The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 31, 1921, Page 2, Image 2

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    as. m or
Author's Wife Talks tnlhu-
iasticaly of Her Hus
band's Novels
"Belnr the wife of an eminent
author hoi da no exceptional thrills
especially lfoa bare lived and
worked with him before he be
came famous." That is the ex
perience of Mrs. Zane Grey, wife
of the author of "The Rainbow
Trail." "Riders of the Purple
f.age," and other western stories,
who stopped over In Salem Friday
.night, "Attainment pi success is
bo gradual that one scarcely no
tices the change' the wife of the
noted author explained.
fMrs. Greyi with her two child
ren, iLoren and Betty, stopped In
Salem Friday night on their re
turn trip to their hqme at Alta
dena. Cal., from: an auto tour to
New York.-' They hive been ac
companied on their long trip by
Mrs. D. A. Kosh. Mra. S. L. Rob
ertson and E. Bowen and as far
as Seattle by Mr. and Mrs. J. A.
Roth and their daughter Marjorie.
' Eastern Friends Visited
Mrs. Grey has spent the time
while in the 'east visiting friends
and relatives, while touch of the
time waa spent at the Grey coun
try home on the Delaware.
Mrs. Orey la neither a society
voman nor Is she "faahlonable."
Che is JuBt a plain, simple, moth
erly woman with a ioft. sympa
thetic voice and a continual smile
when she talks in her easy, fluent
manner. She speaks- enthusiasti
cally of the work of her husband
but reluctantly of herself. -
The (Jrcys live In a beautiful
homo surrounded by a large gar
den with a small cottage in ona
corner where -Mr. Grey does all
of, his writing. During the lonj
months that he is confined with
in its walls writing ! he scarcely
takes time to eat. says his wife.
11 never, eats a lunch, while he is
at work and yet, despite a gruel
ing physical and mental strain,
he Is a healthy, vigorous man,
very much like the men of the
plains of which he writes.
r Almost half of the time Mr.
Grey spends In travel, going far
into the "real western" country
ot Arizona. California, Nevada
and Wyoming and it is there that
hfc gets the inspiration , and the
color for his books. 4
'During the summer he spends
much of his time as now. fish
ing and hunting at Catalina Is
land at his summer home there. ,
Writer lows West. (
"Ho loves tha west.r Mrs. Grey
said, "and it Is the west that be
loves that he pictures.'!" He u
Hilded more by his natural Inter
est than by an artificial, technique
In the construction of his stories."
Ever since their marriage in
1505 Mrs1 Grey has been a help
mate in his writing, t He writes
all of his work In longhand,
I either dictating nor ; using a
typewriter, and it Is her work to
prepare the copy for; publication
and to edit it Their first work.
"Betty Zane was sold with
great difficulty and after a long
Ftruggle, with the final outcome
that Mr. Grey had to print it with
l.U own money. And, by the way,
his first book Js namedafter hi
own daughter, whoaa name la
Betty Zane Grey. : f
Log of Trip rromised
Mrs. Grey has written , no com
plete books ' herself but she has
promised for the press; in the near
future a log of her trip east and
return. They went td New York
by way of the southern route and
have returned bywbat Is known
as the northern route, through
Chicago, north and 'finally down
through Seattle, Portland, and
will now go through to California.
, - Mrs. Grey was In the Willam
ette valley once before, about
throe or tour years ago while Mr.
Grey, waa gathering material to
his novel, "Desert of j Wheat."
; t...; :;. i- y.
(Continued from page 1.)
government is handling Tlhe
situation - in a statesmanlike
way," he said. fLeninc ' is
much interested in; American
relation. Russian factories
have not all ceased operating;
many are working well. They
arc nort OI raw iiiautuifw
Zane irey
The writer with "a soul
We have a full line of his
novels. Among his best
are: '
Mysterious' Rider1
Man of the Forest",
U. P. Trail'
Desert Cold"
Desert of Wheat
"Rcinhow Trail"
Get your copy now ;
163 N.' Commercial St.
Phone 61
Farms are prosperous where
they are not in the famine
and drought belt."
The senator mentioned furs as
a possible product of trade with
the United States nd asserted
that there would be plenty of
eiports when factories were
equipped and agricultural need3
were supplied from abroad. He
thought a commission of Americ
an experts would be welcomed
but contended that Rucia should
nave tne rignt to send ono to
Movement Xot Restricted
"I am convinced Russia will
carry out any guarantee or con
cessions made in return for cred
it," be declared.
no saia ne waa rree to move
about and see what he liked, and
the officials admitted bad condi
tioas where they existed. The
senator secured Mrs. Harrison's
release independent of the Hoover
aad Hughes-notes.
In a statement late today the
cenator said:
"After three weeks devoted to
the hardest work I ever expect to
do, I can confirm the impression
that the United States should im
mediately rem me trade relation.!
with Russia."
Diplomatic Relation Favored
"My own belief Is that the re
sumption should be of diplomatic
relations, but I prefer to have a
recommendation come from the
commission which we would have
to send to negotiate a trade agree
ment. I am certain that any com
mission would e that prompt re
cognition was desirable.
V"I find no indication that Rus
sia is getting in a worse condition
but on the contrary I feel that the
government officials are in bar
mony and working to bring about
erder and Industry. Recent de-
rreea have inspired confidence to
the Russian people, and any con
tact with the outatdo will be of
great help.
Famine Condition Rati
'Neither England nor German?
hesitates to extend this aid. and
I don't see why America should
"The famine condition in the
Volga is bad, and the government
officials do not conceal their anx
"I cannot comment on the re
ports that , the terras of the Am
erican relief administration have
been accepted except to hay that
any friendly contact that can be
effected between Russia and Am
erica wilt be of imeasurable ben
efit to both countries.'.'
Official Acceptance Lacking
ficial word of the Russian soviet
authorities' decision regarding the
American, - relief administration's
orter to furnish food to starving
Russian children, conditioned on
the release of the American pris
oners, and the state department's
demand for their release still was
lacking late today.
The state department, however,
was officially informed of the ar
rival at Riga of Mrs. Marguerite
E. Harrison of Baltimore, an Am
erican prisoner. ."
Beyond press, . dispatches an
nouncing the soviet government.'3
acceptance, Secretary Hoover was
without a reply to his telegram
sent last week to Maxim Gorky.
Answer Momentarily Expected.
On the basis of press reports
that the reply, was being sent by
way of London, officials here de
clared that the answer might be
expected at any time. State de
partmcna officials suggested that
no formal answer would be made
to, the demand of American gov
ernment but if the prisoners were
freed the Russian authorities
would Jet the action stand aa
rpeaktngifor itself. Mr. Hoover
indicated that relief work could
begin within 48. hours from the
time American prisoners were out
of Russia.
- (Continued from page 1.)
Mr. MaeFarlane has had the
close friendship of this typo of
men. Colonel (loethals la one
other such a Hahting finisher as
Roosevelt. He had been roitsil
rH n "hard boiled enemy or
reporters. But to MaeFarlane be
vumml n n like a lily bulb to
th sunshine, and he told his in
moft soul to the newsman. Ooe
thals was then building the Fan
art canal, with 50.000 men of
two scores of raceB under him
But Goethals was not interested
in what people would say about
this, his greatest works
ijorthalM a Ifnislier.
"My one greatest desire." said
tho soldier-engineer, according to
MacFarlane's story, "is always t3
finish vwhat 1 begin.. The great
"Ft ' regrets In my life aro the
roautltui fortifications I wss
building that they didn't let mo
finish, and the river down in
Georgia that they let me start to
control and then took mo away
with the job unfinished!"
The general topic of the Mar
Farlane address last night. "Us
Amerlcarrs.' was a series of pic
tures ' of , outstanding Americans
whom the speaker has interview
ed, and whom he holds up as
types of determined, Belf-sacrifle?
Ing citizens. Woodrow Wilson.
Col. E. M. House. General Persh
Ing. and a few other outstanding
Characters were Introduced.
. Address Full of Humor.
There is much of humor la the
address, not the firecracker sort
that brings a gale of laughter,
not the almost shame-faced sort
that Tinds a laugh in the tricks
of a monkey that is almost a
man. but the satisfying human
type that makes one feel good all
over. The tragedy of the broken
friendship of President Wilson
end Colonel House, the story of
tho author's .bear hunt down In
Texas, his excursion to the seat
of war. only 62 meters from the
Boehe lines, all were .excellently
done. . , .' . , .
Speaker Attracts Friend V
Mr. MaeFarlane is not a lectu
rer. He Is not a tailor's model.
He is a strange mixture of preach
er and pugilist, self-conHdent a
tor and shrinking violet. Ho la
thoroughly loveable man, and
' loTO 18 about tho rarest thing
' u ..... - , :t- - . ti
i ' ' I !' A ' - 1. -r-
I I 11
i Vi vA' '
Dr. Wilbur F. Crafts. Fttperintcndent of the International
Reform Bureau, who is conducting an anti-boxing campaign in
Jersey. He ias threatened, it is reported, to have Dempsey arrested,
charged with, assault and bnttery on one Georpes Carpentier. He
pfana a clean up of New Jersey, including the removal of Governor
Edwards. j .
even on the Chautauqua f;ta?re !
so rare that jit would be a good:
nestment fivi n if lio couidu-'t
f:peak abov u whisnor or con- 1
strutc a sentence. Sa- j
em is strong ;r r.iacl' arlane. j
Welshmen! have aiways !o'i'-1
two things i.'uperlat1 v"ly vo!l
coal m!ning and singing. T!iey j
;ent Kvan Will "am s over to A me--!
ica. on of
the swectr at sinners
vho has ve
r lpen on th rimcn
stage; and when be diod, propic
even in Wales i;i"i'e
were others
who could ven cum-
parably take!
his pia' a.
1 Sam Lew
E, wl'.o visited taieia
yofterday, is
conceded to be a legi
tltnate r.ucceFsor to
this famoiis
minstrel. To
hear Lewis is to
ng personality, 1 a
hear a plo:
faultless if
Iiot an overpowrtui
voise. and to realise how smooth
and caressilijp. a male, voice ran
be hov rih
and organ-like
)d i
quality even
on i ho higher nris- i
tcr. A lamqus German ni'i:;u lan t
once said "4. tenor voice is not
v.n arcomplishtnent, it is u dis
He li'msel lelloved like a bull
with lt nosoi. in tho dust, lilory
be, the tiermjan iae;i as not ac
cepted when the . voiwn were
passed aromid and Sam Iwls
picked out, Mil beaufut t?xror; I
Stfcifil .JnsU- i::v'ii j
Mr. Lewis Bang a number ot ;
Bons, luuugn njv as tinny ni i"'
atternoon and evening preludes!
as his audieeto would have wish-;
ed. Ho is by odds the fctflf of hl3
jigautzation, ttiough tho vtotin
.oik of Alien Anient w3 fine
indeed, and -highly appreciated.
The au'J'ente was perhaps a i"i
restive under the" stagy isettiugs
of the niuuicr.l monologue ot ti'1
program, out it mane variety, avi
was well executed. "The Amer-j
leans Come," the thriling etory M l
Ainfci.vans en:ry into the iten
of the bl nt French coiner, aniit,e higher bill oistricts will ne
"The Holy City. were tvq oil bringing in b-rnes all or. the rirst
the tinit-i nuinrrt ra (.1 th t: o c-'-1 week in Aiicu; t. This will exlen'l
certs. Mr. Iwis said "It snt.nj tnp loganbe.ry reason over a period
to me that any piogram is net j r more than siv weeks from the
quite complete without at lea:-i j time it Mar(oi.
one isarnrt n amber," and he tnaue i p.errieg are com Ins: to the Salem
"The Holy City" Ptand out as it , pi3nt of the Orepon ('.rowers' as.
the anfels themselves, in the l"1"-j fociHtion at thn rate of four and
tal3 of the gates ot pearl, beck j one h:ilf tons daily but it is ev
ened the hearer. j pected Hint earlv receipts of nl
The Chautauqua t-obes its Mv-1 WOMk W), rx,.r,,, )iat. This ii
en-days session today. For j oss than half as mnnv berries as
aitrrnoon. the Jieuraucc Syi.ip!i-j wpro rori,inp in UUIin the height
oiiy orcheatra gives a prelud" tr.f th season
2:0. followed by the lecture on j Tno,,SP at Brooks has
What lilO f-areni oiiuuhi i av
the Child in Sex," by M. S. Taylor,
superintendent ot the Chautau
qua. Tho lecture is frn, :it r
the concert part which it stri1 tty
a Chautauqua attraction. T!u:
gates wil be opened al " o'rioe't
to al who will rouie and hear
This lecture has created profour-i
interest wherever given, and
while on a subject that i& -uKU'i-ly
taboo for public; di'soi.-isiion lr
of vital interest and importance.
The orchestra has been tutoto-1
and d rcrted by l.ieuian-et, the
magician of Indian harmony. 1'
ijc as dainty as a piec oi old
lace, or the beauty of babyho i.
or the heart, ot a rose or a My.
It is not a big. tra slung volunie ot
sound; its excellence is in its dit
cate shadings and exquisite sin 1 1 I'pton loniRtit
In the evening a the very !a;t
end o( the week. Captai-n T. D
Upton, late of : the United Statess
army, will speak on "The Four
Square Builder." Caritain Upton
ia said to have a w ider eirc e ot
friends among the boys who have
been in reformatories and g'rls
who have been in detention heme.-:
(nan iny other man in America.
He nas performed a wonderful
work in making America 'better
for the voutiK folks who ned t
only to hive the'r exuberance
-'-iv t!r"eted t'i keep them
Tight, and he has a mesag that
,u eei?i8 a ;jaiiy as any town
on earth In bis story of how '
build the coming generation intc
something better than the present
or the past- j i
Rev. C. E. Chapler to
Fill Methodist Pulpit
I' The Rev. Charles' Elmer C'han
ler.. tormertv with the Northwest
'"va Conference, new pastor of
Pt.- Paul's Methodist rhoreh -M
Fort Worth Texas will fill th
Pulpit here In ibe absence ef the
pastor at the Jefferson Epworlh
Leisne Institute.
Mr. Chapler Js stopping off on
hh way through to visit h's broth-
lr and HiKtorn -Ar)ll. Mm
11. S. Cfle and Mrs. F. S. GilberU
" i There is un inerasiiij; numl-r
i. r. l y his wlf" j'ii'1 j of trading tl:ips to iSoutii
s 'ii.-, !.; v vm i: rn 'vr,r- Iliissian ports, modtly I'.riti-h.
s r.ian. T!i- lrothr had notiK ana iliviian. '1 o dae, no
met .-tie
f : y r.n.i" -a est hfi.v
in kti"e nuts. ?n:l the
was po-t -fi.'!oyabl".
Mr fiinpler. nee hii gr:irl:ia
tinn fri'i t'arrett Biblieal Insii-
!.(,- I vK""tcii ii . has f-ervct .i
nuxilu r ri" ! II r"-Mes ill lo'a.
v?s c'il;i' i :is ehn:lnin in Camp
hO'ilg". D' .Mo'ties. then was pas
fr of First Church at Ir, Moines
loitowiig which he was sent to
Fopt Wort'i. He was delega le i
fron tl'e l.nin t'lilb to 'ne
t'nnal convention a-t OaMan.
Caiiforriia. O'l the way tnvi
'i:;rt"d in Denver, Colorado, S;lt
J,;ike. an 1 now are mrontu to
Seattl" to see relatives Cerc, then
via Y'd'owstone ''arte Minnean
o'ln and various tow a points, home
nbont a fivo i,vcels va'ation. He
th'nUs Oreron a vondrf i;! conn-
trv Mr and-Mn;. me n
at Ashland
an 'I showe-l tneni
f'rater t.ake. Mondav liny ' nap
ler piloted (''.('in u the Coin m h a
This is Mr Chapler's first trip
to the. Coast. I" is planning Jo
,.iKir . tb ex'' :ii:on tn 1 :-." .
Portland and malic his stay hero
Long Loganberry Season
Is Ncaring Conclusion
'The loranhery season has heei.
unnsnallv Ions this year. Merries
started coming from the producer
in quantities the last week in
.lune. the lower vineyards brinK-
i ing the firtit of the crop to the
j market. 1 'resent. indication!!
stiow ipai mere m i-v i no...
n-ekhir: next week before all ot
u,? vineyards are finally cleaned
up and sojne o the planting in
chinned 47 carU,aiU of the horrid:
and is barreling tho biM of the
crop. It is cxnoetecl t It r t. 200 bar
rels wf'l te receive"! there before
the end of the sason.
(Cemtinued from page 1.)
committee Monday in executive
session ns well :.s renewing th"
:iflininistr?tion propetsal for 're
peal of the oee;;s profits and
hiclier surtaxes ;ml increasing the
normal income tax on corpora
tions from lo to 1 per cent.
May be Delayed.
Thre is a difference of opin
ion among members us to the
tw:ie which rvill be ne-cessary to
frame the tax bill. Keprepenia
tive Frear. KopuhHear;. .Wiscon
sin, said today it might be Sep
tember befor the measure could
be made renrtv for the hoise.
Veterans' Association
Tn Meet At Silvcrton
Silverton i:i to entertain the I
Marion County Veteran';, associa
tion Thursday. August 4. If will
be practically an all day session
in the park, wiMi an elaborate
picn:c dinner, and a propram thr.t
ought to make any patriot stand
a bis chair for. one col yell.
The Salm delegation pl?ns to
l"avc about D o'clock, fremi the
Oregon Klectrie clppt. where the
Tiverton stago makes its stand.
This i the election meeting,
when officers arc to chosen
for the next term. Kvery soldier
from any of the wars of "the I'ni
ted States B eiir blt to mmleer
ship and (ttentance. Mrs. Inez
Headrick of Woodburn is the
present presidents and Mrs- Norma
Terwilliger of Salem ia secretary.
When It comes to paying gov
ernment tavs we are all consci
entious objectors.
Uncertainties of Russian and
Turkish Political Situa-
tions Ruinous
Constantinople, However,
Remains Dearsct of the
World's Capitals
CON ST A NT 1 NO V L K, Jnnv 0
j Husintss ia at a standstill li' i
(Oft.lig lu l ill; U!U ryailll I'S Oi tilt
j Uuj. .an aim lurKitn )o,iticai si;
j t.;.iiuiia. .Normally lue iiuiiii iai n.
i t-Vii t ng ci'jn - i or mo iit.ii
aiul i:, (!JJo t it.,- a, nI j a; liaily iti
I I tie HaikaiiS, this ciiy ia nuw u
! comiiicrcial i;;lvt, its wareiious.-!-
liaiU nu m-ix n:iHliSi- -i evui
I dmcription lur which there is uo
j market.
l.v t r boly owes everli.o!y lso
j wi.h noJ.oa jif'.ng liii.r. A i hcui
i t nil crash vou 'i h;nt; conn-
nm:i;i! .t,o hut lor l he laet t tin t
no firm can ;:l ord lo d'Miian1 pay-menl.-'
of i's I. ills. To do ho umild
thron the d-.-iitor i r i : lianl: ruptv
forci .mure uiiaU alle goods on
the market at sa'i'itiee prices,-and
th'i firm l'orciii.i", payment wuiil'l
in its turn he called on to nr.
bills, iiihIct present condi
i.ons. ii cannot met.
Trading Shii lnciia.sf
American sh.p has gone, partly
i'iii'C ot itiH-lapic ot trad( and,
in the case of shipping hoard vo.v
.- is. the decision of Hie iuauag'
ment not to permit any of ; iu
t.mps lo i.'uuii l'.'i:l)ev)K por'?.
The;e v"esso!:s that, do co it
riack Sea ports of Russia claim
the venture- are 'iiilurej, y I
"Ker-n on going apparently" finding
enough bus ness to pay ship ex-
MeichantH Take (liaticc
Other than American tobacco l
buyers, many merchants find the
risks of trading r.o great, partly
oeiranse of tiuciuatintr exchangee, 1
that they pre. tier to speculate in
exchange. They claim the risks
are smaller. Hanking .business f"r
the present consists in good part
of Mich spPT.uIationa on the part
of customer's.
In the faiC'.- ofj such a situation,
Constantinople ' rema.ns th clcsar
est cf worli.1 capitals' from the
l)int of viejw o' living. iU'tailers
of loods i and clothing have
formed prla'-tically a trust to
keep up pr.-es. They clim they
bought their goods at high prices
and must kHI them o. As there
is no such th'ng ss price control.
or jiiihlic opinion hcTe. retailer!
arc permitted to gouge the refu
gee population atjyilt
Improvement. Hoped I nr
American wholesalers in many
cases bave preferred to take
their rsses n me-rchandise s'-nt
here on consignment and reship
to the United State:;. Other wbol
splers attempted to cet rid :f
flocks local'ry ty organizing r'tu
gee Russia n.1 into street vendors
et" articles likd tea and chx-olate
Mid small clrygeioels but the plan
hasn't work' well because the
vendors in many instances, failed
to m;il e returns.
business :s expected to Improve
wh'-n suc-h a government ia estab
lished in RuFsia that it cart obtain
longtime credits.
Governor Dixon of Montana
Hulls Gauntlet in Ad
dress at Bozeman
IIOZKMAN", Mont.. July 30.
In an address to C'HM) tJallatin
county people here today,. Gover
nor Joseph M. Hixon of Montana,
v ho was chairman of the Nation
al Progressive committee in the
Uoosovelt campaign, hrew down
the gauntlet to the sj'dvocatcs of
a large army and navy b.V declar
ing that, it is time to call a haff.
en expenditures for these pur
poses and turn the money now
exvended for battleships and arm
ament largely over to develop
ment of our home resources, the
irrigation projection dry farms,
the construction of highways aud
other infernal improve menus.
F Ii OF mi
Judge tJushey Considers
Woman's Condition In
fassrnc Sentence
Arnold Weiderman,! Scotts
Mills farmer, is a r?sideint of the?
Marlon county jail for at leapt to
days and John Kayse. Pratum
farmer, is under obligations to
pay $r0O to Marion cowntv as a
result of Friday's hearing of their
rases before County Judge W. M.
Bushey. ;
In addition to Welderman's jail
son ten ce, he must pay Jino as
fino or remain a guest of the
county for many days iore.
' County Judge Busheyj announc
ed yesterday' that neither of the
men had paid bis fine but had
promised to bring in the cash with
accrued interest.
With much relunrtance, Wcid
erman told Judge Bushey of his
tnV in niannfacturins atwut four
gallons of moonshine.
Widrman and Kayser were
arrested early in July by Special
Agent Sandefcr. stills, mash anil
other booze-making paraphanelia
Ix ing j;riierl at the same I me.
Upon the sworn testimony of
Dr. A. E. Wrightman of Silverton.
to the efect that Kayser's wife is
mi a delicit" condition and fiiit
her hustand's " imprtsonnieni
might haye a serious effect upon
her health. County Judge Bushey
did not impose the ja I enlence
n'-nally given in eases of liquor
violation hut named the maximum
sum as a fine.
Wircless Put in Use
By Pasadena Polsccment
PASADKN.V. Cal.. July 5.
Wireli.s teiiphones installed on
fi, automobiles of thr anli-hur-einr
motor fleet of the Pasadena
police depart men t recently en
ables officers to conunuircate
with headquarters while their
machines arc In motion. Every
much mo operated by the depart
ment ban been so equipped, il was
anionnreJ recently.
The appliance enables officers
to telephone tor reinforcements,
if necessary, while pursuing mo
tor bandits. Installation of the
phones on regular beats, to ob
viate the stringing of wires for
enlargement of the old call box
system also is contemplated. 1
Series of Underground Ex
plosions Rock City of
Minneapolis, Minn.. July :il.-
Twenty-eight persons were hurt
several seriously and much dam
age clone by a t.eries of explosions
in sewers and cable manholes late
iust niht and early today.
At one o'clock one of the larg
est department storea in " town
caugbt fire.
Injured fared For
Mineapol's, Minn.. July 3u.
Fiftoon persons were taken to
hospitals and considerable dam
age' caused by a series of explo
sieins in thj downtown sewer s.v::
tern here late tonight. Fire startevl
after the explosions end flames
hot htgn into the air lroni man
holes. Five explosions bad rocked the
downtown section up to midnight.
I hey occurred at various intervals
at Fifth street and then Sixth
street and NicoIIette avenue.
Short Circuit. Is Cause
The fire is believt-d to have
t-Mied from a short circuit in an
electric power cable. The first ex
plosion occurred shortly after
1:20 p. m. iu the heart of the
loop district.
Several thousand persons quick
ly gathered and police hael diffi
culty in keeping the curious ones
out of tho danger zone. Many
persons were knocked clown by
aubscquent explosions and others
were cut by flying glass.
Fear was expressed by firemen
and police that the fire would
spread through tho entire sewer
1 system of Ihe city.
printing Time
San Marcos University at
Lima, Peru, Victim of
Political Clash
Professor Who Attacks Gov
ernment Policies Preci
pitates Trouble
Ul MA. Peru. June 1 rc--Scholastic
activities at San Marcos uti,i
veiss iy, ihe oldest educational -in-.
-tittiti'Mi :n South America, have
been virtually paralyzed lor more
than two months as'a.'result of a
controversy, said t'1 be largely
political, b-tween the governmcui
and the univtrs.ty.
The sluuerit body, numbering
more thnn 1.000. is said to be di
vided in opinion with regard to
he dir-pute which, becani9 moY5
r.cute lately when the govern
ment i :sue.l a dec ree declaring
the university in process of rcor
ganizaticn and dismissed Jo:tor
Xavier Prado, the . rtor, and
aHout eii pro essora who had tak
en an "unauthorized reces3.''
llcaellttck KxiMt
A virtual deadlock now exists
between the opposlag eletmntn.
The difficulty s said tc have bad
its origin in a lecture given at
the university by Dr. Holaude, of
the faculty of international law,
shortly after h's return" from .the
United Suites. Among oths
things the sneaker Is alleged to
have attacked some of the gov
ernment's noliciea. The criticism
was resented . by groups in the
audience and I be -meeting ended
am'd riotous scenes, tlenciarmes
and the police intervened and di
prsed the crowd after alout lf"
shct3 were fired and some dam
age done to property. Several
persons were "njurr-d. '
Sanctity Iiivailel
A group of professors -charged
thnt the' "sanctity of the -u'nlver
shv thought had . Ixt-n invaded"
and rc'uscd to continue their du-.J
The university ,-councfl called a
general assembly of professors
and students to d'ScuKa the situa
tion whereupon tire government
Intervened pnd dismissed the rec
tor and about F .at r iking proles
soi s.
Another Damage Suit is
Filed Against Mt; Angel
The second civil action insti
tuted against the city-trf Mount
Angel in the past ten days was
1 i I oc 1 yesterday. This was the suit
of Martin llorst against Mount
Angel. $2'ioo leing asked as gen
eral damages. -
Hoist alleges that the Mount
.Angel sewer system i terrminates
upon his farm and -that sewage
and water discharged from the
main trunk line in deposited upon
his land, contaminating a stream
previously used, for watering
stock. -
The complaint slates that the
stream ia only a tiny rivulet' in
summer and that lta value as a
r-ourco of pure water is lost as a
the hands of a competent printer a the
dull time is a matter of foresight fo-thc
business man! Now the rush is over;, the
printer has more time for your work-
each and every detail of the job gets the
proper attention, and the satisfaction shared is
mutual. But there is no satisfaction to shajre if
your printer is a printer in name only. He must
"be there with the goods" and also deliver said
I This company has enjoyed a season of unp -ecc
dented prosperity through being able lo turn5 out
creditable printing. - 7
CJ Equipment, up-to-dalc composition and auto
matic? press - feeding without the old-fashioned
finger-marks, is the combination that makes prints
ing. . y.r')
Look over your needs; stock up during tlier'dog
days." A phone call will bring a representative.
Jo b Printing D c partmcbt
Statesman Publishing Go.
Photo by UnderwtM4 Unite n-K4.
Commander Maxfleld, U. . S.
N., who will! have (charge ot -tho
transatla riti? trip of the '
British built . diriRible R.-3S.
Under the United State3 Navy
flag the big airship will be
come tha Z-K4Z. c " -
result of the nllcgod trespass. .
This is an action similar to that
filed recently bi Clara llougham,
owner of a f:rm , adjoining tho
ilorst property i Mrs llougham de
mands that" she be awarded the
Hum of $10,000 as i damages for al
leged injury . tJ her property.
Alaskan Newspaper.
s Carbon Affair
JUNKAU, Alaska, July 28.
Yukutat, a fishing village on tho
uu u or Alaska!, la peculiarly iso
lated, being hcitinded On one cld3
by impassable (mountains and on
the other by a jcoast so rocky that.
In tho stormy Mintei eeasons boaU
ran rarely lanfl. Recently. C, .W.
Hawkcfiworth, j superintendent of
the Alaska bujreau o education,
arrived here with tho firet direct
news of the tcjiwn isiiice last fall.
He reported oft waa Ihe principal
topic of discussion; seepage wasi
all aloiig the outgoing
Yakufat. al
hough Isolated, lit
not cut off
(remi all communi
cation with tljo world. , A wlro
less station isi iraintalned at thvt
cannery. MrJ llawkesworth re
lated that tho store keeper at Ya
kutat got outf a weekly newspa
per, picking vi bits of news of tin
world from Uie wireless. Th
journal was composed of lonrf
sheets of wrapping paper, the
printing done with a typewriter.
Subscribers vfero furnished with
carbon copies - - ;
Tho wirelcfis is not used for
outgoing messages except in caao
of emergency, and the Inaccrssl-
change of mjiil impracticable ex
cept during Itho five Spring and
s'lmmer monfilis. !
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