the kaiser abhorred
tat women. She figured it out, as
on instructions given them by the 'it were.
J. F.
Will Have Western Company
And District as far South
As Junction City
r tj v 1 m. . 1 1 v.
Good - Ventilation
Rest Rooms
K M - - 1,1 .- X M
tr Mauricp ioblonc
1 '
Other Features Too
JIatince and Evening 35c
li:I.EWWll K3 .in k-;
"The Rainbow
Trail" V.
Kditor of Statesman:
t have just severed connections
with the Mutual Life
company of Sow York and will
contract with a western company,
t Mr U continue to make my heme
in Salem and will be in chrg" ot
all territory as; far south a.-; Junc
tion City. I iwlll have a good
company and a des!rab!o policy
to offer.
I will have only good to say
about the company I have been
associated w-ith. and urge every
person for whom I wrote a policy
in- the Mutual Life to. keep the
policy in force, as it would nev
er be to anyone's advantage t"
drmi any company for another.
In my new connection I will
have financial support which wl!
eeah me to meet my obligation
as I go and wipe out any now
KtandiTtt.- against me.
A number of depositories will
'e arranged 'or anions the
banks and nuhftantial denos ta
made in about 15 cities in my dis
trict .
All premiums collected will be
d"innitfd in the nearest bank nd
the money left on deposit with
h banks to be loaned to their
patrons. .
Thanking everyone who has
done business with me in the past
and asRiiriner vou that I will en
deavor to serve the needs of the
people, I hop. better in the fu
ture than in the past. Thanking
you. 1 am. sincerely.
J. F. Hulchason.
Salem. Or . July 31, 1321.
To meet a long-felt want there
are now fashions In wedding rings;
We ar now informed that plat
inum has given place to the jew
eled circlet, just as platinum su
perceded plain gold. ,
In her distress she appealed
to the chief of police. He
promised aid but did not know
, that she? ??? .
Continuous Show Today
Just one thrill after another
Other attractions worth while
News Comedy -Scenic
Where The Big Shows Play
One of Scnnctt's
New Comedies i
"She Sighed' ;
: By The -Seaside"
Fox Ncwif
Prizma Colored
Good Music Always
Honest Advertising In
' '"i 1 . mi
I Keep Open
All Day
c Saturday
Stores, churches and banks ' advertise,
doinjr so in k legitimate way, aiding you
to select your store, church or bank to
' . your advantage . j
I advertise to help you select your den
tist. I have nothing to of frr to you
but dentistry as .'practiced by all men
nf rpntif a f inn ' -,
SALEM PFjOPLB patronize my office,
as I give the best quality of work and
V'Cy save them time and expense. - ',
Cold Crown $7
Kritlge Work $7 per tooth
Plates..: $15,
Cray Building J
Over Hartman's
Jewelry Store