The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 31, 1921, Page 5, Image 5

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1 r
Itnn Over lKg
U T. Larson of the Salem
Sample ittore notified police yes
terday that while driving on the
Portland road his car had run
over a dog.V The dog Is said to
fcvc been only slightly injured.
Cpay Belle Froncli Iatry '
Served or In a neat carton to
carry home. Adr. - r
v. r. c. Liin'
Kxtracts and toilet articles.
For sale by Mrs, W. D. Moyer, 170
North 23rd street, or phone 1224.
Fait supply always on hand. Ad.
Auto I 1'ound . .
Robert liollier of route 7 re
ported to police yesterday that
his Ford car had been float, bad
strayed, or had been stolen. Evi
dently it had only strayed, for' he
reported later in the day that he
had found it parked on Commer
cial street.
f.rny oBHo Frrtch Pastry
The popular desert Adr.
Ir. Ij. a. Altaian, phone 147
Homeopathic physician. Adv.
Two Forfeit Bond. i
The war which Chief Moffitt is
carrying on against traffic of
fenders yesterday .brought $3 in
to camp when Hay II. Camp and
Charles F. Simon both forfeited
bonds of 2.50., Both were
charged with' having allowed their
cars to stand over night on the
downtown streets within the fire
"Comedy, Etc, ,
.1 Tragiy? T?
Hartman's Glasses
' Easier and Better '
'Wear them and see
fhono 1255 Salem, Oregon
r ' rtam at V. Ooau
-I - Cke 8ay. BMdlM u
.- 4 auiits. tc ems aa
, ; - 'Om 11 .. t V
Commercial (trM
ad iani-
and atlaka .,'
' Spactal 8udV
ouicksx diume:
Regular , S45.0O Thor T .Vacntun
Cleaner, Our Price .
!t v-'- $25 i
i 137 Court St. Pho&e 4S
Suits Cleaned a . ". . . . .$1JM)
Rntta Pressed ir. ..-',- JW
Salem Cleaners & Dyers
IS1B 8. Com! 8t. Phon 1818
. j ' TREES
f T iprtof Plaatlng Orit Trvm
438 Orfoa BuUdlas -
i t
Phone 17CJ
SAVE $$$
by buying your Jhardware and
furniture at The Capital Hard
ware & Furniture Co. 285 N.
Commercial street. Phone 947.
We pay 2c aloie the
market Dricc for tzz
'I fivi&pTQ&icU ,
Home Builders
Take Notice :
we eaa save you money on
jour Plumbing Supplies; It
will pay you to eoine and
see. us about prices. We al
ways have a supply of all
Un&t, - 'i
V. .-J;'
Tents, all sizes, prices
Ttrjr low ,
Bargain House
Wo buy and aeU ererythlng
, . Phono SSI
Jll Cnemeket it. . ' 1
limits.. Simon is a resident of
loute 8, Salem, while Camp la
from Portland, f .'
Dm. White ami Marshall
. Osteopathic physicians, U SDk.
Roast or Fried liirkn Pinnrr
Served all day today. The
Gray Belle. Ady.
Tx Given Bed
Arthur Delk and T. Clifford
Summer, both of Portland, were
given beds in the city rooming
house at the police station Fri
day night. The men said that
they had tried to find work but
had been unsuccessful.
To Receive Sealed Bids -
The undersigned wil receive
sealed bids up to and including
the 6th day ol August, 1921; at 10
a. m. on the following stocks and
fixtures in the following stores:
Salem, stock $3046.19, fixtures,
$855.45; total $3901.64; Silver
ton, stock $1395.32. fixtures
$679.77, total $2079.09; Indepen
dence, stock $927.53, fixtures
$256.00. total $1183.52; grand to
tal, stock $5369.04. fixtures
$1171.22. total $7160.26. Bids in j
parcels or for the bulk of these
asets will be considered. Bids
must be accompanied by certified
checks of 10 per cent of amount
thereof. Inventories may be In
spected at 641 Pit toe k Block,
Portland, . Oregon. . Right is re
served to accept or reject any and
all bids. , ,
Trustee in Bankruptcy of Estate
of C. B. Durdall, Bkpt. Adr.
Fitted at Tyler's Drug store by
an expert in the business. Adv.
i i
Just Received
. New Fall plates. Mosher. the
tailor. Adv.
Here. From Walla Walla
Mr. ; and Mrs. J. B. Hoel and
daughter. Pauline of Walla Walla
are guests at the residence of
Mr. and. Mrs. B. W. Macy. Mrs.
iloel .and Mrs. Macy are sisters.
813" . "-; v'f"" ' '
Today at Grand theater. Adv..
CLARK At her -home near Sclo,
.- July 30, Mrs. Z. J. Clark. She
was a sister of George II. Duns-
ford and Mrs. J, T. Welsh, both
of this city. She Is survived by
. two sons and two - daughters,.
miss buia ana miss uaa Clark
and Glen - and Arthur Clark
The funeral will be held Mon
day at 10 o'clock from the
home. Interment will be in the
Sclo cemetery.
The funeral of Charles - -tv
Schwab who died at h!s residence
at 533 rth Sixteenth street
. I. .11 "II 1 . A A
inn iiy wiji neia irum
Rigdon parlors Monday, August
at lft o'clock. A Christian
Science service will be performed
after which the body will be seat
to Portland for cremation.. Ser
vices are m charge "of Rigdon and
Son. .."
- Funeral services for Wayne -,C;
Tackson, killed in action at Chat-
eau Thierry. France, will ; take
place Sunday July 31, from Rig
den's, under the auspices of Cap
ital post No. 9, American legtn.
Rev. Lee . of ictatlng. ; Interment
In City View eemetery. , ,:;v
Foneral Direclori
Leading Morticians
... Do you take .,. . v
If.Bot, why. not T ;.
No other baths or treatments
eaa produce the permanent re
lief , to tho person ' uttering
from disagreeable cold or ail
ments of the flesh or body 111:
the Turkish Baths wiU.
Open t a. m. until m
Lady and Gentlemen attend-
- - . ants ' '
Do not confuse ISH KA
BIBBLE cleaning witn any
other .method of . carpet
cleaning. vTbere la no other
method of . cleaning that
does the work as good or as
thoroughly as ISII KA BIB-
lng is done by hand, and not
by a machine. Being done
by hand and done ty an Ex
pert cleaner It eliminates
the guess .work or Imper
fection of any machine, j--.-
' Ira Mercer, Mgr.
420 Ferry St, Pbone 1177
Legal Blanks .
Get them at The Statesman of
fice. Catolog on application.
Adr. H. .
New Fall Wool
: Domestic and imported wool
ens just received. Mosher, the
tailor. Adv.",
Albert in Portland
T. G. Albert of this city is in
Portland for the day, visiting
with relatives. He will return in
time to begin bis work at the
Salem auto camp grounds Mon
day. During his absence the of
fice is being run by one of the
campers. . -
Today at Grand theater- Adv..
Pre-War Qualities
In the new fall woolens at
Mosher, the tailor. Adv.
Bryan Cut Comer, Alleged
ly H. Bryan, or 247 State street
was arrested by Officer Hayden
for cutting a corner: and was
cited to appear before Judge Race
next Monday at 1 6 o'clock . to
answer bis charge. Bryan is said
to have been traveling west on
Union and to have '.cut; the cor
ner while turning' soutbr on Win
ter street. ... , "
Get Lour Fall Suit Now
New woolens Just received.
Mosher the tailor.-AdV.
Complains of Children
A complaint that children in
the neighborhood had rubbed
berry Juice on - fresh plaster in
the home which he is building
at 1735 Sonth High street, J. E.
Cox asked police yesterday toin-
vestlgate the matter. .Officer
Blrtchet was detailed to handle
the matted. As the complaint in
volved children who. have been the
cause of several complaints in the
past, tho case was given over to
Chief Motfit. who will take the
matter up with the parents of the
Full Line Ingersoll Watotic
Tyler'a Drug Sfore.Adv.
Card nf Thanks
.Owing to the extended asist
ance lent us- daring the Illness
and death of Mrs. Roy Westley,
we take this method of expressing
appreciation to the kind friends
and strangers 'who shared their
sympathy, time, autos, and ocn
tributed exquisite floral offerings
at the funeral Thursday.
- Roy Westley and Daughter. -
, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Maplethorpe,
; Lucile Maplethorpe,
Mrs. Eva ZZeitan.
; Osborn Maplethorpe. Adv.
A Classified Ad ,
, ; Will bring you a buyer.
VMbv Danhter Arrlv
A baby girl was born to Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Smith of West Sa
lem on July 30, to whom they
not yet given a. name.
Kill Military Academy
Portland, Ore., surrounds Its
cadets with . tho1 right envlron-
nfenjLAdy--A , .
leaves Car Without Driver-
-,H. II. Crawford was brought
to the police station yesterday for
leaving his car .standing in the
street without anyone in it who
could drive. 'Arraigned k In tho
police court he was fined $5. The
arrest , was made by Chief Mof-
Lower- Priced Axminster Rugs-
Max O. Buren, 179 N. Com'l.
Adv. ,
Film Man VlsU
Marvin R. Cohn, of the Seattle
Film "Exchange, is in Salem, visit
ing with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Louis Cohn of the Ace, on High,
street. Mr. Cohn will leave Tues
day of this week. .
Ivory Enamel
Best made get my price. Max
O.. Buren. 179 N. Com. Adv.
Simpson Return
It. Bert Simpson returned Fri
day from an extended trip to Long
Beach, Cal. .Whllo there he visited
various points of interest, going
S. C. STONE, M. D.
and does a general office practice.
Office Tyler'a Drug Store
1S7 South Commercial Street
ONB of the gr latest !loy
In this lite comes to a
man through hla ability. to
read. When It becomes ne
cessary to strain your eyes
to take in what; la on the
printed page It becomes Just
as necessary that yon eon
ault an authority on op
tometry. Have us build for
you a pair of glasses that
will give your-; vision - the
proper accommodation.
Do you s:
lENcroY IM&
S1a0 t 'WYHiffffX Phlmna Dittmanao Andrew
((flOmK v VZCfCWtfand Annie M. Welshaar, lots IT
: W'-A'- - r-' 18. block 2, Ben ' Hall's ad-
-A- - I IIIam' h Tir a w m o s
as far south as Mexico. II reports
a verp pleasant trip.
See Our Big Ad
Closing out millinery.
French Shop. Adv.
Notice, to Irriemi
Irrigators an flat rate Will
please observe the following rules.
All houses having even numbers
are limited to irrigate on Monday,
Wednesday, Friday and Sunday;
odd numbers u Tuesday, Thurs
day, Saturday and Sunday. Hours
for irrigating, 6 to 8 a. m , S to
9 p. m. Salem Water. Light
Power company. Adv.
R-ad Supervisor Mere
Road supervisors, patrolmen,
deputy patrolmen and others em
ployed in county oad work were
visitors to the . county commis
sioners court yesterday. Among
those who " consulted with the
county officers were Jake Kauf
man, road foreman of District No.
15; Martin "Doerfler, wbo has
charge of work on the Victor
Point road; H.4 C. Stapleton, pa
trolman of road district No, 27,
near Libert;. M.sLoe, deputy pa
trolman' of roads near Silverton.
and 0. Johnson, who,' has
charge of road paving near Mount
Angel. V
See Ottr Rig Ad ' '
Closlngr ..out.- mililnery.
French gbop.tAdv.
Vaine 1 S14.2T0US0 '
V.R Putnam. Albert ItVeatch
nd F. ,E. Lau, appraisers of the
Ruth W. Carter estate, reported
to the county conrt Saturday an
Inventory of estate holdings of
personal property valued at
New Business In Salem-
The Salem Hardwood Floor
company has opened business in
Salem at 323 North Church street,
phone 522 W. These people are
prepared to lay any kind of hard
wood floors and to renew any
kind of old floors and make them
look like new. They make old
rioors sanitary, and dispense with
the necessity o- rarpe:. - They
have been 30 years at the busi
ness and they know every'branch
of It. Their reduced prices will
allow almost any one to have his
floors renewed, or a new floor
put in. Every one in the Salem
8oction ought to be interested and
to encourage this new and essen
tial enterprise. Adv.
See Our Big Ad
Closing out I mililnery. The
French Shop. AdV.
Olefion Cited to Appear
Olaf Oelson of 341 North Com
mercial street yesterday appeared'
in the police station and was cited
to appear before Judge Race Mon
day to answer a charge of parking
his car and allowing -it to stand
over night on the downtown
streets. He deposited a 32 bond
for his appearance.
Sr-tvial Chicken Dinner Today
The Spa. 382 State St, Adv.
Many Find Work
Eighty-nlno laborers found
work through the agency of Judge
Earl Race during the past week.
Fla"x fields claimed the majority
of the number, 65 being sent to
work in them. Others who re
ceived positions were: Common
labor, eight; farm hands, niner
house keepers, one, and and wood
choppers, six.
Srorlal Chicken Dinner Today
The Spa, 382 State St. Adv.
Drives Woth tit License
1. A. Har cn of Linton, Or.,
appeared in IV police station yes
terday and 'deposited $5 for his
appearance Monday at 10 a. m.
before Judge Race to answer a
charge of driving his car without
a state license.
Special Chicken Dinner Today
The Spa, 382 State St. Adv.
Motor to Silver Creek
Motoring to Silver Creek Falls,
a party consisting of A. J. Ed
wards and family and C. C. Bac
ker and family will enjoy a holi
day Sunday. Mr. Baker controls
the destinies cj The Statesman
composing processes, while to Mr.
Edwards falls the responsibility
of saying "Get-np" and "Whoa"
to the big Duplex press that puts
ont the daily editions of Salem's
morning paper.
Sp-vial Chicken Dinner Today
The Spa, 382 State St. Adv.
Morelock on Vara t ion
Deputy Sheriff Lee Morelock
leaves today for a 10 day. vacation
to be enent In the mountains nrar
Hood River, Officer Morelock
will motor to the big apple metro
polis; from that point he plairs
to charter a pack train and wittt
a" party of fellow vacationers, ex
plore a portion ' of the Cascade!
Visiting Lewis Home
iMrs. J. C. Dingman of Spring
Valley. New York, a sister of
Mrs.; C. 1 Lewis, is spending the
month of -August with the Lewis
family. .
A Denver Visitor--. v ;
,': '-Fred D. James of Denver was
a'Salem visitor, yesterday, a guest
of his uncle," J. A. Mills, the pop
ular realtor. ' Mr. James if in'
In mber business tn Colorado. lie
said Oregon looked good to him
Reported by Union Abstract
- , Company
ditlon to Woodbnras' S800.
. Margaret. A. Mathers, to Susie
Mathers, 122 acres of tJ;. ''II. Me
Clone's donation.; land claim In
Forth Salem. $1. .
? W. W. and ' Clara' Hall to Mrs.
MrD.'Aplin. lots 3 and 4, block
4; Den Hall's addition to Wood
burn, 250. ... ; ' .
the best of any state in the
country excepting Colorado, lie
went on his way to San Francis
co on the Southern Pacific train
last night. ; r .'
Film la Today
By 4 p. m.. out tomorrow at 9
a, oi. Tyler Drug Store, 167 South
Com!. AdT. -
Last day of the Chautauqua.
It has been the best yet - . . ,
"W S
And ft is definitely announced
that it Is coming again next year,
better than ever.
- "
The Salem .paper mill has defi
nite orders that will keep it busy
well into October, running 24
hours a day with three eight hour
shifts, six days in the week, with
bth of its machines. And when
present orders are filled, no doubt
-there will be plenty more, to keen
it going indefinitely, in the same
way. . v -
'And nerhana. In a little while.
there will be plenty of orders to
Justify the putting in of the other
Dig machine, for which space was
provided in, the construction "of
the main, machinery building. To
do this, and add the grinders of
pulp and Other machinery tfhd
equipment and buildings that will
P required, win mean the Invest
raent of a-half million ' dollars
more, at least. ' Perhaps twice
that much. ' ''-" . . .. '
-- -. - V V
Family came to Salem from
Southern California; looking for a
hew". location. Was at the - Salem
free ,uto camp grounds.- Went on
te.Taepma 'still looking. Came
back Picked up the Salem slogan
Issue of. The' Statesman t last
Thursday; the school number.: In
vestigated -farther. .-Bought a
home. -Will live here. That Is a
sample.tThat Is what the Salem
slogan campaigns are for.' When
l nt. Tears camnalrn U finlahrf
Jntctober, th two years of slo
-maiier win do out into book
formv Then. the same lnd of a
constructive campaign will be con-
iutuea r mdellnltelr.. - But It will
pe under a different name, rt
win not be called the Salem slo
gan campaign.
7-1. ' . . ,
- Good morning, another long
list of new subscribers on the
farms of Marion and Polk coun
tieswho will get. their copies of
The Statesman before we get ours
In Salem; because they get up
earlier. This week, abont twenty
miles. more of Tarm homes will be
annexed. And Salem's trade ter
ritory stll further, extended.
mm Etus
Inother Automobile Tourist
likes City so Wlei He
Will Live Here '
I wanted to take advantage of
the educationol opportunities that
Salem offers. That is the story of
R. W. Ellis, a tourist at the Salem
camp grounds Who will move into
his newKSalem heme hero Mon
day. '
After' having gone as far north
as Puget Sound, Wash., in search
of a city better suited for his
home., Mr. Ellis ha3 returned
south and has decided that Salem
Is the place for a home. The edu
cational opportunities which Sa
lem offers was the chief factor
in influencing- his opinion, he
Attracted by the educational
slogan page of The Statesman.
which asserted that Salem had
better educational opportunities
than any city of its sibe on the
Pacific coast, Mr. Ellis deemed
the matter worthy of investiga
tion. He investigated, and as a
result is locating here.
Ellis and his family are from
Palo Alto, Cal., and are leasing the
residence or Mrs. R. S. Sayer of
1259 Chemeketa street.
New prospects for future Salem
citizens registered yesterday at
the camp grounds were: ,
Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Winston and
family, Portland; Misgj Marguerite
Evans, Los Angeles ; I John Wil?
liams, Eugene; F, Raines, Susan
vine, Cal.. Mr. and Mrs. G. A.
Wacker, Taft, Cal.; Mr. and Mrs.
G. F, , Berry, San Francisco; Mr.
and Mrs. LC Beckett and fam
ily. Santa Rosa; Mr. and Mrs.
T. M. Paterfield and family. Eug
ene; Mr. and Mrs. W- E Walker
and family, Medford . Mr. and Mrs.
L. O. Pickell. Weiser: I. S. Hatch,
and party of six, Provo. Utah;
F. C. Sadler. Venice, Cal.. J. A.
CIark.f Seattle; Mr. and Mrs. R.
B. Dea wood, Seattle; Mr. and Mrs.
T. Wj Janisch, Yakima; Mr.4 and
Mrs. Hazelton, Huritington; Mr.
and Mrs. W. R. Nichols nd fam
ily, Varhan; Mr. ajad Mrs. W. A.
Nichols and family, Bellingham ;
Mrs. E.Caub and family. Whitt
ierj"Mr. and Mrs. Alex Erskine,
Whittler; Mr. and Mrs. D. Davis,
Los Angeles: Mr. and Mrs. J. C
Tobin, Los Angeles; Mr. and Mrs.
W. H. Darby, Medford; Mr, and
Mrs. H. T. McGuire, Santa Bar
bara; Mr. and Mrs. H..W. Huber. :
Los Angeles; Mr. and Mrs. C. A.
S wit ten. Fresno; S. McCall, Plain
view, Texas; Mr. and Mrs. M. R.
Colwell and family. Phoenix :
Charles Bear, Bend; Mr. and Mrs.
H. S. Forsett, Bend; H. B John
son, Clackamas;; Mr. and Mrs. A.
W.-Blaek. Tillamook; Mr. and
Mrs.. H. N. LaDaw, Portland; Mr.
and Mrs. F. C. Blackmon, Port
land; Mrs. M. Johnson. Portland;
P. R. Dodge. Seattle; T. Conway,
Seattle . J. Berdty. Seattlef Mr.
and Mrs. W. B. Lewis, actamen
to; Mr. and Mrs. BCBandette,
LaGrande; W.j H. Rati -and fam
ily,7 Alta Lomee; Mr. and -Mrs. E.
T. Walker and family.' Portland;
Mr. and Mrs. B. FfcTatler, Eagle
Point. I (
Windmills of All Kinds Are Made v
by Salem Man; Made Them 60 Years
Ago and Still Does for Fun of it
One of the most whimsical char.t
actrs in later-day fiction is that
o' the Old Clockmaker. in Samuel
Hopkins Adams' "Our Square"
stories of New York. The old
man had scores, hundreds of
clocks; biir fat clocks. sqiHrrel-
like little alarm clocks; ponderous
and Blow grandfathers' clocks anli
dainty boudoir clocks that t nklel
their hours on silvery bells that
sounded almost like . angels'
dreams. " ' . N
He doesn't, specialiie on clocks
as the New Yorker doea, but AS A.
bperry, of 6SS North Front street,
Salem, is almost as iauch of a
windmill connoisseur as was
Adams' .character In t'.me-piecea.
iieffan CO Tears Ago ,
Mr. Sperry began the study nt
aeronautics 60 years ago. He was
n't studying windmills .all the
tim. however, for he was pan
of Pikes Teak gold stampede back
in th 50'a and nohody haa tim
to think of . windmills or anything
other than, gold and food, inaians
and horses to get there or to run
away faster than one could gJ
afoot.. But he took up the study
of wind and water wheels a 1UU
Southern Neighbor Steadily
Increasing Demands for :
- ' U.S. Products
I"1-"'" ' t-
EL PASO, Texas, July 25.
Mexico's rate" of consumption is
so great that not only are nearly
all of the "products of that coun
try being, consumed there, but. a
steady demand is being made of
thti United States for raw mater
ials, foods. gralns,;ttaehlnery and
agricultural implements. . '.""'
This announcement comes from
the American consulate at Juarez,
Mexico, where Consul John Djre
has compiled data relative ' to
Mexico's trade relations with the
United States. ' ' ''
Expo nations from the United
States to the south republic are
steadily increasing, customs of
ficials report.
Mexico's ranges, practically de
pleted of livestock during the re
volution, are slowly being restock
The United States Is practically
the only source of supply for the
state of chihuahua, according to
the consular reports.
Chihuahua citizens are poor be
cause of the revolution and. lack
purchasing power, according to
the reports, but anticipate large
future purchases from the United
States. .
.Included In Mexico's exports to
the United States are mineral
ores, sugar, vegetables,- wooden
products and miscellaneous arti
cles. The southern republic, accord
ing to the report, is not as de
pendent on the United States for
shoes and boots as heretofore.
There are three shoe factories In
Mexico City which are furnishing
practically all the footwear foi
interior Mexico and to a larg.t ex
tent along the border, t A new
tannery has also been .opened
there with modern fanning devic
es which prepare the hides fof
immediate use in the 'shoe fac
tories. Another tannery of im
portance is in full operation at
Agua Prieta, Sonora.
Wife The dressmaker says she
won't make me another gown un
til you'pay her bill.
Hub (with relief) That Is
very good of her. I'll send her a
note of thanks. Watchman-Examiner.
Bright, intelligent boys
with bicycles wanted to
carry morning routes.
This is an excellent op
portunity for ambitious
boys to get a start in
business for themselves
and also make some
money for their very
own. '
Apply Circulation"
of a business training
will evidence itself to you
when you set out upon
your business career.
The confidence one pos
sesses when once trained
to do a certain thing well
is in itself worth the
time and money invested
in a business course.
Let us tell you more
about our work. Write or
call for information.
Capital Business College
Salem, Oregon
later, and he has derived
much satisfsct.on.
Wheel of All Type
Mr. Soerry" has made doiens !
windmills that are., mounted on
fence posts, on the porch, on" tree
branches, on tpeclal mill roosts
all over his yard. Thera are dou-ble-bladed
propeller or cycloid
wheels. tnadA in pairs, tights and
lefts, so that one turns one way
and the other its opposite, making
a curious optical effect much l!k
the delusions in the movies where
a fast , moving auto wheel seems
to be turning, backward Instead
of forward, here ' are Vertical
mills of a oozen kinds, with and
without"- protecting vanes to neu
tralise tne back; pressure of the
wind. - v- : . - -r..,
Vertical Not' Winner '
"But the vertical mill isn't a.
winner, ' said Mr. Sperry, looking
fut over his whirling wheels.
They have been the dreams of ln
venters ever s nce the w,hel and
axle was Invented' and man found
h"t the w'ndpower rould be har
nessed. - But the vertical wheel
isn't yet quite right'
; Some curious wheels are shown
n the Sperry ceUection.. It would
be aparad!so for the mechanlcal-
:S CKckenJ'tE . V
Dinner -
' An . -1 i l-ri
1 11 11
General Banking Business
Office Hours from
We Buy Used Goods
Hunt through your attic ; then bring us -the old cloth
ing you find We will pay ypu a gbod price f
We call for and
-n w
342 North Commercial St.; 'i a- ' ' Phone Hc&W
- .1
ftQ-al SODAS and!
Let your little ones have all they want of oar sodas
and ice creams. They are PURE, WHOLESOME,
- -III? a f nriiT-wt. mnn J j .-v
Come in yourself and cool vour tonrne and jticklc
We are Careful Drugs r
Tyler's Drug ;St6r e
157 North Commercial
i 1 .
yy-inclined boy, -wfha would find
something new in I every wheel. ;
When I have fboj rheumaUsm
or get a tittle tired or nervou.
I make a new design of wheel."
aaid Mr. Sperry. iThey're not
scientific studies': ; they're not
made with the Idea. 4t discovering
some great tew taechanlcal pnn
clpal. I make jn because I Uk-i
'em and thero jlhey are.
Kigbt aw --la. pre. twa applM,
ix tnn fcy. Wit I for isiormalton,
K. llMkl-rf. lllwi. Or. Urat .
Just brie ot pur Fountain
;; SpeHala ; . .
Theyresdellcious ,
Schaefer's Drug
Garden Courjt 'preparations
135 N. Comfl.. I Phone 197
:- v.v?.
10 a. in. to 3 p. m
deliver. Best jvork - - '
We'U Take Your Trunk
to the statloa br bring It front
there any tlm
e you say. IlaodW
It carefullyv
is- i
oo, Noj'baggaga
, smashers In' jour employ. Ship
all sorts of pjackagejy freight
" or express,; oo. " If you 'hare
anything to Send away, or to be
brought to ou phone us and
you'll find ojiir transfer' aertlco
'at your command at once.
' Phcns 35